The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, April 28, 1893, Image 2

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The Cleveland Progress. JNO. R. GLEN, EDITOR. A western f tntcHimin of third parly DI<lkC me 3. x opulist. ! propensities, announces that tlie ‘‘whole* Stop for a moment, O Time, in your country Is on the verge of ruin.” The Olleial Organ of While comity CpUrtd at the Post-office *t Cleveland aaBeco»d-«las* Mail Matte**, Jan. 29, '92. CAM BROWN’S PHARMACY. CnirteRvillc,' Cn. Headquarters For DRUGS, PAINTS, Oils and Window Glass. CO UN THY MERCHANTS Can save money by callingon him. CIlTiltii j Ga., April., 1893. Professor Whatley’s Report A Vo publish cl sew ere a card signed by nutnerouH prominent citizens of White county, who are representative of the mining inter est of this section. We are pleased to note, and express our thanks, for I lie hearty indorsement they lend our shorts to secure justice for North-east Georgia, in the publication of the report of Professor Whatley, ' n jury—especially which embraces this section. - when through out flight. Make inn a Populist, just for tonight; Let tin* black flag of despair bo unfit rind. Darken tin* lights in thin giddy old world; Give inn n whirlwind of trouble mid strife, Curtain with darknenH the bright side of life; People the future with pliant inR of woe. Feed me on prow, niinter, feed me on crow. Pause, Fallior Time, mid throw open the gate, I ntn no weary of feeling firHt-rato j pasture me out where the picking in short Scourge me with hunger and hear me cavort; Tench me to nit in contentment all day, Howling “ReformP* while my neighbors make hay; Fill my flat head with swift-moving wheels, Then I shall know how* a Populist feels. Nebraska Bln to Journal. An Interesting Card. Cl.r.vri.AND, Ga., 4-20-1803.— To 'I'ur; Knrrou ('i.rcvhum. I’no- (iijKSM.— We notice in a recent issue of ymui* paper a copy of a question arises, how long can a country stay on “the verge of ruin*’ without something happening/ For the past two and n half years every third party orator in the land lias declared, whenever he could get a hearing, that “the whole country is on the verge of ruin.”- Mil- ledgville Chronicle. The Ranks County Gazette, discussing the income tax question, ways: “While the income tax was m*t in the Chicago platform, it is an old democratic doctrine, and it would be. a mighty good tiling for the democracy to give the peo ple.*’ The Hawkinaville Dispatch Hays: W b. Peek, who was tin* third party candidate for governor of Georgia hint year, in ml ill making third party speech es. 1 te in quoted an making use of the following language a few duys ago at Tazwell: “Damn a man who quits light ing because lie getH whipped once.” The Darien'Gazette, says: The Georgia farmers will make a good crop this year if the alliance lecturers can be kept out of the fields. The Sparta Ishmnclite says: “The third party strikers wlm are tramping around in Georgia with the purpose of reviving the ulliunce for third party ends are on a very cold trail. Then* third party ears protrude too plainly from under their hayseed disguises." A man should not imagine because a letter from liis excellency Gov. 1 (Jil l of sixteen liuiglis III his joli. s ,lmt Northen, in reply to one from j *■« in a p wits n irirl nfsixteeu laughs your own’pen. We really see j '"'cause nlm is tdxhvii. nothin*' in your letter that should ! “Even the eloiul of journali in irritate the Gov. Our people are i lias a si I ver lining,” says the I >nl- fully aware of the grout mineral [ ton Argus, lint the trouble with wealth of this section. They al-1 us is, we cannot furnish enough so have eonlideuee in l’rof. \Yhat- gas, to inllate a haloon. ley's competency and integrity, |' Th( , ,. nWts KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment wlien rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxativo principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a iierfor.t lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, di-pelluig erdds, headaches and lever, ami permanently curing constipation It lias given satisfaction to millions and met with tlie approval of the medical profession, been ure it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Byrup of Figs is for sale by ail drug gists in fide and $1 bottles, but it is nun ufantured by the California 1 ig Bvriii Co. only, whose name is printed on evm package, also the name, Byrup of Fig and being well informed, you will nt., accept any substitute if oliorcd. P. ESTES. WILL SHOW ONEOFTHE Largest, Neatest and Ccicpletest Stocks cf Dry Goods-# KVKK SHIPPED TO GAIXESVlIvLE. I liuu This department is a Store of itself. The tables! Everything in the Dry Goods line to make arc loaded, the counters ure crowded and the home comfortable, oozy and neat. Table Linens, sh 'lves are strutted with these lovely Dress Fab- Napkins and Towels; almost a wilderness of Lace rics, from the soft subdued spring shades of Tans ! Curtains, the lowest price ever known. ChineU and Grays clear through the popular line of colors Curtains for windows, halls and doorways; Wiu- to the Royal Heliotrope; the stock bristles with dow Shades and Window Poles, vast • variety; Matting, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. Will show the big gest stock and the lowest prices of Fancy Matting ever in the city. beauty and sparkles with splendor. and believe that the suppressing •f bis report would do us great at this time individual' ef- The position held by Professor j forts, anil in spite of the opposi- W hut ley as Assistant State Geo logist, entitles his report to lie puhlihscd with the general geol ogical report of the state and a failure in this respect would regarded by as a gross injustice, direct from the hands of Governor Northen lion of interested parties, the at tention of capitalists lias been attracted to our resources more strongly than ever before. To say that wewauld not think made to revive the third party in White county, are about ns futile as the solution of the problem of “Where is Tom. M atson “at?" I Ion. A!!<"i 1). make Georgia a Ills respect would be To say Unit we wauld not think e dun t. know much tiiioui . T. iy our entire sesetion. jkimllv <>f any action that would anatomy, and ask for informa- 111 '' 1 >> '•> <3 • l,1 ‘ ( r | 1 * injustice, direct from prejudice our interest is simply 'bin, what it is that rounds nut n " ,m ■ 111 1 *• 11 f'" ' 1 ing that our section shall receive proper recognition and challeng ing investigation respectfully re quest that the full report of l’rof. E. T. Whatley lie embodied in the reports. Sadio Mean’s Case. The action of the Second Pres byterian church of Columbia, S. C., in excluding Miss Sadia Means for working in th* tele phone office on Sunday is causing wide-spread comment through out the country. Miss Means is an orphan girl * Who is compelled to earn her own living ns day operator in a tele phone exchange. The action «f the Presbytery in sustaining the church of Colum bia, is so unchristian like, an ut terly at variance with the beauti ful and helpful life of the lowly Nazurone, that Miss Means should Hell, Ordinary, .1. W. 11. I'niler- not trouble herself to ho reinstat-j wood, A. F. Underwood, ed in such a lmtly. She is’iloubtless infinitely hot-1 ter in every way than the men! who have excluded her from the: church. If all the bigotry, superstition, inhumanity and corruption that ; are practiced in the name of t Hr IV Lord these strange days, could prejudice our interest is simply to acknowledge that wo are hit- the heads of some of these fellows man. | whose ideas are few and narrow In view of these facts, We the that they