The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, April 24, 1896, Image 2

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J mvXrrmvTrrATt-rwr. wcA v.vr* tw OffethtlOrifAn rtf WhUo erttfAty Uon Hugh Pl&Gdfc Editor Kni*r*\ mt tWt\rit-/ittce at Clevrtlnwl Mail Matt« ,, .»lHii. *2w. *911 ‘CleTelr nil, Gfc., Apr., 24 ’96 Jtemetnber: To Vnte*thi* y •ur you niiiHt r#afi*ter this vonr. No Free Sitverites. ’For'tt»!fiVV’ti‘<t«*»i* we hiivhetiid 'that the free to l write* tire over- 'whelitiinjrly in the* majority d the State* tltal if It vote were t luin it would result in defeat ir redeemable 'to the edUnd money ■element. TliLliu* been tin* tulk of eflveriter.niid xomid money men would ne(|uie>tcn such n Htutement us belli" true. Wc don’t believe any ■sneli statement. We believe that the number of real, dyed-in- tho-blood silveriteH is miserably small. The truth is the people have been mis-led and they sim ply incline to the silver fallacy because they have never heard anything else. Bui sound the average citizen, let him tell you in hia own way what he be lieves to bo right and *ou will find that free silver men aie few and far between. Mr. Perry is milking converts every day. The majority of the people are will ing to do the right thing if they knew what to do. What plainer ^evidence Jo wo have of this fact, than the disposition on part of free silver politicians and their friends to precipitate choice for the candidates for various offices before the people have a eliance to knolp< what they are doing r^ The people of the Ninth district havo been insulted and it is to he hoped that they will resent it in a wav that will make the Tale delegation wish they had at least given fair play. Canton is to have a Fourth of July currency debate. Local pol iticians will be tho disputants. Constipation i causes fully halt the sickness In the world. It ’ retain* the dluesteil food too Ion;: In tho bowels I snd produce* liiltoucucm, torpid liver. Indl- Hood’s ur.Htlou, bud tasto, coated ■ ■ ■ tontine, sick bcadnchc, In- _ 1 I a somnlu, etc. Ifciuil'e Tills ■ fill N r cure constipation nml all Its ™ | results, easily and thoroughly. 'M. All drufnilsts. i Prepared t,y C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass, l'ho only Pills to hike with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A thioroughly testort Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Thin atendtird rrmody Imn boon tried find not found wHiiting. for forty scuii*. »»y «n <;tiiiit* nt physician. who ban »iI it with ror- Keep It Up, Gentlemen. from tb' *yM«m without any uuplenaaot or injurious effect*. It is not thb of i«* iterance* or HUp^rul it ion. but it In i on mi on niton f onimon ik iho find u thorough knuwl- «*du« ol modem medical adenco. It • nally purifies ami enriches tho blood an l hrlniff. Itrolth to the* sufleicr. At* a grr.iiM building-up tunic it Is without n rival, uUtl in its nnnlyul* of hi-alth-giving properties it is nhiolmrdy beyond corn par l son with any remedy ever offered to the public It Is a nnnarea i -r impaired vitality and ill iI|n ru* hii 1 tlii'.r from impuro and impoverished Mood — tho riimiit of Hro; quickly rures Merofulu. l lern. llrxeuiM. Hlilii l>l%* euxi'w «n«l Eruption*. i'uturrit. I*.'