The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1904, Image 2

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PERSONAL CHAltMS IMCte (Continued friJL page t) powder b el ore she mounts tier wheel or starts lor her other outdoor sport. This k application may be Wiped from tlie akin wiien she comes home and w uh it-wili come the dust that jibs settled on the tace.Q ’Ihe'girl who lives in the open air all nay should do a lew tbiugs to her lace and hands when site ugues to bed at buigbt. She should wash them iu warm water, dry them with a .I soli cloth and put bn some sort ol a^cold. cream or otuer good uugueul, Not enough to (jinaku the skin so teuder k tbut it Will ohau and burn the more readily. There are goop preparations on the market that will not bolleu thepfeiu too a muoh. Alter ’thcicolu k cream has, been, uleft on lew minutes it snould he wiped from tne„lace with a. soli moth Vv nh^the cream will come the dust that has silled, into tne purcs f duriug the day * Then the laue^iuouldji <be washed again, aud.dried onoo mure. No hanging tomorrow.* A k Jane*wcdding ^expected. Wly peaches are'getting ripe, □ Fish are biting. Red bugs like wise. The. PineLurit school J-olosea tomorrow. Vienna will piomo at tho park next Thursday. Thebanus k ahould bo”covered with gloycs at night,, if., those „are worn during the day. RuVthere'is no uVe in going k bareheadad*in t tne hot sun alDduy and then sleeping'in,'gloves at_night. It,'only makeupthe> k skiu more londer ( aua mure ready to>burn and, tan. □ The sails,should,never be > ueglcct cd. it is not one ugh to koep them merely clean. They should be well trimmed, the skin pushed down Irom^iho baso 4 ol the (nail. They should not b be allowed to remain stained vuo a tney are_ uluutcd or broken in k irregular lashios they should be tiled iuto sbapo. On such little points as the care of the nails and, the hair depends much of tho charm aiid the ladylike aspect of the womau, young or old. me McCoy steam laundry tias an sdain^tbis paper. Thejoampgrouud is getting to, be a popular picnio place. -..The rain Monday night was glad ly receivcdjby .the tanners. The < >dd Fellows lodge has started to*work in fairly goodshspe. Cottonichopping is-a b>ut,over and washerwomemwill not be so,,scarce. Frank Allen Peaoe, a Quoted leot- urer, is at'tbc opera house* tonight. Let urn have a nice i,me> at* the picnic} next Thursday bat Vienna park. Monday and Tuesday, will bop big days at .Unadilia. Thej school olosss. Sunday week i*.. no uuioii-fingi at Liberty "Gefeoff at Findlay^ you go ou|the train. LU MistjAlba Herringtons sohool two miles above Arabi^will jolosej to MACON,HANKS FAILURES ?p Viennt*M»n Tosers. The tank ot 1. v.„ Plant’s Son and the First National Bank w of Maoou dosed their doors Monday morning and a financial stair was at once,created iu the. Central City and .in adjoining towns like Vienna where citizens nsd money on deposit iu either of tno banks. The bank.of 1. C. Plant's.Son is a private insuiutiou and is owned by U. H. Plant, it. H. Plant is president of the First National hank. Th« failure of the private bank caused suspmon that tho other bauk was^shakeylslao, and L t'iTero wim a rush to the First Nationally depositorsito^drav^out their .money without delay. So 'heavy was the demand that 4 tnat hank closed its doors also and stopped payment.