The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, April 10, 1896, Image 2

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Tbe Cleveland Progress OlftfUd Organ » f White vuunty »e« Hugh Re«s«. The Wicked World. •£aWr«*l at th* P«mt-nffic« at ClovcUml 4tav,«od-c]jiftH Mail M»»ttJmi. 29,.'92 Clsvelsnd, Ua., Apr. 1C, ’98. PERRY TO SPEAK. Hon. Ileitrv H. Perry, Demo* era tie candidate on the sound money platform for repreientn- tive <if the Ninth district in Con- fflobe, hut this U due lately to •ri'090, will address the people of A question which is constantly j lifting propounded and qne which! eiiimot he answered satisl'actorily I js.'jMM Jiuimuyty is becoming more depraved as the world grows older. Tho general verdict n thal such is the ease, while others claim that the world has ever been the same and that our in creasing knowledge of the world and its ways is the cause for the seeming criminal increase. Every tiny the papers contain accounts of crimes of every de scription from all parts of the White county at the court house the. inereasid news facilities of modern times; and the successful daily must he a complete chrom ic Cleveland during the noon re- <;|e of the passing show. We read cess of court next Wednesday, April 15th. Especial attention will tie given to the discussion of the financial question. Mr. Perry has for years been a close student of this question and the assertions made and arguments presented will not he of the wind bag vm- ety, hut will he hacked by facts and a knowledge of the question that very few public men possess. The speech will be dean, plain and unprejudiced find evert niun tn White County should hear it. Carter attempted to straddle mid split his pantaloons first pop. Do you favor men or principles? Perry is the man either or both ways. The Georgia Cracker, uninten tionally we suppose, credited us with a paragraph last week which was taken from another paper. The the details as we would any other news item, not realizing even in a v.igiio manner tin* horror of the crimes they depict. Hut when these atrocious crimes are perpetrated in our own State wo can faintly imagine the terror and grief with which they are fraught, and stand aghast at me contemplation of the brutal mad ness which inspired them. Within the last month four de liberate murders have been com mitted at our own doors, so to speak. Hall, Rabun, Pike and Talbot counties show the bloody recoid. In Hall and Talbot the victims were women. In the for mer county the crime was partic ularly gruesome and dastardly, and in the latter, though some what less brutal, was horrible in the extreme. In Hall a young was murdered by one who had sworn her protection and love be fore God and man; in Talbot' a beautiful and accomplished young lady met. death i.t the hands of I her jealous lover. It is possible clipping stated that ^-*’1. ■ for u miiii in tlic heat of passion Perry is oil the wrong side of the [ t() takw lho | ife „ f i, is f( .|| uw | 1U _ money question. We must dis claim why such expression. No ,"“Snap’’ Wanted. County Directory. Ordinary—-J. It. Freeman. Clerk—W. R. Power. Sheriff—S. I.. Brown. Tax Receiver—(I. N..Colley. 1’nx Collect or—Hen t on Tiotter. . • iTeietfrer—13.■ N. Wnrwiek. Surveyor—”. II- Kflwaixls. Coroner—M. L. Alien. Hclioffl Cnmm’r. O.S. Kytle. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • J . A. Ricliuntsiln. Naeoocliee. Ga. R. T. Kenimer. Cleveland. <iu. J. M. Cooley, Leo, Oa. JUDICIARY. John J. Kimwev. J. S. (( Howard Thorn] re a. - .!. < ville, Oa. The executive committee of the Ninth copgressionnl district will meet in Gainesville next Tuesday. The probable object of the meet ing will lie to set the time for the congressional nominating conven tion. It is to he hoped that the com mittee will consider party success above all things else and not call the convention until after the na tional platform is made. Theeall- ing of snap conventions for so Called “party harniotiy”is already becoming nauseating. The choice of tlie congressional candidate by the convention this year means a great deal to the Democracy of the district. The national plat form will declare for sound mon ey, and if u free* silver candidate is nominated it will place both Democrats and candidate in very awkward positions. There can he no reason for a snap conven tion. ■ To hasten choice in the counties would not only do