The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, December 02, 1892, Image 2

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Entered at the Poit-oftloo at Cleveland uSeeond-tlaM Mail Matte-, Jan. 39, '92. Official Organ of White county Cleveland 6a., Dee., 2, 1892. Proto Tho Brents: To drover, who eit* In the Wliite house chair. With aarneet devotion we pray | While dividing the pudding of atate bo fair. Pleaae throw jutit on* plum, our w ; ay. It now develop*, thut there were Hoveral men on both Hides, who wanted an office. Cotton hun nearly reached ten cento, and who is to blame for that? Some of the public roads of the county are in a fearfully bad con dition, and some of the small bridges are dangerous. With seventeen candidates in the field, every voter in the coun ty suddenly becomes a popular inan. The short comings of this week’s paper, if indeed, it is be low the usual standard, will he excused on the grounds, that we arc mixing with the dear people, soliciting subscriptions to tiic Pkoohkhh, and incidentally— votes. The Blairsville Free Brass snys, ‘We have just finished three sets >f nice minutes.” At the present writing wo have ust finished 18,062,432 minutes, md we did not have to suspend >ur paper to finish them cither, [low’s that? The fuiluro of the Georgia leg islature to accept the Soldiers Home, would doubly disgaaco her in the eyoe of her sinter stales. The timo is ripe for our present legislators to take the slain oil’ the state’s escutcheon, left there, i>y their predecessors of two yonrs ago. ~— teacher knows but litlle, anti it in well Hint (hey arc unbraced In the require ments, we think. It is a sure sign of advancement in opr public Hchools system, when wo begin to raise our standard of requirements for teae.hcrs. We are fnr from attacking anything connected with our present system, but we do say, let the standard of requirements he raised yet higher, un til the license of a Georgia public school teacher, shall lie accepted in any state of the Union, as a guarantee of the moral stumling, mental ability, and the prac tical knowlcdgu of leaching, of tlie holder. JHr. Jo$eph Ilcmmerlch. An old soldier, came out of tho War greatly cnfcublcd by Typhoid Fever, and after being In various hospitals tho doctors discharged him as Incurable with Caa-umptioa. Ilo has been In poor health since, until ho hegnn to tako Hood’s Sarsaparilla Immediately Ills cough grew looser, night sweats censed, and ho regained good general health, lls cordially recommends Hood's Sar saparilla, especially to comrade. In tho <4. A, B. HOOO'8 PILLS mire llabltn.l Constipation by restoring peristaltic aoUon of the allmeaUry eensL Wo arc in receipt of. the fol lowing letter from Atlanta, and for tho benefit of t ho many friends and supporters of Jutlgo Heaves, we gi"e space for it below. Mn. Eiutou:—Your State Meuator is malting an excellent record uh a legisla tor and no Senatorial district in the state ih more faithfully representad than yours, Senator Heaven attends promptly to all the duties for which he whs elected, lie is a member of it number of the most im portant committees and attends regular ly on their meetings. Senator Heaves favors all laws that will benefit the farmers and all dulses of tho working people. The people of your dmtrict mny real nsaurecl that in him, they will have it faithful Kcpreaentativo. Kkpoiitkii, Hop. H. W. J. Haniuof i’nuol self aometiuiig mtirtftwffliY it J^f tor-dinner speaker or campaign .orator. introduced a bill into thc.feglslatine for the benefit of our public /school teachers, which. IMt pusses, will enable the teacher^ to draw their ealar- ics quarterly. “Th* Mousing Stau,” a monthly Magazine, published by Peter Davidson, Loudsville, White county, Ga., is a wngfler- ful publication. JR is inti<x«T“A chronical of struugo, sttoj^d, and . forgatUgHUhiugs,” and every sclioU^Hr pretends to keep •Incast with the opinions