Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, November 23, 1805, Image 1

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Georgia & Carolina Gazette. Volume i.] TERMS OF THE GEORGIA (A CAROLINA GAZETTE. 1. Price to Subscribers, three dollars per annum, half in ad vance. 2. Advertisements for the firft insertion feventy-five cents per square, and fifty cents for each continuation. 3. Advertisements will not be infertcd unlels previously paid for. N. £. Gentlemen who have leen Jo obliging as to obtain Sub scribers for this Paper, will con fer on additional favor by for warding a jlatement of the names to the Editors as Jo on as conveni ent. FOREIGN NEWS. VIENNA, August: 14. On the 12th inst. the recruit ing in Vienna, and all the Aus trian Htredetary States, began with great a<stivity. The move ments of the troops likewise still continue. It is afierted, that two great powers have agreed to use their united endeavors for the resump tion of their negociation for peace, which was interrupted by Baron NovoziltofPs depar ture in order to preserve the peace of the continent, and to rcftore it to the maritime pow ers. It is added, that our go vernment, as well as the French, have delivered a note to the • Ruffian cabinet, containing a wish, that the negociations, which have miscarried even be fore they were properly begun, should be resumed : and it is said; that notice of this decla ration has been given to the courts of London, Madrid and Berlin. August 15. Notwithstanding all the ap pearances of an approaching rupture, many people are of o pinion, that war will not take place, but that more probably a congress will be held. How ever, it is very likely that the whole army will be placed on the war eftablilhment, by the firft of .September. Moreover, it js positively asserted, that fe verai battalions of the frontier troops are already on their march to Italy, pursuant to orders ; & that 90, cOO Ruffian troops are already on the Austrian fronti ers. A great military promo tion is also spoken of, in which a field marshal, lome generals, major generals, will be appoint ed. On the 13th inst. a train of 102 pieces of cannon, with the necefTary ammunition, left Vi enna for lraly; and the road from Vienna to Baden is so co vered with troops, that travel lers can hardly pals that way. Liu the 20th of this month, PETERSBURG: — (Georgia) — Printed by BURKE & M‘DONNELL. the Archduke Charles will fee out on his journev to Laly. They write from Milan, the 30th July, as follows : iC The French troops in Italy have been in conftanc motion, for this month pad ; and they aftcmbled in great numbers, on the Austrian frontiers, especial - ly on the river Chicfe, where, near mount Chairo, rrt army or 30,000 me>i, is ready aflemblcd, the destination of which is not yet known. The fortifications of Turin and Mantua are alio placed in the ftrongell state of defence. The regiment of Kaunitz ft; out on the Bth, from i'roppmi, on its mai ch hither. Our ga rifon wiii be augmenred during the winter to 8000 men, wb will be diftributea in the sub- Urbs. Letter from Ratifbon, Aug. 20 Ihe declaration which the Austrian imperial court trans mitted at the commencement of the present month, to Berlin & other courts, is in substance as follows : Though the emperor, dur ing tne present maritime war, has taken no diredl part in the different attempts that have been made to restore peace, his ma jesty, nevertheless, wished that this definable obje<ft might be accomplished through the me diation of other powers. This wish of the court of Vie ma be came still more ardent when his majesty, the emperor o t the French, publicly declared, that the definitive arrangement of the affairs of Lombardy should be deferred till the conclufi >n of the war, and fhoud be connedt ed with the negociations that were to lead to its termination. The court of Vienna, having pofleflions in Italy was, there fore immediately interested with the negociations for peace, and had manifefted, on various oc casions, how earnestly it wished to be able to contribute to their fipeedy commencement. It con fiequently heard, with pieafiure, of the pacific overtures made, at the beginning of the present year, by his majesty, the em peror of the French, to the court of London, and likewise of the resolution of the latter power to employ the interven tion of another court. With deep regret the emperor learned the failure of the above menti oned pacific mission. “ The court of Vienna, there fore makes a tender to mrer pofe its good offices, invites the refpedtive courts to relume the negociations, and flatters VtftTf that the court of Berlin will likewise contribute its efforts, conformably to the lively