The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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THE CLEVELAND PROGRESS. lit! JuUS U. OL HU. DKVOTF.l) TO riMUlXiyo, AGRICULTURAL AND HDUOA.TIONAL INTBSBSTB Of OLBVBLAND, WHITB OOUNTTAND NORTH-EAST BKOROIJ^ TERMS:— One Dollar Per Tear. voi,.ir. HOW ABOUT HARD TIMES? Are you a supporter of tho present finan cial system which congests the currency ot the country periodically «t the nionov centres end keeps the masses at tho mercy of classes do you fovor a broad and IdBERflb SYSTEM Which protects the debtor while it does jus tice to tho creditor? If you fcol this way, you should not be rights' 11 8rellt olwim P' un of the people's The Atlanta Weekly CONSTITUTION Published at Atlanta, Ga„ and having a circulation of More than 156,000 chiefly among the farmers of America, and going to inure homes than any wceklv news paper published on tho lace o’f tho earth. II Is ll|B Biggest anfl Best Weekly REV. DR. TA1MAGE CT.KVKLAm WHITE COPN'iy, QA„ .FRIDAY. Of "I'OBKU 20. | 8M . THE BROOKhVV OIVI\E’S SUN HAY SERMON. Subject: “Pompeii mill Its lessons 1700 years that city ot Pompeii lay burled Soom Vllll 'n Ul i. al J Vlllln “ r to slu ’ w 1,9 P'hOrt of (loiim p,,t utter 1700 years ot Qhlftoratlun a workmans spade, digging a Well, strikes noitiH Antiquities which lead to thtt exhUnm- Don of tho oltyv Now walk: With tu& hiMUrfn . some of the MfCeti And Inti) some ot tho | JmuSiS end nmld the ruins ot haslllcn and '> tempw and Amflhltlroatyo'. , I rom tho mrtmont ,lio guide mot us at tho |-tmo 56 entering Pompeii that day in No- rffy ! vomber, 18S9, until ho left us at tho gate or ■ our departure, the emotion I felt was hide- soribablo for elevation and solemnity tun and a wo. Como and f»0o tho petri NO. 42. tibwipaper published in America, covering tho nows of tho world, having correspondent? in every city in America and tho capitals of Europe, and reporting in full tho details oi the debates in Congress on all question* ol public interest. THE CONSTITUTION is among the few great nowspspors publish ing daily editions on the side of the peopl* a» against European Domination of our money system, and it heartily advocate*; 1st. The Free Coinage of Silver. Believing that the establishment of a single gold standard will wreck the pro*, penty of tho great masses of tho pcop’o. though it may profit tho tow who have already grown rich by federal protection and federal subsidy. Tariff Reform. Believing that»by throwing our ports open to markets of the world and levy, ing only onough import duties to pay tho actual expenses of the government, the people will bo better served than by making them pay double prices for protection's sake. 3d. An Income Tax. Believing thnt those who have much proporty should hear tho burdens ol government in tho same proportion to ♦Rose wbo^Hve little. ernni tnere is enougn or n in circulation u, do the ligitimate business ot the country. If you wish to help in shaping the lecisla tion of to these ends, GIVE THE CON ST IT U TION Y OU It A SS 1ST A N C E, i»ne it a helping hand in the tight, and romembei that by so doing you will help yourself, heir your neighbors, and help your country ! AS A NEWSPAPER: THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION has ne equal in America! Its news reports cover the world, and its correspondents and agents are to be found in almost overy bnliwick in tho Southern and Western States. AS A MAGAZINE: worse thinks thnt It may yot do. I would prossn't ol nu"ltaljh " V ““‘ l!08 " t “* bn90 Oil a day In fineamlinh 109), it throw im .. rns nw, floated away hundred and hirn- nro'nni'i;!nii.^I dVoppml in Constantino- V ft * ftn . 1 * tho Adriatic sea, and m 10 Apennines, as Well ns tramnl&tf out at its r, W ?. f0 i Gt th ®. ,tv «* ° r IS,000 people. Goo- Inglsts have tried to fathom Its im-storlcs hut tho host consumed tho Iron Instruments and rtrovo bank tiro scorched and hi™“rod plorcrs from the olndnry and .