The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, September 15, 1904, Image 4

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•> —V■ frj WM. A. CATE, Principal. W. G. CATE, Prin. Com’l Dep’ Houston High School ARABI, GEORGIA. * - - . . . JjflSb ,Tv « ■ Comm ercial Department: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic ( Grammar, Spelling, Penmanship. 1 Commercial-Law, 1 Banking,Rapid CalCulatioh, ' 1 : ‘ Letter Writing, ' ■ Actual Business! . - " --in i • ; Nb entrance examination. Enter at any time ] MOSELEY MERCANTILE <£q Vienna. 'erma A Etc.,Addres« 'm Houston iiighSchool, 5 W. G.^Cat^, PHn, ComiheixiaiDtefj’t. 2 SEPTEMBER 15. 1204 rl-JtL-UL -- 1 w -fV- - - " See .1. F. Waters about outtihg your jia\ Mrs. Greer, ago 83, was birled Monday at Harmony. , g It is lime fdr fall turnips, but very lew people have any. Spalding county wont dry in a prohibition election Monday. Herbert Kashin, a modioal stu dent, is at homo *n a vacation As a rule, stock driven in from the country are in good condition. Subscription to tho Atlanta Daily News received at this office. $4 year. farmers arc loarning that there is more nay m saving hay than fodder. Vion.ia has four warehouses and all are getting a liberal patronage. Very few people are attending court except those who have busi ness. W. C. Cato «ays ho is not so fat this year, mid weighs only 200 pounds. A colored cotton-picker says there is moic young fruit on cotton than you would suspeot. Mon want in shirt sleeves at the oarap meeting, but they wear coats to the superior court. Mrs. Carl Stewart, wife of prominent young farmer nonr Arabi, died Monday morning. Sohool oponod at Dooling Mon day with about forty pupils. Suddeth is the teacher. Rev. IT. T. Walden well proaoh at tho Euiseopal ohuroli here Sun day evoning at 4 o’clock. .Taok Smith says his cotton crop is out so short that ho will not got more than 75 bales from his 0-horse farm. Tho corner building recently va- oated by B. Orovitz is being remod eled for tba Forbes & Coxe drug store. A Vienna man has his eye on planting a largo pcoan grove. There is lots of money in n if you aan wait ten years. Mr. Carl Bryan and Miss Annie Haslam, of Pinehurst, wont buggy riding Sunday evening, and wore married at Lilly. Tho ootton patches have claimed tho washerwomen as well as the oooks, arid tho mon must bo exousod if they go a bit dingy. Having to stay in towu outs a fol low off from lots of tho good things of thiH world. Wc havo not ovon tasted a niaypop this year. The slaek-up in ootton that was observed last week did not last long, and the gins are running this week ’ for all they are worth. Mr. Joh i D. Sinclair has been appointed Glenda agent for the At lantic & Birmingham railroad, with headquarters an JaeKsonville. Friends of Judge D. L. Hender son have been trying to get him to run for superior court judge next time, but h,e positively refuses. Mrs. Wlnefned Bryan, age 88, died Sunday- morning at the home of her son, J. R.' Bryan, near the oampground. She was a good wo man. Were it not for the city court of Vienna, it would take the superior oourt about three months in the year to get through with the busi ness. Dr. W. B. Watts has moved his children to town for the sohool, and their grand-mother, Mrs. Tnppe, is keeping house for them in North Vienna. Oscar, Bryant has made a record as a jockey by riding the Texas' pomes at Herd’s stables., He is- now regularly employed at the sta bles, and fc, $e J@»t.riM| Little Miss Annie Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. JohnR. Smith? died Tuesday morning of typhoid fever. She has been suffering six weeks, and death has been expeoted all the time for a month. — , I E. B. Walker has been converted The Baptist church at a ea.l con- r que stion, and says if fcrence Tuesday night called Htlvv wiU forglve hira he will never Cults, of Marshal•.Me, foi its, }’<f | j Ue or 8peak mother word tor. The Pinehurst chureh will do ( ^ ^ ^ he lote the same, as the churches are work-,, ^ ^ ^ 8lgnature fo the V ien . ing' together, and they make a pas-^ tfo'r'a year or so Mr. ,oratCl j Walker has been writing dispensary The'barrooms of Macon county 'article. Tor the Se "^ w.ll 1)0 closea tonight instead of last which t o ro ^°. 