The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, February 10, 1893, Image 2

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*■' \ \>Y> The Cleveland Progress. linteioil at 13* I’ott-nffice at Clcvclaml MS*eo«d-«Ura Mall Matt«", Jan. 99, ’92. OSclal Orgnu of TVIiilo county Clmlaid Ga., Feb., lo, 1893. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. A Loudsville Correspondent expresses himself freely. Loudsville, (in,, Fell., 6th, 1893. Editor Phoohr**:—In tlx* Prookkhh of tlift 3rd ifif t., wan nil article headed “©ur Common School!*,’* t hut suits me exactly, and 1 only wonder that pome one in this county hud not written something of the kind long ag'*; for our school system cer tainly if* a diH^race to thin groat, atatc, and it ip just iim certain that it is a dis- grace to thin county to have the utterly incompetent teachers that many of them aw*. One of our young teachers a short time ago v/us driving a yoke of cattle, one of which was, for thia place, quite a fine young hull. After 1 had examined the animal somewhat critically for a few momenta, I remarked that I thought hip calves would be better for beef t han for milk, aa I did not think lie came of a good milking stock; well, the teacher re plied, “I lialnt never aaw none on ’em.” Now that iB only a fair specimen of the language used all the time by many of our school tear,her», I could enumerate a hundred things, juit as ungrarnatical, if I choae to do ho. The moat, aim pie rulea of grammar are conptantly violated. Must we aend our young children to acheol, and pay for their tuition, to be taught Btioll language an that? Children naturally look up to their teachera na be ings somewhat superior to the ordinary and anything that the teacher suyH and does must bo right with our little boys and girls. Buell being the cose, I too, rise to remark, Oh! ahade of Dickens, for any other nhado) return to ur; give us a change, give us a higher grade of teachers, give us teachera who do not, drawl or talk through their noses, give «n teachers who knew among other things how not to murder the English language, give us teachers that would not he laugh ed at in almost any other state of the Union, if they were engaged in c. oimot every day conversation. Youra Eespectfully, A SuBficiunun. r:., . * : 1 RANGE COLUMN WHO WILL CALL, IF YOU DON’T FAY US SOON. Rdltornl Cluiff. “Judging by the houses, fences, amount of improvement goitieon, !ind general appearance of the country, I .should say that While county is not the most prosperous in the state,” remarked a well-in formed and intelligent stock-man, who was passing through our county with a drove of mules and horses, from Tonnesee. And, was he not correct in his opinion? Shall I Complain. As a county, there is not one within Georgia’s boundaries that surpasses White, in natural ad vantages. Nature, with lavish hand, has placed at our very doors her choicest gifts. Ye gods, but bow wo abuse them 1 Nature lias given us a fertile soil, which, cultivated intelligent ly, rewards the husbandman for bis toil. The above communication, al though somewhat caustic, hits ■squarely from the shoulder. We have no light to make against any public school, but aim -our attack at tho low aland arc! of ■our present syetem. Our . .lie money is being squandered upon teachers, many of whom are to tally wanting in the first require- unents that go towards making a competent instructor. A Whitfield county teacher, whom wo know to lie n most ex cellent, and thoroughly compe tent publio instructor of the young, takes up the gage of bat tle in the “Dalton Argus,” de fending tho teachers side. Ilis zeal carries him into dangerous ground, i. that of shielding those who are reallv uot qualifi ed. He closes his letter with the prayer, “Deliver us from the boy who cun teach tho teacher.” Our prayer is, Good Lord, deliver us from the teacher who can not teach the boy. But how many of the many, who depend upon the farm for a living, farm intelligently? How many of tho many, work half the number of days on their farms, as there aro days in tho year? The per cent is small. Likewise and in proportion exactly, do we find the uumber of successful farmers. The whisky trust is broken, and we presume wo shall have to pay cash for our next gallon. Dr. Sponcor. 