The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, August 18, 1904, Image 9

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;h"l'VfVS.''S( Groat Sale Ladies Roady-to- Wear Skirts Brillian- tincs, Serge, Broadcloth and in fact anything you want in that line . . J» M% ©l®c®lw®88» mi, ®», iSBIiJINNIITO WJSB'NISiSSIJA'irj OTNE FIFTUBIf^Ht® On that day we began our SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE and in accordance with 1 our custom of n |„ 0 i„„„„ f „n „ n ■ • . ! . ,, t the store with a ruthless hand. Seme of the goods have been slightly soiled from havinl him, fnn m ? J “ goods in their season, we have cut prices through- . °"y below the wholesale mark. We have turned our store into a vcntabfe fairyland o|iS&&Xnrniii2fei- *“?• “ 86 TT** felfl bflV0 been reduced wabelowme rely a few of the many: t * enigmas aim surpnsos await you on every hand. ihc offerings mentioned 10 yards Good. Calico for only. U0c Full Size Hammocks, sale price 48c Splended Hammocks at $1,08 Boys Crash Pants 16c 36-inoh Porcale to go per yard at 5c Half-gallon Glass Pitcher for 10c Glass Butter Dish with cover 96 Good 50o Umbrella, sale price, 25o Fruit jar Rubbers, per dozen, 2c All Linen Towels, full size, each 10c Cottonade Pants 30o David’s'Black Ink 8c 50o Window Shades, slightly soiled, to go in sale at, each 10c Handkerchiefs lo Glass Dippers Do Six Heavy Glass Tumblejs 18c Straw Hats for boys 1 in job lots, some } worth as nigh as i60o. sale price 5c Good Qualty Matting in Several Designs, per yard lOo 1 Good Rugs, in bright colors, s> HAnnOGKS Summer is hero and no home is complete without a hatnmook, there fore we make the following prices to reduce our stock: Good ones for 98c. Better for $1.23 As good as any for $108. ©3! Skirts SUMMER CORSETS in many lengths, -g and well worth 50c M reduced to, each, 1 “C Sale Wash Silks Greatest Values ever offered in this line. a thousand yards in remuants from 0 to 20 yards iii a piece and worth as high as 75o. Entire lot to go at, each The genuine “Warranted to Wear" Black Taffeta Silks, 30 inches wide ' and sells ovorywhero at $1.60, . clearing sale' pnoe at, yard Ladies Silk Gloves and Mits, short or long, White or blaok, Ladies Pearl Shirt Waist Sets, worth 25 oonts, now on sale at 25c 98c 39c 9c Ladies Night Robes, Neatly Made 43c • V 25o shell Side, Back and Puff Combs to go atT 9c Ladies Silk Gauze Fans Plain and Fig’d 4Yc Shirts and Underwear Men’s Bnlbrighnn, Shirts and Draw ers to match, each 230 Mein’* Elastic Seam Drawers, nono bettor at any prioo, only 410 Men’s Drill Drawers 22o Job lot of Jine Laundered Shirts, sorae^vorth as high as 85o, Entire lot to go at, each • 24o We have received for this sale immense shipments of White Lawn. Laces and Embroideries at about on j-third their value. Bargains that are a surprise even to us. Remember, this stuff is already in the store. • r Umbrellas If you noed an umbrella now is the time to buy it. 75c V ( alue, sale price, 33c $1.50 “ “ “ 98c $2.50 “ “ “ $1.68 14 Umbrella all silk and decorated £penrl handle, sale price $1.98 Clothing Clothing We have too much doming and will dreduoo our stock 'during this Bpcoial Halo All-wool flannel, 2-picoo suits, cheap at $0, only .