•rumbling element ” “ 0eIU8 Uku tho asylum of maniac At one lino far hack its top had boon a fortress , whero Hpnrtaens fought and was surrouudod an 1 would have boon destroyed had It not been (or tho grapevines which olothod tho mountninsido from top to base, and laying hold of thorn lro Climbed h-uni U! 1', J° ll ' rt va| l«y. hut for niuries It has kepi us furnae i burning as ber “ t8ht °“ our arrival In Novcm- Of aourso Ihe next day wo started to suo somo of tho work wrought by that freurind mountain. “All out for I'ompeii t’> was the cry Ol tiro rondiictor. And now wo staml by he corpse of that dead city. Vs wo out,-red tin-gate and passed between the walls I took °IT my hat, as one naturally does in thonns- onoo of somo Imposing obsequies. That city had heon at one time a capital of beauty and pomp, dim home bf grand nroliiteclui-e, ex quisite pamllng, enolmutiagsculpture, unre strained carousal and rapt nssoniblugc. A > b f W.!r U,y f, '" t threo-loiirths bf well, visible, eunrdod tho city- Of those walls, at a distance of only 100 yards from each Other, lowers rosa for armed men who watched tho city. Tho strops ran ul right nn « !( '* nn<l f wm wall to wall, only one street exoeptod. In tho days of tho (ho hai thli impressed iipoii I ashes. Pass along, and hero we see tho deep ruts In tho basaltic paVil- mcnis worn (hero by the wheels bf tho charl- ots of tho first century- There, Over tho doorways and in the porticoes, are works of nrt Immortalizing tho debauchery of a city which, notwithstanding all Its splendors,was a vestibule of perdition. Those gutlors ran with tho Wood of the gladiators, who worn prim-lighters of those ancient times, and It was sword parrying sword, until, with one skilful nttd Slottt p.unge of the sharp edge, the mauled and gushed combatant reeled over dead, to he carried out Amid the huzzas ot enraptured spectators. We staid among those siiggestive s-enes after the hohr that visitors nru Usually allowed tliefe and staid until there was not a foot fall to he heard within all that city except our own. Pp Ibis silent street mid down that silent street wo wandered-. Intd that win - dowh-ss and roolli-sS homo Wo went and came out again onto the pavements that, now for saken, wore once thronged with life. And can it he that all up and down these solemn solitudes, hearts more than 18(10 years ago ached and rejoiced, and feet elmf- lled with the gait of old age or danced with childish glee, and overtasked workmen cur ried their burdens, and drunkards staggered'( I in that mosule door did glowing youth elasp hands In marriage vow, 'and cross that threshold did pallooarcra carry the beloved '■odd, mid gay groups once mount thdso now skeletons r.f staireaSes? While I walked and eomomplntod tho olty seemed suddenly to ho thronged with all the population that had over Inhabited It, and I heard Us laughter and groan and uuulean- nr-n and infernal lioast as It was on the 23d of August, 711. And Vesuvius, from the mild light with which it Hushed the sky that sum- . mer evening as I stoo I in disentombed Pom- ! pell, seemed suddenly again to hoavo and rn.l granite, and It m Tyre, Tho «ext so. puloher of a grelit capital (S covered with ndattttfsd uoinmnsjuid defaced sphinxes ami the sands of the (lwert, and it le Thebes, as I pass nil I tied IM resting place of Mycenft), deity flf wliion }fi|itter Saflg, hnd Cnrinth, whloh rejected Pidu aild depended Upon lief fortress: AorbeorlHInls: whloh how lies dls-" mdntlM ini Out lllff, ttitii t uul.n nri i,| this oemetery of oltiosAnd I flnd tho tombs oi Hardts and BrayMa and Persepolls an.l Memphis and lit»lhok ami Carthage, and here are the citiesht tho plain and Herou- Inuoum and 8tabi«hmd Pompeii, Some o( tho.n have mlghtymardophagus and hloro- glypnie entHWqtutf., but they are dead and buried never to idsp. lint tile comoterj ot dead cities Ib not vet tilled, end if tho wh-sent cities of tho world forgot God and with their Indecencies shock the heavens let thjlu know thnt tho God who cm tho 2-tth of Augpst 79, dropped on a city or Italy a suprrlncumbrnncc that staid thero seventeen i-ehturlffl- Is Mill nltvo and hntes aid iloW as tmioh it? He did then mid lias at lils rtoinntnhd all II10 armament of dcstruc. God with Whloh Ho whelmed their iniquitous predt'doJSofsi It was only a few summers