would all, side by side, undersigned citizens of Whit* nnd only elbows touching, go in- county, huviug confidence in our i to tin; receptacle, of a penny slot mineral resources and only dcsir- machine? TEMPERANCE COLUMN. What Liquor is Doing. This subject demands the at tention of every true American Candler would citizen. It is a traffic that is al- irtivernor that most as old as the liuiiiitn race the. whole state would he proud itself. Thousands of millions are In honor. invested in this business. This much about h " H >'<»undar.y-it lurks every it anti G. D. Pitehfoi'd, II. A. .)anurd, S. 11. Logan, L. 11. Jackson, John J. Kimsey, .1. II Jackson, X. T. Logan, James (i It'll, (). E, Kenimev, G. 11. Jarrard, F. II. Sutton, A. II. llomlersoa, It. P. Kimsey, J. R. Lumsdcu, W. R. Power C. S. C., W. II. A Card from Col. J. II. Nichols. N AfOOCIIKK, ( i A., Al'lill. 22mi, 18!).'!. Eni ron nr tub Pitonurss: — 1 am informed that certain parlies in the inlerast of another nppli- iint for the position of I*. S. he rightfully charged to Him. Ho.. , r . . , , , would be transformed from a lov-! ‘'I*. 1 * 111 ‘ M H . u ' n lu j petitioned by the citizen. „I M I of Georgia, tire solietmg the t'u- uarlli-easi Geovgia to have the I fiends, cease not m tins grand powerful as it may he. and t here is probably no greater curse on earth, yet. it may he overpowered, for God is* against it. Shall the great work he done in our time, or shall future generations reap I ho lnnor? Win n winter is over, and the Everybody'can that it is ■I 11 1A S P> iag day s have eome. we blighting youth in its vigor, cut- expeel to plant an early \egwt- thig down old age in its weak- able garden, ness, and breaking down innn- hood in its prime. You may ask the prisoner be hind the liars litiw lie enuic there, and he will say, liquor is the prime cause. Ask those who are hound in chains, and they will tell you the sani". Every year it is destroy ing its thousands. It is holding * high position as a national cus tom, and is diligently served by many hands. Education, wealth, position, society and even religion, are be ing held hack on the account of this awful traffic. Ily drink men arc dishonored, degraded and put to an open shame. j By abstinence from drink, let has been us pray and labor, that God may lorilicd and men saved. Oceans of Notions. This department embraces a thousand articles. (Loves of the best make aud Huttons to match the Dress Goods. The latest novelties in Drass Trim mings, Laces, Veilings, lloisery, Handerchiefs, Ribbons, Etc. Our Shoe stock makes a customer fee I like k« was in a big shoe store. Mens Shoes of various shapes of heels and toes, and warranted. Ltuli.a Shoes of all shapes and widths, Big variety La dies Oxford Tics. Childrens Shoes, all colors, with nnd without heels. Tenuis Shoes and Slip pers. Cloilyiiyt5 and Hats^Up Stairs It looks jim if we wore "oinar into the Hat and Clot hiu£ business exclusively. Upon "enterin'' this departintiil you see stacks of Hats and pyramids of (lothini'. This stock we are proud of, more r§- pcciallv because we buy both Hats and i’lothini'direct from the factories, thereby savins; the middle man s profits, enabling us to give to our customers bettor goods for less money than any houst iu tka city. Groceries. I lie levers of good Coffee, good Sugar, good Flour a.d good everything in tfc*. grocery line should not fail to so* our big stock. In fact the whole stock, from beginning to and, ami from cellar to garret, was bought as low ns cash would it. and nowhere are better goods or lower prices to he hud. <1130. I*. Congressman Russell is rust ling around in Washington, with a \ iew to the removal of Ho.