The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, March 20, 1896, Image 2

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ilk UliVfciuiiu. f Official Organ of White eiiunly doe Hugh Reese, - E?dit;or. r.nterad iU its* t’oct-ofHop lit Cleveland dai-find-dnaa Mail Maltc-.Jnn. 20, *92 Clmlan i, G i., Mch. 20, 1 90, r—*— ' Unfair to the Populists. Kroni Tiio Macon Telegraph, The extreme paternalism which underlies 11n* populistic program mid (lie mimy ridiculously ab surd nu'itMircs which they orinir before ci tigress arc utterly, repug- mmt to the ideas of th** proper functions of o-ovcrmnoiit which the Telegraph holds. Ncerlho les* u protest must be recorded against the effort of Hon. Clias. S. Hartman, of Montana, who, in a recent speech in congress endeav ored to create the impression that the Populists contemplated add ing to the list, of measures which i they regard as necessary to the re leasing of the neck of downtrod den labor from the pressure of the iron heel of capital and the ks- cuing the horny handed farmer from the clutches of the “gold bugs,’’ “money sharks," “British shyloeks" and other hideous and voracious monsters which rise about Wall street, these three: First. A bill providing that Secretary Morton shall lake the necessary steps to cross the light ning bug on t he honey bee, so 1 hat the bees eiu: do night work, thus increasing the farmer’s income from his beo hives. Second- That the Berkshire hog shall lie bred to the centipede, so that each animal shall produce a hundred hams, again increasing the farmer's income, while reduc ing the living expenses of the la boring man. Third, Grafting the strawberry plant on the milk weed, so that it will he possible to get strawber ries and cream frun* the same vine, thereby affording a cheaper htx- ury to the farmer and at the same time assisting the spread of reli gion by enlarging the profits of strawberry festivals. While admitting the family re semblance of these measures to the proposition to eradicate the Cana dian thistle ami to form an indus trial army, the principal duty of which would he to draw pnv, and similar projects proposed by our friends the Populists, even admit ting that the objects sought to he obtained by Hie measures suggest ed by Mr. Hartman may be of great value to the community, Ihe Telegraph must decline to take Mr. Hartman’s unsupported word as of sufficient weight to commit the Populist party to the program above outlined and to consider the three propositions as populist measures. Mr. Hartman is a ltcpuhlican, not a Populist, and while the dif ference between the two is so •slight in many instances as to he hardly appreciable, until Hon. T. E. Watson, Senators P» (for and Butler, or some other statesman who is an avowed member of .Jer ry Simpson and Mrs. Lease, pub licly announces Hint the princi ples involved in the three above mentioned bills have boon added to the sub-treasury plan, govern ment ownership of railroads, free coinage of silver, single tax on laud and like measures upon which that party stands, the Telegraph while freely admitting the proba bility, byteason of similitude of principle, that Mr. Harmon told the truth, will withhold a .state ment of its objections to the in corporation of these reforms into tlic laws of the land. The action of the State commit tee evidenced a narrowness on part of five silverites unworthy of loyal partisans, for by it. the party’s success is imperiled for sake of factional success. How ever. the committee acted lor the State Democracy and true Demo crats will accept the decision, ill; ore hill', t , si rt v. II rmonv wab-hword, for ‘li Democracy needs , - ; Koticy >'•«• :i l> • 1 I be |t OIiI.