ago that Brook lyn and Now York felt nu earthquake throb that sent the pooplo affrighted into the st rents arid t lint suggested tlnit tliol-e are forces nf nature flow sdpbressod or hold in check, which enslor than a child In a nursery knocks down n row of block houses could prostrate a olty orpugult a continent deeper than Pompeii was. »ugulfed. Our hope Is in tho moroy of the) Lord continued to our American cities. A It amazes me thnf tills city, which has tho quietest Sabbaths on the continent and tho best order and the Jilgliest tone ol morals of any city that I kfeow of, is now having brought into as near neighborhood as Coney IelitUd Ottfntvais of pugilism ns debasing as any of the gladiatorial interests bf 1’oinpeil, What a precious crow Glut Coney Island Ath letic Club ie, under whoso auspices these orgies are enacted I What a degradation to tho adJoc ! tlTb i ,‘ , nthlolic i ’' whloh ordinarily u DONT FOOLISH And sell these Nobby, Stylish, Elegant Suits at the same price other merchants sell the shoddy slop-shop stuff they are compelled to buy when they come East Late in the season,” a leading* Wholesale merchant said to 11s. Hercules and 11 nltara of marblo nmi 'l Tump10 of Mercury, with ; pnn found in the great nmguzino* than can bo gotten from ci thern. >1 tho country n the best ol AS AN EDUCATOR: It is a sohoolh-mso within itself, and • year's reading of T1IE CONSTITUTION u a liberal education to any one. AS A FRIEND AND COMPANION: It bring* cheer anil comfort to tho flresid* every week, is eagerly sought by tho children contain* valuable information b-r the mother and is an encyclopaedia of ins , uction foi every member of the household. ITS SPECIAL FEATURES are *uch as are not to bo found in any othei paper in America. THE FARM AND FARMERS’ DEPARTMENT, THE WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT, THE CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT, are all under ahlo direction and are specially attractive to those to whom these department, arc addressed. Its epecial contributors are writer* of fuel world-wide reputation as Mark Twain, Brel Harte. Frank R. Stockton, Joel Chandlc Harris, and hundreds of other*, while r otters weekly service from su h wriu-r ns Bill Arp, Sarge Plunkett, Wallace P Reed. Frank L. Stanton, and others, win give its literary features a peculiar Southern flavor that commends it to every lireBidi from Virginia to Texas, from Alissocaj to ClALirORNIA. fire You a Subscriber? If not, send on your name at once. 1 you wish A SAMPLE COPY Irrite for it and send the name* and addresao of SIX OF YOUR NEIGHBORS to whon you would like to have sample copies of lb* the paper sent free. It costs only ONE DOLLAR a year, an' agents are wanted in every locality. \Vrit« for agents’ terms. Addre» THE CQNSTITlFigfj, AtlMtl, 6t towers cliitr,rv,i“l„ 'I'lV. ' " ’ " PJ°fP er,, . v i,s ; fhime and ro -k with tiro lava mid darkness KiiG-sfnr inJress „ , \ ’’,5"‘fT'-'X I P' 1 ' 1 ^'solution and wUn with which more Nf'iushoro (fitii nr 5 "f tlw i Uinil eighteen centuries ngo it Bubmor«od Vesuvius beini? nerharl of I I omptHi, ns with tho liturgyof flronml storm Yonder stood^the^ftii Sr i” ■ t fif P i° r ! nntl , ! 1,10 mouninin proolairaeil nt tho burKl, "" r wt00,, the rc,m P l0 of •Kipitor, hoisted “Ashes to ashes, dust lo dust.” My friends, 1 cannot tell what practical suggestion comes to your mind from this walk through uncovered Fompeli, but the first thought that absorbs me 1b that, while nrt and culture are important, they cunnol tho morals or tho life ef a groat town. painting and sculpture of Pom* xquislte that, While somo is kept alls wm*re it was first poUoilod, toba admired by tboso who go there, whole wagon loads and whole rooms full <lf It have been transferred to the Museo Borbonieo at Na ples, to be admired by tho oonturles. Those Pompeiian artists mixed such dura bility of colors that, though their paintings were buried In ashes and seorlro for 1700 years, and since they were uncovered many of them have remained thero exposed to the rains and w«n.l8 an l winters nn l summers 130 years, the color 1b as Iresh. and vlvhl and true'as