$3.08 $8 value, worth it fully, for $5.40 Wo have a few $12.50 in broken lots which wo will close out in this special <i» a sale at $4.90 $12.50 values at $7'4 8 $15.00 “ $10.93 $18.00 <« $12.48 $20.00 “ $13.03 If you need a suit, buy it now and save money. Every sale is a real barnain to the purchaser. Slippers and Low Cuts Great values in this line. We do not expect to oarry over a single pair and will Offer them at such prices as wo know will win. Genuine patent koolt, three-strap sundals 98 0 Anything yon want in Men’s Low Cuts at 1-4 loss than market prioe. All Work sShoes, 98c Guaranteed solid leather Low Cuts $1.33 Famous _____ '“Julia Mar low” Slipper reduced to $2.13 ★ We have reeved for this sale immense-shipments ot White Lawns. Laces and embroideries at about 1-3 their valti that are even a surprise to us. Remember, this stuff is already in this store. in remnants from 5 to 20 js'd.. *3.50 value., oittm .fee, asnuiie raw JL bnggv Bfp« 28o tBftXiTIriafife So Sh “ Blu ' h ’ 350 >°» Job lot Of Men'. t “““ ° creens f exira wtatn, ya 5o AU-Poroolam ware at 1-3 leas than Lamp Chi nueys Nos. 1 and 2, Eood Tiri Quart Cap Children’s Fancy Parasols, Corset Covers, each, The entire lot now goina at 5c cheap at $3, sale price, $1.68 Job lot of Men’s 2*0(5 values in White Sheer Lawn 9c Boys Suits and Odd Pants Laundered Shirts All Linen'Lawns, worth 65o 39c Entire stock to go at 1-3 off of ar " r ' 1 ' ,n ,nt u "'" fh Embroideries. • -the regulr price. r r Boys Wash Crash Pants LQT 1 of splendid Embroidery Bo ' a Wool Kneo j> 4 , UH Flouncings, Edgings and Insertings g 0 y S xfuli Suits in Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric. $3.00 values, sale price, some in lot worth as high as *1, en tire lot to ty-fi 15o go at only OVC 24c 00c Good Buggy $1.98 robes to go iu utvt™, — ■— -pi.uo robesto Most of these gooocls werebouhgt to $o.00 values, sale price, $3.58 at 0 „i y ell at 25o a yard. Sale price 18c «ow for it is a chance of a e 11 at 25o a yard. Sale price -— ' life time. LOT 2. Sale of nice Swiss and 10o box ' t T “ llei SoaiJ t() t at Cambric Embeoidery Edgingf, just the thing for ruffles, also insertings, in all widths, and some fine Nainsook and Swiss goods, worth much more, during sale, a yard, • 9c LOT 3. Sale of excellent Cambric and Swiss Embroidery Edgings and nserting, -you’d or the.same quality. All lo flgurep - . Counterpanes Many in stock and must be reduced . $1 / ll-l !, . . i cS Ot Men’s Negligee 5c Shirtf neatly trimmed 41o Mens Derby Hats worth $1.50 98c Good Hammers 5o All-wool Skirt Veil, in many colors and black, yard j^en’a Creole Elastic Brogans Men’s full length suspenders Boys suspenders Men’s Linen jUolars, each , 10c 22c 98c 9c Ladies ■ and Patent market prioe. Fast colors in apron Ginghams, yd 5o 40-inch White Lawn, worth 15o 9o Ladies Laee Lisle Hose, worth 60o, reduced to 24o Ladies and children’s white lace hose, per pair only g 0 6o Five papers of good pins for 5 0 5c Lar S e Lamps, complete with . • , chimney ond wiok, 2g 0 Laces Greet values in Laoes. ,, . , , . Nearly all costumes this summer are aran ee - aiaira c oo s, each, 87o elaborately trimmed with laoes. Do- x | a Hli * e y 03, y _raaf e heets, 47o mands for laces has never before M ° ?” . . Cl ° r wor l )ants > 7^ 9o been so heavy, and values offered in a ‘ U W * ° entln S S 00 wt; yd 5o this sale will be picked up during Nice Bowl and Pitcher good Leather the first few days of the sale. The white ware, 87o 9c early eelections will insure better A good suit ease ' $1.39 fin 1 a. 1 1 e mi 1 _, . ah r\ m 1 • this sale will be picked up during S Children’s Black ~ ±T“ Bel.ts, only . »c early eelections win insure better “ 8 UUU 3 § Extra Large Lace Curtains, pair 880 styles to select from. The lot, yd 5c All-Over Embroidery, splendid ^ Fans at greatiy reduced prices at Men’s 50c ties m all styles work, worth mueh morr vd 43„ 5'q 2 l-2o up. and colors, sale price eaoh 19c Tf v . ra m,- t T . ’ \ 0 nl.<a Men’8 all-wool pantS, sale prioe 97o Don’t forget that we are over- xtra heavy Skirt Linens, yd ig 0 12 -piet*.e To'ilet Hoi, beautifully 10-gallon Zinc Tubs, cheap at loaded on white and figured* Lkwna "hite waist goods, Iaeed stripe . , ... $2.98 ”76c, special sale price only 43o and will reduce our stock during the D and plain, worth 10o at 12 l-2o decorated, reduce 1 to