The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, May 12, 1893, Image 2

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The Cleveland Progress. jTo. R. CLEH, : : EDITOR. Oflcial Organ of White county RllifiYd nt tb« Pott-offir# at Cleveland a* Mail Matte*’, Jan. 20, 'All. CAM BROWN'S PHARMACY. The New Geologist. Sister Ellen Dortch, of the Why did Hnverimr Nol-tlirn tfo nil tbo Milledgvillo Chronicle, looks the ahead with fond iinticipution, to o'"' 1 1 the time when womans suffrage shall he recognized, and, she shall have hoeoine old enough to cant 1 her maiden vote, which, she inti-I mates is a long wav oft - . Look- 1 Wny In Washington in ^c! a |.|||,,f f,„. Ifpi<l<i|flrnl hnrviml Is there not a In nil (h'orKin, with its two million of I ]ipo))le, who mis enpiihle of filling the I'lneeY If not, we hint liesl nI>■ ilinli the I eoiifouinltsl <le|uirtiiient ntnl lie done wit h I it. New Km. (If course I here is | her in Georgia, as anywhere, for a state geologist. Thu fronhlc is, ; Governor Northen did not know good tint- ou t sister, we used to go to school Gninesvillo, C«. Headquarters For DRUGS, PAINTS Oils and Window Glass. 11“,'Slzt°;z"T together. * • « Some of tlie papers speak of lit, and lie imported one. lie did I government plums, as if all there I i exactly right under the existing is to do to secure one, is to open I circumstances, hy referring the! your month wide, and the plum | matter to higher and more inlel- drops in the apeiture. Our idea was thal it is necessary to climh right up the tree to where it grows, and then light oft' four or live other fellows who are after the same plum. P. ESTES. WILL SHOW ONEOFTHE ^ Largest, Neatest and Ccmpletest Stccks of Dry GoodS^H* EVI3K TO (JAIXENVILUJ. ( 'Ol NTliV MFI1CHAN I S fan save money hy eallingon him. Clivtland’ Ga„ May 12, 1893. The Geological Report. The indifl'erenee shown hy the newspapers of this section, in the ligent authority. Don't hlmne Governor Not then for what lie does not know, hrother, hut close your eyes and thank your stars not great.- ometimrs are. As a good and pious man, we have the utmost respect for 15ro. Glen is making a liriliianl weekly .of the Cleveland Progress. Wo are glad to see him stand so rights.— Governor Northen, hut ns an able executive, lie is showing himself boldly for the peopl far in the rear of the demands of Nugget, the present day. i Ihi can not agree with tin An exchange says “the correct hrother of the. New Era, however, [definition of “ofi'ensive paitisun,” is a repuhliean who is still holding ottiee. (that the “confounded depart ment ' should he abolished just because the limitations of our matter of the publication of the [governor makes it impossible for geological report of north-east Georgia, show* that they have him to find an the position man for eligible within our own j hope so, and not kept fully abreast with the j borders, lie compassionate,! pipe of peace, late geological muddle. It would ; brother, and blame him not that ! his eves are drawn unto such ex- lias the Constitution and Jour nal buried the hatchet? We now propose the seem that Dr. Spencer hud suc ceeded in his little work of spile j trenie farsightedness, that he can engendered hy a petition from | not doseern that which lies a.t his citizens of North Georgia asking for his removal, hy ptcjudiciug the minds of the, whole country against our section and the citi zens of our section against Pro fessor Whatlev. The report spoken of in the “En gineering and mining Journul’', which Dr. Spencer submitted to state geologist, of Alabama and North Carolina, and to the chief geologist of the U. S. Survey, was not Professor Whatley’s fin ished report, hut was a eolloc- 1 ion of field note* and memoranda, hurriedly taken on the field, which necessarily