The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, September 01, 1904, Image 5

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Lamar’s Lemon laxative is the original lemon medicine, tt is made of lemons and other harmless bii* powerful vege table ingredients, is a safe, sure and speedy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache, It olcanses the Bystem of all impurities, 'tones up tho stomach nnd bowels, puts the liver and kid net's in perfect- order-:—in short "makes you new.” It is gentle but prompt nnd powerful in notion, pleasant to'tnko and al ways reliable. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUG CO., Manufacturers, Macon, da. IN MEMORY- OF LlT-TLE MIN- " IS IE. , Minnie i ee Turner; daughrm.' of Mr. and Mrs.- J. B. Turner.,- was- bntn Got, IS, 1808, and departed-. i this lifq Avig. 7, 1004. Liute Min nie had suffered for two long yr-,>,- with dreadful disease Rjontd But she had only boon br.-.iKncd her bed .one week <m - ii>..u \ .r .* illness. During the, last t'.v.i ' •of her life she was a gvisit. sulfeci t, never knowing Swim;, it was ;;o l.-i '•well, yet 1 she .never c-omp, lined, bearing all her sufferings wiUh great patience. To know little Minnie was to love her, she was such a bright sweet child. TloatSt 1ovq.s a -shining^, ana takes tbe bright- •«est - nnd best. Oh., it is *o hard to I realize -our darling is gone. We. - miss httL.’S'k muuvi, but when we think >of the glorious ^promise of -our bl«s8cd Saviour, we have the sweet assurance she is happier than 'our fomde-et wishes could have made her. ■Wbion'we looked iipwi tno lifpless form -of our darling, toh, how our heart inched. When we realised that uiever again coufe we see her bright smiling .ftvae or hoarder sweet (voice. - • But we weep not as thowv.who have lio ihope, for We know- tour 'little M ironic is not dead, but (sweetly sleeps iin the Saviour and Lord. Oun home is sad -mud lonely,.and the clouds seem ho dark,-but we re member the sweet -promise of a re union in the better world to come, where we will never say goodbye. 1 'dan aoeottniodfite six or eight boarders by tfae week during court. T-. R. Smith. Those >dko expect to spendm week van see .T, R. Smith for -.illV-l.- Miss Aifnie May Fage, of By- - . i (pending the week with -i iss Qllie Smith. Lube Fulliugtou left Friday .m -.‘visit, to her ■father, W. II. t a ■ ■, at Rochelle, fir. Eli Thomson, a good and j 'impffi'ous tamer ncor Byroinvillo, nias married last Thursday to Miss SDova Smith, of Macoii county. It you $ce one ftmith representing -the Progre$$ next week, just yauK a little (Something .for the paper an other year and keep it going to you. Woomust try to toeiresigned to the LordVi will, for Hie will must be . dona.-and not ours, .and all we have to de< is to walk wi the light of tho Lord,-so when weSMTcalied” we-will ■be like little -Minnre-—ready. All thg,t-medical skill with the.aid of . lowing relatives, amd k'ind friends, was done,.but after.aflong lllnese she laid'.down her cross to wear a crown in glory. • She leaves ■ a-father and mother . and..four sisters.and a host of.rela tives rand friends -to mourn her death. She>was laid to- nest' in tho family cemetary Sunday, August 8,. ID04, ReviB/E. Whittwigton officiating. S She was our little treasure once, She was our joysnnd pride, We lowed, her, ah v perhaps too wall, • For->soon she-slept/and died. Those -.sparkling eyes that shone so height Beneath the pearly brow, And those lips so sweet to kiss Are dlosed forever now. ' That tlittle heart i that breathed sho high, Free from all care anil gloom Is piow sweetly resting Beneath the silent tomb. There was an angel band in heaven, That was not quite complete, , . So God took our darling little Minnie To fill,the vacant seat. HER MOTHER. GRAND .JURY. - J M Gammage, W J Butler, G W MoLcudon, T E W lea ton. D T Masnburn, Fred Harder, A P Gaines, A B Davies, M J Miknei. D W Harvard, M Y Peavy, W W Collins, C H Roberts, C A Horne, W. II Beddkigfield, .1 C Fullington, .1 0 Hamilton,-Rob’t -E Harris, J E Brown, W :B Johnson, J S Shop Hard, J O -James, J M Wade, .T B ltyals, R 41 Bunklcy, J R Briges, Sr. J C Mercer, l 1 J Slade, Jr, M E Williams,-.!vS Paid TRAVERSE .TURF, 1ST WEEK. Wash iBaker, 1R S English,^ H Borough, O M Heard, A Wells^* W C Jacobs,. A J .Fenn, Goo G B Murray,<J, B Turner, 1st district, G L Bush, A-J McAfee, H W Powell,-J D II Evans, J R Harris, J R Johnson,'B F.Posey, S • J.Shef field, il.'N Collins, G D'McLendon., John E -Joiner, F J Ferry, W W Wells, vl W McLendon. M W Wood, S IT. Bragg, II H James, Jr, A J Shell.,-J W Bivnfs, J JI Page, P G Basbee, J B Smith, .7th dis trict, W.!B Pate,.J O Roberts, A Q Royal; W.