-i-.m "boi'aniC. ?! ''s:; ol Jjj { \J v < 11 sj - should lie the now 1 lull Ihe “long, strong pull, and a pull iillogethe Jack-nil McHenry would make a strong race for the Republican presidential nomination—if lie just laid the boodle to buck bin. Judge .J. K. llyi i .-, who wa- the Populist candidate for .<i\- ernor in the recent campaign . ha been indicted in Sander.-vi:le for larceny after trust. Biiiinbig for governor caused it. BLOOD and SKIft DISEASES. with » UL'jL Thi# ufumldi'l i ttMily lm*; It**<*T> tffoil untl not found wanting, f**r forty yvnix.*: an p|i\ hI' LiIi. who llflH tUMffl it with VI I - id iinvuiyln . i* h it Ml l , MCOlulUC , l»d*o| lie til*'! do . ,ul drivin' out i>it uiiwnsi* - ’ci. i v it boat uuy tin pi* 10,1 > !• it. It in nut tll<» IT- - ok , mUtliih, but it i, uri'Ui'm 1 ' uH^wn'l n thorouj CommiBBinno: s of Itna.ia nf the County pf While. I Cleveland (ia. January 8, 189(3* j thia r* arty Iiiih no jail, and whereas 1 Ij»* Jaw requires ouch county ( to have a good tsufc at 1 I Kuitublr* jail to j U»*op its pris hu i s in safety and with i •Mich comfort ;is that confinement will i not be ko much punishment. an«l where- -js Or.ind Juries have recoin men- V ! tied it and a rale is now ponding against x I t.ho Haiti CoinuiissionciVi in Ihe Superior] ('otirt of s lid <• build a j*t il for Is lib* •< iv -.Hih t<* t!*•» uitlorv. . il> -I,;. ' it i* without i .. .A* "i II' .11 Ill-Livin'.' p’.’ilTM In •> ly bi vond roiui'ttrlnon wlln tiny . r ofle’rrd to the* public. It in a I'.imt -t-.i for iiup ilrfd vitiility and uH iU« re- milting fruni impure find *1 blood — tli« •*mr**nt <1 Ufa; 'tub -urai SercOibi, : Ircr*. Hrr.ymu. rii.R, anil llriiptlonw. rtilnnUBl.i t.* pi'lMin. Hll(>ninatlin« Mtar. aidm-j niMt HJiiildci’ nUfttUfs.loiunlfWeak* BlenAio vtc. i INVE3TIGATC FOR YOURSELF. to compel them b jounty. us, it in in the power of thi y and collect the T:»x sufli •a? t * build »ahl jail, but thi I'donsouie to the people <■ this wo do not want t< The People’s Friend. In use for fifty years. Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections. DR. BULL’S COUGH 5YRUP is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes. Chaw LANCE'S PLUCS.TIu Crest Toliacco Antidotc.lOc. Daalorai,r nuil.A.C.Meiw 4 Co.. Ballo .MA THE »•? remnrkunv'anr''*, I Ml i tl.'i id in'dost to the Iiiort vinJi ut db»* <m . after ill known reinedb.-s litcrl f’ntl» I. ih -;*‘ ■ .M-rilb -i»<-4 tuitify with HO Ukilt t •ind, that iJotottic Uloixl llulm>Wl, rb ».• • t. ,ni. I t, grrutMt ttml niOit p«.w* f-rful lib- d Ptiritter and hcallh-qivinj: » in- i?dy - v r ki'Mvn to tl>« world. It brautlt** frk!..i the Jlml 5bi«*. : ** p i boltlo; y*.00for lc, si. B. nro ti mild and Oflfectlvo t'»i i -' Oiid Liver Uofrilutor. i^no l'ill ia a dote. 1M id-, L"> »du. per b(»\. It. FI. CT. fUiilvr Is n surerlor dferslng and L’ki-o for all kinds «•! coree. burn*, crup- ti-uiH, etc. i uco, MictB. p<?r box. K. Ff. It. Imifr. oTeoilent for cnM>, ri- be used, when neceasary, with Botanic Illood Dnlut. v t ITor calo by druggists; if not, m-nrio tr«. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlq|ta|Ca. KILLED HIS WIFE. Wo tr<5l the followin'? horriMo story tliroiiLjh tlKM'olumns of the ' At 1 til dournnl of Monclnv: (»A in Hsv ibLK, March 1(3.- -Mcnry Hattur- hoii , a prominent young fit nun* in thi county. wiiH placed in n cull laut inglit cJmi'ginl with the munlcr of his hoau’iful young wife. The (.’ircmnHtanccH ernef-t- ^ (?il Avith tint hilling mid th.o Htandinir of th(*ihmily lmvc cninbiurd in rjiringinT (d sonsution timNiunlcd in the criininul an- j <f mils in Hall county. Henry Pattcruon is . ^ >i young man of purhapu 2f> years of ago, j and n non of Homer Patterson, a well* to x do country citizen, lie married n young j lady of '.i high standing respected family ; rnvcrnl months ago, and a mothei-less in fimt of only i few weeks is left to growl up in the fare of one of the blackest trag edies in rriminal history. Patterson came to (iainesvillr on 1 ri day last ami re]>nrted tliat on the night 1 before lie hud loaded hmgun and .