Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, November 23, 1805, Image 3

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].a-i taken roo:, and all I feared was that fame unrdleE ;ng mor t .1 would dilturb rhc earth too ibnn, and extingoifli itsgermi nsth-t power. Great works require time, and I was afraid that intemperance by denying this iuccfihry helpmate would blast the fair profpccft of a good harvest. But our countrymen proved wife; they waited till she proper leafon ; they made their choice, and their valor won the day. They alone are free, and they only are happy. IVajhington. —But will thev remain so ? I re (left on their prelent enviable liiuation until my brain aimed grows giddv with delight; but often I start as from a trance and ask myfelf whether the next moment they may not fink as low as those that surround them. Franklin. —No, that can ne ver be, America can never fall to the degradation of Europe ; though Europe may and will rife to her level. IVajhington. —Yet there are the fame baneful passions, the fame sordid interests, the fame ambitious men there as else where. Franklin. —True, but thore is no where else the fame people. IVajhington.-^- There are men who avow their hostility to re publican principles. Franklin. —But the people scorn them. Waftsington . —The re are the advocates of war and carnage. Franklin. —Whom the peo ple look upon as madmen cr knaves. IVajhington. —There is a host of men who calumniate the fair eft characters and the greatest men. Franklin. —The adorn ant of whose fame blunts the arrows of dander, which fall pointiefs to the ground. IVajhington. —T Ii c fe w retch er dare to enlist my name into the r services ; as if I were not a ge nuine republican, and the deci ded friends of a pacific court’- , or as if I could ever debale my Elf by fim&ion ng the atrocious falfehoods which party malice alone could propagate. (To be concluded in our next.) PETERSBURG, Saturday, Nov. 23, 1805. IVajhington , (Geo.) Nov. 9. On Thursday night last, about eight o’clock, a fire broke out from the upper story of Mr. Barnard Kelly’s dwelling house, (supposed to have been com municated accidentally by a can dle) which, with the Poft>Of fice adjoining, was entirely con sumed. The house adjacent on the weft, occupied'by M r . M‘- Murry, Silver-Smith, the pro perty of Win. Sanfom, Elq. was pulled down, and that opposite, c/cciipicd'bv Mr. Dyer, partially so— part of the contents of Mr. Kelly’s house was preserved. — Providentially, and aim nit mi v 7 raculou'fly, the fi r e was kept from the court house, the de fbmfifton of wliich must un doubtedly have included the Created ntrt of the town, as ail i ‘he water in the well was gone. | x IIE NOY jt) Iftß Sj- VICTORIOUS, JILL Stand the cniuing V V leafon at Cant. Robert L. Tait’s, in Elbert Countv, ten miles from this place.— Terms, &c. will appear in due time. JOHN 1 BALDWIN Peterjburgy Nov. 19, 1805. JuST RECEIVED, A Parcel c.f the belt North ward CHEESE. Anil experts ill uly a larger supply, which will be fold Low for Cash by THOMAS S POKES. Peterjburgy Nov. 23, 1805. ihe Laji Time in this Way. T' 0 ’ 11E Sll bfcn ber refpecl fu 11 y notifies all those indebted to me iate concerns of Jones \\ alton 6c Cos. or Henry and William Jones, that he will con stantly attend at L/ilbon, for the purpole of fettling with those who are io obliging as to call, and when he is abient Mr. Tho mas W alton jun. is tulb autho rised to negociate in his stead. * Sad experience has proved the futility of farther indulgence, i is therefore determined, the: thole who fail to comply v. : n the requests of a former adver cifemeni, on this lubjcct, will be Sued to the next Inferior Cour Sums under a Magiftrart hard didticn will be sh rtf y v in a train for speedy rolledn WILLI AM * . S. Lijbon, Nov i\Jl 18 c Notice. r I i HE Sub fen bur having cl- JL clintd bufmefs the prefen fe -don, for the purpole of fet tling his notes ad accounts — earneitly requefb and folic its thole indebted to ivm on either, to call and fettle their refpedtive dues, and a’;i those who have demands agaiull him to call for payment. 21 —ts ROBERT THOMP SON. Peterjburgy November 7, 1805. OLIVER WHYTE H WING fettled himfclf in Boston, offers his services in the Commijfion Line to lv.s friends in Pete ;fburg and the Up Coun try ; and, while he hopes for a continuance of that confidence and those favours, which he io largely shared while residing among them, he folicirs their patronage and pledges himlUf to use every exertion to make fu:table returns for ail consign ment<s 4 B often, Oolober 12, 1805. ~~ N O T I C E. JL HE Subscribers of Peters burg, and Abbeville D ftruft, Soum-Carolina, to the Life of WA S H I N GfO N, rr: ay re - ceive the 3d anti 4'h V uumc- — and those who have not receiv ed Ift and 2d, may also r cc vr theia by applying to Leroy Pope, and paying me advance tor the iaft and uh Volume, i Peterjburgy ) I Ns * 15, Lor. J