Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, December 14, 1805, Image 2

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appeared, mat on the m'ght of the 3d of September about 12 o’clock, a body of men compo sed of whites, negroes and per lons in disguise, to the number of 19, armed with various wea pons, broke open the house of Nathan Kemper, about two miles from Pinkneyville, and after much violence and great abuse tied Nathan and his bro ther Reuben Kemper, who hap pened that night at his house. After having fecurcd these two, a detachment of the party went in pursuit of Samuel Kemper, broke open his houlc and secu red him in like manner with his brothers : fliortly afterwards the parties united and forced the Kempers to go a few feet below the line of demarcation between the United Stares and the Ter ritory occupied by lus Catholick Msjefty i where they were re ceived by a patrole guard of Spanish tioops under the com mand of capt. Soloman AHton. They were then conveyed to the Bayau Tunicau landing, there put on board a boat which was prepared to receive them, tinder a guard of fix men, and ordered to Baton Rouge. In palling Point Coupee on their way down the river, the whole rtw were taken by Lieut. Wil lon, commandant of that poll. Agreeable to the request and dirtftions of the executive of ’lns territory to Lieut. Wilson, ihe Spanish guard and the Kem pers were lent under escort to capt. Sparks, commanding of ficer at Fort Adams, there to await a judicial lnvefligation.- According to the orders of gov ernor Williams they were all transferred to the civil autho rity. It appeared, farther, that a mong the per Tons who were ac tive above the line in securing the Kempers, fome were citi zens of the Miflifiippi Territory a-id others fubjefts of the King of Spain. Os the latter all es caped beyond the line or else where, lb soon as the Kempers were delivered to the Spanish guard. The majority of our citizens who were aftivs in this flagrant breach of the laws and peace of our territory have also cfcaped. The only two who were in cuflody, were bound in a heavy penalty to appear at the November circuit court toftajid their trial. The Kempers were bound to appear as witnefles, 1 *i to keep the peace efpeciaily • wards the fubjefts of Spain— he negroes were adjudged to be tried in a summary manner, under the statute of this Terri tory. The Spanish guard were reieafed and direfted to be con veyed into their own territory by a military escort. This dif pofr.ion of the Spanish fubjefts was made from a knowledge of • • O their having afted in obedience to 1* f orders of their command ing dicer, captain Alflon, and the more tfpccialiy as we are fl iin amity with Spain. Thus the matter icfls at prelect. We cannot but express our fatisfaftion at the conduft of our officers, executive and judi cial, who have had the manage ment of this business. From tire prompt and energetic mca iures purlue<d by our governor, and the firmnds which he has shown on this occasion, vft have no doubt but spirited and deci fivc fbt-ps wid always be adop ted by him, to repress any out rage that may be atempted upon the citizens of this territory, by our treacherous neighbours, the Spaniards. An outrage of a flmllar kind with that committed on the Kempers, but more hostile in its afpeft was lately tranfafted by a party of Spanish fubjefts in our territory near the Tickfaw Creek. A party of twelve Spanish light horse, part of capt. Jone’s company armed with guns, pis tols, and swords, came to the house of Mr. Holden, about one mile above the line of demarca tion, and in a violent and hostile manner threatened to put Hol den and his family under guard j while they were afting in this manner, his son and others came home when Ilolden ordered them to get their guns and de fend themselves—upon this the party rode off and came two miles further on this fide the line to the house of a Mr. Flan agan, and in a violent and hostile manner, took him and his wife prisoners, and carried them five miles below the line ; there left them under guard all night aftd in the morning dilcharged the wife, but conveyed her husband fifteen miles further, took his horle, bridle and saddle and then difrnified him. The firft part of this outrage was committed in open day. We are informed that cur governor has demanded an ex plicit and fatisfaftory explana tion of this trau faction from governor Grand Pre. —— l 111 1 *o* O *<£>•• ——'*4 COLUMBIA, (s. c.) Nov. 20. At a court of general sessions of the peace, oyer and terminer, assize and general gaol delivery, begun and held for Newberry diftrift, at Newberry court ; houh;, on the second Monday j of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and five, before the hono rable Samuel Wilds, Elq. one of the judges of the said flare, the following preferments were made out and returned by the grand jury of the fin'd diftrift, and were ordered to be printed in the State Gazette :—• We, the members of the grand jury, do present it as a griev ance the neglcft of inland navigation. We also prelent as a griev ance the neglcft of the ertftion and supporting of seminaries for the inflruftion of youth through out the Rate. We in the fame manner pre fenr as a grievance that a peni tentiary for the punifhmenc of criminals is not cftabldhed by la*w in the Rate. We also present as a g itv ance thaf the gaol of Newberry diftrift is