The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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Tin Cleveland Progress. JNO. R. GLEN, : : EDITOR. Cfcnlilt fit., Feb., 17, 1893. Oflotal Orgs* of TUilte'counly Catered at tbe Fost-nffiee at Cleveland at Veeo*d-ele>e Wail Matte-. Jan. M. '91. Wo Protest. Tlie appointment of Judge G realm m to the first place iu the cabinet, ia n »u prise to tha Do- tuorrary. Of course it is a policy move, and as such, it cun not be better ed in our opinion. lint, it docs strike us, that the Democratic parly hus grown old enough, and big enough, and strong enough, to miiintuiu its principles, with out culling in the aid of u life long Republican, as premier. There are scores of life long Democrats, grown old and scar red in its service, waiting recog nition, upon whom the honor might have been conferred more worthily, and certainly with %qunl safety. e arc not compelled to do anything for policy’s sake now, so wky should we? If the winter is over, you need not trouble yourself to bring us any more wood. A silver dollar willdo just as well. Honey in Grapei. “What ehnll I raise that is a cosh crop except cotton," is a question the farmer usks daily. tVhat have you tried? Hnveyou tried tolmeco, or potatoes, or grapes? Tobacco and potatoes both grow well here, but do not yield returns proportionate to the cultivated grape. Wo know wlmt we say is true, for it is a demonstrated fact, tliul on eimilar lands to ours, and not twenty five miles distant, grapes sre grown successfully, and yield the vine-growerhnudsomo profits. Habersham county is gaining a reputation rapidly as a grape growing county; and what is done in Habersham is possible in White. We know personally, two or three men, who have from two to live acres in grapes, and their income from their vines alone, amount* to ns much as that of a well conducted 15000, White county farm. The Swiss and Germans who own those vineyards, have only been in this country about twelve years, and the land* upon which they settled is the poorest naturally, in Hab ersham county. Yot, all of these new-comers have substantial houses and barns, tine horses and cattle, live us well ns any in the country, and wear us good clothes as can lie bought for cash. They are out of debt, and most of them have money ahead. Some of the neighbor natives are bogining to emulate the example set by these sturdy foreigners, snd 1 hey too, aro making a success of vine cul ture. Why not try grapes in White county? Hon. lloko Smith, of Atlanta, will probably be Cleveland’s Sec retary of the Interior. 'Ibis is the kind of an appointment we admire. A Democrat tried, and found true. Don’t you let these warm days fool you into the belief that win ter lias gone; you hud bet ter have your wife put an extra lining in your overcoat, while you chop wood and get it in the shelter. Our weather prophet says we will lmve two more snows, and five weeks of bad weather. This will he n prosperous year in business circles, and if the far mers do not plant too much cot ton, n.nd will raise hog and homi ny, it will ho a pnnqicrous year in agricultural circles. All the signs point in that direction. The merchant* will don good busi ness this year; so will the manu factories and the banks—some more, some less. Those who ad vertise liberally will do th* bulk of the business; those who do not ,advertise will fail to keep up with the procession. Do you want to keep up with the times? Then, push your business and let it be known. Advertise liberally.