Col. Perry injustice but would be an equal injustice to the people, foi they would express themselves be fore an opportunity will have been given to hear a thorough pre sentation of the true Democratic principles of the financial problem. Can the committee conscientious ly call an early convention in face of these facts? We think net. man, but how a man can delibe rately murdei the being upon whom his heart's affections are centered is conception. Such love—if it can he so termed— is indeed a fierce and peculiar pits* sum. The insanity dodge so com mon among murderers these lays should lie a plausible one, for the qualms of .1 conscience laden with t|)0 guilt of murder must be dis tracting even to the veriest brute. Hut the punishment, of conscience, though severe, is not enough. Let the poi petrators < f these liein-j oils crimes lie meted speedy pun ishment. $1,000 IN PRIZES TO 1JE DISTRIBU TED ABSOLUTELY FREE. Use tho letters contained in tlie text: “Monox Surds Grow," and form as many words as you can, using letters ei ther backward or forward, lint don't use* any letter in same word more times than itaippcara in “Monox Surds Grow." For example the wonts: seo, on. none, woods, etc. The person forming lho greatest number of words, using the letters in the text, will receive one hundred dollars in cash. For the next largest list we will give $15 in cash, for the next $25 rash, and for each of the next ten largest lists we will give ten dollars in gold. If you are good at wo-ijl making you can secure a valuable prize, as the Monon Seed Com pany intend giving many hundred spo cial prizes to persons sending them lists containing over twenty live words. Write your name on list of words (num bered) and enclose the same postpaid with 12 two cent stamps for a combina tion package of Monon Soeds That Grow, which includes 12 packets of the BOTANIC BLOOD BALM A thoroughly tooted Remedy rOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Thi« standard remedy has been tried and not found wanting, fur forty year*. by an «iuincut physician., who ha* um*»1 It with csr» tain and unvarying success for all diacuuHt for which it is rncouimended. It never fall* to benefit from the first dose. quickly and otfoctually driving out all diseaso germ* from til* ay*turn without any unpleasant or Injurious effect*. It ia not tint result of Ig norance or superstition, but it is founded npon common sens* and a thorough knowl* u(igo of modern utodlcal science. it effect ually purifies and enriche* the blood and brings health to the sufferer. A* a general building-up tonic it I* without a rival, anil in it* analysis of health-giving properties it ih absolutely beyond comparison with any remedy ever offered to the public. It Is a panac ea for impaired vitality and all ills re uniting from impure and impoverished Idood —llie current of life; quickly cures Nerofula, l ifers. Enema. RUIn Ola- vnivs ami Eruptions, f'atnrrli. Djs* pepsin, Itheiiuiallsm. User. Kidney INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. Bend for our Free H*«k of ValuAfcle I it format Ion. together with a wonderful array of certificate* of remarkable cures, from tbe simplest to the most virulent (Us- en*d, after all known remedies hud failed. There certificate* testify with no uncertain I.mnd. that Botanic Blood Balm I* the beat, rh"np**t, quickest, greatest utid most pow erful Blood Purifier and health-giving rem edy «vor known to the world. It Isonrflta from lho Ur*tdiMsr. , , Prick— per bottle; $.'>.00 for f> bottles. II. B. n. Fills are a mild aud eflectlve purgative and Liver Regulator. One rill is a done. Price, 25 ct*. por box. It. B. B. Naive* is a superior dressing and Lure for alt kind* of sore*, burns, erup tions, etc. Price, 50 cts. por box. B. B. B. Nranff, excellent for colds, ca tarrh. etc. Price Wet*, per box. These nm* ho used, when necessary, with Botanic Blood Balm. Kur sale by druggists; if not, send to u». Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. Jurors for April Court. Followin'; is a list, of jurors drawn :il October term, 18'.i(>, to serve at April term, 18'J(>, of W bite superior court: GRAM) JURORS. Tlios V Cantrell, \V I Hum- nlii'ies, H II Turner, SS Crumley, !• M Me.Millen, M 11 G.lstrap, \V T Crum lev, .1 L i' rdue, L ll.Iaek son, l« M Sliuler, John A Ledford, G A Adalii.