The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, October 14, 1892, Image 2

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Th Cleveland Progress. Knterol at tVe ISawt-office at Cleveland anBrrnud-r.Uoa M,Sl Matte-. Jan. 39, '03. UfidM Uay^m rf White county CbfChBf fiL •ctT ii 18M DEMOCRATIC TICKET. you rttKMiMCMT: " GKOVKU CLEVELAND A)iHU or raw von*. n i r FOR VirR-PinWWNT:. ADI. AI K. STEVENSON, of ti-i.isow. for (>n: 1ION. F. CAKTBRTATK, OF rtCKF.NB. Alfred, I a tivl Tennyson, poet laureate of England l<t dead. The Third party it) small pota toes mid few in the hill. The prodigals itro returning Let ui) give thank*. Come hack hoys. You are sun of a welcome. It takes a man to acknowledge his own faults, lie men and come hack under the hroad folds of the Democratic flag. AVo know you are sore over your late defeat, hoys. Try some bemoeratic plaster and liniment and you will he all right. Remember the election for President, and congress members will he held Nov. 8th. It. is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Peek failed to carry Roekdale, Gorman could not defeat Cook in Tal I Hit, Ivy lost Thomas comi ty, Ware did not deliver Fayette, Mahafl'ey run behind in Jackson, 1 turret t enmo out )t,fi00 behind Nesbitt in Richmond. It looks very much as if the Third party convention picked out a weak ticket. Possibly spins wicked Dpnpicy at helped to select the candidates for them.—Journal. ,-v. Tho colored voter’s of rAVhitc county, with very few exceptions, voted the Doniioyratio ticket. W* me glad to see them alive to the general interest of every southerner, as well as to their ^ -own Individual interest. It shows a spirit of progress in them, hith erto unnoticed, and u marked step in the advancement of their ’"people. President Harrison is mad hc- caUse pr the failure of the Peo ple's party to split tho solid south, mid vents his spleen in these words: *‘Viiav» washed iny hands of the south,’’-“it is a land of rebels and traitors who care nothing for tin* sanctity of the ballot, and 1 will lycver lie in favoi of making un active campaign down there until we can place bayonets at the polls. ] am now more than ever in favor of ramming a force hill down their throats.” 70,000. COL. J. E. POTTLE WITHDRAWS. TO The People r of The Sixth Congrossianal District. I take this menus to nnnoiincc that I am im longer a candidate for Congress from this District. In doing fto, 1 desire to deal with perfect frankness with my friends. 1 have no want of ap preciation of the honor done me in asking me to lead the People’s puily in the District. For reasons purely personal it has so far been simply impossible for ine to make the canvass of the district with the necessary and proper energy. It is an expen sive business. It requires time and labor. Financially, I have been unable to meet (he necessi ty—my time has lieeii absolutely required in looking after my own private afl'airs. The result of the recent election has demonstrated beyond a shad ow of doubt, that there can pos sibly lie not even a shadow of hope for the election of the Peo ple’s party iiomiueo in the (Itli district. My obligations to my family and myself command that I devote my energies to that ser vice rather than waste them in a campaign the result of which is already unalterably fixed. The issue to idl intents and purposes between the Democratic and tho People’s parties, Ims been decided. It is perfect folly to make any other and greater sacrifice for it in Georgia. Il would lie unjust to my family and to myself to continue the light. In withdrawing, I do so with the profound satisfaction that I have not said a word during the campaign, thut any honest and fair-minded man can say is un worthy a southern white man and gentleman. I do so with tlie satisfaction that I have made tho best fight ill mv power under the circumstances for the princi ples which I believe to ho right. 