— Dalton Argos, Cdltornl Clialf. Spring. Hail, penile spring! Wc welcome Hies From the nrinn of a winter cloud* Lambu air Ideating, and tha hints arc mating’, Ami llis sap flows through our head. The above is a spring poem,— unfortunate for ns in its termina tion, it is true, but none the Ices, n getutin* spring poem. • * • And these warm, sunshiny days remind us—of other days, when we walked between the handles of a wooden foot plow-stock, at tached to a black mule, which perambulated to and fro in a stumpy new-ground; of cutting briers, mid repairing fence—uud of many other pleasures incident to farm life. r»-Aii this was before We got to he an editor. • • • Some of our farmer friends did not relish some things wc gave them to digest lust week. They stid, “What business has a deni ed paper editor got for telling us what to do?" Look here my friend, that’s what a “paper edi tor” is for, lie is an institution created especially to tell the peo ple about their faults, mid show them their mistakes. Thev do it too—hut always in a spirit of good humor, and it is all meant for the best. * * • And see here! Last fall and up to Christmas, you had the finest weather in the world, for preparing your land for this years crop—hut you went a fishing, and loafed around town and the coun try stores, talking hard times, Peek, l’ickett, Weaver and Lease and other dcfum;t parties—and now, if the spring happens to he wet, you will grumble at Provi dence, and say, “a poor man don’t have no chance nohow.” You arc not all just on that litVP, and if you aro not, this doesn't apply. If you arc, it does. Finis. • • • And that reminds us, now is the time to pay your subscription. • 0 0 We infer from the editor of the Mndisonians dissertation on hoop skirts that he is a close render of The Chicago, Saturday libido. . • • • “lie cometh not," said th* edi tor, wh* was wailing for the du- limpient subscriber. • • • “Hope deferred nnikcth sick the heart” of an editor just the same us that of a human being. • • • —The Dalton Argus says that diamonds cun not hu used as an article of food, yet wc have the first ease to heur of uny man or woman dying of hunger who wore a White county diamond. • • • X gourd full of bait, A 'tdmmon polo, A bent pin hook, A trout iu the hole;— A fetirtnbiny day A breeze from the went Aro juat the right thing* To make a inun blent. Klipped Kllpplogs sad Komment. The Cuthkirt Liberal Enter prise says: “Wo move to confirm the pres ent ollich.L from governor down to Itniliil', for twenty years snd have no more elections in that time. Can we get a second?” That may do down your way, but the Democrats of Whilccoun- ty would like to hold another election, to-morrow, if possible. • • • “We are no politician or prophet, Imt unless we mistake the signs of the times there, will be a mighty upheaval in the United States three or four years hence, if congress does not greatly reduce the tarill',”—Toc- eoa Njw*. And there should ho. If not, wc intend to load the Piioukiiss to the muzzle with all the loads, slugs, pied type, cuts snd the like, and turn her loose square ill the face of the ofTcudors. when the time comes. And, she is a dangerous old gun. O • • The Sparta Islnuaclite delivers itself on the road question us fol lows; “There has been no advance in road-making in middle Georgia since ibe revolution, and the probability is that the people • '» - ill go (in floundering through Bargains!! Bargains!!! AT H. A. JARRARD S Closing Out At Cost!! mud from place to place, for gen erations to come. Had roads are a heavier tax on people than good ones would be, but they are not going to believe it.” Figures prove it, (nod figures don’t lie) that nothing saves the farmer so milch in wear and tear of vehicles, horse-flesh and valu able time, as good country roads. They are a sure mark of prosperi ty, Which rapidly follows their construction. Our road laws stand iu pressing need of revision. Agitate the subject. • • • In the event of the resignation of .Judge J. C. Wellborn of the North-Eastern circuit, Hon. John. J. Kitif!>ey of Cleveland, will, probably be appointed to tho place, lie is indorsed by nearly every leading Democrat in the district, uud is aesuicdly the most eligible inaii for the position in this part of tho state. • • • The Atlanta Constitution thus passes upon us: “Editor Glen, of Tins Ci.kve- i..