The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1904, Image 3

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THB FELLOWS WHO DON'T GfiV CAUGH1*. Tt cne original lemon medieine. table and / ther harm ' eB8 but powerful vege- - ,, “I. ,n Sredient8, is a safe, sure and speedy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache, and powerful in nction^leasant'to tako an^alwiys refiaWe^ LAMAR, |AYLbRl|W Macon, Oa. The absence of slitrifT sale no tices in the different papers shows well for the slate. The men aro learning to go with out their coats and women arc learn ing to lespeot them for it. Thebarbeoue in Cordele yerterttay was as fine as you ever poked a fork into. And plenty ot other good victuals and the Cordele people en joyed giving their friends a goqd time. There was plenty of free lemonade and free soda water and a nice crowd was there to enjoy it. Dr. R. M. Carlisle’s L&B kills the germs of all diseases by enhaling and drinking the same. AIbo take a dose of Carlisle’s Liver Pills once a week and cat anything you want, and mow fat and happy. DR. R. M. CARLISLE & CO. 470 Poplar St. Macon, Ga. For sale by all druggists. 'i A Remarkable Woman. Gho hasn't exactly a clear, brilliant mind; Bhc doesn't exhibit acumen. Her equal at logic It's not hard to And, This very remarkable woman. At whist shn Is certainly apt to talk out Whenever the trump Is elusive. When winning she really Is tempted to , . shout, Her Joy Is so full und effusive. Ghq spends nil the money that times to FefTiariar JSjr husband oft finds her coercive. Of household economy, you understand. Sho'p clearly, distinctly subversive. A paragon she to her hueband seeme, though. No quarrel Is ever fomented. Gho never, no, never, says, "I told ygu so.” And so he Is deeply contented. You never hear of the bank cnehlor Who borrows n tidy sum To dip in wheat or buck the street And gather a private crumb. If ho succeed." and bis misdeeds To Jlgbt are never brought, It's ovejjfiore plain sailing for The a,an tvlu, isn't caught. The statesman who Is ever true And honest, If it pays! Who wouldn' t steal or make a deal A bunch of coin to raise— Unless. perchance, some clrcumstanco Threw him a ehady prize— It no one knows, do you suppose He'll ever make thorn wlee? The trusted judge who would not budga A half Inch, If at nil, ' Plies up tho dough In brinks, although His Balary Is Small, You would not^prlnt tho faintest hint That juatloo could bo bought. I do not say It goes that way; I know he Isn't caught And so It goes, when no one knows Just what lo In the breeze, That some who wear a pious air And live a Ufo of ease Aro honored and accounted grand - And not of common clay, And win applause and fame because They made their get-away. Not For Her. •'Fanny, sweetest of women,” ex claimed the Impulsive young Guy Du Point, “long have I wished for this op portunity to pour my soul at your feet.” “Don’t do it,” replied the beautiful girl In alarm, looking wildly about for a high place. “I haven’t got my rub bers on.” “You do not understand,” said the young man Badly. “I spoke only in metaphor. You nro the light of my life.” "Go easy, there. I don't allow people to make fun of my red hair.” “Don’t Jest, -Fanny. You are all the world to me. Let us understand each other.” “Very well, since you insist You are sot even the man In the moon to me.” i. "Hav^I a rival?” he asked fiercely. , “No, chliJf, but you "Save an arrival due you at yOur happy borne In Jus£ fifteen minutes. Tell your aid to' put you to bed with hot bricks at your feet, and-you will feel better In the morning." Anti the haughty young thing swept from the room. You can prove It by the fiddler that those who dance sometimes forget to pay him. The microbe is po respecter of per sons. ■V / ' Winter alwaya makes a hit when it packs Its trunk. Some men keep out of debt be cause no ono will ' trust them. The breast of the goose bone must bare taken a course in physical culture last summer. What a Joke the microbes most have considered it on the human race dur ing all the thousands of years In which they-were not discovered. , How happy the mule, would be if he could kick like some men whose dolly conversation It Is his misfortune to bo obliged to listen to. Hewn wag Hot**. L *tneo la frames no,,do plenty of :i» Wue-.iver