The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, March 10, 1893, Image 2

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The Cleveland Progress. ISO. R. GLEN, : : EDITOR. CIlTtlild !&l., Mc!i. t 10, 1893. The Now Administration. OfioUl Orysn of White comity Katrrerf nt th* t’oit-ofllo# at_ Cleveland ae feeoad. Util Welle", Jill. 2). 'Sii. Our Gold Miues. Tlie treatment lliut tIn* oold licit of Georgia has received from l)r. Spencer, our Slide Geolo gist, 1ms e:iused much adverse criticism of tlie department from the whole of the north-eastern sec tion. Dr. Speneer, doubtless spoke his condemnatory words before he had given the subject proper attention, and he proba bly wishes now I lint ho? had re mained silent about a section to ■which he lmd given no thought or attention. Dr. ,1. 1C. Tiernun, a practical miner, who has examined in per son, all the principal gold fields of the world, says in an interview with the Constitution: “The history of all gold mining countries generally, proves that ores improve in value as greater depth is attained, hut the ore be comes more refractory. All the machinery necessary for the ex traction of free gold is a stamp mill and amalgamating plates. This has been the machinery used in the Georgia gold mines. I'm improved machinery or improved methods of extracting the gold from the sulphuret ores have been used on any of the paying mines of this state. The ores on the surface are free milling and by going deeper the value generally Increases, hut the gold cannot he extracted by simple amalgama tion. it is there, for it is very I naiu that the veins which have lot*a abandoned have not been left for the want of paying ore, hut for the want of machinery and skilled labor to extract the gold. It is instructing in this connection to state that a great number of the Georgia mines have paid handsomely from the surface workings, many millions have been taken from the surface of Georgia in this way. These surface mines are simply indica tions of what there is beneath. With greater depth tlie ores will improve and change in character as in all other gold Helds of the world.” Triumphant Democracy is in possession of the reins of the gov ernment. The chief executive is the biggest maa, politically, in the world, and his back-lame is nothing short of n phenomenal. The cabinet officers all, are men selected for sound judgment in hueiness a flairs. This is ta> he a business administration, and per sonal friendship with the chief, political activity during the l^dltocnl Chnff. Tin? man h» the moon Will be here full adon To have a loojf tulk with Grrtver; For like you ami 1 He wants a “tinker in the pie/* Before the grand distribution i* over. We got a hundred* dollar bill on subscription, Wednesday. Like Bunquo’s ghost, the hoop skirt will not down—especially past, weigh hut little with up- during this blustery March plicinils for offices, compared with executive ability. It is not probable that an ex tra session of congress will lie called, unless pressing demands compel it. Cleveland strongly favors civil service reform *, hut as to what degree it is proposed to enforce it, is not yet determined. Late dispatches from headquar ters, state that removals will lie necessarily slow, in ail except minor offices and clerkships, in which, the process of decapitation will begin at once. The south at large cannot hut commend the presidents judg ment in the selection of his cabinet, and has no grounds for complaint of the manner in which Cleveland has recognized it. Carlisle, Herbert and Smith, are men, of whom every souther ner is proud, and delighted to see recognized so highly in the attain* of the Nation. weather. We got two dollar* all at one whack Tuesday. We have mark ed the day on the calendar with red ink, and placed a blue paper how over it. We brent he easier under a Dcin- TEMPERANCE COLUMN. As we gaze with wonder and admiration upon this God-favor- 1 ed land of ours, noting its pro gress in nil the necessary requis ites of n great nation, let us pause a moment and locate our worst enemy. For indeed in th* midst of our prosperity and greatness as a nation, there lurks, in our cities, towis, villages and even in our remote rurul districts, n monster, whose foot-prints will lost ft*r time and eternity. lie is establishing strong-holds on every soil, and m overy clime. He ts opening his ticket offices to hell, in almost every town and county. He has 150,000 of them in the U. S., and 600,000 men employed to run