1 do so, also, with an abiding confidence that sooner or latter, somehow, tho wrongs of leirisln- tion which have grievously injur ed the Southland will ho right ed. Tho people of Georgia have spoken and they declare in no un certain terms that the People's party movement in Georgia is an utter fnift|rJl iiiid 1 bow to their decision. 1 shall not forsake my convictions because they me de feated at the polls, but it seems to mo, after honest reflection that it is worse than foolish to re main in tho field when there is no result possible butovefwholm- ing defeat, especially in view of the fact 1 lint the sacrifice I would he compelled to make is greater than I would ask of any man. I am grateful to the friends who have loyally stood by me, and grateful also to my political foes who have in the main treat ed me with uniform fairness. My first and highest ambition is the prosperity of my native state and her people, and in ail I have said and done their good has been my inspiration. If in the future my judgment becomes satisfied that in tho Dem ocratic party is tho hope of the South it shall have my cordial support. Yours Respectfully, Joskuh E. Pottle. to-day, I address you this inquiry to know if she ever gave utter ance to the statement quoted? By kindly answering the above you will oblige. Very truly years. AV. F. Fini> >IK. CLEVELAND TO MR. FINDLEY. Gray Gables, Buzzards Bay, Mass., Sept. 27, 1892.—\V. F. Findley, Gainesville, Ga. My Dear Sir: I have received your letter of September 24th, bring ing to my attention the newest falsehood which has been circulat ed oft the southern slump for the purpose of prejudicing democrats against tho support of their tick et in this canvass. There is not one single iota of truth in the story, which in your letter you attribute to tlit* lion. Thomas K. Wat aim in a public speech. Very truly yours. Grover Cleveland. i^AA^e respectfully ask the par don of our renders of last week for some gross errors in the re ports of the election. Governor Nortlien’s majority will reach nearly 70,000 Our old flag still waves tri umphantly! Judge Wm. A. Reaves was elected senator of the 92nd l)ist., by a majority of 279. Carrying each comity in the district. White gave him a majority of 20 Lumpkin “ 128 Ihtwsoii “ 181 We alruck Alio People’s party a heavy blow; one of far more weight than they expected; but they are not quite dead yet, and wo must gather our strength for the final stroke of extermination |n November, L't every Ihnnocrat do his du ly; rally ’round the colors; and with Cleveland elected President and Tnto to represent us in con gress, we may repose in peace ’till January, in the cousciou»- Hess Af duty well done. I 1VII Urn Till brook 8<m of FJlayor Tillbrook of McKeesport, Pr»„ lintl n Scrofula bun h under olio our which the physical! luncml ami then it hecume n runuhii; sore, ami was followed by cry Ipola*. Mu. Tillbrook gavo him Mood’s Sarsaparilla the Moru honied up, he became perfectly well ami I.i now a lively, robust boy. Other parent* whose children suffer from impure blood should profit by till* example. HOOr- 8 PlLL8< reaiotiui; pcrl.tUllic a ire lUbltual ComCp.ition by Mionof I lie altinouurjr cvuimL Democratic Doctrine. COL. ROBINSON And Mien 0. Candler, Speak to a Large Audience. "NOT A SINGLE IOTA OF TRUTH." Gainesville, Ga., Oct. 1.—Edi tor Constitution; I enclose cor respondence ln'twecn AV. F. Find ley and lion. Grover Cleveland, which please publish in Sunday’s issue and oblige. Yours, L. 1). Pickett. SIR. FINDLEY TO MR. CLEVELAND. Gainesville, Ga., Sept. 24 1892. —lion. Grover Cleveland, Buz zards Bay, Mass. Dear Sir: lion. Thomas E. AVatson, member of congress from the tenth district of Georgia and people’s party nominee for re-election, said in a public address “That Mrs. Grov er Cleveland refused to attend the unveiling of tho statue to Gcnorul Robert E, Iah? at Rich mond, Vn„" giviugas her reason: “She said she would lie forced to meet Miss AViuiiie Davis, daught er of Jctt’erson Davis,” on that occasion. • Of course I do not believe this “rot,” lull as his followers are in dustriously circulating the charge Wednesday at noon it was an nounced that public speaking would takft place in the court house, his Honor Judge Well born granting a recess of exira time for that, purpose. Hon. AHcit( 1). Candler was introduced by 'Mr. Jno. J. Kim- sey and for fifty-five mhliites ho discoursed upon the record of the Democratic party. His speech was one full of persuasive power, and truths of telling force. Not a word of abuse escaped Ills lip.