*- pepaia, Khruiiittllon*. I.her. Mldaey Democratic prospects grow brighter cnch dav, nml this is largely duo to such workers as Hon. Henry Perry, Spain becomes marc insulting. Does she think we will fight? We had best give her a good spunking right now before she fioeomes even more saucy. Everything seems one wav in Towns and Union counties—all for sound money, bettor times and Perry for Congress. We saw one free silver man, and he leaves for Oregon next week. Mr. Perry made a great, speech at Young Hairis Saturday. He spoke to a crowded house and Ihe attention given him was good throughout. Mr. Perry is doing excellent work for Democracy. INVESTIGATE FOR VOORSELF. Bend for our Fret* Itool* of Valuable* Informall«*n. iwnli’tr with a wonderful orray of cnrtlltCfttvH of rwmtrk'iblo cures, from tho simplcd to tho moat virulent <11*- ckhii, after all known remedies had failed. Those crrllflmttrt testify with no uncertain Bound, that IloliDic Blood Balm if* the beef, chinr.-d. quickest, frcntvnt und most pow erful Blood Purifier and haalth-ttivine rem edy over known to the world. It iMtnorlt* from thi* nr*t flow. A I’uic*-|L<M p* r bottle; fi.ooforf. bottles. It. Cl. II. I’ll la are n mild and offfctjv,* purgatlv»i mid Ll\er Hvgulator. One Pill is a doar. Price, 25 cts. per box. R. D. It. Mnlvc is a superior dressing and Cure for all kinds of son**, burns, erup tions, etc. Price. Miota. per box. II. II. II. Knuff, *• a ollent for colds, torrh.otc. I’rlro M) ots. per box r, *‘““ ho imoiI. whon uvci'ssary lllood liulrn. Tor i nlo by driiftftlftts; If not, send to tin. may with Hotauic Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. The great menace to the devel- opmi'n and jirospcrit y of the south is the agitation of the free silver issue. The idea that the people i f this section demand the roe and mi im'tcd coinage of xil VtT at 10 to 1 has already caused incalculable mischief. It has 'checked the movement of capital mid thrifty settlers in this dime lion and ha> delated the onward march of toe south. 1 he follow ing instance in point i> furnished by a correspondent of the New York .Sun: 1 have a loiter from a ilisllng'uihhod clergyman in Uniat liritiap who recently oi'irani/.cd a Imdy of 2B0 welltotlo ficmerH, having' $200,000 cash In Imy mid .settle a tract of land in Texas Before lie perl'eel- ett aiTungei'.ents the shretwl ('iitmdlan Pacific (railroad) »(rents jf«t among- the colonists and gave each person copies of calamity howls, speeches made by South ern Populist*. Tlic result is that the set. , tiers have decided to go to Canada. Ev- j seventh disti let to Ic.i Ihe poo- ory person in the party would have been j pie out of the Wilderness, .'Hid worth $10,000 to Texas in 10 years. j make llic rafc fol' congress oil t Ip- One such eoloiiv would bo of sound money platform? 1 he \r- more value to Texas than 10,000! '. r us heli«ves such a man i ould win such demagogues as those who arc 1 the race.—Da 1 ton Argu*. pruneing over that state proclaim-i mg salvation by free silver. We j A county fair {of (twinnoU is have an abiding faith that the l proposed, to he held at Lawrence sound busineas sense of the south- villo this fall. Ihe people mi-.dil ern people will at no distant day s:i y at the June |)ritnaries whether assert itself and the world will re- I or not liwinnclt ran have a fair, coivo sufficient assurnnecs that L would he well to settle these this section is not a hotbed of fi-1 various and sundry matters, sen- nanei il hiM'esies and free silver j atonal and otherwise, all at one foolishness.—Atlanta Journal. Cou.x‘y D11'victory. Oidinp.rv—J. It. Pi-e in«n. Clerk—W. H. Power. Sheriil'—S. I.- Brown. Tax Uc' -iver—(!. iN’. Colley, i'ax Collector—Benton Trotter. Trcnsin-ei—t). K. Warwick. Surveyor—II. Hdwr.rds. Coroner -M. B. Allen, School Comm'r. U.S. lCytlc. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS• .). A . Uiciiardeon. Nucoochoi*. U It. T. Kcnimor. Cleveland. Ua. .1. M. Cooley, Leo, Ga. JUDICIARY. John .1. Kimsev. J. S. ('. Cleveland Ua Unwind Thompson, Sol. Gen.. Gaineb- Fille. Un. