The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, July 29, 1892, Image 2

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The aevcland Progress. Knttrnl ut th« Po*t-r>lfice at Cleveland «»S™mid-Plii« Mail Matt.”', Jan. 2U, 'M. Ofllrlal Orpin of Wtill(J«Hin)jr EDUCATION. I vtfiV heart* of nil the pure, honest Without •’duration tto whole T"™* < l. WU . r humun fnmily would lie a failure, V. B. WOODWARD, Kditer lid Prep’r. Ctmliie, Gi., Jil; 29, 1192. Eoront Pihmiukhs: A Demo riatio |irinmry or iiiiims in«*otintr for White county will In* held ut the t'ouri-houae in this place on Kuturday, August tliolUh, next, to nominate candidates for Repre- nenlutive end Sennlnr. Let nil IVniocrnU attend. By order of Dhiii. miiaa'meeting of thin place oil the 16th iiiat. v, J. J. Kimhkv, Chairninn Demo cratic Executive Committee. THE KENTUCKIAN. A fine young gontlamau of Kentucky Man relunml to (lleorgin) hia native home. The Th'mocratio party to rave, He ia now loginning to awaat amt foam. He met in Cleveland the other day With a very email crowd, The Alliance ami People’* party to alay. You had better believe he plowed. Their ignorance and I wing mislead, And ranch more he went on to aay Waa the eauae of the hard timea Of the preeent day. The meet of the Democrats listened eleeely to him Hut eat very atill, Meaningly ae if to say, “go it Jim, You can run the mill." Then he continued to puff and swell Kor something more intcrcuting to tell, And Anally he struck tariff And then be let it yell. Tariff reform In a mighty storm, Nicely polished— Hood and warm, Free silver la n<it Democracy, He wanted them all to know, Pur the Democrats killed It in congress And by that be proved I: to lie to. Finally a Democrat whose principle’s are grand And who also has much brains, Got up end said for the truth he would If It took ever drop of blood in Ids vein*. 80 be declared to Jiiu. I ell Me hearers That free silver was once Democracy For eig hty*wne years. Now by this we can hoc, Aa in many ot By the great money Mu; Jeffersonian Democracy was truly good And It ever remains the same, Hut the time has some When It must have a new name. Ita preeent system and name to Have He gave them the plan. ■ ’Twaa to go to the precincts And work for their man. Obi yes, when they get there We’ll be there too, Aud of the antuu kind of work We’ll take a through. Jim Is a right sharp boy, I’ll admit to tlmt being HO, But when it coiiich to tackling the Al liance lie had twtter go alow. He had ae well go back To Ida grand Kentucky home, Which lie aaya ia noted for ita beauti ful girla And its tine boraca ami cattle that roam. WHITE CHEEK ITEMS. Wo «rc having licnutiful weath er now. Tho furmera arc flnisliing up I heir crops. The Chnttulioocheo public* school is now tut a homn. The teacher is doing his liest. May the par ents do their duty. There is a good deal of sickness iu this community. Mrs. J. It. Skelton and baby have Iteett very sick, but are convalescing now. We sympathize very much with Mr. and Mrs. Pitman in the loss of their baby. It is resting in tho arms of Jesus. May they lie prepared to meet it when death comes. Children’s day at Macedonia next Sunday. A good time expected. Mr. Bud Martin is the happi est man in this community. A new comer at his house—a tine baby. Mr. James Crain lias just ar rived from Texas. Mr. Henry Craven had two rows of onions across his garden Httd sold them for six dollars. We think this is pretty good for onions. The young ladies have quit eourtiug and gone to raising to bacco. 1 see where they are right. Success to Thk Pkoplk’s l’.vu- TY PltOGltKSS. 