The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, January 24, 1896, Image 1

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THE CLEVEL Hi/ J()E 11. REESE DEVOTED TO THE MINING, AGRICULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL TNTR =* VOL. V PIEDMONT AIR LINE, 00NDEN8KD SCHEDl'LK OP PASSENGER TRAIN*, Horthhoam) October 6, 1806. Ves No.** >ally it mil No. 30 )ailjr Vo.12 >aily Lv. A tlaiitA C. T. “ AIIahia K. T " Noreross “ Buford 200m 1 OOp 1 16p 2 15a 2 56a 7 50a 8 50a 0 88* 0 16a 04t* 11 (4a l 26a 1 80* 1 63 a 12 27p. 2 42p . 1 20 p . 2 16p . 3 22p . 4 10p 4 30p . 5 OOp . 5 28p . 6 20p 11 26p " Uniuckville... " Lula 2 25 p 2 Ola 2 23n " Cornelia ** Tooeon " WoMintuetcr. " Benecft. " Central " (Jreenvillo... " PpurUtuburg. " O a fluey* " HiaeksburK... •' Kind's Mt *' Oastonia Ar. Charlotte Ar. Danvillo *4 *4 ftp 5 30 p C LSp 7 OOp 8»i> 12 OOn 3 15a 3 60* 4 07n 4 33a 5 19a 6 18a 6 53* 7 U9a 7 32* 7 53a 8 33a 1 30 p Ar. Richmond OCOa G 40p GOOn Ar. Washington. •• Bnl'ni'eT* K U " riillndcltdiia " New York « 42a 10 If* 12 Mn 9 40p 1 25 p 3 00 a 0 20a Southbound Yen \n.37 Dnily fst ml No. 36 Dnily No. 11 Daily Lv N. Y. 1* R R “ riilladelidiift " Biltiinore " W Arlington . 4 80p G top 9 20p 10 43p 12 lftn 7 20A 9 42n 11 15* *• Richmond.... 2 ( Oh 12 55p 2 OOn 11 Danville “ charlotte *' (instonia 5 «*0h 9 ton G 05, 10 to, 11 80p ri'ioo 12 23* 12 60* 1 50* 2 ton 3 00a "si *501 4 4if 4 69n fi 00* I2 20p 1 <Gp 1 32p 2 (Op 2 18p 3 05,» 4 4"p 5 40p G 05p G 22,> G Nip 7 40p 7 45,> 8 12p 8 top 9 07p •' King’* Mt *' Blacksburg ... *• (in fluey s " Spartanburg. " (.rienvllle *• Cent ml " Semen " Westminster M Toccon " Mt. Airy •• Cornelia •* Lula '• (jftlncRVllle.. •* Buford io49m 137o 12 281 1 15* 3 31 j '* Notcross Ar Atlanta K. T Lv Atlanta c. T 4'toi 3 to| G 20 k 5 20$ 9 42p 10 top :;i'p THE 54T1I CONGRESS. ROUTINE OF HOUSE AND SENATE BRIEFLY CHRONICLED. Summary of Bills and Resolutions Presented and Acted Uppn. 6 32p 7 85p $ 2Sp S 44p 9 10p 9 64p 10 43p io top 11 45* l 17p 3 47p 6 23 p 11 00a 1 1 *2p 3 15p 4 top 7 26p "A" a. ni. "1”' p. m. " M" noon. “N” night. Nos. 37 and 88 -Washington and Routhwc*teni Vest!billed Limited, Through rnllnian Sleeper* between New York and N* w Orleans, via Wash- ingtou. Atlanta and Montgomery, and also ho* tween New York and Memphis, via Washington, Atlanta and Birmingham. Dining (’ant. No*. Ha and 36 United Slates I nst Mail, l’ullman Sleeping Car* between Atlanta, New Orleans and New York. Noa. 31 and 82, Exposition Flyer, Through Pull man Sleeper* between New York ami Atlanta via Washington. On Tueadays and Ibursdava con nection Will ho made liom Richmond with No. 81, and on these dates Pullman Sleeping Car will bo operated between Richmond and Atlanta. On Wednesdays and Saturdays connection from At lanta io Richmond with through sleeping cat will he to leave Atlanta by train No. 32. Noa. Hand 12, Pullman Sleeping Car between Richmond, Danville and Uiceuoboro. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK, (len'l Pai*. Ag’t, Aas't Clen’l Pass. Ag’t, Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Qa. - W. B. RYDER, Superintendent, Charlotte, NOllTII (’Allot.INA. Y. H. GREEN, Gen’l Supt., Washington, D. C. J. M. CULP, Traffic M’g’r, Washington, U 0 CAMEOS IS OUT. OWING TO PRESSURE HK UK- SIGNS HIS COMMAND. General Weylcr Ha, Hern Appointed to Succeed Him. General Marin do Compos lias ro- tignod. Tlio ceremony of turning over his command to bis temporary successor took place at the captaiu general's palace in Havana. Thero were present nil the authorities of tho cities and e.hicf officers of the regular army. General Campos' Speech. General Campos rnado an address to tho assembly, soying in part: “To judge correctly of tho course of recent events in tho island, wo need more data than aro known at present to the public. There were times when tho public opinion seemed to be that I did not wish to subdue tho enemy. At first sight thero may liave appeared to bo somo foundation for such an opin ion. But I nni inspired with tho knowledge that I have conscientiously done my duty, both during the civil war in .Spain and during tho last revo lution in Cuba. “I have beon unfortunate in many things, but I have not boon sustained in my command. Whon I camo to Havana from Alatunzss I sought to avoid publio appearanco, but all saw the reception acoordod me, which I hnd not requested, becauso