lacked the order of collaboration. Dr. Spencer sent these notes out with no other purpose in view, than the preju dicing of the minds of these emi nent men against Prof. Whatley’s work, hoping by aid of their un favorable report, to succeed in ousting Prof. What lev from his position of asslstau! geologist, and so redress a private grudge he held against. Whatley. We hold that il was unfair, and un manly in Dr. Spencer to take the advantage he did in this mutter, and ho it as it may, we enter here, hand. The appointment of Prof. V cates is doubtless a good one, and we look for good results to the entire mineral belt of Geor gia, as the outcome. Wo enter tain no prejudice against him, be cause he was not our choice, nor the choice of our section, hut welcome him as a much needed factor in the development of our seeti.m. Shaver of the Dalton Argus lias a head chock full of original ideas. Listen: “Imitation is the sincere*!; flattery,” • • • A erily, there he a matrimonial wave sweeping this section. If The Democracy should hump itself, and Puck him out of the inarslmlship saddle. £ . KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort, and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The ninny, who live bet ter tlam others and enjoy life more, will less exjx'ii'litiirc, by more prompth adapting the world’s Is-st products a the needs of physical taring, will attest the value to health of the pure liiguid laxative principles embraced in tlx remedy, Syrup of Kips. Its excellence is duo to ils presentin'- til the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial pro|s-rtles id a |s-rfect lav alive; effectually clenusioc lie' sy.-tem dispelling colds, It. adacln • and levi • anil perioaiienlly curing i• - It has given satisfaction to mini ■ met with tlie approval of the niroi- profession, bcciiu-e it acts , n t)> - ' neys, Liver and How- I* »vi'! • ' c mng them and it i- j •!;■ e .. every object,i.oi-d'.! u: ,-! . Syrup " ’ l' : .: ■ - '• Dress Goods. This department is a Store of itself. The tables are loaded, the counters are crowded and the Everything in the Dry Goods homo comfortable, cozy and neat. line to make Table Li lieu*. shelves are strutted with these lovely Dress ball- Napkins and Towels; almost a wilderness of Lace ries, from the soft subdued spring shades of Tans Curtains, the lowest price ever known. ChineU and Grays clear through the popular line of holm’s Curtains for windows, halls and doorways; Wii- to the Knyul Heliotrope; the stock bristles with dow Shades and Window l’oles, vast variety; ulcu tu r--> i b> t.'u. indy, - !,'■■ uekagi-, id:-.! ud Iccil.g we .crept any ni. beauty and sparkles with splendor. Oceans of Notions. This department embraces a thousand articles. (iloves of the best make aud liuttons to match the 1 riil., I he latest novelties in Dr*ss Trim mings, Laces, Veilings, lloisery, Ilunderehiefs, Ribbons, Etc. Matting, Carpets, Hugs, Etc. Will show the big gest stock and the lowest prices of Fancy Matting 1 ever in tlie city. like U various Ladito i Our Shoe stock makes a etistunifr fevl was in a big shoe store. Aims Shoes of shapes of heels and toes, and warranted. Shoes of all shapes and widths. Big variety In dies ((xfnrd Ties. Childrens Shoes, all color*, with and without heels. Tenuis Shoes and Slip- ! I"' 1 '*- The Dahloucga, Nugget places in iioiniuation for governor, Hon. J. W. Robertson, of I lahsrsluim county, one of the sterling demo crats of Xoith-*ast Georgia, than whom there is no one who would make a better and abler gover nor. Some people would deny rose its thorns even. Citizen Ellington's alleged “conservatism” ought not to tie. . v permitted to deceive anybody . j 1hl .' " " " f "';'" ki "d -» THE MILLENNIUM PICTURED. A fascinating picture of tin possibilities of future develop ment oh the earth is jiortravrd in “ The Story of the Millennium,” which is nud* a special feature of the June number of iikst’n Famji.v M ui.wisk. He is the rankest sort of Third parly Jingo, and hie cll'orts to rehabilitate the alliance is simply the scheme of a Third party emis sary.