The Vienna progress. (Vienna, Ga.) 18??-????, September 22, 1904, Image 1

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D^LiHcddevaon |l JJL VOL XXIII KOI) VIENNA, GA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 loot $1 YEAK IN ADVANCE General Presentments. To the Hon. Z. A. Littlejohn, judge of the Superior Court: We, the grand jurors drawn and sworn for the September Term of Dooly County Superior court 1004, beg to present the following pre sentments : County Farm and Alms House. We And everything in very good shape, except a chimney in the colored department, which we re- •commeud to beJ>prn down and re built at oncdfaM it is in bad shape., We also recommend tha* a wire fence be run on the « ea8t 8 ide of the farm, as the f^nce on that side is in very ^ 1U J condition. We also .recommend that a well be dug close ’to the dining room in the white inmates’yard. We also think it advisable that the ordinary buy beef or pork for tho-inmates, from the country or wherever he can get it the cheapest, as they seom to be in need of •something of this kind. Public Buildings. We fin.d that our jail is in need bf some re pan", 8 ' v ^ z: t he lower Cells are unsafe in places, caused by continuous rust, ana »T e rGCOm ‘ mend that they be repairedafl ea. 1 *^ as practicable. We also recommend that the roof and cells be repainted at once, as the rust will injure them more ijmn the cost of the painting. We And the courthouse in good condition, except two leaks in the roof, which we think would be ad visable to repair at once. From the report of the commit tee, composed of M. E. Rushin and C, R. Morgan, appointed to exam ine the books of the county officers, we beg to submit the following: To the Hon. Grand Jury: We find everj’thing in a satisfac tory condition. We find a healthy increase in taxable returns fur 1904 of $882,859.00. The total taxable property for this year is $4,500,950.00. Of this amount our colored citizens pay taxes on $245,700.00, an increase over last year of $88,959.00. The white poll of the county is 2255, colored 1776. We find that our city court lias disposed of considerable business within the last six months. It has practically kept our jail clear, and has turned over to our Qounty •Treasurer $1,800.00, arising from hire of convicts. This amount ex ceeds the funning expenses of this court by several hundred dollars. We note some improvement in the treasurer’s books. In this office we find everything alright; vouch ers for each and every expenditure; amount on hand $8,518.05. We find the books of record in the offices of the ordinary and clerk to be neatly kept, and items prop erly indexed. In the office of the county school commissioner we find vouchers for all expenditures. There is a small balance on hand of $284.85. The road commissioners of the several districts should furnish the ordinary or county commissioners lists of those in their respective districts who are liable for road duty. The whites and colored should be Jrept separate, with their respectiye ages. We find that we have ten good mules, 6 wagons,one road machine, two wheel scrapes, several 2’-horse plows, and ,o,ther implements, such ias shovels, picks, axes, hoes, etc. Respectfully submitted, M. E. Rushin, , C. R. Morgan, Exaflaiping Committee. Report of Ordinary. Vienna, Gn„ Sept, a, 1904, J. D. Hargrove, ordinary Dooly county, In account with Dooly county. New. Road Law work to date. DR. To amt. reev’d from First D. $ 795-05 To » " " Second D. 1,714061 To “ " “ Third D. 884.83 To •• ** " Unadilla D, 2,079.19 To “ “ " PinehurstD. 1,092.18 To » “ ” Findlay D. 1,049.63 To 11 4 “ *' Sixth D. 1,537-55 To «• *' “ Seventh D. 3.560.32 To ’• •1 “ Ninth 1>. 1,152.96 IN) 1. “ “ Cordele D. 4,383.78 To “ “ •> ConejoD. 1,842.45 To “ •• •• Eleventh D. 1,610.44 To '• “ “ Thirteenth D. 1,755.95 To “ ’• “ 14U1D, 2,060.69 Total amount of Receipts, $25,519.07 Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: I beg leave to submit to you the following report: CR. ( By ain’t paid out for First D. 831.11 By •• “ “ “ Second D. 1,707.25" By “ 0 .• .< Third D. 633.92 By •• “ '• “ UnadilluD. 1,342.69 By 11 •< u « Pinehurst D. 1,120.63 By “ “ “ “ Findlay D. 867.85 By “ <> •• “ Sixth D. 1,066.84 By “ “ “ “ Seventh D. 2,659.71 By “ " “ “ Ninth D, 938.35 By «• “ •• “ Cordele D, 3,930.27 By - “ “ “ Coney D, 1,272,28 By “ *• “ “ nth D. 1,399-59 “ •' '• 13U1D. 1,680.86 By ’“ “ “ “ 14th!). 