'The unfair manner in which this sec tion of the state has been treated by tho bead of our State Geological Department, gave rise to n petition, numerously signed by citizens of the entire mining portion cf North-east Georgia, for the rc- pttoval of Dr. Bpoucer from his present position us statu geologist. JNbt oontent with neglecting his duty to this part of the state, he now gives it a vicious stab, by giving ns a reason for his neglect, that the mining interest of North-east Georgia, is insignificant, com pared with that of other portions of the state. Just how he knows this, is a co- nudrum; for certain it is, that he lias made no effort to ascertain anything con cerning our mineral wealth, and develop ment . His favoritism to other portions of the state, where it is known that eastern syndicate* are spending thousands to b«Qiw worthless mineral property, make )tim hateful to this section, and writes disgraceful page on his record as a pub lic officer. ny LOursB chandler moultov. Shall I complain because tho feast is o’er, And all the banquet lights have ceased to shine? For Joy that was, and is no longer mine; For Love that came and went, and comes no more; For Hopes and Dreams that left my open door; 81ml 1 I, who hold the Fast in fee, re pipe? . . . Nay! there are those who never quaff ed Life’s wine— That were the unbleat fate one might deplore. To sit alone and dream, at set of sun, When all the world is vague with com ing night— To hear old voices whisper, sweet, and low, And see dear faces steal back, one by And thrill anew to each long-pant de light,— Hliall 1 complain, who still this Bliss may know? Lot us give the horny-handed funner a tip;—we mean, 1 lie farmer who makes it a business to sit on tho top mil of the fence, spit ambeer, watch Ibe weeds grow, mid cuss tho merchant who holds n mortage on bis crop or place, for bacon and flour, (^uit cussing the merchant, throw out your quid, spit on your hands, and work just as many days on your farm, as the merchant does in the store, and you will soon bo out of debt, and be running a bank account. Como, say, if wo aro not right? Candidly, and in all good will wo plneo tho blame where it be longs. The average White coun ty farmer, works hardly half his time. The work ho does, is in such a slip-shod careless way, that good results are impossible. Then he raises one crop only; corn. Very often not oven a veg etable garden. He buys every thing from his iron foot plow- stock to bis hoe-handle, lie buys bis flour his coffee; bis sugar; his bacon; his shoes; his hat; his clothing—everything, everything and nothing but corn, and often not enough of that to pay half Ibe debt. Of course there are ex ceptions, to whom this in no way applies. But they arc few, indeed, compared with the whole. Tho remedy is simple, and will present itself to anyone sufficient ly interested to give the subject a thought. ; sc Wo will have another iraiu next week. Tho lilmvMiil .'lih-pn In the swelling bud, And the sparrow Is hunting Its mute; - We’re cutting; n hook from our trouser log. And tho devils digging bait. Harrison added one ray of In tro to his administration, when lie appointed Jackson to succeed Lamar, oil the supreme’bench. It is rumored that ’ho editor of the “Hiawassce Time , : em igrate to Hawaii, whe become a candidate for o< lifter its annexation TI1K MISTLETOE AND PHILOSOPHY, by P. David son, Loudsville, Ga. Mr. Davidson gives to the public one of the most interesting works, that has ever yet been published t> this eminent scholar. The 'Mistletoe and its Traditions” will not fail to interest every scholar, and it brings to light many curious and forgotten tra- We art n receipt of the Year Book and Minutes of 18!)2 of the North Georgia Conference, edited by Rev. Ellison R. Cook, of