The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, March 17, 1893, Image 2

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Tbs Cleveland Progress. JNO. a. aiT: : EDITOR. (liviftii JCi -Ick., 17, 1893. OSaUl Organ of White county Catered at the Poet-office at Cleveland aateeoad-elese Kail Matte-, Jan. 99, *92 How Fires Affect People. In'«*fire you get very close down to humnit nitture. observes the New York Sun. The other night an apartment Jhouse took Are. There was no time to be lost by the inmates. A mother, scantily elatl and crying, took out her two little children. A wife buttoned herself in her long ncwmnrkct and ran, leading hei brown-oared setter." A "‘devoted son and daughter on the top floor dreased warmly their helpless old mother of 80 and waited to carry her, if need be, across the fire es cape. Ohc woman put on a fur- lined cape over her night dies and came forth with a traveling bag filled with silver. A young widow run for her new Sunday frock and took down the depart ed one’s portrait. Another came forth fully equipped us for church In jacket, tipped hut, and crimps. Another young woman left all her belongings and tied in her night dresa, blistering her bare feet on the cinders, and ran down the street calling for a carriage. Another got her valuables in her sealskin coat, and finding the amoke not too threatening, fished out her long-tailed gown and the Mack silk silhouettes of her grandfuthcr and grandmother, which she kuew*she couldn't re place. One man contented him self with u hath robe, another dressed himself in his four-in- hand tie and scurf pin. lion. Carter Tate, is reported Ms being one of {lie hardest work ing members in Washington. He has private appartnicnts which he occupies with his secretary, busily attending to.,the claims of office seekers from his district. Another Now Party. The new-party "makers are still on deck. Seemingly not at all discouraged by the uniform fail ure of their attempts iu the ‘past, they are about to .make another trial. Feffer, the nondescript and whiskered senator from Kansas, is tho father of this latest eft'ort at the manufacture of political revolutions. He has culled a con veution to meet iu Pittsburg ou the tilth inat., to form ajiew par ty, the cardinal principles of w hich arc to lie/“Christ in gov ernment, woman’s rights and prohibition.” It will he seen that the'^pro- posed. organization provides for very nearly atl the cranks. If it will succeed in relieving the Dem ocratic party of somo_of that nu merous progeny with which its ranks are burdened,*lt will have accomplished n good work,— Journal. Iidltorial Clinff. T Every man favors'’good dirt roads, in theory; [hut the mere suggestion of paying a nicklo to wards scouring thorn runs some of thorn Utcrally^wild.—Ishmae- litc. L1 Democracy's Declared Principles. COXOF.NSKO rrtOM 'thk nation ai. nr.MOCUATIC IM.ATKOUU OF 181)*2. I. Ilomcj'ule; individual liberty; resistance to centralization. II. f No force bill; no federal inter ference in state elections. III. Economy in appropriations; no profligate expenditure. IV. Protection unconstitutional; no power in the federal govern ment to impose and collect tariil duties, except foi revenue only, j V. . It, is reported that the People's party has disbanded—dispersed disappeared in fact; and all that ia left of it is a few forlorn relics, busy, trying to figure the where abouts of Tom.. Watson. Strong effort was made by the Tauheneek, Turner and Tom my crowd, to revive the spirit of the fallen party jn an. organiza tion culled the “Industrial Le gion,” 1 but coming so soon after the birth of the People’s party, which was a lively stout babe, requiring much |>ap for susten ance the Industrial i.ogiou has well uigh succumbed for want of “milk in th« commit.” Our honest farmers'eontribufed hard earned money to oue grand campaign fund, under the im pression that they were buying slock in a big paying concern— and they do not propose to be fooled again. . Most of the farmers who have not already come back to the Democratic fold, are making pre parations to do so, soap or iio soap. Wo welcome you, boys. The People’s party rose to the zenith of its glory last full, and it went down unsung, unhonored, and forgotten on the £duy when the people declared for Cleveland and Democracy. • * * If Editor McNclley of the “Nugget” ever