-tapped out to shoot a chicken, and tlint the pi;, failed to tire. Tlmt he went back is.: > ’he i heuse for nnothcr cap and in the atlem; to 8iibstitut< the* hammer Mlp|»ed ami tin- gun tired sending Ihe load into the head of his wife, who was lying on the bed be- sale her E’tth* baby. The story was lint a plausible one and when the in oiest .v; . held the coroner fle.nmnded an (»xamiua- tion of the dead woman's head 'I he i cl utives of the young man wli » had ussutn bled and wen* seemingly bereaved, ol> jected mid the coronrr'n jury returneil i verdict against the protests of the coro ner, that the killing was accidental. The bed disah s-‘d no signs of shot ur.d j on the woman’s forehead was a wound as HKss if made by the wad ling of a gun at close range. The baby that was lying beside its mother was unhurt. The body was interred in order, but (..Wonor Dorsey was satisfied Unit there was foul play, and yesterday in company with SherilV Mun- dv, Solicitor-Genera) Thompson and Dr, 1$. P. Ham, went to the premises and «-\ ] limned tin* body. On examination Dr. t Ham found that the woman’s skull was | crushed in the front and behind as if by jin axe. and there were no wounds that could possibly lmvc been made by shot from ai gun. The examination was eon- ' elusive that the young wif had horn most brutally murdeed and that after 1 . , . . (load shot in tl.o v. -I, pm that 1>n; ' ht< '‘' !iml l > a l'l»'f-. contained only wiuhling’, the !.«u , mm 1 >; ' Ing the scorched wound on h t- it <1 the forehead. Patter.- n w .in m* 1 : # I. ly arrested and brnughi In ■ !mi - - x-.-- Ip- j ; tion running high and * . • 1! • < p>. full of people today from the country :i .* trict where the ime was committed. From 18 )1 t<* 1828 Not |L C!«ro- linn furni-liod 10,000 v* f th of all Hint W:t* produitod in this conntrv (Inrini: period. In ls:.o the (ic” i rtf in ir old m’rtu's Ik»- i:;Hi I (» yi'dti, ;Hi(l !])»• records 4>I* the i< iv: >! mint show tlmt the pold fm uished hy the soul li A t hip tie states from ITT.) to 1 tttfkwms ;ts follows: North C’nrolinn, Mnr\ land, do, and think the most Mpjitable way' would be for other g nierat ions t«» aid in building it ns the jail will be as much . (brother generations as for ourselves, ! and so let the burden be borne hy the 1 people who may live after iu as well to by nuraolv oh. The only wr y to do th’.v is to create a . bonded !nd(*t>tednc*Fs for that purpose} running l!uougi» . number of y»*ar- m l levy and collect each year Taxes enough , to pay the inter s* .ml a part ol tie- principal. To lo thin under the consti tution of the shite and the lawn made n pursuance thereof, it is ueccMt vy t'» have ; an eh*“tion and at least two thirds of tin* 1 'lUaliflcd voters of the county must v«to for it, or <-h»e it cannot he done, and Jill tho Taxes for that purposew mid 1. ve to be collected in one year if at .11. Therefore it is ordered that an election bo held in this county on Monday 23rd day of March 1*06, at .ill the voting pr< - cinets ot the county to be conducted in j a . ordain*.• with the consti ution ;»nd j laws of thi. state and ns directed by see- lions of the (’ode of ihissf -t-* of 1SSJ,, numbered 5OH (i.) nOS (j,) fj()S (k) and f>()8 j (l.)l«;rtho jnirpi . e of nscci’taining wheth er this county will authorize li. 'thousand doilara \voi ti» of ismds ie.-mc-l .'<>i* the I purjM -e f l uildijig a joil f«»r the couutA : 2nc Jsc*aaj3 tz'-ta_'J2C.-.TJXCT3 ^J333r —r-r-% • f.cQ ■ JOHN 'JILKHS, Manager, Clun-lotte, -V. C- *\ /T i r Manufacturers 01 •• xlr.taren ol 1 l ei Y FOR :i;’G, MILLING AND TREATING GOLD ORES.