The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, September 08, 1904, Image 4

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Special Attention TO EVERYBODY We are offering great bargains at our store in all kinds f goods for Cash. We have Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Skirts, Shirt Waists, Trimmed Hats, and everything for summer wear. For men we have Suits, Coats, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Dress Shirts, Negligee Shirts, Plain Shirts, Bal= briggan Undershirts and all other goods at greatly reduced prices. We are giving this reduction to make room for a large fall and winter stock. Call at our store and we will convince you that our prices are the lowest. Yours for business, FELDSER & RAINBOW. NEW YORK BARGAIN'HOUSE. Vienna, Ga. Vienna Progress H. D. SMITH. Entered iis Hccond clast-- mail matter. SEPTEMBER 8 1004. Tho editor took a strolo last Mon day and wont through the MeGirt gin, says the Worth County I.ocal. And did lie live? The Perry Home Journal tolls about a fair that will lie hi Houston tliir* [all, but fills to give the dale. We bel eve that there would he fewer lyuuhiiigH in Georgia ii the private hanging adt was abolished. Even the people ol Macon do not know how l>ig the fair will he. They are toting if ml all the time, and will just keep on building un til the day it. opens- A North Georgia lady who had never seen enough of pine Knots to build a tar kiln was on a Georgia Southern train Saturday to take a school where pine knots are plenti ful. Shu had heard of them and wanted one, not for its beauty or its real value for a house warmer at this season, but for the curiosity of knowing wlmt a nice lire it would make and bow long it would last. Seeing a small ono noar a wood rack wlioro tho train stopped, she hopped off to got it, and took it on the train with her. It was a moo little lightwood knot about the size of a number 10 hrognn, and she seemed to ndmiro it ns much ns I would ft big buisouit like the wo men usc<l to make in the country. ThiB lady may bo well versed in tho modes of tenohing, but her Btudciits can toll her lots of things about tho pincy woods of South Georgia. Man is a funny little euss and hasn't long to stay, ho Hies around and makes a fuss, and then ho hikes away. Some inon imagine they are great, and try to tear up Jack, but each one moots the same old fate, and trots the same old track. Great Caesar’s dead and turned vo clay, and so is Cicero, and’’ Alexander’s gono tho way the rest of us must go. The Bagcs, heroes, poets, all, tho men of wealth and worth, into an open grave must fall and crum ble back to earth. Thon let't not jointlic mad affray, and struggle liko the deuce, and ag onize our life away, for really, what’s the use? Lot's live and love and sing tho wlnjc, and work some now and then, and give to every one a smile that cheers the hearts of men. And whether wo are crown ed 'with flowers or chilled with win ter snows, with happiness let's fill the house, ere wo turn up our toes! Every 1,000 marriages moan an inorense to the populotion of 0,500 in Russia, 4,000 in Scotland, 1,000 in England, 1,000 in the United States and 1,700 in Franoo. Mrs. Margaret Homes Bates, of New York, says women have grown handsomer. Their expression has changed lor the better, and they are growing wiser overy year The commission charged with the preparation of a currency system for Panama today reached an agroc- --n! wbi*: l - es- ' ' •• :”. ! v ateid ii, tin - i. . d - »h' to -he dillur of tne Jutted r.tes as aundatd. an . t. > ..lakes t. e United Stales dollar legal tender in Panama. At a woman’s suffrage meeting in Boston the oilier day ono of the la dies present—-a single lady of course —proposed as a compromise to he offered to the male population that in return for the right of suffrage they offer the men the privilege of plurality of wives. The married ladies present oppose 1 the proposi tion, • ’ ' i'”-.-.cing it a« an old maid sclici.c. Japanese financiers estimate the cost of the waV at $205,000,000 a year. There arc always more roses than thorns in the pathway of life if you look for llieih. Extravagant dress has broken more husbands than it lias made model wives. * The great Russian railway through Siberia to the Pacific, 0,00® miles long has cost $81,000 per mile. Japan announces that she has all the money needed for two or three years of lighting. Something will happen before that time. Tho postal receipts at the fifty largest postoftlccs in the country lor February show an increase of 0.79 per cent, over February 1003. Canada is talking of changing the name of Hudson Bay to Cana dian Sea. Stie seems to be afraid tho United States may set up a claim to the hay as the headwaters of the Hudson river. President Roosevelt has fixed the salaries of tho Isthmian canal com missioners at $12,000 a year, ai.d in audition thoroto 514 .t day while they are on the isthmus. It is now proposed to pipe refrig eration from a central plant to out laying plants, just as hot air and water have been piped, so that one pipo may freeze a room and another warm it. Some people would like. this question answered, “How to Live Without Work," but wo would not answer it if we could, booauso everybody ought to work—they are the happier for it. Oh, my, would thero not be a rush for a job like that! Tho woman bidder-up is invalua ble to the auctioneer. She steps in as though merely a passer-by, and with a most innocent air starts in to raiso tho bidB on bits of clgna and furniture, and points out their good points to her friends, rousing their buy. Any .man is woll off who haB good health, pleasant domestic re* lotions, a homo