though yesterday it had passed from the easel. Which of our modern paintings could Btund all that? And yet many of tho spool mens of Pompeiian nrt show that tho city was sunk to such a depth of abomination that there was nothing deopor* Sculptured and petrified and embalmed abomination. Thero was a state of publlo morals worse than belongs to any city now standing Under the sum Yet how many think that all that is neces sary is to cultivate the mind and advance tho knowledge and improve the arts. Have you the Impression that eloquence will do tho elevating work? Why, Pompeii had Oiooro half of every year for its citizen. Have you the idea th it literature is all thnt is neces sary to keep a city right? Why, Sallust, with a pi*n that was the boust of Roman litora- turo, had a mansion in that doomed olty. Do yoit think that sculpture and art are quite mindent for tho production of good morals? Then correct your delusion by examining the statues in the Temple of Mercury at Pom peii, or the winged figures of its Parthenon, and tho colonnades and arches of tills house’ of Diomed. By all means have schools and Dusseldorf bat I and Dorn exhibitions and galleries where the genius of all the ceuturios can bank it self up in snowy sculpture, and all bric-a- brac, and all pure art, but nothing save the religion of Jesus Christ can make a olty v moral. In proportion as churchesundBl- •htnna with mo on its walls this evening of hies and Christian printing presses anil re- August 23, A. D. 71). Hee the throngs puss- vivals of religion abound Is a city purennd ing up and down in Tyrian purple and gir- clean. What has Buddhism or Confucianism of arabesque, and docks enchained with ol* Mohammedan is ri done In nli til?) Iiun- precious stoneM, proud official In imposing drods Of years of their progress for the ole- toga meeting the slave carrying traysa-elink ! vation of society? Absolutely nothing, with goblets and a-smoke with delicacies j Peking and Madras and Cairo are just from paddock and sea, and moralist musing | what they were ages ago, except as Chri.sti- over the degradation of the times passes tho unity has modified their condition. What is profligate doing his bent to make them worse, the dUTeroncn between our Brooklyn and Hark to tho clatter and rataplan of the hoofs their Pompeii? No difference, except that on the streets paved with blocks of basalt. 1 which Christianity has wrought. Favor all See the verdurod and flowered grounds slop- ' goo 1 art, but take best corn of your mnrh,0 , nnd bas-relief, wonderful Much ot ^ « 9toun(l «ll succeeding ages of art, pell was and the iemplo of ANculnpiuu, brilliant with on the w sculpture and gorgeous with painting Yonder are the theatres partly cut into surrounding hills, and glorified with pio* 111 red walls, nnd entered unde* atohes of im posing masonry, and with rooms, fur capti vated and npplaudafory audiences seated or standing in vast semi-clrcio. Yonder are the costly and immense public baths of the city, with more than tho modern Ingenuities ol Carlsbad. Notice the warmth of those an cient tcpidariurns, with hovering radiance of roof, and tho vapor of those caldariums. with decorated alcoves, ami the cold dash of their frigidariurns. with floors of mosaic and ceilings of all skiliuily Intermingled hues, and wallfUupholstered with uli the colors of the setting sun, and sofas on which to recline for slumber U/ter the p.ungo. Yonder are the barracks of the colobratod gladiators. Yonder is the summer home of Sallust, the Roman historian and Senator, tho architecture as tdnborato as bis charac ter was corrupt. Thero tho residence of the poet Pansa, with a compressed Louvre and Luxembourg within his Walls, There 1b tho hornoof LucretiUn, with Vases and antiqui ties enough to turn tho head nf a virtuoso Yonder neo tho Forum, at the highest place in the city, it is entered by two triumphal arches. It Is bounded on threo sides by •orbs columns. Yonder, in the suburbs of the city, If, tho home of Arrius Diomed, tho mayor of the suburbs, terraced residence of billionairo- dom, gardens, fountnlne I, statued, colon naded, the cellar of that villa