The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, February 03, 1893, Image 2

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The Cleveland Progress. Entereri nt the I’cit-office it Cleveland M Matt Matte", Jan. il<>, 'SIS. Official Organ of White county Clinlut Ci„ Feb., 3, 1893. Our Common Schools. The public Bcliool syMoni of Georgia it> good only mo fur ns it goes, mid it fulls fur short of the requirement* of tlm dnv. The main trouble lies in that out standard of requirements is so low, Hint almost, any twelve yeat old bov, of averatrn intelligence could answer n suflicient number of the questions to insure him u teachers license. It, is positively disgusting, it is a glowing shame that, teachers (?) should he licensed to instruct, who are not sufficiently advanced as to know when, and how, to write properly, the pronoun I. The editor of “The Dalton Ar gus," speaking along this line, says lie recently “asked a coun try lad why he hurl quit school, “I was wasting time” lie said; “I could touch the teacher in our settlement.” We know of in stances like this in White county, and it !k true of the entire state. Our public school system needs renovating, disinfecting and air ing, besides raising the standard to such a height that only com petent teachers can secure license. Oh I shade of Dickons, ret urn to us; walk our highways and by ways with the troops of school children; mingle with them in the play grounds and ntthodesk ; learn of the imposition practiced this day and time by so called public instructors, and in your desire to rigid wrong things, and see justice done, collect tho edi tions of wonderful Nicolas Nick- toby und make of them one grand hon-fire, and by its light write another satire, more wonderful, brilliant and powerful; only shiftiug your scones from Corn Avail to Georgia. James Q. Blaine. .Tames G. Blaine, the foremost, figure in American politics for t wenty years is dead, 'l he pen pie of a nation mourn his death, us that of a ty pical, and patriotic American. Tho Republican party is now minus a broad minded and con servative louder, and search her ranks closely, not one can lie found with qualifications necessa ry to fill his place. Possessed of a wonderful personal magnetism, no man in tho nation 1ms been so successful in swaying the masses; no one man of the nation hud ever such a personal following, Yet, ho fell short of all his high aims. Sweeping nil obstacles beforo, his wonderful power stop ped dead at the supremo moment and forced him to surrender to inferior men, a leadership, justly his own. Our Public Well. Just back of the court house there is a deep hole in the ground —popularly supposed to he a well; well, it is not. If wo un derstand aright this is ono of the county’s public institutions, and ns such, wo voice the sentiment of a groat many of our citizens when wo say that it should re ceive tho attention of our honour able body of Commissioners. There is nothing wrong about this well, except that it is totally wanting in that liuitl which wells are usually supposed to supply. No sir, you may pump, and pump, and all your pumping will not bring up as much water as would quench the thirst of an English sparrow. 'Why iu>t sink it a few feci (deeper, gentlemen? “The common school teachers should be given every advantage of normal training, in order to tit them for tho work they have in charge. This is one great and glaring deficiency in our present system of education, which must be remedied if we over intend to achieve any great results in this line. Georgia, according to cen sus figures, ranks among the most illiterate states .of the union, and this a state of affairs our people should never permit to last.”— Athens Brunei An Unseasonable Joke ‘Ben,” remarked Jay, one sul try afternoon this week, while the harmonica was 2.345 degrees be- >w Arizona, “there's a preacher in Atlanta, who says we are not in hell, but only in hades.” May,” replied Ben. winking Ins other eye at the thermometer, “if this is not hell, and a heap of it, 1 would like to know, in the language of our friend, Tom. Watson, where we are ut?” And just then his Satanic Maj esty came along, and hit Ben a lovc-liek over the head with a red-hot silver spoon, about twen ty-live feet, long, and weighing a ton. “You fellows lot that preacher alone and attend to your own business,” said his majesty of the cloven hoof and. forked tail, “that person of the female persuasion has got him in a hotter place than this. If I brought him here he would take a had cold in two ootids.”