1). L. P. Education stipplys its place iu all spheres of life; education gives joy to the soul; education gladdens the little hearts of chil dren ; education expands their lit tle minds; education beautifies their littfe countenance; educa tion creates a love for the father and mother; education prompts children to obey their parents; education makes children honor their brothers and sisters; educa tion creates a love for the truth; education creates modesty; edu cation creates industrious habits; education inukcs people prosper ous iu this world; education awakens the drowsy sluggard and gives energy to his thoughts; education adorns the proud heart ed young man; education gives modesty to amorous young lad ies; education creates a conjugal love and hinds the hearts of tho dill’orcnt sexes; education gives them dovotions for each other mid increases their reverence; educa tion makes us proud tiiat we were born into the world; educa tion gives us an understanding of our superiority of all other living things; education gives us an un derstanding of a supreme God; education creates ill us tut honor and reverence for Ood; education gives us au understanding of a heaven; education gives us an understanding that the seed of death is in us; education gives us an understanding that wc must die; education gives us an under standing that we will live again beyond the dark valley ol the Jourdan of death; education gives us an understanding tiiat we will either lie happy or un happy iu the future world; it is by education thut. we know what happiness is; it is by education that wo know whut unhappiness is; it is by education tiiat wu know whut right is; it is hy cdu^ cation that wu know whut wrong is; it is by cducutiou that wc know whut beuuty is; it is by ed ucation that wo know it is wrong to steal; it is hy education that we know it is wrong to lie; is by education that wu kuow it is jig to Mml tho nStltia of t " tovulnTAtto education that we know it is wrong to be come intoxicated with spiritual liquors; it is by education thut wc know it is wrong to commit adultry; it is hy cducutiou thut we know it is wrong to uet un just with our fellow man; it is by education that we kuow it is wrong to act hypocritical with one another; it is hy education that wc know it is wrong to take advantage of any of our fellow- man; it is by education Unit we know it is wrong to study plan and schemes to beat our fcllow- man out of his honest earnings; it is by education tliut wc know it is wrong to kill our fellow-man; it is by education that we know it is wrong to gamble; it is by edit cation that we know it is wrong: to laze and go about uncinploy ed; it is by education that we know it is wrong to get our livin, any other way except by the sweat of the face; it is by educa tion tiiat wo know all wrongs and, except by cducutiou, we would not know anything above a licast; then education is a me dium through whieh all knowl edge is obtained; it is by educa tion that vve try to climb higher into education; it is by educa tion that we grow valuer and vainer; it is by education that we love money ;it is by education that we know it is right to pay our just debts; it is by education that we know how to bohuvo our selves at home or abroad; it is by education thut we love and honor old George Washington; it is by education that we love all rights and lute all wrongs; it is by edu cation that we contend for all that is right and condemn all that is wrong; it is by education that we are what we are, therefore we see that education is the most sublime word of the English lan guage, hence, we should always be instructing our children and one another, both by precepts and ex amples, and be sure that our ex amples are right; and bo sure that our precepts and examples correspond. When wo take a retrospective view of goneby days and consider the various teach ings uu d education that have been taught, it is enough to bleed the education is the grandest thing on earth, but it is better to have no education than to have a wrong education. Education is Ut<‘ teaching of honesty, justness, kindness, equalization, truth, in dustry and all things pure liefore God and man. Pi.ow Boy. WHITE CHEEK^ITEMS. Mn. Editoii: We again ask for space iu the columns of Thk ItoouiiKSH