The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, May 08, 1896, Image 2

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No Gripe When you take flood’s J‘I1K The* big, old-fash* IoihmI. augur-coated pills, which tour you all to pieces, arc not in It wjth Hood’s. Busy totttUc Hood’s Pills a.iu easy to operate. Is true of Hood's Pills, which are up to date in every respect. 8afe, certain and sure. All druggists. ‘J.%0. ('. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla The Cleveland Progress Olllc.ial Oi trail of Wliit,; county Joe Hugh Reese 1,1. , ,i.v. ■ ifciimii, i , win I; i \ ’• ii i|) ;> Mil' p.ip.i ; ii lot i .< i-n il; 11 lie Dt'intKT.'tlic principle? Uio dickens cares whether it mil in nrilimiiil cm,volition ttdvu-1 " 0,ll<1 1,, ! !' <’ r lu ' 1,h, ‘ l» i, l M * r ; 11 •ate tin* silver id on. if Tillniiinito Democrats :iro building i;us' lmpo on this idon they lire doomed to sad disappoint inent iiinl hud iietter leave 1 lie par ty now. Il would lie happy rid dance of had ruhhish. 'I'hev cause more detriment, in the party than ; hey would out of il. PATRIOTISM. lit: fi ee silver would hen- p!e of .Milton countv we I ho elit I In we would advocate it wlietlm: I hev liked it or not. i hat V, ii h • t ails our country now — there are too many newspapers and <>Iii• ■■ seekei's advneat in2 fraudulent po litical schemes in order to cm r\ favor with 1 he people. M'hen this free silver whirlwind parses by and I he people come I o t heir uas ever Invu ;-o from the ioimii - turn ( f the goverdmenl, and so il will he from the end of time. In | the contest the money question promises to he the great J is-ue i ivolved. Belli are | divided in opinions as to wli it is j the h -t method to prosper-j i(v to tlie whole country. \\ hen j the representatives of the people come together in national conven tion they will endeavor to solve the problem in a manner that will appeal to the business interests of yrsJp That heritage of rich and poor, lias saved many a life. For Throat and Lung affections it is invaluable, it never fails to cure Cough, Cold, Croup and Whooping-Cough. DR. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP is the best. Price 25 cents. Chew LANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Antidote,10c. Dealers or mail,A.C.Merer i Co., Gallo..Lid. -devot ion tot he wel- conntrv—is a irood Ed item. Kntpreil at tin; Post-nltiao at Clcvalaiu' ,S«c<iti(1-(;1hbh Ituil Mntl(;",Jan. 20, ".12 Cleveland, Ga., May 8, ’06. ARE THEY DEMOCRATS ? We have yet to hear of the first gold standard man who declares he will not support the party nom inees if the national Dempcr,ic\ declares for free silver, hut fre quently do we hear of silverites saving that unless a free silver pjauk is inserted m lire, national platform they will not lend their aid tothet Democratic party in the coming elections. Such declara tions are puerile and evidence a decided narrowness on part of those who make them. Some go further and make matters worse by declaring that they will sup port a Populist, rat her than give Iheir votes and influence to aid the victory of a sound money Deni oerat. We do not. believe this el ement is very strong, hut the dis position of the free silver leaders is likely to have, baneful influence in this respect. It is our candid opinidil that these leaders are for friiojiilver simply for the marrow ill the bone. We doubt their sin cerity; the sincerity of a major ity of the people wedo notdouht, hut they will turn when they see the error of their way—and they will eventually see il. 