—Madisonian. lid It oi'ii S Clin If. A curtain {food lady named Fulton, Vowed not to leave ultfii of a pelt on, Two well -known I). J)V, of tin* dayj-- Ho she headed thorn and heeled thorn, And, (folly! how she pooled lliom!!— And—woman like, got the last hi.y. * * Nt Don’t forget two important duties of life: pray to the Lord and pay the editor. ’I lie child that isspanked often, aught to grow up proficient in the art of palmisl ay. Running a country newspaper is evidently considered a huge joke by many people. Wo wish we could just let ’em peep into the inside workings once. Tho uuijority would exclaim “IIcll!” If tho weather-clerk lias to rec ord all the dill’eicut. kinds of weather we have been having for tile last month, wo imagine the volume contains some new-fash ioned cuss Avoids. ♦ * • The Dalton Argus says “it is wrong to speak of a straight-up- and-down young lady.” Well, how ahouta Avniistfull young lady? Last week we attempted a cal culation of the unused wulorpoAv- or of the streams in White coun ty. Wo figured over four 24x85 sheets of paper, and obtained a result that went further in enu meration than avo ever counted. Suffieit, that every factory in Georgia could be set down in White county, and avo Avould y<*t want others to use up tho balance of the vast amount, hoav daily going to wasto. * * * An exchange speaks of tho “broken buck-bono of Avinter,” If there bo virtue in (lie predic tions of Avcather prophets and almanacs, tho clerk of the weath er must he busy having a patent Avoid made at tho broken place. Wo want tin' Masonic fraterni ty, whoso quarters are directly overhead, to either provide pro- vender for their goat, or chain him safely, so he can not escape from his quarters. Last night lie came down the chimney, seat ed himself at our desk, ate up fourteen rolls of poetry in manu script, from country correspon dents, three tallow candles, one quart of paste, one paste pot and brush, 250 quoins, brass rules mid leads ad. libitum. We don't earn for anything particularly, except tho manu script poetry, which we intended to run through Websters l'iu- bridged and sell to the magazines is original productions. We ex pected to realize handsomely by the transaction, and now we want a speedy compromise of llie mat ter, or we intend to sue for dam ages. Th« goat is still alive and frisky, and Sam. Brown, SheriH’, says it knows all the tender places on the human anatomy. * * * If you want to live to he a hundred years old, move to W bite county. “Kn>m sin and debt, pood Lord, deliver The prayer poos up from Maine to Ar kansas. Unt iii. t, ph! Lord, attend our pressing* want - Deliver mi from 'his awful Jatmuary t hnv,» OLD YONAH SPEAKS. QUESTIONS FOR THE Schoolboys. Ho Gives Somo odd Inform ation. Ma. Enrroit:—That streak of snow that struck you in tho back and aroused you from that tine dream during the stress of weath er had a good ell'cei, or avo so judge by the result, for it seemed to give occasion to sift grain out of “editorial chuff.'’ Say, what speed did the north- pole make when it was heading straight for Cleveland? 1’lease inform me of its arrival, when it gets there, as I want to sec the old thing—it must be old for I’ve been hearing it talked about a long time, but never got to see it yet. How do you recoil it looks anyway? It must be tho spindle end of the axletrce the world turns on and I guess its tliintblc- skeined at that and well greased, but what about the spindle ul the other end? There must be a south pole too, for if it didn’t turn at both ends it wouldn’t run straight, it Avouldn’t turn over even. But what are you talking about? The earth run, the earth turnover? Some folks don’t be lieve it, hut it so all the same. 1 am going to show you. The way things are, the earth must roll over and face the sun all around in a day, or else the sun must go around the earth every day. Y\ iii. lt would be easiest to do? The earth has to go whizzing to roll over on itself once a day. If being twenty-live thousand miles around it, the suifaee of it has to travel that far to gel ’round. But how many miles would the sun have to travel to go around the earth? Think of it, twenty-live thousand miles would be nothing! Ask the school hoys to count it. up—the Cleveland school boys and the Mossy creek school hoys, and all the school boys—ask I hem if they can cipher it up, supposing the sun to We ninety-live millions of miles from the rarth. It is easy example to work. Just see how many millions and million of miles that great big Avorld, so many times larger than ours, would have to go to get ’round tho earth. Well hoys, have you got the answer—here it is, five hundred