\M> I'noutiKKH, is giving the cit izens of White comity an excel lent weekly newspaper, llis pen is e blight uud a busy one.” • • • Tho Meriwether Vindicator takes this view of the cotton question: “A big crop of cotton this year may send the price of the staple down to fi cents per pound. If so, and meat and corn stay up, where will wc be? In a worse fix than even poor Tom. Watsuu.” CLEVELAND’S CABINET. Mr. Cleveland has announced the names of four members of his cabinet. They are: Walter ( v >. Gresham, of llliuais. Secretary of state. John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky, Secretary of the treasury, Daniel S. Lnmont, of New York, Secretary of war. Wilson S. liiMcll, of r.ufl'alo, post-master general. The appointment of Hon. lloke Smith of this state, is under con sideration, and will probably be uunmineed before we go to press. The editor i* the recipient of a valentine, much berlbbrnied, on notched aud perforated perfumed pink paper. Its a sweet little valentine loo, written in the clearest feminine hand; and we would givo a half a bushel of pied type to know who wrote it. It reads like Ibis: They call me pretty j they say I'm sweet, Aud of all the girls I’m tho first they greet.— Aud 1 care hut naught for their praises On*, Ninrs you come not, ns my Valentine. TEMPERANCE COLUMN Sonnet after tho Italian O Love, Love, Love! What flat* uttlu in life That ia immortal V War and hatred mu The ah ruth outlives tho sword: the of strife I* prelude to the eenturie* of peace. The night in hut the aliadow of the pun; The evil, of the pood. The atoms yearn Each to tho othor— oven n« I turn To tbect the type of nil. yet being one. As the poor peasant in the wnyaidr shrine Sees the Grant Sacritict, so 1 divine The pnf**ion of the inti vets* in thee. —What do I pay? How nigniflfa to ms This world of God and men (nay, ds not start!), tto but rest thy head upon my heait ? —John 11*11 Ingham—iu Scribners. There are about 4000 Confeder ate widows pensioner, in the state at ff>0 each. They have nearly ail been paid. The Con federate soldiers will not receive their pensions before the middle of March. 'I hi, ought to ho a good coun try for syrup, considering the great quantity, and superior qual- ity of Cain, that is raised weekly around here. Ob! Iliat i Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal perhaps of the sure ap proach of that in ora terrible dis- eaaecnnsuinplion. A«k yourselves if you can afl'oitl for the sake of saving iOe., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know fioni experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This explains why more thsu , Million llottles were sold lhe past year. It Relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not bo without it. For lame hack, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Sold by Sutton A Pitchford. From Young Harris. Young IIakkis, Ga. Of the many organizations and societies which ai‘e the great pil lars of human happiness, and in stitutions of knowledge and those teaching religion and morality, one which we regard as a very strong force In behalf of the fu ture of the United States, is the Temperance society. Tho habits of succeeding gen- erntiiinfc will certainly depend to a great extent upon the influence of their predecessors. The Tem perance society is doing all in it, power that this country, shall be in a better stale one hundred years from now, aud that happi ness and prosperity shall'reign. At this place our society is growing aud wc rejoice to see so many bright and healthy hoys and girls, taking part in this grand movement. Wo look for ward to the time when they shall hold tlie reins of the government ii; their hands; when all saloon* and dram-shops shall have been torn away, and in lliejr stead, »hall stand colleges aud churches from which slull be proclaimed more forcibly than ever, that “wine is a aiockcr and strong drink is raging.” Our Society had its irst medal contest on tho cveaing of the fourth, which was a pleasure to all who attended. Mis, Ella EvcrtU was the suc- ssful one ef Iho seven contest- r.nts. She did credit to the So lely, as well as to herself, and the enthusiastic manner in which she recited was admired by all. Mr. Dodd