The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1904, Image 6

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Vienna Progress 'tt. d; SMITH. Entered as second class mail matter. AUGUST 14100 4 This paper is 22 years old thiB •week; The B. & B. railroad was sold to tho A. <& B. at a millio ( n 'dollars. The Georgia agricultural society is having a big time in*Ilnwkins- villo today. The mosquito is not a good col ( lector, because he presents his bill after work hours. Tho Senate killed the Australian ballot bill just like it wouln bob off a horse’s tail In fly time. If you go to tho world’s fair and the people ask you about it when you get back, just tell them it is simply grand! That is what they all say. A man committed suicide at the Park Hotel in Macon the other day without leaving word who he was, where he was from or where he was going. People should not do that. Tom Watson knows as well as any one that ho cannot be elected president of i ho United States on the populist tioket, but he has ao . pepted thg nomination for reasons known only to himself. The legislature raised the salary ' of the judges and the governor all ' right, but it failod to appropriate funds fbr the extra payment. That is like blowing the born for dinner when there is nothing cooked. The legislature provides that the superior court judges must not ao cept any more railroad passes, and allows them (1,000 above their for mcr solary, raising it from $3,000 to $3,000 a year, to pay the expense of travel. The legislature adjourned on time, but not without another fight in the house. Representative II M. Franklin, from Washington county, struok tho doorkeeper and got his nose mashed. In writing suoh conduct, if yon will notice wo do not put the title of “Hon. 1 to tlioir names. By tho time we give Cordeie slice on the north, Ashbnrn a slice on the northeast, Tilton a slice on tho cast, and Doertin a slice on the south, Worth county will look like thirty cents.—Worth County Looal And what will Dooly look like when she gives Cordeie and Ash burn tho south, Tippcltville the cast, Unadilln tne north and By romville the west? AI V HA R FOE DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. .11 ti ■ Mews of the Campaign v the Journal. Tho All: . 'ournal will sotonly strive to bo , ht, but -it will be bright and large,' national in its nows and views. Every one who ij interested in tnis vital Presidential contest will need it every day. Tho Journal’s facilities for get ting the news “while it is news” are better than puy other paper pub- l’shol in tho South. The rates are very low, being only $7.00 per year for the Daily and Sunday by mail, $3.50 for six mouths. Daily only $5 00 per year, $2.50 six months, or delivered by our carriers in the different towns and oities at L 2c per week. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFFER Thu Daily and Sunday Journal for the next six months, $3.00. Agents are wanted to take sub seriptions and a very liberal com mission will be allowed on all now subscribers. Address Atlanta Jour, nal, Circulation Department, Jour nal Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Terms subscription blanks, sam- plo copies, printed matter, etc. will be sent by return mail. If yon waht ill the news all the time read tho Journal. TAX RETURNS FOR DOODY COUNTY. This year is, • ... $4,500,050 Last year it was, • - 4,278,091 A gain of 288,869 The taxabio property in Georgia This year is - - - $466,273,833 Last year was - - 432,993,873 A gain of - ... 22,279,400 DUFF NEWS. 1 We are having some warm wenth ,or at Ibis writing. oiMiss Aimer Forrester returned lioipjejaist Wednesday from Athens where she has been attending school Messrs 1 . D. J- ainey apd II. II. Hits was ,u\ the. city on business /sot Thursday. ,, Mr. Shuff ..Fomiter “Moure last,; Thursday, from a stay, trtth his^.ter at lEastmati: „. Mr. Wheeler Barfield and family are-back after'"® visit to friends and relatives in Macon county. Sunday with the Misses Ambrose. Mr. J. S. Rainey, of Cordeie, was in the city on business last Sat urday. WiN. Itsl regards. DRS. GRFENLEAF & HOLLEYMAN Offer to the Afflicted THROUGH THE STATE UNI- . VERSITY Georgia offer* higher education to her 60ns. Tho University is pro bably the beBt equipped institution in the South Atlantio States. It is the oheapeBt institution in the^outh. The young man gets more for the money expended. He ’ can board, room, fees, books and laundry tor $126 a year on the campus. . It is the oldest State college in America, having over 2,500 living representatives. ’I’heue become tlic young man’s friends and helpers. It is a growing and prosperous in stitntion, bomg able to command the best talent. It gives definite position and standing like oonneo* tion with a strong firm. It stands for what is best in Georgia and our national life, whether soolal, politi cal or religious. It develops sound bodiei, power of initiation, and self-reliance through well regulated athletic contests and regular mill tary drills. It offers oourkes in Agriculture Law, Pharmacy, Medioine, Teaoh ing, Soiences, Classics and Engi neering under a fncalty noted for scholarship and high moral oharao ter. 1 lie University was built for Georgia boys and stands ready to help-thcm. Send for the illustrated hand-book. W, B.HILL, £ Chancellor, The readers of tins paper will be entitled .to. treatment for from i$!.00per month for any Chronic Disease of either sex, and all medi cines furnished free of charge. We give a few of the most common diseases below, snob as Asthma, Chronic Cattarrh and Cattarrhal Deafness, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Chrohio Stomach and Bowel troubles Paralysis, Rupture* Throat Troubles Whiskey and MorphmcIIabits, Lung and Heart Troubles, Kidney aud Bladder Diseases, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Chbronio