mte reft it has, always taken in the restoration of the public tran quility.” . . .1 ■■■ - GIBRALTAR, Aug. 2. I: now ajinrurs certain, by c SATURDAY, November 23, 1805. very “count from Aigefiras, that th * attack of the gun boats on the morning of the 27th ult was conducted by the Spaniffi admiral Don iruno de Ezefa in person, in full hopes of being able to burn fir Richard Bicker ton’s squadron, by means of red hotfhoti but in loading with red h■. shot the lecond time, an office, two men were blown to pieces on board of the gun boats, which ft ruck such a anic into their whole line, that no persuasions of their offi ers could induce them to try any further loading with hot shot, which was the ciufe of their precipitate retreat. The fame teccKuits add, that since their etui.. to Aigefiras, four men ore have loft their lives in raftifing the firing with rei hot shot, which has so damped the spirits of the crews of the gun boats, rhat it is very doubt ful whether they will ever at tempt that mode of attack a gam. Sir Richard Blckerton failed this morning with Jus squadron, in pursuit of the Carthagena fleet. *■■■■ 11IH 1 >1 PARIS, Sept, 3. Yesterday at two o'clock, there was an extraordinary fitting of the conservative Senate, at which his serene highness the Arch Chancellor of the empire presided. it is thought that it was held for fome important object. September 4. Letters from Calais and Bou logne, state, that not two divi sions only, but nearly all the troops that were encamped along rhe coast, have broken up, and that about 100,000 men from these quarters are on their march to Strafburgh, where the head quarters will be. ■ BREST, August 23. Our fleet anchored yesterday in Bertheame roads j the van has had an engagement with the English squadron, which was terminated entirely to our ad vantage. Admiral Gantheame had detached Rear Admiral Wilhumez with a light squadron confiding of the Alexandre, Foudrovant, the Impeteux, and two frigates. The enemy had also detached seven ships and frigates. The Valeureufe, one of the two French fricrates, be gun the engagement. The A lexandre and the Impetuex dash ed into the midst of the enemy’s vejlels. The cannonade was ter rible between these ships and three three-deckers, one of which was the Hibernian, hav ing on board admiral Cornwal iis. Valecureufe, in rearing, made a fkilful manoeuvre, pai fing the firm of one of the En glifli flaips pouring in her broad fide, aiiw r, vdvereby many men must have been kil -Id. Both the galleries were knocked to pieces. The En ghfh fuffered confiderablv, and had two of their ships difmafted. We have had one man killed, and a dozen wounded. A ship hiving approached oile of the flanks of our anchorage, had to sustain the fire of the new batte ries, which difeharged more than 300 shot. We hope that our part of the coast will be as fatal to the En •hfh as the coast of Boulogne, and will equally merit the title of the coast of iron. A general engagement was loudlv called for, the enemy having an equal force ; but superior orders had marked circumstances under which the admiral would have been authorifed to give battle. Moniteur. NF.W-YORK, Odober 23. tc We hasten to communicate to you the following important intelligence, rec’vd from Me firs. Hammond and Holmes, pas sengers in the Susan and Sarah, Marner, arrived at Newport form Bordeaux, which place they left the 11 th September. (( 150,000 Ruffians were po sitively on their march for Italy —All the troops in the south of France were marching to meet them—A body of French troops had taken Venice and Naples—she ct Army of Eng land” had left Boulogne in three divisions ; one of the divisions pahed through Lisle on the 3d September for the frontiers.— Austria has not yet openly de* dared what part she will aft: in the contest j but she has 300,* 000 men ready for service, and 60,000,000 florins in her trea sury. There was no doubt in France of a combination having been formed between Raffia, Austria, Sweden, and the Porte, and that they would all immedi ately a£l against France. Prus sia has not decided.— Bonaparte was ac Paris. PHILADELPHIA, Oft. 24. . The brig Washington, ‘cape. Crowdhil], of Alexandria with fboes, for the squadron in the Mediterranean, lias been captu red by the Spaniards, and carri ed into Aigefiras. NEW-ORLEANS, Sept. 14. We can state, from a fourcc that may be relied on, that an army of 5000 men is on irs march from Mexico, toftrength en the Spamfh frontier on Lou- i liana, —We cannot but think it would be advisable for our government to throw a few thou lan l troops into this country.— Even though we should remain c p~ace, it would be well to ibew a state of preparation for war. [Number 23.