alio deserves men tion for the ealm and earnest de livery of hi, speech. The anthem, sung by the choir were appreciated by the audience. Miss Ma Ash, with her pure and sweet, voice, sung "The Drunkard's Dream,” which touch od the very sold* of her listeners. A solo by Mr. John Logan was a’slrqug illustration of tho curse of ruin, anil deeply impressed the li *ilj Il'iU't’, As soon ,* the exercise had closed a call meeting wits had for the purpose (>f initiating the now members, t'hi'Ve being thirty- three. We fcl strengthened by the in terest manifested iu ourcU’ot ts. Wc feel that much depends up on tho wink' we arc •uucavoiio to do. May the day soon come when wc shall seo the fruits of our la bor, uiorc plainly than now. L. Alice II Bring us some silver ey on subscription. •ash mini- Mr. Urn. II*. ]'«rn«r Simply Awful Worst Caso cf Scrofula tho Doctors Cvor Saw CrnmyUUly Cured by UOO*»$ Sitistruurn. " When I was 4 or 5 years nl«t I had a »<*rat> ulous sore on the Unger ol my left hand, which cot so !*al that Iho riottort cut Un» pHRcr art. ami Jabjr tool; art more than half my band, Then tho sure hr.-Ub out on my arm, came out on my nock a t*l face on l #Ui »M#s, nearly <l#:stroying lh**ttt'ht of one tye. also oil my right arm. Poc’.or* r.ihl U was tha Worst Caso of Scrofula they crer saw. Jj£ was almpir swful! FlfO years ago l bc*a$i to take 11.huTs Sarsaparilla. Gradually 1 found that the sores wore begin ning to heal. I kept on till 1 had taken ten bottles, Sea ,Iu-t think of what * return l got for tint investment! A »!»•«- •Kit<l |»er ecus f Vos, many thousand. For tha past 4 years I have h.ul no sores. I Workman tho Timo. Before, I rtulil <)• as* st ark. I know not what to say strong enough to express my grot Itudo to Hood's Sarsaparilla for my, perfect cure.” Gkokgr W. Tintxan, Farmer. Gal way, Saratoga county, N. V. HOOO’8 PlLLS do not woakeu, bus *14 41g«stiou snd tons tbo stomach. Try them. JXo. Powli IKs Time KNOWLEDGE ~ Bring* comfort snd Improvement and lend* to personal enjoyment when rightly need. The many, who lira bet tor than other* and enjoy life more, with lees eipendltnre, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the para liquid laxative principle# embraced ia the remedy. Syrup of Fige. IU excellenoo Is due to IU prmen'lng In thr form most acceptable and pleas- I to tho lute, the refreshing aud truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. stive; eilcctnally cleansing tbs dispelling colds, headache* and fever* and permanently curing constipation. It hu given satisfaction to million* and met with the approval of th* medical profession because it acts on the Kid- nays, Liver and Dowel# without weaken ing thorn and it is perfectly free from every objectlonabl* substance. Syrup of Figs is for sal* by all drag- gists in 60c aud |1 bottles, hot It Is man nfsetnred by th* California Fig Syrup Co, only, whose name Is printed on every package, also th* name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yon will net accept any substitute if offered. LEGALADYERflSEMF-NTS. Sheriff Sales for March. IKOKUIA. morn CO! xrv. W I Til* be Hold before the court house door in Cleveland in said county on tlie first Tumlay in March 180.1, be- n the lawful hours of sale to 1hc highest bidder for cash the following property to.nil: Part of lot of land No. 10.7 in the 8rd Hint.. Haiti county being 2.7 acres and he- in|f tho place wheraon Josephine and (•. ~ Rlrtloik now live. Said land is well »proved Wilh dwelling* and #ul lmi!d» on it and wan levied on and to In* M an Hit property of Josephine and C. C. Hlalock by virtue of a m*i1 if nip* ti fa issued from tho Superior court of Haiti soiinty it favor of J. <!. Jhdl. npninst the laid Jtscphiue Hlalock ami C. (\ Ilia- lock. Also, ni the name time and place* part of lot of land No 1S$ is 3rd Dint., said injr 20 iiv.irs more or Ics.h. in tha south-east corner i.f said lot. Said tract now in pcftKCHsinfi of (\ (’. Uhiloek. and was levied on ns and to be sold as Iho property of C. (!. Illalock atd