'The free silver pot' lmntcis who see defeat staring them in the face are seized ■with an uncontrollable desire to stir up more discord and strife in the party than they have already succeeded in doing and now hop up and declare that if the nation al platform is no* made to con form with their willfullv erratic views they will withdiaw from the party. Ben Tillman is prom inent among these scabs on the Democratic party, lie declares South Carolina is ready to holt and his advice to free silver Dem ocrats is to holt and fuse with the Populists. By doing this they will he compelled to support a Populistic ticket, throughout. National Chairman Taubencek of the Populist party says his party will nominate a national ticket, of their own regardless of the ac tion taken at the Chicago Demo- eraeie convention and that if free silver Democrats halt ai Chicago they are welcome to join Populist ranks, but they cannot nominate a t ieket. This bluster by the loaders of the silver wing about fusion with the Populists and like talk may be an attempt to cause uneasiness amonir the sound money Demo crats who really hate party in terest at heart, and to cause them to conclude that party success hangs solely upon the insertion of Patriotism hire of on eh thing to country; bor in any enterprise that tend." to its upbuilding; we aflvoeati the priii(iplcs which we leein j the crowd conn would result ill the greatest good | will do in the to our peoph;; newspapers do! more, for t he count rv than any cl Ii er agency and get less f >r it. Tliisj is patriotism. Great indeed is pa-, t riotisin! But we find that patriotism! senses they will not vote f >r al-jlhe whole people. I have had coil loged free silver statesmen' ’Our sideruble experience at. national friend invites us to ‘come over and j conventions, and I have no besi de. with the crowd for free silvu. THE Wo can't do that, friend, unless; possess. \\ e love our j you can show us that repudiation! we would spare no la- and dishonest y would he a great blessing to Ihc American people. I We prefer to stand still and let to us, as surely it nd. 4 " This 1 hiug of being ‘wit Ii t he crowd - will nev er settle any (juostion in the in- tcrest of t he people. The lirst thought a man should have when a question comes up is‘Js il rightY ' Truth, wlitdliei worshipped or latino in saying that the sound money element in this couiiln will prevail both at Chicago and St. I jouis.” This will be sad news for eer- t do silver senators who believe Mr. Gorman to be the "‘oracle of the rge," and he is pretty smart. — At hints .Journal. County Directory.* :czr.’jT>.j ay. -g rzca .tvt.’ *. fXJX-Tra r ctxxtot* JO WILKES, 1 Gi a clotfe, Manager, K. O. Manufacturers of doesn' t work hoard when we at tempt to j despis ind pa]ier hills with i and 11 I, is always a majority, man who deserts her (lag Ot (liiuu-v - .1. Clerk—W. It. Sheriff— S. !.. Ta\ ltcceivi'i- I'llx ('nllcelor II. Ereeinun. l’ewer. Hi-own. It, N. Colley. 15,-iit<mi Trotter. iV w icijiiiury I OR Manufacturers oj AND Tb)7’ t :lll .TING GOLD ORES.** il. It doesn't go even as well as'Tom Mimt’s list money would. This may seem strange to some, hut it is t rue, net el l bclcss. The grand jury recommended that their present meats he pub lished. This was right, of course, '.'lie people desire to know and should know how the ntfsirs of the county lire being administered. \Y lielher or not the county offi cers are capable and honest, and t hey are maturslly Intel ested in the linnnciaI condition of l lie coun ty. The right to know these things is one they can demand. We published the presentments, lint I l.e commissioners would pay ns nothing for if, although we agreed to print. I hem for half price. We are as justly entitled to the full amount as the commissioners are to their salaries, and we dan- say if I heir salaries were cut, oil they would throw up their jobs. They are patriots, but-do not la bor for pat riot ism alone. 'Twas nnpiecodentod and pien- vunisli, lint.