The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, December 02, 1892, Image 3

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J The Cleveland Progress. HATES OF ADVERTISING. One dollar per inch for first insertion and fifty cents per inch for each subse quent insertion. Legal advertisements will he inserted at the rate fixed by law. Hills for the same are due and must be paid in ad- CIIURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist—Services every third Run- day and Saturday before—11 o’clock, a. m. Sunday school every Sunday morning'—9 o’clock, a. in. All are in vited to attend, especially non-church members. John J. Kimsky, Pastor. Methodist—Services every fourth Sun day ami Saturday before—11 o’clock, a. in. Sunday school at 9. a. m. All have a cordial invitation to attend. M. B. Watkins, Pastor. SCHEDULE30? ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE OF CLEVELAND MAILS. Ccuvo. Arrive. Liila, daily except Sun,. | fi n m. | fi p m. Blairsville •• “ 7 a in. | 5 p in. Haysville Mon Wwl Fri. | « n m. I t'. p in. PahlnnogaTuesTlinrSiit I fi am. fi p in. Alto rues. Sat. ( li a in. | tip in. F. I!. SUTTON. 1’. M. A Child Enjoys The ploasnnt flavor, gentle action nnd soothing ell'crt of Syrup of Fiji's, whi'n in need of n laxative, and if llio father or mother be costive or bilious, the most grati fying'results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Leo Items. ool The weather lias been very for a few days past. The farmers are nearly all done sowin j wheat. The Mossy creek students arc cup the vacation, i iing is expected near iv.' of horses crossed the a .initial! last Sunday, on ('iarksville. J. D. Cooley went to A dr Lom; i route t Mr. Gainesville last week. Mr. .John Nix is death onsquir- JUST1CE COURT. BlueRiilge. 1430 Dipt. Secmvl Sutur- ilayfi in each month. 11. J. Beach. J. P. H. P. Smith, N. P. and J. P. ■White Creek. 1411 Hist. First Saturdays in each month. W. T. Black, J. P. J. S. Brownlow, N. P.. nnd J. P Mt. Yonah Kfil Dial. J. W. Henson, J. P. <i. B. Jarraril, N. P.. and J. P. Third Fridays in each month. Mossey Creek 420 llist. Third Saturdays in each month. K. A• Alexander, J. P. M. B. Moore, N. P. and J. P, \V, J. IIobsbv. L. C. Nncoocliee 427 Dist. First Saturdays in each month, John H. Williams, J. P. J. A. Richardson, N. P. nnd J. P. Shoal Creek 802 Hist. First Saturdays in eaclt month. K. Carroll, J. P. J- A. O'Kelley, N. P. and J. P. Blue Creek 721 Dist. Second Saturdays in eaclt month. W. R. Ledford. J. P. J. B. Robert Bon. N. P. and J. P. Tesnatee 053 Dist. Fourth Saturdays in each month, tt 13, Allison, J. P. .) . ( Bell. N. P. and J. P. Town Creek, 830 Dist. Third Saturdays in each month. F. I'. Hunt, J. P. J. i- McAfee. N. P. and J. 1’ Cleveliiii, Ga., Dec., 2, 1892. SIcELRrf. swmr Of CAWUUt for Weak Ncivet Hon. .T. J. Kimsey in attending court tit Blairsville, this week. ('ajit. II. D. Iugensoll, of Dah- lonegn, paid us :t pleasant visit last Monday. Mr. tt. L. P attoiv, a prominent stockman of Clay county, N. (.'. was in town hist Saturday. Messrs. GiInter and SwnlFord, two knights of the grip, were in town last week. McEtr,,', WISE or CABOUl for female diseaets Mr. Win. Oakes, of Blue creek, was in Cleveland, last Sunday, for a few hours. Miss Maggie Merritt has gone to Atlanta to attend the South ern Short-Hand College. There was a good number met at Mossy creek hist Sunday and reorganized the Sunday school. Success to your paper. 1). L. P. A Cure lor Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold tit one dollar a bottle which claims to cure Rheumatism, is simply an imposi tion, for when all expenses are deducted it leaves not more than twenty cents to represent the medicine. 1 >r. Drummond's Lightning Remedy, which is per forming such wonderful cures that it is being prescribed by the medical faculty everywhere, is compounded at great expense from rare drugs, and cannot he sold for less than Five Dollars a bottle. But it always cures. COMMISSIONER NESBITTS Monthly Talk With the Farmers of Georgia. Tab arrangements for n choose factory, unlike some other of the smaller Indus tries, do not require any considerable outlay of capital, and while neatness and care are essential, the conditions arc such that cheese of excellent qual ity can be successfully made at far less risk than where the milk is sent any distance to market, or where butter is the product. In tho first ease, that