The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, June 02, 1904, Image 6

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Furniture See us before you buy. We have some lines to close at a bargain. Wardrobes that sold at $18.48 going at $15.00 Hat racks that sold at $14.98 going at $11.50 Solid oak dining chairs, worth $1.00..78c Solid oak dining chairs, worth $1.25... . 98c Ladies’ oak rocking' chair 89c Ladies’ oak rocklii. ahair $1.23 Ladies’ willow rocking chair, ~ . Q worth $3.50 at .<'”•4^ Bedsteads, full size complete j Q with slats and rollers - I'yy Mattresses, one side cotton, oth- r ers sell them for $2 25, our prioo Mattresses, both'sides cotton $2.48 Mattresses, all felt, fine quality . rf-vfi. ticking See our $10 stoves, complete, for only $7.P 1 Shoe blacking Machine oil, 10c size............ Large towels, pfffo ^ Turkey red tableiLimask, yard..* Table oil cloth, $exd Good cigars, atessly «... Alarm clocks, worth $1.60 Violins, with oase and bow....... Coat's spool cotton, any size and color or quantity' Loaded shells, per box........... HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR. ETC Men’s suspenders, worth 25c, our price.. 10c Men’s suspenders, heavy crossbaok leather trimmed, worth 40o, our price Men’s brown duck leggings 35, 4$ and 780 We sell the best 26s suspender on . earth at Ladies’ heavy ribbed natal mite, all sizes, worth 60o, going at Ladies’ heavy ribbed water vsate, worth 50c — Children’s heavj ribbed rate sfSfo all fAsm WT 0 . Don’t fail to oall on ns for any thinsr von need. We sa*i) von mmmw. GOOD NEW$ FOR EVERYBODY. Never before have we been sftS® to offer the people of South Georgia such a selection of merchandise* $30,000 STOCK Selected in detail with an eye to your interest is ready for your inspection at from 15 to 40 per cent below tlie market price. It will pay you to investigate. Compare our goods and our prices and we will be satisfied with your decision. . CLOTHING, GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Suits'for men and boy’s in all weights, sizes, prices, etc. Give us a look and we will wrap you up for less money than any con cern in South Georgia. 2.68 ' fen’s blaolc clay suits, worth “$4.00, at... .^ Afen’s blaolc clay suits; all wool $4-98 Men’s black cheviot suits; others get $7.60, we sell them at small profit .....5.48 and sell'thorn for. Ladies’ and Children’s Capes and Jackets This was a lot forced on the' market, our buyer piokod them up at a great bargain. We prepose to share this saving with you. Try us. ... Children’s reefers, all wool, asst, sizes, 98c Children’s reefers, nicely trimmed, \ assorted colors Children’s jackets, all wool, well made$1.48 Ladies’jackets, latest stylos, « worth $4.00, our price I Ladies’jackets, all colors, sell j .-.Q everywhere $8.00, our price. . .' . 4 , V t? Ladies’jackets, all colors, castor, /£ .Q blue and red, worth $10.00. ^ , 4'“* Ladies’ capes, heavy beaver fur QSc Men’s black unfinished worsted suits, sell the world over at $12.50, we get 8.98 Men’s blue flannel suits in heavy .6.48 winter weights, worth $10, at Youth’s suits, sizes 14 to 19 years, » good quality black worsted, at Youth’s black worsted all wool, . ^ Q worth $7.60, going. 4*7° Boy’s suits, ago 3 to 8, well made, at... .87c Boy’ssuits, age'8 to 10, worth 98C $1.50, at Dress Goods trimmed, worth $2 00 Our fall and winter line of these goods is up-to-date in every respect, embracing all the prettiest styles in new designs, and, bet ter still, the prices are right All wool waist flannel, 30 inches wide.. ..22c All wool tricot flannel, assorted colors. . .34c All wool basket weave. 54*v.ieh 98c All wool tucked waist flannel, worth $1.25, at . Broadcloth, all colors, 54-inch. .*.... . . . .98c 3-4 worsted, bright and pretty I2/^2C patterns,, worth 20c Pretty line plaid silk waist patterns, yd 48c Calicos, all colors.... 3 1-2 to 5c Boy’s fancy corduroy, worth Men’s laundried percale shirts, nice colors Men’s laundried percale shirts, worth 76c, our price. Men’s fancy negligee shirts, worth $1.00, our price Boy's fancy negligee shirts, two dollars and cuffs LOO, at $3.48 .....39c ......48c ......,73c .... 43C Boy’s and men’s ties by tho- thousand 5c up. Millinery We now come before you with our grand new line of fall and winter millinery. Such a wealth of bargains it has never before been our good portion to offer you. Our up-to- date trimmer has just .1 eriirnod from the northern markets where she haa several months been in touch with all'LUaat is new and up-to-date in this Jibe. Remember Percales, all colors, pretty blue and red 7 to9c Fancy plaid and Stripe outings, worth 12^-c, 9c Footwear Greatest values on earth in shoes. * We have them from I8.0 to $4.98. Bought them to sell. Ladies’ dongola, button and laoa.9Sc Ladies’ pebble grain polish 89c Old ladies’ corn cure, soft as a rag 98c Ladies’ box calf and vici, latest 1.68 styles and worth $2.25, only Boy’s Bhoes, all sizes 98c up Men's brogans and plow shoes 98c to $1.33 •fen’r elastio brogans. worth $1.25 at... .98c 1.98 xn's box calf heavy weight for .inter wear., worth $2.50, at.. f-nt’8 moccasins 13c .-rant's soft soles, all odors... 25c that we are not undersold any line. This applies to millinery as well. If you are not a customer now, we think you will be when you see our line and get our prioes. Notions and Small Wares Pins, needles, thimbles lc Vaseline, per bottle 3c Irik A big stock of these at oat prioes Men’s heavy Maoon knit socks, only 5c Men’s heavy Maoon knit socks worth lOo at 8c Men’s fancy sox, all colors, at 5 and 10c Men’s heavy floece-lined undershirts a and drawers, worth 60s, going at... 40^"’ Men’s heavy ribbed shirts and draw- srs, others gat 59», ate »ri<>........