-, H J Heaeli, 11 11 llel ton, A M (Mark. .) C Rogers, N, X Littlefield, L 1) Carpenter, J A1 1’a liner, E A Hrownlow, .John G | (l,.p (w it H . It is now being; wnrke 1 l>y W Allen, .las N Head, John ,J Head, EC Dorsey, A II I leiidei'sou, Jr., O M Lothridgc, G II ('lark, J M Glover, W R Ash, VV J Rllogtm. Total, 30. TRAVERSE JURORS. N ii Skelton, C A Jones, It 11 Harrett, W J Oakes, Jr.. J L He.I ton, S C Cantrell, J C Hell, J H Ferguson, 11 F Miles, S E West moreland, Hiram Cunmm. ' J *• Turner, J W Hlaekwell,.! ffo’Kel- lev, G \ v Antrev, Jasper ilo.l- conib, John H Cannon, A H Htl'V- en, C M Clayton, 1) II Warwick, T A Oakes, J E Sutton,. \\ 11 Smith. J M G'llbvaith, V C Skel ton. J \V Warwick, A G Kenydv, \Y M Satterfield, W 11 Roberts, .1 C Stovall, J F West, John Ad ams, James M Corbin, J 11 ('ra ven, J L Fix, C A Thurmond. Total. 36. The modern Pain Annihilator, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other aches. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Only the genuine will do the work.^ Che* LANGE'S PLUGS,Tho GriatTubaceo Antidote,10c. Dealers ur mail,A.C.Meier * Co., Balto.,Md. THE uanacD'JsasacD y. no Traxm xrt?.o .-tnaiN N( TICK. GEORGIA, Wjiitr County:—Whereas . l.l. IL WcHlmorpianrl. administrator «»f 1 1 ReavpH W<*Mtfiori*lini(l« ilorenncd pepre- M»nt8 to Hit* court in liip petition, duly i | filed find entered on record, that lie has j i fully administered Heaven Went more ; land’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and credit- M&flUl&CtlirCrS ors, to allow cause if any they, ean why said administrator should not lie dis- j charged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 181*0. J. H. Kkkkman, Ordinary. SHERIFF S SALE. GEORGIA'—Whitb County:--Will be sold before the court House door in the town of Cleveland in said county for cash within the legal hours sale on the first Tuesday in May next, the ff Rowing property, ns the property of the defend-1 ant .las. P. Phillipps, towit: All of the j defend ant's inteiest in the Loud Gold. Mine situated, lying’ u.nd bein^ in the county of White and in the first district of said county, said Loud Gold Mine con sisting of lots of land Nos. 35. 3'.*, 40 and 41. All raid lots containing 1,000 acres, more or the interest of said lefend- ant in said mine being 1 1 Oth undivided ; with all the rights and privileges thereto belonging-. This property is one of the most p odue.tive gold mines in the State and is exceeding- rich in g-old veins and CTOTr>rir»trregrrx-ryx ryrjJT.rp-ynji ■—riXf51'.r.L5J JJfXTf.XXl TT.X3 .*XT3TEBUCT UQ WTV3TOO3LUll/X tOT - tu u JOHN WILKES, Manager. Charlotte, IV. C. „\T ciclqii\ery FOR MILIfj m FilEWHG GJLD 0RES.+-* ITanuIactorcrs 01 CH LOR I NATION A SPECIALLY. Engines, Boilers, Saw Pinnjis, Piping, AND ALL REPAIR WORK. u Tnnrrrsinmnrff ire z ru'SYimrrBTnrcir DON’T STOP TOBACCO! HOW TO CUKE YOURSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco lmbit grrmvH on a man un til his nervous system is seriously atlVct- ed, impairing- health comfort and lmppi ness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tobureo to an in veterate user becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. 4 *Bnco- Curo" is a scientific e ire for the tobacco habit, in all ils forms, carefully com pounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physician who has used it in his private practice since 1N7-, without a fail ure. It is purely vegetable aud gruirun- teed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobacco you want while taking- *’lki- co-Curo.” It will notify you when to stop. Weguvo a written guarantee ot t:uro permaneiiMy any case with three boxes, or refund tin* money with ten per cent, interest “Baito-Curo” is not a sub stitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no iuco .venieuce. It leaves the system H. Courtenay w ho is realizing-handsome ly therefrom. Said one-sixteenth inter est levied and to be sold as the property of said J. 1*. Phillipps to satisfy a mort gage fi fa issued from White superior court in favor of Dowdell brothers vs. j .said J. P. Phillipps. Said property fully described in mortgage. Written notice of- levy given in terms of the law. This April 0, ISM. ^ S. L. Brown. She»ifT. ! NOTICE. GEORGIA, Wmrn CorNTY:—To all whom it may concern: Whereas E. N. Trotter and J. 11. Trotter, executors of Nathaniel Trotter, deceased, »*eproseht t<> the court in tlioir p«*titi«*n duly filed and 1 na’orded that they art* now