Ulcers and sores. All oases taken under Guarantee Special Diseases Of Women, These rates will also apply to women who are suffering from any of tho following diseases: Uterine Displacements of all kinds, Ovarian Troubles, Leuoorrhca (Whites), and all other Chronic Diseases peculiar to the female sex. Women are often submitted to painful and dangerous' operations which are entirely unnecessary; just suoh oases are cured by our treatment daily without operations or delay from their daily duties. Speclal'Diseases Of Men. Lost vigor. Men, are you as strong, physically, as you ought to be? Is your memoiy failing? Are you low (spirited? If so, come to us and we will restore you to health and make life a daily pleasure to yoq instead of a burden. Are you Buffering from apy of the following die eases: Gonorrhea, Gleet, Hydrooo 1 Vcrioocele. Stricture cured q uiokly and permanently without the use of the knife by our original absorption Method. We ouro Syphilis (blood sense) by our Twentieth Century method permanently without the use of Mercury of Potash. If you are- one of the unfortunate ones who has contracted this awful disease come to us and be cured, so the effects of your indiscretion will not be handed down to your offspring in the shape ot Soro£ula v Consump tion. or Rheumatism. We can cleanse your blood, of all poison and impurities and make life bright for you once more. PILES. ORDINARY’S NOTICE. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Mrs., L. M. Summer- ford, administratrix on the estate of Mrs. Mary R. Edwards, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leaye to sell -the lands of said es tate, viz: 45 1-2 acres lying and be ing in the southihrn'portion of lot of land No. 27, in'Second district Dooly county, Ga., for the purpose of paving debts and making distri bution among heirs of said estate I will pass upon uaid apphcatioi on tne first Monday in Septembe next. This August 1st, 1904. J. D, HANGROVF. O. D. C. Do you suffer from Piles? Have you a relative or- iriend that does? If so, send them this paper and let them learn where they oau be cured under a written guarantee ,or money refunded in every case that we undertake to treat, without any cutting, tying, or burning opera tions of any kind, and without any necessary detention from their business. (We do not send out any treatment for Piles by mail, but treat them only at our office) We cuie the following Reotal disease under guarantee also: Rcctual Fis tula-, Prelapses Ani, Ulcerations Fissure, etc. We have many testimonials from the most promineut citizens of the State that we have cured of Piles and other Cbrdhip diseases and will gladly snow them to you ilyou will oali at oiir office and see us. Drs. GPEENLEAF * HOLLEYMAN. Specialists. Maco.iij Ga Consultation and Advice- Free. If imposrfQrie to call, write aboiit Vbttr disease w'lth stamp enclose^ for reply. These rates wiTi W to all cases treated by matt. TO EVERYBODY We are offering great bargains at our store in all kinds of goods for Cash. We have Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Skirts, Shirt Waists, Trimmed Hats, and everything for summer wear. For men \ye have Suits, Coats, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Dress Shirts, Negligee Shirts, Plain Shirts, Bal= briggan 'Undershirts and all other goods at greatly reduced prices. We are giving this reduction to make room for a large fall and winter stock. Call at our store and we will convince you that our prices are the lowest. Yours for business, FELDSER & RAINBOW. NEW YORK BARGAIN HOUSE. Vienna, Ga. 13,000 MILES FOR $25* The Atlantic & Birmingham rail- w ay has placed on sale at its princi pal Ticket Offices 1,000 Mile Tickets at rate.$25.00, good over the follow- i ig lines: ; . Atlanta & Birmingham Air Line fit) Atlanta, Knoxville & Northern Ry. Atlanta & Wnst Point B. R: Atlantia & Birmingham Ry. Atlantio Coast Line B. R. Charleston & Western.Carolii a Ry Georgia Railroad. Louisville A Nashville -R. R. Nashville, Chattanooga & St, Louis Ry. Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R R Seaboard Air Line Ry. Washington Southern Ry. - Western & Atlantic B. R. Western Railway of Alabama. These Lines comprise 13,000 Miles of Railroads. This ticket presents the cheapest, and most convenient form of traveL-. H. 0. MoFADDEN, General Passenger Agent. GEORGIA-Dooly count*. Whereas. Sirs. Easter West, guardian for Inez E. Royal and J. E,, Cox, reports to the court ^hat she has fully discharged her trust PS:, guardian , ioi;,, said-: wards,, and prate to be discharged from her guardianship. This -is- to cite all concerned. I will pass upon her applicatioh’ on' the first Monday in September next. This Angnst s t, HARGliGm d.-D.'c.; - A scholarship, in the Ga.-Ala'bqs- ieeep rnllege is, for sale at this offioe. 'i l *.r«. it, a bargain in .it. UNDERTAKER Leave orders at Pr'\>*vcss offi for toffiiis, caskets, .nil robe-. Deposit tho amount y-u wish't invest in au outfit, anu i will nety the best and nicest that the ramie,; will buy and ship it on next train Coilins from $3 to. as .high as you want. LAMAR GRAY. Macon, Ga. Wanted *-Agents, Hustlers, Sales- men, -Clerks and everybbdjr : who "#ftnbrt6 .enjoy a! good 'faehtty- dotfgh to send ‘ lull* tory your monev back. Circular for stamp. The Dr. W hite Eieotrio Comb Co., Decatur, 111. out my summer goods, and make room for a fall and winter stock, I will let go greatly reduced prices all summer goods now in the house. Great bargains are you* cpnsistipg* of ! Dr#Goods, Ladies’ Emdroideries, and tjbw£s. in genera! ■ .for., summer, wea r. For Men., we ,lu ye. mer suits, coat^ shirfe underwear and iiptipps,. These goods are mmfi season, not shoddy, and will go, at very low prices. Call and see them, i I will treat-you- right. Vours b; na- olviiirtf s>" <l i' business^ gfleitoiutDa