of his own, tho re spect and good will of his neigh bors, a business which gives him a comfortablo living and enables him to lay by a little for old age With these ho would not get any more out of life if he had a million dol lars. STATE ELECTION OCT. 6TH. Secretary Phil Cook is sending out theelection blanks for the re turns of the general election which is to bo hold on Oct. 5tn. The state ticket this year will be longer perhaps than any former state tick et, as there are more than seventy- fivo names to he voted for, along with four constitutionol amend ments. Unless tho Populists put out a state ticket, which is not at all’ probable, the Democrats will bo the only candidates in the field. Only the Democratic party has notified Secretary Cook of its duly nomi nated candidates. In addition to tho candidates for slat*' offices the followinn constitutional amend ments will be voted upon: Limiting the ad \ • * cnt t r. to r — , >c “it n i rubli j atao.-.s; limb ing the number of rep" (.enliven co 1SS; 'f. make the uviin'ue.-cl' ..enti ties in tuis state 145. These a tcud- nienls are to determine whether the lax rate shall forcvei he fixed at no higher than 5 mills, whether or not the state shall have 145 conntics instead of 137, whether tho state shall have 188 raemoers of the house instead of 175, and whether the people of the different school districts can vote for a local taxa tion for sch ml purposes. The tick- e " jll no doub. he more than a :n i 1 i..g. TAE YEAR FOR DEMOCRATIC ' VICTORY. For all the News of the Campaign Bead The Journal. The Atlanta Journal will not only strive to be right, hut it will bo bright and large, national in its news and views. Every one who is interested in this vital Presidential contest will needjt every day. The Journal’s facilities for get ting the nows “while it is news’’ are bettor than any other paper pub lished in the South. The rates arc very low, being only $7.00 per year for the-Daily add Sunday by mail. $3.50 for six months. Daily only $5 00 per year, $2.50 six months, or delivered by our earners in the different towns and cities at f 2o per week. SPECIAL CAMPAIGN OFFER. Tho Daily and Sunday Journal for the next six months, $3.00. Agents aro wanted to take sub- sc.riptions and a very libera! com mission will be allowed on all new subscribers. Address Atlanta Jour nal, Circulation Department, Jour nal Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Terms .subscription blanks, sam ple copies, printed matter, etc., will b« sent by return mail. If yon waht all the news all the time read the Journal. THROUGH THE STATE UNI VERSITY Georgia offers higher education to her sons. The University is pro bably the best equipped institution in the South Atlantio States. It is the cheapest institution iu the ^outh. The young man gets more for tho money expended. He can board, room, fees,.books and laundry for $125 a year on the campus. It is the oldest State college in America, having over 2,500 living representatives. These become the young man’s friends and helpers. It is a growing and prosperous in stiliition, being aole. to command tho best talent. It gives definite position and standing liko connec tion with a strong firm. It stands ,for what is best in Georgia and our national life, whether social, politi cal or religious. It develops sound bodies, Dower of initiation, and self-reliance through well regulated athletic contests and •regular mili tary drills. It offers courses in Agriculture Law, Pharmacy, Medicine, Teach ing, Sciences, Classics and Engi-. neenng under a facalty noted for scholarship and high moral charac ter. Iho University was built for Georgia boys and stands, ready to help them. Send for the illustrated hand-book. w| B.IIILL, | Chancellor, UNDERTAKER Leave orders at Progress oflit; for coffins, caskets, ana robe I. Deposit tho amount you wish f invest in an outfit, aud I will sen the best and nicest that the money will tuy a id ship it oa next train Coffins from $3 to as high as you want. LAMAR GRAY. Macon, Ga. Wanted—Agents, Hustlers, Sales men, Clerks and everybody who v to enjoy a gve 1 v la" i .. '.id 50" for “Tips . Agent V\ $50 to any pei -ion web sell 1 goi • or a living. If m satipfa, - '.ory /our monev back. Ci alar for stamp. The Dr. W bite Electric Comb Co., Decatur, 111. Dr. R. M. Carlisle’s L & B kills the germs ot all diseases by enhaliug and drinking the same. Also lake a dose of Carlisle’s Liver Pills once a week and oat anything you want, and arrow fat ana happy. DR. R. M. CARLISLE & CO. 470 Poplar St. Macon, Ga. For sale by all druggists. 13,000 MILES FOR $25. j The Atlantic & Birmingham rail-1 way has placed on sale at its prinoi-1 pal Ticket Offices 1,000 Mile Tickets I at rate $25.00, good over the follow- i ig lines: Atlanta & Birmingham Air Lino lij Atlanta, Knoxville & Northern Ry. Atlanta & Wnst Point R. R: Atlantic & Birmingham Ry. Atlantic Coaal Lino R. R. Charleston & Western Carol!! a Ry Georgia Railroad. Louisvillo & Nashville R. R. Nashvillo, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ry. Richmond, Fredericksburg it Potomac R R Seaboard Air Lino Ry. Washington Southern Ry. Western & Atlantic R.R. Wostem Railway of Alobidna. These Lines comprise 13,000 Miles of Railroads. This ticket presents the cheapest and most convenient form of travel. II. C. MoFADDEN, General Passenger Agent.' BE MOV Ala SALE, On the 1st of September I will move from the comer, old Taggart staud, to the place now occupied by P. G. McDonald, in the McDonald Block. Therefore I am offeiingall goods at a big reduction. Also to make? room for new fall goods. Remember the place where I am going. Come at once for bargains. B. Orovitz. I