The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, May 15, 1896, Image 2

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il.m lit it I i,mv M .1 i c; 11 in I Ur lion- • of n'pivsoutm1 ivi.*s mid voted for Ii especially true of TT<>o»Vo rilh, for no moil i. , l)0|in I i-t 1C IlieiisiilTH tlllll - idiniit Much in Little i OOD i-or, HOGS. t in« ever contained so i.r- .H curative power In so small apace. Tin y wo a v.lioli incdlclno cln si, always ready, al ways rfilclcnt, always s.iU I .factory; prevent a cold or lever, cure all liver Ills, sick licailaolio. Jnumllc -. constipation. The only I'llls to tula: with Hood’s Hursaparllla, The Cleveland P rogress Official (bgun id' White nnnity doc Hugh Reese, Ed itor. Knt«rpt1 nt thi* PoMt-nfficM* nt ('lr\flsnui <vM!nnd*cliiHR Mail Matte” .Inn. 211. 'fill Cleveland, Ga., May 15. T6. nil. We need men of the Ilenrv oirv eftnli11> in i>111> 1 i<■ olllee, mid t looks ns if I he Ninth will lie rep- lesei11cil hy him in spite of the lit tle “siinppers." BEARING FRUIT. If the silver men lmvo one, would ndvise them to “fetch in j erty fell through hi mini her boss." They sorely need one. A well known Alnhmmi husi- nest mm) wns in ihe city todiiv en route from N.e>v T ork. Il<* hud been to the bdler plnee to raise $200,000 on an impoi taut htisiness •nterjjrise in St liua,mid Inn! about -ueeeeded when the free coiiiugi; of silver curried the State, 'ibis eaused the money men to back out, as they were afraid that if they loaned the easli they would mil v he ] in id lifty cents on t ho dol lar. The Alabama man is disgust- 1 worn nu nnfuvoinblii reunite ed wilb political conventions. A e I deal for *150,000 oil Mobile prop- week for the reason.—Gainesville Ivan In. V.xperlmeut* at S'Trral f’l.iitlaim Shew th« Deadly tiltVrt'i nf Cottoimsml Ural, QrtcsTI'V;.- C.tti you give me nnr | satisfactory ntlvleo ns tii fending lings on rottoim-'oil. orrottoiiHcerl moal? Ihitvo been tnirl try some nf my neighbors that it is dangerous; ntlmrs say Unit if the seed urn thoroughly wet they arc not itt- I jni'lous. — At lho Tenas Utitorl- niont Stuli-m the report from a series of experiments is tluvt i ottomeod either raw, boiled or roasted cannot with | safety be fed to lings, even whoa ('.inti- binod with otlior t lodit, killing them in about six weeks. At the Kansas | station the following conclusion was \ readied; Thut eoUonsccd meal evon if ! fed in Hinud quautltio*, or mixed with , otlior food, proved poisonous to hogs. i Tliey died in from three to eight weeks j - aftor b"ing put on this fee I—the larger ’ ones holding our the longest, lint it | County Directory. Oidinarv—J. H. Freeman. Clerk—W. H. Power. Sheriff—S. L. Brown. Tax Receiver—(}, N. Colley. Tux Collector—Benton Trotter. Treasurer—D. N. Warwick. Surveyor—II. Edwards, Coroner—M. L. Allen, School Comin’i'. G.S. Kylle. COUNTY COMM 1S8IONEUS• .1. A . Richardson. Nunoochce. <ia. II. T. Kenimer. Cleveland, (iu. J, M. Cooley, Leo, (la. .JUDICIARY. John J. Kimscv, J. S. C. Cleveland (la. Howard Thompson, Sol. Gen., Gaines ville, Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Whits. Coi ntv:—Whereas The modern Pain AnnihiSator, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and ail other aches. SALVATION OIL Is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Only the genuine will do the Work* Chew LAKGE'S PLUGS, The Gnat Tojucco An'.idole.lOc. Dealers or mail,A.C.Meier A Co., Baits.,Hid. also found liiat tin: cottonseed meal !,l. B. Westnioi-ebind, administrator prodii -ed very rapid '.'allis at first, ami if tho hog, wore taken off Before any symptom, of disease appeared there Tile ox- Guv. Atkinson lias imposed lines upon the eon viol lessees amount ing to #2,500—about cnouiMi to pay the expense of the recent in vestigiil ion. Cherokee eoilllt\ refused in take net ion on the senntoriid mutter Intelv unimpaired" will at penmen'' ilidl'.uitod that hog, can be foil for a short tlino Oil cottonrieod meal witii the heat leunlts and without aubuequout deleterious effects. From tests made r.t tiio Alabama Ex periment Station it is state I that hy combining crushed cult ensued with a liberal quantity of green rye. green nuts, ’ green sorghum, sweet potatoes or tur- Tho oppoi't Ulti I V, missed lit Al- nips it run probably bo fed to pigs and nbnmn, i> now open t i Gi’otjriii. hogs without great danger, provided CF-ORGIR’S 0PP0RTUNITV, T he Snuthern slate which di clnrcs fnr sound currency tttuI !< before the mitioiuil convention meets and makes a platlonn. \\ c believe our county, which meets today, will do like wise, and it. should. A Constitution correspnit lent writes that Judge Lawson is run ning a losing race in the Lightli. Now, that kind of si nil' don't go down. .Judge Lawson don t rm losing races, lb* lias mighty wi ni11g ways and bis opponent, is uni as strong as bis competitors oi the past. The .ludgo will do them up us usual. Wait mid see. tho oottousood is not uionhly <>.