The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, May 26, 1893, Image 1

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THE CLEVEI By J Oil Kit. OUCH. PROGRESS. DEVOTED TO TUB MIKING, AGRICULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS OP CLEVELAND, WHITE COUNTY AND NORTHEAST GEORGIA. TERMS:— One DtTlar Per Tear. VOL. II. CLEVELAND, WHITE COUNTY, GA„ FRIDAY, MAY 20; 1893. NO. 21. A. H. HENDEBSON, Manager. J. W. n. UNDERWOOD, Attorney nnil Abstractor. & Real Estate Agents, CLEVELAND, CA. Will Huy and Sell Mineral, Timber and Agricultural lands in White and adjoin ing counties, guaranteeing the title to all properties sold. Will negotiate sales for reasonable commission. All properties entrusted to to us for sale will receive a liberal ad vertisement. Parties having Real Estate for sale will do well to to call on or write us, LOGAN & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF Buggies and Wagons, CLEVELAND, GEORGIA. Horseshoeing and Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Executed, THE PEERLESS EXTENSION TABLE. A BOX OF TABLE LEAVES 18 NOT AN ORNAMENTAL PIECE OF ** FURNITURE FOR ANY DININO-ROOMi AND IF PLACED IN SOME CLOSET, THERE IS ALWAY8 MORE OR LESS TROUBLE IN OETTINQ AT IT. AVOID ALL BOTHER BY CETTING A “ PEERLESS” TABLE IN WHICH THE LEAVES ARE CRATED. Nothing to Wear Out or get Out of Order. The oftener uaed the easier it works. Ask your dealer for It We can suit your pocket-book. THE HILLSDALE MFQ. CO., HILLSDALE, MICH. Are you interested in Harness? We claim to make the Best Harness for the least money. We only re- quest a sample > order. You will come again * SEND FOR PRICES. 0 • All our Harness Is Hand -made and Hand-sewed. Only the best Oak Leather used. Buy direct from the manufacturers and save two profits. Let us know what you want, we will make you a special price, goods can bo returned if not satisfactory. Sash, Doors and Blinds! CLARK, BELL & CO., -Manufacturers and Dealers in- Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets. SHIATCHjEJS and LUMBER. Also FEWER and DRAIN PIPE. Prices as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed. CLARK, BELL & CO., Gainesville, Gft. 'YOULL APPRECIATE STEARNS SO EASY TO RUN. Almost runs its self. .NONE. OF THAT TERRIBLE \RATTLNG NOISE SO COMMONT ,Ato LAWN MOWERS, 3 And it cuts closely in HIGH. TOUGH GAASSl TELEGRAPHIC GLEANINGS. Pithy and Pointed Paragraphs. Interesting and Instructive to Clnssea of Renders. All The Norwegian building at tho World’s fair wn« iledicnted Wednes day, aud at least 10,000 citizens of that nationality attended. Advices of Wednesday from Aus tralia show that the tlnnnoial erisis is still acute. A dispatch was received unnoiineiug thut the Royal \>nuk of Queensland, limited 1ms suspended. At New York, Tuesday, Erast,us Wimnn mad,' a general assignment to Lawyer David Bennett King. Mr. Wi- man would not make any formal state ment. He merely said that the assign ment was without preference. Tho general synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church in America, now in session in New York city, has sent telegrams to President Cleveland aud President Palmer, of tho world’s fair commission, requesting that they de fend the Sabbath law. Frank Almy was lmnged in jail at Concord, N. H., Tuesday morning, for the brutal murder of Christie War den, July 17, 1801. The execution wan a bungling job. Alloy’s feet touched the Moor when he went through the drop and he was strangled to death. The biennial session of the Order of Railway Conductor snt Toledo O.,closed Wednesday evening. A large number of amendments to the bylaws wero adopt ed, but none of general interest. Reso lutions in regard to Sunday observ ance, were adopted. The convention adjourned to meet at. Atlanta, Ga., in May, 1895. The First National bank of Cedar Falls, Iowa, suspended at cIoho of business Tuesday, being involved by the assignment of William M. Fields .V Brother, importers of horses. Tho liabilities are estimated at from $1(10,- 000 to $150,000, while the personal liabilities of Fields will bo nearly as much more. A Toronto special of Friday says: Tho old custom of ringing the curfew in Hie evening lias been revived in all the villages and towns throughout Canada. An act passed at the last session of tho dominion parliament provides that at 9 o’clock the curfew shall He rung, aud if any persons un der seventeen years of ago are found on tho streets they shall be locked up. Mr. James E. Murdock, the well- known tragedian and teacher of elocu tion, died in Cincinnati Friday: Ho was eighty-three years of age. During the Into war he visited the army and gave readings