Sparta, Ga. It is far ahead of any similar work wo have scon, being handsomely gotten up, with many illustrations, and pict ures of nearly two hundred of the members of conference. Every church member should have one. Your pastor will supply you with a copy for 25 cents, or send UO cents to Hev. Ellison It. Cook, Sparta, Ga., and your order will be filled. stewards Meeting. Proceedings of Board of Stew ards of Cleveland circuit al a meeting held at Cleveland, Feb., 3 id I8D3, pern unlit to notice: Hon. J. It. Lumsdon, (ducted chairman. F. B. Sutton secretary. After "religious service and cal ling of the roll, tho'object of the mooting was explained by tic pastor Rev. 11. M. Newton. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The memberships of tho Cleveland circuit is strong aud stands greatly in need of Liberia Imports 70,000 gallons of intoxicants for every mission ary it receives. Of the new mayors in England thirty-seven are total abstainers. Sonic wise and good men are racking their brains over the question, “Why is crime increas ing-in this country?” The un- sweffla simple enough- We can answer it in a single word— “Drink.” This is the answer which n writer in Forum gives to account for the increase of crime In Massachusetts in recent years. Tbitereport of tho police depart ment of New York city for the yeiflfejjyt9l tells the sumo story. AtRBVhfnnalysis of the records of any Jpqlice court, or prison or re formatory in the country will yield the same results. Of the 90,207 arrests in New York city last year, according to the police reports, no less than 50,000 were attributable to the liquor traffic. Nearly 40,000 were directly credited to the traf fic by the police. And the rec ords also showed that crime of all kiiuls was increasing in this city faster than tho population. Below wo give the names of Grand, and Petit Jurors, for April term Superior court, for \\ bite county. names ok gk '.mi Jintons James’Corbin. Glen W. Sears. Elijah Cat roll. Z. T. Logan. Jeremiah L. Stover. Daniel N. [Warwick. Goo. W.Slaton. IlcubcnB. Etris. Geo. N. Taylor. Geo. N. Colley. G. W. Sima. J. R. Lumsdon. A. C. Whisonant. W. J. Oakes. A. B. Stovall. Junius Westmore- [laud. A. M. Clark. C.C. Westmoreland E. D. Smith. Albert Bell. R. A. Williams. M. G. Nix. J. T. Tatum. Elias N. Trotter. C. A. Thurmond. 11. A. Tatum. J. E. West. F. C. Barrett. Janies L. Jarrard. Y. C. Skelton, NAMES OK SPEC I At. Ji.KOES No. 1, I. J. Tontblin. J. L. Helton. Wm. M. Free. Jus. T. Shelnut. No. 2. 11. A. Allison. Elijah Lackey. J. M, Sosebce. P. S. Dorsey. Tho-. P. Brewer, das. P. Kimsev J, S. Brownlow. A. M. Bowen. D. S. Riley. J. F. Anderson. L. Allison. W. T. Allison. S. D. Alien. No, Julius Johnson. William li. Sears John It. Palmer, ; juntos Glen. James A. Harkins. (). E. Konimer. Sint]) Logan. AV. C. Burke. It. N. Boggs. It. A. Ledford. J esse E. 11 i X. Jt*e. B, Sosebce. . 3. financial system and development.! Silas (('antrcli. Whereas, With r, membership of about 1200, great good can be accominplished tho present year by co-operation, Resolved 1st, That it is (lie souse of this body of Stewards that tho salaries of our pastors should he earnestly and prayer fully taken into consideration. Resolved 2nd, That wo will be gin early and zealously, urging every member to aid in paying our pastors monthly for their ser vices. Resolved 3rd, That we will in sist on the membership to be more liberal and consecrated to God than hitherto. Resolved -1th, That wo will list our utmost endeavor for a wide spread revival of religion in the Cleveland charge. Moved by Bro. R. AV. Ash and carried that the assessment plan be adopted. Moved by Bro. II. A. JaiTiU’d. that the Stewards of*11)0 respec tive churches in this circuit meet and. make an assessment upon 11'S | their nicmb - hip as soon as pos sible aud report tho result at the next (Quarterly meeting. After religious service the meeting adjourned, J. U. Lcmsoen, Chairman. F. B, Sutton, Seeretarv. Enoch C. Dorsey. Elijah F. Davidson. Alfred II. Roper. J. M. Galbrcth. James