I am an enemy of public demonstrations. Gen. Weylcr has been appointed to succeed Gen. Campos, Gen. Sonrez is second in command. This is tho offi cial information received from Madrid. Gen. Weyler will aail from Barcelona^, for Havana next Saturday, tho 25th. He will unnoubtedly deal severely with the insurgents and their sympa thizers and a feeling of terror exists among the latter. A Lantern Trust Formed. The seven leading lantern manufac turers of the country, located at Wheel ing, Tiffin, Detroit, Warren, O; Rochester, Syracuse and New York city, controlling tho trade of the United States, havo formed a close combination to regulate the outpnt and prices and the combination will go into active effect at once. T lie ad vance in goods will average .43 per cent. Orders for goods will be appor tioned among tho manufacturers. Noted Cartoonist Dead. A special from Amsterdam, N. Y., Bays: Bernhard Gillam, the noted car tooniat of Judge, died Sunday at tho home of his father-in-law, ex-Senator James Arkell, of Canojaharie. His death was the result of an attack of typhoid fever. Tnr. nousH. There was an interesting episode in tho house Thursday, inspired by Mr. Grow, republican, Pennsylvania, who declaaed that tho Now York chamber of oommeroe in a pamphlet printed by that body and widely circulated bad cast reflections upon the good faith of tho house. Hu sent to tho olerk's desk and had read tho oxtraot from the pamphlot which follows: “Then came tho Alabama claims and tho fisheries dispute, the first lieiug decided in our favor aud tho lnfter ngninat us, each side accepting tho de cision and paying tho nwnrd like busi ness mon. Then camo tho seizure of Canadian sealing vosaols by tho United States in Behring sen, whioh was arbi trated and about $400,000 awarded to tho owuera of tho seized vessels, which had not been paid, owing to tho failuro of congress to make an appropriation therefor and which wo are in honor bound to Bottle without further delay.” This passage having beon road, Air. Grow demanded to bo allowed to speak upon it, aa a question of privilrgo, and waa proceeding to apeak when Air. Crisp rnado tho point that tho pnm* phlet presented no question of privi lege. Air. Grow contended that sinco re flections upon members of the house were questions of privilege, one upon tho whole hotiso was much mere n question of privilege. This Air. Crisp combatted, but Air. Grow continued to speak and said tlmt ho would make it a question of pers unit privilege. “The hoard of arbitration did not award a dollar of damages,” Air. Grow declared. “If that had been done, it would bo dishonest not to pay it aud it is a re flection on tho bouso to say that such an award was made and not pnid.” Hero the speaker ruled that no ques tion of privilege was presented,where upon ATr. Grow took Ins Heat, Haying: "Well, I am satisfied.” Tho house resumed tho consideration of tho pension bill and an order was adopted thnt goueral debate bo olesod during tho day aud tho bill bo taken up by paragraphs Friday under tho flvo-minuto rule. After a debate oontinuod almost nn- iuterrnpte lly over fivedays the general pension appropriation bill for tho year endiug Juno 80, 1897, was passed by the house Friday afternoon,which then adjourned until Alonday. Tho day’s debate was comluotod under the five- minute rule, the bill being rend by parngrnphs for amendment. None that was material was adopted, Mr. Bartlett, democrat, of New York, enforcing his nnnonuced policy of opposition to further extension of pension legisla tion by raising points of order against them. By the same device ho suc ceeding in having stricken out of tho bill tho provision reported by tho committee thut “during tho flBcn| year it shall bo necessary for a widow, in establishing her claim to a pension under tho provisions of tho not of 1890, to prove thnt she ia without other means of support than herdBily labor; provided, that boforo sho shall bo en titled to a pension under tho provis ions of said law sho shall prove that her not income does not exceed $500 measure go to tho calendar for oonsid- alion ns tho pooplo did not beliovo in this undemocratic prnotico and wanted it stepped. Tho request was ngreod to. The Cuban question came up briefly when Air. Call offered a resolution di recting tho secretary of stnto to send to congress all dispntohcB from United StnteB consuls in Culm concerning tho