to tho soldiers in camp hospitals. He was one of the few members of the Ohio commandcry of the military ordor of tho Loyal Legion, chosen from civilians, who rendered rviocs to tho government during tho war. A Chicago dispatch of Thursday r.ayH: John I). Rockefeller has given $150,(100 to the University of Chicago in order that Martin Ityerson’s gift of $100,000, conditioned on the raising f $100,000 more, might become avail able. About $100,000 has boon raised already, so Unit there now remains but $150,000 to complete the half million lollurH needed as an equipment fund. The money must bo secured by July 1st, or tho Ryersou and Rockefeller gifts will be loHt to the university. Advices from London are to the of- feet that the second clause of tho home rule bill, conferring authority on the Trisli legislature to eunet laws, passed Wednesday in committee in the house of commons, as amended by the adoption of Sir Henry James’s amendment to the fact that tho su preme power of tho imperial parlia ment should remain undiminished by any proviso of the homo rule bill. The clause as amended was adopted by a vote of 287 to 255. The debate Bre eding the division wns both testy and bitter. The firm of N. H. Warren k Co., at Chicago, closed all its deals on tho board of trade Thursday. It is esti mated that 000,000 bushels of corn wero sold on the firm’s account. Nath an Warren attributes tho suspension to the tying up of his money in tho do- fnnct Columbia bank. The suspension was precipitated by a bondsman for Warren A- Co., with tho Columbia Na tional, notifying tho board of trade that lie would no longer agree to ideininify traders against louses on margins occassions by the fluctuations in the market. Secretary Hester’H weekly New Or leans Cotton Exchange report, issued before the close of business Friday, shows that the amount brought into sight for the week is 21 per cent over the seven days ending May 19th, last year, and over 18 per cent under tho same time year before last. Tho total for the week is 9,303 bales less than the movement from May 18th to 19th, inclusive, last year, and 7,907 less than during the same date year before last, and the deficit in amount brought into sight for the first 19 days of May iH 33,050 compared with tho same time lust year, and 44,910 compared with the year before. Alabama Lumber Men Meet. The Alabama Lumber Manufactu rer’s Association met at Montgomery Friday. Thirteen mills were present and nine were represented by proxy. They adopted the strip count absolute ly, also revised a system of grading lumber and agreed to engage an offi cial association inspector. ’The asso ciation meetings were arranged sixty days apart at Montgomery for the bi auee of the year. The officers elec’’ were W. W. Smith, president; Ji 1 L. Kind. secretary. A committee WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Happenings from Day to Day in the Appointments In the Various Depart- nieiilN—-Ollier Notes of Interest. Tho president and Mrs. Cleveland have moved out to their country home fur the summer. A. .13, Buck, United States marshal for tho northern district of Georgia, on Wednesday sent his resignation to the president to take effect the 30th of June. Secretary Carlisle, on Tuesday, made tho following appointments in tho treasury department: Samuel Rhodes, Jr., of Marblehead, Mass,, chief of thoatationary division depart ment, vice A. L. Sturtevant, resigned by request. The president, Wednesday, made tho following appointments: Robert T. Hough, of Ohio, solicitor of inter nal revenue; William E. Audrey, North Carolina, unsay or and mol tor of tho assay ollloe of the United States at Charlotte, N. C. The president has decided to appoint Mr. Kerr Craig, of Salisbury, N. C., third assistant postmaster general. Mr. Craig is one of the strongest law yers in North Carolina. He once re ceived the nomination for congress, but declined it. Mr. Craig iH Senator Ransom’s personal friend. All the North Carolina delegation, however, endorsed and urged him upon the president. The president, on Friday, appoint ed Kerr Craige, of North Carolina, to be third assistant postmaster general, vice A. 0. Ha/.en, of PunnBylvania; John O. Rrownof Idaho to be registrar of the land offleo at Blackshot Idaho; George R. Young, of New Mexico, to be registrar of tlio land ollloe at Ros well, N. M. ; John W, Jones, of I daho, to lie receiver of public moneys at Rlaekfoet, Idaho; William H. Cros- well, of New Mexico, to be receiver of public moneys at Roswell, N. M. Assistant Hoerotary Curtis, of the treasury department, lias been called upon to decide whether a Chinese sa loon keeper is a