of tho deepest thinkers and tho result of scholarly research in the psycho logical and occult world should lead the “Morning Star.” Tho report has gone abroad, that tho couvcntiou held hero on the 19th instant, was conducted in the interest of a few candidates, by a clique or political l ing. The report is untrue, and with out foundation, as every member of the executive committee will testify; and, we understand that all the candidates, with one ex ception, whose names were offer ed before that, body, sanction the action of tho convention, in it’s every detail. This report has been circulated for no other purpose than to work injury to tho candidates selected. The meeting was composed of men representing every district in the county, tho majority, by far, beiug farmers and staunch Democrats, who came into the convention, with the determina tion to carry things the way the masses desired, in opposition to all attempts at ring rule. Tho farmers did it, and with honesty and fairness to every c.indidatof 1 too, We publish in another column County School Commissioner Kyle's notice to ap plicants for teachers license. It w ill be noticed that two new brandies, w ill in all probability, lie athled to tho usual number of subjects for examination. History and The Constitution, are two anlijocts about which the average school In another column, wo give space for an excellent article from tho pen of' one of Young Harris’ brightest ygung ladies. ThtJ tern |nffin n<jo. s quest ion is, one h^erest^hfid tlio^ bunds of boys arid girls, organ ized. sociotils,(, are working great good for the grand cause. Our columns are over open for the reception of any article of (peril on this subject. All honor, wo say, to the valiant workers at Young Hurris.*’. A NEW DISTRICT. A new district has been created in this county, known as Chatta hoochee. It wak cut off of Nn- eoochee district, nnd comprises those sections from which the headwaters o£ Dukes crook and Chattahoochee river, flow. A voting precinct will ho established at tho junction of the Iliuwusscc, with the Nacoocheo—Clarksville road. A special election for the offices of Justice of the Peace and bailiffs, has been ordered lo take placo on tho 17th inst. We un derstand that candidates are nu merous, there being five for J. 1*., and eight for constable. They all have our sympathy. This new district will he of great convenience to many peo ple living at such a great distance from Nacoocheo, that they have in the past, been unable to reach a voting precinct nearer than twelve miles. A Love-Flower song. you, in yourmweot homa where the or- MtffO-blooma Heent t lie soft, summer air j Anil I, all lonely where tho mountain- g loom a Fall desolntd and drear! And yet—your dreams, sea-wafted, seem j Work on! Bail on! the morning’ comes. ONU ENJOY® Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, anil acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste nnd ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most hcnlthy nnd agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have mndo it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for side in COc nnd $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wh inny not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Soldiers of Honor, Juvenile Temple. Young Harris, Ga Hardly two years ago, Mrs. Boyd and Mr. Frank Quilliun, together with several pupils, (re alizing the importance and know ing the great good which they could do in such a movement,) organized a Juvenile Temperance Society at this place. They thought of the ninny young pupils here deprived Vlf the influences of homo and er, who would likely meet Jnr many obstacles to turn their feet from the way that leads to nfjftre, virtuous and Christian life.'