The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, July 01, 1892, Image 3

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RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can .always bn „ successfully treated with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla C A cure i is sure to follow the persistent use of this - medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. The Cleveland Progress. Cleveland, Ga., Jnly 1, 1892, IggrWtNE OF CAROM, s Tonic for Women- Mr. .1. M. Latham was among our business men Tuesday. •Tolm Fields, colored, died at his home oil Blue l'reek last Tuesday. Uaseoml) ('raven has the thanks of Tim Puookkss for a year’s subscription. Miss Dora Palmer returned from Gainesville the latter part of the past week. Prof. J. ('. Dean, of Clinton, Ky., is now at his parents’ home in this county. .Miss Jura Palmer lias been somewhat indisposed for several days past , hut is at present, wi learn, convalescing. Subscribers who have arranged to pay for their paper in wood will please deliver it at once, as we need it badly. Miss Kva Merritt, who has been in the millinery business in Gainesville during the past three months, is again at her home. Mr. M. II. Stanton invaded our little burgh Tuesday, lie wears the smiles of a People's partymnn and we sincerely believe he is. Little Bessie Sutton has been sell’rriiig severely from teething during the past week or so. We hope her illness will be no further prolonged. Mr. K. T. Whatley, assistant stale geologist, who has been in our community for two or three weeks, left. Tuesday morning for Atlanta. acClHEE I WINE OS CHIlDUl for Weak Nov.,. Owing to a business trip made to Dahlonega last week wo failed to get the paper out on time. Such will try and he avoided in the future. Mr. Fred Dover of the beauti ful valley of Nacooehee, is to be rewarded for being so prompt in the payment of his subscription to this paper. Fred is one of the right kind. Mr. fi. I). Pitchford, the popu lar assistant postmaster of this place, is oft’ on a business trip to I lie Qeen City. George does not belong to the boycott crowd if he is a I lemoeral. Preaching at the Methodist church Sunday morning and in the.nflernoon was well attended. Our friend, Rev. M. B. Watkins, is doing good work for our com munity in religious circles. Mr. Boutello and wife of Gainesville were in the village a few days of last week. This gen tleman seems to he greatly inter ested in the mineral welfare of this section, and we hope his an ticipations i‘i this line will prove both beneficial to himself and our county. lyO OTHER Sarsaparilla posses* ■ ™ ses the Combination, Proportion and Process which makes HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Peculiar to Itself. -•Chrri-ri—rf t’-S OTHER WiSE. ‘ Static of ()., Cm of Toi.kdo, ( Lvovs County. \ .Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chunky & Co., j doit g business in the City of To- I ledo, eouuI v and tjtirw■■■ttmvc! aid, After tomorrow the Cleveland j mid that said tirm wiU pay the and Dahlonega mail route which ! J J" Nl)HLD DOL- , , ' , ,, , ; GA Kb for each and every ease of has been so successfully managed ( . |lt|in . h thal oiuinot |„, ( . um) |,v by county treasurer, Payne will lie changed and placed in other hands, the four years’ contract with Mr. Payne expiring at the above mentioned time. The mail will then leave Cleveland, going over to Halfway three times each week—thence to Dahlonega. “Excuse me, George, but when I saw you a year ago, your face was covered with pimples; it seems to he all right now.” “Yes, sir; that's because I stuck to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the greatest blood medicine in the world. I was never so well in my life as I am now." The People’s party polled over 40,000 votes in Oregon, Monday, two weeks ago, the party being organized only 60 days in the state. I fere is a ques tion : Where will the old parties he when the November election is over? The People's party state con vention to