-, hut he imploicd the wanderers to comcrbnek jiito the fold, and aid our party in throwing oft" the burdens of which we complain. Col. Robinson of Habersham county followed, and held the restless crowd almost spell-hound, by Ins grand presence and < om- niiiudiitg voice and gestures. His, is an eloquence that is rarely heard or spoken liow-a-days, and the force of the truths he uttered found their way into many misin formed minds, perverted into stra»ge ways, by the harangues of place, seeking demagogues of the Peek and AVetson type. Hi- denunciation of a party that indorses that clause in the preamble of the People’s party plat-form where it says, that in telligence, virtue and temperance are of secondary consideration to money, was a powerful effort. The speeches of both, were con fined almost entirely, to the de fense of the Democratic party since the war, and neither of them uttered a word they could not fully substantiate. They wore listened to atten tively by a crowd of about 400, composed of both parties. The People's party men of AVhile, while they arc wrong, arc honestly so; hut they are be ginning to throw oil' the restric tions that t lit ir party leaders have imposed upon them; they listen now, and are daily seeing where they are wrong, and like the honest iren, that they are, acknowledge their fault and come back to the Democratic ranks. .. A GRAND PRIZE .. BIBLE COMPETITION Two Thousand Dollars in Prizes will be Equitably Distributed. A Prize Picture Puz EXPLANATION. —The following picture contains four faces, a man and hie three dat Any one can find the man's face, but h h not so easy to distinguish the faces of the three young The picture was published in a few newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable attest our standard remedies. We now offer a MW prise competition in connection with it. As the sole e is to introduce our medicines into MV homes, those who entered the former competition are requ net to compete in this one. As to th* reliability of "Thu F»fd PHI C#.,** and the estimation in which medicines are held in Toronto, Canada, where they are best known, patrons are referred te the set are held in Toronto, Canada, where they are best known, patrons are pexs, wholesale druggists and leading business houses generally of Toronto. ‘ Read our plapf. For *«rv«ra! yeans pant com pet it i on m of on imdrnrtive order have Wen offered by reputable bunineua botinen null manufacturer*! in England with the object ot ineivnaijig their nalea a.nd int creating their cuatoinom in their reajtertive twle Tlieae contehtn, ou Account of the Anqueationed fain lean displayed ih| i:ondwcthiji them, have intereatedjthe beet people of Great Britain. Believing that competi tion* offered by a manufacturing concert* aucb an our*, ami conducted in the Kit me honorable manner, would excite uTitveraal Intend among the intelligent people of the United State* and Cnnadu, our Company have deckled to offer « Prize Competition in which our tirat effort will be to make it strictly fair and impartial. The intention i* to aatinfy every one entering thi* eompetition that hey have been duly credited with the pcnition which their effort* have earned for them. Wo are *i»ro that thi* cl**** of * prize content will receive the approva* of parent* ami all tln»*e having the inetruction of young at heart. Thu prize* to be a war led in tlii* comjwtition will con* i*t entirely of article* of Huttieient value to be appreciated by every j»er*on receiving one a* a fair reward for the et f »rtM put forth by them. Our intention i* to divide the amount to Ih* given away in prize*, varying in value from eight dollar* to one hundred dollar* each, and we enter into ah honorable agreement with tho*c entering thi* competition to diatribute fairly Two Tnot iAND Dollar* in prize*. AWARD OF PK1ZKH.