is where tho milk is marketed at any dis tance, there is the danger of souring, particularly in mid summer. In tho second, that is, where the product is to be butter, the variations of tho cream as to quality and quantity, owing some times to weather conditions, or other circumstances equally beyond control, often cause disappointment. In keep ing cows for cheese-making, the factory being established, the farmer sells milk at so much the pound, which is returned to him either in money or choose. Tho f irico is fixed: the market is at his door; lis" only earn is to produce tho milk in sufficient quantities to pay him for tho outlay. This being done he has not only added to his income, hut 1ms an other wholesome and nutritious items among his family supplies. In almost every thickly settled neighborhood, one of the factories might ho started on the co-operative plan, several farmers com bining, and one of their number thor oughly posting himself in all the neces sary details of the work. At the Kx- periment station the factory is in daily operation, nnd any one wishing instruc tion will ho welcomed and given every facility for learning the business. There is nothing complicated in tho process, nnd any man or woman of ordinary in telligence can, in thirty days, learn everything necessary for carrying on tin' work. To give Homo idea of the re quirements I quote from some notes which were kindly furnished mo by .Captain Redding, tho director, in re sponse to sum > quest ions which I had asked. 1 also give his letter, bearing directly on this subject: Experiment, (4a., Aug. 27. 1892. Hon. It. T. Nesbitt. Commissioner of Agriculture, Atlanta, (4a.: My Dr.ah Silt—In response to yours of the 25th, 1 enclose "Notes on Cheese- making in Georgia,” which you may find useful. You may add that tho cheese mado tho present summer at. the station dairy has linen in great request, selling readily at the dairy at 15 rents per pound—the whole cheese. Wherever it lias been tested it lias given satisfaction. Mr. Wing says that tho conditions herein Georgia for cheesoinaking. are more favorable than in Ohio, whore he lias been making cheese all his life. Very Colds and Coughs croup, - sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and hoarseness cured by Ayers Cherry Pectoral the safest and most effective emergency medicine. It should be in every family. Dr. J. C= Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass. SAVED! What 1*4 Saved? T1 me and money B uying YOUR Drugs And MEDICINES OF Sutton & PitcMord, Cleveland, - - Gu. Sent prepaid to any address on j tru 'y. R. .1. Rnmiixa, Director. . 1 1 . NOTES ON CHEKHlS-MAKINa IN GEORGIA. receipt of price. Drummond x. Character and cost of buildin; Any cheap outbuilding, or mere shed, will answer all purposes for making cheese. It is only necessary to be dry and comfortable for the operator. But the curing room should lie tight and tl„. M K rlmivii at this nlace cl °So, yet capable of ventilation. A | ' ‘ 1 ' ’ good 8x11) pantry, or storeroom, such as preached his farewell sermon to i may bo found in most well-built farm houses, would answer. Medicine Co., 18-50 Maiden Lane New York. Agents wanted. Rev. M. IT Watkins, pastor of the people of Cleveland, Sunday nitrht. \Yc all recognize in him, a devi led and faithful teacher in the grand cause, and the best wishes of tin 1 people, and pray ers of ,kU congregation go with Fixture.., machinery, etc.: A cheese vat, consisting of a wooden box lined with tin, with a small fur nace underneath; a xiross with one or more screws similar to a cider-press screw; a few tin cheese hoops of differ ent sizes; curd knives, strainers, dipper and a thermometer. The entire outfit , . , , . , , , for a dairy of twenty-five cows will cost lnm, wherever Ins lot may he j less than •!00. Dletl—On Wednesday morn ing, Nov., 30th, Mrs. Jell’. Palm er, of White creek district. The bereaved family have the sym pathy of the entire community. Don’t take our word, But call your druggist to one side and ask him privately which of all the remedies advertised to cure Rheumatism ho would ve- ommend. If ho is posted, and oonseieneious, he will tell you that.l)r. Drummond's Lightning Remedy is the only one that of fers a reward of 8500 for a ease it will not cure. With sensible people this is the strongest re commendation. Price &5 per bottle. Sent to any address pre paid on receipt of price. Drum mond Medicine Co., 