nominate a governor and state house officers meets in Vtlanta the 20th of July. Each county is entitled to twice as many delegates as it lias repre sentatives in the lower house of t ie general assembly. Try BLACK-nRAUCril Ira for Dyspepsia. Gov. Northern is being advised by some very influential People’s parlytnen to.come over with the reform movement or take a few doses of Dr. Kline’s brain treat ment. Our opinion is that the governor will toe the mark if the people will give him a little time for consideration. No matter what may bo the ills you hear from indigestion, a dose of Ayer’s Cathartic Pills will ease you without question. Just try them once and he assured; they have much worse dyspeptics eureJ. You'll find them nice and amply worth the price. At the close of a Democrat i< speech in Colley county recently a vote wits called for, and a de cided majority declared for the I’eopie’s party. It seems that, the Boiiehons can no longer get up a decent crowd to hear their own champions without the assistance of the P. P. men. The executive committee of the People's party of Whito county arc requested—at the instance of chairman J. C. Bell—to meet in the courthouse, July 5th, at t) o’clock, a. in. Let each commit teeman note this, as business of vital importance will lie before the body. In 18S9 Congressman Living ston in St. Louis laid the egg that hatched the Third party chicken. “My mother,” says a writer in the People’s Party Pa per, “had a hen once that would lay an egg and then destroy (cat) it. My mother killed the hen. Livingston is trying to destroy the egg he laid himself, and he will he—or is already dead—(po litically) like my mother’s lien.” THE SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE. Essential to the production of the most perfect and popular lax ative remedy known, have ena bled tin California Fig Syrup (Jo. to achieve a great success in the reputation of its remedy Syrup of Figs, as if is conceded to he the universal laxative. For sale by all druggists. the use of ll u.i.’s Catakmi CritK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1886. i i ( SKAt. ) A. \\ . Gl.KV.SON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takcn'in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for list of testimo nials, free. Address F. J. Cmksea ^ Co., Toledo, (). Sold by drug gists, 75c. The government owns the rail roads in Australia and a 1000-mile ticket costs from 825 up. Of course we are as intelligent in this country as they are in Aus tralia and Europe, 1ml we prefer to give .lav Gould and such men all they ask. That is, some of us do, and the rest do not. How about you?—lFawnlh a weekly Journal. The office seekers and place hunters should he relegated to the rear at Omaha, and nothing done to prevent the full and I fee voices of the people through their delegates selecting the ablest and best men for the place. Let it lie lenient he red that this is ti light for principle, and temporary defeat is better titan unholy compromise. —National Economist. Ware county is up and shaking herself. A People's party meet ing held there recently shows that about seventy-live percent of the voters endorsed the St. Louis platform, and pledged themselves to vote for no man who is not in full sympathy with the reform movement. Bless the Lord! we are marching on with ears open and eyes glistening. The platform adopted by the national Republican convention Jipld at Minneapolis June 11th, is iin extraordinary document—so worded as to catch votes and do as little as possible for the down trodden people. It amounts to nothing however, for the people are no longer to be deceived by the leaders of the old parties. They are, as “Brick” Pomeroy says, “things of the.past.’ From Friand to Friend Goes the story of the excellence of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished, and Ibis is the strongest advertising wliieh is done on behalf of this medicine. We endeavor to tell honestly what Hood’s Sarsaparil la is and what it will do. Bill what it has done is far more im portant a"d far more potent. Its unequalled record of cures is sure to convince those who have never tried Hood’s Sarsaparilla that it is an excellent medicine. II. E. Toubeneck has received a number of letters requesting that an hour he set apart at Hie Omaha convention in commemo ration of Gol. L. L. Polk's ser vice to our cause. They have also requested Unit Igmitus Donally, Gen. .lames B. Weaver, Thomas E. Watson, St)tntp Ashby, T. V. Powderly, Gol. S. F. Norton, Dr. C. W. MeGune, Mr. Marion Todd, and Mrs. Mary E. Lease, be requested to make short speeches in eulogy of the life and work of ourdepart- ed hero. Is tho strongest Home-l&dQX'Bed Medicine in tlx© world. Itf.if vrlfo hail twen affliotrd for at* yearn with ft f loat dreadful Jilood }'ol«on of Romo Kind, calloa icrctnn by eminent phyalelaus. During this period ?howH» treated by rcvoral specialists. FI up taken tiunulltlesof all tho blood puillhnHOuthetnatUft, without rtnll/.lng any npccial benefit, ftr.o!$now using WboldrldRe 4 * wonderful Cure, a few bottlon of which luivo mad© it eomploto euro. 1 uitker.lta* • I ugly ivecmmoml It as tho best blood nur I tier rvee Ulsooveml. Yours t ruly, A. 0. HoGhdli.L. Coluiubuc, Ca„ March 1KW. KAXVrACTUfcED HT WOOlDRlDttE WONDERFUL CURE CO., C-olursl'im, CJa. FOR- HALU BY A LL BRITO GISTS LITTLE ROCK Memphis Railroad. THE ARKANSAS, TEXAS & CALIFORNIA To all Points West nnd 8oulli-\v« si. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,^’or The Senate. toannounce myself a candidate to i epi emit the people of Lumpkin, "While and Lawson, the ensiling term 'in tlit* St nate, subject to the uetion of I»; mavicH. I will promise to faithfully ••p.pve the people to my very best abillity. Respect fid )y, .1 H. ALLEY. Five Unchallenged and Undeniable Propositions. FIRST --Kind’s Royal Qermeteuv is the Lost indorsed medicine in the world. SECOND- It has cured more sickness in proportion to the amount sol 1 than any i • dic.iue in the world. ' THIRD—Less complaint has been made against it, in proportion to the amount ■‘used, than any medicim-e, in the world, FOURTH—No medicine in the world ev- l*r secured such patronage in two years alter introduction to the puhll * i FIFTH—No medicine in the world is m< re pleasant to the taste. We hold the proofs of the above. We are having’ with us, and all over the country, the dreadful scourge LA- GRIPPE. Hundreds are being cured iidit here at our doors in a few hours by kmg'TWO TKAHPt tONFULS of G KUM- TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM ~ Making direct conneo- '* Don with all trains from J the EAST. NO CHANGE OF CARS TO Ct. Wtu’lh, wuco, OR lNTHH.\lHm.VTUPOINTS. Tiik Only Link receiving passenger. 1 at p i Memphis within ils own depot, tluis’L* JV ^ avoiding a long and disageoealde pmtii- j KTKUU in one-half glass of hot water bus transfer across the city. j every hour for six or eight hours. It is Tim Only Link with through sleeping* >m pleasant to take as lemonade, ear service between Memphis and South- | We are receiving testimonials daily, West. l and could till this paper with the names Tiik Only Ln k with through ear service j of good and well known people who have beteen Memphis and Central Texas. [ been cured, of long standing and aggra- | vated cases of Rheumatism, Catarrh, All Lines Have Tickets On Calc Via j Neuralgia, Indigestion, in its many 1 tlirms, Female discuses, lilood and Skin Liiutle Hock and (Viemphis ntseasts, (leneral Debility, and many I blher diseases eaused by impurity of the Rnii road. blood. “The lilood and Stomach is life,” keep these in good condition and disease eun- Raihvay Guide and County Maps ofj not, exist. We will gladly send you one Arkansas and Texas Mailed Free. All information desired will be cheerfully and fully answered, by Addressing R, A. WILIJAMS, Travelings Dasenger Agent, 42 Wall Sb.opposit Union DentT, P. (). Uox 848. ATLANTA GA H. W. Morrison, C. P. A., of our books of Testimonials on applica tion. For sale at $1 per bottle by