The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, March 03, 1893, Image 2

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The Cleveland Progress. AMUI GLEN, : : EDITOR. CllTllut (fl., Mch., 3, 1393. OSoiel Ot-fun nf Wbit« county The Democrats of Cleveland extend to these new enterprises a hearty welcome, and wish them such success as they will merit. EeUred *1 lb, roet-offlee »t Cle-relend Mffe,oed-*J*** Util Malt*", Jan. 3). 32. A Doubtful Experiment. The appointment, of Judjjc Gresham to the first place in our nations cabinet, is a doubtful, and therefore dangerous experiment. He ie not, nor ha* he ever been a Democrat. While we, entertain no fears that any direct or volun tary act ol his will jeapordi/.e the interest of the Democratic party, his appointment is very encour aging to the “Mugwump” «l«- mant at the North, and infuses nowr life into the independent ranks of the South. The Atlanta Constitution in an able editorial on this subject, deals with the it fairly and square ly, from wnieh wo clip tho follow ing: “Democratic newspapers eadorsing this appointment in cordial and unqualified terms will find that they ait giving aid and encouragement to iudepend- ontism in their own states. Here in (leorgia, we smashed factional revolt by exerting the influence of the organized Democracy, and in Alabama the same result was obtained after a hard struggle. We do not want to go through the same fight again. If we stick to the time-honored party policy, w# cun avoid such strife, but the slightest encouragement and en dorsement of iiulependcntism will breed trouble, and we hope to see nothing of the kind, from the leaders of the party down to its humblest followers.” "If the report is true that tho flour manufacturer* ef the north west arc forming a monster trust for the control of the prices of bread in thi* country, the sooner the new President calls nil extra session of congress to throttle the life of every one of the infamous trusts the hotter it will he for his party and the national welfare.— Journal. If the farmers want to he “in it” next full, they had better plant a deversified crop. The cotton acreage this year will be unusually large, and that means !> cent cotton again. Torn. Cobb Jackson, well known throughout tho state t.s a brilliant young lawyer, and tho scion of noble line of ancestry, committed suicide at bis fathers residence in Atlanta last week. Miss Julia Force, of Atlanta, shot and killed two of her sister* last Saturday, She is a mono maniac, whose delusion is that her brothers and mother slighted her, and were her eacmies. A Week of Crime. Last week every paper was full of aeeouuts of terrible mur ders, suicide*, daring robberies und bold thefts. Why so many fatalities from murderous bn nils, should happen so close together, aiul so many flagrant thefts and robberies should occur almost siinultnne ously, causes the thoughtful to pause and consider—ferret out, if lie cun, the reason for these great paroxysms of crime, which oeou mindly visit our country. That crime is paroxysmal, his tory and the criminal dockets of mon o our court* plainly show ; “crime waves” roll over our country from shore to shore, as surely as a cold wave signal causes us to shiver in advance. Astrologers affirm that u* the moon affects the tides, it is equal ly sure that the great planets af fect our lives, control our actions and rule our every passion, w heth er for love or lnlte, peace or war, loving kindness, or red handed murder. But this is beyond our ken. Wo simply know the facts, and an attempt to explain leads into dangerous ground. Mr. W. 1>. Crowley, a travel ing sulesmnn in the employ of Mu rah, Smith and Marsh, of At lanta, killed himself last Friday by shooting himself with apistoi. Lewis Kedwinc, the defaulting cashier of tIn* Gate City Hank, of Atlanta, is behind tlie burs for his crime. 11 is shortage amounts to near *6(1,000. Mr. John Jolly, of Clarkston Ga., committed suicide Saturday uight by blowing out his bruin* with a shot-gun. KUItomi Clmff. “Who’s there?* in hand The keys to the land, "Buhncriburdelinquent,” tho answer ried Peter, mh he poised of the promised And tho recording’ angel wrote hie mime, Ami along with it wrote in the blackest of letters, ‘‘Send him guarded to hades iu ehaina and fetters." « * • “March forth,” will he the date and order of the day, both, to- 1 hr annexation question, will probably wait an extra session of congress. • ♦ . Fishermen will soon be lying all along the grassy banks of the streams—und elsewhere. W e suggest that Dame Ruinm drop the o from her inline—she only assumed it for respectability. The Cleveland Prngrea* objects to the appointment of Judge Gresham. Wluit will be done now?