* - Wlial would be a saferfor them than a Tern penult 1 ©Society? Although there were only twonty-’ fivc charter members, they were earnest workers, tind ' $ot *uboub to do the great work before them They ^fl'escnt condition id the Temple proves their efforts to «by ty no means in vain. It has steadily increased and is now the banner Juvenile Temple of Geor- K»v’ In pur Society we arc endeav oring to teach the young- people the evils of intoxicating liquors Upon tho system, tho morals, and tho country. j The Temple is divided into classes; the Smaller 'members using the catechisms, tho larger, tho “Temperance Text Book Occasionally wo vary the exer cises by having it debate, which awakens (mrintcrcst, and gives uM»i>||iliinTC 4>etv about which L,tm» The subject of our last debate was, “Resolved, That Uie selling of intoxicating Uquors is a greater crime than stealing,” Proud as we are of our society, we are prouder still of the pledge wo have taken. It abhors the making, buying, selling, or using of intoxicating liquors, the use of tobacco in any form, and the use of profanity. We are glad of the opportuni ty of working against that demon Alcohol, and we pray that the day will not be long in coining, when we shall see Ibis beautiful country of ours freed from the terrible monster. We appeal to every man, wo man and child, to aid us in this work. In your towns and vil lages organize Temperance So cieties if you have not done so. Go to work with more zeal. “Courage! your work is holy, Gods errands never, fail! Sweep on through storm and darkness, The thunder ami the hail! to bring Such bloom from heavens of blue My winter feels the flower of the spring Amt thrills with song for you! Wind® of the gulf, that blow tho white- sailed whips Safe to the tropic Isles. Blow me one rose, kissed crimson with her lips And glorious with her smiles! One deathhsw rose, 0 winds! waft to my heart— Fond idol-worshiper!— That 1 may tear its living leaves apart And kiss them back to her. —F. L. Stanton. The port you yet shall win; And all the bells of God shall The ship of Temperance in.'* L. Alick It. Call on us, town. when you Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and bo made miserable by indi gestion, Constipation, Dizzi- | ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming |up of the Food, Yellow Skin, ! when for 75c., wo will sell them Shiloh’s Yitulizor, guaranteed to in cure them. Sold by Sutton Je j Pitehford, Cleveland, Ga. Mr. J. P. Bluize, an extensive real estate dealer in Dos Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped one of the severest attacks of pneumon ia while in the northern part of that state during n recent bliz zard, Buys tht Saturday Review. Mr. Blnize had occasion to drive several miles during the storm and was so thoroughly chilled that .lie wus unable to get warm, and ineide of on hour after hib return he was threatened with n severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blnize sent to the nearest drug store and got a bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy, of which he had often heard, and took a number of large doses, lie says the effect was wonder ful and in it short lime lie was brentliing-quite easily. He kept on taking the medicine and the next day .was able to conic to Dcs Moines. Mr. Bluize regards his cure as simply wonderful. For saj| by Sutton & Pitehford. AN’hut about a Sunday School Christmas Tree? SHILtJIBS CATARltH REM- EDY, A marvelous cure for <'a- tiUT'flt Diphtheria. Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bot tle'there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 60c. Sold by Sutton and Pitehford. NOTICE Saturday the 17th day of De cember next is the time appointed by the Stale School Commissioner for the genera! examination of applicants for teacher’s license. All persons desiring such ex amination will please meet me at Cleveland, White county, tin., by 8 o’clock A. M. On that day LEGAL ADVGRTISEHNTS. Sheriff Sales for December. now in possession of paid defendant to whom written noticfr as required by law bits been given. Nov. 8tli 1892. 