The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, May 01, 1896, Image 2

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Ware Cou/ity dill tin! Inmd- s imc mihI nninlv i|iiii°'—cndnrsed Is caused by tohiid liver; which iircveii!» Uifcs- j» mid money, Grover Cleveland nid Ily U. Tunie.r. tlnn uiul permit* food t« ferment amt putrlfy In tlio alonmch. Then (6llow i]|/.zlnes«. headache, Insamlnn, nervoiisRom, uml, II not reltnvcd, Wlluiis fever or blood poisoning. Ilood'u I’llln stimulate the stomach, ronno (In' liver, euro headache, illr.ilnnss, eon- sllputlon, ete. r> cents. Sold hv all druggists. Thu only Pills to lulie with Ruud's Sarsaparilla. TllO Snap primary nutter should have been sat upon some time :iou, Gov. Atkinson would have done more good had ho spo ken sooner. The Eight hour flay is again bein''discussed by some oj’ 1 lie la- j bor unions. The laborers, as a matter of course,favor tho change, The Cleveland Progress ir j**, "■>- •*-«-. v ; 1 he; cinploscr> is nnulhcr 11 n11 ii*. OflliMal Oi^uii of \Vliii»i Bounty Joe Hugh Reese, - Editor. lintei'fttl at Mm Pust-oflleo at Cleveland ciecotid-o.luPH RluH Matte,Jim. ‘211, "di! Cleveland, Ga., May 1, ! 96. FOR PARTY HARMONY. Judge Lawson showed a dis-| position lo give hill Howard a; chance and Willliam on the other j hand evidenced a decidedly foxy I and greedy disposition, and tu«■! eonMiMpienee is William mourns in j sack cloth and ashes. So much is being written and said about “parly harmony” at present that il has become I lie excuse for almost any illogitimoto or irregular action of the si I vc rites in their manipulations for faction- j al success. Snap conventions! have heen called for “party har- DuBignoil, Perry and Lawson are shelling t lie woods these days, j exterminating the silver heresy and building the foundation for Democratic success. They are a “heavy team" and are getting in heavy work. of OJlil SINNER RHPifTfB'H. Col. II. II. Perry addtessed ti e people at Dalilonogi Wednesday of Iasi week. In its remarkscon cerning the speech the Nugget says: "Editor Woodward, of the Signal, was an attentive listener and drank in l he draughts of truth j as I hev fell from the speaker's lips in a way that showed he was be coming converted. Al the close of the speech he expiessed himself a convert : that Perry had so 1 lu cidly explained the question that ; he was hound to admit he wasj hound to admit, he was right. V. c are glad lo know that the scales have at last fallen from Bin. \\ ood ward's eves, and welcome him back into the true Democratic fold with open arms.” Editor Woodward is,a Populist.' and his conversion means, ao |doubt, a great deal for the sound| money cause in Eumpkin. Il id- scores a ten strike for Pc rev. Hon. Hudson A. Jenkins Putnam county,'will he a candi date fill' I lie speaki I'ship el' the house of representatives. Mr. Jenkins is a man of ability and would make an excel!ml presid-” and Mr. Tate refused to I j,,o- 1],. ', s the most prom- meet Mr. Pern on I lie stump bo- incutly incut loncd aspirant for the enuse lie disliked to disturb the i ofHee and will doubtless be elect- still waters of piety unity. No doubt the same patriotiedesire for harmony in party ranks raged in the bosom of Mi. Crisp when he sprung upon the people the, plan ed. The Dalton Argus Inis this in quiry: “Why is it that every lime a pronounced free 1 <! to I right now or bust, pot metal dol- I lar calamity howler • makes a of expressing choice (o -senator in j sl)(>( , ( . h jn 1)!lll()11) f(ll . (hivs llfu .,.. June. Anvbody can understand wards you hear talk of civil war, that these snap conventions and I anarchism and bloodshed? Wbelli premature judgment oil the semi-' ' M ' 'in'* * their object or not, that r $ I lieai' a iai' torial question are the greatest menaces to parly harmony, and no action should he taken on con gressional or