entertained the idea of securing any situation through the influence of Con gressman Tate, he justly forfeited all his rights, when he published thut Mr. Tate was w siting pa tiently in Washington to hour from the hoys in regard to offices. Mr. Tate 1ms been obliged to hire a stenographer to answer his mail. a • • Sum. Jones comes down rather hard ou Itro. Shaver, Of the' Dal ton Argus, iu the following: “The editor of the average secular paper is as competent to give moral instructions as a jack ass is competent to teach in a kin dergarten, or a sow is to teach glace of movement to tho ante lope,” Of course it could not apply to us; wo live in a higher atmos phere, • • • Dr. Spencet, our state geolo gist, is trying to excuse his recant condemnatory words, in . regard to the gold mines of this stutc. No doubt ho is sorry he spoke so hastily, und would recall his words, if possible; but like a handful of thistle-down, so easily east to the winds, ho will find it impossible to recover them. • * • Tho flour manufaeturcr*~of the north-west are forming a monster trust for tho control of the' prices of bread in the country. Bread stnil's will he high next fall. And yet, the fanners continue to raise a big crop of cheap cotton to buy high-priced .food. They cun very naturally expect hard times when they follow^ such a suicidal policy.—Dalton Argus. • • • Tho newspapers are comment ing outlie amount of drunken ness to he scan in Washington on inauguration day. And yet it was natural that the republic of fice-holders should want to brace up on the eve of losing their places.—Constitution. • • • Now, fellows, you can just fall in, bring your guns to a “trial arms” and charge the offices. The litter corps v\ i11 bring you! ott'tho field on stretchers, and j kind friends will attend to your ’ funeral rites.—lslmiuelite. • • • Of the offices at tho disposal of j the government, Oeorgia is justly ! entitled to WOO appointments,! “Come surly and avoid the rush.” i GOLD DUST. F«om White County Wash-ups. Since the open weather, many new companies have been fofitY- ed, and mining operations have set in for the year. Mr. Janies McAfee will lease the mill on tho lfeaves property, and soon expects to have tho vein in Such n condition that an increas ed number of stamps will be re quired. Mr. W. 11, Courtney has every thing working in ship shape, and is taking out the yellow grains in quantities that pay handsomely. Thirteen men at work on Mr. It, '1’, Kenimer’s Longstrect prop erty, are making good wages, af ter labouring undsr the disad vantages of having an insufficient water supply, and proper facili ties. Placed in good shape this property would probably yield equal to uny in the country. Jehu Thurmond Is working with five others on the upper Cal houn property. They run one giant, and last week they aver-: aged foe the time worked, 1)1.W to each, per day. Squads of hands ou all tho dif ferent Naenochce properties, are doing fairly well, and excellent reports conic from tho Childs property and Tenth lot. Uncle Sampson Palmer, an old negro, has been at work this week frying to truce the whereabouts of a legendary silver and gold mine, said by the Indians, with whom Cscle Sampson lived for years, in North Carolina, to lie situated in a deep gorge, of the Pink mountain, lie is quite con fident of success. ALWAYS. Thwrd in always a ntitch to rank*. And hJwh>m a wtep to take*; Tlrera i« always a link to find, Ami alwayn a nh«uf to bind; There in a!wank a putfo to read, And always a jnifh hi weed; There in alwayn a rift to meml, Aye, and ul^fiya a hue to blend. Them iu alwuyx the weight of care, Ami the cold, huruh blaiue to bear; There >h alwayn the tearuunited. And the yetitle word uiiauid; There ia alwayn the doubt, the four, And ulwaya the acorn, the jeer, Them* little thingH, oh pul itut aoul, Make up life’s grand, life’a womlero w hoi*. —New OrleaitH l’irayuua. TEMPERANCE COLUMN. In the bu«v ,1ifn of the 19th cen tury there is ho place fin* drones' The human family may he Classified aa follows; Producers, consumers and destroyers. The first is the mud-sill of so ciety, U|K>H WhoAe effort* rests the iuuintaa*&;e and continuity of the nice. ' • < The scconAphe superstructure, only seeurevKfl stable as the foun dation is sovoB and steadfast. The third npy be likened to fire, flood, or^tempest, defacing