8. L. Bhown, Sheriff, Also at tho KAine time and place, two bay colored ho pro ihiIcb, medium [size about 8 years old. one bay horse mule the Constitution and History will )ot ' Nl)) “[ m of the HOUtll ha) f of probably be added to this exam- lot No. 11. One lmlf interest in 60 acres ination. This Nov., 29th, 1892. in the north-east corner of lot No. 11. One half interest in north-west part of lot No. 12. Also the mineral interest ii> northed parts of lots Nos. 77 and 78, con taining about 100 anon. Also the min eral interest in 200 acres on the south ern Hide of lot No. 8. Also the undivid ed half mineral interest in about 100 acres in '.h# west end of lot No. 40 known as the Bell lot. All of said lots and parts of lots lying aud being In the 3rd Mist,, of said county. Also fractioned lot No. 8. in the 6th Diet., containing 408 acres. Also ft actional lot No 89, in tr.eOth Mist., containing 4fl acres. Also fractional lot No. 40 in the 0th Mist., containing 34 acres. Also fractional lot No. 9 in the 5th Mist., containing 335 acres. Also fractional lot N >4 in the 4th Mist., con taining 330 acres. Also one half interest in fractional lot No. 0 in the 5th Mist., containing 222 nert p. Also one half in terest in fractional lot No. 4 in tho 5th Mist., containing 479 acres. Also one i half interest in lot No. 18 in the 5th Mist.. , containing 490 acres. \lso the right of I timber in and on lot No. 10 in said 6th j Mist., all said l"ts and parts of lots in ! said county ami m the possession of E. NOTK’F | P. Williams iHTt. and levied on ns the J * j property of E. P. Williams, to satisfy a All persons indebted to the till- j ii fa in favor of Henry Starr, issued from designed, aw a Arm, or ns nidi- | <0 -' n,t -<’«>»»tity.against GEORGIA, WHITR C’Ot’NTYV W ILL be sold before the court house , _ T door, in the town of Cleveland 3 years old next spring, one Mack horse White county Georgia, on the first, mule, 2 years old next spring and one Tuesday in Dec., next, within the legal j gray horse about 12 years old and medi- hours of sale, to the highest bidder for urn size. Levied on and to be sold as cash the following property to-wit: t t the propery of Harriet W Johnston by 125 acres of north half of lot No. 22. virtue of a H fa issued from the Superior 76 acres of the 8. E. part of said lot No. court of said county in favor of E P West 22. 40 acres of the south-west corner of; against the said Harriet W Johnston the ■*' said property now in her possession as I have a forth coming bond. Nov. 10 1892 Respectfully, C. II. Kttle, C. S. C. NOTICE. All persons indebted to Suttoil & Piteh ford, arc requested to settle their ac counts by Dec., 1st next, if they wish to avoid paying costs of c o 1 1 e c t i o n. Sutton & Pitehford. Progress and keep Read s tho posted. — Forji sore throat there is noth ing hotter than a flannel bandage dampened with Chamberlain** PuiiiJLiaAi. It will nearlev al- \yay»n*flWt a cure in one night’s | time. This remedy is also a fa- ! vjuiUvtfor rheumatism and has! cured m#n.y very severe eases. 50 cent bottles for sale by Sutton & Pitehfotd. Sheriff. . the defen ant E. P. Williams. 1. Vldunls, will please conic forward {>■ iitt.-.l out l.y Jituiutitrs Uttonuy and make u Settlemnet w ithin the ." s "' I 1 '"'".' ■*>' l:1 " ''' ; Williuiiis «r tins levy. Nov. 81 next 30 days. Thosufniling todo .s. i,. ltuow so, will find their nots and nt- eountgin the hands of John J. Kimsey and J. W. 11 Underwood for colleetion. We having sold out our business at Parks to R. T. Keninu r. Slaton & Ci i.tis. 8 L Brown. 