filled with bot tles of rarest wine, a lew drops oi whloh Were found 1H00 yours afterward. Along tho I streets of the city are men or might and; women of beauty formed into bronzi many centuries had no power to bedim. Bat tle scenes on walls in colors which all time onnnot efface. Great olty of Pompeii I Ho Seneca and Tacitus an 1 Cicero pronounced ing Into the most beautiful buy of all the earth—the bay of Naples, Listen to the rumbling chariots, carrying convivial occupants to halls of mirth and masquerade and carousal. Hear the loud dash of fountains amid the sculptured water nympliB. Notice the weird, solemn farreach- ing hum and din and tour of a city at tho close of a summer day. Lot Pompeii sleep well to-night, for it is the last night of peace ful slumber before she fulls into the deep slumber of many long centuries. Tho morn- | it or ing of the 24th of August, A. D. 73, lias ar rived, and the days roll on, and it is 1 o’clock in the afternoon. “Look!” I say to you, standing on this wall, as the sister of Pliny said to him, the Roman essayist and naval commander, on the day of which I speak, as she pointed him in the direction in which I point you. There is a peculiar elou l on tho sky; a spotted cloud, now white, now black. It is Vesuvius in awful and unparalleled eruption. Now the smoke an l fire and steam of that black monster throat rise and spread, as, by my gesture, I now describe it. it r - s, a great column of fiery, darkness, higher and higher, and then .spreads out like the branches of a true, with midnights enter- wrapped in its foliage, wider an l wider. Now the sun go-s out, and sh pumice stone mi l than seven tim and your Habbath schools, and your Bibles, and your family altars. Yea, sec in our walk through uncovered Pornpeii what sin will do for a city. We ought to be slow to assign the judgment of (rod. Cities are sometimes afflicted just as go 3d people are afflicted, and tho earthquake, and tho cyclone, and the epidemic are no sign in many cases that God is angry with a city, but the distress is sent for some good and kin 1 purpose, whether we understand The iaw that applies to individ uals may apply to Christian cities as well, “All things work together for good to those that love Co l.*’ But th i greatest calamity of history came upon Po rspoll not to improve its future con dition, (or it was completely obliterated and will never bo rebuilt. It was so bad that it neededto be burled 1700 yours before even its ru ns were fit to be uncovered. Ho Hodorn m l Gomorrah were filled with such turpi tude that they were not only turned under, but have for thousands of years been kept under. The t wo greatest cemeteries are the cemetery in which the sunken ships are bur ied all the way between Fire Island and Fast net Lighthouse, an 1 the other cemetery is the uemetnry of dead cities. I get down on my knees and read tho epitapheology of a long line of them. Here furnaces more I lies Babylon, once called “the hammer of heated, an l ashes in aval- I the whole earth.” Dead and buried under IMIJUUUTO numiucj »» lilt'll oruini suggests health atid ttuisold deVoldphd useful purpose? Instead of calling it an a thletlc club they might hotter style It “Tho Ruffian Club For Hmashlng tho Human Visage.” Vile men are turning that Coney Island, which Is one of tho f I neat watering places on all tho Atlantic co^st, into a place for tho offsoouriug of the »arth to congregate, tho low horse jockeys and gamblers, and tho pugilists and the pickpockets, and tho blonts regurgitated ffomflid . depths of tho Worst Wards bf these cith*. They invite delegates from universal loaferdotn to come to their carnival of knuokU*. But I do not believe that the pugilism dbntraotod for and adver tised for next Docflsmbor will take place in our neighborhood, j Evil sometimes defeats itself bv going one step too far. You may drive the ‘ hoop ot a barrel down ao hard,that it breaks. I will not believe that th#international prize fight will take place on Htuig Island or in tho State of NoW York Uhtilfl secJ the rowdy rabble rolling drunk offtljl cars nt ^intbush avenue and with faces banged and cut and