Georgia & Carolina gazette. (Petersburg, Ga.) 1805-18??, March 04, 1806, Image 1

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Georgia & Carolina Cazetfce. Volume i.J -TE R M S OF THE GEORGIA CAR.OLIA GAZETTE. 1. Price to S üb!c rihr rs, three dollars per annum, pay uuiv I ‘ yearly in advance. 2. Advertiiemrnts for t r firfr insertion feventy-five cent per {(.pare, and fifty cents ? each continuation. r Ad verrifemenrs will nor ft-/ V* indited unless previously- pa and for. N. B. Gentlemen who have been so chirpin'? as to obtain Sub (bribers for this Taper, will con for an additional favor by for ’ waidirg a faternent cf the name to the Editors as Joan as ccnvcni ent. The following gentlemen are ei ther [fed to receive Subjcripn * for this -hiper. |\ Tn; c Rr CFrl F I¥i.l i. 4 ‘ IJ’ A Cv W lui Ji.) 1 bert Countv. Mr. William Woodr, Elder ton. Col. Holman Freeman, and Capt. John Freeman, Wilkes Countv. Cap?. Moles Speer, Greenes bo rough. MeG. T. Watkins, Ogle thorpe County. Mr. D. I- Ryan, Sparta. General Irwin, SanderSvilie. Mr. Michael Burke, Louis ville. Mr. Janies Krly, Savannah, Mr. John C.itli.ii, Aogufta. Li South Carolina. Mr. Benjam n Glover and Doctoi; Casey, Vienna. Rev Mules Waddel, Abbe ville.. SHERIFF’S SALE. 0/7 the Frft Vuejday in April neat, at Elbert Court Iloufe , bet ween the usual hours , WILL BE SOLD, icq Ayr** of iand in Elbert Counrv, on Cold Wau r creek, Including J. Cunningham’s O! Mills, and joins lands of VVdha v. Rowbuck i Alio 202 i 2.4/1 in Baldwin county, No. 224, 5, h Dill rift; Also 200 acre Hi Eiberr county, more or IE, where Benjawrn Head now live s well i -nprOved, and joins lands of L'-wis Garr; die ihree above traffs executed as the property of Benjamin Head. ALSO , 500 /Acres of land, more or lets,, in fa id county, on Van’s creek, well improved, being Ihe olace where John Ru k. I '- liow lives, join Ends f Joiep Bia-.kweil, i vied as proper v of Wili am i/ioii a a John Rucker. Aj.. o ’J , 200 Acres of land, more 0 less, 0 Lid Cou y, on m ibuth fork of the Bea ere!/. 1 creek, ‘. bei g ,s Vv ..te’s J.-Ui. 01 HO3 Ol rill- 1, frJi- PETERSBURG: (Georgia) — Privted by ALEXANDER M'DONNEI.L. merly the properoi Robert oivr., c.eeeaUd, ’cv cO m as ■< property vl Silas White, ; i.ttdoutb; the pial nfl\ si LS 0, :co Ac cs of land hi laid count’ , on Cold Water creek, j :ns John Cunningham, 500 1 laid 1 ounr.y and on Laid creek, j ns j. M‘D na]d, 4co acres m laid county, n Fork creek, j mis Robert Godin, and 710 A- e of iand, ;n F anklin county, joins War ford ; the a ve 4 trades levied on a.- the property of Robert Cudbv, 1 ointed out bv file plamfiff, ALSO, 202 1-2 Acres of land m Wdk nfon count;., No 80,5 th D ftnct, lying on both fl ics of Mill crick, ievl on as the p petty of Gerrard Vv althal. /iLS 0, 250 .■ eves or land, more or is. m Elbert county, well ini pt’ vm!, i being the place where Be C ck, dcceaied, for eiA v ft ved, and executed as the pt periv or’ the ,Executors of laid Benjamin Cock, joins lands /! James Mornion. ALSO, ico Acres of land in said c<;unty, on Beavcrdam creek, well improved, ir being half of 2 200 acre trac'd Where i . Sha: p and John S. lead now lives, joins lands of V rn Aden and John Oliver, levied on as the property of JohnS. I lead. ALSO , 2co Acies of land in f••d (Oiimv, v/dl improved, w th a good law arm grist null on the l ime, lying on the Beaverdam reek, where William Guy re fiejes, and iev eu on as the; pro perty of said William Guy. ALSO , 15 Acres of and in fiid eouiicv, more or less, it being an liiand in Savannar., joining James \\ atkin.s, levied on a> he pi ope rt\ of j ■ h ph Sail. R. MIDDLE ION, Sheriff, February 25, ißc6. M-IERIFFN SALE. On the Fir ft Tuefdcy in April next, IVILL BE SOLD] at Libert Court Ibufe, the fol lowing property, VIZ. i wo crafts of land in Elbert ■ unty, one lying on Cold Wa ter creek, joining James Jones, containing 200 acres, more or Ids, the other on Ceder creek, iomir-g Robert Sufredge, cc-n ----am 1 g 200 acres, more or less; the two above traftls taken as th c pe tv of Alegane M'Guire. ALSO, One house and lot, in the - vv. f Elberton, joining Jo- cs I oihers, and ail >ther r.ecef ;ary buildings thereon, taken *. ‘he pr- petty of Beckham Dye. ALSO, Two negroes to wit: one ne gr v.