present war. Air. Ctillom, republican, Illinois, presented n resolution which was agreed to, requesting the Blnto depart ment for information ns to whether naturalized United Slates citizoUB of Armenians birth were allowed to viait Turkey ; whether their families living in Turkey were allowed to depart for tho United States, uud whether Ameri cans living in Turkey had tho same riglits as were accorded to citizens of Grent Britain, Germany, Franoo aud Turkey. Air. Sewell, republican, offered a resolution in regard to tho policy of tho United States on tho Mouroo doo- trine. Thero was some discussion of tho Call resolution. Air. Frye pointed out that the resolution “directed” tho sec retary, with tho usual proviso thnt the information was to bo given if in ac cordance with publio iutercst. Mr. Call insisted that it should bo for tho senato to determine wlmt it wanted. Mr. Sherman said such requests should not bo made at a time when Hie uprising oxetended all through the island of of Cuba. It might prove a serious embarrassment to our oousuls to lmvo their official advices made pub lio. It might possibly subject them to prosecution by tho Spanish or tho insurgents in tho looality of tlio con suls. Air. Call gavo liotico that he would move at nn early day for tlio discharge of tlio committee on foroigu relations from further consideration of tho res olution for tho recognition of the Cu bans uh belligerents. Ho would do this, ho said, in order to bring the senate to a direct vote on tho question without further dolay. Air. Call consented that hiH resolu tion, calling for information, go over for the present. Air. Halo then addressed the senate on his bill authorizing tho poslmast general to contract with tho Pacific Cub e Company for transmission of government messngeB botwoon the United States and Hawaii. Mr. Allen, populist, Nebraska, fa vored a cable to Hawaii, but opposed tho present bill on tho ground that lio feared that tho present nrraugemout proposed would lead to disagreeable complications. EUROPE PUT ON NOTICE. Itesol ut toll Reported to the Senate A til nn In g the Alonroo Doctrine, Senator Davis, of tho senato com mittee on foreign relations, Monday roported favorably tho resolution enunciating tho Monroo dootriuc. It is tlie result of tlio lougtby considera tion by the committee ns to tho advis ability of incorporating tlio Alonroo dootrino in tho federal slatutos. ’ m ’“ resolution is ns follows : “That the United StntoB of Amoricn reaffirms and confirms tho doctrines and principles promulgated by Prosi- dent Alonroo in his message of Decern bor 2,1828, and maintain that doo trine and those principles and will ro gnrd any infringement theroof and particularly any attompt by any European power to tako or ncquiro any new territory on tho American continents or any islands adjaoont thereto for any right of sovereignty or dominion in tho «#mo in any ease or instance as to which tho Tlio mombors commission met day morning in t pointed temporal building partly stato commerce Brower presided Air. S. Alallrtt ~ ns executive o: was formally was not preson lie would take once. Tho publication a otnry Olnoy mation from oliicily iutores troversy. To this Olnoy ropliod communicated commission to the British am' tor Andrade, outative, for speotivo govern Tho ctfmmissii til Friday next, lay is to bo t commission. r Jf far determined or cxocutivo o: and a doorkeo L Thu commissi England and h ctious of nuoii understood thnt| kind entrusted illation will bo returned to tli£j per annum. Air. W. A. Stone, republican, of Pennsylvania, in charge of the bill, announced thnt its passage ante-dated tiy fifty days tho passago of a similar bill in either of tho last two previous oongressos. Among tho miscellaneous business transacted was the passago of a joint resolution providing for tho distribu tion of undelivered sets of tho naval records of tho rebellion. A mosBRgo was received from tho president asking prompt legislation to enablo tho attorney general to prose cute litigation in rcforouce to tho granting of patents to lands lying within forfeited rnilroad grants. Tho couse of Cuban indepondenco was tho subject of Chaplain Condon’s prayer at tlio beginning of tho session and his invocation that this govern ment would do what it could to aid ill securing liberty to tlio Cubans was followed by n wave of applause, prob ably tho first timo that such a demon