Jose- phine Hlalock by virtue of two Justice mit ti fas issued from the Justice court of tho 801st Dirt., CJ. M .. said conn One in favor of Jeremiah Stover n/rai ’. C Hlalock. S. lv. Cbj, J. H. jilaloek r.'l \V. J. l\iym\ nn.l lln- oil, f Jeremiah Stover k Son. njr Hlalock. Josephine Hlalock, W. A. Mer ritt nn«l \V. J. Payne. Also, at the same time and place, par! of lot of land No. ISS in the 3rd Dial. Mlid County and hatiij* 8 acres of said tract lyin^ on ike north sidt of the lllue creek road commoneliijf a the water j?apoi» saht crerk now in pos session of t\ Ulali'cV;. w<?!l improvnl with some hoUui.u land on it. Said U\M levied o» and to be sold as tho proper of C. C. H!alack, l.v virtue of two tax fas for th«! stale and county tuxes one I the year 1 SO 1 and the other MO’.*, issn hy 8. N. Hlaek, Tax Cul'eeb county against said Xllul taxes due by said Hlalock on i Also, at the fame time ami place. < undivided one half interest in lot of hi No. ,‘M in the 1st [)i*l..^ said county the A hole lot containing 250 acres iuor less and know as the fien. II. \V. Kiley old home place now in the possession A. K. Woxm! and well improved. Said property levied on mid to be sold ns t property of A. K. Wood, by virtue of tax ti fa issued by K. N. Hlaek T. (V. ^•id county, npdnst the said A. K. Wood and county tuxes, for lie FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA YS, I WILL TIRE STOCK OF OFFER UY JMT- r of sat •ck for Hi .ii«l lands. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Boots and Hat* AT COST I do this to make loom for my SPRING STOCK. BARGAINERS LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, “ “ JIATS, " “ CLOTHING, “ " DRESS-GOODS. I MEAN'Businena. H. A. JARRARD. DRUGS!!! Sutfon dfc Pitchford^ CLEVELAND GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND EKTAIL DEALERS LV DRUGS, MEDICINES, [STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERIES and CHOICE EAHILY GROCERIES. Pi'escrljitloiiM Carefully E. B. GRAVER. CLEVIJLAN'D, Dealer GisoNtc; r.v. in W (ilel^e: Cloj’cs, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc., Etc. I aupjil v every I liiiig pi t v. Sewing mnrhino rsci riiutril not tognm, chill i tuining to sowing niin hin*^ *s * special- ‘Me* for nil mnehiurs. lhv-t <vf oil, l' rlinngn color. nr- AKndtnicnls or AI.L KI.MiS AM) mnkc*; licit* nnd hclting—leather and rnwLiila. SHUTTLES null BOBBINS for all machines. for all in ichiiit'A. Genuin* part* ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE AT SHORTEST Nonce. I mi al>n agent for tho Lxcrl.ior Gas burner, and the beet Self-pronouncing, Parallel Family Bible, in the world. . t'»!>;!. Die *ome time and place, partf . I,vi •! Nos. 74 and 7.7 in 3nl Dksi eon: ;tininjjf 100 aerea mor • ■ . . I i < t.mlrd as follows: On tin , e«Ht b) lamia of Mph, Dobbins, on the J west by lauds of Dr. E. F. Stun*, on the i MMith by the Chattahoochee river and j known ah the Martha Gn^e property, i well improvctl, Hevtrnl dwelling home* and other buildings on it. Sait! land now in possession 4»f Dr. John H. Alley ns tenant of Mrs. Gage. Raid land levied on and to he sold us the property of Martha Gage, by vi.tuo of a tax ;i fa issueil by S. N. Hlaek T. C., of said county for state and county taxes for the year 1S02, flue by said Martha Gage. Also, at the same time nml place, parts of lot* of laud Nos. 30 and ‘JO in the 3rd Dint., saitl county, containing thiity- weveu and one half acres, in ouch lot. more or less, the same being the N. K corner of lot 30 ami N. W. corntr <»f hi ‘JO, bounded on the east by the land* of J. II. Westmoreland, on the north by htud& o! Daniel Westmoreland, and J« «l AhW tnaihy, on the \v«st by lands of W. J. Abliernathy. on llie south by lands of J. H. Westmoreland, and Horton phic* On saitl land is the dwelling of J. IJ. A. W*Htmorolami. and ?l tenant house, the same Iwdug well improved, and known as the J. Q. A. Westmoi*laml home place and now iu his possession. Raid proper ty levie i on uud to be i»<>id as the proper ty of J. Q. A Want «>iel;:nd, by virtue