The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1904, Image 7

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MACON AND ATLANTA * August Excursion. On August 2-iih tbc Georgia Southern & Florida Railway will sell round trip tickets from Vienna at $1.00 to Macon and $2 50 to Atianta. Tickets good until mid flight August 27th, 1004. Write for particulars to C. B. Rhodes, General Passenger Agent, Macon', Ga. THE BIG FAIR AT MACON. There will be more free shows at the big State Fair at Macon in Ootober than Carter hud oats, and they say He had a sight of them. Iflacon has the only brick fair buildings in the world. The fire proof circular a' t building will bo the center of attraction during the big Stateifair in Ootober next. Everybody who has anything worth showing should show it at the big State fair at Macon in Oo tober. The premium list is r.ot only attractive, but it has premiums for nearly everything. A broncho busting team will be engaged for the big State fair at Macon, This team will rope steers and brand them just ns they do on the plains. Every man on the tonm has a record, and the notohea on the butt of his revolver tell a story of trouble. Some of the best features of Co ney Island have been engaged for the big Slate fair at Macon to be held in October. 'The bitter biting blasts of the chilly Ootober winds will drive them away from Coney Island to the genial clime of Geor gia. Some of them are oorkers, so the boys say. Among the many startling things to be seen at the coming State fair will be reokless Russell. This is a one-legged bioyolist who leaps on his wneel from a great height down into the air, across a wide gap and thence to^the ground. He knows he will break his neok some day, bat, thinks he will get through the Macon engagement all ri>bt. Macon is in correspondence with the United States government with a view to having a fish exhibit av the State fair in Ootober. The government promises all the fish needed, the fair people to furnish the water and tanks. This will be one of the most interesting of all the many exhibits. A tank of channel oats will be one of the fea tures. A company from the famous Seventh Cavalry, with a mounted brass band, will be one of the at tractions at the big State fair, at Macon in Octobor. The cavalry men do some hair-raising stunts on horsc-baok, and their rough-riding antics are wonderful. Their per formance will prove one of the most'attractive of the many features of the fair. You can buy your ticket to the fair with your railroad tioket. This will prove a great convenience, and is one more evidence that the man- - age men t of the big fair at Macon when the fair opens in October. All.pie railroad ) /ill put on 1<%J I'hyaioian :<■ rate., and' Macon • is the canter of jB®*' ^- c the State. The big State Mr will <*mpetent, be made as attractive as can. lie made, and aside from the features that amnse it will'be made-instruc tive byr the displiays df th'e resoiir^s of old Georgia, , The agricultural and flonoultural exhibits will be tLe best eyer made, while the live stock and poultry shows will be tne finest" GRAND JURY. .T M Gatnmage, W J Butler, G W McLendon, T E Gleaton. D T Masnburn, Fred Harder, A P Gabies, A B Davies, M J Mikael, D W Harvard, M.V Peavy, W W Collins, O II Roberts, O A Horne-, W H Beddingfield, J O Fulliugton, J O Hamilton, Robt F. Harris, J E Brown, W B Johnson, J S Shep pard, .1 O Jam-"-. J M Wade, .T B Ryals, R J fe'upid-.'y, ,T 11 ferigee, Sr, J C Meroor, t' i Slade, Jr, M E j Williams, J S Palo TRAVERSE JURY,' 1ST WEEK. Wash Baker, R S English, J II Dorough, O M Heard, A Wells, W C Jaoobs, A J Foun,Gc')GB Murray, J B Turner, 