stration over followed a prayer in tho house. Whon tho home met Alonday, Air. Crain, of Texas, socured tho passago of a bill extending tho time in which United States shall deem such attempt to lie dangerous to its peace or safety by or through foroo, purchase, cession occupation, pledge, colonization, pro* toctorato or by control of tho enso ment in canal or any other moans of transit across tho American isthmUB, whether on unfounded protonsion o right in cases of alleged boundary dis putes, or undor other unfounded pro tensions, as tho manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward tho Unitod States and as an interposition which would bo impossible in any form for the United States to rogard with indifforenoo.” Tho report went on tho calendar Air. Gray announced that it was not unanimous. Air. Wolcott, republican, Colorado, gavo notioe that ho would,on Wednes day, address tho Hcnato on Air. Sow oil’s resolution placing limitation pn tho Alonroo doctrine. Air. Sewell, republican, New Jersey, addressed the sonate on his resolution reciting that, President Cleveland had extended tho Monroe doctrine beyond its proper scope and’ enunciating the principle that tho doctrine was for the interest of tho United States and was not nn obligation to aid and prote D PROGRESS. OF CLEVELAND, WHITE COUNTY AND NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. TERMS: One Dollar Per Year. CLEVELAND, WHITE COUNTY, GArwMUDAY, JANUARY 24, 1896 NO. 4. the nation’s honor cxocutivo is to bii wo havo n right 14 tiou and good jn-l oised in briugiiig td issue so grave on«l k- presented.” 1 At tlio close Air. Daniel, <le! notioe that ho ato on the snbj COMMISSI* A Meeting Hold ] tho lines of tlio Loilgo resolution, was , agreed to, after one or two alterations in tho verbiage lmd been made. Tho I committee also decided to voto, upon tho motion of Air. Sherman, that tho action of tho committee and tlio toxt of the resolution should not bo given out until it was reported to tho sonnto. Mr. Davis tvas requested to give uo- 'icowheuho reported tho resolution hat hu should call it up nt tlie earliest possiblo moment. „„ . , —„ This resolution goes ovon fnrtlior Iho house committee on Tacifio - tli( , tho preBidont in his message roads has deoided to begin hearings congress on tho Venezuelan qnes- next Alonday preparatory to framing < tj 0IK it w j)] i jf passed, commit tho a plan for the adjustment of the dcbtH oon g roBB t„ „ policy from which thero of tho OoDtrill anil Union I Iicillo to nAn nn Lnnlr tlmvn. find ihnrn an- tho government. mn p d”d of But NATIONAL CAPITAL that discro- | ill bo oxor- nination an tJOggIp olr WASHINGTON If BRIEF PARAGRAPHS. Doings of the Chiefs and Heads ot tho Vurlou/t Departments. od<M Musi' The Jie 9pe'd| nilHV’o. atoll sayi Whojn wi:.. relating tortile convention 'has by Chifritfujiy of seven per- Mr. Shncrlu, iretnty of tile file two, 1IAHIW Vs to the PcrsonA oerntia A Washington^ special comm triiscd all national not yet beon llnrrity. It ’ Hons, of whom of Indiana, national two. Air <'ik. member will also bWoIHJPjTBHliouThe re maining four All# Jjurifey, lias not do- oidod. This ooin tn it«o will have nu- tooratio power. i». A'iU have ohargo of all tho detoils connected with tho con vention, a responsibility which in pre vious yoars has been divided with tho looal committee. It is tot unlikely that tho co-oporatiilin of t xe Chicago looal committee inlay bo invited on this oooasion, but iL.wAV—dfe rogardod ns a mere auxiliary and without nuy oflloial authority. Ml OQinplete the work of improving southern republics. Tho resolution ro Arkansas PaFs, Texas. On motion of cites that tho president's course was Mr. Richardson, of Tennessee, a bill prematuroand that the Alonroe dootrino was passed to incorporate the supremo dees not commit tho Unitd States to council of 33 degree Scottish Rite Ma- protectorate of southern countries. boob for the southern jurisdiction of Air. Sewell said the president s Vonc- tho United States. The president’s ztielou message presented questions of message in reply to the resolution of a most Berious import, tlio house calling upon him for imfor- Taking up the Venezuelan question mation nn to what steps, if any, had Air. Sewell pointed out that the presi- lieen taken in relation to tho Raynrd dent’s position involved the most ex- speeches ut Boston, England and Ed- treme and dangerous