them. He has oerntio administration. What is I agents with plenty of money who the matter with getting a patent on the concern, and selling it as a sure cure for catarrh and asth- By way of parenthesis, we think our plan to plant a garden will he a wise one. Vi e intend most of | to have ts, ps, pi plant and some The latter matures early and remains the Tear around. “The surface prospects in Georgia are ns good, if not bcl- rel*, than many noted gold min ing countries. I speak from a knowledge of other countries as well as Georgia, when I make this assertion. It is the height of folly for any one to say that there are no paying gold mines in a country that has produced $10,00(),00o’ from the placer mines of one county alone. This only represents a small portion of tin 1 surface veins and there is no rea son for suspect mg that they do not become richer as in all other gold-producing countries, ft is hoped that those whonro interest ed in this subject, will not he duped by the opinions of incom petent and prejudiced men, who know nothing about the gold mines of Georgia.” ‘ Omnia Gallia.” The story, the truthfulness of which is vouched for, reaches us from Towns county, of u certain prominent, farmer in that section, who had a most comely daughter of less than twenty summers. lit had, also, in his employ, a stout young man, who managed, as a young man will, to gain the af fection of the daughter. Suspi cious that tender relations exist ed between his daughter and the young fellow, the farmer watch ed them one evening when his daughter went, to milk, and, sure enough, caught them in a loving embrace, and exchanging kisses. “Look here!” cried the irate father, “I don’t like that !” “1 do!" coolly responded the young man, and proceeded to do the oscillatory act again. “If 1 only had a pair of bullet molds, I’d run a bullet and shoot it through your heart!” exclaim ed the angry parent. “OhI that's all right,” said the young man, whose demeanor was as calm as a pun of milk, and whose ardor ntvl embrace was unrelaxed, ‘‘.Inst take my pistol out of my pocket here, and if you are mean enough to kill a fellow for doing as good a thing as this, why just tiro away?” White comity can boast of hav ing within its borders, two of the largest and nearest, the same sized men hi the state, Mr. Geo. W. Slaton, one of our prominent citizens and Mr. ,1. A. Gray, who sells the Home Comfort Range, both tip the beam at 2H« pounds. A sprinting mulch for a bottle of anti-fat. is spoken of, as likely I t ake place bet ween t hem. Kxtrollies met in Washington Saturday -the end of Republican misrule and the beginning of Democratic prosperity.- -Journal. There is more talk of starting a tannery here. Less talk and niorr “do,” would ho bettoi. Saturday morning the streets of Clevelunil were while with snow. r Got out of the Ruts. The hegining of an era of pros perity for all this section of coun try is in sight, and is rapidly ap proaching. The day of recogni tion of 1 ur vast natural advan tages, and resources is nearly at hand, and we are about to real ize our dreams of many years—of the time when the music of count less spindles shall harmonize with Look out for some big transac tions in mineral property in this section. The boom is hound to come. Messrs. .I. 11. Williamson and W. H. Craig have bought the Gainesville Eagle, one of the staunchest and newsiest weeklies in the state, its editorial page under the new management, shows an unwonted brilliancy. From Badjo Worse A Complication of Diseases Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cava Strength Just in Time. A Terrible Cyclono. Friday f night between eight and nine o'clock, the pretty lit tle town of 1 ireonx ille, Georgia, was struck by a cyclone, which completely wrecked the town. Many were sevorly injured by falling timbers and debris, and a few people killed. Not a public building of any kind or church was left, and many of the poor people are sulVering, and home less. The cyclones track was through all the southern states doing great damage to life and property. At Molena, Odessa and Woodbury, all small towns, there was the are busily engaged buying up our legislators, congress members, judges and jurors. In order that he limy till his cofi'ers, lie is an nually robbing 3,000,000 homes, with an average of four persons to the home, of $900,000,000, thereby leaving them destitute necessaries and comforts of life. He robs the farmers annually of $430,000,000. This great demon is not yet satisfied, so he