the taapwa rim Is sit the tfei. .ting polnl or above The comaicrclaJ development of peat begs la gaining some attention ip. Nets England as wall as In IUtnou.' auw Wis consin. A gasoline engine boom stems to be «d. Many farm era report enthusiastic ally on them through the various farm • papers. , Poor Ben Davis! Not a few people think they see his finish. ) It is reported that American capital- ' Ms haws ^Bought' 2,000,000/ aorta of farming Umdlh northwest Ontario on Which they will settle about 12,000 fnm- Sttes from Mew England and other porta of tho United States. ) Fable of the Boys Who Came, Up to > Expectations. Once there wns a very Naughty Boy who Smoked Cigarettes, swore Great Oaths and Swiped Apples from the Or chards of the Honest Farmers. He was so De praved that the neigh bors Had No Use For Him unless they could rent him at So Much Per Hour ns a Horrible {Sxarnpk for their own Sons. JBverybody Predicted that BUI Jones would Go to the Bad, and ono Man kept his Mouth Fj.sei, ta. ?°y "I Tol< l You So!” year In and | SSvvVmJP Ub wou,( * be Johnnv oil 1h0 Spot the First' Tlmo that BUI Jones should get pidtlhed. Good IjlidO Girls held their Fingers in their Bars and crossed to tho Other Side of the Street as he came Bwag- gering Along Practicing the Latest Swear Words. It must be Confessed, However, that Bill was a Great Favor ite with the Boys, who secretly Wished they Dared be as Wicked. On the Other Hand, Harry Brown, who lived Hard By, was known Far and Wide as a Good Boy. His parents never had to Reprimand Him, and ev ery one Predicted for him a Bright Fu ture. He was Studious in School and Courteous to his Teacher, and, Above All, be never Smoked Cigarettes. No matter how much he Desired it, he al ways said, “No, Thank You,” when asked to have a Second Piece of Pie. As Time Went on and they Grew Walter Harry fre quented the Y. M. O. A., while Bill Took In All the Prise Bights. One day a Farmer missed thirteen' ot his Favorite Hens, and the Village Policeman after a piece of Neat Detective work arrested Bill, and he was sent to the Reform School. On the same .day Harry Secured a Position in a Bank, with Excellent Prospects of Becoming President and Marrying the Daughter of the Leading Stockholder. Moral.—SometlmeB it happens In Life the Way It U Written In the Stonr Books. — Cash Given Away to Users of LION COFF We are eoing to be fflOfe libera! than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will tho Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums wc have always given our customers, but in Addition to the Regular Free Premiums the Same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates In eur $50,000.00 Grand Prise Contests, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send In as many estimates as desired. There will be ——TWO GREAT CONTESTS » The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at tho St. Louis World’s Fair; the second relate* to 'Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $ao,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, wc will give a Grand First Prize of $5,000.00 t0 the onewho is ncarc8t correct on bolh Sweet Silence. X sit, and Silence comforts me. The worries of the daytime c From care and trouble wholly free. For Silence always brine* me peeoe. \ The amoke of my beloved dear Floats .upward on the ev*nlng air; Come* np discordant note to jar Our sweet communication there. How still the shadow* of tb* night. How calm the glory of the star* That shine serene and clear and bright Like headlights on celestial -ears I .Now, do not tbfcik that I'm, forsooth, A chap who holds his kind a bore. Ah, no; I am a modest youth, And Silence Is the girl next door. Five Lion-Heads m^L cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: Ml WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. LouU ■“ fair? At Chicago, July 4,1893, the attendance waa 283,273. itlu ' • - - , .ittem World'a Fair? At Chicago, July 4,1893, the For nearest correct eitlmatea received li pany'a office, Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th. ynuy ■ uuivoi tvicuu, uiuv| vu vi uoiuis sutra jvimi iwi, wo wiu give first prize for the nearezt correct estimate, accord prize to (he next nearest, etc,, etc., aa followat 20 Prizes— 60 Prizes— 260 Prizes— 1800 Frlzaa— *88: J.OO 