application of inburgb, Scotland, was laid before tho tho doctrine thus far made. It was hon e. The message and correspond- not based on the interests of the euce were referred to tho committee United States, hut on the force exert- on foreign relations. Tho house then ed by a strong power against n weak went into committee of the whole, Dr. one in South America. It clearly led I’ayne, republican, New Y’ork, in the to the assumption of a protectorate by ebair, for the consideration of tho mil- tho United States over Alexico and the THE FLYING SQUADRON. Its Destination Not Dellnl oly Known by Outsiders, i A London cable lettor Ltatos tha't though tho destination of tho flying squadron cannot bo definitely known until it is nonring the poffit flx,ed by the soaled orders undor which it sails, it is an accepted faot among tho offi cers of the squadron thnt its course will be towards tho Want Indies. Re port says that the fleet will proaeed eithor to Bridgetown, Rarbadoes or Fort of Spain, island of Triuidnd, whioh lies directly north of Veuezuoln Tho olfioialn at the admiralty whon questioned on tho subjool protest that they nre in entire ignorance of where tho squadron will ho sent, but it can ho stated that within the admiralty circloa it is taken that, ns it has boon decidod to send tlie vessels to the southwest, their course will ho some where near Venezuela. Tho squadron is commisaioneil for three years, and it is not intended that it shall bo station ed long at any ono point. BRAIN’S BLACK FLAG Will be Unfurled and Buteberlos Will lie In Order. News readied Havana Alonday that tho rebel Generals Maoeo, Robreco and Rabi lmvo united near San Luis and that other rebel forces aro ex pected. It is estimated by conserva tive royalists that there are nt loaat 15,000 insurgents in tho field. Yellow fevor, despite oooler wonthor, is said to bo causing mnny deaths at and near Santiago do Cuba, and tho Spanish soldiers are tho worst suffer ers. The rebels aro thoroughly aroused and if Weylcr designs n war fare of butchery Gomez and his aides will respond with a series of tho most bratnl carnago and incendiarism. Tho entiro island will bo laid to wuBto and Havana will ho blown up by trusted spies who will risk thoir lives to got through tho lines. Tho announcement by the Westmin ster Gazette (London) that tho Britisli government is about to reopou nego tiations with Venezuela on tho bound ary quostion puts »u ontiroly now faoo upon tho condition of matters at Wash ington and is cnUBing a good deal of tulk as to its boaring upon the presi dent’s Veuozulii mosRngo.and tho ovonts whioh havo followed it. Willi mix R. Alorrison is booh to ho formally announced ns a candidate for tho domooratio prcaidoutial nomi nation. Ex-Representatives Ron Cn- blo nnd Foreman, ot Illinois, aro now in Washington quietly booming him. They rogard the selection of Chicago ns the place for holding tho conven tion favorable for him, and thoy are now arranging a oonfereuoo of liis friends to decide upon a formal nn- uounoomont. Tho house committee on appropria tions Saturday completed tho urgency deficiency appropriation bill. It ear ries a total of $4,415,922, dividod as follows: Oflloo of the publio printer, $583,000; stato department, $30,000; treasury, $119,987; District of Co lumbia, $34,059; war department, 1800,578; navy department, $810; interior department, $34,500; depart ment of justice, $5,714; judicial, $210,000; United States courts, $3,242,582; house of reproBeutntivos, $35,199. As to <tuba’s Recognition. A Now York Herald special from Washington says that Iho administra tion is giving tho Cuban situation caroful consideration, but there is no reason to suppose that President Olovelatid nnd Hoorotnry Olnoy oon- tomplato nny immediate notion. On tho other baud, it is understood that Ihey have intimated to tho foreign ro latJonB committee of the sonate and tho foWign affairs committee of the house their desiro that no immediate notion should ho takou. Tho ohaugo in the policy of Spniu itidkjjtod by tlio relief of Uunorkl OarniptwWljMWenoraii Weylor mwf havo somo effect upon the plans of the administration, nnd thoy may ho disposed to give tho new com mander nn opportunity to demonstrate whotlier or not thoro is any hope of Iho BiiocosB of tho Spanish armH within n rensunalilu length of timo. Change In llouil Circular. Secretary Carlisle 1ms made publio tlio following ciroular, modifying tho conditions for payment on tho adver tised bond issue. “Treasury Department, Oflloo of tho 9eorotary, Washington, D. O., Janu ary 15, 1890.