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Wiiitk C'ocntvWherens .1. li. WoBtinore'uml. udminUtrator ol It eaves Werlmort-Iond. deeeioed repre- ! entii to the court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he has -oily administered Heaves West move • i 'ami's estate. This s then fore to cite all j ... . persons concerned, kindred and er.Alit J BanUiaCtHreFS 01 nrs. to sh >w cause if any they can why; said administrator should not he din- | charged from his administration and re ) The People’s Friend. In use for fifty years. Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections. DR. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes. Chew LANQE'S PLUGS, 1 no Great Tobacco Antidote.10c. Dealers or mail.A.C.Mover A do.. Falto..Md. rjrcTix* xraese .rita’ji reive letters of dismission on the tirst Monday in July, 18tMl. J. It. Kkkkman, Oi'dinarv. '•!:tiicfaf;lurevs o; tl \) i Li U NOTICE. GEORGIA, Wiiitk Cor>rv:--To all hem it may contrrn: Whereas E. N. !»t ! Ti-nller amt .1. It. Trotter, executors nl sjj ! auii I Trotter, deceased, represent to I he com t in their petition duly tiled and Isn’t I hl'PC II l inner, a Lawson, 1 recorded that they are now ready to pay Hammnml or a l’env in the CHLOfilKATICK A GPfJCAk." if. j out Niiitl i‘Ftnte :uxi muk | \v iili l lio I* ;ratfi . und lit final H*;ttl»*nK*iit lifu*lur^L a *l IVoin Engines, Boilurs, Haw Mills, tht*ir said truftt, rtiul take* lott<*i*s to tlmt ifttfuM. 'flu so nro Hint fore to cite nil per sons concerned«the next of kin, ]<•<:..t«***s and credit of 8 to show cmipc, ’f any they in. why said executors should not he :i 1 - lowed to make said tinnl settlement, pay over to the legatees thrir ies,.e<iive shares, i.rnl.tako let tins of diHtnission On the ist Monday in May next. l\?h'y 4, 1 Silt». J. H. Frbkmax, Ordinary. Pumps, Pipii AND ALL REPAIR WORK. and the same linn A vi'iv tine saiipli* of lion. (J.iLind' Ur, !><•.. h Crisp’s nrguiiinitsf?) was t^.l'^at^.mrnt Ssev Rov. Dr, Hawthorne, of Atlanta, Fa CrispVnrgumentsf ?) is urt^sidoring a call from a church <»i‘‘ wherein he -aid that Georgia in Nashville, Temi. He has! was ashamed of President, Clevo- served the first Baptist ehurch in j l*iud. If Mr. I T isj> experts to Atlanta twelve years, and not i h«w a path to the sen-tie by tins TRASHY MEDICINES. Msny surli flned the market. Botanic B!n< <1 Balm is a e> ns :icntiously com- pninided medieine. the result of forty vears’ practice by mi eminent physician. I It it I e best blood pni ili'r ever otVoi-ed - to the public, and is g-tinruiilend to cure | if given ii fair trial. Try it tor all .•.kin and blood di eases, including'catarrh and rheumatism in its worst form. One hot tie of il rontains more relative und build ing up vir ile Mian s dozen of any other Id reliable,” Hen sd- olMwvhcre. For sale • by I >1 ugg-ists. t inro' s'B'g'B"g gUTTBirg j-fl's-e Winchester o Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is noAv ur.t Q by all the most advanced trap and garhc shooters. Sin-Tie only Atlantians but pe iplo throughout Georgia would regret to have him to leave our State. : most (loimigogical of win - h 1 need j not he surprised in find that Geor gia, far from being ashamed of Mr. Cleveland, is ashamed of Mr. ( h'isp.—Home (ainnnereial. DON'T STOP 10BACC0! with the march of civilization. Why should the United Stales want, to ga backwards? “Onward” should be the keynote.