advertises for 2,000,000 hoys to he furnished out of every generation, to get act us agents in tins infernal work. Look at his sign; “Wanted 2,000,00$ hoys.” () mothers! will you idly stand by and see your precious hoys drawn into this great whirlpool? So the hellish work of this great advers ary of mankind, is being vigor ously pushed by his oolite agents, in grogshop, tavern and giled sa loon, until it seems ere long we will Ik* overwhelmed by his in fluence. Hut we would not lie pessi mists, and lot us now look for a few moments upon the other side of the question. Look, look! North, east, south and west. What means that great multitude we see com ing from the four cardinal points, and watch them as they come withhold firm step—no obstacle seems to impede their progress, (see, 1 &%I itain hears a banner on wliWns written this inscrip tion: “Truth, love and purity,” and us .they near us. hark! they arc singing: “Oh, the happy t>me is coming, yes 'tis coming, it was long, long, long, on the way, Oh, the happy time is com ing, yes ’tis coming, when rhiist- imm will vote as they pray.” As :I listen to this enchanting music, as it reverberates fret. 1 Ir’l t->\a , my whole being seems tired wit!, zeal for the grand movi meat, and as l gaze toward the eastern ho rizon, incthiuks 1 can almost see KNOWLEDGE Bring* comfort and improvement an4 tend* to personal enjoyment when rightly need. The many, who lire bet ter than others and enjoy lift more, with lttt expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’* best product* to the need* of physical being, will attest the value to he alth of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in th* remedy, Syrup of Fig*. Its excellence is due to it* presen'l?if In the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds, headache* and fever* ana permanently curing constipation. It lias given satisfaction to million* and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weaken ing them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gist* in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, who*,* name is printed on every package, also th* name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yoe will not accept auy substitute if offered. Bargains!! Bargains!! AT H. A. JARRARD’S Closing Out At Cost!! 1 FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA 75, I WILL TIRE STOCK 0E OFFER UY EN- Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Boots and Hats AT cost: 7 I do this to mnk* room for inv SPRING STOCK, HA RGAINSTN LA 1)1 KS AX D GENTS SHOES, “ “ HATS, “ “ CLOTHING, “ “ DRESS-GOODS. I MEAN Business. H. /A. JiiREARD. DRUGS!!! LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. W 1 Sheriff Sales for April. GEORGIA, w It I IK roisi'Y. ILL lie wold before tlm court house; door in Cievoland in sr.i ! county on the first Tu* eduy in Ay*: il 1883. be tween the lawful hour* of sab* to tin* < highest bidder for cash tin* following; property to-wit: Part of lot of land No. lfifi in the 3rd Pint., said county being 25 ii‘ti\.. mid be ing tin* place whereon Josephine and < (’. Blalock now live. Said land is a’.'••11 improved with dwellings and «*ut Build- ings on it and was levied on and to be sold ns tl<e property of Josephine and Blalock By virtue of a martguirr ii fa issued from the .Superior court of said county is favor of,I. (’. Bell, against the said Jsrvphine Blalock and (’. Bla lock. Also, nt the same time and place, part 1 of lot of laud No. 188 is 3rd l>ist., said ' county, being 150 acres more or less, in j the south-east corner of said lot. Said tract now in j> ssessioH of C. Blalock, and was levied on ns and to Be sold ns the property of Blalock and Jose phine Blalock By virtue of two Justice court li fas issued from the Justice court ofthertfilst Dirt., G. M., said county. One in favor of Jeremiah Stover against <\ C\ Blalock, S. K. Cox, J. B. Blalock and W. J. Payne, and the other in favor of Jeremiah .Stover .V Son, against (\ (’. Blalock, .!< pltino Blalock. NV. A. Mer ritt and \V. .J. Pavne. Also, at flic same time and place about t’rif) acres af land of Nos. C l and 87 in 2nd district and No. 187 in 3rd district. White | county Ga.. end known as the V I. Rob ertson old place on Blue creek, as the property of V B Robertson, as udminis- tor of llnldali Robertson deceased, and as Guardian <>f her heirs. Said proper ty well improved and now in |x»esessiou of Halms Logan (col.) as tenant and levied on by virtue of a fi fa issued by NV B Bell Ordinary said county against said V L Robei tson as administrator and Guar dian us aforesaid for costs on Annua) Re turns kv. S. L. BROWN. Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, for cash, part of lot of land No. 128 in 2nd District said county mid state coida-idn : !»2 acres, ami known as the Jos. . ' • • place. Said property has good some cleared land, good young oi '•h.i:d n the same.. Now in »;ion , S. Brown low, agout for W. Ahxan dor. land levied on and to B>* wold AH the property of NV. Alexander by vir tue of a t?i\ ti fa issued hv S. N. Black Sutton & Pifchford, OLE V E L A N I) (i E() RG1A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BRTOS, MEDICINES, !STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERIES and CHOICE FA MI IY GROCERIES.' *i J)l ions 1 ’ri* ; >n r*cl. E. B. CRAVEN. O L1JVK JG A.\ I >, Dealer in CiljOHGlA W steles* (Ms, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc., Etc. 1 supply everything pertaining to sewing machines as a special tv. Seville machine needles for all machines, ltest of oil, war rallied not to emit, chill or change color. .4 (Inch meals or ALL KINDS AND ;—leather mid rawhide makes; holts mid bcltilii Sill I ILFS and BOBBINS for all machines, for all machines. Grijmn* parts ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE AT SHORTEST Notic*. lam also agent for the Excelsior (ias burner, and the bast Self-pronouncing’, Parallel Family Bible, in the world. "** *no k Organ Co., itarMttZis, flMo, E.s.a. • *t Att .uit* liiKtruiiittUtii unlj. Fa»r.<> cmmnI orgaiM* i >< ciuit;. '] iv accunipaiiyHiif cm our — VFklOUT UILASJJ tfASO omUAM. - piano model u- erruunly the of i *hov« eomptU- . . . . |* . . T. (\ of said county for Stale and County the brijLfht tlllb of the Millennial i taxon for the year ’l>!>2. due by said NV. dawn, it is so rapidly approach-: Alnxuod.i, Maij'ii ^ in”;. So courage, brothers and, sisters of this grand movement,. (il ,., R(ilA> WH1T| . ,,„. Nrv- victory is jnst ahead. T t T UJAIt C'smill Caanltun of M. V. Let us work inecssaiitl v until. X’y ! ,"V! ’ • I .* *' 1,l ' l “ ,r ' ^ “I'd v.-n liiivlll,; »l>|.llr,t I,, mo f,.,. 1 lie dram shofis shall daiKeii no ^ twdv.* inoutli i-t. mat 11*,. up .-•-■y • i ; A • urld. i-T IT* KIND. IN TBK VOfifJ). . tiuCjnull'll iii quality of Uaicwu) •m u iu «« litlitjr ,.f c» TMtlrucliun. - i'fill, u, j 'itno fun: li, j i»v> I* i k-l.r til. |.i NC.jr*. hal l . ■■ -11 < U.*l I m a .IV t. r r. 1 t i rrf»clNk f ti |r..t!e in l»o t-0i-tiofcK. U.i • i il 1 o i:ig in lli# .%#<•• • i tlui ii tin n-.#»t |> i more the dear homes of our beau tiful land.” J. W. Smith. I’l'iir "I ntiuil? U'siify ta tao (oliowlnij factsi I I avo been a very groat nuftem far *,ho but Hv.i yciirs with trouble of Iho I.uag. nud hid- rkcym and tho worst stago of Dyspepsia. I ooukl scarcely cat anythlnu bccauso of tho In- I ‘ 4l . i • lw „i ‘ Ulw » •m* m iny Mionncik l vro.< also el duo I ( ° l 4 1 the rush of our mountain streams, i |»'reatcst duma"o to life raoivthan tiftern li.iiiir killed outrisfbt. tlmo'covered with *<«ki fhoiuu, anti niv cough weakened me so that l could scarcely walk. I had several attacks of Mending at tho lungs. My Meath became so short that l was unable t > work and was obliged to givoup my business, which Is that of a meson. I could not <*Yon alk about much. So l Wept going from bad to worse. I then had an attack of tho r-' w, llO'irt I ° 1 ^ Allan M •lonrnnl .SJIVS: j which, with all my other complaints, Cl . d The missions that have hand-I mo to my r oom for three months and Of; Nearly Took Away My Life. I Ir.’.d heard of Bond's Sarsaparilla as a good Heine, so I bought a bottle. When l bad Dyspepsia and Li .:r Complaint. Is it not worth (lie small price if Tee. to free yourself i.f every vmptitm of tlicse distrr ■ >inir com plaints? If you think so, call r,l ; our store and got a bottle of .Shi ll oil's Vitalize!', every bottle Isas a I printed j^uanmteo on it, use ne- if it does you no <jood it will cost you nothin.";. Sold hv Sutton .‘v I’itehford. made their report, all ji»*r- »«>na aro lu-reby mditied that I will pass upon and allow the same on th* first Monday in next nt 12 M. Given under my band and official signature. This March IK It, lS'.KL W. B. BELL, Ordinary. ’ * i/T 'rr.w e u ittrbn: hack viider t!.