—Treasury circular (No. 3,1890,) dated January 0, 1890, invit ing proposals for tho purchase of one hundred million dollars ($100,- 000,000) of United Htatts 4 por cout. (muds, is hereby so modified that aftor the payments or tho first installment of 20 por cout. with accrued in terest, as required in said ciroular, the remainder of tho amounts may ho paid in installments of 10 per cent, each and accrued intorost nt tho ond of oacli liftoon days thereafter; but all ac cepted bidders may pay tho whole amount of thoir bids at tho timo of tho first installment, and all noooptod bid ders who havo paid all iuslallmouts previously maturing may pny tho whole amount of thoir bids at any timo not later than tlio maturity of tho lust installment. “Accepted biddors, who pay tho whole amount ut tho timo of tho flrsl installment, or at nny dato tlioroaftor, as provided above will bo entitled te rocoivo, at tho date of tho payment, the wholo amount of bonds awarded to them, and acceptod biddors who pay by tho installments will bo enti tled to roceivo at tho datos of such payments tlio amount of bondH paid for. (Signed) “J. G. CAimisiiB, “Secretary of tho Treasury." Discussed the Monroe Ductilno. Tlio senato committoo on foreign re lations dismissed for two hours Friday morning, tlio Alonroo dootrino and can he no bnok down, nnd thoro ap pears to bo no doubt as to tho ulti mate result on tho resolution. 11181101* I1AYGOOD DEAD. WILL TEST PRAYER As itsry academy appropriation bill. THE SENATE. In tho senate Thursday, Air. Allen, populist, Nebraska, called attention to tho indefinite postponement of his bill prohibiting American citizens from It seems hardly wiso, just at this time, receiving foreign titles, decorations, to have thrown into the political arena etc. It occurred through an over- this further cause for disorder nnd South American countries. In conclusion Air. Sewell aaid : “I ohu bnt think that a matter which has beon slumbering so many years in a state of diplomatic reposo might have been delayed a few months longer. Means of Preventing Prize Fights. Tho oity ministers’ union of El Paso, Texas, has decided to Bend a circular lotter to all religious bodios in tho United States, calling on proncherH, endeavor societies, Epworth leagues nnd young people’s societies genorully to unite Sunday, January 28, in prayor that tho prize fights at El Paso, be tween Aluyer nnd Fitzsimmons may bo prevented and tho city saved from disgrnce. Tlio Vouorulilo Divine’s Enrtlily La bor’s Kndeil. Atticus G. Haygood died nt Oxford, On., nt 2 o’clock Sunday morning. Tho ond was as pcaooful ns of a child falling asleep. He was surrounded by his immedinto family nnd iutininto friends. During his lust hours ilioro were with him Bishop Duncan, Drs. W. B. Htrndloy, W. A. Oandlor, ltov. L. II, Harris, Rev. S. If. Dimon and other intimate frionds. * Sketch of Bishop Haygood. Bishop Attious Groono Haygood was horn in Wntkinsvilllo, Gn., November 19th, 1839, and graduated from Emory eollego in 1859. Ho was licensed to prouoli during his sonior yoar nnd joinod the Georgia conference at its session next succeeding his gradua tion. He served in the various rela tions of pastor, presiding elder und nrmy ohaplain until 1870, when ho was elected editor of the Sunday school publications of tho Mothodist Episco pal olinrcli, south. Ho oontinuod in tlio editorial work until tho autumn of 1875, whon he resigned anil was im mediately elected to the presidency of his alma mater, in which work ho con tinued until 1884. During 187H-82 lie combined with his college work tlio editing of the Wesleyan Christian Advocate, tho offi cial organ of Georgia aud Florida Alethodism, and under his editorship tho paper attuined an iuiliiouco second to none in tlio church. Ill Alay, 1882, ho was elected ono o tlio bishops of tho Aletliodist Episcopal church, south, but deolinorl ordina tion because he felt lit thnt timo that ho could not lay down tho oolloge work ho had in bund. In tho lntter part of 1882 lie was mndo agent of tho John F. Slater fuud.jdiich bo admin *tqmL two years wbiWocuiti mpjugf IAkV iftonU on exclusively to tho work of the Slater fund. In Aluy, 1880, ho was again elected bishop. , ^ Bishop Haygood is ono of tho strong