*-* CH LORI RATION A SPECIALLY. Engines, T^oilurs, Saw 31 ills. Pumps, Piping, AND ALL RE?\IR WORK. llllC]-( ! \ ir!>'inia, Sdiilli ('arolin.-i, < i I'.OIMii v, | A lali iiii.-i. i mm I BO t< 1*0)0,000 | I'" A (j. nod i*’" 1 for c 8.aB : Hpo<r; .000 i: lninil;-i-< -<t «t ( ■ in. tvtai to inlci'-iit, ally mill :i In- |i:iiil * the lirst liv one hundred 11 ich year will 1 dollars each, and :«» bear r,.te of live )»er cent pT r ■mi ft r twenty \ cju h. 1 An\\ bonds t‘.. 1..* paid pari of the principal ji) Jich year, the interest !1ji;-' « f ihe principal paid annually. Ti-imc LOG,000| K*>r the .second fiv< bdlnrs each y car of the pi in-ip:.1 sl-e.ll 1m l (i„ 1 0 1,000 1 paid in ad til ion *<» the interi- t annually - 1*20 ()00 | hor tin* third live years the interest 1 an<l throe hum!red dollars of the princi P .1 si ah b * paid annually. I Kor t lie foiP’tn five years four hundred (lollars of the principal each yenrsl"?' .be )•.ill in addition to the inb*»T*t on • i ally iirnl Unis at tho end of tweiv. i ! pay oil and settle* tin* final 1 I princlrtnl and interest due Hi at Slid bonds are to l> I cnnlance witli the law at» . i ej’e(i »•». 1 ana payments to b e made of interesr : and ]n im-i])al and in tin* time jhu' j at the rate of interest as a bo no iso t forth; and those favoring • tin* issue of bonds will have written <>i i printed on their tickets: 1 >r Ponds, and thoHe who oppose the issue of bonds | will have writtn or printed on their IKMVS i r’llu- Will-Id ill III- I -.-•hvi , M l |- ,, , jit. 1. KhNIML. itommis Roads t \ it*. il IS rolialdt*. 1,1. M.rooLKV. md Revenues . ; depty Winchester Repeating in, kj v will si-nd you llu- l’uoii mil 1 11'.- At kmtu \\ i'rkly .louniai twi-lvo mouths for Vim know whul tin- l’lioouiLss is and xml kmn'* yon ou^ht to' ttnvo it. lioc.-il |iri(lo, if notliiiiL;- nion* should conviuci' vmi of tins. Von will :ij>i>ii-i-int*• tin- Weekly .lournul. Il i-- uood now and it is yet tilin' lietter cvci- week. It yivis tle I raet i\ e g Our Model 1S93 Shot-Gun is nor/ - o J by all the most advn.rr.—' g * nnd game shooters. v g ASK TOCS »BAt£.1 TO p Everythin;- lhal ir. Newest amt ■ C kioil:i of Anamtiniiion are r.iaiic I ■ : £ WIMCHESTER REPEATING ARAS CU-, Cj ea- siuil h-u.ilal L’ai il Ai iill .-/or - tuliirf v l! eonlaihs sju-eial features I Int j will please ever member of the | la in i 1 . It \n ill make the home I it is ten I A. KK'IIAItUS) IN. \ Wliite (it AKDLAN'S SA.1,K. nit-, ever\ paye runniuy over | s ki, will uti-rest ini'- matter. ill (iKOIKJlA. Winn to an oi-itsi- of tlie ei slid remity 1 r..-.his 1 . '■1 hi- old l ru .$1,000 IN’ IMilZKS TO H1-: D1STUI15U- TKP A BSOU TK1A Fit UK. I’BO tin 1 letters eonliiim-il in tlie text: “Monox Sunns (Snow." nail term as many wonts as you oiui, iisi11letters .-i tlier liaekwaril or forward, tint don’t n- . any letter in same word mini times than it appears in ‘-Moxox Skkiis (Juinv." For i-xampli- the words: sre. on. none, weeds, '-tc. Tlie person forniinfr Hie jn-eaicst numtn-r of words, nsinjr the letters iu tin- ti-xt. will roi-eive one Imndretl dollars in cnsli. For the next lnrpest list we will jrive $75 in cash, for ttm next ^L’a ea.-.h, anil for each of tlie next ten Jorjfi-.