—Ishniaclile. Citizen Thomas Watson eon- a demand tiiat Professor What-1 tinues to expose his sore places,. , , , , , t| l( J ln - epochs are included, and tlie j lends enchantnieu.t' io the view. the earth in the | century, when j eoinmiinieat ion has been establish ed, and I lie “dream of the ages” Mias become a vivid and nagnili- | cent reality. Novel views con cerning the progressive evolution I of mankind during the interven- Young Harris N*tes. A decided change in the weath er, from pleasant to unpleasant, will retard the growth of vi'geta-j t ion. Pres. Spence and wifej were in Atlanta this week on bus iness for the school. Miss Ida Ash and Mr. J. G, Logan will render a vocal duet commencement-which will he a treat to all of their auditors. Tin song is entitled “Joy will re-j turn." It was written and set to! music hy Uev. J. X. Snow. Commencement begins Friday night May 2(1 'ii.t, with an en tertainment hy the primary do- partiiient. I lie Senior l lass faced the ca mera last Saturday fora few short moments. By I lie way, W. A. B. Pierce is doing some excellent photographic work. The last we heard of the Demo- mumps at this place they wore Il do-' going south. Rev. J. N. Snow preached at Iliawasseo last Suudav. llis wife CloU^ii^ cruel Stairs It looks as if we were going into the Hat and Clothing business exclusively. Cpon Tenterii!" thi* department you see stacks of Hats and pyramids of (lathing. This stock we are proud of. more r*- peeia"v because we buy I hits and Clothing direct from the factories, thereby saving the middl.- inan s profits, enabling id to give to our customers Itetter goods for less mom-v thtiu anv iiou-* i* vk* cilv. ’ Groceries. I he lovers of good Coffer, good Sugar, good Flour aid good everything in tk< grocery line should not fail to ,r. our big slock. In fact the whole stock, from aud flotl) cellar to garret, was bought as low as rash would (ilJO. 1». ESTIJS. beginning to *nd. bu\ it. and nowhere are better goods or lower prices to he had. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS^ the SHERIFF SALES FOR JUNE. CKOIUilA, Will I'K rot M V. w ten thousandth interplanetary I accompanied him on his cireul. Despite thefacl that the valleys are clothed in verdure and pres ent a pleasing picture to the trav ellers eye, yet the Pimmits of the mountains look rather bald, which reminds us ‘'■That distance ley's report of north-east Georgia be published with tlie other re ports of the geological survey. If Professor W hat ley's'report is “silly ’, and full of erroneous in formation, as is claimed by some, il would only ulleet upon him, ns a geologist, and certainly can not add to the damage already done hy the hasty, and reckless in public and to howl. In Lazarus aud Jeremiah nets ho is a mights man indeed.—Islmiae- life. Editorial Chaff. Polities are almost a forgotten 'j theme in these busy days of plant ing, hoeing, weeding, setting and utterances of Dr. Spencer. 