(.m n named Jor.e, and her child nam i Pam., taken as the l ropeity of Berjaimn I lead. I U E S D A T. March 4, ißc6. ALSO, cco Acres of iand on Savan nah river, in Elbert county, it being the place whereon Micajah Terrel now lives, taken as the property of laid i’errd. ALSO, 50 Acres or land in Elbert county, joining vViiliam Means, Also 40 a, res, joining Hu a,; tz others, taken as the property of William Craft. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in Wil ls inion county No. iot, granted to Nathaniel Benefield, taken as the property of la i Benefield. WILLIAM FAUIdCNER, D. S. February 25, 1 Sc'k TH£ N O .1 KD TH RfiUG II £IU P V SNAP DRAGON, A iTighflyer, who ft repnta n as a foal getter fur palled a ny ho: ft on the continent, now in high per ftVficn, rift up- eH’n 1 ,00 years'old, a beaut-ful dark bay, 14 wards of fifteen hands and a h.S- high, will Hand the tnfu iro- Salon in Li burton at mv liable, and cover mares at the moderate [>i ice of fix dollars the season ; two dollars and a half t!i- fi.igle leap, to be paid when the mare is covered j and eight, dollars to inline 2 mare to be with foal, payable so loon as the mare may be cor. fide red with sod, or transftrred j the fix <Jo ; - 1 - r ?> may be often urged by the | y n :t o r four dollars, if paid b y the ft -ft day of October nux?. I h.e season will com mence the tenth day of March next, and end the tenth day t July. Ail due attendance will be given to guard again ft acci dents, but will not be liable for any. REUBEN LINDSAY. FA, vary 27, ißc6. I do hereby certify diat the dark bay horft SNAP DRA GON, was got by die old im ported horie Highflyer, his dam oy the noted horie Aftael, iris grandam was the noted mare, called Hicksford, fine was got by Ariftode, and out of Col. Dan ridge’s imported mare Bon nvlalsi Aiael was got by E cliple, and Echpfe by Col. 13a lor’s old imported Fearnought. Given under my hand, in Amherst county, Virginia, this 18di of January, 1804. JAMES LIVELY. I hereby certify that I have two coirs, got by tne dark ba horie . NAP DRAGON, am; t ;ev art equal ii lupenor to an- -orle’s coils n,t ever ftoo 1 n th s part of the countrv ; h is as lUI <• a Hai gs un as any 00 /;.: tontmenii and 1 believe ad he o a put to running, Ire won r nave been equal 1> an -uie in ibis part of lire cone.- n Hr . npr’ *• rnv k-i.r-O N J 2 ill January, 1804, in Amherst countv, Virginia. WILLIAM GARRET. We do hereby certify that the dark bay horde, SNAP DRAGON, formerly the pro perty of James Lively, has flood in this county several years as a covering rrorie, and we prefer ed Irirn asaftud, from his blood, bone and figure ; we will war rant him to be as fare a final get ter as any on the continent.- We regret that he has left this quarter, as his colts are g-*nc r-.tily large, handsome, &c. It hr.j been the general opinion that had SNAP DRAGON, been put to running, that he would have been equal to any horft on the continent. G ve,n under our hands, in Amherst countv, V irrronia, this 13th of January, 1804. GO DO WICK. GEORGE. J AMES M ART, JOHN KNIGHT, J AMF.o MILE, HENRY GILBERT. I do hereby certify that I have bred fifteen or twenty colts, a mong which i* one got by the dark bay holTe SNAPDRA GON, that is equal if not fupe nor to any. Given under my hand this ft h day of December, 1805, in LAert county.DAVIDCLARK I do hereby certify that I have bred a number of colts from the bell horses in my reach, a rnong which was one got by the dark bay horse SNAP DRA GON, that is equal if not fupc rior to any I ever have bred. Given under my hand this ydi day of December, 1804. I it AN CIS HfC GIN BOTH AM. I do h ere by certify that I nave bred a number of col s from the belt horses in my acquaintance, among which is one that was got by the dark bay horse bNAP DRAGON, that is e qual if not fupenor to any I e ver bred. Given under mv hand this 7th day of December, 1804, Elbert county, Stace of Gr wgia. DIONYSIOUS OLIVER. (£? FINAL NO TICE. r F~VIOSE who are indebted to the Subscriber either r*n NOTB or GFfcM ACCOMPT, are requested to come forward -md fettle the fame by the 20th day of March next. Thole do not avail themselves of rus notice, may be allured their accompts v/ill abfol ittly be placed in the hands of an At omey for coilefttion, without dificrhnination. ROBEP T THOMPSON. February 12, 1800. bi! ?. riff’s BLa Sll i | J’L B J For at Oflioe. [Number 34.