or destroying the edifice as the ease may -hs. The first includes fanner, me chanic, artisan, manufacturer, etc., with their thousands of helpers. The second, the lawyer, cler gyman, physician and those oth er* necessary to these offices. The third, the criminal class, generally as such. A fourth class might he made in which the dud* would shine alone. Now to tire point. In which lass is found the maker and vendor of alcoholic beverages? Is he a producer of values? We ad mit that a small proportion of his product is used in the arts and sciences, hut a portion So small as to be insignificant. The great part is for consumption us a bev erage, clearly not a sustshier of life or promoter of happiness. Can we place him in the second class? In this class are those who are necessary to the welfare of the race; though- not produ cers. If humanity were iu its normal, F.denic condition this class would be supernumai ies, lull evil has brought nlmut a con dition necessitating tho oflires of this class. They are supposed to minister to the wants, of the pen- 1 pie thus assisting them to better their condition spiritually physic ally and financially. Clearly the distiller und vendor of whiskey belongs to tho third class. A destroyer of values. II« destroys the fruit or grain and stills a pro duct that dbfrroys life, peace mid happiness here, and deatfdyS the soul hereaftee. He is a parasite upon the body poliiie. A v.-unp- HoocPs Cures Owe all My Health to It Carwl of Sick Vomiting Spells, Dixat- »«•»* Neuralgia, Weakuca*. KNOWLEDGE ' Bring* oorafort and improvement and land, to portonal enjoyment wboa rightly n**<l Th* many, who lira b*t- t»r than others and enjoy Ufa more, with lata expenditure, by more promptly adapting th* world'* best product* to th* nacd* of physical being, will attest th* value to‘health of tbs jmr* liquid laxative principle* embraced la th* remedy, Syrup of rig*. It* excellence la du* to It* preeen'tng the form moat acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, th* refreshing and truly beneficial propertle* of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing th* *y*t*m dispelling cold*, headache* and f*v*ra and permanently curing constipation. It ha* given satisfaction to million* and met with the appruval of th* medical profession b*c*ne# it acts on th* Kid- a#y», Liv*r and Bowels without weaken ing then and II ia perfectly fra* from every objectionable aubstaac*. Syrup of Fig* i* for sale by all drag- gist* ia 50c and |1 bottles, bat it is man nfactnred by th* California Fig Syrap Co. only, who** name ia printed on every package, also th* name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you viU not accept any substitute if offered. LEGALADVERTISEMrKTS, Sheriff Sales for April. OKOKOIA, WHITS ( ul.NI'Y. W sold before the court house ,ln >»• in riovoluml in wait! county on the firot Tiimlay in A pi 11 1893, !>**- iw«*«n the lawful hours of Halt* to the hitfliuftt bidder for oaah the following* property to-wlt: Part of lot of Und No. 105 in the Hrtl l>iKt., nnitl enmity belief 25 acre* and be iiitf the place whereon .Josephine and C'. 1 (’. Blalock how live. Haiti land in well | improved with dwelling and *»ut build- i riitfM on it and wjih levied on and to he Hold ax the property of Josephine and t\ 1 <\ Blalo< k by virtue of n in»rt|piip* fl fa) issued from the HnpeHor eotirt of said ! county iu favor of J. (’. Hell, against the said Josephine Blalock and C. V. Bla- ! look. \ left, at the same time and plact% part of lot of land No. 188 ia 3rd hist., said j eomite, l»*»in(f 20.a<*res more or lean, ini the south-east corner of said lot. Said i tract now in possession cf < (\ Blalock, ' Hiid was levied on ns and to h« sold nt* ; tho property oft:. (\ Blalock ami Jose phine Blalock by virtue of two Justice i eonrt fi fan issued from the Justice court ! of the MKlst Dirt., (». M., uAid county., One in favor of Jeremiah fttovor jijrainst C*. C. Blaioek, S. K. fox, J. B. Blalock and W. J. Payne, ami the other In favor of .lerumuth .Stover A Son, u^ vinst ('. (\; Blalook, J.