senatorial a flairs un til after the national platform ' s ncer * < i doaloftalk on party liar and there is still greater need of practicing what is being preached. The silverites have begun wrong, and the injury already raise 1 by them can I e somewhat mitigated only by walking the straight and imriow path of honest, fair and square dealing in the future. The Democrats light I he battle of their lives this year. Il is possible for them to win, hut if a change (has not come about it is not impossi ble that we lose. “I’nited we stand ; divided we fall." the result of their speeches in some quarters.” There Is such a large amount of wire pulling and all-fur-myself manipulation among our public niMi that when one dues show a park, of patriotism the pcopU* eye lim as kaiice and shake their heads with an incredulous air. We need purer men in oilier thell purer pol ities will follow anil the interests of the people whom they serve will he the paramount endeavor of the men who hold public trusts. In view of 1 he fact that t he Dot- tom has dropped out of the June primary scheme, and tin whole current of public opinion has set in the direction of full ami foe discussion, and the post poucmc. t of action on national questions un til after the national coin cut ion, was not the ac i n in tIn* Ninth district painfully previous? Every Democrat worthy of the] " mild " ol ;m convention have looked better? -Georgia Cracker. We nee I men in public, office who will leach the people right when they may be wrong, and not men who will follow the peo ple wrong for the sake of their votes.— Bartlesville Gazette. V THIS ADVICE WILL BE TAKEN. Somebody writing from Dry Hollow, Bumpkin county, and -igiiing himself Zip (.'aim Bar- rows has some limi'lv advice for Mr. Tali! in a recent issue of the Dahloucga Signal. Following is the letter: linn. Ciu tnr Tate. Deni' Sir: lit,I t' fellow (Iowa in Hull by tlie niiuin ef l’crry wants In for <'ongresH. •Now itmi’l yon lie disturbed iiliout h:iu®:(‘<:l> right on getting! little offices t, ly, nir friends. Perry 1ms no barrel of imflky to tup. so lie (ain’t reach it; lie eanniiF fnr- nisli money to we’uns to li'y vvhislpe for llio lioys. lie .-trots about like a (roliler in spring for some one to stop on tesco&t tail. 1 have kuovved t’eny for jvift's iiud he is a right sharp lawyer, and wlfi-u yon see him come into court with Ids iieAil up and arms full of hooks and nnmnini" "eady in any of Ilia cases, he is right then ready for any turn the ease ninj^ take; and when ho says he is ready to go ell (he stump you can hot your hoots ho is ready ; he is right I lion loaded for hear, and yon let him alone. I thought of evrepting hiR rlml’ange and let you out, hut I was afeared he might, im’st our silver plank and h t us drap Carter; you can do bet ter to beat about the underbrush than to meet film on the stump. Tale, don’t I; y Snap judgments and unfair methods in polities do not pay in the long run. Georgia. (.’nicker. THE flfHJfflBItEPEG STATESMAN. County Directory. Onlinarv—J. II. Freetnun. Clerk—W. It. Power. Klierlff-—D. L. Drown. Tax l’eceiver—(I. N. Colley. 1’ax Collector—Denton Trotter. Treasurer—l>. N. Warwick. Surveyor—H. Kdwards, Coroner—M. T,. Allen, School Ciiinni'r. O.S. Kytle. COUNTV COMMLSSIOKUHS• .1. A . Richardson, Nacnochce, (ia. It. T. Krnimcr. Cleveland. Ha. .J. M. Cooley, Deo, Ha. .HTMCIAKV. •John ,J. Kimsuv, J. S. (’. Cleveland Ha. Howard Tlii.mj'fton, Sol. Hen.. Uaim's- ri!!e. Ha. N OTIC 12. HF.OP.HIA, Wuiti: Cnr.NTv: Whereas ,1. It. Wenlinoi'c'and. udministrater oi Heaves Westmoreland, decen-cd repre- pents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and m’.eicdon record, that he has fully administered Heaves Westmore land's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and credit. f.T3D111icCtilFC1'5 Ol ors, to show ranee if any they call why paid administrator should not lie dis charged from his administration and re el'ive letter’s of dismission on the lies! Monday in July. 1 s'.ili, J. II., Onlinarv. Backache or any other pain. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 25 cts. Refuse substitutes. Chew LANGE'S PLUGS,The Great ToSacco Antldolo.lOc. Dealiu or malW.C.Maj.r A Co., Balto.,Mt THE .'.yrm u:1 cxxxjrcna ru TJ " - . -/>-Trr .rt 1-J'TT2 "TJ -rtx: f..rxjrrxrzo.cnttijtj^2tx-j.-a JOHN WlLi:ZS, Manager, ClisuTotte^ tV- O .. Manufacturers 01 cici j li^ei y FOR NOTH’!*. (IKOKOIA, AViiit!-; Coi.nty: T<> nil wln.m it may ccMiwm: W!n*i'f;i ■ N. Trot In* and .1. 15. Trottor, oxoriitorn "! •Nnthtmit'] T'rottn*. rojironmit to j tlio rmut in thoir pL'tition tluJy til«*<t and , n:<-oi*dotl that tii<*\ an- now iv.tdy to j»ay j out rfaid 1?state and iiHik' 1 final Hotthunont i j with tin* h'ofMtDC;- anti In* disrl:r*i _vd fittm I thoir said trust, nnd take l«*tt«'i - t«» that j i ffoat. Thofco an* tlicr* tor<* to < itt* all p«r- kotih ctitHfernecl«tin* m*xt ot'kin. h'jrat • . and crodittira to hIhhv must*, if any tht*y can, why hai l executors shonltl not lx; al lowed to make unid Haul Kettlement, pay lover to the le^utctH their rch,.ecl i ve aliai OH, and take letters of dismission «*ti tlio tilht Monday in May next. IVh’v {, j I Si) 6. •). il, Ehkhman, Ordinary. * CAT A UIIH < TRl'.l >. I No remedy is ns efVectunl in cradirat- ! in^ r nn<l curing (-utarrli as Hotanie Hlootl 1 Halm, (U. B. 1>.) It jmrifies and enrich- f • os tin* blood, eliminate microbes, bacte- I ria, etc., and buildM up the pyhtetn from j the firnt. dese. Thinisantls of cases t»f ca- • ta’rh have been curt*d by its n. yic pow er. Kor all blood and . kin diseases it lias | no equal. Buy the old reliable and lonjr testeti rciu' ly, an 1 don't throw y »ur | money away on aul.'stitntes, palmetl t»fl i an ‘’just as j^ood.” Huy the old reliable | | Hotanie. Blood Halm. 1’ric.e $1 per lar^e 1 i bottle. See ndvertihement in this 1 aper. 1' • • -. ' • <rl for Yearw ONLY Genuine and Original. Tt'.o nrigimil and only genuine Com pound Oxygen Treatment, tlmt of His. Starkey A Patou, ... a seicntitic ndjust- menl of the elements of Oxygen ami Ni trogen miigueii.e d, nnd tile compound is SO condensed nnd mndc poi talde that it is sent nil over the world. Il 1ms been in u- ■. for ninny years; ! thousands of patients have been treated and over one thousand physicians lmvc 1 used it and roe nimemird ; . f+ffiiftlHG, Bilim MD TREATING GOLD ORES.-:- CHLORINATION A SPECIALLY. Haw EnoqiKLS, Boilers, '•’is, 1111ms, A / AND ALL RLP VTR WORK. !1«\ •5-trtr otrtnrrtrrrtrB'tnrt' 2' J^^Wnchesteij Repeating , v 4. f jingle ■< ° Our Model tSq> Shot-Gun is now used C by all the most advanced trap o and game shooters. ^ ask Torn c-rAWB to &-b>w iron acs cuir. 0 Everything that Newest nnd Best i.i K*.--pe i‘.':vr Arum r.:> nv .11 r kinds of Ammunition are mado 1 y the g WINCHESTER REPE ATING ARMS CO. Y ... A i , > 2 a Mortal Card with your ichii • . . • 1 , • f . .... ... JCHM F. STivATTOW’S •••-» Importer! a'i<rWh''ImloT>«»!cr* in nil klmJ»of MUSICAL I'.'teftGS-iAMDJaE, Violir.o, lluitars, Ganjoo, Accordcons, Kaunonl- ra*, to., ati kindsot Strinqd, e!o„ etc. . U.'Slti,tT!.,81. fitli St. * New Yorli A thoroughly testod Kenieciy rOS ALL BLOOD and m DISEASES, mimii ivill rally 'round 1 hi* stand- aril hoarors and pri-sout a solid front to 1 he onc'iny. Di.stippoint- i'd 1 >olilii-nl aspirants must stand linn and guard against any senti ment, word or deed that tend - to the disruption of the party. There must, ho no apathy—each man's shoulder must lie found at the wheel. Tho silverites will show by their actions whether they are out for loaves and fishes or have party interest at heart. Mr. DuBignon, the sound mon ey candidate for the Senate, has announced that if the national platform declares for free silver he will withdraw from the race. Mr. Berry, sound money candidate for Congress from this district has made a like declara tion. Now, if the national plat form declares for sound money, will Messrs. 