and seventy millions! We all know the sun don’t go on at that rate. And then if the sun has to go around the earth it leaves the earth nothing to stand on, because tho sun would have to bo allowed an open apace to •wing around in. If the earth had anything to stand on that thing would have to stand on something else, and so on forev er and there would ho no vising and setting of the sun. So tin* earth Hoots out in space nud has to move—it has to move to keep its proper place in tho universe because motion is one of the laws of nature, mid things must, move to obey a law of the great power that created them. You see, there are Venus and Jupiter and Mars and Saturn and the earth and a half a dozen otheis that be long to the same Geography class (all tied on to the sun by an in visible rope) and they would kick up a mighty rumpus if one of them should lose its place in the line. They balance each other in tho race. We can’t feel it whirl around because it moves without any jars or jolts and the atmos phere moves in harmony with it and its all the same to us as if it stood still. But I am getting too far off from your dream Mr. edi tor. Yon a u Mountain - . 1*. S. l’lease loll the boys, that at this rate of tearing around —live hundred and seventy mil lions of miles in twenty-four hours, the sun would tire the un iverse and burn up the Solar sys tem, if no more. Y. M. P. S. No. 2—Jan., 28th.— Since writing the above, Mr. editor, I see your announcement of the arrival of the north-pole. 1 should have been ahead of it, but I am a slow coach and you must excuse me. Please hold on to it ’til J come. Y. M. The tirst number of the revived Daiiuoneua Nituiet lies before us, sparkling at as many points as a north-east Georgia diamond. Editor Me.Nellev weiltU a pon derous faber, TEMPERANCE COLUMN I notice in the lust issue of the PliOOliESe, that, tlie editor has dedicated one column to the tem- peruud| question. Let us all caniep^y hope that this departure (a laiid^ile one) shall assist in builditig up a healthy sentiment upon tnis question. It is surely a question in which we are all vitalky, interested. For the evil of infcafhpcnmcff is ono that cor rupts the body politic, pollutes the churoig—demoralizes society, avi /H^ho home and ruins the !ndi HH who tampers with it. LikflKp'cut octopus it embraces witlimBs giant arms rich, poor, higl»i4id low, educated and illif- crulaOfrcat interests and small, froupWc nations center and to the remotest corner. Not only tlmstg avIio arc directly connected with-it, such as manufacturers, vendors and drinkers, but those wlici are total abstainer are in jured hv it, morallv, so. hilly and financially. If this need any proof, the foots arc forthcoming. Is it putting it too stiong to say*Unit nine-tenths of the costs of fT'miinsl prosecutions in our eotubr&rc incurred through tho iiistinmeiitnlity of whiskey? Am I exceeding tho bounds of pro!*y>|fiiy. when I state that thraC-fourths of the suffering, troubles and pains are caused by ill temperance? I ^von Id not misrepresent, tlimigh i plead a case against a culprit-that I hate. sflto wiso our county had been upAoflffio year 1888 an Eden into which this sl'my crawling, nitful un^deccifful serpent had never diayV his miserable length, and tlnft w'c were informed that he witS fin his way here to take up Ids i.Jjodc with us and entail upon oufcme^libors and our offspring all. the evils, above mentioned would 1 not the citizens of the coXltityb'isG up cn masse and meet liini at/ the ,border and stay his course '\\'(> dread cholera, or the samdl pox and would quaran- tiiii'^tlie county if ftpprchem-ivc of i/si lit roduet ion to our midst, by imu ing :i guard against every appro* h. And yet there is now Avitlihrour county limits, many lilt'll i#u> are engaged in the nfiin- ulactiit# and sale of this liquid dcathjjjtAnyhow many are try ing tostay tho tide. WtJtyd you father, mother, al low undone to uiuuufncuirc dyna mite within the county and s• ■ 11 it to iV lnays*to yluy with? Yet hfixeis whinger menacing them oJySmttcr import. Have you raisedAVimihnnd to ward it off? JET.** •ITuvittjj is atll right, talking against jjtIswljkj'ight, but doing is mord* .e©‘0kuul. Tweitly-t'm detenuified; conscientious men cun sup^ijfess itjfcwithin the bor ders of V?bite county. Are avo doing ourtiibit.frf Move Anon. F. B. S. I Ilararj | wT —;— Water j^.tTio only drink w hich nature kitfyw.