Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, August 15, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia & Carolina Gazette. Volume i.] TERMS OF THE GEORGIA fcf CAROLINA GAZETTE . 1. Price to Miblcribers, three dollars per annum, half in ad vance. 2. Advertilements for the firft inlertion feventy-five cents per square, and fifty cents for each continuation. ♦ N. B. Gentlemen who have been Jo obliging as to obtain Sub feribers for this Paper , will con fer an additional favor by for ward:” g a flatement of the names to the Editors as soon as conveni ent. ■” —■—*■ * ■ •• • —**"**’—’ ALGIERS, March 27. On the morning of the ißth, the Dey being alone half a league from the town, in the midst of the new fortifications which he is conftrudling, was suddenly af fai'led by four Turks well armed. After difeharging two pistols at him, the afiaffins fell upon him sword in hand and gave him ten wounds. The keepers of the works immediately ran up and massacred two of the afiaffins upon the ipot; the two others contrived to escape, The Dey wls at firft laid in his garden not far from the place where the as sassination was attempted, and the following day He had (Length enough to bear being carried to his palace. For feveraldays he fuffered the mod violent tor tures i but to-day it is laid that not one of his wounds are mor tal. He has two fingers of the left hand cut off, and by the greatest good luck, the pistol bullets were only prevented en tering his bread, by (triking up on a purse full of money. This event has caused a great fermen tation in the town j one of the two affaffms who had fled, was arrested on the 19th, and imme diately ftrangied; the soldiers of the barracks (to whose clals the four murderers belonged) lad at firft manifefted an inten tion to deliver him ; but were ciffuaded from their design ei ther by prayers or menaces.— As they seldom take the trouble here to enquire into the causes offuch attempts, it is not known whether this crime be the effedt of any great plot. What is cer tain is, that the extraordinary dearnels of provifrons excites a general difeontent, and that the Dey, instead of taking any steps to appease the murmurs, leems to inlult the public misery by his pompous manner of living. Near eight hundred men, ali Mahometans, of the interior, are daily employed at the works of the fortifications, and in the embeliiftimenc of his country homes. Hitherto the Dey has despised the representations of his mimfters and favor. tes, who have endeavoud to persuade PETERSBURG :—(Georgia) — Printed by BURKE & M‘DONNELL. him to suspend these works, un til the fcarcicy be at an end, and not to expose himfelf abroad without a guard. There arriv ed here ,a few days ago fifty heads and a hundred ears, which the Bey of Constantine ordered to be cut off fome Kabeiles, taken prisoners in the fight a gainst the rebel Marabout. ieioi— • LATE FOREIGN INTELLI GENCE. BOSTON, luly 17. By the (hip Beividere, captain Schenk, arrived here yesterday in 43 days from Liverpool, we have received files of rhe Lon don Courier, M-ff.iger and T raveller, up to May 30, 1805 -—five days later tnau bef>re received —They do not afford any addition of consequence to our former ft >ck of intelligence. London, May 25. The following information of the state of the enemy’s flotilla, was given by an officer of ash p taken by the Bold gun-boat, and brought in here—he fays there is about 3000 of their craft a- Bologne, 800 of which are arm ed, the others are merely trans ports for troops, (lores, dec Tnere are nearly 1000 at Etfa bles, and about 600 at V me reaux, and 400 at Dunkirk, Oftend and Calais. The troops are in small camps, about 3000 at Bologne, the fame number a bout Calais, Vhmereaux, Etfa bles, and fome other camps a little inland, in all about 50,000 men. He seems very confi dent that the attempt will be mad* this summer; he fays the* com bined fleet, 60 fail of the line, will fight our fleet; (Balayer la Manche) while che large frigates will come up the channel to con voy the flotilla over, the troops are dated to be very eager to come, and entertain the moft sanguine hopes of success, they a e waiting very impatiently for the appearance of rhe (hips to set them free, and g eat reliance is placed on the genius of Bona parte. May 26. The foreign intelligence of the week is of trivial import ance. Bonaparte is in Italy, a firmed little by the menaces of Russia j indeed, his fears from that quarter are about the farm tone with our hopes, which have funk a full odtave within a few weeks. He knows ther* is little fear from paper proceed ings, and this is the only artil - lery which the cabinet of Peters burgh is likely ro employ. There is, however, a com plete breach between Sweden and Pi uffia ; the former power is supposed to be spirited up b Russia, and the latter L w* 1 known to have