18-50 Mai den Lane, New York. Agents w tinted. east. iSfTWINE OF CARDlll, a Tonic for Women. Messrs. Sam. Ledford and Ju lius Deyton, two bright law stu dents of this place, are tit Blairs ville this week. They will bo ex amined for admittance to the bar. Mr. Wm. S. Hull', one of the rising young lawyers of Dnhlone- ga. wa- in Cleveland,’ one day I hi- webe, on legal business. Mr. Win. Burke, for many Year- one of the most respected citizen- of i L'- county, is visiting Dozier, Logan & Co., Can hi- 11:1ri\ friends here; his home down the world on Avery;: nuv. i • ' mc Sand mountain, Steel Turn Plows. H:u- ness and ^Vagou material. , i namr.. constipation. It seems that it is ‘ King Com j j,. | ] , (lMS Edwards wishes in tins county, from the way oui | |(S ,,, c > to the public that merchants are buying the many [ 1( . respectfully declines to make the race for County Surveyor. He is not a candidate for any of- loads, daily brought to town. Try bu..-in.- ■'! (»' If you have anything to sell, buy, beg, borrow, or loan, let through flee. everybody know it Progress. If you owe us nothing, come over and get in debt to us when you come to town, bv subscrib ing for your county paper. Sam. Davidson, the popular representative of S. C. Dinkins & Co., hardware house in Gaines ville, spent Saturday in Cleve land. Messrs. Otis lieiily, Jesse Sims and Will Logan, went to Nucoo- chee Sunday. There seems to he an unusual attraction up there for Cleveland hoys. If you want to subscribe for the Progress, send in your name | now, and pay us—well an soon - you cun, without any iueonv. m- enec to yourself. Happy and content is a home with “The Rochester;” a lump! with the light of the morning. For Catalogue, write Rochester j Lump Co., New Y ork. The Stovall Bros, of Blu< creek, have been awarded the lumber contract for the Georgia Cotton Factory at Athens, which was destroyed by lire, several weeks ago. Ibis shows what pluck and enterpise can do in ; W hite county. 8. The process of clieosomaking is, briefly, as follows: Tho night's milk is kept in a cool place until morning, when it is mixed with the morning’s milk and all poured Into the choose vat and heated up to a temperature of cighty-fOuTMcfircps. A small quantity of prepared rennet (ren- netine) is then added and the milk is constantly but gently stirred, (to prevent the cream from rising) until it com mences to thicken. In about forty min utes the milk will become solid, it cur dles (you would call it clabber, or sweet curds). When tho curd has become pretty Arm it is cut into small cubes— about the size 1 and shape of dice—by means of tile curd knives, which is done in a few moments. The heat is then in creased until the curds show a tempera ture of ninety-six to ninety-eight de grees by the thermometer. This heating is to cause the pieces of curd to con tract, thereby expelling the whey. Tho whey is then drained away, and is used to feed pigs, young calves, etc., being fattening food. Tho curd is now salted at tho rate of one-half ounce of salt to the pound of curd, and the l itter is enclosed in a press cloth and put into the choose hoop and pressed until tho whey is all ex pelled, which will lie in about twenty minutes. The cheese is now removed from the press hoop, the press cloth re moved, and the permanent doth "ban dage” put on, and then returned to tho hoops and press, where it is pressed with the lull force of tho press screw and a tlnee-foot lover—the firmer the bettor. The cheese usually remains in tho press until next day. or say eighteen nonrs, when it is marked with date of making and placed on a shelf in the cur ing room to lie turned over every day and rubbed with tile hand. The curing Somebody will cut turkey, Christinas, A drove of one hun dred and five passed through Cleveland, Wednesday. Poisoned by Scrofula Is tho hjk1 story of many lives made miserable through u o fault of their own. Scrofula is more especially than any other a hered itary disease, and for this simple reason: Arising from impure uni insufficient blood, the dis ease locates itself in the lympn- tliies, which are composed of white tissues; there is a period of foetal life when tins whole body consists of white ■tissues, and therefore the pecinlly susee 1 fill disease. ] dy for sere tary or acqf Sarsiiparillt ful efi'oet on inf-«4ise;'f vital fluid tho of health. If Hood’s Stirspn unv substituf NOTH THESE POINTS. LARGEST STOCK, REST