1st district, G L Bush, A J McAfee, II W Powell, J D -H Evans, J It Harris, J R Johnson, B F Posey, S J Shef field, li N Collins, G D McLendon, John E Joiner, F J Perry, W W Wells, J W MoLendon. M W Wood, S T Bragg, II H James, Jr, A J Shell, J W Bivins, J II Pago, P G Busbee, J B, Smith, 7th dis trict, W B Pate, J O Roberts, A Q Royal; WBL Lilly. Z W Lasseter, Jr. TRAVERSE JURY, 2D WEEK. R P Sontell, E L Marbury, H L Whitfield, J L Taggart, E M Pless, W F Newby, J F Waters, D B Thompso.v, E A Walton, W W Jordan, B D Bryan, Jr, R M Ful- lington, W T Sangster, J H Churoh- well, W II Cribb, O P Swearingen, W G Hatcher, Jno Hatcher, JntfH Stewart, J A Walden, D Holes, K M Patterson. S O Byrd, A M Wilson, T P Busbee, Y T Sheffield, W B Fitzgerald, HB Erminger, B M Wade, C E Johnson, F M Bar- field, J E Turner,’J G Dorough, E E Lewis, J V Fokes, H T Harp, Ed Howell, C F Sutton, R R Harris, A B Nipper, B C Southwell, F L Bartholomew, H R Teel, T L San. ders, L F Ridley, Jaok Bnges, J S Lasseter, J F Clemons, J J Perry, Thomas Butler, T S Roberts, Nel son Clements, J C Byrd, O E Fra zier, Will Ward, R H Masnburn, J S McKinney, B S Pate, A Heibert, W H Williams. '( AVOMAN WJkNS *2,500 Mrs. Herbert Tetlow, Washington- ville, O., secures First Prize, in Lion Coffee Contest. Toledo, O., July ill. — Proliaiily no one was more surprised than was Mrs. Herbert Tetlow, Waslungton- villo. Ohio, when the post masicr delivered to her an envelope con taining a certified check for *2,500, signed by the Woolson Spice Com pilin' of Toledo, Ohio. This good fortune is tho result of Hu estimate made by Mrs. Tetlow in accordance with the Lion Coffee premium offer to those coming tne noarost 'o estimating tho 4th ol'July attendance at tho World’s Fair. The total ‘paid attendance a' the St. Louis Exposition oil July 4th was 130,050. As Mrs. Tetlow's estiina'c was exactly oorrooH she was giv en tM first reward. Mrs. Tetlow sent in only six estimates. M. K. Uassinger, Lauiouia, (Pa. reeoived the second m'lso of $1,000. E. B. Roosohoom, Franklin, O., ami James Ashcroft* Roloigh, N. C., each received *5,000 prizes. In all 2139 prizes, amounting to $20,- 000 were a ward cl. Tbrougiio’ut the next months Woolson Sp : oe Company has been publishing in the leading newspa pers of America an offer of *50,- 000 in cash prizes. The $20,000 just awarded is in their World's Fair oontest. Another *20,000 will THE LAST ONE OF THE SEA SON. On Tuesday, August 16th, the Atlantic & Birmingham Railway will operate their last oxouraion of the season to the seashore. A special train of high-class coacncs will be operated for the benefit Of those who wish to spend few days at Brunswiok, St. Simons or Cumberland island. This special train will leave Vienna 8:58 o'clock and a rate of *2.50 for the round trip has been announced. Tickets will oh good returning on any regular train leaving Bruns wiok Saturday, August 20th, thus allowing four days at Georgia's most delightful slimmer resorts, Arrangements have beem made for steamers to meet this special train upon arrival at Brunswick, and those who desire may go direct to the Islilnd that night. A without a doubt is one of the best months of the year to spend at the seashore, and three days spent on either Island is a new tonio that will make the old young and the homely handsome. Cor.mlt vour o will ad .hc MRS. HERBERT TUl’LOW Dothan, Ala., April 16, *04. 