est mon in tho Methodist church, lie devotod his life’s labor to the work of extonding the interests of tho church As president of Emory college ho did a wonderful work, and it wuh through his efforts tlmt the Scnoy hall was so oured. During liis administration there was $200,000 secured in appro priations. Upon his resignation nt Emory, Bishop) Hnyoodg mndo a trip) to Cali foruitt with tho purpose of establish ing a oonforouoo thero. Quite a num her of woll known divines of the southern church followed him thero aud looated permanently in California, He was called from California to accept the position of bishop. Ho do voted all his onorgies to tlio work of the ohuroh reoontly, and it was on trip to n conforonoo in Tennossoo thnt lio was first stricken with paralyse This occurred early in Novombor nnd it wan thought at tho timo that he was fatally nftcotod. TO WED 1118 NIECE. General Harrison Announces His En gagement to Mrs. Dimmlck. Fridny night General Benjamin Harrison formally nnnouuood his cn gagomont to Airs. Dimmick at tho Fifth Avouuo hotel, New York. There was u crowd of newspapor men and othors about tho hotel shortly boforo 9 o’clock, when Secretary Tibbetts nppearod and handed them tho follow ing: “Gouornl Harrison authorizes Iho announcement thut ho aud Airs, Dimmiok aro ongagod to ho married and that tho niarriugo will not tali pliioo until aftor Lout.” Colonel Tibbetts refused to furtho DEPOSITION OF CAMPOS MEANS BUTCHERY. The Move Creates Terror Throughout nil the Cuban Provinces. A spooinl correspondent of tho At lanta Constitution now in Havana writ ing undor dato of January IHtli, says: Tho deposition of General Campos Uns sproad general terror throughout Ha vana ond tho oitioB and towns of Cuba, for it is universally taken as moaning that a polioy of blood Iiub boon deter mined upon. It menns thnt Spiain will call upon hor butohors. Tho Olivotto thisovoniug was crowd ed with CuhnDB fleeing from Havana. The developments of yesterday and today will drivo into the insurgent ranks thoso who hnd hoped tlmt Spain would grant autonomy. The rooall of Campios has brought a orisis in affairs whioh is most critical. General Gomez,now near Batabano, reflected tho nll-provnlont opinion to day whon ho deolnred: "Sinoo Spain pints up tho black flag, Cuba will moot lior. Wo call upon the oivilizod world to stop the slaughter womou aud children determined upon by Spiain. There oan ho no longer doubt of wlmt Cubans should Thoy must fight for thoir wives and for their homos. If Cubans abroad will do their duty, ns well ns thoso nt home, freedom is ours.” Tho deposition of Campios means tho prnotical wiping away of of the auton omist piart-y, for now it is generally conceded that nil hopios of autonomy lmvo boon swepit away. Tlio only al ternative loft to residents of this island to choose between Spain and tho nsurgents. Under any oommnnd the war will lie preBBod with tho greatest piossible vigor. Tho now cnptuin-geuoral will o all in liis pioiver to earn the com mendation of tho Hpi-misli government, and that will in all pirobubility result n a pad icy of extermination. discuis tho announcement and finally, "by a vote, ordered a repiort on ! though tho ex-president was upstairs the resolution submitted by Air. Da- | to bis room ut tho timo ho ilouied liini- vis, of Alinnosotu, chairman of tho IH ' lf to all nowspnpor mon. Colonel sub-committee. Air. Tiirpiio mado nn j Tibbetts said that General Harrison nrgumont against the uifirmutiou by would remain in tho city until after cougri bs, of tho doctrine us a general pirinciple. Ho believed it wuh suffi cient for tho doclrino to lie apipilied when tlio specific cases arose. Ho fa- SPAIN AK0USED. Sunday, when ho would go to Indian- upolis and from thero to Washington. Ills Niece by Murrlugo. Airs. Dimmick’s full nnmo is Caro- vored its application to tho piondiug lino Lord Dimmick. Sho is the dnugh- dilllculty between Venezuela and Great ter of tlio late Airs. Lord, tho eldest Britain, hut thought that it might rest sister of General Harrison’s first wife, there for tho pireseut. ! Sho is tlio widow of a naval oflicor. Air. Gray, of Delaware, was opposed j to any action whatever that lmd for its object tlio affirmation of tlio doctrine by legislative action. Ho believed tlie ‘ wholo subject was one in which Iho ex- j oculivo depmrtment of tlie government j After her husband’s death she