blooding from tho imbruttngEsoene. Against this In fraction of tho lawnPuf the State ot New York I lift solemn protest The curse of Almighty God will rest uponteny community that con sents to such an tout rage. Does any one thick it cannot bo (topped, and thnt the con stabulary would l|e overborno? Then let Governor Flower amid down there a regiment of State militia, and they will dean out tiio nuisance In one hour. Warned by the fom of other cities that have perished for taoif ruflUniam, or their cruelty, or their, M&itry, or their dissolute* ness* lot (ill our r^uioau cities lead tho right way. Our only U«ijf*ndenco is on God and Chrlstrlan influent Politics will do noth ing but make thinra worse. Send politics to moralize and aaVtSfi' a city, nnd you send smallpox to heal liarpay or a carcass to re lievo the air of mawdor. ’ For what politics will do I rofor Cflrto tho eight weeks of stultification enauwl at Washington by our American senate, L American poHti<w$WU become a reforma tory power on thtf wmo day that pandemoni um boeomes a clwj^h, But there are, I am glad to say, benigjt and Salutary and gra- clous influencesor»noised In-all our cities which will yet take them for God and right eousness, Lot us jiy the gospel machinery to its Utmost flpee&nttd power. City evan gelization is the jraougfit, Accustomed as are religious peyaltjpdple tb dwell upon statis tics of evil and dolbrouH facts, wo want somo one with sanctified heart and good digestion to pUt ill Jong Uuedjtne statistics of natures transformed, undxprolllgacics balked, and souls ransprned, atU cities redeemed. Give us picture* of churches, of schools, of reformatory afikooiationa, of asylums of mercy. Break in upon the “Misereres” of complaint and do»pondonoy with “To Bourns" and “Jab lates of moral nnd re ligious victory.” f4how that tho day is com ing when a great tidal Wave ot salvation will roll over all our cities. Show how Pornpeii buried will bobbin0 Pompeii resurrected. Demonstrate tho fact that there are millions of good men and women who will give themselves no rest day nor night until cities that are now of the type of the buried cities of Italy shall take type from the New Jerusalem corning down from God out of heaven. I hai tho advancing morn. I make the same proclamation to-day that Gideon made to tho shivering cowards of his army. “Whosoever is fearful and afraid, lot him return and depart early from Mount Gilead.” Close up the ranks. Lift the gos pel standard. Forward into this Armaged don that is now opening and let the word run all along the line • Brooklyn for God ! All our cities for God! America for God! The world for God ! The most of us here gathered, though born in the country, will die in town. Shall our last walk bo through streets whore sobriety and good order dominate, or grogshops stench the air? Hliall our last Nobby Suits, Stylish Fabrics, the pick anil choice of Thousands of Novelties such as late buyers and Job Lot Seekers can’t get are being sold at AUCTION ns yoir Trie. Try ns once LIPSTINE & WRECKERS OF HIGH PRICES A1 ARLINGTON BLOCK, PRICES l ONCE means ALWAYS! HUMAN, SHODDY CLOTHING. GAINESVILLE, CA. s— 1 HILL’S j^ty ftiiiUho merits __ Euuauaiuiuiauiisumiiuiuiti WE UUAICANTEE A CUKE mid Invito thu most uvtistifmtlon iis to our rosponsibU* E linrnm iia of our Tnbtuts. : from persons who have been cured by the use of Hill's Tablets. The Ohio Chemical Co.: Dear 8ir:—i liavo been using your I Double Chloride of Gold Tablets DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HAEIT Lut'Any^r^on^l'i 1 ,!^^' 1 ' tho patient, by the uso of our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURB TABLETS. During treatment patients arc allowed tho free uso of Liquor or Mor phine until Huch time 11s they shall voluntarily give them up. „Y«8f;tulp‘irUeu arsiind pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall ?. 0 « , , u Ai t .