all druggists. Manufactured by KING’S ROYAL GKRMBTKUR CO., Atlanta, Ga. mmmm kittle Hook, Ark. LEGAL ADVERTISING. HubliflCurod without physical or mental injury* Treatment identical with that of I>r. Keoloy, at Dwight, tllinoiB. For particulars, address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Edgowood Avo. and Ivy St., ATLANTA, GA. Wodiiosility nfternoon wc werr delighted in gnispin^ the tininus of our clever friend Air. B. R. Menders of Diihloiicpn. Air. Menders is numbered with those of the (lopulnr business men of Hint city. He litis n host of reln- tions nnd friends in White coun ty who arc always pleased to have him visit them. Air. J. M. Burses dropped into our sanctum Tuesday afternoon ajid paid hi- subscription to ltifc. IVifKESS. IF* informs us that ho will leave sometime in Autrust for Fh-yd Spring*, Ga., at winch j fi)! . ( . n)1 place lie will remain during thej )|((| lw WHO IS HE? A\ r e. find the following in tln^ Gainesville Industrial News of the 25th illt: “Last Saturday Thttd l’iekett and Newt Twilly addressed a very small crowd in the court house at this place, advocating the principles of the Third party platform.” The writer of this little notice G HOKIilA. WIIITK COl'NTV. Will 1" sold before the court house clooi* at . (Mevelniul, Whitecounly, Georgia, on; the lirat Tuesday in duly next. LS‘1‘2, ba- tweeu tlic lawful hnurtt of sale to thoi highent bidder, for cash, the following j>rop(»rty to-wit» Partot In! of land No. 2D, in tho ib*d, distrift, containing 80 acruR more oi* lesa. and also part of lot of laud No. 80, in the 8rd district, containing 80 acres more or j less; and bounded ns follows: On tile west by the land of W. .J. t'ue north and east, by the j Westmoreland, and on the ; lands of Calvin Johnson. | now in pose; ion of Mary and Calvin Johnson. Tan or twelve acres in eulH-_ ration on said No. 2D, and valuable tinpf bur on the o.her. .Said property was L’V« ied oil in- tho property of D. M. Horton, deeo.ui*’1. and to lie sold ns such by vir tue of six ti. f>tN. iocied frtun the. I27nd district. H. M., said county, agains* said 1). M. Horton and in favor of each <>1 these parties: A. N. Vandiver, W. .1. Abernuthey, D. W. Price, J. Q. A. We.d morehind, F. .!. O’Dell and A. N. Vandi ver; and all 1L fas. are.for the use of! officers of court, except Hie Hi st. one. | Said ft. fas. were levied by constables and returned to me, June «8, 1882. a. L. DROWN, Slier iff. G eorgia, wim j. county.-- Where. an, U. W. Ash, administiutor of Lou isa Ash, reju’esents to the court in Ids petition, duely Hied and entered on rec ord, that Ik; has felly administered said estate. ’This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause—if any they can—why said Administrator should not be dip* charged from bis administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the 1st Mon day in Jnly, 18512. W. Ik HELL, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Hall county, Ga., I will sell at public outcry, to the. highest bidder, for cash, within tin* legit! hours of sale, before the court house door in Gaines ville, Ga., on the tirst Tuesday in July next, the following property b> wit: Lot ef land number thirty six (3D) in the first (1) district of While county, Ga,, containing two hundred and fifty acres, to be sold as the property of Samuel Stephens, deceased, Ibr the be,unlit of heirs and creditors. This May 24, 180*2. A. L. KKITJi, Administrator of Samu el Stephens, doconsed. timmt 1 isthp Brvr- BEST. (fpsSsraS ..n C»s 0 C05T mim„^ Amur» »»• c,l” c - .mnt !*»■„ FOR SALE BY- (Milaato. jftJ' Solil t>y II. A. Jamuil, Ctlnvrlnnil. Tho People’s Piiftv Paper siiys : “We understiind that delega tions from Amerens and Colum bus have recently been seen in and around Buena Vista search ing for such remnants of Hawks and Garard as might have heen left at the dose of the joint dis cussion with Peek and Gorman. At the conclusion of the debate a yote was called for and over 80 percent of 1 lie vast crowd declared for the People’s party.” Tins is hould give full facts when writ-J th „ rcault wherever ‘a People’s ing of the political meetings held p. u qy meeting is held, and we sec J fall and winteF sea-on. U c trust i, this young man will have mm !, ; success while a ■ >.y from til-1 at this place. It is true tin crowd was smal.l, hut not “very small'’as lie puts it. As the day . of this meeting was so beautiful rking and tlic people .sufficient notice of the ri!