^ It is aUppOHcrl (hat the' private bauk of L C. Riant’*. Son is a complete burst, and uat the First National is dosed temporally. The estimated value ot the banks is a million nouara eaon. d. H. Plant, the Owner of the oue and: president of the other, is siok in bed and can- not bo seen. It is hinted, that it WILLIAMS NOT TO HANG.J* lliams is l", lho life.oT oeymeur spare3HJ“1jri r rhe .prison commission “ ; ca8e k MondaT and com muted his sentence trom death to lifeiimprisonment. ■* Seymour was convicted last fall ™ . . —■« Or. O T Stovall uud wife >4 aro in St. k Louis aiaho world’s lair. ^.Col. L. L. Woodward^ went jto Tampa'Moudav ou the excursion. * Miss Ida Morgan is as a vacation, from; Cox, Collego.^^^jy Messra i O} 1 Bj J Loonard. *oa^O,.M Hoard are Uskingpu SMtila river. _Mr. M • L.S tan ley,.oftjuitinan.,nee flTss'VicjEoweil, isjtiere ou a visit. Miss Vaiinie StOvail lsjjjvisitiiig kciyuBtcr^AI rs. W est, >at*}Syoainoro. ''^drs. 'W.ljN. Me Kid siu,.of Arabi, eHmojMoiKiay to^visu.ue, •uaughtor. Ers. 0. A. Taylor. Col. T J Royal, k Qofj) (Jordolo, worshipped hero ■auiHiay, 'oveiling; visiting a visitor, as it, were.. Col. M,P Hull wont'.toj'Maeon Mommy in tho interest'll dents who had'money in the burstodj'banksjaf Macon. Mjss ; Emmie' Zcllner spent (last wcekg with uUr.njU. A* Mobley’s family,,and left* lor'jher [jhomo„iu Forsyth.Monday, [j" • fl(D*Wood, a. good iarmor near Pinehurst,,has fivo acres of Owheat, from>wbich,he,expects to.reapjsixty bushels. With,', good seasons *Jthe the yield t night night {have been ?6 bushels. Cullie* Ingram brought his wife dn5ithreeyittle boys to towmMonday to hav^theiohildrou’s picture taken.. Mo driveftwo fine mules to a* back* showing that prosperity has visited! his home; Dr. J B Edge or uordetejhai send his.drug stor^to Dr. T J|MbArthnr, Mr. Dan Sumerlord and Mr^daok Brlges. The new firm name is McArthur Drug Dp. Gone to Tampajonahe.iexcurs^n: ‘REd.Howell ana wue. Whitehead | and.wife^FpTorbesandJwifo. J; B Walton and wife, Miss Anua Var- nadow, Miss Mary Reese, LL Wood ward, M E Rushin andj Milos Jordan. THE MoNEEL Marble Co.."Ms •ietta,and'<Cordele,'have»the{largest South. Write or call for ories morrow with a*concert" '1 he,^Houston Uliigh ^school -at Arabi dosed its japnng [jterin* last week with a big blow 4 out. The Vienna mgu souool will olose Friday witnj^appropiate exercise gat 10:80 unlock and a.oonceri at,night. Watch tne,.^advertisement of Mosley- Mercantile Company on this page. It oontaius something now every _jwcek. Farmers, get tae Scrape Adjuster and save heel pins ana money. aJaE DoVaughu, Montezuma. The season is here* when the merchants may take in their samples ol seed corn aud ootton plan torn aud hang out bathing suits. □ Richard ulcwis, son ol our next sheriff, is hero on a Jviait to his people. He has a good position Qin a T» -upaAaok. A dry May (generally mean# & good crop year, Thlii May,» dry [or tho imurdor of Mr7Dook*£<tmon- son at Coney last summer, in which might be better for him personally that he was k shnt in ?rom 4 the, Indig- uaut publio^jnst at that time, and that vile remarks were no secret. □ Mr D B k Leonar<i and Capt..Sam Carnes k of Vienna] had. money, in the^banks. Just how muon cannot be learned. Mr. Leonard is out of town and ms attorney, will not,, giye anything out for publication. Capt Carnes wasjseen aud he aaid u he Qbad nothing to give out tor the press. Therefore it could not be learned}by the press how muoh cither hadron deposit at those banks, out* popular rumor has it that Mr Leonard bad somewhere in the neighborhood of $40,000 in,tho two names,, about equally devided between them,••Said that Uapt. Carnes had'auoutjfcat^GO 1 in, one, ,od them. RscjB^vcrs,' wore- appointed at onoe for the two banks, aud a statement, wilfbuinsde to the soveral^ t negroM' took part. f.Tbo rope„has k beon k 8trctched