2,115.10 Total anit. of disbursement ffI^ 66 Balance on hand $3,952,62. Total amt. of disbursements $21,018.22 Balance on hand Sept. 6, ’04 $3>5«3>°S D. A. .Taylor, Treas. D. C. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thls9thdayol September, 1904. V 1>. Haroroyk, O. D. C. Report of Co. School Commissioner. To the Honorable Grand Jury, Dooly County Superior Court, September term 1904. Gentlemen: The following Is a report ol the school funds .received and paid out by me since To balance on hand ♦ >24.53 To amount received from State School Commissioner 9,180.26 Total Amount borrowed from Bank S,93<>0o Total Receipts, CR. By amt paid teachers By “ $15,240.79 By By ‘ By « By ‘ By- 1 By ■ By. 1 ; By 1 $11624.97 Board members 40.00 E.G.G.eene (Salary) 583.00 Incidentals 33,02 Bank 2525.00 Office Furniture 100:00 Printing 6.00 Bld’g. school houses 50.00 Holding Examination"^^; * Conducting Institute 5.00 Cash Book 2.50 Total Disbursements $15,006.44 J. D. Hargrove, Ordinary'. To balance on hand 334-35 Respectfully submitted, E. G. Grkknf., C. S. C., D. C Notary Publics and Ex-Officio Justice of The Peace. Upon investigation we find all | dockets iti fi guoa con- Sworn to and subscribed before nie, I ditioti, and WG fcfiOOWmend that this 9th day of September, 1904. R. E. Harris, Clerk Gland Jury. Report of Treasurer, OR. To amount of cash on hand Feb ruary term, 1904 $18,328.52 To amount received from F. J. Lewis, T, C. IX C 3,481.73 To amount received from R. E. Park, State Treasurer 921.02 To amount received from D. L. Henderson, J. CL C 1,800.00 Total amount 'on hand, less disbursements $24,531.27 - CR. By commissions on receipts of $6,202.75 at 1^ $ 77.54 By commission on disbursement _ of $6,175.91 at 2% 154.4olrendered at this session. By commission on disbursement n We further recommend that R. wlSSSW'&aj* ,8 !;§P- and J. 0 Hamilton be By disbursements 20,599.75ja a Pl )0 mted a coinmit tee to examine H."A. Smith bo appointed f* 110 ’ ceed himself to fill the vacancy to occur in the 14th district. School Board. We recommend that W. II. Page be appointed a member of the Board of Education to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. H. Bedgood. Appropriations. We recommend that the $921.02 convict hire, as shown in the re port of our treasurer, be appro priated to the public school fund. We further recommend that the clerk of this body, R. E. Harris, be paid $10.00 for extra service officers, and report on same to our next Grand Jury, and that they bo paid $2.00 per day for their services. Wo further recommend that the salary per diem for the ensuing Jurors be the same as it is now, viz: $2.00. Paupers. Wo recommetid! that the follow ing names be added to the pauper list, and that they draw the amounts per month opposite their names as specified, Whites,—*Mrg,E. B, Smith,$5; Mrs. Nipper, $8; Mrs. Martha Purvis, $8; Wm, Bowen,,5. Culorku—Dan Blount and wife, $8; Lucinda Culpepper, $1.50; Sam Hall, $2. Wo further recommend that tho amount ris drawn by Sarah Kinsey (white) be increased from $8 to $5, and that Robt. Penny (white) be dropped from the pauper’s list. Bridges. Wo recommend that the follow ing bridges be constructed:—One across South Prong creek, Unadilla district, on public road leading from Unadilla to Hawkinsyiille, road near D. W. Harvard’s pjaeo. One across Cedar creek at Polo ford, 10th district, near Mra. J. Z. Slade’s place. One aoross Camp oreok at Hook’s ford, Unadilla district, near Wm, Hoqfc’s place. Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. pursuant to an Aot of the Legis lature’ or9ft *° a Bonjd of Com- $ Roads and Revenues vhich W fo e KICHWOOD ITEMS. Cotton piokiug is up to 60 oonts, and all who lo ve to piok arc trying their hand. We avo glad to welcome Mr. Avery and family, of ncarMt. Ver non, who movod horo last week. Wo have no doubt but that they will bo useful to tho ohuroh aid community. Wo liato vary much to give up Mr. and Mm. R. II. Molton, who movod to Vienna last wock. Wo bad tho pleasure of listening to a very excellent sermon preached horo by Rev. J. D, Norris last Sun day evening and Roy. Higgs Sun day night. We ;»ro requested by Rev, J. D. Norris to say that ho