-B L. Lilly.. Z W Lassetcr, Jr. Pinehur-st will build.a bank. Subscription to the Atlanta Daily Ne,ws received at this office. $4 year. Save your hay. I can cut is on shares for you. J. F. Waters. The Progress man will be on ihand at court for a little collection. Judge S. P. Tho'mpson, of Pine- Ihearst, was here yesterday. A Methodist meeti.rgAe going on .at Unadiila. ft- ,i j-tav " "onda-j nornim.'. •A'. • so id lY.t . ( ju. re 'ill w m.. -i^ . ' c ytterai'.s at .he court n«; j* no.u Tuet, -ay to beet delegate;-’ 1 the Georgia Veterans Re union at Rome on-the 14lh of September. • Capt, W.. A. Mosely, of Macon, spent Sunday here with his son, the merchant. Capt. Moseley is a man of honors, laden with medals, hav ing in his time won 15* for various works. He went to the war as a private aud was soon,a captain, ris ing in rank at everything he ever undertook. He is a splendid man;' and bis «on is V'S&h'3-i« ’-Tnr- :=*«»*« TRAVERSE JURY, 2D WEEK. R P ’Sen-toll, E ,L Marbury, H L Whitfield, IJ.L Taggart, E M Pless W F Newby,-J ,F Waters, D Ji Thompson., E A Walton, W ■ W Jordan, B D Bryan, Jr, R M Ful lington, WT-Sangster^J II Church well, W H Gribb, O P Swearingen, W G HaUSber, Jno Hatcher, Jno II Stewart, J A Walden, .D Holes, K M Patterson. "S C Byrd, A M Wilson, T P Busbee,. Y T Sheffield, ,W B Fitzgerald, II B Errainger, B M Wade, C E Johnson, F M Bar- field, J E Turner, J G Dorougli, E E Lewis, J V Fokes, IIT Harp, Ed- Howell, C F Sutton, R R Harris, A B Nipper, B C Southwell, F L Bartholomew, II R Teel, T L San ders, L F Ridley, Jack Briges, J S Lasseter, J F Clemons, J J Perry., Thomas Butler., T S Roberts, Nel son Clements, J C Byrd, C E Ffa- zier, Will Ward, R H Mashburn, J S McKinney, B ;S -Pate, A Heibert, W II Williams. The price of cotton yesterday was 11 cents and some sold a l'lile higher. Today it is bringing 10 " SA»DY MOUNT SINGING, j There was a-singing school closed at Sandy Mount Saturday that was one /of the pleasing features of the year to the citizens of liio commun ity. Messrs. Bussell, from Irwin courtly, are the teachers, and there is no iartk of praise lor them in their way. nt' teaching vocal music Ann training the oliil iron. There was dinner in abundance and a good time for all. Messrs. Bus sell opened a school Monday at Haramay, PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. Dr. Robo r t E. Williams, tho Sur geon Ohii-opndist-Masuici-, of Thnm- asville, Ga., ms been in the oity correcting all defoots of the/foot without pain or blood by his strict ly antiseptic process. It A WONDERFUL INVENTION N-U interesting to note that for-1 tunor are frequently made bv the in\ cation of articles of minor impnr- liim-c. ( .'Vniiy of the Mist poj nlar device' nrn ilicse designed tolieueiit tlic pwiplc and meet popular condi tions, mid one of the most inter esting of these that has ever been invented is the Dr. While Electric Comb, patented dan. 1, ‘00. "Theso wondqrftil Combs positively euro with Dr While's Elsfi'ric IJ-svir l’-nish arc positively guni-a.iico l to make stvaight hair omly hi 25 days' time. Thousands of these electric combs have lieen sold in vm-mbs cities of the Ub on, and the r'.cintln'd is con stantly nici-easing. (>-,u- sigents are vapidly becoming rich selling thesa combs. They |iositivy!y sell on sight. Send for samnlc. Men’s size 35c. ladies’ 50c.— (half pride while wo aro introdueing them.) dandruff, hair falling out, sick and ^^e Dr. White Electric Comb Co. nervous headaches, and when used Dqoatur, 111. .