-; exahas provided for animals. ■Snjt ^jvitevcr luituro gives us* jayMepend upon it. is the bestsafest for us. For the Jtev. Mr. Vfflj&lMIftt&ircarUty En dorses jilwWPa (jirsaparllla. We are pleasctk td&(esenl this from Rev. A. A. WMMtranl of the Sillsbee street Christian CTOiircji,' Lynn, Mass. • “I see mmasotivrlixalwSgyman, more than a layman, who knotilLAvIlitroot he speaks, should hesitate to Arth and worth, from A' been signally-betag tion may send tf others by lnoveusti liau lor many year Nervo Alorit Ills family have hose Comiitetuhv- . )se benefits to flit cnee. My wife erer from severe ftjacho for which she loinuWUtlgTifon. She lias tried many tilings well hut per formed little. Last foil ft kkunl gave her a bot tle of Hood's '£rti'sft|tartll*? sVbms surpris ing what simply one l>u±Lh> tjouliLaiul did do for her, The at t:\eKs oyRaaaehc decreased in number ami Were lesSmolent in their inten sity. while her gepOMljHsalth haiwhctni im proved. Ilea tippetifeglms also beeff better. From our experience With * Hood’s Sarsaparilla I have no hesitation in endorsing it** iMorim.” A. \yti i I AMS. HOOD’8 PiLLS arVrUe best filially cathartic, geuiic and otfecUvo. Try a box Price ibc KNOWLEDGE =r - Brtnjjs oomfort and improvement and tend) to personal enjoyment when riglitly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s beat prodnetp to the nee da of physical being, will attest the value to health of tho pure liquid luxutive principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its execUonco is due to its prracn'Iug j in the form most acceptable and pleas- | wit to tho taste, tho refreshing and truly beneficial properties of n perfect lax- p.tive; effectually cleansing tho system dispelling colds, headaches ami fevers i and permanei curing constipation. It h.Ai given r.atisfaction to millions and ! mot with the approval of the medical | profession because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels wit limit weaken ling them and it io perfectly free from ! every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs i3 for sale by all drug- | gists in 50c und. .$1 bottles, but it is man j j nfactured by the California Fig Syrup ; Co. otdy, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and Ix-ing well informed, yon will not accept any substitute if offered, Tint Toccosi News tells of u ro- mnrkalJe family living in the counties of Habersham and Banks. It is that of Mr. Wil liam Acre, ami consists of him self, wife and fourteen children. Mr. Acre lias married but once and lias never had a death in his family. Tli t ages of the children range from eighteen to to forty- four, and from the old gentleman down all are good citizens. Re cently all of them went to To< con and had their pictures taken in a family group, and a robust set they appear. Northeast Georgia is a great country. Shakespeare will please excuse us if we modify him thus: Thrice is lie clad who hath his system strengthened with Ayer’s Sarsap arilla, and lie hut naked, though arrayed in furs, whose blood is poor or ivith disease corrupted. Ail incomparable medicine! The Dahloncga Signal seems somewhat di. iniutled over the division of the legal advertis ing of Lumpkin county, be tween it and the Nugget. We trust, however, that editor Woodward will lose none of has avo rdupiesi on account of the division of patronage. Obi Wbat i Cough. Will you hoed the warning? The signal perhaps of the sure ap pi'oach of that more terrible dis ease consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothingfor it. We know (i om experience that Shi toll's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bottles wer* sold the past year. It Relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not he without it. For lame hack, -ide or chest, use Shiloh's Borons Bln ter. Su’d by Sutton & i’itchford. Seldom in the short space of one month, docs death strike so often in high places as during January. The Statesman Blaine, cx-Brosident Hayes, Ben. Butler, and our own beloved Lamar have all answered to the filial call. SHILOH'S CATARRH REM EDY', A marvelous cure for Ca tarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bot tle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Brice aOc. Sold by Sutton and Bitchford. Re id our offer to new, cash subscribers. Answer Tiiis Quastion. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and he nuule miserable by indi gestion, Constipation, Dizz.i- liess, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c., we will sell them Shiloh’s V italizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Sutton A Bitchford, Cleveland. Ga. & FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER MY EN TIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Boots and Hats AT COST I do tins to make room for my SBRIXG STOCK. BARGAIN).IN LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, “ “ HATS, " “ CLOTHING, “ “ DRESS-GOODS. I MEAN'.Busines*. \-w» fA ’W />* ■Ri’Tt ** wji . I-■ tL.» 4LL flLkI\L P I! f 1 Q ! I) 1) IT p ii li u ^ 11 U U U l Sntloa ^ Pitclaford, CLEVELAND GEOECIA. WHOl.K.'ALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, ‘S’i'ATI0XER1, CONFECTIONERIES cJid CHOICE IA Mil. Y GROCERIES. IVawoc/pGcm.s <Crial I y I >; a t-ort. CLI5V1JLA INTO, GIJOKGIA. Deo ler i 11 \ V o teln(_es, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc,, Etc. I ‘ veiythmg pertaining to sewing machines as a spccial- • S“wing machine needle- for all machines. Best of oil, war ranted not to gum, chill or change color. Atf aeliiiicggts OF KINDS AND makes; belts and belling—lentlier and rawhide. S;il I 11,Eta and BOBBIN'S for ail machines. Genuine parts’ for all machines. ALL KINDS OF REBAIRIXG DONE AT SHORTEST Notice. Iain also agent for the Excelsior Gas burner, and the ljest Self-pronoun inrr, Barallcl Family Bible, in tho world. The Ecino Plano & Organ Co.,UouMvltli,Ohio,a. ^ Hilth Qrod«> Instrumt'iitB only. Plano chm>(! ore asm 'm mb. - KM •■■A*" —We ipu> trs Trade— Ortuio Instruments only. 4 mu.;«wu urgn a specialty. 'I‘h« accontjumyiii^ cut represents ou: .... . - ITItimiT GUAM. rUNO ORGAN. l Ills beaut inil pinno model is certainly the acmo |v n.» u, and stands pre-cniinent above all coinnt tore with in i known pe«r in the world. INK ■ ,].Y ONK. (iF ITS KIM' IN Till. WORLD. • • '•; l H"iuulil} 1.1 lom-a h i h. ..a., tnisuip.i m solidity of constructk Fulpteno sb- and proportion, piano fitiish, pla Ie at cot.liiiuous liimM- rn hs k-bourd, piano inut rack, tnuno freU of the latest design of trocincR ha carted piano trussen, etc., nud unlike nil other pla >’d orpr, ns on the market, Las tho most perfect str ion. The lock-board ia inode in two sections, t Hist seel ion folding back ami laying in the socoi section, in wliich position tho Instrument presents pinno appearance. Py a eeeond motion the necoi t F'diorii is.siiL'htly raised, and swinging back tinder t upper front hrinys the sto{vaction into prontinem o *• navi also m.oiy 1 eant lful and artistic designs lUt.'h tojt ;yi, s that areuusui jiassed by any mantifa tuier in the world. Com-spondencn solicftetl. fat k’.'int * nailed on appheation. Add all con sp '. tic nee direct to the manufacturers, gpeci i,.li„-,„ , nts Oirunvl 1., nil forrlan In Bam, in..(i timi iiLs sent on approval, and puarantoed to up to Lie tilRhcststaudard. All instrumeuta warrant- for oi.\ years. ftficElret’a Wins ©f Cararfi ! snj THEL’F [)SD‘S llACK-OAAUGHT »*-s j for tale by the foilavrinjf yiierctumU is jj Mu-Hum J. n,-v.!:.i, i 1. | G. B. Irvi ■0. Moocy Creak Lumj.klu ! D. How,-!! A Co.V A-'/iriV.’ W v. Jridgo. j J. J. W. ' a. uio w c ITATION- OKOUOIA. Y1UTB COUNTY. Y AMi; ' H Bli ck. Guar. -f , Vi . Black, a minor 1, for a .URchar^o .. a , • , » 1 ■ .•■ , from hi? .nmitliansli! , of Hannah A. H ■iri;, Hi; 1 is tht‘i ef*»ru i e«l to file the •» Got 5 fy nil pepH<m£. ir ol.jeet i.'Ls. if myThcy | have, on op Ha tort V ondav ir.! I March next. via- l„, wUl 1,0 ,! ■charKV.1 ■i! for. 11 i*om his (hi tnliansiiip ns nppli W. 1». Bell, i*i linary White eouutj . Itli'iRCIA, Y1UTH rnl'NTY. To AC YY IP M IT M \\ t’Ot’K T NO. D ; | form, O'Kelley, having applied to me f..r j n propei' < rnKuient ( s of Administrate u on the? Kstnte of K! /allot It Vi.-t ci v hit ul - said! countv, this is t«> rile nil and oit.tfnlar, j j the ereiiitoi. ami next km of I'.lizal.eth , ] \ ickery . to >»* and npju-ui- at mv olnrel |t!io tirst Mo '.day in Mbveh. ext, and* ; show eft lire. f any they ran. .• P‘T'ir.:t neut ;itliuirii»trutioTi should not i»e grant od to J„o. 1L O* Kelley, on tate Elizabeth !l Viekepv’s os Witness my liaml nniiotKcia.1 si hurt ure ! | 111 is -1st tla\ ofJau'y tails. W. B. ih ll, ()nl?nn ry. w. i. mi Dalilonfffa, Cm. V. in. deny f B.mils for , solicited. ' ’ PuMia ami C'c I Kslate. Coin (Apr. I', -fl2. ■spoil l.v.) YY r ace here, and want to stay So jiatroiiize us. H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville Georgia. 4 Seisiitifo American Agoncy for.^ ^ CAVEAT*, TRADE WAPtKS, DEJICH PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ©to. — fr*a Handbook writ© to VLDN k Cl)., 361 buoauwar, Nx\r York. •»dr.rt bureau lor terming patents In Amema. it brought before » of cha;?e lathe jFrieitiific lAraest dranlatlcn r.f anjr fictentia<- pa^rr «n 1.. ... illustrated. So Intolltiteva, bout it. W«ek!^ g3.|Tn a liL Wpi< nun ftwiuid year; $1.30 e.- « ,, PuaiAtt-fijuia, jy 1 flMMUtWay, £*%w York <J»w