QUALITY, fisll LOWEST PRICES, WM. BROWN, JR, II. I, MEALOR. J. W. BROWH. ar HONEST COUNT, FULL MEASURE, JUST WEIGHT, l’olito and Courteous Treatment to All. ONLY tho PUREST AND BEST MEDICINES nre dispensed, and always competent, careful hands. bv E. B. ■y o OTHER Sarsaparilla has the ■ ■ careful personal supervision of the proprietor in all the details of its prepa ration as has HOOD’8 Sarsapse-ffia. j • i i , .... room should be leapt at about tho tem- llie Masonic lodge was not re- C, omtnr(! of K „ V entyor seventy-five do- organized here last Saturday, as ! grees by opening windows and doors at , i n, night and closing up during the day. WHS expected. DcputV (ii.hiu q’i, e (ffioese will be ready for use in Master Rod wine, of Gainesville, I from throe weeks to several months, as ,, , ... ... , . may be determined by the maker during was taken suddenly ill. Saturday th 0 process of making. morning, end could not attend, so that the time 1ms been tio-fl- poned, until Dee., lOMi. Ambition Lift yourself high above the common herd, The cynosure of a million’* epuse; Grave on the lusting 1 walls of time one name, That merits well a worthy praise. H R. McCt. JAVEAT8, TK ADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ©tc. For Information and free Handbook writ® to MUNN & CO.. SW1 Broadway, New York. Oldcflt bureau for securing patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by un Ih brought before tne public by n notice given free of charge in tho scientific Amn’icati I .nrnat circulation of any scientific paper In tho 1,-nrliL Snlomlldlx illustrated. No Intelligent jnntl should ho without It. Weekly, *:l.Oil a year; ei.soslx months. Addreua MLNN & CO„ l'cULtsuEKS, 3lil Urondrrii), -New York City. In the south the months of March, April, May, June, August, September and October are the best cheese making months, hut. cheese may be made at any season. Usually cheese is mado in spring, summer and fall, and butter in winter, because butter-making requires a cool temperature which cannot lie se cured in summer without the aid of ieo —which is too expensive and incon venient. 5. How to dispose of milk when not made into cheese: It is generally more profitable to sell milk than either butter or cheese; but 1 milk will keep only a few hours, and I cannot he sent long distances. Thore- ! fore the milk market is easily glutted. I Butter-making is the belter way where a large number of cows is kept and tho local market not reliable for milk. ; Generally cheese-making will be found : more profitable than either when j oneriit.iiig with a good sized herd. I 0. In Georgia nine and one-hulf pounds j of milk are required to make one pound of cured cheese. 7. As before stated tho curds may be manipulated as to make a long keeping or short keeping cheese—say from three to four weeks to six months may inter vene between making and marketing, nr—-din" tu the vJJI of the maker,. . [To he Continued] OTHER Sarsaparilla has the merit to secure the confidence of entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. its power- , expels till vt:.r tu 44»e and color klo to take o not accept to The gout hcltiiigin Masonic lodge, w hose r<u ill - arc just overhead, is in great glee nl the reorganization of that body, we judge, by the capers lie has been culling this week. Ladies Are Unfortunate, Because the higher they rise in society the weaker they find themselves bodily. Kisley’s Fhilotoken controls the nerves, .aids nature in her various func tions, and thus combats with the ninny ills of womankind success fully. If your druggist lias not got it he will order jt for you for til ti bottle, from (Jims. F. Kin ley, Wholesale Druggist, G2(Jortlundt street. New York. Send for de scriptive pamphlet, with din tions and certificates from many Indies who have used it and can't sny enough in favor of Kisley’s l’hilotoken. [July CLEVELAND, * GEORGIA. Dealer in, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPEC TACLES, ETC., ETC. I supply everything pertaining to sewing machines ns n special ty. Sewing machine needles for all machines. Best of oil, war ranted not to gum, chill or change color. ATTACHMENTS OF ALL KINDS AND likes; belts nnd belting—leath er and rawhide. SHUTTLES and BOBBINS for all machines. Genuine parts for all machines. ^ ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE AT SHORTEST Notice. I am also agent for the Excel sior Gas burner, and the best Self-pronouncing, Parallel Fam ily Bible, in the world. Don’t be.a mugwump. A beautiful head of hair is tho pride of woman. Any person can obtain this by using Reg os’ Hair Rknkweu. Sold and war ranted bv Sutton-& Pitelil'oi'd GAINESVILLE I HON WORKS. p’Critinesyillv, <Ka. Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Pipe and Fittings, Iron and Bras* CastikfB Syrup and Stamp mills and all Kinds] of MINING MACHINERY MADE and REPAIRED. Correspondence) solicited. Office tint! Shops near Air Line Depot. A. 11. IIENDEKSON, Manager. J. W. II. UNDER WOO®, Attorney & Abstract** Kent Ustate Agents, Cle vela ml, Georgia, ILL HUY and ssil Mineral, Timbov and Agricultural Lands ts WWIe and adjoining i: unities, guaranteeing tho title to all jiroperties asl4. Will negotiate sales for reasonable commission. All Projiorties. entrusted Si or sale will receive a liberal advertisement. PARTIES HAYING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILL DO WELL TO CALL ON OR WRITE US. Henderson & Underwood. CievelcXi^cL, Georgia". MANUFACTURERS OF BUGGIES AND WAGONS. REPAIRING, &C. HOrse'Slxoelng Executed CHenply. •ribc unit \ Miss Uttl.y, tin accomplished and refined young lady, who has been spending some months near Cleveland, has gone to Gaines ville, where site will probably remain durin" the winter. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienf.y & Co., Toldo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tin* last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Traux, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, (J. Waldin, Kin- nan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, (). Hall’s Catarrh Cure . .Sul I' 1 ’ 1 '- BiCGGs' • : i i l l. t jl 1 18' arc tho most i fl'c. timl pill on the market. Safe, sure and certain. Sold and warranted by Sutton it Pitcliford. Dark, yellow, greasy skin is a symptom of disordered Kidney and Liver, and unless treated promptly may result in danger ous disease. One bottle of Bed ok’ Blood Purifier will en tirely remove the cause and leave the skin clear and transparent. Sold and warranted by Sutton iN Pitcliford. If you have any jolt work you wish done, send it to The Pro gress. Druggists my it is a pleasure to sell Beugk’ Family Medicines, as every bottle is warranted for all that the label calls for, so our customers are perfectly safe in buying them. Sold and witrran t.'d by Sutton & Pitcliford. Never come to town, with an empty wagon; bring us a load of wood on subscription, in prefer ence. Piles! Piles! ! Piles! !! Try Beggs’ famous German Salve. It relieves at once. Sold and warranted by Sutton & Pitcliford. Patronize your county paper, Seeing is Believing:.’ And a good lamp must be simple; when it is not simple it is not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good—these words mean much, but to see “ The Rochester ” will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made in three piece3 only, it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a “wonderful lamp," for its mar velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than eflher. Look for this stamp—Thb Rochester, If the lamp dealer hasn't th« g«a«llM Rochester, and the style you want, send to us for our uew illustrated MUlarsc and we will send you n lamp safely by exnress—your choice m( «ver varieties from the Largest Lamp Store in the World. UOCHKSTClt TLA HIP CO., 42 Park Place, New Terk MU. “The Rochester.” 1000 Dollars Reward. To any one who will furnish us I a receipt that will cure a cough, taken | cold, or any disease of the throat internally, acting directly upon. ()l . 1 sooner or more effectu- Ihe blood and mucuous surfaces .. . ., of the svstem. Testimonials sent! !,11 .V thim »«««*«, C-hkukv < ougi. free. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold I Svituf. Sold and warranted by by ail Druggists. > Sutton & Pitcliford. Solti and now in use with period Batisfudion in every instance, 1 ftrui-dki j ti.v.un at prices to suit tin*, people. Eciiutil'ul and cleguut in finish, mu do Ui ail kinds of woods. \V;m iini<*d f< p lixe years, and sntishidion guaranteed. Hold easy payments, or special discount for cash. We also well The Celebrated PACKARD ORGAN, The Lest and handsomest orpin made, and H<»ld at the rig’llt price. JSGv) 1 ' Full Hue of sheet music and hooks. We pay freights. Writ© for fital<m and prices before buying 1 ; we will save you money. IVIUoss Stiff, 21 Marietta St„ Atlakta, Hi a.