The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, June 16, 1904, Image 8

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Lamar’s Lemon Laxative on res Constipation, Bil iousness, Indiges tion and Headache. Acts promptly and powerfully on the bowels yet 1b gentle and pleaB- ant In action does not gripe or sicken. It can’t hurt you it can help you. Thi following Is ono | of many unsol Idled tes timonials: Dothan, Ala., April 1C,’04. 1 ltave used La mar’s Lemon Lax ative in my family and would not be without it. It is certainly a valua ble medicine. J. A. May, Chief of Poltco. On sale at all good drug stores* 50 deses forgo cents. OWNED 'AND MANUFAOTUBEO BY LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG COMPANY, Macon, Ga. LEGAL SALES Following is a synopsis of the legal advertising for Juno: Will be sold on tho first Tuesday -in duly, ■One flO hp Farqubar engine and boiler, property of W E Tripp in faVor of D B Leonard. A 1-12 undivided interest in town lots 14 15 10 in block I) in Pinehurs 1 by II C Acord fur maintenance and support of his ward, F C Aoord. D L Henderson applies for letters of administration on tho estate of Henry Oliver, Sr. W B Nichols seeks dismission from the administration of thh estate of Mrs. Zoph Pate. H L Adanw applies for letters of guardianship of the person and prop erly of Susan C Gilbert, minor child of A A Gilbert. Mrs. Lillian Z. Shipp will apply to Judge Felton, Judge Littlejohn being disqualified, on the July 8 for ati ordor to sell twenty city lots in Cordeio belonging to Ng1bou M. Shipp, for reinvestment. The Usual Thing. 8ha wrought with patient, loving prldo A garment (or hor fiance; The back wo* short, the sleeves were wide. And worked with silk In colors gay. She fondly hoped that when he mused . In Idle hours with his cigar He'd wear the coat, while he confused The things to bo with things that are. And so she sent It by express That ho might get It Christmas day, Boitowlng on .It a caress Before she sent It on Its way. He took It from Its coverings And hold It upside down, and then Keaald he wondered how such things - Could bo acceptable to men. He tossed It In a closet dim Among some slippers badly mired And wrote to say she'd sent to him The thing that he had long desired. Can't Afford to Lose Her Now. “What makes Roberts so attentive to hla wife?" "Bhe has threatened to sue him for a divorce." "I did,not thinkm little thing like' that would fonfco him." "Oh, you sec, her millionaire uncle Is about to'' die, and Roberts considers that It would be bad Judgment to let bar cut loose now.” Mean Thing. Ernestine—Will Grantloy Is the mean eat man I know. Josephine—Why, whnt bus ho done? Ernestine—1 lmil the cleverest Joks of tlie year on him and meant to tell It to all tlie girls. Josephine—Did you toll it? Ernestine—No. He went before roe and told every one nf them. Pane Pictures. lack Frost has otohed, with careful hand, A ploturo on iho window panfr- A garden full of lilies and A lotof trees along a lone. This seems a mocking Irnvosty Of shining, quilling mimmor time. This gltytcnlui;, sparkling mimicry Of-fiummer done In winter's rime. But Jack is wise: he wants to show That ho knows lovo and Infighter bright; That loo and frost and drifting snow Are not tho whole of his delight % And sol ho makes will: skill and care A picture full of birds and bees Thai we may know he's had Ills share Of happy summer harmonies. GKO W WOOTEN Lawyer, New law office on Cotten.street, noar court house. Will practice In all the courts of the state end la federal courts of Macon sue Savannah. Vienna, ua TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS GRIST MILLS MILL SUPPLIES TAYLOR SAW MILLS Newly Equipped Boiler Works Machine Shops and Foundry Wire Fence, Fire Proof Roofing, Spray Pumpt, Mowers, Rakes, Separators Wo will Make It to Your Interest to Figure with Us. • MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. MACON, CA. A Remarkable Bargain to PEARSONS nc of the following book, originally Issued at 1.50) * ovnua Townsend Basov FOR LOVE OF COUNTRY A year's Suscriptlon Your choice of any one Qtonac W. Cable JOHN MARCH. SOUTHERNER A celebrated story of tlie South (TcoLcsnoM THE CIRCUIT R1BER •‘Fresh and vivid portraiture," says the C/trhi/an Union • C. Wi HoBNorn THE ROGUE'S VUuT.:~-:i **A noteworthy uddltioa to romantic literature.'’ —LliicafO Tritons Blanche Willis Hoviaro THE GARDEN OF EDEN -'A fascinating, powerful novel."—liostyn Deacon Richard Hardino DS'iia CALLEGHEN AND OTHER. STORIED "Oalleghcr” is the story that made tho author famous Robert Louio otcvcnccm ST. SVES His last and onu of his finer.! novels Frank it. stookton THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN “ Hli best work."—Boston Advert her rnANCCO ttODOSOM BURNETT ■ THAT LACS O' LOWRIES A novel of international reputation A PAC vigorous' cm Claha '.'osr.ia rEivj cnotVM popular novel . i.. > New ItARRIOOH ROSSRIOON T2l*2 INLANDER f remarliahlo power."— Molly Rlliot Otawcll THE HOUSE OF EGREJCCNT " Romance filled with the t wo pre.. 1 ryntUiico loyalty and love" A WONDERFUL IKvjjNTION\ It is interesting to note that for tunes are Irp(|uently nmile by the invention ofwrtioles of minor inijior- tunce. Many of the most popular devices urn those designed- to benefit the people ami meet popular condi tions, and . one of tho most inter esting of these that has over been invented is tho Dr. Wlrito Electric Comb, patented Jan. 1, <99. Those , wonderful Combs positively • cure dandruff, hair falling out, sick nncl nervouR headaches, and. when used with Dr White’s Electric Hair Brush are positively guaranteed to make straight hair emly in 25 days’ time. Thousands of these eleotrio combs have been sold in various cities of the Union, and the demand is con stantly increasing. Our agents are rapidly becoming rich selling these combs. They positively sell on sight. : Soud for samole. Men's size 86o. ladies’ 60o.—(half price while we are introducing them.) 1 ho Dr. White Electric Comb Co., Decatur, 111. PASTImBT STORIES ••Th. old Virginia flavor rn„|d : bj v..d u " finer effect ” NOTE:—The acceptance tf thi) o.'.'.r books mentioned, but it also entities you i > ti : at discount price*. As this plan includes American Publisher the magnitude of A FEW WORDS Pearson's a subscriber, “ zinc, and by the very best instructiveness. Following are four of tho special features for WALL STREET 'METHODS } OF "FINANCE" 0 By HE/TRSf CEOrZHZ. Jr, TOM WALT. CA*»ITOCNSST •DyALKEH? XiCJiLOV/ 3'ei.f.VS Tlkrtr.Vr 1 I ■; f.e r!> clrjrft of ■-■*< r ' « c.rtu'.u ■, . . ' h ... t ■■■ . i fiwS'if /ei 'l,!.T I. V.Y-. - lure of iao l.njtv.hit'. !..3Ury y..A r.u.;.i i-a nnkin.7, • Tho Cvortt:t~>vr r ? ■'.Tvo Tvv co T’.rg'— TboCIvlUV. - - J of 5iavory- ITi\o £•*< riod—Tho Gre » j?»vian-Tho (■ 4 in Lnntfon—Jdi—- j-- tloniic.1 Ca.iipAliti area few of i!;s import nnt lnvul:"r r * itv. which the serirs of six or eight pai’.eri. ate ba*ic. THE REVELATIONS OF AN , INTERN ATI G-N A L S jP Y* Which ran In IVarson’s through the first six months of 1907, will be resumed In January, iqoj. This new set of detective stories has been arranged for in response to the demands of thousands of readers who regretted the termination of the first series. The author still stipulates that his name must remain a secret. Subscribers to this combination who wont more than one book from above list can add 49 cents for each book required. Send your orders to Pearson. Publishing Co# : ® 246*20 Asfor Pln.ce t York A number of true accounts of some of the V.’r.Il Street “deals” by which the savings of the r:a:;/ have been sacrificed to satisfy the cravings of the few. Read these articles nnd realize the wisdom of the advice of the late Governor Roswell P. Flower to a party of his friends to “ i.jep your money in your pocket.” MODERN INDIAN WARS By cyR\rs towjvsejwd A brilliant «nd thrillintr history of the hostile * frontier of the past forty years, giving iusucb to the public r.ervice of such men as Milks, LawtchL . Crook, Forsyth, Custkr, Carrington, ns, Howard, Wheaton, Davis, Sully, D L HENDERSON. Lawyer, Will prartieo -s all the courts except con: i court. Office in Stovall's now building. Viknna. Ga. F. E. WILLIAMS, Physioian and Surgeon, V ieuna, Ga. Office over