'Bate and Crisp with draw and roll up their sleeves and go to work for Democratic suc cess? So far these gentlemen are as mum on this subject as the tra ditional oyster. Are they riding the free silver or bust nagheeause they sincerely believe it to he for the interest of the people or are they looking out strictly for num ber one? AVo shall see. lienii'inher: lo vote this vear von must register this vear. “For Charity Suffered Long. % |. \ | Mrs. l-aura C. Phoenix, ntlwsukto, Wlr. “Matron of a Benevolent !l<r:uc amt knowing tlio good Dr. Milas’ Norviao has douo uio, my wish to help others, over comes my dislike for Iho publicity, this let ter may give mo. I u Nov. and Dec., 11(93, 27»o- iiuiKitei) had the “ Latiriptio,” and 1 wasouo of tho first. Resuming duty too soon, with tho care of so many r.ick, I did not. regain my health, and in a month I trnnao «o debilitated anti nervous from sioepiessness and the drafts rnado on my vitality, that it was a question if 1 could go on. A dear friend advised me to try Air. Miles 1 llestoratire AciTinr. I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am til better health than ever. I still continue Its oeeasional use, as a tierrs food, as my work is very trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me." June 0,139%. Mrs. Lavra G. Profnix. Dr. Miles’ Norvtno is sold on a positive guarantee that the flrst bottle will benefit. All druggists sell bottles for$i, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Milos Medical Go., Elkhart, lud. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health Carter Tate ha> formidable op position for his l hit 1 term in ('• !:- gress from the Ninth Cong re- - i"ii- i al district. Carter i- a good cle\ - cr fellow ancl knows how Lo evt down and around the hoys, lit* will p'av marbles, pitch quoits or I ! play mumble the peg with them! if necessary, and this i- all right I in its place. TVe will admit that it does not require a genius to make an average Congressman. Yet the average voter would feel easier to have ;i representative in Congress with a capacity above mumble the peg. We hear noth ing but praise and i*ommenilation ol Mr. Berry, Mr. late’s oppo nent, from ev ery quarter. He is said by those who know him to he a man of high character and tine ability. The issue, outside of per sonal considerations in tho race!, is sound money or free silver. Sound money means a tinaneial foundation governing and sustain ing our credit all over the worBl, Free silver means some things to some men and diii'erent to others. To some it means a pcckob full of dollars, picked up here and there. Tree money ! How pleas ant lo the ear! But in reality free money means chips and whet stones. A money to he valuable must he upon a sound basis. If. 11. Berry is for sound money, Tate for something which it is impos sible to earrv out in this countty under the circumstances. We pre sume we shall hear from these gen tlemen before the election. Give them a fair hearing and choose bo- ' ween them,—Morgan ton No vs. I Tin -T(\t! mi C’scw ill’l l*. Ml* 1|V n pound, is sj of our \vt .Vmont 1ms f imitate! uimorup- cnllnitf t imir pivpa- •.:'‘*n, often iip|>IN>- Mil" - and tin* names .1 worthless nv siil'stama* nmdo | oi’S. and called Com- | un it his. .who ha-* mod it with c for which il in : tc i•••Tielit !: :: olfoctually dri without i - 1'th‘ctB. It is m. or duperatition, sdicul a 1 1:11 dipt* r It Hite ••Cumpouud Oxyput 1 is Mode of Ac tion and Ht salts.” is the title of a hook of ‘J00 pn^res jmhlislmti hy Dis. Starkey iN l’alcn, wld.