—Dahloncga Signal. New Enterprises. Verily, Cleveland, White coun ty, and all north-east Georgia is soon to boom. iho fame of tho section will reach tho utter most parts of tho earth, and these new enterprises will enrich their promoters, and make them a mime that will stand to the end of nil time. Under the able management of Mr. Allison Smith, well known in certain places a» closely con nected with a party now defunct, there is shortly to be established here, a mammoth mercantile stock company, backed by home capi tal, innuaged by White county financiers, and strictly'Jfor the benefit of the relict of the lute People’s party. But that is not all; Cleveland and White county will soon have another newspaper, under the ed itorship of one W. B. Woodward, known and remembered well around Cleveland, as the erst while editor of tho l’ltouitEss, be fore it was taken in charge by its present managers. In Mr. Woodward's own lan guage he is to “make things bum” i attacking any new-emuer when he readies here, and the \ journalistic field, paper is to Ik* “ultra populist” i • • • in politics. The principal edito- From ushort editorial of Broth- rial writer on its able start' will j er Shaver’s in the Argus, wo im- l>e this same well-known Mr. ply that he entertains a strong Smith, wearo informed. 'disbelief in the existence of such Grover Cleveland is in a fix. The editor of the Cleveland l’ro- gres is protesting to the appoint ment of Gresham as Secretary of State.—Ellijny Couiier. The \ ieuna Progress, says: “A good rain now would uot ! be a miss.” Of course nut; it would be a rain. A miss would be far pre- fersblo. • • • An editor who is evidently stirred by a spring poetic impulse quotes: “ 1 is love that makes the world co ’round.” II e wonder if he was intoxicat ed with happiness? • • • Some little single barrelled country "weukljes” are leveling their pop-guns at us because we entered a small sized protest against the appointment of Gresh am to a place in the cabinet. These same little “weaklies,” who lack the nerve, backbone or brains, to express an opinion of *ny kind, are especially fond of thing as a “White county diamond.” Ho says the man who wore one: “Never lived, He never died, He never laughed, He never cried.” If Bt'o. Shaver will only come over here, to convince him, we will show him a place where lie may find one for himself. • • • A smu OK HPKISfl. The early bird went Ah uHiial onejnoni, To securt his time-honored rtpantj Hut when he got there. He found hut poor fare— For a boy with a Ash-pole had panned. Ho he winked at the huh That wan rising, ami Raid: “In them anything green in my eye? I’ll hunt a new place. By your mtjesty'n grace, For I hrw the hait-gourd and boy goby." Ho he nodded again To the rising nun. And flew to another tine place. Where down in the ground Many grubs he noon found. Now in the timd to subscribe! TEMPERANCE COLUMN. Tbt Estertalamtst list Friday mat. The Cleveland Temperance So ciety gave n most, interesting en tertainment, Friday night. The contestants for the Demorest medal, all did well. The result of the committee appointed, was u tie between Miss Nannie Car- roll and Muster ('has. Kcnimer, after which, a second committee w:u appointed, and thetwnspoke Hgrin. The committee decided iu favor of Master Kcnimer, who received the medal, from Bro. M. L. Underwood with an appropri ate address. Several volunteer speakers were listened to with great interest. Miss Callie Bell brought tears to the eyes of many listners by the manner in which she rendered “I’oorhouse Nan.” Miss Hell highly gifted as an elocutionist. Perhaps the most pleasing feat ures of the evenings entertain ment, were the song* by tbcclmii and a solo and duct by Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Sutton, which was pionounecd by all who listened, as wonderfully sweet and touch ing. Miss Fannie Kcnimer sang "Out in the snow” in a ma'qier that held the audience spell-bound as her sweet, clear voice filled the church w ith its melody. The contestants for the next medal will speak some time this month, at the regular entertain ment. of the society. It is with great pleasure that wo clip from the St. Clair llepuh- licun, published at Dr. Sutton’: old home, the following ootnpli mentury not ice of n temperance ar ticle from hi* pen, which appear ed in the PitooitEss, some weeks ago: ‘ 1 lie Progiess from Cleveland Ga., comes to our table with an »ble article on temperance from the pen of Dr. F. B. Sutton, well known as a practicing physician here before