ready to pay ' out said estate and make final settlement with the legatees and he discharged from their said trust, mid take letters to that ; etlect. These are then fore to cite all per sons concerned , the next of kin, legatees and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said executors should not he al lowed to make said final settlement, pay over to the legatees their respective shares, and take ieth rs of dismission on the tilst Monday in May next. Feh’v 4, Winchester Repeating ° Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used Rifles i by all the most advanced trap Shot-Guns a and game shooters. Single Shot-Rifles 3 ASK TODR DEALHa TO CROW YOU THIS GUII. ‘ j Everything that ia Newest ami lies; i:i Repeathir; Arms ss well u- a" sJ kinds of Ammunition are made by th; , Jj WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winchester Ave., New ITEven, C, n.i. '•> 0 vjt Pend a 1‘or.tul Card with your addrc3> for ourli«J-va^Il’us. rat(':i'Ja f ;:lc rn •. c ■ \JUL r WSLSUULSL2^JlSiSL^ QS.^ASiSLJlLSL^SL r ^^2 2S.yj?S T < 0 v o ^ o o o <i n • H' 1496. J. 11. Ft: Ordinary. Mnnv surli Hon 1 Blntxl Halm is a poundiM mi'd ' in yours' praota o l>v it is tlio lv st Id" 1 to tlio jmlsio. ami i if /jivon a fair tri d li tXKS. ; • 1‘lvi‘t. 1’olanic " 1 ■«i in sly coill- i, salt of forty n a: liiii'a jdi siuian. I'livilier rvar nfforwl * jrimrnntooil to run* Try it lor all sk n tla anti most popular flowers of ililti-i ant va- ■ 118 l""‘ e ,tni ' (”"[ nicotine as the dav - ,. ll ] 1>8 0 f ,i. yon took your tirst enow or sinoke- Tlic supi't'Kie foui't of Georgia isovor woikotl. Tho pouphsshould not fail to ratify tho proposed amendment to the constitution which provides for three addition al justices. 'I lie Georgia Cracker has been transformed front an eight column folio to a six column quarto. Its first issue in the new dress prom ises even bettor things for the fu ture than has marked its past. Wo arc eel tain nothing better could be said of the Cracker, rirtirs, also particulars unit : tribution of prizes. This word contest will ho carefully and conscientiously eon- ducted, and is solely for t lie purpose of further inti odueinjr our seeds in new lo calities. You will receive the bi(ft;est val ue in (lower seeds ever offered, and lie- 111,11 °l >o n to inspection sides if you are able to make a (rood list ! presented: of words and answer promptly you will | Chiyton,Nevada u stand an eipml opportunity to secure a j valuable prize. \Ve intend spending a | large amount of money in the distrihu tion of prizes in this contest. We assure you that your trial order with us will he most (fratifyinjf. Write your name plain ly aud scmijlist rs arly ns possible. Address, MONONSEED CO„ Cured by Bacco-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on tile and on tile the following is Ark.. Jan. 28, 1895. Eureka Chemical Ml“. Co., La Crosse Wis.—Gentlemen: For forty years 1 used tobacco in all its forms. For twen ty-live years if that time I was a rent sufferer from general debility and hen t disease. For fifteen years 1 tried to quit but couldn't. 1 took various remedies, anions others "No-to-bae,” "The Indian .. .... . ,,, | Tobacco .'ntidoie," “Double Chloride of Mono.. Bldg. Chicago. 111. , }oll ,.- , „ llt noue ^ thl , (U d me the " ** •’ i- st illy, however. I ' purchased a box of y u "liaco-Curo'’ and it ha- •■i.tirely cured me of the habit in all its l' rms, and 1 have increased 90 pounds in weight and am relit veil from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. 1 could write a quire of >in"- per upon my changed feelings and co ,'i- tion. Yours repeclfully, t P. H. Mauburv, Pastor C. P. Church, Chiyton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at $1 per box: three boxes, (thirty days' treatment,) $2.50 with iron clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical .A Mfg. Co., LaCrosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, Headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion arc promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work Hood’s easily amt thoroughly. ■ ■ ■ Best after dinner (dlls. Blv III 2A rents. All druggists. I III Prepared by ('. I. Rood ft Co.. Lowell, Mass, The only Pin to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. aud blood diseases, including catarrh and l heumatisni in its worst form. One bot tle of it contains more dilative and build ing u(i virtue than a dozen of any other kind. Try • vestlsement Druggists. ■the old reliable." elsewhere. For See sale nd- by .