II. Freeman. John I,. Craven. Bring us some silver ey on subscription. Both Had Eczema In Its Worst Form AVo have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, cam After Phy? tr l<l Its Patted, Hood ’if Sarsaparilla Pe>f" r llu Cured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their children sulteri.lg from diseases caused by impure blood, aud for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood’s Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the dis eased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents: To C. 1. Ho,ul & Co., Lowell, Mass.: ‘We think HootTs Sarsaparilla Is the most <litii»\* connected with tLis won-, kor mouth and headache, in SHI-1 c “ r ' ll 8 them nr'i-vl-iV(ueiviuK th!'m' J ii 1 tierful plant. The light reader: LOU’S CATARRH REMEDY. j and "in a ’wioittli bull! phiMum^viero will gain much by it* perusal,, A nasal injector free with each! *■ _ ,, « , those interested in the, bottle, l.-e it if you desire! S <barSapUr3 i 13 and to - - - — *•* j .,v v VI. . *. ,1 yuu UUOIIU I :l c’uriouH it isiudcspensible. Brice health and sweet breath. Price “ ZfiS: , , ! 1112 2ud Avsnuo, Altoona, t’a. (* J ltcll- 25 cents, Peter Davidson, Loud- viile, While Co., Ga, ! 50c. ■ ford, Sold by Sutton mm, 'A: yssmgs&J'j'i i; T ’ ; ” KNOWLEDGE Brings oorafort and improvement nnd tends to personal enjoyment vrh;n rightly need. The many, w ho liv# bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with lean expenditure, by more promptly adapting tho world’s host products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellenoe is due to its presen'Ing In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ativo; effectually cleansing tho system dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys, I.iver and Bowels without weaken ing them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrnp of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man nfactured by the California Fig Syrup Oo. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, aud being wull informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. w raid c mnty and being 8 .-u rea f said tract lying on the not til Hid.’ of tho Blue creek mu l common cing at Sin* \v iti v gap on Haiti creek now in po«- sebfuon of C. C. BI.idk k, well it 5proved with oim* bottom him ion it. Ha itl land levict on and to he go d as tho t rofKtrty of 0. J. Blnlack, by v Hue of !w » tax ti filft fo • the stale an*l c<. unty taxca one for the vt ar and the hher 1 •. 2 ifii ueti by y. N. Black, Tax Collector of soi l county against said (3 r. Blaif>ck for t he txxc’n due by ; aid Blu oek on sail lands. A Is » at the same tin e and pis* e, town |. t N ). 4 in the town >f Cle.veitti d. said Sheriff Sales for March. GEORGIA, WllITK COUNTY. ILL be sold before the court house door in Cleveland in Haiti county on Ibe first Tuesday in March 1893, be- tween the lawful hours of sale to the highest, bidder for cash tho following* property to-wit: Part of h»t of land N*>. 165 in the 3rd Dist., said county be inf? 25 acres and be* in# the place whereon Josephine nml C. C. Blalock now live. Said land is well improved with dwellings ahd <>ut build ings on it and was lev ied on and to be sold as the property of Josephine and V. C. Blalock by virtue of a mortgage 6 fa issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of J. C. Bell, against the said Josephine Blalock and C. C. Bla lock. Also, at the. name lime and place, part of lot of land No. 188 ia 3rd Dist., said county, being’ 20 acres more nr Iohs, in th« south-east corner of said lot. Said tract now in possession of <’. C. Blalock, and was levied on id and to be sold as the. property of C. C. Blalock aid Jose phine Blalock by virtue of two Justice court fi fas issued from the Justice court of the 861st Dirt., G. M., an id county. One in favor of Jeremiah Stover against C. U. Blalock, S. K. Ox, ,J. i). Blalock and W. ,1. Payne, and the other in fav <i of Jeremiah Stover & Son, upiinot < \ C. Blalock, Jot.. , ‘line Blalock, W. A. Mer ritt and W. J. Payne. Also, at the Mane* time and place, part of lot of land No. IStS in the 3rd Dist.. county on which i Hotel, st re house of W. B. hell and !