Walton Bros store. Oslli promptly attended, day and night' Night calls answered from Roberts hotel J M WHITEHEAD, DENTIST. Vixnha. Ga. DR 0 T STOVALL, Vienxa, Ga. Office in rear of drug store. Day and night calls promptly attended. Prescrip tion Free in our office work. Barber Shop. For slick work, call on Walter Leonard At Charlie Pou ell’s old stand in the McDonald block. Wo do every thing smooth and nice in our line. \ . J. G.irdon Jons & JONES, Conlele. Ga. M. O FEW, Attorney n; Law, VIENNA, GEORGIA. Will Practice in all the Courts. G. W. Busbek J. M. Busses BUSBEE & BUSBEE, Lawyers, VIES S'A., GV. heinterosto olieutsulwiya guadr 1 r. BIVINS & MOBLEY, T T Bitins, m d. HA Moblkt, m d Physicians and Surgeons, (OTOalls promptly answered. Vienna, Ga, DBS. EDGE & MoABTHUB. CORSELE, GEORGIA. ^Special treatment of chronio dis Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Local Time Table. Effective Jan., 5 ,1905. READ P*WN READ UP tht 4 80 5 46 609 6 30 6 67 718 7 40 769 80S 856 0 21 9 87 0 48 10 40 ? STATONS A.M A. M. 12 45 2:01 2:26 2:42 8:16 8:60 4:10 4:21 4:26 6:06 6;10 rf.47 6:19 7:00 7 20 7:44 8; 20 » m 5:15 . 6:40 0:1 U 6:S9 7:UU 7:44 8 88 9;ua II 10 !l : ufl 10 ; 01 10146 a m j 1 20 2 10 2 29 2 47 1 10 1 46 2 06 2 21 2 29 810 8 81 3 44 8 49 4 86 4 46 626 610 » 60 7 12 7 82 8 10 6; 14 6 28 5 58 029 7 00 7 52 816 8 30 9 05 9 10 960 p m Lv. Macon „ Kathleen “ Grovania “ Unsdllla “ Vienna “ Cordole “ Arab! “ Worth 11 Asliburn •’ Tiitor. ’’ Lenox “ Sparks •• Adel Ar. Valdosta Lv. Valdosta ” Htylow “ Pai^o “ llexlor " Cutlet 0 “ Crawford Ar. JaekfuMviiiy i.v Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv OjV Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv Lv La Lv Ar Valdmta “ Luke Park . a Jomi ngs “ Jaspor " White Springs “ Lake ( ity *' Xaakc Hutler “ Sampson City Lv “ Hampton Lv " Gvandino Lv ‘ Florahomo Lv Ar. Palatka P.M. 4 10 8 22 306 248 2 20 2 10 1 25 in t 05 12 80 12 06 11 64 11 48 11 05 U 00 1821 9 88 8 68 8 37 8 20 7 45 m 10 02 10 27 10 18 9 61 9 18 8 60 8 13 7 60 7 86 11 08 0 48 615 a A-M. 3-40 2:20 2.00 1:46 1:09 12:86 12:18 12:01 11:67 11:16 11:05 10:20 9;44 9:03 8:40. 8:23 7:50 in 10'60 10:22 10:08 0:43 9.08 8:4 0 7:52 7:28 7:08 0:29 0:24 6:8q p m A M U 26 l021 9 69 9 39 910 8 60 8 29 814 808 7 30 7 04 6 62 0 40 COO a m N ° s - 3 and 4 are solid train with'Through Coaches and i'arlor Sleepers between Macon and Jacksonville, and carries Pulman Buffet,Drawing Room Sleepers between Macon nnd Tilton, enrouto between Jacksonville and St Louis, Mo. and Chicago 111 Coach^b; t wee“ e Maco,?ardllZnville WUen ' A ' #C ° n Pb ' at S a " d cai ' ries trough WM.OHEOKLEY SHAW C. B. RHODES Yico-Prea, n . Macon, Ga. G °'‘ 1 la!9 ' A ^ J. H. RAFFTEKY, b. P. A., LEON A. BELL, DAP Jackson villa,, Plh, Atlanta. Ga. Atlantic &E-iirnif]gham R. R r Tfme Table Effective May. I, J904 WESTBOUND stations. No 1 Daiiy I No 3 | 1 Daily | Waycross, 7 10 am 5 00 pm | Brunswick 1 Thullman | 3 00 pm 84' pm Nicliolls Douglas Ambrose Wray 8 20 am 8 53 nm 9 25 nm 9 84 am 6 15"pm 6 46 pm 7 11 pm 7 19 pm TkomasviU'e Moultrie 3 i 4 15 pm b 30 pm 6 35 pm Fitzgerald Rebecca Double Run Cordole - Vienira Lilly Byromville Montezuma 1010am 10 44um 10 66am 1137am 11 57am 1210dm 12 20pm 12 50pm 8 00pm 8 "6 pm > 40pm 9 80pm 9 53Dm 10 07pm 1019pm 1160pm EAST BOUND STATIONS. I No 2' J Daily Montezuma Byromvillo Lilly Vienna Oordele Double Run Rebecca Fitzgerald Tilton I Moultrie ; Thomasvillo I Wray, Ambrose, | i leuglas, I A’ieholls, I 6 60 am 0 20 iiin 6 16 am 6 38 am 7 05 am 7 40 nm 7 62 am 8 80 am Ttialmand” Brunswiek Way cross 9 O'! am 9 08 a in 9 31 am 3 00 am 12 39 pm 1 30 pm No 4 Daily 1 10 pin 1 32 pm 1 4? pm 1 55 pm 220 pm 2 66 pm 807 pm 3 45 p:n 6 00 pm 0 7 85 pm 4 18 p - 42(1 pm 4 52 pm 6 25 pm 6 86 pm No 90 6 50 pm 0 13'pni 0 82 pm 6 52 pm 7 26 pm Daily except Sunday Exollcnt Through Schedules and Low x\ tes, Fo which Inquire of any - Agent on Lino ' GEORGE DOLE WADLEY, ALEX BONNYMAN, Vice President and General Manager. Superinterdant H. C. McFADDEN, J. G. KNAPP, _ Gtn'! Freight and PaEEenger Agent. Traveling Frt. and Pass. Ag J. J. MILLIGAN, Agent, Vienna, Ga. . W ay cross