The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, May 19, 1904, Image 3

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Humor Philosophy ■r MWCAN M. SHIM it, MM, by Duncan M. Smith. PERT. PARAGRAPHS. When a man prefers walking to rid- ag he may own a bucking broncho. All frosts but the cigar trust should be smashed. It should go up in smoke. FOR SALK All of my hou<$.hplvl aa'l k fumture and a rt| sewing maohin!-. nli tin 1 hear linger it n fui it if" TAX RHJOF.IV Ht’Mj ;-r i. li lt does not cause you so much distress If the lies that are told about you are not true. j Seventh No candidate for office believes that 1 Tyitfim : on the dr.“us of Distriijt First - Sclit! Una/1 ilia Pyichnvst. j Findlay j Third ‘ ! Sixth tha -tii-H-'H-inr -photr you ti A’> A 1 4 6 mud baths are lienltliy. A bookkeeper In a bank should be a well balanced ftnui. The avt-riige young man cannot no* tlci ■ •• *" to the soring. Hla ’‘err" Mhv 20. —— ■' ... t . r i * „ • T’i Uili 18 th 11th CovH'eie t ■ fcvflthe purpose i give In ynur taxes: pr .Mar ' 18 10 5 . dO f. 21 7 32 f) 3'i 10 -\ 5 ' 1 l 36 T3 Tl 18 OS. + 20 U? 17 . T§ 3, 19 ’ . ; Caskets Robes, Embalming:, andl all things necessary for putting away the de-adi**- Coffins at any price Money saved er, Leave M ay Slav r '-F r ZS$ fancy is liuuoi that v?sy nil of the! Rtnerteh, May «:S tf m >V|ir rriihd. Show. Mrv y m Oak O'rovoi May 21 Midway, M.1. 25 !?'aV<na, V ... 36 a j . Rlblov May 26 ji m . Wennna, May 2T a in Oordele, Mav 26 ppintrjUo May 21 /!! rile, would but own *r.S vo it. a wo man would rather go to a mnttueo than to n club nieeto lng any dny. " It ’takes a long pbcketboolc to keep a summer girl In terested In a mnn all through the sea.- aon. from. $3 up.' • on <^ejjy*e •Orders “at- P- office f *< goods to . -go \ on"’ - ■ next train !lJuSlt£XLA\l - JSU -jon, Oa. Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer A careful student: <oi 'current 'events declares that the rigri* of the times are dollar signs. _ Spring'-. Drawback. • Vhp nlghtil the ae»hyr Is aweit to thwear; Theaark sings »,oft In the Woe; 3U life's hold robla redbreast Mu long of (good cheer -At Sunrise, when sparkles the dew. IjaCapture supreraw could lfllat to thetune 5f We didn't have, to clean house pretty ■oon. '®ho daffodR wlgwaga ltslbioesoms o'f gofd. The broaih of-tho-erocus-ls- Sweet; "The apple trees, groaning with all ’they can-hold, ■Sling'’dawn their sweet bloom* at my feet— Vy.feet, bunion-oOvfered and large as a i pai-k, ‘Where chilblains 'from winter have still '•-idft their mark. Wbe rraln softly 'fills on the blossoming 'The-mo^d-la the-garden la wet, -Add • In i the damp onion bed down on my - knees 'Pneumonia surety I'll get. - A'crick In the back or a paln-ln'Qao chest 'Abstracts from--spring pastimes icbout all ' the sest. "The'blue grass :1s growing:like weeds on ■ the lawn The seedsman’s lndorsementito win. ’Bul l must arise at the peep-of :the dawn And. push the lawn mowerillke sin. 'How, lolly'the springtime-would -bo for a chap 'Ware labor and worry net always on tapl Vienna, May 29, ao Books will close May 31 Please look at jour ileoia b coming to give in your tax, so you can give number anil which t'the loi you own at require Very ran > jjtf illy, p H. G. BROWN, T. R. D. Od Hospitality at zpens e Entarteinmeii - is, plea* i'-' ■> v „ /iieos-does not depend on the money you -pend, but on your own knowledge o l.nw i-i/i and -xMflti liospit.llty (’lin-ti ne Har i H .. o Bit. PfcieE | it w ii| pay yoa 0 ^550 I to Bend tor car Gate* 1 W«SMTURY HP'O OO. HemosB, eto. We son dlroot »o« , our B’uow'TT to Oc j .ta.ers 0* Factory Pnoea. Tbia guaxa.t-vioti ■' ', Buacrs' only $38.60; Oaalt or Hob.i' „i ^Monthly Paymont.8. Vo trite- honest