« p D«»n iiijo pr< tnir.v«(■#. id I nnj-tic in iM'M^-ilbv Mir n ihcufac- GEORGIA. WIIM'K I 1 i NTV. ’I’l I10.M I r MAY eoNl’KHN : T OI IN I). O’Kelley. Administrator of \ V S the estate of Kli/.abeth Vickerv i . plied to the umleisignetl for leave t«» sell ! ti'. I the lands belonging to th* estute of: .'aid decv;.:.i‘d and suitl uj jdieation will J I--' hoard on first Monday in April next. 1 This O.h duv of March, 18*13. NV. B. BELL, Ordinary. J. D. COOLEY, LEO. WHITE COUNTY. GEORGIA- -(-DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. + The \Vashin>>'iou eorrespoiul- " taken It, 1 found It had dona mo soma good, so 1 continued till I had taken throe bottlers. 1 ini- jnovetl so rapidly that 1 could walk out of doors, and have steadily gained till 1 am at work n nitn and mo my hammer and trowel onco Hood’s ss Cur when tho blent of mountain fed herd, shall echo to clash of the shuttle, when the mighty oak shall render up its tou<>l to the artisans oumunt!' hand, and our bleak mountain sides pay tribute in rich mineral, to the pick-axe. This dream of years is soon to bo realized. Tho sooner the bet ter; so why not he practical and business like, and jjo to meet it. Get out the old ruts you have beeu running in for years and years, an l help hasten the com ing day! Letters from every section of the country aro inquiring daile into our hidden resources, iiskint:' about gold, asbestos, eoruudrum, hard-timbers, water power, gran ite. Only show to the world our advantages, and such prosperity will bo ushered in, as health and sweet breath. Price I Sutton & I’itehford and ask for even optimistic Dr. Stephenson 50o. Sold b\ Sutton X Pitch-1 Hoggs'Little Giant Fills. JCvery never dared dream. ford. ‘ bottle guaranteed. some salaries and the prospect }a brilliant court life are esporial- ! I v sought after by provincial edi tors. the dear hoys that know I what it is n> pull a hand press all light and chew roller gum for i luncheon." We all know good things when ! we see them, but the trouble is, j we are always forced to be eon- ; tout with merely seeintr. Wc more. Tho physician, tola me live year, nip, that I wouh.l not live tia ee years, amt ail Iho neigh bor. think It a very strange thing to see mo at work again. It is Uto strengUt given mo hy ltootl’s Sarsaparilla which enable, me to do 1L" Isaac Ann;, Vienna, Warren County. N. J. have a speed, and l»»iti\. Hood's Plla cure all ItverUls, lllllousnc.., cure for catarrh, diphtheria, eaig, Jaundice, IndlgoaUou, sick Headache. LGc, ker mouth and headache, in Sill- LOU'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free with each ] THOSI '- woM'Ki.rt hoi ants in town. of bottle. I so it if you desire' If you wish to see them call on as health ami sweet lire S. HUFF, We are here, and want to stav So patronize us. A Reward o( $500 paid for any Case AITORNVT AT LAW. O.L! ' rv Induce of every description lsight. Highest prices paid. 1 want it understood that I am still selling’ goods at the same old stand, but am not drumming up any time trade. If you havs the CASH’ you need not pass £Dy place to buy CHEAPER. In Connection With My Stork I IIavk IIiubd FRANK TATE \ First Class BLACKSMITH, Who Will Execxte Rar.uit And Will he paid for any Rheumatism which cannot he cured by Dr. Drummond’s Lisrht- ning Remedy. This otter is made in good faith by tho proprietors, and there is no reasonable excuse for any one to sutler longer. An ordinary ease will be cured by one bottle, and it is poor econo my to sutler when relief can he secured so certainly. The price of a bottle is #5. and that is the cost of a cure. Drummond Med icine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Asrents wanted. s-rrn ends for Publie and Corpora tions nuulr. Real Kstutv. Correspsa- (Apr. 15, •»*. ly.) (Umd^d solicits. WAGON WORK LOWEST PRICES. OJO OTHER Sarsaparilla has the ■ ™ merit to secure the confidence oi entire communities and hold it year after year, like HOOD’8 Sarsaparilla. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it dally with Ayer’s Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulatos a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. 1 am not el osing out to make room. I ha ve plenty of room. —CALL AND SEE ME. li. H. PERRY, ATTORN IT AT LAW. Gainesvills G»orgia. JULIUS L. DEYTOH. I ATTORNEY AT LAW. CLEVELAND GEORGIA. W ILL attend promptly^* alt basin... entrusted t* k . i ialty. Cellertine* 12-11. McElree’s Wlnt #f €ar4al aaJ TMEDFORB'S IkACK BRAUCHT mm for iki bj tW Ailleving reercheels se White County: Sutt. n k Pitcbford Cleveland. H. A. Jarrard Cleveland, G. B. Irvins, Mossj Creek Lumpkin county: E. C. CaH’edge, Dili’omega, D. Howell L co.. Auraria, w.a. Whelchel k co., New Bridge, J. J. W. Tate k Bio. Willow.