for a short article, as we wish again to give your read ers a few items front this locality. Since our last writing the rains and the floods have done consid erable damage to the growing crops, especially bottom lands, though early planted upland corn is looking well. Some of the farmers here are not so well pleased with the crop prospect as they were liefore the rains. Tlicro is sonic sickness in this section, though vve think it is not so prevalent now as it has been for the past two or three weeks. ltev. Dr. A. F. Underwood of Cleveland visited the Chattahoo chee Baptist church on the third Sabbath tost., and preached a very able and interesting ser mon. The congregation was at tentive and well ordered. We learn that Mr. J. I). Cooley having sold his mill property on Mossy Creek—by special arrange ments with Brother U. N. Boggs, is erecting a flue flouring mill at the Boggs and Cooley mill on White (’reek. This wc think is a step iu the right direction. Dil lard is one of Mossy Creek’s liest citizens and is determined to keep above the waves if possible. The great political conventions have come and gone. Cleveland and Harrison are the standard ltcurom of the two old parties, and the bitter'cuomies of rofrorm and good government. Presi dent Harrison represents the sec tional clement of the north. One plunk in the Minneapolis plat form is wholly sectional—Grover Cleveland is no better; he is the perfect representative of Wall {Street, body, soul and breeches, and the great idol of tho Standard Oil Company, a rank Republican the tight in the great presidential campaign wholly against Alliance demands, in opposition to these old patty leaders are presented by the People’s party convention at Oinuliu the names of Gen. J. B. Weaver, and James Fields, words that are syuonims for hon esty, reform and good govern ment, and the platform is the em bodied sentiment of the toiling millions who are the true wealth producers of this great nation. These men are the standi.rd bear ers of the People’s party, the on ly true national party, and their platform and principles are free from sectionalism, and can and will he supported by every good and true American citizen from one end of the great nation to the other. And upon these men and principles, depend tlu: safely of our American free institutions, and the liberty of the toiling masses, and good government in tho future to all the citizens of the republic. Mr. Editor, us this article is getting long and we are fearful Unit we are intruding on your space, we will say Unit if this ever sees daylight outside of the office of Thk Tiiuohkss vve may write again iu the near future. l.AUOKKK. STATE CONVENTION. The state convention of the People’s party met at the eapitol the zolli instant. This was a vast convention, and it put the o.d parties to thinking; that both the Democratic and Repub lican organizations would have a hard light to contend with in No vember. The eon vent ion. was called to order by Col. C. C. Post, chairman of tlie state cen tral committee. The hall of the house of Repre sentatives iu the state eapitol was crowded to its utmost capacity with farmer poilitieians of Geor gia, and the galleries were thronged with visitors, men wo men and children. it is evident Unit the enthusi asm was running high and liial it was a business 11ae ljutfy and a successful convent urn through and through. The business before the laidy was gone through witii like mag ic. lion. VV . JL. Peek was iiomi- THE *tftrhcd4f iiT^CTiirnatofcUto order to get the votes of the south. No southern man who ever wore the gray can consist ently support such a deceptive old demagogue, while tho plat form upon which lie was nomi nated is a wordy document, full of words that mean nothing to the Democratic party and offersnoth ing iu the shape of relief to the laboring classes. We think Al- liiincemen cun no longer claim to he a non-partisan organization while the old political parties