8heriff. Also nt tlie sums time amt place, one house anil lot, the house being used as the store house of L H Alexander now in Mossy creek Dint., White enuaty and be ing a part of the same lot of land that I’-. A. Alexander lives on, now in posses sion of said E. A. Alexander. Levied on 118 the property of the said L H Alexand er amt to be sold as bis by virtue of a mortgage 11 fa issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of J G Hynds k Co., against the said L II Alex ander. Nov. 10 lfill'J. 8 I, Brown, Sheriff. GEORGIA, White Coixtt: Whereas, J. W. Blackwell, Adminis trator of J. C. Martin deceased, repre sents to tlie court, in his petitiou duly- tiled and entered on record, thut he lias I'olI.v administered J. (’. Murtiu’s estate, rius is therefore lo rite all persons con cerned, kindeed and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why. Ha it 1 Admin istrator should not be discharged from bis administration, and receive letters of dismission on tlie tirst Monday in Doc. 1S92. W. B. Bkli., Ord’y. ¥ GEORGIA, W1IITK C'OI'NTY. fl l.L t.e sold before the court house door in tho town of Cleveland on the lirst Tuesday in December IH.ilt with in the legal hours r.f sal*’ for rash amt to the highest Milder tin billowing proper- ty to wit: | GEORGIA, whits ror.\TY, M ar ari-.t Abernathy, wife of Miles Abernathy, has applied for exemp tion ami setting apart and valuation Of 1.0 ail, a d I will pasn upon the same at o'clock in., on the 2-lth day of Dec., lHbil. at my office. This Nov., 28 1892. W B BELL, Ordinary. * —yr —“~— 4 llj^ing tiH u nut hot' loud of wood. TICKETS! ed a: SEND NOW, Bos well, one of the iH.'st’jknowu nnd most lospected citfzens ^ojf Brown wood, Texas, sufl’je^^d with diarrhata for a loom timo and tried many different I fl{JSH remedieM without henetit, until (’hnniherluin’s Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrlnnn Remedy wus used; that relieved him nt once. For sitlo hy Sulton Ac Pitehford. IN YOUR ORDERS heutf, nnd wntu to cftfTy; So Jd Iowa, Mr. nty, Russel 1 culled nt the niihcrlnin & Co., show them his soy Whe Ci labor Dos Mol year ut saved hWBBMEnher!uni's Coutrh Rctm'dy, iL^^iur cured him of it very swvo.te fit tack oferouj). Mr. Dalton is <y[i-tain that it saved Ins h&V8'liISftantl is enthusiastic iit'ltis pmiwtlf tiic Remedy. For sale liy Sutton Ac Pitehford. One dollar for’your county pa per, is 100 per tYUit on the mon ey. PROGESS OFFICE. FOR ORDINARY, \t last, I can eat a »ood squnre meal without its distresa- mc!” was the <rrnteful ex- j of Clerk of the Superior Court of \\ lute county. Respectfully, J\o. R. Glen. elainatiou of one whose appetite had been rest;ort;d hv the use of Ayer’s Sarssparila, after years of dyspeptic misery. A teaspoon ful of this extract before each meal sharpens the appetite. Don’t forir* us, when you are paying up yrttir debts. I use Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral freely in my practice, and recoin-' meneftt to eases of Whooping j Omi undivided lmlf interest ; hitch of land nf the west **ml of lot of j land No. 7fl. All of 175 an'f‘8 of the north j j west part of lot of hind No. H,7. Also 250 [ atrre» of tht* southern parts of lots Nos. . 108 and 109. Also one half interest in i 100 HcifH of hind in the eastern half of j lot No. 75, ext ent about 14 acres which i was heretofore deeded to Mary E. Green ' by G. W. WillinniB nnd plated, being the I 14 acres on which the Green Hotel stands. ELECTION TICKETS ERIN7- ' :l11 nf uf the emtli-mumi corner of lot No. 42, also 150 acres of lowest rates. - it;" ;;T‘” rlot ‘ x ”' s,i - .■) ai i• s .11 the uurtu-rastt'i'u cui-ni'i- or utd of lot No. l”T. uIho 7f) arrt's of tho 'outii-weHtrrn niriHir of lot No. 48, min- i 1-ral interest cxr*>|itcd in tin. last parrel, AND AVOID i/jJ? j all tile abuvi* parts ami parrids of land aggregating shout 874 avivs and cons. I posing tin' liome plaiv of J. Iminli Jolm- ston the dsfimdaut unit \v hereon he and Ids family now ri'sid". this is a linn ivsi- (tencc. Timm is on this property two tine barns, large n<wv eriha rapuldo of bottling at least 2,00(1 hustii'ls of mu, good buggy and uavringo 11 * iisrs, good store house, utse 0 or 7 tenant houses, good young orchard. This tract of In till has about 200 or 250 acres of line bottom land nil in high state of cultivation with plenty of timber attached, also 125 acres of tlie north half of lot No. 22. 