laborer or merchant. A Chinamen engaged in ihe saloon business left New York for a visit to his home in China about mx months ago, and has now returned. Ho was refused -entrance, and the ease has been transferred to '"Washington for final decision. It may reach Attorney General Gluey before tho matter 1h finally disposed of. * A Washington special says: The rumors wbiclt have been in circula tion in the interior department dur ing the last several week, which bring in serious question the official integ rity of W. E. Silnondft, 'the late com missioner of patents, took a tangible form Wednesday by tho filing of for mal charges against Rimonds and Foster and Freeman, attorneys, in Washington for tho Dell Telephone Company, alleging inspection of tho secret files in the celebrated Draw- Imugh telephone eases aud tho unlaw ful taking of copies thereof, for tho private use of Himonds and of tile Hell Telephone Company. Tho president, Tuesday, made the following appointments: A. 0. Ra ker, of Arizona, to be chief justice of tho supremo court of tho territory of Arizona; Edward L. Hall, of Now Mexico, to he marshal of the United States for the territory of Now Mexico ; Benjamin F. Moore, of New York, to ho collector of customs for the district of Alaska, in the territory of Alaska, vice Edwin Tateli, removed ; William H. Pugh, of Ohio, to he commissioner of customs, vieo H. V. Holliday, of Pennsylvania, resigned; Robert M. Consul’, of Tennessee, to he deputy first auditor of tho treasury, vice Alex F. McMillan, district of Columbia, re signed. InvrHllK'itiiitf IIoriin IVmmIoii C'IiiIiiim. It is stated at the pension office that up to last Tuesday the pensieu exam iner now in Norfolk, Yu., investigating claims filed hy Pension Attorney Drewry, had completed fourteen eases, all of which had heon found to he ir regular or fraudulent. The pension office officials are searching the files fur claims filed by Drewry, which have been allowed, and so far 10(1 have been found and forwarded to tho ex aminer at Norfolk. No computation of the amounts paid on tlicHO claims lias been made, but us all of them were filed under the act of Juno 27, 1890, which allows $12 per month as the maximum rate, it is probable that tho average will fall below $200 each. Drewry is now serving a one year term in jail for fraudulent transactions in pension cases. A Man’s Weight After Dinner. Why does not n inns weigh a pound more immediately after eating a pound of food? A little reflection will readily explain this apparent mystery. During the process of mastication, deglutition, etc., certain muscles are brought into active play, and the exercise of any muscles necessitates a temporary wasto of its tissues, and a certain amount of carbon Is eliminated aud passed off duing the course of the moul. This loss, how ever, is trilling ns compared with that of respiration und perspiration, both of which are increased during the vurious operations of making n meal. The length of time one may tuko to consume sr pound of food makes but little (liffeiaiee to these losses, for if eaten leisurely therfrh but slight increase of respiration V'-fipritpiratlon, whereas if ikls jmme4l'j|w»eli both are nbnor- TcelerntcdJ'ftJfencc by tho time uni ts oaten the consumer lias HIGH ART CLOTHING! -FOR- Spring and Summer Wear, The people are with us llio minute wo put the prieo on our elegant lino of Now Htjlcs. Buyers Walto Up ! ’TIs tlie Spring of ’03 ! Tho opening Months of our Fir-t Season we shall make you all remember A8 A REVELATION IN FINE GOODS AND FAIR 1'R1CE8. Wo are going t> do business with you because we lmvo just exactly what you want, and our prices are amply iriesistihlc. Our Spring and Summer Attractions Will Cause a Turnout. Buch quantities of Now Stylus na wo show iu nil departments loavo nothing to be inked for. In quality and variety our Fresh New Lines urcstrictly lirst-claas in every detail. We have tlio dUpoiitlon, the ability and tho E'cgint G »ods to please every buyer who is seeking bargains in the line of WENS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS AND GENTS’ FINISHING GOODS. Our complete assortment insures perfect satisfaction in the selection of Goods to satisfy individual tastes. You will find our lari>o stock made up entirely of Goods that are trustworthy, serviceable and tho best of their class. EVERY THING GOES AT THE LOWE8T POSSIBLE PRICE. Come and see how FAIR wo treat you, how well wo will PI KAHEy< uand how much wo will SAVE f«»r you. LIPSTINE & HUMAN, Arlington lllock, Two Doors from PostolAco, GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES AND SHODDY CLOTHING. Bicycle /7-' ! '.ry