failed in a recent negotiation with that court Aullria is very jealous of the proceedings in Italy, and na- THURSDAY) August 15, 1805. augmented her cordon of troops to 80,000. May 29. A letter received yesterday from Cork, dates, that that ci ty had been thrown into fome alarm, in conftquence of an ex press having arrived there with orders for every armed vessel to put to sea with the greatest expedition and (ail to the weft ward—from which it was infer* red that the enemy had been seen in considerable force in that qua: ter. May 30. * Th’- more we reflect upon the delions of the French upoi which the curious intercepted correspondence lately publv(ht< has thrown such strong light, the more we are convinced that an attack upon our Indian fettle ments ; is one of their great ob je&s. Some private letters re ceived within a day or two from France, (Lengthen our opinion. They state in poflitive terms, that in a certain latitude, the combined fleets were toieparate and that (even fail of the line were, to be detached to the East indies, with 5000 troops, on board. Lord Keith has lefr town from Lamftrace. to resume the command of the flops off Bou logne. Madame Jerome Bonaparte has seen very little company since her arrival in London. A letter* from Paris, dated May 18, fays —“ I suppose you have heard that many cf the U mted Irish are quitting this coun try for America; Dr. M'Nevin ha? resigned his commiflion in the Irilh Legation, and is going there ; Emmitt is already there j Sampson, the barrister, 6c Swee ny, who killed Corbett in a duel, are alio going.” It is reported, that fome meetings of diiaffedted per ions (fome lay of several tnoufand) have been lately observed in the county of Kildare, Ireland. May 27. Rumors of peace. —The Flam burg mail of the 21st arrived yesterday. It is confidently re ported, that the mission of M. Novofilzof to Bonaparte has for its cbjedt the rcftoration of ge neral tranquility, and that the conditions with which he is charged, are to be proposed on the joint part of Russia and Great Bricain —Should the emperor Napoleon be in Italy on rhe ar-. rival of the Ruffian minister at Paris, it is afferttd that he will proceed to Italy. Dejenjive operations . —All the naval officers attached to the fig al pods, sea tend bles, & c. received orders to hold them relves in readiness for embarka tion, in case circumstances fliould recur to render their service on -,a r d neccffary. Flay 28. Newfoundland Fleet ‘Taken. — k is with exticme rcc-et we have to inform our readers of the caprure of the greater part of the outward bound convoy for Newfoundland. The particu lars of this event are given in the following letters, which werp received in town yciterday : “ Cork , May 21. —I am con cerned to inform you, that the Newfoundland fleet, which fail ed hence the 9th inst. with con voy, being met by a French frigate, were all burnt or cap tured—two of them were taken by the Topaze and Rofaria, off ; he north weft coast of Ireland. .V Spanish corvecte, of 20 guns, has been taken, by the Topaze. She had captured the Young William, of London, captain Young, from Cork to Water ford, with spirits and porter.” NEYV-YORK, July 23. Cant. Hallowed, of the brig Eliza, from Leghorn, v;a Gi braltar, bears dilpatches from Capt. Decatur, efthe Congress, then at Leghorn, for our go vernment. It was expe&ed that an immediate war would take place between the Emperor of Morocco and the United Stares. There were already two Moor ’.fh frigrtes out cruidng for A mericans. The U S. brig Sy ren, capt. Stewart, had taken her ltation off Gibraltar, and was ordered to cruise between Cape Spartel and Magadore, to intercept any prizes that these frigates might make. On the 16 th May, capt. Hallo well was chafed and fired at by .a Tripo litan Xebec of 17 guns, but es caped by superior failing .at this time (lie was only 8 hours fail from the Congress. The Algerine fleet were out confid ing of the Glory of 44 guns j Hugium Muflapha, of 44 . Hulfam Baihaw br;gof 13; and were cruising for Neapolitans and Genoefe. They treated H. with particular polite ness Portuguese fleet of two 74’s and a frigate were crui zing in the Gut of Gibraltar. Eight days ago, off Bermuda, was boarded by a French priva teer only 10 days from Bafia terre, G. who informed that the French fleet under Adm. Yilic neuve, had taken on board all the white troops both at Marti nique and Gaudaloupe, and that their destination was positively for Ireland. Capr. Hallowell further in forms us, that it was hourly ex pected that the British flips ar, Gibraltar would be burnt by fire (hips from Algeziras.—• Capt. H. has letters from the American prifoncis at x'ripoii. Philadelphia, -July 19. American ManufaZures. Wuh plcalure we notice a new American manufacture, e qual in its uctlicv, & more heau r.fci tliananv ve have ever seen [Number ii.