of a tax h fa .ssued by s. N. Hhu k T. t.. of said counts against the said J. A. Westmoreland f< r his state and couuty taxes for th* year 18H3. S. L. Drown, aTiariff. That Your Hair may’retain It* youthful color, fullness, and boauty, dress it dally with Ayer’s Hair Vigor It cloanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Maes.' Tile *<Jna Plane A Organ C*., tnmrOs, Ska, til m . A Ilt*rh Urode luctrumtnis only. Piano coord orwmm iJjlfjA (J fl A tally ! tie ot'coinjtanying cut reppMeali ou» eraicmr ooasd oaoa*. G TJito beautiful jiiano model ia c*rft*tn!y ihe ocm* mt rfectkm and ataiula pr*-emltie*t oboa* oU cooimU- w wiltioui a known year ia tite world. ™ - ™ ®? LT . °»« OF IT* BtSD IK Tilt ToiLB. J^tiful in design, unenu^etl ia quality of loa* and en -h. »mt unsurpaswu is Klidiij ot inulractC, Fu I I'lano six* uj proporUos, /i HO e.kkTsl<Lne y«l»l, continuous hliu;. os lock-hwnl, r i»«o S. m i IU..UO Inu o( uu< Utr.l (Irilfn of irwlsss. keiS Csr.irJ (ilauo ImssM. »!c„ and unlike ,U o(t«r oltnj e«cd orran* on ll>. m»rkr(, luu (he mod r-rfcot Mon. gdioe. Tli, lock-board Is auul. in (wo Mctioss. (l'« Sr,( Metioa foldlnjr bock and birln* Is tb« ncowd Occtloe, la wldcb |H.Uioa (!|. bir(rumaa( oraMBU a £bmo enpwsrsrc*. Py a sccosd modes (3i. wcosd •rctloa lndyhlly robed, snd swlntlrir beck und»r U. unror rron( brine* Vio atoj.sclloe ban urondnaaor. ?'.'f’* *. , f '-•■‘Uliful end wrdallc dealer,, la I isE.'iT.C?** 'IV* i' c """"T** 1 »>y any nialufac- •urt r tu the world. Correa-pondcace aoiicfled. Cata- | Jnevre mailed oe api.licbllow. a,hlrraa sU corr*. ai-ondmce direct (o U-.. m.(iufac(urars. FnrviaX Mueamce*, offrrad (o all fore!** trada. BamrUa *aa Ti IIS - S'*<1 ruaranlaad u, \Z M 1,1,1 ****"4- kdllaauuiaaauvarracsad -wu** McEIrse’a VVlr.t sf Carffal a ad THSJFOfiD'i SlACK.OXiV^H? mt (or *al* k* tka fehaving ^irdnata ia Wit uiiIiia: Silt nil A l’itehfnid CleveluBil. 11. A. Jarrani Cleveland, G. 3. Irvin#, Mossy Cre*k Lumj>kin county: X. C. CartlstlgH, Pah!o*ega, D. II*we 11 A co., Aur.iria. w.a. Wht-lehel l to.. New Bridga, J. J. VT. Tut* a lira. Willow. CITATION. GEORGIA, WIIITK COUNTY. T AM ICS H Hlaek. Guardian of ITan- null A Hlaek. a minor has applied to mo for u discharge from his guardianship of Hannah A. Hlaek. this is therefore to notify all persons coiicct n- • d :•» tile their objections, if any they . on or Ik*fore the Hist Monday in .J.m-h next. he will be disc harged b i ’. ,.n <iuaidiantdiip as :tp]»lied for. W . 11. Hell, Onlinary White county. Glv’lIUllA, WHITS COUNTY. To ALL WHOM IT MAY COCKRN : J NO. D. O’Kelley, having in proper form, applied to me for permanent betters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth Vickery lat* of paid county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next kin of Elizabeth JULIUS L DEYTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLEVELAND GEORGIA. Wr alie-.wl I’lamplly't* „I1 bu#i»*»e ulrn>tc*l tc Uis car,. Cell.ctioae a 12-1*. W. S. HUFF, ATT0r.NET AT LAW. Dakloergs, Ge. e'T Bonds for Fuljlie and Cerpera- tinun made. Real Katate. Corrrspea- dciic solicited. (Apr. 15,'52. ly.) H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville Georgia. V icV , In be am! appear at mj nfli. the lirat Monday in March, next, show cause, if any they can, why per,na (lent administration should not lie grant ed to Jno. 1). O’Keilcy, on Elizabeth Vickery’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature '.his 21st day of Jan'y. 1803. W. 11. Bell, Ordinary. W e are here, and • So patronize u.-. tint to stay JAVfAT*. TtAOI KASM, B3t(CN PATCHTS, COPTBICMTS, ate. For tafSTB.tlo* an* Sh BauShoak writ. V» MUSS A CO B1 »p.n, l , 1 T7»,w Io“r. Old rat tmrai for »cvrtrx patanl, la Amtr.ra. Ar.rx p.tini aim oat if >r u krombt bafora U. pablt. ky a a«ii« ,ir .a fra. at .bars, la taa Scientific ^mxitrn lArrmt *trrul«tlon of any odoaUBo mw ta lOo world. Sploudidly Hlaiuobod. Bo tetodlwaa* biia sboold bo wlthoai It. Wookly, ia.19 a ^oof; HAQatx nor.tU. AUAfom McVfM A CO* War naraoa, Ml *ru+rwt Baa Tart Oka