1T<>-1 other dut ies incident to farmers feasor Whatley's anxiety for hit report to he published, is sutHeient evidence that it is worthy, publication ; for lie certainly is | ol -decisive not such a fool as to chop oil' his own head, hy the publication of a work I hut would stand to all time as evidence against him, in hi* chosen profession. The ; let ion taken hy Governor Northen, in referring the matter tu the new geologist, lias done nothing to strengthen his popu larity in thi- section, where he life. The sound of the axe echoes through the woodland, and the °L long drawn nasal “gee up here,” ■ "haw Buck," breaks ■ the monotony of tin' woodpecker lapping the dead tree, and the plaintive cooing of the mood- dove*. The iiiiiii between I lit plowlmudlcs and at the wooden end of the hoe, toils with brown ed hands ami grimed face, happy and cxpactaul. He has found j out sonic things, and is better for the lesson, though bitterly le,•un- lias shown such utter disregard of jed. The promises held out to him narrative is related m an easy ; conversational manner, t he events [being supposed to transpire through the publication of the proceedings of the Optimists’ ('lull, an institution established for the purpose of foretelling the future of the world. The story is illustrated bv Beard, and is from the pen of Arthur Field. This is (lie first attempt at any thing like a complete pictorial representation of the future ap pearance of I he earth *nd its in habitants. INoocFs Cures Mi*, mid Mr*. Hale fr^n May«- villr, are \ tailing llufirSlaughters who are uttondMNk^Htaitfil here. JT I LI. be w»M <hi tin* fii-*t Tues day i*i June 1 S;»H between the lawful hours of nulc be- fori* tho court Iioiim* door in (Mrs Hand in said «• unty for rash, tlie full. projH’ity to-wit: Parts of lots of luixl Nos 2t) and HO in ! Hnl district. Hit id count and bcine 70 acres nmre or less hounded as follows: : lh*frinnili|f on a Spanish oal; on the line nf lot No. 211 Hinth-cast ,if the hom e on i the top of the rid*:**, thence due north across the branch to a Span sh nak on top of the ritlp* a sir tigrht line with these 'Spanish oaks to the original corner thence west with the original line t«> the h'P ot the leading ridjfe running from I'. M. Horton’s ohl place, homestead, M the _ ♦ op ot the Hickory nut inountuiii thence down the ridge until it ronton to a pine | rnroiit»r thence a straight line to the be ginning eurticr. Said lands l.eing the home place of defendant .1. IJ. A. West-, moi'eland anil now in his possession and j well improved. Maid lands levied on l»y ' virtue ot a ti fa issued from the Superior court of said county in favor of John Sil- • vey and Co., against the said J. (^. A. Westmoreland as the property of the de fendant. | Also ut the same time and place, part of lot of hind No 38 in the 2nd district 1 said county and being about live acres ’ more or less, and know n as the (’. M. MeAfcc place and where he resided July t» 1 ss*» aud now in the possession of Vick Aerey with dwellings amt E. B. CRAVEN. (U30I«GI> CLEVKLANO, Dealer in Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc., Etc, I upi'ly everything pertaining ty . 'ii'wing machine lu-cdlcs for r:inl>*l not UigMiln, chill or" , i- to sfwing machiur* a* a all machine*. Bc»l of .il, war •olor. A Uaelfiiiients for all Machine*. G.suiu* OT \U. KIMS AND makes; halt* and lulling lea titer and rawLid* SIIL'TTLKS and UO>tIUN for all iBackiue*. ALL KINDS OF IiKl’AlUING DONt AT SHOUTEST Swtk*. 1 at* al-o ageut for the Lxr.Uior (ia» burner, and Ik* k^t Swlf-pronounciug, l’arailvl Family BibU, ia Ik* world. mt huilding Mr. Halo will retui'^t home, while 1 Kno-'c am! ■ W1 ' 11 “" ,l 1,11 ""' l ' Mih. Hale will ntW till mcucciiicnt, ft? From whiit we j?iim hear original productioirt^wit! hr J. D. COOLEY the [ ex- ..... The prom im the wishes of the people, ill every- f olI ,. 