°I ,lnco fT P m tt «y ot tlieso habits in communica tion with persons wlio have been cured by tho use of our Tablets. , HILL'S TABLETS are for salo by all first-class druggists at $ | .OO per package. If your druggistdocfl not keep them, enclose us $ f OO and we will send you, by return mull, a nackago of our Tablets. Write your name oiul address plainly, and state whether Tablets are for Tobacco, Morphiuo or Liquor Habit. DO NOT BB DECEIVED into purchasing any of the various nostrums that are boh offered forsale. Ask lor IVA .13 Xj fears mid take uu other. S' euro for tobacco li obfl, n n d~ loti n d" it "would Manufactured only by do what you claim for It. I used ten cent/ raPwL worth of the strongest chewing tobacco ndny t "Tine—* Wk ^ S . and I rom one to live cigars; or l Mould smoko from ton to iorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed and smoked for twenty-five years, and two packages Of your Tablets cured mo so I have no cU-slt e for it. B. M. JAYLOUD, Leslie, Mich. m ^ „ Dobbs Fetirv, n. Y. The Ohio Chemical Co. (--Gentlemen.- Some time ago I sent .. *°f fl-00 worth of vour Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I recolvod thorn nil right and, although 1 was both a heavy smoker and chcwer. they did tho work in less than threo days. 1 am cured. Truly yours, MATHEW JOHNSON, P. O. Box45. r _ _ „ _ Pittsburgh, Pa. Th® Ohio OnHifiCAL Go.:—Gentlemen:—It gives me pleasure to sneak a word of praise for your Tablets. My sou was strongly addicted to the uso.if lquor,and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. IIo wubu heavy und lstant drinker, but ufter using your Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, and will not touch liquor of any kind. 1 have waited four month before writing you, in orucr to know the euro was pcruiaucut. Yours truly " MKJJ. HELEN MORRISON. The Ohio Ovibkioal Co {-Gentlemen :-Your Tablets have performed aminichfin n?ycaao. ! Lave used morphine, hypodermically, lor seven years, and have been cured by the use of two puckuges of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEUAY. Address all Orders to THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO., 61, 53 and 66 Opera Block. LIMA, OHIO. hi m hi | French Army Life. Under the French law every man, without exception, serves in the army look bo upon city halls whero justice reigns, i for at least one year. During that year or demagogues plot for the stufilng ol ballot ... boxes? Shall we sit for tho last time In some church where God is worshiped with tho outrito heart, or where cold formalism goes through unmeaning genuflexions? God savo the cities ! Righteousness is life ; Iniquity is death. Remember picturesque, terraced, templed, sculptured, boastful, God defying and entombed Pompeii! anoho after and suffocating, descend north, south and west, burying deeper and deep mammoth sepulcher, such ns never ' or since was opened, Stabi.e, H and Pompeii. Ashes nnkl« deep, chin deep, ashes overh« Out of the houses and temples and thea tres and into the streets and down to the beach flnd many of tho frantic, but otlr pil *s of bh'i n :n an l broken pottery and vitro fled brick And I hear a wolf howl and a reptile hiss a.' I arri reading this epitaph (l8ii:ih xiii, 21;, “The wild beast of tno lies ;rt sh ill be there, and their house shall loop, girdle j be full of doleful cieaturcs.” . I Tho next tomb 1 kooel before in this cem etery of cities is Nineveu Her winged lions ire down, an l the slabs of alabaster have rumbled, and the sculpture that ropresento i not suffocated of tho ashes, wore scaldeJ to I her battles is as completely scattered as the death by the heated deluge. And then heavier destruction in rocks after rocks, crushing in homes nnd temples and theatres. No wonder the sea receded from the beach as though in terror, until much of the shipping was wrecked, and no won ler that wiieu they lifted Pliny tho elder from the sailcloth on which he was resting, under the agitations of what he had scon, ho suddenly expired For three days the entombment proceeded. Then the clouds lifted, nnd tho cur si lust of the heroes who fought them. Per haps I put my knee into the dust of her 8ar- •lanapalus us J stoop to read her epitaph (Zephaniah ii., 14,) “Now is Nineveh desola tion and dry liaea wilderness, and flocks lie down in the mi 1st ot her ; all the beasts of the Nations, both the cormorant and tho