—Ten of the leading minister* of our city will be in vited to attend mid nanift in the award of prize*. PRIZE BIBLE COMPETITION. We will pay Oxr* in cash loathe tirat pervon w ho correctly answer* the followingqucetiorH. Where in the Bible do the following three word drat appear: t, Rain ; 2, Bukad; 3, Milk. The*econ«l perron aitaweriag correctly will receive Seventy-five Dollar* in ca*h. The third peraon answering correctly will receive Fifty Dollar* in cu*h. The next ten w ill each receive an elegant Coin Kilyich (limiting) Watch. The next ten will each receive an elegant 811.1c Dkkmh Will each tii'Mt-t*lu> urthi. pattern (aixtecii yard* in any color). The nex pair of Opera Glasakf. LAST PRIZES.—Tl.t thirty-three person* sending the tliirty-three ct wei’M which nve received hi*t will receive dupiicatm of the prize* that at for the tirat and middle thirty-three correct au*wer* v the hint correct hum war rceeiv. ing the Olie Hundred Dollar*, the next to the la*t the Seventy-live Dollar*, and *«• on until the thiyjy-throe prize* for the lust^thirty-threecorrei t answer* have Ikhmi awarded. , * ^.*‘1} 81’KCIAI. —A prho cotisiating of an elegant Tauly** or Geutleinan'* ij • •• /i Vi Watch will Ih^ »1vch -t« # tlie jerraon sending the tir*t correct answer wlii« h i* the !ir ^ ^ccvivetl from .^heh- Ktate *»r lVovdneo. Ths proprhtnrs of , ’Th« Fofd PHI Co.,” ml? ITire an ebgant pair of Shetland Sarrlace and Harness, valued at $600, (delivered free in any part of the united States »• the 'firstperson who can make out che three dauKhters faces. To the Uitmd will he given so elegsot Lady's Cold Watch, in sapphire* and diamonds. To the third will be s^ven * psir of ■•nuine Diamond F.or-flnfiS. To the /rurth will he given a hand tome China DlnnSf l^vlca. Kodak Camera. To the uxtk, wise Muslo Pox. To the uvtnth, a French Mantel Clock- TO the eighth, an elegant Banquet Lamp. To the ninth,» pa.r of Crown Derby vases. To • complete Lawn Tamila Set. an d many other prize* in order ofmrriT. Lvery corspetitor must cat out the sbovs •* PassI<B IMcture,'* dutineuish the three girls' faces by marking * cross with a lead pencil on esch, end enclose same with ij U. *. two-csnl stamps for one of the following " Prire Remedies:"— "Pord'i Prize Pills,** ••Ford's Prlzo Cntnrrh Reniedr,** or **Ford*a Prise Cough Cure." Select any one of the a bore remedies you desi Address **The Ford Pill Co.." Cor. Wellington « Bay St«., Toronto, Canada. Tbc person whose envelope Is postmarked first will be awarded the first prire. and the ethers In order of merit. As this adver tisement appears simultaneously throughout the United States, every one ha* an equal oppor tunity. To the person sending the An/ correct answer will be given an elegant Upright C on cart Grand Plano, valued at •500.00. To the jiritjxr*on from the Aar/sendinga correct answer will be given a gentleman'* fine Gold **Si»ntloz " Watch, which strikes the hours and quarter hours on small cathedral gong at pleasure, and valued at •300.00. To the second from the Am/, a first-c Use flnfety Bley «lo* pneumatic tire. To the third from the a first-cUss English Shot* f t an. Toth t/ourth from the last, a suite of Purl or Furniture. To the Ji/th from the A»j/, a andiome Silver Tea Bervlso. To the sixth from the last, an elegant Plano Lamp. To the ser snth from the last, a handsome pair of Portlerea. To the eighth from the last, a genuine Engiifh leather travelling Trunk. To the ninth from the but, two pieces of genuine Trench Statuary, and many other prises in order of meric SPECIAL PRIZES FOR EACH STATE. A Special prire of a Bilk Prraa Pnttorn (sixteen yard*, any color), or a first-class •owing Machine (any make desired) will be given to the /irst pervon in each State in the U. S. who can make out the three daughter*’ faces. We shall give away ZOO valuable prises, besides special prire*, (if there should be so many sending correct