not kept in better re pair. We alio present in the fame manner, that there are so many dams and obftruftions aero Is the rivers throughout this dif trift as to render the passage of fiih up them impoffble. We present also that the Judges of the courts of equity and of &e common pleaic do tot pay better attention to their appointments. We desire the above present ments to be printed in the State Gazette by his honor the Judge. Signed Robert Rutherford, for. John T insley, James Spear, man, Rodger Rogers, Nicholas Rochester, James Toland, Tho. M'Cracken, Conrad Zuber, J. Oxner, Jacob Shgh, Thomas Wilson, John Raes, William Finney, David Waldrop. A true Copy. Attest, FRED. NANCE, c. c. g. s. - >o - HORRIBLE MURDER, near Clarkjhirgy Virginia. Last night ABEL CLEM MONS, at his place of residence upon the lands of Col. George Jaekfon, within about an half mile of the town of Clarkfourg, under circumstances of the molt unprecedented cruelty, murder ed his wife far advanced in preg nancy, and their eighr small children, the tlJeft about 12 years old, by striking them on the head with an axe, while they were aQeep in three separate beds, lying in the fame room ! The wounds that he gave it is luppofed, produced instantane ous death, dispatched each one at a blow—and ever; circum stance induces a belief, that those lad dispatched, were un knowing to the caraftrophe of s he others. Clemmons had been preparing for fome time and fixed upon next Thurfclay, for his removal to the flare of Ohio. A man named Neifly, who pur chased part of his crop, went •ariy this morning to the house, and was admitted by Clemmons who was in great agitation, and apparently in a ftace of infinity the family as Neifly luppofed were asleep, except a little girl, niece of Clemmons, who llaid ail night in die iioule—but knew nothing that occurred. Neifly after conversing fome time with Clemmons left the house unful picious of wiia: had happened; a brother of Clemmons’s who lived fome miles off and was g j ing to remove with him, soon afterwards came to the house and found him in it; he enquir ed where the family were— Clemmons said alleep—he ap proached one of the beds to a wake the oldest boy, when he immediately difeovered that all the children in it were murder ed ! He accused Ids brother with the crime, and then ran & alarmed the neighbors—before they aflembled Clemmons had fled. Here was exhibited a feene the mod [hocking to re late—the wife and an infant in her arms lay in one bed, four daughters in another, two boys and one girl in a third—ail murdered by the husband and che father—and what is very re markable, he had always lived with them in a moll affeftior.ate manner, and they bore the cha racter of honesty and industry. Clemmons had been for several weeks in a gloomy melancholy mood, occasioned, it was ihp poled, by his great anxiety f>r the welfare of his numerous fa in Jy. Ile is about thirty-three years old, 5 feet 7 inches high, birlt strong, fair complexion, I light hair, an i has loft F> n- ■ ■’ ... , * J u ‘CCI i, The friends of *hua>enky are entreated to use due diligence to apprehend him—& the print ers throughout the U. States, are requested to inferc this ad ▼ertifement in their papers a iew times. JOHN G. JACKSON. GEORGE JACKSON. W ILLIAM TATE. ELIAS STILLWELL. / Clarkjburg , Harr if on county. Virginia , Nov. 11, 1807. PETERSBURG, Saturday, Dec. 14, 1801;. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-Partnership of Burke & NPDonnell is this day dissolved by mutual con sent.—The Paper will be con ciufted in future by Alexander M‘Don nell. } A EEXAN DER M‘DONNELL. Michael Burke. Deunmer igj iSor, His Excellency the Governor has communicated to both bran ches ot the LegUhture, a circu lar letter from the Secretary at W ar, iignifying that an imme diate drart ot the Militia of th 3 State, may be called for by the General Government. This, it is suppo sed will occupy their immediate attention. Lcuijvilie Gazette. The Alexandria Expofiroi:, of November ift. ftaces, that fC the reports in Waftiington City confirm” the reports which we have said were afloat in this city, that the Spanish Minister, having determined to leave the United States, had demanded his passports from our govern mcHt. Emuirer. j. The United States frigate CongreJs, capt. Decature, which failed from i I amp ton Roads oa Saturday last for W a (hinge on City, (fays the Norfolk Herald, ot the 14th) is again returned into the Roads, owing, as we are told, to orders from the feat of government, fur her going im mediately on a crude. Tire Cor.ftclla it >n, capt. Stewart, vvhofe arrival in Hampton Roads, was mentioned in our last, we are also informed, re ceived similar orders ! Wajhington City , Nov, 12 We h avejuft now been in formed, that orders have been given by government fora de tachment of Marines to be in readiness to proceed to New- O-leans without delay. And that the Nevv-Orleans ftatiou wdi be guarded by a number of gun- boats. Avery large advantageous TREAT X has been made, we underhand, at this place, with the chiefs of the Creek Nation ; by which a Urge cefiion of land is made to the United States, and the right given to open a direst road to New-Orleans through the territory of the Creeks.— i he United States on their part contract to pay the annual sum o- r c ,000 doll ,rs for eight years, *1 i fir annul sum of 11,000 o •< n cen years thence eu.? a- Ntf In!A.