-s Ruck. (loot! for Russell! Congressman Tate is taking a well deserved rest at his home, after nearly two months of pres sing work at Washington. We have all the Confcdcato money we want al present, nut would not object to some green backs, or hank hills, or even loose silver. Waynesboro True Citizen: The Gainesville Eagle starts an Allen 1). Candler boom for governor. There is no better man in Georgia nor truer democrat. The governor says lie LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sheriff Sales for May. GKOrUGA. WIIITB COUNTY. W ILL 1>u Hold beforw the court Iiouh* door in tin* town < f (Movclawl in said county on the hint Tucnday in May. ISOS, within the l»vm! hour* of mile for cash the following* properly to-wit: Part of lot of land No. i:tS in tlie 2nd land diatrict said county containing 12T» acres more or lens, joining F. L. McKin- cy, Noah Martin. J. S. Urownlow, lv \V. Graven, NV. M. Wi^ins, I. li. (’rnvt n and others. Said land hap (food tenant house nnd about ore acre of cleared land on it, and now in possession of the de fendant I. H. ('raven, nnd was levied oil and to be sold us the property of 1. II Craven the defendant, by virtue of a Justice eotiri ft fa issued from the Justice court of the M llst district, G, M., said county, in favor of G. 13. Irvin against the said I. H . Graven. Also, at the same time and place, frac tional lots of land Non. 5, 0, and 7 in 5th district White county Gn„ wild land as the property of the defendant J. M. Van diver and now in hi |•• . .- ‘Sflion or some one for him. Levied on by virtue of two li las issued from a Justice court of said county, both in favor of H. 11. Dean and trun-t'erred to A. F. 1 .■ nderwood and pro ceed >, for h.s use against J. M. Vandi ver. April 5th l*.a S. b. 1JROWN. Sheriff. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. GKOHGIA, WIIITB COUNl'Y. E. B. CRAVEN. CMJVELA.NI), GlvOmUA 1 )ea ler i 11 Watclyes Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc., Etc. I supply everything pertaining t*> sewing tnnebinei* »* » »p*<'i»l tv. Sewing uiiicliine iii'rilli s for till inuehintis. Heal tif ail, war rnntwl not tuguni, chill or change color. maker- or ai.i. xr.»* axu halt, and belting-—leather and rawhide. Sill I iLL.s and UOUHINS for all m i' hiue.. Gatziua parti for all laitckiues. ALL KINDS ()F REI'AIRING DONE AT SIIOUTKST None*. 1 am also agent for !he Excelsior (* is burner, and Ike k»t Swlf-prounun* ii.g, i’aiallel bit tea i tv HIM*, in lh« world. ing, tender, cmnpussionuL; Fa ther into a brutal monster. Wo don’t believe that tke ac tion of tho Stiutli Cnroliuti I’res- hytrrv will hold good at the higher tribunal where an infalli ble .ludgo reads the hearts of men and will mete out justice alike to tlie over-righteous saints who re cline in luxurious ease, in their luidded pews on the Sabbath, and the friendless “hello" girl v\ lio idorsemenl of my White county j friends, and representing to them jlltat I have withdrawn my appli cation for the Murshnlship. This is a misrepresentation, and on tho contrary, I feel very coulident that unless Mr. Dis- , muke secures the appointment, tnv chances for the position are very good indeed. For reasons Satislaetorv to myself, I have , , , , : kept mv name, as an applicant I must earn her bread tin that day. , ' , , , .,, ... . • for the plaee, out of the news-! (Jf course any religious society , , , , . , ' . ° ' papers and only to correct the has u right to enforce am kind of . , , misrepresent at ion above alluded laws it may see lit to make, hut has it the right to do it in the name of the Lord? The action of the South Caroli na Prcahjlory is a reproach to our age of Christian enlighten-! ineut, and to the thousands of earnest, devout men and women j to le\ all over this land who have : membership in the l’reslivterini church,—Mi I ledger ill ( hroniel* “Alas! for the rarity Of Christian eharilv." to, do 1 now ask space columns for this card. RespectI'tiIly yours .1. 