20.00 10.00 6.00 ..1,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 9,000.00 alas mua, TOTAL, 130,000.00. contests, and thus your estimates have two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. ■M Printed blanks to , vote on found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- &k timate is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST > What will be the total Topular Vote caet for Prealdent (volee for all candidates combined) at the election November 8,19047 tin 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted lor President. Form nr st cor rect eatlmstee received In Wool,on 8plco Co.'a. office, 1 o do. O.. on or before No*. S. 1904, wo will glvo first prize for the ream l cor- on or ooxoro nWTi J. IW1| W w»i» give uni root estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., ns fellows* 1 First Prize . 12,600.00 1 Second Prize !'299'RR - Prizes— $600.00 each 1.999-92 6 Prizes— 200.00 lO Prizes— loo.oo 20 Prizes— 60.00 60 Prises— 20.00 260 Prizes— 10.00 1800 Prizes— 6.00 2189 PHIZEI, l.OOO.CO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2.600.00 9,000.00 TOTAL, 4279—PRIZES Distributed to tho Public—aggregating S45,000.00—In addition to whlch wa shall giva $5,000 to flroosrs' Clarks (ssa particulars In LION COFFEE casts) waking a grand total of $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE LION COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP'T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. ■ II ['!■■ OF Had Him There. “Do you-,believe In marriage?” Hiked the surly old bachelor of the sweet f* 1 * 1 * 11 b0 wocift try to rtcsl his, young thing. , bases after night. “Yes; do yon?" she allied. No matter how large the output, coal The girl who can paddle through tho la always going up—In smoke. spring ponds and look cbeerl'ul about — It Is certainly a duck. You may lead a horse to water, but — you cannot make him drink.' When . A man may b* tacking In some re- you lead a man to the bar he will gen- spects and stilt have great ability to orally do the test owe the tailor. Doubtless the burglar could tell the Clothes do not make the man, hut hall player that h,* would be mco mo- they may break him. “No. It mi ts pwlmtsts of uieo.' “You certain, w have no reason to fear It,” murmured toe swert young thing. Lcve 1 .' TrJofcb ■he gtancsd st me with starlit eyes That pierced ' my brooding through. Before euch glances trouble files; Gbe ginned at me with starlit eyes. And Love flashed In and mode me wlee; He showed me wliat a man should do. ■he glanced at me with starlit eyes That pierced my brooding dzrkneee through. y , ; i\ Ferv.- ,4 tho raxi la# cremated wtnte fix -"h. 'n&Iciz. o'. * - have c w'um Toe A -co riderati-'-) part **f the potato, rvop this year is unsalable and shank! •bo utilise* in fu'ii.vog Uv» stock, soys' Denver M-.M enC Farm. For horses, sheep and dairy cows potatoes should! bo sliced In a root cutter or ehoppsd in a box with a sharp spade. Milk cons 'may be fed with advantage as umtb as itwenty-flvo pounds-Of sliced potto Ms •daily, but If a greater weight than this Is fed the potatoes will have, an on-. Xavoratoa influence on the duality of Ajnry a “ an « et «>“« .the butter proS. For sh^p tLto faction by giving the lawn mower a -or four pounds of potatoes dally to oaekl kick u he passes It with a hod of coal, ^ber^ m provs k^j _ . ■ . advantageous. Fattening sbesp may' The man whose only books ore worn- be fed os much as eight pounds a do* He folded !b A tramp was basking In th* sun And dreaming of hie only one, For tramp, have hearts aa well aa tab. And though thsir Uvss ore firs* frsaa cars , They often dream of home and wife And maybe of the etrenuoua life. ■ome boys at ball deep In stay Within a posture o’er the way. A ball descended from the ekles And etruck the tramp between the eyw. When wat.r—think of it and wt ip— HaS brought the tramp out of hie sleep. The boys explained the accident, Assuring him no har m won meant He Wat Dp to Date. “How many ounces In a pound?” asked the teacher. “Troy, avoirdupois or grocers’ *«•* looks would get akmg fsstsr M ta "'Tf' weight?” Inquired th* bey wb* s fmr rhtrirki^z towsll Wot k horses tTrsdrs sum a Mtle of the world outsldo fta j _ »mmasAsHrct slleM prtatoes. I of this little tale feed peanuts to a whale. svst