answer*.) No charge is made for boxing and packing of priiet. The names of the leading prise winners will be puhlbhed in connection with our advertisement in leading newspapers next month. Kxtns premiums will l)e Riven taonly thoee wboare willing to assist in introducing our medicines. Nothing is charged for the prizes In any way. They are absolutely given away to introduce and advertise ** Ford’a Prize Rented le*," which are stand ard medicines, and will be u*ed In every family for year* where they have been once introduced. All prises will be awarded strictly in order of merit, and with |ierfect satisfaction to the public The remedisa wUl be sent by mail, post|iakl, and prises free of duty. A WATCH FOR EVERY CORRECT ANSWER. An eztru premium of a genuine ••Fear lean" Wot eh, (*tem winder,) will be awarded to every r ton who sends a correct answer within 30 days after this ad vert iscmcnt appears, in case they should ns* fortunate enough to secure one of the larger prize*. That U, if any one can find the three faces and enclose them within 30 days from the time this advertisement appears in the newspaper, thsy era guaranteed either one of the leading prizes, or an OXtr» premium of a watch on conditions stateL Nu answer w-ill be noticed that does not contain 3° cent* for one of Fortl'a Prize Remedies. t4trm THE f 0R0 PILL CO," SI,” Cot. WtlUaftM S Bay «*., Torwto, CmO. y LOGAN & CONDITIONS. Aiihwi-I'i* iiiiiS. lit? ncuompHiilwl with fifteen United Htntoi* Iwn-ccnl |«>,lHpc -tnin|>h out-puukjtrl of Fkahukoam, which jji the latent xdciititlc dbcnvciy for clcmi-in^ nnd |H'rBtti'vint{i the teeth. Our object into intneiucc mid attnict nttention to I’kar- UiroAM, wliicli i« the only preinirotion wfloV m»mifm-tun-r- are williiijf t«> offer ft re ward of Five Hundred DoIIuI'H to «riy dititin?wlio ran allow that it- eontuttia 1 " any- thin,; injurious ( to tlx- teeth. A mouthful of pearly wliite teeth ia the Mire renult ol ita eonatant use, It ia recommended by the leader* of the dental prnfeaaion every- whore| aak yoitf dentist what he think* of it. I'kviii.doa.m U aent l>y mail, i«-a paid, and free of euatoni* duty. 11k ai itK and i,> voik akawkim to-oav. You .wav hkckitk a vau abi.k rni»K koii vot K TitmmK. .Addres*: Cleveland, Georgia MANUFACTURERS OT BUGGIES AND WAGONS. REPAIRING, &C. Hopse*RlyoeIn|{ Executed Clienply, Scitntiftc Aatrlcaa Aaency for t Patents s TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, ate. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN A C(L 3d Buoaimvav. New York. Oldest bureau for scrurtuz patnnts In Amertea. •vary patent taken out by un Is bninght before the public * —-* Exquisite Toilet M’F’G. Co., TTEWte the public by a notice given free o< charge In tbe II THE JUI. ipw Howe StiBltK MACHIBt Cp- WyuaiCJW; I*arsest circulation of any sdentlflc paper In th® world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent ckicac« m uHwtiwat.R.y. I c u*.. 0 •ojro«HA„ atvahta «s. ir - touts F ORSALJL-BT d. Splendidly illustrated No intelllse 170 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada. SSj*»iS£ x months. Address MfjNN^A &)* 1*VBLIBHBM, 361 Bruadwar. New York. C-irJ. M. Mcnitt, Blaiisville, Ga. GEOltGIA, White C'oi nty: Where,*. J. W. Blaekwell. Adminis- t rut or of J. (\ Martin tUu*«*n*«*il. ivpre- »cnt» to the court, in hi* petition tluly lilt'd and entered 011 record, that he ha* fully adinini*tered J. (’. Martin’s estate. This i* therefore to ( ite all ]>ersonHcon cerned, kindivd and creditors, to allow cause, if any they can, why, said Admin istrator should not be discharged from hi* Administration, ami receive letter* of dismission on the first Monday in Dee. 1892. W. B. Bki.l, Onl’y. TEXAS REVOLUTION FOR INDE- “Suvo whot'iiu!” wits tho fran tic cry of Nnpolcon tt>ltis nnny at Wtttcrloo. Save health and stroii<>'lh while you cun, hy the use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, is iid- vico that ni>|)lit-s to all, both young and old. Don’t wait un til disease fastens on you; Itegin at once. (*K0Rt«lA, White Cocxty. To all whom