three limes lordseyinour’s neck, and he, was within ilO LourTbi death two week's ago.when the sheriff was. wired to hold off. Seymour has been pray ing for<his life tojbe spared, hut lnvourjdowa in plenty humble opinion bis pleading to his Master did not avail as muoh as the pleadings of Crum A Jonss bet ore the prisonVoommission.;£££ '/Seymourlaughed^liuuseli" nearly hoarse when ne was given a 'little respite two weeas ago, t but on this occasion he expressed no 7 pai ticul»r 'emotion, appearing to think that it was no more than ho expeoted. Crum -A Jpu?s nave exemied much iatemt in tne case, and it is iroui. their efforts that his life is*£spared, Within a week or two,. Seyteour wTllTe assigned to^one of,tho state oft nip? To begin his'liioseuteuco. ^ man to hang ill Vienna will probably be Elton Gray lot the murder of his wife in Cordelo last tall. His oase is before the suppreme court for a new trial which is to beneurd within the next week or two. Sentiment ^scents to lie agalnat Cfray. - ~ publiojwheuover tne c^tioials ^get ready for it,, and they wlfit take their^doing so. i—3 is though* that ^depositors} in the First Natrsul will be- npsidf in enough for tho farmers to got their .'ml; and some*think tne otW:'baak crops in good condition. Hotter rot) your u'och aud 1 be through'with n r it will soon'be- too late, iwr replace dho hooey for lueir winter store.: 1’he new road law u not keeping the people from their work any more, ami the roads Jure being, built up in fairly good shape. Pin oh lira t went to ueeoh lfavom on. Wednesday of last week and hiul-ose of lho nicest times of tiho season. More than SOo tickets ware? sold lor the occasion.LI William'Napicvwhojmysterou sly. disappeared' from homo Sunday night a wock ago t „wa»Jfound. wamlar.- iugj. about >.dn Macon and in ought baca home in a Ifcw buss of ^health?. It is claimed'that til a miud is. un balanced. U Mr.. 1WJ|H • dKcet^brougnt^auj^a flat dutch}.turnip ,yesterday 'that weighed two pound* and nreutired lftp.8 inches around. Mr. West is a good farmea- andjfraisea . kis hog and hominy at home, j Mr.'AjHrswer nas moved,bis saw mill'to Alapaha in Berriwh county. Mr. Brewer is said toibe ona«pf the best iawuaili' men «in titoncouBtry, and.irealky one«ofThTbe8t'.idlronnd mc-n*as alneighbor. At least he has ■uooeeded here, andfown onolor two will pajTBaok'ajpart. This was sosuch'l as the public knows about it,, and notning'fnrther will bo known until a statement is nude by order ectne court. SCHOLARSHIP KOR SitLEj A scholarship-in the Ga.-Aih hns- unuis college is for salejat'this'Wtine. There is a bargain in it. farms near here. D □ In. Preparing ror vue piomo next Thunday you might add to the happiness of thej boarding young men by extending to them in advanoe an invitation to be with you at dinner. . Some whose boarding honsea will not send dinner will feel a delicaoy in going and may stay away on account of not having dinner of their own tojoany. Miss Ruby Waters 4-eturned home from'CoTOoTlegefiaturdaij for va'ua- tion,~" She was met by a large orow d oTgirls who Bhowered .kisses , and pteasaiit remmtks ou ber, showing fijgr popularity andi- tnei r appr oc»Mio n 5f berr- ' * A LOT Oh BRAVES' ^ ^ST. LOUIS iirxy 1'7..