-h rives t<* all imtuirei> full information as to this remnrkahh Curative ajrent, and a i c. -p l of surprip- inff euros in a with; runjre of chronic | eases- -many of them after h« 'nu' al»an- «loned to die hy other physicians. Willi be mailed to any address on application □rs. Starkey & Paler., 1520 Arch Street. Philadelphia, l’enna Please mention tliis paper. tmlly purifies and enriel.os tho lilyc Brings licaltli t<» the bullet'-r. Ad a g-tieral bniluiic.vup tonic it is willwiit a rival, an l in its analysis .<t lu*altli-gi vine proper tie■•. it is absolutely beyuiut comptuiron with nay remedy ever offered to th- |>ttblic. It i* a p.-UKu ca f< r impaired vitalit;. an 1 all ills n - sulting from impure nod imp cribbed blood —the current v t life: quickly cures Kcrofuta. H loom. !hr:cnm. Mhin rases and Eruption^. <'ut»rrh. D.vh* popiia. SUiPumulUm. Llrt'r. hidney maltdi'cak* INVESTIGATE TOR YOUPSELF. Send f( r our Fptc Rook «f VaicaLdc Information, together with a wonderful array of certirtcMtc.s of remarkable cures, front the simplest to the most virulent dip- ease. after all known remedies had failed. These oertifh iitep ratify with no uncertain ound, that Hotanie lilood Hnlin in the best, • known to the from the I’m. per bottle ; fA.OO f. It benefits m\ mm lia Tay but one profit hoi ween maker and user and that a small just one. Our Big TCOl’auo Catalogue and Payers Quids proves that It’s possible. Weighs S ! s pounds, L-.tVOillustrations, describes aril tells the ono-proflt pri *of over 40,000 art icles, everythl;ig you tiso. Wo send it tor 15cents; i 'i:nnot. for tho book, but to pay part of tho postage or ex prows ago, am: keep off idlers. You can’t get it too Quick. r MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., The 5;vAre of A i the People n6 /v*?chi«:an Avc., Cbicaco. per he H. R. It. HuIve is n superior drcBslnc and Cur- for all kinds* >»f son»», burns, ci up- tiotis, etc. Price, fticta. per box. K. B. 15. NnufT. excellent for colds, ca tarrh. etc. Price W cts. per bwx. These m he used, when necessary, with Botui Blood Balm. Fur sale by dropgists; if not, send to us Address, BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Cure for Sick Headache. Thousand oi hulics .suffer from -iok hotichioho causi <1 utuhiuhtcdly hv disordered iivcr or stoimu-h. Striddlos this yctir vvill me;in spli ts, and splits under such cir cumstances are aivvavs emhart'a-s- ing.—Georgia Cracker. Thov are going to have a “sna p" over in the Ninth—nominate the congressional candidate before the national convention. Verily, to what a strait has tlio silver wing conic. They vvill snap until they snap the Democratic party out of existence.—Dalton Argus. The he: tiiim' i plaint I ha! can lu- ob- -tivssing com- Hood's Bills, mild and gentle in action Vet so thorough that thov gi.vo perfect satisfaction, i hey cine sick headache, jaundice sour stomach and ail liver ills. Thov break m> colds and fever and prevent the grip. Justice Court blanks at this office Jobwoi'k in city style at this office. —Take the— i t EYI'-.LAN D PIU IGI;es-: IVI ibE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (.'leveland, Ga. AH business reci ives our prompt attention. -’“'i ft hi F. STIFSATTOW’S CELUBRATED - Birmingham Stee (Strings ^. 0 ^ or ^‘°^ n * Guitar, Mandolin. Banjo ^•'^N ' finest Made. Extra Plated. —'- Ja ftLA ” Warranted not to rust. Send tor Catlg JOHN F. STRATTON, Importer, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dcalor* bil. £313, 815, 817 E. oth St., N. Y. Cleveland. High School. Tuition ancl Board REASONABLE. 1 he moral and menial advance ment of pupils especially de signed. A. E, LASKLEY, Principal, Cl.KVTI.AM) .... Q a JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED GUITARS, Importer cf and Wholesale Dealer in all kind, of The Progress —I" VOUU HOME PAl’EK.— Subscribe Now. JOHN F. STRATTON’S r A Celebrated Band Instruments ALSO D; DRUMS, FIFES, • cculosana Band Supplies. , ,IOHN F. STRATTON, *> kl 1 Mu.olS .1,7 c, 313 fit N r.