—let it pass, and cred it us with •'fid worth of patriotism. for ant considcrnlion is an enom; to himself and to his country." CERTAIN FOR SOUND MONEY. Treasurer—I). N. Warwick. Surveyor-'’. II. Edwards, Coroner—M. E. Allen, School Conun’r. G.S. Kytlo. COl'NTY (’OMMISSIONI ’d’.ft* ,Ki?iA7iON A SPECIALLY. ^luriiuks. ers, Haw However men may dill'er in their j opinions of Senator (torman as to . his personal worth to the Democ racy, none hits ever ipiest ioued hi- judgment on things political. He is wisely reckoned as one of | t he slil'e wdest polit ieians in t he I ,1, A . Itic.lmril-an It. T. Koniiner. J. M. Conley, Le, , Nacnochee. (t Cleveland. <■». ,, tin. s, II l WINN’S BELIEF. country . of inakin he doe? i ened uni Main m-w sji expressions from e is -xt remeiy chain redieti.ous, and v hen e l hem 11 i -\ are heark id usually verified, '.'papers have soil ;hi tin; .Mainland Col. Thomas K. Minn btdieves that so much iron stamped by the government as a dollar is as good as a gold dollar. 'This conn! only he true so long as the government had something of actual value with which to redeem il, and the holders of the iron knew that up on demand they could get some thing of leal value for it. But this is not Mr. M inn's idea. He believes t lint the stamp oi thegov menl creates value—makes money.! That the government could stamp [ two pounds on one pound of to- ~ liaeeo and that it would pass for t wo pounds. If Mr. M inn would jog his mem ory he would no doubt remember that when the Confederate Skates issued paper money it was good for its face value, as eon lid" nee ex isted in the ability of the Confed erate government to pay its prom ises, but as ihe war progressed and the government was unable to redeem these notes in some thing of actual value they depre ciated in value little by little un til they became utterly worthless. This is how Mr. M inn's tint idea would work. senator as to the composition of the next national Democrat ic con vention, Imt until a few day s ago lie declined l ■ have anything to say on 1 he subject. M list he does say will he read wit Ii interest: “I believe that the jiraetieal business men in both parties will contruj t lie conventions Ibis year, as they have done in the past, lie say s. Before national conventions assemble I here is always a great deal of wild talk and speculation as to what will oe done, hut when the representatives of the two great political part ics come togelh er to plan a nalion.iI battle they are inspired bv pa l riot ism to do - whatever they consider advisable | for the; best, interests of the coun- | liy. There are many of the ablest linen in the nation who entertain very lived views and convictions j on the money question, hut tlicv I are ever ready to listen to reason, land concede the right of other equally able men to ddi'er from them on the limtueial question. It JI'DirtAHY. .John .1, Kimsev, ,J. S. ('. Cleveland Ga • Howard Thompsafn, Sol. Gen.. Gaines ville, da. NOTICE. ( 1 BORGIA, AVhitk • 'ur.NTY: — WIkmm'iis .1. IE Wi .* t m< i-eLmd. ndmiiii'l i , jitor <1 licjut S WcHtninivbtlid, dccf,•»;-(•;! li‘|)l*(*- jicnts to the Toui t in Ida )m»tititni. duly tiled and ontoi-ed on record, that ho tins fully adminiatored Roavia West more- i land’s estate. This is therefore to cite all I persons concerned, kindred and credit, ; ora. to slow cause if any they can why : said administrator should not be dis- j charged from his administration and re ! eeive letters of dismission on the first j Monday in .July, 18i>0. J. 11. Eukuman. Ordinarv. AND ALE Ii T UR WORK. o\ w Winchester RcDeatiiisr Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used Rifles by all the most advanced trap Shot-Gnu and game shooters. Single SilOt-Rlfie NOTICE. tJKORUTA. \Viirrn Cointy: To nil! whom It may eoneern: Whereas E. N. Trottr*! 1 and .1. IE 'Trotter, executors <•{ Nathaniel 'Trotter, deceased, represent to tin! court in their petition duly filed and recorded that they are now ready to pay out said estate and make final settlement ASK YOUR DEALER TO Everythinc: that h Newt- 1 and Tie kinds of Ammunition arc made i y the WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS C0. f Winchester Send a PoBtr.l Card with your nddrtPb for our 11 ISULSJULil 9JUISL SJUIJLSLJLSISLJLSLSI JL new YOU THIS GUN. in Repeating Arms t , J ajuua. with tlu> e gat e< s and be di charged from 1 licit suif trust and take 1 •tiers to that .