\ mly i. ibout It the i . otefs were for the a hundred beauty of it percent of the People's pnr- where the masses are wise in aet- so sensibly. All level-headed inner- and laboring men gener- 1\ should not fail to see into the oodnoss of our organization ami eep wide-awake to its interest. .*, UIIMF OF OAROUI fes fe.i aso BOGUS testimonials, no bo ■ gus Doctors’ letters used to sell HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. Every one of its advertisements is absolutely true. 02Il£TVa» 'lAiOJ-CJS'TS Go West! For lowest rates to all points in Arkansaii, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, California and Washington Territory It will pay you to correspond with either Oils as. IS. Walker. Ticket Agent, Ilnioti Depot. -OR~ J, a l . i »1 3 s i 61.* a-, Oifiee 42 ‘Xiuli ia'e.t l‘. (). Box g:.-,, Ai.anta. (la. 0 51 a ii M sr o- to w IQ « o 0 ff « n. CD C O D m co > z D > s O eg n I—1 (D rD D) D- CT2 O Z CO ^3 m u > 5 z p o -3 cq fcd Gj kd G) Q ro o yo> CD C Millinery and Dress Making. Mossy Creels Academy. THE COLUMBIA.’ Mrs, A * Cy. Davies Having luiivt’d Iter Millimtvy business fr>un Cornulia lo Messy Crook Academy offers to thu lailioH of Him section Hu; latest styles in i HATS, IHBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. bat trimmed fosuit, your style nnd Lisle is much more salisfae.fory to tho wearer and co: ts no more than a ready trimmed one. The system of DrosH Cutting used by Mrs. Davies insures a perfect lit. Country Drodue.e. taken in exchange. AYM. BROWN, JR. 11. 1. jMFALOR. J. W. BROWN. GJUNLCSVILIJ'; IRON WORKS. [n <!• Shafting, Pulleys, gangers, Pipe and Fittings, Iron and Brass Castings. Syrup and Stamp (Dills and all Kiads| of MIKING MACHINERY MADE and REPAIRED. Correspondence, solicited, Office ;md Shops uenr Air Line Depot. | I Knur. NIARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, ©to. For Information and froo Handbook write to M(JNN & CO.. 301 nnoAimAY, Nkw Yonir. Oldest btirouu for flerurlmr patentn in America. Every patent tukuu out by uh in brought before the public by a notice given freo of churge in tbo American I<argOBt circulation of any sclontlfle paper In the world. Splendidly llliiHtratu<L No intelligent nmu'should he without It. weekly. #3.00 a year; (LbO elx months. Address MtJNN &. (X)., PuuLiBKKUK, 361 Broadway, New York. J PHOTOGRAPHER, Gainesville, Ga. (Eofet Sid-- Public K<|iiare.,) Noiu* but tirst-dasH work done at i"?*;*y CliargcsTensonablc. Call and flee SjHM,iijieiL‘». PICTURES enlarged In any : i/** in Oil, I (.’ruyon, India Ink, or Water Color.j. CUE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR: DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PAINTS AND OILS FINE TOILET SOAPS STATIONERY COMBS AND BRUSHES GROCERIES FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS- ji^’ AVe propose to build up a trade by selling ;t( moderate prices. SUTTON k PITCHFORD, Cleveland, Ga. it II PEA! Ii PIANO. incy will Save You time and Money' (Argil 15,’'.'2. ly.) Sold an,1 now in use with iicrfei-.l. nil!infliction in every inatnnee. A firnt-clat^ piano .at prices I.- soil the people. Heim I i III I and clupint in linisli, made in at) kinds ol woods. Waminhal toe tixe jears, and satisfuetion iruurunteeil. Sold on easy payments, or speeinl diseount for cash. We also soil The Celebrated PACKARD ORGAN, Thu best and hniulsonu’sl organ imuiu. and sold at. the right price. j ; lull 1»n* J sl'.ft l uuisir and books. \V«; pay froigbty. Write for catalogue and price* la ■ *r» lm)in r \v«: will save you money. AlUos & Stiff, 21 Muflettii st,, Art,ima, Ga.