■■ : .hl- of said Bell in (-level.ini .ii his lioMietK-ion. K.iid on and to he sold ns the W. B. Bell, by \ irtc by 8. N. Black T. against the said \V. II I and county taxes for thi Also, at the same tine undivided one half into No. 3d in the 1st. Dist., </hole lot cental urn# 25 hunted, tiie dwelling ml other buildings ing the home place laud, Ga., and now levied prep, •p.’rty o| fi ft less and know na the old home place now A. E. Wood ami w properly levied on m property of A. 10. NV, tax li fn issued by W. Gen. 1L W. ft n the possession dl improved. 8 id to be sold as od. by virtue v N. Black T. saitl county, against the said A. E. \\\ for her state and county taxes, for the 1892. Also, at the same time and place, parts of lota of land Nos. «-i «n 1 75 in 3i%i Dist. & T O 9 SSarffaiiis! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA YS, D WILL OFFER MY EN TIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Boots and Hats AT COST I do (hi to miike room for my STRING STOCK. BARG A INS’IN LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, “ “ HATS, “ “ CLOTHING, “ “ DRESS-GOODS. I MEAHIBusinw*. f;?r A A Tt 11 m. in SLi? m riaa Vv Oeu hji tVs-. h l-Jit ^ , j ii d n p q [ 5 nuy Sutton cl CLEVELAND WHOLESALE AND Pitehford, GEORGIA. ileus' in iJ* U S & 9 WS. iS iU 101BIS S {STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERIES and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES.' 1 ’r^wor.’ptsonw Oiirofit - lj 1 9 a-&jt» ux j-f;" c3 CLHVKLA.VI >, GEORGIA. Denier in Wfitc!\es, Clasks, Jewelry, Spectacles, E!c., Etc. I sitiqjy everything pet trilling to sowing m;u-hine.« ju* h special ly- Sewing ni iehinc iK’. illcs f«--r all tnaehitu-a. Best of oil, war rant od not to e itm, chill or cha.ia'o color. AiiacsemcKiis OF ALL KINDS AND titer fttul ra name p makes : baits and beltiith SHUTTLES and BOBBINS for all r. for all maeliincM. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE ’ , ; ! . Notick lam also agent for the Excelsior Gas i m , : .-r, and the !>»., Self-pronoimcina', I’arallid Family Bible, j !: the world. i <-it Tflo Edna Plano-A. Organ Co., konaomio, Ohio, C.3 ,b sr-i . Hial) Grmli, tustriuuunts only, l’iuuo on^xl or^-’i 0R1AI1— said :ounty, con utii mg 100 acres more ('!• 1(* 's. and bound** i as fi Bov s: On the j east •V lands of Mr «. Dublii ls on the west t*y iteuls Of 11,' E. F. St ni‘. on the soul! by the t halt :;ho tehee river anil 1 kno\ n as tiie Mai tha Gag. property, well unproved. se\i ml dwel ing ' houses 1 and other huildi tigs on it. 8aid j la ltd now in post* ssion of ■ Dr . ..hit 11. Alley as tonai t Of Mis. I G.igi . Said land le vie. on anti to li. sold m the propvrt\ of Marti) a Gjvge. L} j VII tl e of a tax ti fa sen wl In S. N. BJatkl 1'. 1 , of saitl couutj tbl state ami county | taxee for the year 189 2, dl e by sai.i o Kptioiaity. I'he accumpnuylfig cut nipresento our UPRIGHT OUANI) PIANO ORGAN. TJ'*« iKHiutifu! piano model is certainly the nente of porfocuon ami tiiaiuis pre-eiuineut aU>ve all couijH'ti- iors withotil a known peer In the world r. T,r 'i °?* OF V[H K,N 'n is the. world. Peautirni in design, unequaied in quality of t.»ne and flntKh, and Uiwurpaxsed fn solidity of coiiHtruct/ r- Juill piano size and proportion, piano flnirih, piano poJal, continuous hinge on lock-i’oard. r7i, facie, piano frets of tin: latest design of trn< .igs, hmnl curved piano trussas, etc., and unlike nil o’her piun<» cased organ3 on lla* market, has the most i - rfeetstop- action. J'lie hn’k-hoard is made in two sections, tiie t^ rs t section folding t«aok anii laving In the second action, in which position tho instrument presents a piano appearance, by a second motion the second station isslightJy raised, and swinging hock under tho upper front brings tho stop-action into pr-mir.eiuv. w e hare also many beautiful and artistic deHigns in i high top styles t hat fire unsurpassed by anv mumifii'*- ' turer in the world. Correspondence solicit d. Cuta i logues mailed on application. Address u':l (Mirtv ppondenco direct to tho manufacturer;. Spc i.d r . - M Inducements oITered to all foreign trade, Banip'*: -We Uuu> the TaAOB— lor six years. f*ci£iras*a IViss sf Ccriai and THEDFCHO'S Bi ACK-DRAUGHT Mattha Aiso, at tho same lime ami place, parts of lotsV.f land N»’e. 3t> and 29 m tin-. 