— Dalton Argus. YEARS OF INTENSE Faun Gov. Atkinson, Chairman Clay and Fleming J)uBignnn are againit tng choice of senator by the people at early primaries. They favor an expression in Oc tober, which is the right way. - *• • - « Mr. J. W. Koborsdn, of Corne lia, has been appointed by Com missioner R. T. Nesbitt to help get up tho Georgia exhibit at the Cotton Exposition in Chicago. The selection is a good one. Chili is on a gold basis. Il tried free silver and found it a failure. The silver mine owners there se cured free coinage, but calamity!,^ ppjjjj" yoURsELf WHILE followed, and the people rose up j using JT and demanded the gold standard. T . ' l In* tobawo liiilnt grows on a man un- Russia has been compelled to go ; til llis [1P1 . VOUN svsU . m is ; ms , v to the gold Standald to keep atepjeii, impairing-health, comfiu-t anil lm}it>i liras. To quit suddenly is too severe a shock to the system, as tohu-eo to an in veterate usee becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. ‘•Buco- furo" is a dcientitie cure for the tnhaceo hahit. in all its forms, carefully i-om- pounded after Ihe formula of an eminent Berlin ) hysiciau who has uFcd it in his pvivate pun tin; since 1872, without a fail ure. It is p:ire|y vegetable and guaran teed perfectly harmless. You can use all the totmeeo you want while taking "Bu rn ruro.” It will notify yon when to stoji. We give a written guarantee nt cure permanently nuy ease with three boxes, or refund the money with ten per cent, interest ‘•Dnco Uurn" is net a >uli- stitute. luit a scientilic cure, that ernes without the aid of will power and with no inro venieuce. It h aves the system as pure and free fom nicotine us the dav you look \onr tirst chew or smoke- Ctired by Bacco-Curo and Gained Thirty- Pounds. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on tile and on tile and open to inspection, the following is presented: j flay ton,Nevada Co . Ark . Jan 'JS. ]S:>r>. | Eureka Chemicnl & Mfg. Go.. La t'rosse Wis—Gentlemen: For. forty years 1 used tobacco in all its forms. For twen ty-live years of that time I was a great sufferer from general debility and lien t 1 tried to quit •iecl for 121 Yem ONLY Genuine and Original. The original und only genuine (.\»m- jiotmtl Oxygon Trout men t. that of Du*. Stnrknv <v rnJcn, is a M-Ientilh- udinst- nu»nt of tho elements of Oxygon :iDtl Ni- tr j»;en nia^notizcd, nml the f«>mp(unul is s i comit used nml mad** jmi talile thut it is mi nt all over tin* world. It linn ! men in use for many years; thousands of patients have been treated and over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended r. A3IC TODD DEALER TO SHOW V. Everything that i Ncv.-e-.t and ILii : K kinds ot Ammunition arc mini.: by the WINCHESTER REPEATING AP.?IS CO., Wittcl o Send n Vestal fart! with your add red. fo: tm: ZSLJL!LZ5'JL$JUL2.J>J1.2SL2JIS.S<SIJ> H 2JUL2JL2S-1S:- *1,000 IN PRIZES TO BK PISTRIBU- TED A BSOLUTEI Y FREE. Use the letters containud in the t.-x• : ••Moxos Spuds Gitow," and form as mnnv words as you e..n, using letters ei- i|ier trick -a i d ur fovw ,1'd. luit den't use any letter in s-one word mole times than it appears in *'Mov» Su n.