11. Niciiui.s Should our government decide i turiil' nn sugar, cotl'ce, i and other necessities of life, there would go out from all the south and w*'t the most righteous hiss of indignation, that ever reached the ears of nnv administration. -- - Revenue wo must of necessity The cold weather has continued } 1I,Vf ; U ' { l' 1 !:;’ U '\ very late, hut all the signs iudi- i' . enter most prosperous year. All "' n “* r furlho1 ' the farmers, except a few croakers have quit politics and have gone to work, and are working with their sh aves rolled up to the el bows. More land is Being eulti- vutd, and hotter cultivated, tin forthcoming, that will not of anguish from tho poorest classic. Cluiii clothing and all food products, suck as arc necessities, should 1 >* I as free from tax as the air wr .breathe, and the water we drink. report of .Mr, W hat ley, the for- work until this demon is o ver nier assistant geologist, publish- thrown. ed. He says that lie will leave Let no opposition turn you it with the new geologist, \\ belli- aside Ironi tins grand work, or it will he published or not. : Let no ridicule make you ashamed of your purpose. Let iis go forward as David went against Goliath, who defied the army of the 1 ia ing God, for In 1 is surely m this grand move, and we need liot he afraid ; if lie is for us who can he against m? Do van not set 1 something to do eai li day you live, that would advance this grand cause? God has given us a work to do, and we must do it. If w • don't what will our answers ho in that great and awful day? You can see how religion suf fers, hnw the Gospel is impover ished hearts hardened, the church weakened, and souls lost, through strong drink. Wo wish this land to he tho land of the free; we wish it to lie a land from which of every churaetar, have always been , . , . ^ ... shall be removed. A Dellcnto Woman nnd bftgnn tnUins Hood’s Sarsaparilla throe! 1 llOVO is no toilipt.iltiou ltffoVO years ago for that ttivd frollug. it built mo up ' ] ay j s no cy \\ t u nt soqutokly and soy. oil that IWlliIa* *i different “ u u • ’ 1111 u no ( ' u in ‘ u worn.*n and h;u .* .ilv.;t>s had groat t ilth hi It I ! allVd s US i 11 ail V ivlutioil of l ift* fivvit toi V «'tMtvi v.hriit'v, 1 r rrmsanv t • UI uu » tr.nitil.'with bl*-»od, nnd it do.*; them i:ooa. ’comniUVtl with t Ho o\il < N ti*«in<r My liltio I'oy UU«* > t! >o well h-> *.,-•( lor it. I l‘ UUl r ,uta " ,u ‘ 1 IR 11 OI sll,, n,2 i v turn; \ GUKI5AnbV t<> an onb r of tho court of Ordinary of aaiil rounty ; will l»(^ Hold on tin? lirst Tuowtlny in May 1HJU3 at tho court Iioiimo door in Clovciund in Raid county between tlie! lawful hours of Hale to tin* hijrhent bid-I tier for easli the following landa to-wit: j Fur1 of lot of land No. J in the first [ district Haiti county and bciti£ 50 acres j mure or less in the south cast corner of! Haiti lot and being the old home of FJi/.a- j belli Vickery deceased with old houses Aic on it. Lot No. in said district and county containing 250 acres more or less in the woods and lot No. 45 in the 5th •list said county containing 4JO acres more or less and lyinjr on top of th** Blue Kidjre mountains about one half the lot in Towns county and the other half in White county on the head waters of the Chattahoochee river. Sold as the prop erty of Elizabeth Vickery deceased. April did IS.>3. \ JOHN l>. O'KKLLKV, AJin'i*. ( of Klizalieth Vickery dec’d. GKOHGIA, WIIITlt COUNTY. 3 LEO WHITE COUNTY. GEORGIA- -DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE.+ c.