3rd D at., said county, containing thirty- seven and one half acrea. in each lot, more or less, the same hein^ the N. E. cm ner oi lot 3t> and N. \V. i « iuer of lot 2d, bounded oil the east by the lands of J. H. Westmoreland, on the north by lands oi Daniel Westmoreland, and Joei Abberuathy, on the \v#st by lands of NV. J. Abberuathy, on tile south by lauds of J. H. Westmoreland, and Horton place. Gn saitl laud is the dwelling’of J. tj. Westmoreland, and a tenant house, tlte oame being well improved, and known as the J. A. Wostmorohind home place and now in his j obsession. Saidpr* pe - 11> levied on ana tn l>e s«*itl ay the pr< ; o ty Ot J. Q A, Wsstmorelantl, by virtue of a tax ri fa iHSiiwl 1,v s * N. Black T. (... of said c« Hrdy against tho tai.! J* Q. A. WestnuMeland for his htate and COu^’V tuxes fgr the year 18: 2 Also, at the same time and place, part G. 13. Irvine, Mr i Lumpkin coqntj : TO. C. D. IIo ttit tit r pr !v, T,v U U ia U ii L. i?i j I i(h A TT0 jEVEL 17/ W i! U ¥ GEO RGIA. >;u> all biiMiH'.-s 12-1(5. | J. J. W. Tat.! i III MUFF, CITATION- EORdIA, v.iiitk f-.Tv, MKS »: B’ Gimi .li t t.> ino I'M h Jiacliai'i guardianship (.*' Hannah V. i‘f.>ri‘ i.j notify ;i!l j),.,s is Hit’ rd to tile tin J liable mediojna on !ho market tor blood and in diseases. Our two CllUdreu suffered terri bly with (tie Worst Form of Ecxoma for two jvhs We had three physicians ta hut peithev p{ them sueceeded in iem a little Sarsaparilla , . . ... --- --- were p<-r- ffccly cured. We rocommppd Hood s Pills c^te Uvor m*. coustipation. iuUou4ue4». Jauudicc. sick headache, ludlgc»Uozu : ^ .11 be fiutciii i his Guardianship ns «pi»iieil 1« NN 13. Bull, Ordinary White t». Bi] of lot of land No. 2 in county, containing 245 acres nmjv orle.-s it being the west side of said iot, aiul boujidetl as follows: On the east by Urn lands of M- L- Vandiver, on the northLy muds of Julia Stewart-, on the w est by the land of W. R. Westmoreland, aiui the estate of Heaves \\ crtmprelaud, on the south by the lands of Janies Bra in let. ■8aid laud has two houses on it, good or chard- s me fifteen acres of cleared land on it- now in the possession of Thomas Reed, tenant, said property levie*i ou and to he st>lil as the property of James M. White, by virtue of tux fi fa issued • J 8. N, Black f. C,, of said county, against the said James M. White for 1 is suite and county taxes f..i the year 189°. ,s v L. Bkow^, ttaei iff. .••KW-’U, whit:: t , T V. To ALL WHOM IT MAY O ivr, TLchlt Estate. (Apr. 15, H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville G&orgia. J NO. 1>. O’KcHey. hnving in \ rnpcrl tVi'm, upplic-.i to mi., fwneiv.nuiciif! Liiti.'vs of Admmistratinu .‘n th.-i Kstatt, of Elizabeth Vickery late unty, this is to cite all hid! smguhn - , J Sciontifio Ai‘ cricaa Agescy r ^ t au m-btors and next kin « f Eli/.at eth | Vickery , to bo and appear at tin oliita ? 'V : the hi-st Mondaj ; - March, next, ;,nd j ““ ; show ,nse, if any they can, why* perm I nent mlniinistmtion should not be gran [ eil to J no.' I>. O'Kelh Vickery's estate j Witness my hand and official signature j Glia 21st day of Jan’y. 1893. W. B. Bell, Ordinary. JAVEAT3, \ tm 4DE ft'.’ARW, j DSSiC^ PAfEWTS,* COPYRIGHTS, sited n Kli/abedl ( For information rt./I froe Handbook vrrttG to I MUKN * C’O.. jri Bnu*owiT. New York. Oldeai bareau loi »«*«.'uruar pat«nta in Amcm*- YY e an> liere, jiud want to atay So patronize us. ! Lcrjioet clroulat'.on of any eci«liflc r*ai^ r in t-bo I world. H|>!eivU<1iy iiia«trftt«'L No inlelMji.'nt. | man Mutuld be without, it. Weekljr. S3.C0 a ! year; #l.^atx re/nths. Addrtsa MuNN A t’O-, ! Ixm.i.iuuas, Jiroedwajf, Kavr