going South. He first shows how “the evil of in temperance is one that corrupts the body politic, pollutes the church, demoralizes society, and ruins the individual who tampers with it. This he doe* in u true spirit of philanthropy. He says: “I would not misrepresent though I plead a ease against a culprit that I hate. ’ Farther oa lie says, “Suppose our country had been an Fdeu up to the year inya into which the slimy, deceitful ser pent had never drawn his iuis**r- ablo length, and that we were "in formed he was on his way to take up his aliede with us, to entail on our neighbors and offspring all the evils above mentioned, mould not the citizens of the country lise on masse and meet him at the border to stay his course?” lie doses his article, which, but fol ds length and our crowded col umns we would give entire, with tlu-se ssge words; “Praying is all right, talking against it is all right, but doing is more effectual, and twenty-five determined, con scientious men can suppress the evil within the borders of White countv.” Mossy Creek Items. There is very little sickness in this community. Little Clifford, son of J. M. Miller was kicked by a mule eolt last Sunday, and received a se vere wound on his head. Quito a number from Mossy creek attended the quarterly meeting at Cleveland Saturday and Sunday. Tho frogs have been hollowing spring, but wejfeuv they will have to look through glass windows u while louger. * Mr. Williams Dorsey has been wearing a broad smile ever since Sunday morning when the new lady visitor arrived. The lad'es organized their lit erary society last Friday after noon, with twenty-two members. Tha debating society is pro gressing very fast. New scholars arc entering dai ly. Anonymois. Ladies Prayer Meeting. The prayer meeting bv the la dies at the parsonage Wednesday P. M., was a success. The fol lowing were present: Mrs. Hutton, Miss Newton, Mrs. Kenimcr, Mrs. Merritt, Airs, J a its id, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Pitehford, Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Pityne, Mrs. McAfee, Miss Quinn. The next prayer meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. Tom. McAfee. Quarterly Meeting. The first quarterly meeting of the Cleveland circuit, was held here last Saturday and Sunday. Kcv. M. L. Underwood P. E., preached Saturday at eleven o’clock; at two o’clock P. M., the conference was called, ti-id reports rendered by theofficers of the various churches of thechurgc. The report's Wore gratifying, in that, they show an improvement since last year. The services were well ul.tended Saturday and Sunday, and much interest was manifest throughout the meeting. The meeting at film Methodist church Siuftlsy night last, was in torCkting. .-About forty or fifty penitents for prayer. A Father’s Gratitude Impolo Him to Toll How His Sen Was Coved BWI* Swelflng and Scrofula Par- /telly Cured. SHILOH’S CATARRH REM EDY, A marvelous cure for Ci»- tho titrrh. Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. "With each bot tle there is ail ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50e. Sold bv Sutton anil Pitehford. N** •/*fahn L. UcUurray Or lUx.niWneJ, w. V* "I do not write tills at tho rc^urst of xny one, but because I foci it * duly to hu- nssnlty, so th^ others afflicted »s my boy was lusy know where to find relief. " When my son w as seven years old tic began to complain of soreness in ills right leg. A white swelling soon appeared just below the knee joint, ami extended from I the knee to tho ankle. At the same time Ike was taken with an attack of fever, which was broken up, but the leg breams very' badly swollen, causing him great suffering, and the muscles so contracted that Ids leg waa drawn up at right angles. Jlc was unnhle to walk, could not even hear to he handled, and 1 thought him a Confirmed Cripple. “After a time we had the swelling lanced, midway between the kucc and tbs ankle, and it would discharge over a pint of pus at times. I decided to take him to Cincinnati to have tho leg operated upon, expecting lie would lose It. Hut he had become so poor and weak that 1 thought I would let him gather some strength if possible, and bought a bottle of flood's Sarsaparilla and began giving it to him. Tills medicine soon woke up his appetite, KNOWLEDGE ^ Brings comfort and improvement sal tends to personal enjoyment when rightly need. The many, who lire bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principle# embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figx. Its excellence ie due to ite presen'lug j ISsi Trains!! Bargains!!! AT H. A. JARRARD’S Closing Out At Cost!! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA YS, I WILL OFFER MY EN TIRE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Boots and Hate AT COST I do this to make room for tny SPRING STOCK. I* the form most acceptable and plea* BARG A INS’] N LADIES AND GENTS SHOES nnt to the taste, the refreshing end truly ,, ,, ‘ ~ vzr.o, beneficial propertiee of a perfect lax- ’ HA IS, Hood’s s Cures »nd he ate more heartily than for a long time. At this time the sore was discharg ing freely, and soon pieces of hone began to eome out. I have in my offleo one piece of bone 3 1-1 inches long by nearly half an inch broad, which came out of tho sore. Wo continued giving him Hood's Sarsa parilla. The discharge from the sore de creased. the swelling went down, the leg straightened out, ami soon he had perfect nse of his leg. )le now runs everywhere, as lively as any boy, aud apparently As Well as Ever. It was about six months from the time that we began giving him Hood’s Sarsa- narilla till wo considered him perfectly cured." John I.. JIcMcnn.vY, Notary Public, ltavcnswood, \Y. Va. Hood's Pills cure Nausea, sick Headache, Indigestion. Blllonsnes*. jsoin by all drugghtt stive; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colde, headache# and fever# »nd permanently curing eor.stipatiom. It has given satisfaction to millions end met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weaken ing them end it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, bat it la man ufactored by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the nerae, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yoe will aot accept auy substitute if offered. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriff Sales for March. GEORGIA, white county. W ILL In* boM before tli#* court house <loot* in Cleveland in Raid comity on the tirnt Tuesday in March 18D3, be tween the lawful hours of sale to tho highest bidder for cash the following property to-wlt: l'art of land No. 105 in tho 3rd r>i*t.. said county being 25 acre* and bo- ingtho place whereon Josephine and (*. C. Blalock now live. Suit! land in well improved with dwellings and out build- j ings on it and wan levied on and to be j Kidd an th« property of Josephine and C. I C. Blalock by virtue of a mortgage fi fa I iRBued from the .Superior court of mud county ia favor of J. (\ Bell, against the i Raid Josephine Blalock and C. C. Blu- lock. Also, at tin* same time and place, part ; of lot of land No. 188 ia 3rd Dist., said | county, being 20 acroR more or less. in I tho Bouth-eaKt corner of Raid lot. Said tract now in possession of C. ('. Blalock, and whr levied on as and to be Hold as the property of (\ <\ Blalock aid Job.* phiue Blalock by virtue of two Justice! court li fiiR issued from the Junticc court of the Hilled Dirt., (J. M. t said county. One in favor of Jeremiah Stover agaiiiHt (’. C. Blalock, S. K. Cox, J. B. Blalock and W. J. Payne, and the other in favor of Jeremiah Stover & Bon, against ( (' Blalock, Josephine Blalock, NY. A. Mer ritt and \Y. J. Payne. A Iho, at the same time ami plan*, purl of lot of land No. 1SS in the 3rd Bint,. Raid county and boing 8 acres of said tract lying on the north side nf the Blue creek road commencing at the water gap on said creek now in pos session of ((’. Blalock, well improved with Home bottom Ian l on it. Said lauJ levied or and to be sold an the property of ('. C\ Blaluck, by virtue of two tux ti tan for tin* state and county taxes one for the. year 1 Hi) 1 and the other 1H92. issued hy S. N. Black, Tux Collector of said county against said (*. ('. Blalock for the taxes due by said Blalock on Raid lands. Also, at the same time and place, one undivided one half interest in lot of land No. 34 in the 1st Dint., said county the '4-hole lot containing 250 acres more or less and know as the Gen. II. \V. Riley old home place now in the possession of A. K. Wood and well improved. Said property levied on aud to be sold as the property of A. K. Wood, by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by K. N. Black T. (*., of said county, against the said A. E. Wood for her state and county tuxes, for the I year 1802. Also, h‘ the same time and place, parte j of lots of land Nos. 74 and 75 in 3rd Dist. 1 said county, containing 100 acres more cr less, and hounded as follows: On the east by lands of Mrs, Bobbins, on the : west by lands of Dr. K. F. Starr, on the south by the rimttahoochce river nnd ! known ns the Martha Gage property, ! well improved. Rev oral dwelling houses ' and other buildings on land now in posses Dr. John H. Alley as tenant ... , Gage. S lid land levied on and to he ' sold as the property of Martha Gage, by i viitur of a tax ti fa issued by S. N. Black ! 