-t lists wo will (five ten dollars in jfold. If you arc pood at wo’-d makinf.' yon can secure a valuator prize, un I lie Motion Seed Com- j pane intend fpvirjv many hundred spi eiftl prizes to persons sending them lists 1 eontainin^ over twenty live wonts. Write your name on list of words (mim in'red) and enclose the same postpaid w itli 12 two-rent stamps for a combina tion packaire of Mouon Seeds That Grow, which ineludes 12 packets of the latest and most popular llowers of different vs rii-ties. also particulars and rules of dir tril-ution of prizes. Tliis word eontes will be carefully and conscientiously ducted, and is solely for the purpose . , f irtlu-r inti odueinjr our sei-ds in new lo calities. You will receive tho hi-j-ijcsl val ue in flower seeds ever ottered, and lie- sides if you are aide to make a good list of w*oi*ds anil answer promptly you will stand an npial opportunity to secure a valuable prize. We intend spending n lnrjfe amount of money in the distritm tion of prizes in tliis contest. We assure you that vour trial order with us will be most gratifying;. Write your name plain ly and send list as early as possible. Address, MONON SEED CO., Mouon lililfv. Chicago, 111. ‘ Thk PuoiiRKS.s can lie had for in vents a month,25 cents for three months and $!.nn f.»r a vrttr. first 11i: - ,) i*itfii:: 1—one of tin-! pal I -t of i iiildrens papers-—i l-snd: . of it, uithunt ex- • • i.:■. a-. Show your ynod meni bv M-nditur or b/myiny us ^i.U) for twelve montlis' sub- si-iiption to Tmk l’ «nd tin- Atlanta Weekly .lournul with its cheery Juvenile Journal thrown iii. m o x rv: i’ursuanl I of tlrdiuary of tin- March term, • I l,e ("mu t house I county, on the •::t within the h- . tie following- I land No. 15-! in J» • ' : hy not be your ^ ; vi. r -itt Letwcon raalror and I' - . rimll just cue. « . ; ,o UatuioRUu and Buyers ■ * pound.* i d Oille irniloiw*. describes v.i u ! L 11 •: i:Iv'..! ’ * -pr-At;t. prirOof ovVr *‘0,COO nrtiv'lo , e*. . ?ili :* you use. V»A sondit ’ •! - -i Mi.;*'*, no; for tho book, but. to p v I'm ri • <f tho postage cr oxprossago, a ti l Loop off idlers. You can’t get it too quick. - • ** ; MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Tlie 5tort: of Ail the People s-FI6 Michigan Avc., Chicago* | kj:adquartess for if Q purpose of support tin- said ward of tli dian. lYsscssion will posaibl.i and i year. Yarch tainlv at the e lStllk’ li. li. lltVIX, li NOTICK. Wi;:r:t C (iKOKC.I \. whom it nun eoneern: Trotter andJ. li. Trott Nathaniel Trotter, ilecea the e.airt iu tlidir o Mil io recorded that they an- i. out said estate and m ki w ill: the legatees and he their said trust, and tak; effect. These m e then to sons concerned , the next and creditors to ~ how .-a ed. e dull settlement liseharyeil i,oin ■ letters to that •e to cite all pei- ofkin. legatees ise. if any tin v the only I DOUBLE SWEET PE ft. » BSISE OF NIAGARA. 4T True to Name.) t Price-Packet 25c. Half packet 15c. THE WONDERFUL » CFJIRlSv N RAilfidLEi? J Only 15 Cents. ; VIGK’S FLORAL 0U1DE, ISOG, 2 * Tho Pioneer 0e:d Cf.taloguo. U * Tried and True Novelties.— Fuch:;i.*\» ». V K sirs, l>l;.ckl'crry, *1 he lb.irl Gooscbcnv, I PoMloe.. harlivv. Toa.aa. Kn v.n, r 1 jlhngmyh- tf lv u ble l*e.,. K -cs r fuchsire, Hiatkhcrries, Raspberries, New 5 Le-« cr Ti male, Vegetables, pitted with ■■■el * Ihuipi, old and new. Full li-t rf Flowers, _ 5 \ nitctaMes. Small Fruits etc., with .t:« rip- { U-nl and pri:,... Mailed an re,:cim of . . cl . * J Jhich may I:.* deducted li-om ltn,.rder—i.eliv r vcfi,-—ov free with an erder ior any oi i!ic can. why said executors should not !>.. a) towed to make said final settlement, p \ over to the legatees their i es,.eetiv’e shares, and take letters of dismiss ion . u tlie til st Monday n May next Feli’y 1. ISOti. J. II. Frkbmax, Ordinary. 1IOW To KN.IOY GOOD HI-.At.TH. If yon are soflering witli any -kin or ldood disease, liheumiitism , t'atiu rli. t'l- L-ers. Old Sores, lienerid Debility, etc., send stamp to the I Balm Co.. Atlan ta- C i.. for booh of wonderful enres.frce. TI- si ok vhl point the Way to speedy re-" oe- ni I'doo.l Halm, (■:’•. 