are their avowed enemies and have fought the principles for the last threo years and arc now making Mr. Chan. N. Hatter Of Frederick, Mil., suffored terribly for over ten years with abscesses aiul running sores on tils loft leg* Ho wasted away, grew weak and thin, and was obliged to use a cano and crutch. Everything which could lie thought of was done without good result, until he began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla which effected a perfect cure. Mr. Hauer Is now in the best of health. Full particulars of bis case will lie sent all who address C. I. Hood dr Co., Lowell, Mass. MOOD’S PillsSta the host after-dinner 1*111®, asslfft dlgMttoa. curs hokd&che sud biliousness. ry of *tntc, W. R comptroller general, A.iv\. ivey for state treasurer, J. E. li. Ware; for attorney tfvuerul, J. A. li. Mu huffy; tor eoi iitilissioner of agriculture tins. G.’ilassott. in the nomination ot Col. Reek for Governor ut Georgia, the Peo ple’s parly have chosen u wise, in- Uustrious and conservative gen tleman and one whom will scry the down-trouden musses un Lil ly . As to the entire - ticKct < f ffieers the nom - ONE ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plepsuiit ami refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitant constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tnste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its notion and truly l>eneficinl m its eflects, prepared onlv from tiie most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all ami have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in f>Oe and' 81 bottle* hy nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wi... may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any i substitute. CALIFORNIA F/0 SYRUP CO. RAN FRANCISCO. CAL. louisviuc, nr. new torn. s.r Haketa Turkish Female Pills I nan 1m relied upon. Nkvkr fail. Hy return mail, annurely sealed, *1 jmtIm.x; U lanes, |r». Kill! particulars for 2-cent stump. Address, Hakkta Remedy Co., Lock Uox, 33i»h # Mas*. BUCKLKN'8 ARNICA 8ALVK8. Tho linii Halve in tin* world for Cuts, Hruises. Horen. Fleers, Fever Horn*. Tetter. Chikppod Hands, Chilblains, Corns* and ail Skill Eruptions, and jm»r»itiv«*ly ires Pilon, or tin pay retjuired. It in guaranteed to ifivw |M’l’fiM't satisfaction or money refunded. Priee 2. r > eants ffc*r Inh. Kor sale by K. C. Cartledtfe, Druiftfiat. DAHLONKOA, GA. THE POLICE GAZETTE Is tin* only illustrated paper in tin* world containing nil tin* sensational ami hjmirtiiifr news. No Saloon Keeper, Bar- l)i*r or Club Room win afford to 1m* with out it. It Always makes friends whe»*ev- r it K«MfM. Mailed to any nddrunn in tho Knilod stillt*M, HOEUtvly wrapped, 13 works for *1.25. Monti Fivo CVnta for mitnplo copy. RICHARD K. FOX, Fraaklln Squire. New York City. McCIrM’ff Win* of Cardol and THEOFORD’S BlACK-ORAUGHT arc for salt b» the following merchants in White Count It. A. Jarnoilf Clnvaiain (t. 1). Irvine, Mosey Creek Nortl\ Georgia Agricultural COLIaE;GK. Q 0 DA II LON EGA, GEORGIA. 0 0 For Full Particulars WRITE FOR CATADOGUE. City Drug Store. UJB ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR: A’SCW I,iim|>kin county: K. C. (Jartledge, Dnlilnnega. 1*. ltowell Si co„ Aiiniriii. VV. A. VVheleliet .V in.. New ltrl.lg.' J. .1. W. Tnte »- IJio. Willow. Merit Wins. DRUGS , ZTJ PATENT MEDICINES '/V . —-o6 PAINTS AND OILS ‘.'3 FINE TOILET SOAPS ""I? STATIONERY <v COMBS AND BRUSHES t GROCERIES FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS- SrjyWe piopose to tmihl up a trade l»v selling ;it moderatf [irices. ) SUTTON & P1TGHF0RD, Cleveland, Ga. ir oitlxoviA (1ih( wo I'llinjf lh*. Kinjf’r 'onaiiiuption, 1 *r "e - tlu; ailutu luni&e lutes tin able and will handle thr*! is-t'ui. l tliepnretio* . | roHults tlo not foil' movoutput ol ridorui to it» beat I unis* tide mi v u ii lu«* o. NVt* dosiro to nay ♦»* havo Inn'll for your* Now diatrovorv for Kin^V N»*w Liio I'UIh. liuokhm'f* A mini Sul