bit tern, lodge in the upper lintels of it,” And While I read it 1 hoar an ovyl hoot and a hyena laugh. The next entombed city I pus has a rnonu- tfcfd ApoUyou qI mountains subsided* For J mem ol fifty prostrate column* of gray and Hinting by Electricity, In some of the hotels in the West n Hystera of heat regultion which is cer tainly novel is carried out. For in stance, a guest occupying Boom 156 asks for heat. The order is transmit ted to a peculiar person, tbotypewritor of the hotel generally. She goes to a switchboard and connection is given electrically with thnt room, allowing heat to puss into it. Tho occupant of the room is, perhaps, particular. A hot-blooded person wishes merely to keep from freezing; another wants a high temperature. Each can have his wish, for a thermostat with a pointer is oil the wall, and tho room will keep itself automatically as desired. The regulation is seventy degrees, but it can be departed from as stated.—Hard ware. His Hog Mopped the Leak. One of tho few dogs worth having is owned by Silas Holbrook, of East Harpswell. Starting out from tho wharf in a boat with his master the other day the* dog noticed that the plug was out of the bottom of tho boat and the water was coming in. Alter calling attention to the tronblo he placed hiB paw over the hole and kept the water out until liis master found the plug and (replaced ib Xiewiston (Me,) Jourualt he is merged entirely in tiro private sol dier. Ilia social rank, if he Ims one, is ignored; tiro ollieers who command him regard only his oflioloncy and fuiilifnl- ness to duty, and if any dillcreneo is made between a man of some education and tiro peasants around him it is in the direction of putting him in to the 1‘eloton dTnstruetion, a species of school drill, whero ho may earn in six months or a year the grade of corporal, hot in which ou account of too extra duties the place involves, the life is harder in nmntml I labor, and has less free time limn that 1 of the unambitious trooper outside. It must not be inferred from thin fact that , tlie Peloton d’lnstructh n stands apart. It ■ is held merely during the hours which are otherwise free time. Nor must it he imagined for a moment that a man of a richer class than his follows neees- sarily belongs to It, or tho men of such a class form the majority of its members. Tiiore may be in a company or battery from six to eight cloves capereaux, and in a whole regiment less than that number of gentlemen. Tho elevation to the grade of reserve officer is also proceeded with in a manner very different from that obtaining in Germany. Tho places in the reserve are given in part to retired officers of the active army and in part to those men who have followed IhePelotondTnstruc- tion for at least one year, and who, at the end of that tiirio, are competent to puss a special examination. — [Uoutem- porory Ueview. Sash, Doors and Blinds 1 CLARK, BELL & CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers iu- lokal nsiiii ta ^iuui. decaying il the island of Sardinia. That fact is at tributed by some to the exhaustion of the old coral reefs, while others say that it is duo to the competition in the mar ket by the selling of coral of inferior quality, fished in enormous quantities or» tho coast of Sicily, and sold at an ex tremely low price. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets. SHINaiiBS and. LUMBEPL. Also BE WEE and DRAIN PIPE. Prices as low ns the lowest. Baiisfactiou guaranteed. CLARK, BELL & CO., Gainesville, Ga. maT — HIS OWN DOCTOR n» J. HA.tiiirroN a vans, jh. it. A 600-pnge Illustrated Book, contain ing valuable information pertaining to disease of the human system, showing how to treat and cure with simplest of medicines. The book contains analysis of courtship and marriage; rearing and management of children, besides valu able prescriptions, recipes, etc., with a and a full complement of facts in mate ria medica that everyone should know. This most indispensable adjunct to every well-regulated household will be mailod, post-paid, to any address on receipt oi price, SIXTY CENTS. Addfese ATLANTA PUBLISHING KuuSE iti Ufd St.. ATLANTA, 6A.