0| . i; v , thing connected with the slate eological bureau. A Curiosity. A\ o have in our otliee a great curiosity in the form of a bird, with two distinct heads. It has two necks, four eyes, and ala- two hills, (We have just found out they are not due hills.) The bird does not sing, for the simple ii's ago, he finds, has not retarded the growth of the tares, amongst the grain: and the futile efforts of irrespon sible leaders to hoist themselves into high places by the vole ofj the farmer, has only made a laughing stock of him. Beatei, at even turn, thwarted in every effort, the farmer is. yet the hap piest, most contented and inde pendent of any class. Having reason that il is dcad;'hut we learned one valuable lesson, he is i imagine it was the gayest songs- now trying - to make up the time ter of the forest during ils life- anil money spent on worthlessas- timv, trilling willi one throat aud sociatious, and he whistles nier- whistling symphonies wiih the other. It must have been a great success as a singer of duets, and during il* infamy, must have been the source of no little won der to its fond parents, who, rily, spits on hands and walks proudly over his well tilled field, a compa-t'or, indeed. Its an income tax we favor, for at the present rate we figure it out iv- TW slunle f~ At'tter 0< Augusta, Ky. More Than Pleased With Hood’e Sarsaparilla—For Tet ter and Blood Impurities Stronger and Hotter in Every !r*y. " I have been more than ploascil with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I lave suller« d ay 1th tetter brook* Inir out on my f:u'o and nil ov t'r my body all my life. 1 never could find anything to do it good until 1 be;;an to t Xo Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I have now used about oi^ht bottles, and Oh, It has > much good tiiat l havo the utmost kO? Bald .s()ln(• Saca- parllla when they had supplied a worm by inverse ratio, that we will for one mouth, beheld another, f .Itlilnltnml rtcoumioiul it loevi ryoue. BesMet r'a-c. lug lay l-luuil. it has wado mo «o much t and t'Cttcr 1 do not fuel llko tho l.uuo at uU." Asm.: Aun; a, Augusta, Ky. eivt' yearly for our share in liuugrv, and gaping widely ti* the i heautifv iug the earth with our Hood's Pllla a •( uasil; . yet J.rouirtly aud eOlch-aUy, ou the liver usd boweK ISc. I other closed on the juicymorsel, pres eptionally good thl^yuar Judge t'. J. Welflwrn was seen cireumamhulatiug t$S'ough the burgh last week. W It is rumored that. ,J!ev. J. B. Robins of Atlanta will delivei the literary address.Btft The music dep.utifiev.t niidev Miss New tie Ingram’s excellent iiiiinagfnieiit, has transcended all previous efforts, andHier pupils have made marveloffi progress, Friday night seveiltl4*mng men, ahuut twenty five, visited knob. The hoys. lij|)L*’d what jaded on their voturn. Ml’. Holden of Kahjiyu, came af ter his son \V, IF, last ff«ek. An efl'ort will he umde 1 .to give the readers of the Biaiwl^s some idea of tint programme' net ween now and cnnimcnccuiftit. • ’OrifcS^» MAIL w n il tiU" 3A\ FNWOiMII usiDfigs TO ADVFUTlsL i OUR COLLEGE. We will give ti thoroughji-durse of instruction in double a ml* sin gle entry Book-keeping andt’om- mvn ial Arithmetic hyUiaih l liar, or cm u;ok to a limited luimher of persons. This course yRII he completed in forty lessom* No charge for Diplomas., Address: I'cor. F. J. V YXDKitliKuos T*iik:s., 302, 304 aud 306 Delewar^St., Leavenworth, tan. - LjOOD'S AND QllLY ■* Hood’s Sarsaparilla is ‘.lliR *sdi- ctne tor you. Because it is the best blood purifier. HOOD SCUJjES bouiuIt’ll by W. .L i'uyiifH land OIU- on till* mutli-ruMt Mih. M. K.* I'uIuhm-m aud heirs luuil «»n tin* miutli, and tin* (’li , Vflaiitl and N.»<:»»«^1h?i* public rouil on tin* west to|fctln*i* with u little road ruu- ninjr from said public *-o;id throug-h by tin* IHu-liam t»l«l place to the (’hii kcsviHe public l’ttud. Said hind levied on and to sold as the property «»f Frank M Hell, by virtue of a h fa issinsl from the Superior court of said comity, on a judgement in attachim*nt in favor of James (ilen against Frank M. Hell. Also at the same time and place, "all the types, presses, stands, cuH f *s, chases and all other matenal used lbr priutiu^r *l'urp-i*»* s, wiiieh were on *J."» Nov., ls.M in the olllce • i die Nii^iret, a newspaper publislt. d it. Iiatd-mt n;i. l»a., and which ure :i 1 litis ilutc til tlie olticc <>f ihe ('luvc- lutid Progress in the town of (’leveland in said county, in possession of John li. tHen. Saitl pron.