would be glad to meet the membership of his' ohuroh horo next Sunday evening to hold a church conference and ap point delegates to tho association. Services will bo hold by Rov. Gris- well, and confcronoo immediately afterward. Miss Luclleii Melton left hero Monday for Pollock, La., where she will spend some time with hor uncle, Dr. Melton. She carried with hor the best wishes of her many friends. Messrs. Ed. Pollock, Joe Sims and Berk Dixon returned from a trip to Florida Monuay, whore thoy visited Lakolaud and other places of interest. They report having & very pleasant time. Pansy. missioners o. for this county, in 4 ( empowered to elect three free-holders of this county to serve on said Commission, we have elect ed tho following: W. A. Greer, for a term pf one year; D. W. Har vard, for a term of two years and W. C. Hamilton, for a torm of three years. We approve of the purchase of the typewriter, having been made by the Clerk of Superior Court, and already paid for. We recommend that these pro sentments be published in tho THE CONVENTION. i The round bale presses are out of business temporarily, but Vienna is still paying good prices for cotton; Bring your cotton' to the VIENNA COTTON OIll COMPANY to be giri- ned. Their girts make the best sam- j pies that are put on the market here; J They double the weight^ of your lint < and blow your seed in. You are not' J troubled about re-wieghing or loss in t weights. J THEY-BUY SEED WET OR DRY AND PAY GOOD PRICES FOR THEM ALL THE TIJTE. : : THEIR EXCHANGE BASIS FOR MEAL ; AND HULLS IS FlftST CLASS. Give thim your business and be thoroughly satis fied^ September 14th. Pbookand^coidsof ^ “ n ° W8 ^P“ 8 . o£ «>»»* 1 — — J : having a bonifide circulation, ami [ that the publishers bo paid tho i sum of $5.00 each for the publi cation. We wisli to thank our courteous Solicitor pro-tom, Mr. W. W. Dykes, for his assistance to this body, and the faithful discharge of his duties. Wo also wish to express our ap preciation for the Court’s able and earnest charge to this body, clearly setting'out the duties and responsibilities- ati our hands, also for his faithful and impartial administration. Respectfully submitted, J. O. Hamilton, Foreman. R. E. Harris, Clerk. W. I. Butler, Geo. W. MoLen- don, T. E. Gleaton, A. P. Gaines, A. B. Davis, M. J. Mikel, D. W. Harvard, M. V. Peavy, W. W. Collins, C. H. Roberts, J. E. Brown, W. B. Johnson, J. S. Shep pard, J. O. James, J. M. Wade, J. B. Ryals, R. J-< Bunkley, J. R. Bridges, J. C. Mercer, T. J. Slade. Read in open court and ordered filed on record. Let the present ments be published as requested. Z. A. Littlejohn-; J.S.C.S.W.C. W. W. Dykes, Shl-Pirotem, S.W.C. Many of the simple little silk dresses owe their - charm to under- sleeves and chemuett of lace. The annual o( Moiitlf Georgia Musical Convention was held Saturday and Sunday at Fleas- adt Valle/, Pleasant Valley tVrts fully nelsalf and equal to tho occasion) with plenty of dinner for the 1600 poo- pie who attended Sunday. Good order prevailed and everybody had a good time. The next convention. will bo at Pme Ridge, about five miios north- cast of Vienna, near Findlay. The t’nic of meeting next year will bo in October, a month later than this W- -J. B. Folds was elected uresi- dent, Dock Smith vice president and W. A. Ilall sei-retary. TAX NOTICE. will he at the following places for the purpose of collecting stato and county taxes for the year 1904: 1st Dist, Oct. 4, Oct. 20, Nov. 10. 2nd Dist. Oct. 6, Oct. |24,Nov. 11, Unadilla, Oct. 6, Oct. 26,Nov. 14. Pinehurst, Oct. 7, Oct. 90, Nov. 15. Findley, Oct. 10, Oct. 27, Nov. 16. 3rd Dist, Oct. 11, Oot. 28, Nov. 17. 0th Distriot, Oot. 81, Nov, 18. 9th Dist, Oct. 13, Nov. 1, Nov. 21. 10th Dist, Oct. 13,Nov. t,Nov, 23. Cordele, Oot. 14, Nov. 8, Nov. 23. 11th Dist, Oot. 17, Nov. 7, Nov. 28. 18th Dist, Oot. 18, Nov. 8,Nov. 29. 14th Dist, Oct. 19, Nov. 9,Nov. 30. Lilly Deo. 1; 2nd DiBtriot, court house, Dec. 2nd; EmeriohDeo. 5th; Snow Dec. 0th; Sanders’ store ia morning and Etheridges in evening of December 7th; Tippettville Deo. 8th; Sibley Dec. l$tb; Dakota Deo. 18th; Cordele Deo. 14th. I will be in Vienna every Satur day. Books close December 19th. Respectfully, F. J. LEWIS, T. D. This year a touch of bright oolor is frequently seen to brighten up ( he all, white frook.