it may concern: Junius H. Westmoreland, having, in ONI5 ENJOYS Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts projwr form, applitnl t«» me for pcrina gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, neni Letter* of Admini»tration on the Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- ; estate of Husan C. Westmorelaml late of tem eflectually, dispels coltls, head- said county, this is to cite all nnd siugii- achos1 and fevers anti cures habitual hir the creditors and next of kin of Susan constipation. Syrup of I'igs is the We*tmortdand t«* 1>C and appear at my THE GREAT TONIC. JTwH/tc# <Ao Jitood. Aide XHffesftosu. Purely Vegetable. •y^-oars ^ojtdeutul queesi l*u*t f»ll I was suffering from General Debt!* tty. from some bl«i*t allecUon. &u<( my whole system rrzB run u>>wn rmerallv. Commenci4 taking your meUlelnoi Wooltlrldge’s Wonderful Cured an l experienced great relief before fin ishing tho first bottle, lhava used U In my family over s nee with *0^*1 r•suits. Coixmbcs,Gx, Juno IS, 16C9. O. DOWTR^. Dzsa Stas: Earl y It tho year ISS9 I had a fully developed rase of Scrofula, so pronounced by { our of the host doctors In the city 1 f Columbus. took three bottles of your Vi. W. C. (Wool dridge's Wonderful Cure', and am today as well as ever X was. I took no other medicine but W. W. C. HENRY llcBXUDE. This is to certify that the above farts are c«»r- rerf, and that I adrmnlstrrrti tho rr# dlrlne. UaziLTO*. Oa.. Feb. 26.1£XA J. W. ELLIOTT. FOB SALIC BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PENDENCE. T1IK Sol.DIKICS OK OU Tlir.lli IIKilt*. VII) W ill, TIm Ropuhlii’ of TVxu* tlirniiph g<-n- fitvily t<» the soldi«*r* and their h«»in* for their servief* in said war, grunted largo donation* of land which an* awaiting the claim* of *aid ln*ir*. In a majority of tho cji*08 they havo never hoard of tho donation. If they will imptnv at thi* ofliirc 4*ithor l>y letter, or in persou, «»r to J. W. H. I n*!erwootl, Att’y at law they will l«mi hotnething to their pecuniary b netit. t. W. S. HUFF, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. only remojy^ ot its kind fver pro-I ofllve «>u the ffi*t Monday in Novemlxsr j (luecu, pleasing to the taste ami ac- ! and *how fansc, if any they .'all, | ceptnl.lo to the stoiniu-li, prompt ill w hy ja-nnanent adniiniati-ulnm alnmld Its action mid truly licneficinl in its | no, la- granted Jnniua H. West,nor.- I effects, prepared only from the most | , H11<i on Sll8all c . w e *tn.o.vland- healthy nnd agreeable substances, its Pahlom-pt. Ga. many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and f 1 bottles hy all leading drug gists. Any rcliablo druggist xi.j may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. C4i. louismic, nr. New ross. K.r. 'State. I Witne** my hand and official signature, thi* 5th day of Sept rather* 189*2. W. B. Bell, Ordinary. Printer* fee, $3.10. f£2rBttnd* for Public and CVrporn- tion* matte. Real Kstate. Corre*[»oii- tience aolicitetl. (Apr. 15, ’9*2. ly.) FOR ORDINARY. At the request of many friends, I hereby annouuee inyself eaudi- d.ite for Ordinary of White coun ty. I respectfully solicit thesup- of all my fellow citizens. T. A. OAKES. port I f WHITE Aswtlea cl U21ba..M4 1 f M l so b* put hack atm I n i4 Om iUp. 1 H.ow m4 b* f "4 Iks I ncMamsaJ row I ubsaity. Will uiwff «n taqmrk. If M Uctewk (or reply.’ PATIENTS TNEATED IT HAIL CONFIDENTIAL. McElree’s Wine of Cardul »nd THEDFORD'S 8lACK-DRAUGHT are for sale bv the following merchants in White (’minty: Sutton & Pitchfonl, Cleveland. H. A. Jarrard, Cleveland, <t. B, Irvine, Moe*y Creek. Lumpkin county: K. C. Curt ledge 1). Howell & co. Dahlonegn, Aurnria, For pot tlcoWs ftdJrrM, *1111 • end ta iisn.p*, tL». i.». umi. menu ticiti* iiiuii. hl W. a. Wh.-hdud A co., New Bridge, J. J. W. Tate a Bn». Willow. PHOTOGRAPHER, Gainesville, Ga. (Hast Side Public Square.) feu"- None Vmt tirkt-cla** work done at Gallery. Charges reasonable. Call and see Specimen*. PICTURES enlarged to any size in Oi Crayon, India Ink. nr Water Color*. ( 15, ’92. ly )