poopb> located in all pat i °A^Wrlto d for Free Oatuiogiii- mbntion this papeh. • (ifi'r «48 CP* He Wan a .Bled. vi hear you are going-to get mar ried, Florence." "Who -told you?” *Oh,-a little bird." “The Joy Is so proud -Of It that be 'bad to.go and tell.” Stumbled on It *How .are you getting along at aebool, Johnny?" “I'm about the smartest in my class. The teacher asked me today where the . gun rose and I got -it right in four Better Then. “Is itibetter to have loved and lost?" j “If you were engaged-to a girl about "whom you bad changed your mind and wouldn’t.lose her you would think sa n Her Escapade. As .the rosy light of day Fades Into tho evening gray Bessie saunters down the way. ’ From the shadow of a tree Turns her head as If to aee It -at last she's really free. Does she wait m -lover true Coming In the evening dew With the story old and newt No. She wanders free from ear# In tho olillly evening aliv- Would yon think It?—on a tear. Bessie, -under mamma’s thumb, Can't be reckless, like her chum, *o she’s out there chewing gum. Not Pit;2ftd For It •“Don’t be alarmed. Tho gun Isn't loaded.” “Then take It away. I am not carry ing any accident Insurance” Could Be Excused. “Wasn’t It awful the way they tmed $0 stone prophets In olden times?” “I don't know. Perhaps they were weather prophets.” $50,000.00 Gash Given Away to Users of LION COFFEE We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of JAon Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heaias, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore- for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, hut In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you <to -estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prlxe Contents, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can .-send in as many estimates as desired. There will be TWO GREAT CONTESTS The first contest wlll be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Zonla World’s Pair; the second relates to Total Vote For President -to be cast Nov. 8,1904. Sao,000.00 will be-distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a flwAaaal CSval B.!. M .( #E Aflfli All to ithe one who is nearest correct on both urailll firSl rriZS Of <R|UnUillll contests, and thus your estimates have two msmmmammmnssmms^saammmmasm^msmnmmanaimmBm opportunities of winning a big cash prize. U Printed blanks to vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. %The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- §p£S timate is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST Wiiat ,vfll be toitotal Popnlatj Vote cast for Pratldem (vote* for :illbaudldaus couiblnetl* .t tho election Novembers, 1904? In lSOOclectlon. 13,0^,053 ueople voted f-.r President. For sourest cor rect octimatce lecelved In Woc-ison 8r-lco Co.'s, othce, Toledo, O.. on or ht-'ore Nov. 5.1934. wc will ffivo first pilze for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prise to tkenozt nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 First Prleo ...*2,600.00 1 Second F -iso 1,000.00 2 Frlao-t -fifSOC.OO er.iih 1,000.00 G i'/ises— 200,00 “ 1,000.00 1 O 'T. " 1,00.00 20 Frizes- 6O.<;0 " 1,009.00 GO Prizes— 20.00 " ...1,000.00 230 Prizes— 10 00 •• 2.600.00 1H00 prizes— 6.00 " 6,000.00 Five Lion-Heads ggff cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: WORLD’S FAIR CONTEST What trill bo the tjtel July 41k attendance at the bt. Lou., World’* Fair? At Olilcoso, Jnl7 4.1093, the attendance was 733,273. For nearest cortect estlmulcs tocnivcd In Woolson Splt-o Con-- pant 's office, T’e'cdc, C tin; an or heforo Juna 3013. 