1'. C. f of said county for state and county | taxes for the year 1832, due by said Martha Gage. Also, at the some time and place, parts J of lots of land Nos. 30 and 2‘J in tin* 3rd j Gist., saiil county, containing thirty- seven and one half acres, in each lot, more or less, the same being the N. K corner of lot 30 und N. W. corner of lot 20, bounded oil the east by tho lands of J. II. Westmoreland, on the north by lauds of Daniel Westinorelaud, and Jojl Abbcrnathv, on the wast by lands of W. J. Abbernathy, on the south by lauds of I J. II. West mol*!*) a ml, and Horton place. | Gn said land is the dwelling of J. <J. A Westmoreland. Hilda tenant house, the .-ume being well improved, and known ..s tin* J. tj. A. Westmoreland home place and now iu his possession. Said proper tv levied on and to be sold as the proper ty of J . ( t >. A. Wsstmorelcnd, by virtue "f ft hix ti fa issued by S. N. Black T. L., of said county against the said J. Q. A. Westmoreland for his state and county taxes for the year 1832. H 8. L. Brown, Sheriff. CLOTHING, DRESS-GOODS. 1 MFANBusines*. H. A. JARRARD. DRUGS!!! Sufi on <& Pitehford, C LE V ELA N1) ( J EORGIA. WHOLESALE A ED DETAIL DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, [STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERIES and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES.' I’rascrliJtlons C.u-efnU;.- l’i-j;iar#d. E. B. CRAVEN. GEORGIA CLUVI5LAND, Dealer in Watelqes* Cloeks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc,, Elc. I supply everythin;, pi-ifininin# !y. Seu in;: inm-liiiif nci-rllt's for i’:i u It-tl not to yum, chi 11 or ch:i nyc to sotriny uiu<-hino>* ns * spet-ial- mII ui.-tchiui-s. Host of oil, uar- Attacluticufs make or ,11.1, kinds and f—lout her tuul ntwlaii >(-1ts nnd Ik-1 link SHUT TLES mid ROBBINS for all mn.-hi for nil mucliiiK'.i. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE AT SHORTEST None. I *m nlso nyont for the Excelsior Gus humor, nnd the Self-pronounc-imr, Piirnllel Fnniily Iiil.lo, in the world. Genuine parte beet Tr.a Una l*:»no t. Orjan Ce., (Me.V.t.A. tinlur»ni ho-frmi:. bt* wi t. uplolhc J.lch* fer mx yumd. . m»uuii.tei« i nr BlACtt-DBAUr.HT tea for Dytp«p»uu That Your Hair may ratain ita youthful calor, fullnaaa, and baauty, dreaa it dally with Ayer’s Hair Vigor It clcanaaa the acalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass.' McEIrct’s Wine af Carfial THSBFORB’I »L*CX BSXWCHT mt for •»!« k» the Allowing mertfc&nli Whi . Count j Sutton & P! cbfoid (’levelaad. 11 A. Jnrraid Cleveland, G. U. Irvino, Mossy Crrtk Lumpk'n county: K. (’artledge, Dahloaern, D. Howell L ce.. Aunu iu, w. a Wln lchel k uo., New Bi idg®, J. J. W. Tate a Bro. Willow. CITATION. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY, J AMES H nah A B Black, Guunlian of Han- Bluck, a minor has applied me f(*r a discharge from his guardianship of Hunmih A. Black, this is therefore to notify all persons concei u- **d t«» tile their objections, if any they have, on or before the rirst Monday in March next, else he will be dischaigetl from his tiuardianship as applied for. W. B. Bell, Ordinary White county. GEORGIA, WHITK COUNTY. To ALL WHOM IT MAY COC KRN : I NO. D. O*Kelley, having in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the! Estate of Kli/.abeth Vickery lata of said ; county, this is to cite all and singular, i the creditors and next kin of Elizabeth ; \ ickery , to be-and appear at my office the first Monday in March, next, and >how cause, it any they can, whyperma nent administration should not he grant ’ll ^ no » B. O’Kelley, on Elizabeth > leker\ ’s estate >V it ness my hano and official signature this 21st day of Jan’y. 18t>8. W. B. Bell, Ordinary. JULIUS L. DEYTON. ATTORNEY AT LA W. CLEVELAND GEOEOIA. W ILL atleml iiremptly^te all te Si. i-ei-e. Cellectiuee e eiKteielty. ia-l«. W. S. HUFF, 4TT0RN8T iT LAW, Detl.effi, fie. FTT'IL-nfia for ruhlie end (Vrpere- on., lnjuio. H--.1;it«. Cerrcspee- fi.nce noliriU-S. (Apr. 13, ’IS. 1 j.) H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville Gaorgia. M e are h ere, and want to stu '<> patronize n<. JAVIATS, ADI MARK!, 01SICN DATSaTS. COPVRICHTC, «• Kf -l B.ndboek write to Oliltfft bnrM* fer ••cvrtnf f-tuoti |« Amxr\m. *▼•*•7 pjU.nt out |.y •* It brought btfor. U« ptsb.i* toy a uwum §ir m trm af tevgi to ito ^rieutifir ^mcritaa Lari«rt «<r«ulstloa of oay tci«aut« mm to Ito world. Bplondidly illaauwtod. No latolHgoo* should bo without it. WoottT, |3,«« k ; $1-40 six months, jtddross Mckk 400.