^pIdtuidiliCifH k. W. A. Mer ritt and NY. J. Pavne. .Nino, at the *anie time and place>>»out acres nt land of No»’-. Olmnd in ‘2ml BetHct tend No. is7 in 31(1 diutArt* Wliif* iturgaiiis!! liaigaiiiN AT . H. A. JARRARD’S Closing Out At Cost!! FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DA YS, I WILL OFFER HY EN TIRE-STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, finoes, Boots and Hats AT COST I do this to niHk« room for my SPRING STOCK. BARGAINS^IN LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, “ “ HATS, “ “ CLOTHING, “ “ DRESS-GOODS. I MEAJUBusinmw. H. £L. JARRARD. DRUGS!!! Sutton & Pitchford, CLK VELANI) GEORG I A. WHOLESALE A ED RETAIL DEALERS IE DRUGS, MEDICINES, !STATIONERY, CONFECTlONERIES^ani CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. PiOBOilpt’onai CitrcfuUy Dricparait. E. B. CRAVEN. OIJORGIA CLEVELAND, in Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc., Etc. ty. * u PI"y everything pcrtuinii^r ti Sc-wing marhine nc>i iHUinty O*., nnci knUw-n’ae ttvi V L ire who liveA' bv sucking the life ! k.l*>n <>M I,.lnre nn lilnr 1-n ek. o w»injf mncfiinefl s* c (,p*ci*I <•* ror nil rinwhiuos. of oil, war ranted not to jj’uni, c-hiil nr chun^n color. AHaclinieiits blood of hi* Victim. Moivmnry, ;:ilylcss t'lcnccIcsH, and an un- mitigated evil. A destroys? whose jiath is strewn with wrecks of hun anity blear eyed, bloated and hcsottwl. Tkc only monuments to his memory, the asylums, alms houses and penitentisri*b. Is (here room fur him? Is there a place for him iu this hustling busy world? lie is an ally of the arch enemy, and faith ful to his trust. The saloons are tho recruiting stations and a large majority the volunteers enlist for life. Ev ery cue who enters the service, is either maimed or killed, and there are no pensions for the widows and orphans. Let us close u]t the stations, banish the recruiting officers and live in peace and prosperity, brotherly love and brotherly helpfulness the rule of life and action. F. B. S. property of V I, Ttnherieon, as ml toi-of Jtulftah Itoherlson (1e.-eeFetl, *n<t .tVOuhrdmn of lici- heirs, Suit! proper ty w.-l! Hilprovof! vio 1 now in poe-emtion ofitatus I,i-gun (roi.) r.-nnntnn.t b-vie-1 on by virtue of n li f.i issneti ).y W B li«U Onlloiiry Kiii.l county Jiguinst said V 1. ttoln-itson us mlministrator soil ftnar- ‘liati as nforesuid for cost., on ATnual it»- tmim&c S. I,. BROWN, Shoiiir. Also, et tin- Binnt* time and place, for cash, part of lot of land No. l^s j n 2nd Uiatriet said county and state containing 92 acres, and known a* the Jon. M. Ber ry place. Said property has good dwel ling, Koine cleared land, go-ai young or chard on tin* same. Now in possession of .1. S. Urownlow, atf.-nt for W. AU-suu- der. Said land levied on and to t.e sold as the property of W. Alexander by vir tue of a tax ti fci issued bv ft. N. Black T. t ‘. of said county for State and County times for tli-year lsit-J. due by said W. () f Alexander, Miirch 8th 1893, b. BROWN, Sheriff. or AI.l. KI,VD8 AND '—leather ami raw hid*. Gauuio* park makes; belts and hcltiuc SHUTTLES and BOBBIN'S for all mschine*. for all ru-.tehiues. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE AT SHORTEST Not.c,. I am also agent for the Excelsior Gas Sumer, and th* b«at .'self-pronouncing, Parnll*! Family Bible, in the world. »n* *in» flan* A. Organ Cw., arntn*]., a*t. Ui.(oi;r*il*_luMnu.w*i*,. a | 7 . rm„o w.l A Wooing. Th« nun bronthas warm. On tin* ah't'pin^ form. Of Ilia vhoHon inisti'esn S|iritj|f. Who lmi|f tlolh shvp. Ami no prumitM* kevp Trusts and combination* tube Of the beauty al.e is wont to I 5Slu» awakoH. Ami violvts rigid!v regulated by law. VI. Coinage of noth gold and sil ver; no discrimination against either tnotiil; tho dollar unit ofjt-v coinage of both metals to 1>“ rquul und interchangeable value VII. Hottest civil service reform. Bloom in lu*r eyes Ami her cheeks art* roses Ami she smiles a rot tin For the kisses that bur Mm. S. M. Wattr* Gfory:i»town, IV C*. I have often seen statenients from pe°pl* boueftteit by IIooiI’ii SarsajUirtUa, amt I feet that I fiiu Met <l«ittg juaiicr unless my te*- j tlmony Is atUIetl. 