-, Gimw." For 1 exainp • Mi. words: -• 1: . on. u u-e, weeds, etc. The person form ng the greatest number of words, using the letters in the 8TRATTQWS CELEBRATED F. Birmingham Stee 1 Strings • for Violin, Guitar, Mantlolin. Banjo Fit • t M*de. E::tru Pbicd. V. ^rfdiiicJ not to rust. Send for Cttljj JOHN F. STRATTON, Importer, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dcelcr* bii blB,fc)15,817E. 0th St., N. Y. J^9*« «F. JBT. VIViffA, druggist and pliy^l clan, Humboldt, Nob. who suite ml wit' heart disease for four yours, tryiug eve? remedy and all treatmonts known to hln •elf and follow -practitioners; believes th-i heart- discaso fa curable. Ho v,Titos* "I wish to toll what your valuable mcu. Cine has done for mo. For four your* 1 Inn heart disease of the very worst kind. 8ov eral physicians I consulted, said it wu Rheumatism of the heart. It was almost un endurable; wlti shortness of breath, palpita tions, so vert pains, unablo ti sloop, osiK^cIall: on tho left side No pen can de scribe roy suffer ings, particularly urlng the last ’months of those four weary years. DR. J. N. WATTS, I finally tried Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and was surprised at tho result. It put now Ufa Into and made a new man of me. 1 have not had a symptom of trouble sine aud I am satlsScd your medicine has cured mo for I havo now enjoyed, since taking it Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have •old aud recommended your Heart Cure lor I know what It has done for mo and only wish I could state more clearly my suffer ing thou aud tho good health I now enjoy. Y’our Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction.” J. H. Watts. Humboldt, Nub., May 9, ‘Bt. I>r. Alllcfl Heart Cure Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell It at 11 6 bottles for at, or (twill bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Health Tho groat surer: s of our 1 vr.-itmont hr s' jffivon rise to a hoptof-imitators, uiwmp- uIouh persons, some* ruling their jurpa- j to:t. will rrrcivr *»tir hi.H'lrrd ilol!:irs in eali. tis Compc.ind Oxygen. ft. u up "'--,..,..1, For il.e next lm-|-'.-t lb* w- w ill printing our testimonial* ami tin* naino t y ]yi , in t , t } 4 ,. rt( yt j and for each of tin* next ten 'hu gest lists I we will pivc ten dollars in pnld. It you pood i\t \vo*tI mahinp y« and tlic names >f our imticntc*, to reenmmend wortlrlcss ronrorlions. Hut any sul•stniipo made elsewhere, or l»v otliMs, and called Com pound Oxygen, is spurious. i 2 ATTORNEYS < levi-lilfl All I>11 AT LAW, , Oil. “Comprund Oxypui- Its Mode of Ac tion ami Results," is the title of u hook •of -00 pages published 1>\ lbs. Starkey t'v Palen. whirli j*ivrs to all intpiiri’i t- full inlornmtion as to this renmikalde curative acent, n rer rrl of surprit*- ’nir cures in a wide range of chronic eases- ninny of them after heinir aban doned to die by other physician he mailed to any address on application and most popular flower: 1 rieties, also particulars and ru Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1 .■>-’!! Arch Street, l'hihulclp'.iia, Petina. l’leasa mention this paper. liseuse. For fifteen y but couldn't. 1 took varione reinedi among others "No-to-tme,'' "T.m In linn Tobacco Antidote,” “Double Chloride of Gold," etc . but none of them did me tin- least l»it of good. Finally, however. 1 purchased a b.>\ of your "B. rn-j'ni and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms, and 1 have increased lilt pounds in weight and am relii ved from all the numerous aches and pains of body j and mind. I could w rite a quire of pa- j per upon my changed feelings and condi- I tion. Yours repeetfully, 1’. il M.utnrnY, Pastor C. P. Church. Clayton, Ark. j Sold by all druggists at $1 per box; throe boxes, (thirty days' treatment.) ' $2.50 w ith iron clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of price. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical A Mf; CoLaCrosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. Get our Great'.oge.c and Buy ers Guide. We'i! send it for 15 cents in stamps to pay part postage or expressage. The Book’s free. 700 Pages, 12000 illustrations, aoooo descriptions, everything that's used in life; tells you what you ought to pav, vzhether you buy of us or rtc' . One profit from maker to user. Get . MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Originators of tho Ata.l Order Method m-iso .Michigan Ave., Chicago. a va! (able prize, as tlic Morton Sc*-,' Com pa> v intend giving uni"v hundred spe cial prizes to persons send mg them L-ts containing over twenty five voids. Write your name on list of worths (num bered) nml enclose the same )•■ ft pil'd w ith 12 two cent stamps for a combina tion package of Motion Seeds That Grow, which includes 12 packets of the latest f different vn- t of d's trihution of prizes. This word contest I will be carefully ami conscientiously eon- ; ducted, and is solely for the purpose ,-.i j further intipdnring our seed- in new o- i 1 alities. You will receive die biggest val ue in tlower seeds ever off!-red. and be- : sides if you are able to make a good li-j of words nml answer promptly you will ■ stand an equal op; ortunit, to secure a valuable prize. W sjanilim a I large amount of money in the distiibu : tion of pii.-e- in ties nte.-t We as-ure I you that yeui t: inf eider v ite us w 1 e most gralif\:ng rite y - .rname p 1> and sen>! list s eartv as possible. A-id it ss. SVTOP- : Or : SEED CO., Mmion r.frtjg Chicago, II!. Cure for Sick Headache I liousuiid tu l il t - - tl' ;li sick hour!: ( i 0 ' 3 lei fives ti11s'iit inn. our prompt JOHN F. STRATTONS CEl.F.BRATED GHSTARS, A. i r 1 >':r i * ail kinds of Mi: SIC A L IV1E RCH A N DICE, Gxl,81c> rlu t 1 l*'/'.9thSt.,Ne\vVoik f'r.p'-t-r of CL elriidi Tkh T.'v.xn and Ocard REASOf.RBliE, in- ti■ ; mi'itt l>\ 'rhstii' Scicnti.'.o American Ageticy fer <> The Milton oounty mHgs nioetv in<r wab callled two weeks before Mr. Perry umiouncod for Connives, and yet eome of Iho Tuto organs eay that tbe meeting w«b called |\|°T .YYHAT WE SAY, but PECULIAR in combination, pro- in Mr. Perry’s interest. WJittt do 7’‘ lat iIc>od8 Sarsaparilla Docs, ■ portion and pivparation of ingrnli- Vou think of ihaiV f ** ^ ,|s ,ho ftory of its merit and suo- ents. Hood's Sarstiparilla possesses great you lutUK Ol that. cc*.. Remember HOOD’S Curoa. curaUve value. You should TRY IT, lies, tlnw They The, l> 01 1 1 Sjive Jlelfeit s '•111 e sit-k Iteud.ii 1- -tiiiiuich and I■ liicnk ti 1 > colds ■ el ”*' 1 ■ ah tb . sfni't It 1 . j ill,dit liver 11 b Old fey ct CAVEATS, !ADE MAKifS, Design patekt?, COPYRIGHTS, oto. For Information on l free Haii.i.Nyok writ** t » MI NN A CO.. Stil Uiioadnyay, N:v.v Yo;.-r Oldest butvati ror oecurlnf? pntt-nu in Am. ’t. Every patent taken out by us is l .rpu ' t t : j tho public by a notice given free oiehu: 0 »i In tne fncafiflf §mwi(z.i Lar^ert clrcn!ntir>n of an*r Fcfcntlf?c pa’v'r In rija wond. Splendidly illustrated. No lutciL r- i.t man should bo without it. Weeklv. ts.l.ib.*. a rear; $1.50 bix months. Address MUS'N" * <_ j., ih'iUri.' uir.s, tftj £ ILvttdw’ay, Nc'v York. City, uyd iirevetti tht- grip. . .-jjcclally dc rned. hi, rllEip:!, F. STRATICf S . CeJctfatcd Band instruments n ^ DRUMS, FIFES, Piccolos and Band Supplies. Senate, JOHN F. STRATTON C.auogue bli.814 gig 8i7E 9!!iSt Vr. Take T.ii-; nr ess. Justice Court blanks id this off Jobwork in city stvle at this f —'Take the— ULKM-LAM) FROG It IS Devoted to local, minin’ ffeuera 1 new.. and ; JOHN F, STRATTON’S Importer*tadltboliudc!>e*lcr» .0 &U lludioi sWUSICAx. G!t.ZiCHANDISE, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Harrasni. css, Ac., all kinds ot Strirot, etc., etc. fill.913. SI5,tl7 t SthSt„ Few YeiL.