vo and KI**otrio HitlonK» and imvtiiiov* • or hnndh*<l roi not lion that noil tut woll, or! than havo mvon such univorsnl snlisfar-j ti«*n * wo do not hositato tt» trunniiitt*o | lliom oiiorytimo and Wo stiunl n*mlo to prior if satisfuoto-y v tlioir uso. Tlioso j ‘ ronuRlioH havo won thoir jerout popularity I | pundy on thoir morita. I Jrjy Solti l»v K.. Cnrtloiljro, druj'irist | l>ahl«*n«»vra, t»a. Cleveland Real Estate Agency. •nr list vahiaMo Minora I, Timhot and Karnting lands, for KxolmngT*. The Greatest Medicinal Discovery of the Aaa. No Disease of the Blood can withstand Its powerful cleans* ing qualities. >f 1 *<m. nttd f*» >r Ihn iken qunntmcs of »F ‘ * inirk w!*®'"’! ($?!! lYolMttleffof this truly wonderful fuMIrlne hrv» i*i .I* C ? M "he* 1 ovmmnttwj a ’ 1 ' rn * with sore* front •heed to foot. ToupgrYtefuliw JAMES CUUUUkX. Apalachicola, Fla., Dec. H, KKKtTFaCTUMSn HT WOOLOBISOS W01TDEBFUL CUE^ CO, coLUMnua, oa. worn SAlaltt BY Alai* DMUGGISTSi thonprl WTer* ease of Bh-*d fotoon. and for more than a year It Blin k to me cloaor than abrotlur. I had taken quantities of all tho blood purifier* on the innrkct. but nono accmcil to do tuo any good until | Happy Hoosiers. If You Want to ltuy, Sell 02 EZCIIANGE "Win. Timmons, Rnstmostor «»f Idnvilh*, Ivnle, writrs “IClfftrir llitt *rs luid «h«m* tiiort* for ni«* limn all t*th«r iin*tlirii»«*»* I’omltimMl, for that l>ud ftudinjf arising Khlnoy mid I.ivrr trouldt*.*’ John ls*slit» farmer and storkmun, of stum* pin***.* says •*Kititl Klwtriu Ditt«*i*s l«» Is* tin* host Kitl- u«*y nml Livor tmu»iriin». math* n»*.* ft»i*l likt* u now man.” J. W.(Ianlm*r, himl- waiv iiH*rvhant, saint* town, auys: Khv- trir’llitt« , i*s is just the tiling foi* n man who is all run down and don’t ran* whetlu*!* In* livrs or dies; he found new strength, |f«MMl ap|H*lito and felt just likt* 1m* had a new lease on lift*. Only f»0e. a I lot tie at K. V. 0*tr Him life’s Drujfston*, Ikllilollejfii, (yu. 1’roperty of the above <loseripti»>n. -omnitiTiicab* with reported upon. Gash Paid FOR ALL U. S. STAMPS AND STAMPED ENVELOPES. moots will sh< flvo months' t — -jultsoifjx treatment. o «a. *u t». u t». . n ,, r fATIian TRMTEB BY MAIL. CONFIOEMTIAL. 1 - Narmlsao, and with •• >Urfl*f, twroo••«!•«<*, or U4 dkk Vm (Mrtkalan «lik * c*»u tn lUmn, •i. 11. r. umi i vicicrt ncStci. cucito iu. - entt I State I.twal Stamps, Indli l T . S l regular issues » and Conft*«l- t Oslfetlerate Abstracts Furnished Free tc Actual Purchasers. Mineral section in Georgia We ait* centrally located in tlie richest .Stamp! Tluw hint, 1892; 1887; 1, 2,4, We dolit want the foil* ent lixroinotive blue l. jfreeil, 1887; lc. 10 of 1890. I ue, J. Merritt, GKNT.ItAI. AOKNT KOR 1 R O N F E N 0 I N G, Gcoitfiu, Vermont. Tcnn^»«ee, An«l ^•ITALIAN 4* MARBLES GRAVE STONES AND MONUMENTS Of Every Description A Specialty, Everything as Represented. Satisfaction Guaranteed, J, K. (.’kvclaud. Ga. Eou. | Iran, i Sianlie, itic. In Abundance. Delightful Climate, Peculiar to tho Noted Piedmont Section. Finest Tobacco Lands in The South. JST Correspondence Solicited. F. B. Suttor\, ? Mm WE BUY ;® ALL OTHER ISSUES, Either used or unused, if in pwvt condi- i lion. Send Envelopea in whole condi- j tion. HOWARD b H ARRIS, j Piihlonega, Ga, Sash, Doors i Blinds! Clark, Bell Oc Co, 1 Off {hterfer-’ With I pi«*a«ure. li btjllvto »aj imyroTes tbs ceowral health.clean*theiAdi ihJ complexion, vrrlnkles or OilibiQnrt* follow this tre*tm«nt MmmiiK'lmvra n,ol ivu)<<n S»sli, Doors, IHfiitls, Aloiildin^, llrackeiis. NHIIX<iI y i;s* ittAll Also SEWRR and DRAIN PIPE, prices e*s. low as the lav - CLARK, BELL i {t« No vrrlnkles or flkLbu«»vrt<i follow this treatment. C* j,’ - P„ : -.. ... T Km*.orse«t by physician* a^l toadintf society Udies. O'XlISTCLCLlQiI QUCL1 (OitdCCl, PATIENTS TPFATEQ Hi MAIL CONFIDENTIAL, i ' ■mmImk >a toa-.’vUf. SmJ • r-*t* Ir •Umrs f^r parO.-vilan t* - h »■ r. Hiiti, Riiiiatiioia cftoo*. iu, j (jAIALSVITI^;. Fir A-