-.intry : red f ev-:rj <jU;,3rij)!ion o ight. If.ghed prises paid. 1 want it understood that I am still selling* g »ods at the saiu« old wtand, t»at n«*3 drumming tip any time trade. If you have the CASH, ycu need not pass iDy plaee to b’jy CHEAPER. In Connkction With Mv Stouk I IIavk IIiisko F’RANK TA TI A Fikst ('i.a>n 15LACKSMLT1I, Who Will Exfcitk Rki'aiz Ax* W At ION IVVORK AT LOWEST PRICES. It. Townsend ltl.dng Sun, Delaware. Good Family Medicines Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood’s Pills. **I regard Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Ilood’s , lMlls, tho very hurt family medicines, ;*ml wo | ilcstUllft 10U wo never without them. 1 I o ALL Will M lu MAY CONCERN : S. Dorsey, executor of John M. # Dorsey deceased, has in duo ! form applied to me fo** l»*ave to . sell certain lands belonging to the estate j of said deceased, for the purpose of pay- j ing the debts and expenses of said estate 1 to-wit: Farts of lots t.f land Nos. 101 and 116, in 2nd district said county, being 60 acres more or less and known as a part of the Andrew Dorsey old home place and be ing all of No. 110 <m the north-west of the Clarksville and Gainesville public road by J. D. Cooley’s old mill place and all of 101 the estate of John M. Dorsey now owns and such applications will be heard on the first Monday in May 1893. W. B. 13KLL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, winrK COUNTY. t ) N. ADAMS has applied for per- allity and setting anart and val nation cf homestead and 1 will pass upon the same at 12 M.. May 1st 1893. This April 10th 1893. W. B. BKLL, Ordinary. I aui not (‘losing out to make room. I have plenty of room. CALL AND SEE ME. W. Warier. J.!R. Earle. Wkarler <& Earle, ATTORNEYS AT ItAW. j GAIMESVIUE. GEORGIA. prompt attention given to all business. H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville Georgia. ihnot tliul \\< kC to toll how highly I prize It, ,lcinL If me.ds iis mf Wo uso llo.'.'i . til! III tho iiiinlfy :u;a they 11 ,,s ' il Act Like a Charm ' l tho jioison that i< supping 1 take pleasure la reconunemling flies® inctll- to all my (riotuls, for 1 believe if people 7 « fi'n , Sarsa parilla our physical, liitclloctiml, and moral being. A. E. M over before in White eonntv, and the “beauty of the question are" most of it is being planted in food «rops instead of eotion. rsapar Pel ;■ t hiuvl us v e do, much sickness ami suf* lerli.;: \veuU1 be pm* " * J.” Mils. L. ToWNtJ- | F.Mi, lilslnit Sun, Delaware. A FAIR TRIALof Hood’s Sar saparilla guarantees a complete cure. It is an honest medicine, honest- | Hood . 3 p„, s easily, yet promptly aud lyadveilised ami it honestly CURES , eQcieuUy, on tlio Uv*r uml bowels. 20c. WHY HOOD’S? Because ■* llood's Sarsaparilla is the best, most reliable and accomplishes the grcalcslcures. HOOD’S CURES Tho New Geolagist. Govermir Northen appointed \\ . S. \ eates of North ('aroliuu an state geologist Tuesday. The ap- poiiitiuout i- probably a good one as Prof. Yea te* lias had twelve years experience with the Smith sonian Institute, as a teacher of geological science. II* is a thor ough and practical geologist, and will he allowed to select his own 1 assistants. W. S. HOFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DahU>acfa, Ga. Bond* for Public and Corpora tions rnadt*. Real Estate*. Corn*sp»n- dcnc« solicited. (Apr. 15, '92. ly.) McEirce’s Wint of Cari»i aaJ THEOFORO'5 9lACK-0RAWCHT m for Ms* hr thut following i Whit* County: Sutton & Pitchrord Citrelaad. H. A. Jarrard Clevelmi, G. 13. Irviae, Mo«gy Craak g| ^ Lumpk n county: K. C. Cart ledge, Daliloscg i, D. Howell A co.. Auraria.| w. A.-Wli6lche)|.t co.. New Jlridje, J. J. W. Tate k Bi*©..Willow. JULIUS L. DEYTON. ATTORNEY AT-LAW. CLEVELAND GEORGIA. w r w tmaUsat 1 s (ThaovtW by utamu tlu* I a.: »: r w. rX. Th« iervMyaJiviBc 6^- WMi 1U kM ita tt *• nrn i.-. » of JimanUi.' brtx- B«tt It X im U m. inn t I m« (»pi iktr » B-ir fc* j»;. tc m. U U. II a, ILL attend pi*om])tly to all business »$▼ V eutrubtde to his cure! Collections a fTHEATEP^ BY specialty. 12 16. * ~ *” it t^oulrn «rlO armm wrtmmL m MAIL. COWFIbEKTIAL. In Vnrsf j;. 4 naau (■ iIuim hr pirltnli to r. g a. r simL * «tun I ttuiu iww. m.