1>. d after n long tested •minent physician, and g up ami blood purify- n.. n: li a. in tile world. beware of substili.tes. I’riee $1.00 for large bottle, bee advertisement elsewhere. For sub tly Druggists. £iU i Is tho weak, lan guid cry ol tho sufferer from aick headache. Hood's Pills cure this condition promptly, anr ,o agreeably i> Is like f • .. s- »nt change from darkness ! > Tire fe -liu;; oi utter exhnu - bility to work is driven of! iive o-.u-aas are toned, s.: ... „ad regulated. Hood’s PHlj pui-uly - ego: c. ct r.ft drnreists. Jflr.v. J. p.ltell, Osvaicataniie. Kan. wlfoot tho editor of The Graphic, the lead- | iii" lis-ui paper of Miami e unty, writes. "•1 troubled trill: : :■::r:' fur six years, ." '.ere palpitations, short- ■ ness of breath, together with such e v - t.-eiao nervousness, that, at. times I wouii walk the floor nearly ail night. We ) cousnltcd tho best mi . :d talent. Thru tiisitl there tr:ts no help forme, that I had organic de e .se of tiio heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement In The Graphic and a year ago. as a last resort, triedoue . ittleof Dr. Kites’ -Vric Curt for the Heart, which convinced me that there was true merit in tt. I took three bottles each of the li. art Cure and Restorative Nervine and it r.ompletely currii mic. I sleep •cell at night, uiy heart beats reeularly and I have no more smothering spells. I wish to say to all who are suffering as I did: lhere’s.relief untold for them if they will only giro your remedies just one trial." Dr. Miles noart Cure in sold on a positive guarantee that 'he lirst bottle will benefit. All druggists sell It at M, 8 bottles for 18, or it will t?e sent, prepaid, on reeeint of price by tho Dr. Milee Medical Co., Ki kiiart, Ind. Dr. Mites’ Heart Cure Restores Health Cure for Sick Headache. I IkuismikI of ! dies suffer IVeni sick liottfl (-!)(>( .-uiscd midiMibted]y l>v disordt-vi-d liviT m- stomach. Tin- bi-sj remedv thatctm b. (ili- tmiiu-1 for thi> distrossm<r com plaint is found in Hood’s Pills. 1’h' sc pills nre so mild and jrentIc in action vet so tlioronirb that tln-y (five perfect .satisfaction, f hoy '-hi e sick hood,mho, jaundice sour stomach and nil liver ills. They break up colds and fever and prevent tho ,r ' o. 'T eicd for 21 Year* ONLY Genuine T!.-* original ..nd only Ramrini 1'Oiiinl iJxv^- n Trtjilnmtt. (Iimt of Din. Starkoy & Palen, is srit*.;t:(ic iidjust- Tm*n1 of tlie elcnionts of Oxypen ana Ni- tr(»jren n;afru»»tizefl. and the compound is si> ct'iidt*used and made poi table that it is st nt all over the world. It has hern in use for many years; tin i.sands »>f patients have lieeii treateil and over one thousand physicians have used ;t and recommended iu The great success of our treatment has driven rise to a host of imitators, unscrup ulous persons, some calling 1 their prepa- r»ti< ns Compound Oxygen, often appro priating our testimonials ami the names of our j atients. to recommend worthless concofi onp. But any substance made elsi-v. re, or Ly others, and called Com pound ( xygen, is spurious. *** “Compound Oxygen—Its Mode of Ac tion and Results.” ip the title of u hook «d 200 juiLD’s published Ly I)rs. Starkey A Rnlen, wliicii gives to all inquirers lull information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of surpi s- ing cures in a wide range of chronic cases- many of them after being aban doned to die by other physicians. Will be mailed to any address on application Drs, Starkey & Palen, I. r i20 Ai-eh Street. I’hiladelpliia, 1’ennH. Please mention this paper. OAKES, KYTLE , ATTORNEYS A! LAW. ('levebiiic!, Gn. All business receives our prompt attention. 'Ilia .iffr. t ♦t.jn i table,: , reliable WHAT W£ SAY, but “ what Uood’8 Sarsaparilla Does, that tells the story of its merit and sue- o- *. livicerober HOOD’S Cures. Cleveland High School. Tuition and Board REflSOflRBLE. The moral tind mental iidvance- ment of pupils especially de signed. A. E. LASHLEY, Principal, f'r.EVET. VXD G\