8 ® a ' )J(lbll0 Thursday night, there being a slight ^ ” he convened on missunlerstanding in the length of 0 1 , .: „„„„ a »*f to, four whlok - b ” l * Ud ' “ d 80 f “ could bo within twenty-two days. ! a S ain * The notices could appear on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22d of a month, but it takes full four wooks or twenty- eight days for suoh notices to be- oomo effeotive. Hence the misun derstanding of the time. The sa loons of Montezuma and Oglethorpe will close on tho night of tho 16th. Ilay out on shares by J. F. Wa tors. I The boys run a joke on Col. Jod Jeter that ho is the best lawyer in Ifnadilla. He is the only one in that town, and he is becoming a leading lawyer of the Dooly bar. Ho is in nearly all the murder cases, • and is always on the defense, never 1 prosecuting a man. He defonded j two murder case.- )osterday, and 1 got one down to t hree years and the ' other to twenty. 1 le hiu a voice clear and strong, and be received compli ments trom all sides yesterday on the speech he made for the life of a poor negro and saved it. He is generally the centre of attraction in a orowd, says lots of witty things and speaks what he thinks. In the court room lie goes at a case as if his future depended on it, and he seldom loses out. MISS MAMIE LOU GREENE. Daughter of County Sohool Com- raisher E. G. Greeno. Slid left Sunday for Athens to enter the Slate Normal Sohool. THE PROGRESS OFFICE Moving Oyer Vienna Drug Store. The Progross is moving its place of more roomy quarters, and will oooupy space over the Vienna drug store. The space used by the Progress now will bo used for a storage room by Taylor Bros., who oooupy the first floor of tho building. Tho pnblio is cautioned to bo careful about going up to tho old offloe to look for us, as tho stair way will be moved out and the door closed. Call on us over Vienna drug store. THE SCIICOL. The Vienna high sohool now has 200 students and eight teachers, in ton grades, as follows: First grade, 27; second, 23; Miss Myra Hayryood, teacher, Miss Myr- tis Everett,.assistant. Third, 10; fourth, 28; Miss Mit- tie Mortou, teacher. Fifth, 23; sixth, 21; Miss Mamie Gray, teacher. Seventh, 25; eighth, 15; Chas. H. Calhoun, teacher. Ninth, 9; tenth, 12; R. O. Powell, teacher. When in Montezuma, ‘ Stop at the Gardner House H. N. GARENER, Proprietor. RATE $1 DAY, First class table. Rooms nicely furnished. Porter at all trains, your patronaged solicited. Montezuma, Ga. Dr. R. M. Carlisle’s L & B kills the germs offal! diseases by enbi alin and drinking the same. Also- take a dose of Carlisle’s Liver Pills once a week and eat anything you want,, and grow fat and happy. DR. R. M. CARLISLE & CO, 470 Poplar St. Maoon., Ga. For sale by all druggists. “A word to the wise is enough, And many words won’t fill abushel.” For full weight, Correct Grade and highest prices carry your cotton to Byrom’s Fire Proof Warehouse, By- romville, Ga. MO 3. BYROM, Prop. : a u MtfcraR t . ... ..EBB, f I carry in stock a full line of Harrows, Plain and Reversible Two-Horse Plows, Disc Plows, Seed Drills. I put in Porcelain Wood Pumps, ^ have the best Hay Press on the market, sell | McCormick Mowers and Rakes and carry a full line of Coffins and Robes from the cheap est Wood Coffin to the best Metalic Cases. When in town call to see me. L H WEBB. I am in the Cotton Warehouse Business again this season at Cor- dele, one of the best markets in the South. I solicit your patronage, with perfect guarantee of satisfac tion. I also handle Buggies, Wa gons, and Stock in season, and pay fiighest cash prices for cotton seed. T. P. BUSBEE.