and i All Kinds.Sizes. T&rr'/f and Prices of J01Li I WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? THE ORIGINAL HYGEIA BEST FITTING. BEST WEARING. MOST DURABLE AND A QUICK SELLER. Ageutfl wanted. Send for catalogue, terms, &c. WESTERN CORSET COMPANY, ST. LOUIS. M0. NORTH GEORGIA } AT DAHLONEQA. A branch of the State University Spring Term hey inn First Monday in Feb ruary. Fall Term begine Firtt Monday in September. Il, Ht school la tlio south, for sludonts with limited moons. Tho military traiuing 1, thorough, bolng under a U. ft. Army offleer, detailed by thotieoretary of War. Btuden’fl aro prepared and licensed to teaoh in tho public schools, by act of tho legislature. Lectures, on Agriculture aud tho Boioucos by distinguished educators and scholars. For health tho olimatc is nnsnrpassod. Altitude 22117 feet. Board $ 10 per month and upwards. Messing at lower rales. Each soaator and representative of the stats Is ontttlod and requested to appoint ono pupil from his distriot or county, without paying matriculation foe, during his term. Eor oatalog or Information, address Boer*- lary or Treasurer, Board of Trnatees. Kvlls of the Km nlyptns. The eucalyptus tree is the greatest ilo stroycr of a sewerage system known to the municipalities. The fibrous roots will penetrate the smallest possible open in'- at the pipe connections, and once in to the sower pipe will grow and expand until the sewer is entirely choked up, and in a number of cities it lias been found that the pipes have been broken. Tlio planting of trees of this variety should lie discouraged now that we aro about to have a sewerago system. In some cities ordinances have been passed compelling property-owners to cut down all trees of the gum variety for tho pro tection of tlio sanitary condition. It would ho well for our city fathers to look into tlie matter in this city and ascertain if tiny of the eucalyptus trees now in the city are near any of the streets or alleys tlirdngh which the sewers arc to be laid. — [Modesto iCal.j News. DAYS or IIKCKONINU. Wife—When we go anywhere now wo have to walk. Before marriago you always called a carriage. Husband That's why we have to walk now.--[New York Weekly. a food Cash Register. THE MERCANTILE, PRICE, $25.00. % Usoil and endorsed by nearly 10,000 progressive Merchants. It has tho latest improved combination lock. It Ih tho quickest register to operate. It records transactions in the order made. It records money paid out aud received on account. It shows who does tho work. It educates you in correct methodf). It prevents disputes in case of error. It will pay its cost every month iu Huviug of time and money. It. is practical, durable and rotiablo. Il is fully guaranteed for two years. WRITE TO THE MANUFACTURERS FOR FULL PARTICULARS. AMERICAN CASH REGISTER CO., 230 Clinton St., Chicago. CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, GEORGIA. Spring Term Begins January 2(1, 1893. Fall Term Begins July lOtli, 1893. Tuition in all Classes per Month, $1.00. In connection with the Spring and Fall terms, will be taught the terms of tho public schools. For further particulars call on or address ALBERT BELL, Principal, Or CHAS. W. MERRITT, Assistant. | THE CUSHMAN IRON CO. f$\ V v BLOOMINGTON, ILL. TUOD FENCES, -)i| Cemetery Window Guards, *—JAILS—* STRUCTURAL IRON.! ““iSf““m., Roanoke, Virginia, j Br o!n«e, Richmond, Virginia, * * * 1 he MlLfLKR Carriage and Harness Co. Our *5.75 Our $45.50 Harnoss. . Road Carriage. mq iH Aro now ready to supply the wants of tho con sumer with Carriages and Harness of every de scription, at prices that defy competition. tion and tho " Miller ” guarantee stands good all oVer the country. Finltth, \Vorkmanahlp % Strength and itertut»/ combine tho "Miller” work. Bond for our illustrated Catalogue and Price List giving you full particulars and ideas of our manufacture, to MILLER CARRIAGE AND HARNESS GO. St. Paul Building, 27 West 4th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Our No. 28 End Spring, with Drop-Axle both front and rear, is the best looking and most serviceable buggy made for the money. Ask your dealer to show the BLOOMINGTON MFG. CO.’S line of Buggies, Wagons and Carts, and buy no other. SSICNl l TOM CATA I-OOtTEl. P:XXZ2XXX’2 Z’XXZ XZ XX Z 2XZZZXJ NX / <<v A Powerful Disinfectant and deodoriz ing agent., the most valuable discovery known to medical science. It destroys any offensive odor completely in a few second?, r.:i well ns the causcofthc odoi thereby preventing and arresting the spreading of allYontngious disc a: Vouched for by the highest Sanitary Authorities. MANUFACTURED BY THE \ INDIANAPOLIS CHEMICAL CO.