•tier . These a •e 1 lien i> >re to cite all per- sons com erned , the next nl kin, legatees and •red tors t< show cause . if any they can. why said « ecu tops sh mid not be al- !o\vc l to nuke said filial se tl lenient, pay over to the egatecs th ip respective shar *S. b nd tal e lettei’S oi* lismission on the I t St iottdav in May pi •xt Keb’v 1, BSiHi j. 11. l’liiiKMa n, Ordimiry. CAT \rr;; (Tr U). Nt remedy B as ell’ectua in eradicat- ing t nd ( tiring (’atarrli as i’*ot mie Blood BOTANIC A thoroughly tester! Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD anti SKIN DISEASES, tried and F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED _ Siam Stea [Strings mi* vt*" ^ cr violin. Guitar, IVtantiotin. Banjo Finest Made. Hxtr.t Plated. MAta h\AP Warranted not to rust. Send for Catlg JOHN F. STRATTON, Importer, Manufacturer and Wholesale Deaisr* till. bI3, 816,817 E. Oth St., N. Y. Ihilm, (IE IE 1».) It jmritie; cs tin 1 blood, eliminates ma ria, etc., and builds up til th-' first dose. Thousand.^ « bv rh have been curetl by v. er. T'or all blood and skin r ; 110 equal. l>uy the old leii; tested remedy, an 1 don’t money away on substitutes magic pow- .-eases it has ble and long throw your , palmed ofif as “just as good.” Buy the old reliable Botanic Blood Balm. Price SI per large j bottle. See advertisement in this paper. | Ror sale by druggists. *10(3 for 12! l V; ONLY ana THE EVER READY IYIENTOR. It appears that other editors than ourself have kind and anx-, ions advisers whose interest in the editorial welfare exceeds their in terest in the welfare of the na tion. It is the duty of a paper to advocate those principles which will result in tin' greatest good to a silver plank in the national plat the people, and we will ever he form ; that if a sound money plat-' fotm is adopted the fusion of sil ver Democrat? with Populists wiil j constitute a power that would incline,'! both the Democratic and republican parties; that thinking found attempting to do our duty. One of Kditor Pucker's free silver friend? suggested that he “come over and tie with the crowd feu ! free silver. It would help your j paper.” Whereupon Bro. Kuekcr exclaims: Sirs. J. JP.Ue/?, OMflirafwjuV, Kan* wife of tho editor of Tho Graphic, thread ing local paper of Miami county, writes “I trail troubled trith heart dim atte for six years, severe palpitations, short ness of breath, together with such ex treme nervousness, that, at times I would walk tho floor nearly ail night. We consulted the best medical talent. They said there uas no help for me-, that I had organic disease of Lite heart for which there was no remedy. I had read your advertisement in The Graphic and a year ago, as a last resort, 1 riod one bottle of Dr. miles’ Xew Care for the Heart, which convinced mo that there was true merit in it. I took three bottles each of tho Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine and It completely cured rut*. / sleep well at night, my heart beats regularly and I have no more smothering si>ells. I wish to Bay to all who are suffering as I did; there’s relief untold for them if they will only give your remedies just one trial." Dr. Miles neartCure is sold on a positive guarantee that tho first bott lo will nenefit. All druggists sell it at $1, G bottles for 85, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, End. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Restores Hen 1th The original and only genuine Com- j pound Oxygen Treatment, that of l)rs. Starkey & Palen, is a scientific adjust ment ot* the elements ■ T Oxygen and Ni trogen magnetized, and the compound is so condensed and made poi table tl\a.t it sent all over the world. It lias been in use lor many years;; thousands of patients have been treated ' ami over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended i'r. This Htamlnril remedy hun be not round wanting, for forty y. , . eminent physician, who hnn in*ed it withe lain and unvarying succpm* lor nil diseti.