Notice rT"'HE .Subfcribcr takes this JL method of informing iris friends* and the public in general, that he has just received an afifort rnent of Med 1 cin f> 6c has com menced the pra&ice of Physic. Those . who may have fufficient confidence in Him, to commit themselves to his care> may rely on Ihe ftrirfteft attention being paid to facilitate their recovery. Those who map chink proper to employ him may find him at the house of Mr. Caleb Tate’s in this place. WADDY TATE. Peterfurg, Nov. 16, 1805. ts IMVIj N 1)7 ~ N EAR Petersburg, a Gilted Watch, bv one of my N. groes, feme time* in May last. The Owner is requvfted to conic forward by the 25th of December next, prove his pro perty and take it away, or the Watch v ill be returned to the p( rfon who found ft. THOMAS STOKES. A "overnier irdy ISOS. 2C SHERIFP’s SALE, % At Tiber t Court-House on the fir ft Tuesday in December next , WILL BE SOLD, . One House and Lot in fin'd County, situate in the Town of Alexandria, at the mouth of Cos Id - W ate r C reek, ad jon: ng Chipman and Weil on—find Lot contains half an acre, executed as the property of Hamilton Wilfan. ‘ Wm. WOODS, i>. s. October 31, 1805. N O T I C E. WILT. BE SOLD, 0,7 the 14 th day of December rJxt, cn the Plantation of William Lane after dee. Lincoln County ; fort of thx pet final Ffiiatc thereof , C CONSISTING of Horses, v I ools, with other uleful articles too tedious to mention. ALSO, The Plantation to be rented for the enfiling year. Twelve months credit will be given for all sums that fha’l exceed Four Dollars, nurchafers mud give Bond with approved Security, before the property is altered. All neifons having demands i,gai;:ft the deceased are reqtief tetl to render them in according to lav/. SARAH LANCASTER, Adminijlratrix. Out tier 19, 1805. 21—-rtf N. B. The above Plantation lies on Broad river 0:1 which two hands may be employed, the 1 End frefh. uTsT Between Walker’s Mm and Muckieroy’s Ferry, a gicer cotton Umbrella—straight ftafT—the lerule off the.end, and the top broken off and filled up with pewter, oznaburgs cover. Anv peri bn finding t*;s fame an.-! jehvering ic at Llbertou to M .1 >: Woods, or in Petersburg at cue Erindng Office, will infi ll tedy om.gc iOHN HUBBARD. i v eve in ler 9 > 5 ■ Plonk Deeds ofi Cenvcym cc> l. r : -.,r J.. i.j jifi . INFORM. fi'ION HUNTED. # (efip Any PciTon having any knowledge of a certain young man, by the name of R 1 ch ar i> Cameron, about 20 years f ag f, who left Charleston about a twelvemonth pall, and went to Newberry Dili rift, and from thence, (as it is supposed) to the State of Georgia, will con fer an obligation, by giving in formation, by letter or oiiier wife, to his brother-ivi-law* James Grantt, at the Times Printing-Office, Chai left or/. If laid Cameron will return to Charleston, he‘will .hear of fomeching much to his advan tage—he need not be under anv apprehi nfion, ns all obftades arc removed. Printers in Georgia, are requeftect to give the above a ‘few insertions. Oelder 25. GEORGI V;~T“B7 wm7 l iae - Lincoln County. \ per, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for said County. % AT BEREA S John Florence oj aclminiftration on the Li fate and \ Ejj'efh efi John Florence late of 1 this county due a fed. THESE are therefore to cite & admenijh ail and fingtilar the kin dred and creditors of fend deceased, to be and appear at my Office, with in the time (Mowed by Law, to feiv cause (if any they l a e) why Letters jhcnld not beg anted Given under ray hand at Office this 3 \fl day cj Oetcher 1805. Wm. ! larper, c. c. . OBSERVE IF TOUPLEASE-. r T"'HOSE gentLerncn who hold Jl fubferiprion papers for the Planter’s Museum, are refpedfully requCli and to return a copy of each lift of fubferibers that may have been obtained, to.the post maker at Sanders ville, with the fignaturr of each holder, accompanying ril the monies, which may Ikewife have been obtained. P- rfi ns as yet, Vn doubt whether futh a publication will comm nc s are informed char, it really will, and that will be in the t.ourfe of but very few weeks —nroft pro bably, in the ‘alter pa< t of next month (November.) ll r re terms of the Muleum, meet the As st nt •*f as many as three mu x dred Gentlemen—and, ifthole gendemen will Jubfcribe, --d COMPLY THEREWITH, the nC cefiity of doubting, (hah be (ho raughly precluded. 1 a fibre thole, whose inteiuion it is to become my patrons and fun port ers, that this compliance will be one great fprhig to like operati ons or the Muft’um. Ihe mat ter it will aolorbe, they arc lur cher re ipeCtfully unarmed, /hall not be warning, to amu ft-, or to i aft rti ft. i am, wi h fenti neuts of the hyghefi conli ication, the i’ub hc’s devoted ftrva v, S, vvij >. vV . ivTil-. Hi’. 1 October 14, 1805. F O R S A LE, A 1 1 ke 1 y Negro l>. • y j e•/enteca or cigiucen years oi 1. Fo r r-jnher particulars apt ly a: rh “ . Office. October 3, c . ,;y. Blank Go-cro;, ft cue:i>-.*•. Ini a th. (diii c., .