1 have been suffering with | •lek vomiting flp.?Us for three or four years, i with gltlillncss, most of the time almost per- j feetly prostrated. I luul no appetite, ami *uf- I feroil also with neuralgia m my head and eye*. I I was treated for two years by the best phy»l- i clans, but found uo relief. They would tell m« my condition was Owing to my Ago | and that \ must have patience. Put after two l though patience ceased to bo a virtue. I was growing so weak I could not hlei jt nt iiiKltt. And w ten 1 was able to ro out, 1 was afraid »• |g« far from borne. I was con stantly tired ; l could not uo up or dow n stairs or raise my arms aliovo my bead without gid diness, and was so afraid to look up that I be- camo accustomed to holding my head do wo. At Lust I was persuaded to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and alter uHng four bottles, my Improvement iu health is sromlrri ul. I candidly believe I am cured of nil my uiiim uit. My appetite Is good, can ea: ai any time, am tree from neu ralgia Hltd oilier troubles. I never fell ao well or w as as stout a* now since 1 was mar ried, and 1 am mother of nine children. I have Increased from 125 to 143 pounds. I am perfectly well, go out c\ cry day. When my friends ask what has made such uu improve ment l tell them I owe it all to Hood’s Sarsaparilla SHILOH'S CATARRH REM EDY, A inarveloiiM elite for Ca tarrh, Diphtheria. Canker mouth, and 11 euditehc. \\ ith each bot tle there is tut ingenious nasal i".Tn-i ; f ;w , j iip; | • ttijV. ri4 ‘ l 7- > <•*-kMxratiipims fMiWMtkO# FJA.IIC 1 tv-kt.afuj fkiJk/tO to " I 'flaJ'iO* pro 'a- Monday in April next at 12 M. (*ivt under my hand ami official »igr.uture. This March Dili, 1S;»3. NY. H BKLL, Ordinary. GHOHGIA, WHITK COUNTY. To ALL WHOM IT MAY COKCKKJf J J OHN D. O'Kellev. Adininiftlrator i U Vii-kt- injeelor for the more suecessful Tltie B.h U*. treatmntl of these complaints without extra ehittgo. Price 50e. Sold bv Sutton and Pitehford. tie rMiUe .if Klixat-rlli ceased, haft, in due form, ap plied to the undendijned for leave t * sell all the land a helonffintf to the estate of said deceased and said application will •d on kret Monday in April next. •f March. 1893. NY. B. BKLL, Ordinary. W. S. HUFF, W e tire here, ; St> patronize 11s. ltd want to stav ATTURNKT AT LAW. Dakltt r,i. 0*. ade •vrr sgnii . 1213 33d Street, N. W., CJcorge- Tako Hood's 1 her suu-lo lips a#rlo OTHER Sarsaparilla posses ses the Combination, Proportion and Process which makes HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Peculiar to Itaalf. Hood's Pills ™ro liver Ilia, sick head- avtir. Jaundice, Indl.-cjUoiL Trr »box. 25c. ! It will put, yon to o-o twenty miles to trade with 1*. Cooley, at Leo. A Reward of 5300 Will he paid for ant Case of Rheumatism which eattuot be eured by Dr. Drummond's Liubt ning Rt-tttedy. This ofl'. r is mud- in gootl f-ifth by the proprietor.-*, ttud there is no reasonable exeuse for tiny one to sutler longer. An ordinary ease will be eured by one bottle, and it is poor econo my to suffer when relief can he secured so certainly. The price of a bottle is and that is the cost of a cure. Drummond Med icine Co., 18-50 Maiden Latte, New York. Atrents wanted. WIIO BOCU8 testimonials, no be ■ “ gu* Doctor*’ letters used to sell HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. Every one of Us advertisements is absolute!/ true. M-B-mdi tioilrt UIHlil*. Uvu • solicit* for TiiMia and CVrpara- Ueal Kstatc. Otrrespsi-, d. (Apr. 15, '»J. lj.) I That Your Hair may retain Ita youthful color, fulinoss, and baauty, dress it dally with Ayer’s Hair Vigor It cicanaas the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. «i. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. J. D. COOLEY, LEO, WHITE COUNTY, GEORGIA- ♦DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE.* Eiuntry Produce fif every description bought. Highest prices paid. 1 want it understood that I am *till esllin* tfooda at the same old stand, bat ap not drumming’ up any ttm* tradr. If yoa have the CASH’ you need not pass *ty ptae» to bay|CflEIPIR. In Connection With Mv Store f Have Hiked FRANK TATE A HkstCi.ass BLACKSMITH, \\Tto Wiu. Execute Kei-aik And WAGON WORK AT LOWEST PRICES. I itm not cinsliiir <iut to iiiukff room. I plenty of room. CALL AM) SKE ME. H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LA 1 Gainesvills Georgia. JULIOS L. DEYTON. ATTORNEY AT LA W. CLEVELAND GEORGIA W n.I. attend pr*mptly;t# all bueinest enti-ueted te si. car*. Cellertina* a apecialt/. . ia-l«. McCirfft s Wis* ef Carfisl >*d THtfirOKS'l RlACK-IRAUSHT m (or sale k- tto M>n«wi* ( merttoek to Whitt* County: Button k Pitehford Cltvrland. H. A. Jarrard Cleveland, CL J. irvinw. Moaitj Croak Lumpkin county: F. C Cavtlctly«», Dahloma^a. 0. FiCWrlla ro., Auraria, w.a. Whrlchcl is Co., Bri J. W. Tata * Bro ^Willow.