390l,-wo <rUl /(vo Srst prise for me n» rrcsto jrrost estimate, second prlso to tho uext nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 ITrat Prize *2.000.00 X Soebnd Prize J.kfio.oo £i Prluez—tooo.oo oath coOXX) e Pi-izoe— aoo.iTt) " i coo.oo lO.PrlZWe- JiPP GO " ' iSter ku Miwia— t-u.00 '* 1 CWWIO 60 Frizes— 20.00 " 1000.00 260 Prison— 10.00 " '... 2 f>0 .00 1800 Prize*— 6.00 “ 6,000.00 2139 PBI3ES, TOTAL, *20,000.00 • 2136 rKlTTS, TOTAL, (20,000.00 Violated the Kulak ‘JHs died at the age of WA" ‘“Beui!.i-i{:ii)l«! Au-1. :o tl.i;'-' M-?. <h«t be never ii-'r.h.uu... > of 42J9—PRIZES—4279 Distributed to ?La ?ubl?j—OJSCkOS—;n addition ts whltth we shall glva $6,000 !• firoears’OlsBh isos pamaiars l» gj• ^u)' iajnrsB4totalef $30,090.00* complete' ' • 7 "Ea® ij -tf/emr paokaoe of LION COFFEE WORLDS ? VI[% 4 V ’ The'O.iS. A P. railway will *» round trip tiokol* to St. Louie !£xn. Mtiou at the folbireriag raiew fro.., Vienna: 8ea*r>n Moket *3i • % Good for sirt.y ,\n •* ! (50 . teen <Uy*,?ii4.3'>. y«n day*. +1 1 •-> The last named is coach rites an! ti'rt for sleoperg or purl-.; oar*, sol ! mii on eortam dave of each mont'i through spooial ooaoh will be iur nished for a party of 35 adult fare*. □ Onolj fare and 25 cent* to the following occasions: Heabody, >3 Normal Sohool at Nashville, Tenn. July 8 to Ang.8 Hummer sohool * at Tuaoaloosa, Ala. June 14 to July 29. Summer sohool at Athens July 5 to Aug 6. Sum mer sohool at Knoxville Teun. June 2fi to Aug. 5. Interstate Sugar Cano Convention, Jacksonville, Fla. May 4 to 6. ^Georgia tfidnoational Assooiation at Warm Springs, June 22-24. AnniirB. V. P. tJ. at Washings* ton, Ga. Juno 21-23. “'Womans Congress at Monteagle Tenn. Aug. 1—7. Monteagle Bible Sohool, Mon- tegalo, Tonu.~ July 4 to Aug. 4. "" Montegaie’ Sunday Sohool Institute Montegala, Tenn. Aug. 16-30. Annual Meetinng T. P, A. at Augusta Apr. 14-16. Sontlioru Ba|.t.i-it C invention at Nashviiio,Tiitn. Miv. 12 -18. To the folfflwsng ouuatious, one farj .1111 50 (iii'H.s: W-orstiiio r-’o-iti-) 1 V. M. 0. A. at Buffi! >, N. V. Mty. 11-15. Ge-n'gii Cm iiaigui at, Albany, Apr 24 to Mav. I. G-siieM Oi i.'erj uti H. K. churuli, Ctii-n«/>. mav 8--31. C. 11 R [ )DFL G. P. A. twQ(W v AH or I ’■r*. if ’VjaT‘ r —* Dr..Carlisle’s Liver Pills til •■‘ft.b'lB 111 tat ■) -v. it i)''tin p,op] thst iiu |> il h i tii'P-r, liiln^ th int«ilig»nt »-i iiiu-ttr.-tiijw'uf mi o-Boion •amiidy. IVii 1 tin uMniiimtimi o[ di< na»«cl in-tU-t- i. in•),<*•>, t>nn |ii;|-i htr no Hup-irlir, Mp-Viiil-v n , -i.i tt'iori olimita, wliorotiio!) " I ? 1: in'* with mil trial p ->U7,-i N1 l-ifCmati p i * ( cj 1 w II 'i iittat. Ihra m i-nout t-i roc i,u:n ml tlia-n plili the formula, which U invariably approri.i by tho inodiotl proibuion, baiag prime on oaoii paoxiga. Directions; For Torpid Liver, Dyi papB'm, In lij; -ttion, Sick H-ial-iahal '.bn stipation, 0 iM«, S vimmin/ in t'10 hiad & 0., t ne or t.v 1 ptiW thoul 1 be taken 1 bedtime. For OltiUe ail Fover, Billiou* lot ormittont or oontinued Fever a full do* should be taken. Asa laxatLe in« to t vipill ut-bedtiw Asapurg-t, tw »t» thru 'pills at bidtuat DR. R. M CARLISLE., MACON, 1 *9 “G. K. C. Is Guaranteed to Cure Rhewaatltm, Sypbllit, Corofola, Stood Poison, Swellings, Stiff,-Talnfal Joints, Badaubo, CM Sore*, Boil*, end. all <>hw*M* eaMng toon twymeer lmpov- erleiitd blood. If It Mis to oure, or doo* not satisfy tho'pnrcbaeer of it* worth, wo will Refund the Honey paid direct toes, or teaey druggist or dealer fhniedleiM, for floidan Rbeia tnatlo Care. Wbon yon want a Mood medicine, Insist on baring "0. B. 0." If your dealer do<j not have It, ask him to order it for jroo; or sand your mousy to ue by mail, and w# will ship ”0. K. C." to you with all uptcu charges prepaid.' Price *1.09 per bottle: all for 33.0ft mz r. c. cc., Stn.IT MsiltlT •. ♦ *.:v H0 AMD rNOHWKflt*.