-rty levied on as tin* property of the defendant by virtue of a iuort£U£e ti fa issued from tin* Superior court of said county in favor of NY <i. McNcllty for himself aud for use of N, II. liinni, against Mattie J Woodward. May 10, I8U3. b. IJRONVN. Sheriff. LEO. WHITE COUNTY, GEORGIA- Country I nyant it ii -(-DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE.-!- rcdu<:-: of everi davrpuon i ;>ghi. Highest prices paid. Iiti-I-Htmil tluil I niu *t!U M-llins; Ki»ain nt the Mini* I>l,l Maml, l>»l *■. not drumming’ up any timv trade. If ycu ttve lie CASH, ycu need not pass flly place to bay CHEAPER, lx t'uxsKi iiox IVn, Mv s-nutr. 1 llvvi: Hnui. FRANK TATE A Fiiisr ( i.A.-U BI.At KSMIUi, YYTiw Wn.i. F.xk i tk R’ki aiu Ax* WACiOXIWOItK AT LOWEST PRICES. I am not closing out to make room. I have plenty *>f 111*11. CALL AND SFF MF. W' UKORGlA, WIIitk roi ntv. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June isn’t, before tin* court house d»*or in Oovpland, in said nuin’v 1 betwivn the lawful hours of sal**, for casit pursuant to nn order of the court of Or- i dinary granted at the May term 1SH3 tin* ; following property tow it . Parts of lots of land Nos. 101 and 1 Hi j in tne 2nd district said conuty and about * 00 acres more or less and known as a | part of the Andrew Dorsey old home I place and including the dwellings and out buildings, sown* a or 0 acres of yeud j bottom laud on it. with pmd timber on a i larp* part of it and the laud generally ; well inipi'BV»d and now in jvnsaession of \V. J. l>wrs«*\ or tenant. Said luml is i homnbsl us follows commencing’ at the : north-we»t couditioiial corner between McKinney's and the Andrew Doi*sey place on *h>t 101 on the ori^niiial east aud ; west lint* of said lot, thence east alou^ on said original line t«» tin* north-east cor- ! ner, of lot No. 101, thence still on the Original line enst between the next lots be up the north line of No. 11# to.or no; r by the forks of the ro. d near J. M. ik»r- sry’s ohl place, theme tin* road tc the [line of J. D. (Nmley mill tract, thence ; west along- siiid line to H NY. McKinm y ! line, tlienee the said McKinney line to a walnut Ir *e ami ulonjr up the cre»*k j to the public road to tie* ls*j:inuin^ j i)’itroui/.e us ; |mint. Mold as the pn»perty of John M. j lV»isey deceased to pay tlehts. burial lenses ami costs of administnitiou A Mav 1 IS‘J3. ! * P. S. Dorsey Kx*r. of John M. IWsay, decea>e«l. W. L. Marion Earle. Marler & Earle, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GAINESVILLE. GEORGIA. Hronipt attention jjiven t*» all busin« .-s. I’lease ltemeniher that cash must accompany subscriptions for the Progress and I Ionic and Farm taken together. Only *1 for both. THE DEMON Ol' DESIUIK Insomnia, and its twin hrothe.i Dyspepsia, are the offspring of a disordered stomach. A positive cure is found in Boggs' Dandelion Bitters. Sold by all Druggists. We are here, and want to sta y H. H. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAV. Gainesville Georgia. W. S. HUFF, ATTORN KY AT LAW. iHihloiej’fc, Oa. Bonds f>r Public and Corpora* tions made. Real l*#stat»*. ('*wr***p®u — dcuCA* solicited. (Apr. 1 j, ’‘22. 1 j.) JULIUS L. DEYTON. AT TOTAL A /f r . FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indlfrcutton, and Stomach dtaorden, take BUOWX’S IRON HITTERS. All dealer** keep it. $1 i*er bottle. Genuine hoc trade mark aud crowed red lines ou wrapper. CLEVELAND GEORGIA. W ILL attend \»n»mj»tly t# all Lusiuens .•ntrustde. t*> his care. C«lit.*<*tionH a siHfialty. 12 HL