-cs for which it is recommended. It ncv«T fails to benefit front tho first, quickly and effectually driving out all disease germs from tho system without any unpleasant or injurious effects. It is not the result of ig norance or superstition, but it is founded neon common sense and a thorough knowl edge of modern modieal science. It effect- ually puriffes and enriches the Mood and brings health to the sufferer. As n general hnilding-up tonic it is without a rival, and in it* analysis of health-giving properties it is absolutely beyond comparison with any remedy ever offered to the public, it is a panacea for impaired vitality and all ills re sulting from impure and impoverished lduod — tho current of life; quickly runs Scrofula, l ifers, Kczcnm. M. in EMm- eases am! l'.rir.plion«, ('atarrli. pepuia. RheumutKm. I,l*,er. liltlzivy "fmnhdieak- INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. Send for our Free Kook of Valuable Information, together with a wonderful array of certificates of remarknblc cures, from the simplest to the most viruh nt die- ease, after all known rente,lies had failed. These certificates testify with no uncertain sound, that botanic blood balm is tin* best, cheapest, quickest, greate.-t tind most pow erful Blood Purifier and lov t;n im: rem edy ever known to i’.<- world. Il benefit* from ilic first «J c. Prick—fl .00 per bet tie; $. r >.00 for 6 bottles. HI. It. II. KMIta are a mild and effective purgative and Liver Regulator. One Pill is a dose. Price, ‘Mi cts. per box. It. B. It. Naive is a superior dressing and Cure for all kinds of sores, burns, erup tions, etc. Price, nil cts. per box. B. 15. 15. Snuff, excellent for colds, ca tarrh, etc. Price .*•!»cts. per box. Tlie r ** tnay be used, when necessary, with botanic Blood balm. Per sale by druggists; if not, send to us. Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ( levchmd, Gii. VM biisino.'? receive? our prompt attention. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Irnrcrt«*rs and WholualoDealer* in all kindicf MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordcons, Harmoni* caRf &c„ all kinds or Strings, etc., etc. Cll. 61i3,8ir>, 617 East 9th St,. New Yorlc. Cleveland High School . Tuitiy; and Board REflSONABIiE. Tin: moral and mental advance ment of pupil? especially de signed. LASHLEY, Principal ) Ga nt lias srfll])- Cure for Sick Headache. Thousand of ladies sutler from sick headache caused undoubted I v hv disordered liver or stomach. T he best remedy that can Ik- oh- taine I for 111 i- distressing com plaint is found in Hood's Pills. These pills are so mild and gentle in action yet so thorough that they give perfect satisfaction, of -00 pafri's published l.y l)i-p. Starkey . 1 hey cine sick headache, jaundice X- fall'll, whirli give? to till liapiiv.-i'•? | sour stomach and ail liver ills. I The great sm-cess of our treat I civtMt pisD to a host of imitators, ttnso | tiloits persons, some railing tin-ip prepa- ' rations CAanpounti Oxy^rmi, often appro- i jbiatin^ our testimonials amt the name's ! of our patients, to ree.ommeml worthless j eoncoetions. But any suhstanc*' inaile [ elsewhere, or By others, and vailed Coin- | pound Oxygen, is spurious. *** •*C<nn])ound Oxygen—Its Mode of Ain , tion and Results,” is the title of a book full information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of surpris ing cures in a wide range of chronic cases—many of them after being aban-i dom'd to die By other physicians. Will j be mailed to any address on application : Drs. Starkey & Palen, l.VJO Arch Street, Philuilclphki, l’ennr.. j I'louse iiientien tilp.-iper. They brenk up cold.- and iireveiit the grip. and fevei F. STRATTON’S Celebrated S£Q55B R ”nd Instruments ALSO DRUMS, FIFES, Piccolos and Band Supplies. Stnd .nr JOHN F. STRATTON Catalogue. bn.8u.alG 8i7E.9lhSt N.y. The Progress —IS YOUli HOME PAPEK.— Subscribe Now. Justice Cn Job work i iirt blanks at (his office n city style at this office. JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED ObiTAKS, Jlertdafit e ;i g Importer of ;nd Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Cll, SIS, 815,817 East 9th St., New York.