#y m\ fee yeur ^m Middle-man? EART DISEASE, Hkc ; many other ailments vrhen they havo taken hold ot the system, novor gets better of its own accord, but Constantly yrourts worse. There are thousands who know they havo a defective heart, but will not the fact. They don’t want th*»ir friends to worry, and Don't know what to take for it. as they havo been told time and again that heart disease was incurable. Such was tho Case of Mr. Silas Fariey of Dyes ville, Ohio , who writes Juno 19,1694, as fellows: *'I had heart disease for years. my heart hurting me almost continually. Tho first 15 years I doctored ail the time, j trying several physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told mo it was only r. question of timo ns I could not. be cured. I gradually grew worse, very week, and completely dis couraged, until I lived, propped half up in bod, because 1 couldn't lie clown nor sit up. Think- i ing my time had come I told my faa- j ily what I wanted done when I was gone. But on tho first day of March on tho rccomrneudution of Mrs. Fannie Jones, of Anderson, Ind., I commenced t mg J>r. Miles 9 Dure for the and wonderful to t .1, in ten cays I was working at liciit work and ou March 19 com menced framing a barn, which Ls heavy j worK, and I hav’nt lost a day since. I am JG years oid, 0 ft- 44 inches and weigh 250lbs. I believe I am fully eured % and I am now oniy anxious that everyone shall know of your wonderful remedies." Dyesville, Ohio. Silas Farley. JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED GUITARS, Tay but ono profit between maker and user and that a -mat 1 just one. Our Big 7C0 Pago Vulaloguo and Buyers Outdo proves that it's possible. Weighs 2', pounds, 12,0(0Illustrations, describes ai (1 tellstlieone-proflt price of oxer 40,000 articles, every: titng you esc. Wo send It for I5ccnts; Hint's not for tho book, but to pay part of tlio postage or expressage, and keep off idlers. You can’t get it too quick. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., The 5tnre of All the People «.n6 Michigan Ave., Chicago. J)j. MfieS Heart CUVQ Dr. Milos Heart-Cur© is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottlo will benefit. All druggists sell it at 11. 0 bottles forJ5 or it will be sent, prepaid on receipt of price * "i., Elkhart, T J by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co.. rt, Ind. Restores Health WE DO JOB WORK. -Give us your pi intin." i(\(\ NICELY BOUND 1UU BOOKS FREE! None except youn.ff Indie.- apply. Address: need 0. BOX 06 , DALTON, GA. Cure for Sick Headache. Thousand <>f ladies suffer from sick headache caused undoubtedly hv disordered liver or stomach. | The best remedy that ean lie oh- j tiiine.l for this distrossin*r com plaint is found in Ilopd’s Rills. 1 1 These pills are so mild and irentle in action yet so thorough that they trive perfect- satisfaction. They cute sick headache, jaundice j sour stomach aud all liver ills, j I They break up colds and fever | and prevent the "rip. ! Justice Onurt blanks at this office j Jobwork in city style at this office. lUOT WHAT WE SAY, but * ** what Hood's Sarsaparilla Does, thut tells the story of its nierit and sue- ! ccss. Remerp'iPi- HOOD’S Cures. MUSICAL MERCHANDISK, 811,813,815,817 East 0th SL. New York KYTLE | OAKES, TTORNEYS A! LAW, Cleveland, Gii. il business rei eives out pitmpt attention. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrstrd BQ-pi Band Instruments V-Slfe'S) XL 5 0 * DRUMS, FIFES, ^iccoloo and Band Supplies. ■end io, JOHN F STRATTON, L..;.,o t ue ^ii.Ou ol5 B i 7 E. 910 St S.r. veland High School. Ruitian and Board REASONABLE. he moral aud mental advance ment of pupils especially de signed. k. E. LASHLEY, Principal, ’LE MI.AM) • - Ga -'OHfi F STRATTON’S CELEBRATED Birmingham Steel Strings lor Violin. Guitar, Mandolin. Banjo H'V's Finest Made. Extra plated. KSAll HA* Warranted not to rust. Send lor Catlg JOHN F. STRATTON, Importer, Manufacturer end Wholesale Dealer 4 bll. 813, 815, 817 E. 9th SL, N. Y. io The Progress. JOHN F, STRATTON’S SS Imporun «in<! WXoletsl* Dealer* io allklsdsof MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violins, Guitars, Banjos. Accordcons, Harmonl- cos, lo, all kinds of Stilnos, ate., etc. ’ 1. 1 a. 815,817 Has19th St.,Ncav York