lived for somo timo with her mother ill Pittsburg. Airs. Lord died during the time tlmt General llurrisou was piresi- ib-nt. Airs. Harrison thereupon sont for alone should act, and that upon that her favorite niece nnd namesake to branch of the government, and not cotno to tlio white house, and mado congress, rested the responsibility of tlio young widow hor private secretary, enforcing or not the doctrine laid down During Mrs. Harrison’s illness, both by Monroo. j at tlie Adirondaoks cottage and in the Neither of these arguinouts lmd any white house, AIth. Dimmiok was her SNODGRASS’ AFFIDAVIT. The Chief Justice Relates tlio Circum stances of Ills Fight. Tho oaso of tlio state against S. L. Snodgrass, chief justice of the stato of Tennessee, whs culled Friday morning in the circuit oourt at Chattanooga. Tho state announced ready fur trial, as did tho'dofeudont, askiug, however, i postponement on aooouut of the ab- Judge Snodgrass, who was in *tho ebttrfrjfooirj, mndo nn affidavit in whioh he made tho first statement ho has yet mado with reference to the opisode in which ho shot John R. Beasley. In his affidavit tho chief justice ssys: The meotiug between the pirosecu- tor aud affiant wns purely accidental. Whon they did meet defendant called prosecutor's attention to a recent li belous publication about defendant, which the prosecutor hail made, and denounoed as false,as ho lmd tho right to do. Hot words pnssol between the defendant and the proseoutor, and a difficulty ensued, in tho course of which tho prosecutor made a demon stration, as affiant honestly behoved, to draw a woapjon with which to kill affiant or do him great bodily harm, and affiant honestly believed tlmt ho did intend to kill him or do him great bodily injury. “Affiant belioved ho was armed and in the act of drawing his weapon, and upon such boliof, honestly entertained from tho conduct and demeanor of tho prosocutor, affiant drew liis weapon and lirod two shots, one ol which took effeot in the arm of the prosecutor. As soon us affiant discovered that ho was probably in no fnrtlior daugor from tho pirosoeutor ho immediately ceasod to fire, and did not fire another shot." After hoaring tho affidavit Judge Moon stated tlmt ho could not, under tho rulcB of tho court, consent to a poBtpioncniont for longer than throe or four days, becauso ho would call tho oivil docket Alonday or Tuesday, and shat he would not consent to call up criminal business after ho lmd dis missed tho juries and wound up) the criminal business of tho term. Ho thou ordered a continuance until next torm. This continuance carried with it tlio case for carrying oonccnlod weapons, both cnees going over to next term. Judge Snodgrass wns very anxious for trial, but eouhl not safely havo it until he had scoured tho testimony of witnesses now in New York. BIG CUT IN WAGES. Westlngliouso Klcctrle Compuny Cur tailing Expenses. Fridny morning 880 mon and 250 women, employes of the Westiughouso Electric Compauy, in East Pittsburg, I’a., woro notified of a 25 pier cent, reduction in their wages. At noon thoy decided tlmt tho reduction was unjust, sinoo for some timo they lmvo been able to make only half time, and quit work in a body. It is rumored that wage reductions in other depart ments will be ordered, und tlmt tho 1,000 mon affected will also refuse to continue work. Lbt yeur discourse with men of sight of his and he asked that tho disturbance. A zealous upiholdiug of . business be short and comprehensive. weight with the committoo. 'Huy were oombated by Heuators Hluir- irmn, Lodge, Alorgun and others. Air. Mills, ono of tho new members of tlie committee, an ardent admiror of Jof- ferson, was ono of tlio most enthusias tic supporters of the uflirmatiou of the doctrine. Tho vote to adopt the Da vis resolution, which wus drawn along faithful uiul devoted nurse, Ex-Cougrossman Smltliers Dead. Ex-Congressman N. B. Bmithors, who was secretary of stato under Gov ernors Cannon uud Marvel, diod ut his homo in Dover, Del., Thursday, in his 78tb year. Equivalent to Declaration of War. Tho Loudon Speaker Buys: “If tho congress indorses the new AIonroeiBin and the United States government de mands Gnat Britain’s uceeptauco thereof, it would be equivalent to de claring wnr, for Great Britain oould never submit to nmko a virtual sur render of her possessions in America until she lmd exhausted all her re sources of resistenee. ”