1 have used La mar’s Lemon Lax ative in my family and would not be without It. It is certainly a valua ble medicine. J. A. May, Chief of Pollae. Lamar’s Lemon Laxative cures Constipation, Bll- lousnoss, Indiges tion and Hendaohe. Acts promptly aud powerfully on tho bowels yet is gentle and pleas ant In action does not gripe or sicken. It can’t hurt you—It oau help you. On safe ac aft good drug i tom. so doama for so cant*. OWNED AND MANUFACTURED BY LAMAR, TAYLOR &. RILEY DRUB COMPANY, M|Oon, 6a. HawkinsvilJe & Florida Southern' Railroad Pine Belt Route. NORTHBOUND. SOUTH BOUND. First Class. Daily Daily No. 1. No. 3. S NATIONS'. First. Class. Daily Daily No. 2. No. 4. Lv Hawkinsv’llo, Ga Ar 10.05 A.M. 4.20P.M. 11.05 44 5.15 Powell's Still, 44 0.68 44 4.10 <4 1 1.10 44 5.26 Wallaco, 44 0.50 44 4.05 44 11.23 44 5.33 << Mashhurn, • 4 0.43. 44 3.58 it 11.28 44 5.38 44 Finleyson, 4* 0.38 44 3.53 44 11.32 5.42 “ Pinevicw, 44 0.33 44 8.48 44 .11.88 *• 5.48 44 Barton villo, 44 0.27 14 3.42 •« 11.45 <c 5 55 U Pope City, 41 0.20 44 3.85 44 12.00 6.10 »< Auidoy, 4 4 0.04 44 3.10 44 12.05 <4 6.15 41 Ar Pittfl 9.00 44 3.15 44 12.10 0.30 44 Lv 8.67 44 3.12 44 12.20 - 6.40 44 Bush, 44 8.50 44 8.00 44 12.25 K 6.45 44 p Double Run, 44 8.45 44 3.02 44 12.28 !• 6.48 44 Waiorsville, 44 8.41 *4 3.53 4* 12.33 44 0.53 44 DaviHville, 44 8.37 44 2.56 44 13.37 44 6.58 44 Amboy, 44 8.31 44 2.43 44 12.50P.M. 7.10P.M. Ar Worth, 44 Lv 8.16A.M. 2.26P.M be given in the same way to those who make the best estimates of the total Presidential vote to bo cast next November. This uontest is awakening great interest throughout the country, and Ltou Head trade marks are being sough after, some persons offering to pay as rnuoh as five cents apiece fgr them. The progressive methods of ad vertising and profit-sharing adopted by Lion Coffee people are sure to add to the popularity of this al ready well-known and widely sold product. All told 11 people in Georgia won prizes, the ten 1 leading onss be ing *6 prizes. J v hn Brogdcn, Fayetteville, Ga. 141,633 8. P. Cannon, Bowerfivilie, Ga. 2 • prizes, 141,713, and 188,806 H. A. Cook, Bowersville.Ga. 142,556 W. G, Fleming, Fayetteville, Ga. 137,367 J. B. Goodwin, Douglas, Ga. won 9 prizes, 142,273, and 138,675. Mra. H. E. Maddox, Atlanta, Ga. 140,683 Minnie L. Noble, Mt. Vernon, Ga. 136,372 M. R. Redwine, Fayetteville, Ga. 141 .fli$ \7. R. otovu!,, -.ilanta, I46v. 75 CONNECTIONS. Hawkins ville, with Southern Ry and WrightHville & Tenmlle R. R. Pitts, with Seaboard Air Lino Ry. Double Run, with.Atlantio & Birmingham R. R. Worth, with Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. Noth Vi No. 2 will pass No. 6 at Pitts. Note 2. Nos. 4 and 5 will meet at Pitts, Notes. Trains Nos. 1,2,3 and 4 will atop on flag at Shingler's, Alapnha River and Chanocy, H. E. RHODES, General Manager, Hawkiusvillc, Ga. You Shalt Know them will be. In char,® «.f, Chns. R. Walker, v'.ilumba* Ga. passangcr agent -/ho .will' take pleasure in looking tLe comforts of the patrons. Tues day, August 16th is the^ day and date. REWARD OFFERED A-ntan wearing a thick eoat, mop-i ping his brow add' fanning with his| hat is a pitiful sight, lay off his coat. He should To'any person having their clothes, hat or shirt oleaned and pressed, or' buy a, new suit-from me, *wffb be-Ye warded with good, neat, clean work. Prices reasonable. Office phone 88, residence, 92. G O ERNEST : 47 When in Montezuma, Stop at the Gardner House H. N, GARENER, Proprietor. RATE $1 DAY, First class table. Rooms nicely furnished. Porter at - all trams, your patronaged solicited. Monteeuma,- Ga. Organs and Swing Machines. THE’ BEST IS THE CHEAPEs “T" For the Best, get the PIANOS and Organs, all kinds GET THE BEST, The Singer Sewing IWashiti Leads the Ho h liiy ail rjpiijrtfi.; d>.ii! >*• >,*>? V. e<p?rt|vi>5J w>.*c i; $it*xitssI. > 1 v<% Prop me a card, stating your wants, and it shall "" receive prompt attention.! i. i i M >•1:1 i