— .n ..... —" — —— Havvkinsville & Florida Southern Railroad NORTH BOUND. Pine telt Route. SOUTH BOUND. -NO RASH CLAIMS. We. cannot do the impossible--we perform in miricles, but upon ex amination wo oan usually te.l what -is wrong, and about what inn be done, and this is explaine-l in lan guage easily understood by the pa- ■tieht. Our examination is different, our diagnosis is different,-our ex planation of diseases is different, and our treatment is different from any other method. Osteopathy corrects the cause of. the diteasn and cures when nothing el-e will. Its cures are permanent because Bn- i ituril, All diseases treated. i.)is- 1 eases ot woman a specialty, ^for mation cheerrutiy and'gladly given. ' Will be in Vienna in the after-* 1 First Class. ' First Class. t)aily Daily STATIONS. ' Daily Daily No. 1-. No. 3. No. 2. No. 4. U.OOA.M.o.lOP.M Lv Ilawkinsv’llc, Ga Ar 10.06 A.M. 4.20 P.M. 11.05 - “ 5.15 11 Powell’s Still, “ 9.58 “ 4.10 “ l.I.lll “ 5.20 “ Wallace, “ 9.50 “ 4.05 “ 11.23 “ 5,33 «' jMashbuni, Ftnleyson, ‘ • 0.43 “ 3.58 « 11.28 <> 5.38 “ 0.38 “ 3.68 11.32 •• 5.42 “ Pineview, “ 0.33 “ 3.48 « 11.38 '• 5.48 “ Barton tulle, “ 9.27 “ • ,3.42 “ 11.45 “ ! 5 55 “ Pope City, “ 9.20 “ 3.36 «• 12.00 “ 6, IQ •< Alisley, 9,04 3.10 “ 12.05 “ 12.10 0.15 « Ar 0.30 “ Ly Pitts. 0.00 “ 8.57 “ 3.15 •< 3 12 « 12,20 •' 0.40 “ Bush “ 8.50 “ 3.00 “ 12.25 “ 0.45 “ Do ub Run, << .8.45 “ 3.03 “ 12.28 •• 0.48 - “ Watesvillo, “ 8.41 " ' 2.53 “ 12.33 “ 0.53 “ Davisville, 8.37 “ 2 50 “ 12.37 “ 0.58 “ Amboy, “ 8.31 << .2748 “ 12.50F.M.7.10P.M. Ar Worth, “ Lv 8.15A.M. 2.25P.M CONNECTIONS. For Sale. We have listed, with us for sale ithe following lots of land in Dooly ,county ..ot No. 31, . sccijm'. district. • ■ Lot8 K'4. •'!, 45 U-. o i, 8tL | district. j Lots' Nm. 10, 11, 12, Id, 17, 14, „ , V. , 24,' 15, 27, ?¥, ill 80, llt’n district. Lots■ Xus,' 37, 93, 94, 126. 127. 130, 161, 170, 183, 184, 192, 225, 251, 252, -278, 282, 349, 351, 352, 35 6., 35«, 35$, 360, 13th district. Lots Nos. 152, 170,', 181, 182, ld3, 14th district. We also have for sale lands in Irwin, Worth and Berrien counties. 1 If you wish to'purchase write or, ■eall on- ns for terms... \ : J; N> COLLIER & CO.^-i'' Hawkinsville, with Southern Ry and Wrightsvillo & Tenmllo R. R. Pitts, with Seaboard Air Line Ry. Double Run, with Atlantic & Birmingham R. R. Worth, with Georgia Southern & Florida Ry. , ' 11a in the a®r-*' Note 1. No. 2 will pass No ; (1 at Pitts. Note 2. Nos. 4 and 5-will noons only Monday 1 * Wednesday - 1 “m* at Notes. Trains. Nos, 1,3,3 and 4 will mop on Hag at and -Friday. Consultation and ex-! H > Alapaha River and Chaqocy. ami nation free , i H. E. RHODES, General Manager, Hawkinsville, Ga. DR. .T.W. ELLIOTT, j — ———- Osteopathic Physictan. Office: Residence of Captain Sam Carnes. Dr. R. M. Carlisle’s L & B kills the germs of all diseases by enhaliug and drinking the same. Also lake a dose of Carlisle’s Liver Pills once a week and eat anything you want - , and arrow fat and happy. DR. R. M. CARLISLE & CO. 470 Poplar St. Macon, Ga. For sale by all druggists. By Their W You Shail Know Dr. Carlisle’s Liver Pills. these pills moot a Want of the people that ik patent pill een snpplv, being th intelligent udoiiniiL-ation of an efficient remedy, "When tho elimination ot dis eased to.. i C-M-il 'r, tV B ‘ ac pi’),; > ■- •. supo,- peoiai'y in a soiu.i.rn ! cli'-ito, wh- oil. - ■' is soccn .eminairt! '>'tb malarial poisoi S-jf. 'intelligent ph~-'ei:n will Ipsitate lor a /rpopiei 1 to recommend • piffe, the;formula, whioli is; invariably approved bp the medical profession, qjjuiog printed on- - e f aSh package. Dlrectns; For Torpid Liver, Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Con stipation, Colds, Swimming in the .bead, & c., one or two ) ills should be taken at bedtime, - For Chills and Fever, Bilious inn- termittent or continued Fever, a full dose should be taken. A:a pqrg?, t-iofto three, bedtime. ■' Ji s a lasa lvn one to two pills at badtimo DR R. M. CARLISLE.; Organs and Swing Machines^ THE' BEST IS THE CHEAPEs For the Cest, get the an| ah kmd9 u i' -V P!/ NC" The Singer Seeing -Vlachne Leads the Tj li 1 g and rspairiiigdjiii by id5} v ».• c i j Drop me a card, stating your wants, and it shall V I'lMl receive"prompt, attention. .«• .n. NELSAN S :