—Eilitors- of the Noth-westJ .Mnsouri Press' Av- sooiaUohTTeav mg J osep'h Mkui- dtty^iu'a^speoiali oar for; St. Louis, were made .the'Viotims- of*^a .iiogns- hold-up ( by..Will E- Williams,^.oi Sfc. Joseph. Wilhams,, : eu waAijeA into the oar wi6b«h unloaded' pistol and made the edators-give up tl 1 eMfuask, pasm-sTand w atSCOr'Thml joE es'retunTed tHe iobt"5o)tfieTe,11 tow on than: arrival here. □ tllNltHUBST The. towns of Pinehurst is more beautifully located and is better kept than one would imagine whe viows it from the railroad trains. The business portion is seen to - good advantage; the wide stieet leading west from the depot, lined with beautiful shades on either side and a sodded plat in the middle portrays tlie.liherality of its founders in giving room for beauty as well as business. The pumping station is over an artesian well in the centre of- town, from which pure water The business men, as a rule, own the houses in whiob they operate, They also owu their homes iu town and farms thereabout. They are prosperous, happy aud contented' The residence portion of Pinehurst is a beauty. The houses are nice aud well kept. The flower yards are mule beautiful thtiv many town of greater pretentions' oau show. Pot plants adorn the verandas and by* steps, oi the/houses, flowot stands produce pyramids of Nature's art, and the atmosphere is filled yvith sweet fragrance from the way. Every home seems to be kept by a lover of flowers j aud the walks seem fti W* to be swept for do in pan 7. Churches ami sohodfs * r 8 not lucking in that thriving town. The muniupal government seems to run like new machinery well plnmnJcd and oiled. Ur. W. M. Haslatu 1 itf mayor of the town and president of the Miibool board, and lie got every vote iW both offices in the election. The council meets twice a month as regular as clock work and runs it* business as smooth aud straight as a yard stick- To appreciate Pinehurst!, you must mingle with her people*/ drink i he artesian water, view thebomtif •! streets and homo and whiff the Ir.sijfauoe from the flowers. At'bke age of 81 Vie , fled -off thenaorial uoil w Vv 1‘ Dodd, a former state senator, goes to the -‘.hain-gant two years for missappropreatlng the school funds of <4orden ootinty while he wa» county school oommissioner. VV T Kevei, cello r of the Men-** Svether V1 mlicatov r is dead. Hill slm • A- Brxptis' habutcho?];^ 1 ^ 0 -^:? 1 knife at (JalhbunlKlonday i»y, cutting - -w his throat. _ ___! James R Brown of Canton, Ga.,1 :!r i'rr.i church has born us- Hatley;bp the A .& B I has giv-sn, first and iasC temthnifoiml dollars'uitcy 1 the ,. Ueorgiin Rfiptist ornhans home. AS ' STETSON SHOES GIVE Satisfaction. One dollar less in Vienna than f in Jlacon. ||o8®l®y H®seaaitl@ estaMishinent ol! the Augusta iler ,ld -.v:ei burned Mon-lay -veiling. Loss, about $25, i00. A new out fit was Ordered at once. The case ,f E C Mocheu .‘gainst the B A Id road has been settled outside of the courts. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is interesting to note that for tunes are frequently, made by the iaveption of articles of minor impor tance. Many of the most popular devices ara those dv.signed to benefit the people and meet popular condi tions, and one of the most inter esting of those that has ever been invented is the Dr. White Elsetno Comb, patented Jau. I, ‘99. These wonderful Combs positively cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick and ncrvouR headaches, and when used with Dr. White’s Eleotrio Hair Bush aro positively guaranteed to make straight hair curly iu 25 days’ time. Thousands of theBe electric combs have been sold in various cities of the Union, and the demand is con stantly increasing. Our agents are rapidly becoming rich selling these combs. They positively sell on sight. Send for sample. Men’s size 85c. ladies’ 50c.—.half price while we are introducing their*) The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Decatur, 111, ~ |JHO/sr/NCT PbiNt)