75 nereis of the south east part of said lot No. 22. 40 acres nf the youtti west Corner of lot No. 21, 125 nmffi iftlie south half of lot No. 11, on half interest in 50 acres lying in the northeast corner of said lot No. It one half interest in the north west part of lot No. 12. Also the mineral interest in the nortlien parts of lots Nos. 77 nnd 78. containing 100 acres, aiso the mineral interest in 200 acres on the norltien side of lot No. K, also dim undivided lmlf min eral interest in about 100 acres in the west end i.t lot No, 40. Known us the Dell lot . All of said lands, parts and ivy U ing ur.d lining in the 3rd Diet . 'v 1 . uuty. Al.'o 3.18 aeres of land .b.- r.g lraetionai lot No. 8. Also 40S aeres I.eiiig fractional tot No. 7. Also 415 acres being- fractional lot No. 39. Also 34 acres being fractional lot No. 40. All pi ioftciLkinds ly^tig bst.. etiute ii n< l ’ounty. Also 335 ucr^g fraetnwal iorN". 9. also 3i'*l acres fractional lot No. 5. a'so one half interest in 222 acres being frac tional lot No. 0, also one half interest in 479 acres fractional tot No. 4, also one half interest in 490 acres being lot No. IS, also the right of timber n and upon lot No. 10. All the last aforesaid mentioned lands in the 5th Dist.. said slate and county, all said lands am more fully de scribed in a deed made by George \V. Williams lo .1. Lamb Johnston, dated Aug. Ill 'Gl. and recorded in Book E, page 407. 40S and 409 ill the Office of the Clerk Superior court said county. Re cord of deeds all said property in (he possession of tlie defendant. Also the following lands parts of lots of land No. 44 and 45 in tlie 3rd Dist, ssid county and state, lying on the waters of Santee creek, being com. posed of parts of said lots 44.4." & 43 in the 3rd Dist., said county and being about 250 acres and known as the Lamar or I,. , l\ West place and mom fully described I in a deed made by E. 1’. West to .1.1 Lamb Johnston dated July 1st 1889. Re corded in Book G. Record of deeds of said county pages 465 and 46ti, On this property is a tine dwelling house and it ; good out buildings. Thom is also, about I boi'elty inmoimco myself as candidate for Ordinary of White county, hav’itiif Been chosen by a majority of tho people in the mass-meeting of the 19th instant, .os© mMslsMHtv'cirr* battiest5y solicit tho support of the people. Respectfully, II. A. Ai.lison. FOlt SHERIFF; 1 take this means to announce myself as a candidate for Skcrifi' in the comin<; election of Jimu- "'f-* th0 aupport-antl’y^s ft f1 iSwiSfllTf- Rll the pCTtpIo arc solicited. I?cspectful?y, II. R. IIklton. FOR'cLF.RK St l’ERIOR COURT. I hereby solicit the support of all the voters of the county, in the coinin'; election, for the office FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate k for Tax Oolleetor of White county, in the coniine- elections. The vote and support of every citizen is respectfull\ solicited. Very Respectfully, Ji Lies Adams. FOR TAX RECEIVER, hereby announce myself REVOLUTION FOE LNDE FENDENCE. TO TDK SOLDIKUS OF SAID WAR, OR THRU'. HEIRS. Tlir Republic of Texas, through gen- 1*rosily to the Boktiers and their heirs for their services in said war, granted large donations of land which uro awaiting-tlie claims of Haiti heirs, la a majority of •be rases they have never heard of tlie donation, if they will inquire B t this "Mi -e either by letter, or in person, or to .1. W It. I'mlci-wood, Atl'y at law they will learn something to their pecuniary benefit. I. PHOTOGRAPHER, Gainesville, Ga. lEust Side i’ulilie Square.) { ,: None hut first-class work done at Gallery, Charges reasonable. Call and Spucirrif list. PICTURES fnTarg’ed to any 8iz« in Oil, Crayon, India Ink, or Water Cplors. (Arpil 15, *92. ly ) W. S. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dalilonega, Ga. jar Bonds fin' Pntilic nnd Corpora-’ tmns made. Real Estate. Cormspon- (Apr. 15, '92. ly.) : denco solicited. McElr«c’s Wine of Cardui an9 TH ED TORO’S BUtCK-DRAUGHT arc for sale by the following merchants in Wliite.County s Suit.m k Bhrbford. Cleveland. H. A. Jarr.irl, « r K*veland, G. B. Irvine, Mossy Creek. Lumpkin county: E. C. Cart I.* U.*. M ihlom ra. !>• H*»w»‘!K«t Auraria, w. a. Wit IttJtel A in., \t>■.y Bridge, J. J. W. Tate ^ Bro, Willow. r w tr-.xti -, 0 'oCf D r u-'", S IT" of BcUtirilU, Ku. “Wh»r. I t-.-^nn yuw Ing fic-j tvr- llltj WaUt!.. 40 hr ... n*for*. After, Loci, igbt Ml ISf 1*5 ItK M IU Burt, WaU . W ire|Iil|a, ’ ' " ' :i b*«'rfnlly reply U- tnjuirte* with *Urnt> lac'.f • ilEMTS TtEATuO UY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. \rnil«M. %u starving. Send S otnU i© tump for perticator* to f W F- sam». tl VICKIS S ruuni. CIIICttB, ILL Coujrli ituu>ii<r children, having|citndidute for the found it more’^ortain to cure that Receiver of Whitt (Hire nf count \, Tax and troublesome disease than any other medicine 1 know of.”—So says Dr. Bartlett, of Concord, Mass. Patronize V^ur county paper. Oh! What a Cough. respectfully solicit the vet- ..ui upport of the people. Yours Truly, John A. O’Kllley FOR SURVEYOR FOR TREASURER. I announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and hereby, respeet- Will you heed the warning? fully ask the support of the peo- The signal perhaps of the sure ap- pie in the coming election, protuh of that more terrible dis-; Respectfully, G. B. Jaruard. ease consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake j of saving 50e., to run tho risk | I respectfuly solicit the sup- and do nothing for it.' We know ; P° 1 ^ nf tho P e yi ,lu of Whiteeoun- fiom experience that Shiloh’s!*'-' H 10 coming elections, for the Cure will cure your cough. It I uffice <>f County Surveyor, never fails. This explains why Respectfully, h. B. Craven. more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It Relieves croup and whooping cough at , , once. Mothers, do not ho without | ‘^pecUf U !!y soheiU the support it. For lame hack, side or chest, . use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. I the Ja,iuu, y election, for Colon Sold hv Sutton (£ Pitehford. 1 n> acres of fins bettom land in a high slab- "f cultivation, making it one of the most desirable country residences. All the aforesaid property levied on as tin ; roperty of the defendant J. Umli John- tan and now in his possession, by virtue ’* ..nd to satiety two Superior court ti fas issued from the Superior court of said county. One in favor of J. R. Lumsden and the other in favor of G. W. Slayton, ledh against the said defendant J. Lamb Johnston and four Justice court ti fas is sued from Justice court White county all in favor of .1. E. it 1 and against the said defendant J. Lamb Johnston. Notice of the said levies tinder the aforesaid ti fas given to defendant J. Lamb Johnston as required by law. Nov. St It. 1892. S. L. Bkown. Sh’ff. ¥ FOR CORONER. Mr. John Allen, of Loudsville, spectfully solicits the sup; of the voters of White county I er. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY. ILL ho soltl on the* lirst Tuesday in December 1892, nt the court house diKir in Cleveland in said county be tween tho lawful hours of sale to the highest bidder for ca-^h certain lands to- wit : Parts of lots of land Nos. 43, 44 and 45 in 3rd Mist., said county, and being about 250 acres, and known as the La mar or ti. P. West place in said county, ami more fUlly described in a deed made by E. P. West to J. Lamb Johnston dated July 1st 1892, and recorded in book G, record of deeds of said county, page 4(i3 and 4Gfl. Said lands levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of E. P. West against J. Lamb Johnston as the property of the said Johnston, and JB THE EE3T. *tl°F O R !sAL£ U BY- COT J - M. Merritt, Blairsville Ga