• decern- _ 1 posing, or allowed to roinaia la thu feed troughs until partiivlly decayed; also I he .J oil cl'soil ill ll principle oi pic- that the crushed sued rail Is: combined -ervillg t lie lull H lllll ere lit ub-r- with skimmed or aoparnroil milk and once l°d without probable injury to the liogt. . ... i. ,,i .,„,i ; 1 ] It is further stated that after a pig inspire coiilidence abroad anil will . . reaches .TO pounds in wuignt, cottonseed attrael "iimtal and investors. ' , . . ... ... 1 or oottonsoodnioftl m combination with No stops which our people could take would do more to maintain our present position as “the Lm- pire Slate of the South.” I find wherever 1 go that all the people need is to have the truth presented, when they come lo it I otilhusiaslically. I If the Democrats of sound views will stand together, we can yet rc- d'.'Cin our state from the heresy of cheap money and add lo its name a lustre which shall never fade. 11. II. I’r.niiv. lion. John. G. Carlisle has been invited to deliver several nd- drcsscsiiAi^ioorgia oil thftdhiuivial question. It is thought bo will iteoept the invitation and will probably be in our State the lat ter part of .May or early in June. Savannah people hope to gel the lii'st of the series of speeches. Mr. Carlisle is probably belter posted <m the currency question Ilian any man in the union and it i-t to he hoped that Georgians will lutvi a chance lo hear lmn. Mr. Henry Perry continues lo expound Iruo Democratic princi ples lo the people of the Ninth district. 11c spike at JcU'erson last week and the Gainesville Ma gic says, “His talk on iitonev was a revelation, Numbers of tbe best men of the county came to him and declared themselves his sup- porters. Numbers confi ssed tltcv bad never understood the ques tion before. There i- hardly a d.'ubt that Perry will carry Jack- son county. ills friends are go ing to work and that is all that is needed. T he young women of Danoury, Conn., have started a new ball to rolling. - i\ - the New York Voice. They have organized a societx each member of which pled a s herself not to marry any man who drinks. “The lips that t tfch wine shall never touch mine” seems to he the idea, and a might v good idea it’jjis too. Since rail road corporations are refusing to intrust the care even of a freight train to u man who drinks it is time for women to refuse to in trust their destiny and the desli- nv of their children to such men. Stick to it, ladies. It is to the interest of the Dem ocratic party to nominate the strongest, men. Men who will uphold the parly principles; men who will hold the country’s in terests above the tilling of the nouuow lCl) 1 I'LMS. corn or oowncas, oan bn in ado u prollt- uble ration up to thu timo of the pre monitory symptom* of disease. Ah a rale, this period varies from throe to six weeks. Thu first symptoms am weakness, staggering, fever, hiss of ap petite mid i’ow if any movements. When these systems nppoar the pig j should at oiico be turned into a pasture, or the food should bo oluiugeil to bran slops and corn or otlior healthy foods. T’lieso experiments iudiout.i that the cause of til-.: Injurious effects of feeding cottoiisoud muni to hogs is not yet l'u^y uinlcrsto nl, and until that is the Jibe it is not advisable for farmers to rude j losing tlioir liogs by experimeiitinarffcfh | this feed, however abundant aud dheap il may be. In thu oourso of time this ; much dismissed question will be d.efl- . '{caves Westmoreland, deceased repre- : wciits to tlic court in liis petition, duly ! Hied and I'lilci cd on record, that lie lias , I fully administered Reaves Westmore i land's estate. This is therefore to cite all ' persons concerned, kindred and credit ors, to slow cause if any they can why ! said iidministrutor should not be di.-:- I charged from his administration and re- | | ceivo letters of dismission on the fi.'st j Monday in July. lS'.itl. J. II. i'KKKMAN, Ordinal"/. PATAF.R . CURED. ! No remedy is as efTectual in eradicat- I ing and curing Cutari'h as Botanic Blood | Balm, (It. B. B.) It purities and enrich. | cm the blood, eliminates microbes, baote- I ria, •'(> .. and builds lip the system from i the lirst dose. Thousands of eases of ea ts' rl» have been cured by its magic pow- ■ or. For all blood and shin diseases it Ims nominal. Buy the old reliable and long tested remedy, an 1 don't throw your money away on substitutes, palmed oil ,H "just as good.” Boy the old reliable Botanic Bl id dal in. Price .jit per large bottle. Bee iiilverliseiueiit in this paper. , For sale by druggists r -C T.n.l -?» WW.3 Manufacturers of Machinery"™ 01 FOR -I-+M1NING, H1L1WS AND TREATING GOLD ORES,*-* CHLORHIATECW A SPECIALLY. Pn^inos, Boilers, Sa>\ Mills, Pumps, Piping, AND ALL Mll WORK. L'a-i A' cl £.»t- li i ONLY Yeti Genuine and Original. IS ! Til 12 OOl’NTHY KDITOIl. Vorilv, tin* life of tho country oditor n jmth of thorns. His broad is pron.iscs ami his meal is diflappt intment. Tho original ami only genuine Cor. touncl Oxygon Trcatimml. that of Dr: St:u*key tV Pr.lcn, is a scientific adjust uent of the ch^ments of Oxygen ami N. ■ rogen magnetized, ami the compound : so condensed and made poitable that \ is sent all over tin* world. It has born in use for many years niroly settled, and until thou it wouhl Mmusands of patient* lu^e becudroalt* bo safe for farmers to awaitIRo" resii’i^'l uid'iwer i>u#1huiisiftbl i<Ptsicii»m hat h-trrrircdfTtrnnrff's j j ns Winchester Repeating Our Model 1S93 Shot-Gun is now used by all the most advanced trap Shot-Gun-- o and game shooters. Single Shot-Rifles now being nought at government es pouse. From timo to time we have an swered questions on this line, and ,v 1 lie experiments progress we shall witch Ills ci-eilitor.-i ehtise him by day and thu ,],., m with great, interest and anything devil grinnclli ul him by nigh . ■ ,,(■ v;l |,,,, will be phiend before tho farm- lie Heiuletli the paper to 11 subscriber ors ,,r the state.—Statu Ag' iouitur.U Do- mi e-edit and the subscriber p.iye'li him not. Then lie stoppetli the di'limpidit's paper, and tho clelitlipieiit singetn Ira In', and hori owetli it of u neighbor. One subscriber pavetli bis subscription in wood, and behold it is rotten and sog gy 11ml of short mcusiirc. lie wlioopeth up the towntthip politi cian ; anil I h ■ politician g'ets clecleil und knowoth him no 11101c. He putVetii llie clmrcli fair gratis and then allendclh and paycth his qunrtcr | uni roceiveth two oysters. lie hoometli the town mid all tilings therein, and yet roceiveth no suppoit, and ! a man wi Ii nit honor hi liis own country. Two young people marry mid lie givotli them a great puff and they go to housi - keejiing and lakelli not liis paper. Yea, In- is hound down with woe, and | liis days are lull of grief and trouble and vexation of spirit. But sorrow ondureth only for a night ami joy cometli ill the morning. lie pin Idetli along and emUireUi in pa tience, and il is written that lie will re c ive his l-ew u-i. at the judgaiout. Pahlo a Nugget; Bill CV1 >ri' of this county served a term in tiie North Carolina pciiher.tiary^und a few weeks ago his torm expi--c l. He l-ctiii-iied to this county lo lind his wife, who was El len Waters, divorced and married again. Hill, ’lot satisfied at thus tiuding matters, hired on a farm, and at the house* was a young woman limned llix. Before the lapse of two days lie made love to the wo man and getting her consent' to marry they applied lo Esx. Chester and the imp tial knot was tied at 10 a. m, anil at 1 p. in, both the bride ami groom went to plowing in tiie field, as luippy as the Mill of February mated birds. partmeut. 1,1 on on Hugs. (Jr :snox—What is tiie plan to get lieo olf of hogs? A'.uwki:. -Tho simplest plan to got rid of lice is lo put common l.urosmio 011 year liog.s. The easiest w av tu (lo this is to food tiie hog. in a fence corner on shelled corn, and while they are eating, by standing 011 tho fence you can nprinkle them ail with kerosine from a common watering pipe. This will not only rid them of lien, but will clean their skins of all scurf, and dandruff. Be a little careful about the applica tion of tho kerosene, ns a too liberal use of it. will kill the pigs, ’i’lio best way is to apply ill moderation and renew it in a week or ton days. A little oil or bird addod to the kerosene will prevent any injurious effect even P> tho pigs.—State Agricultural Department. Uent Foniffu IMutil For Coirs. Question.—I wish to keep up two milch cows and soil thorn, that is, out for them green stuff and food them in their stalls. What forage plant would you recommend for this purpose? Answer.—For this purpose I would unhesitatingly recommend cat-tail mil let, called also Bearl millet. Japan mil- j let and Horse millet. O11 rich land this j millet makes an astonishingly rapid growth, and can be cut several times during the season, furnishing a largo amount of fairly good forage. Sow in drills three feet apart and cultivate as you would corn. Hix to eight pounds of seed will plant an aero. This forage plant lias yielded 05 tons of green fod der, or lit tons of dry hay to the ucre.—State Agricultural Department. Hartwell Sun; Will Oil 111 pi 11. a voun mini living a short distune undergoing a terrible! experience. He i has been suffering with chronic catnirh fnr some time that affected liis eyes. Re cently while blowing tue dust out of a gun cap a portion of the percussion pow der gut in one of his eyes, 1; began pain ing him excriitiatingly and a few days ago the eyeball burst from its socket and foil in liis hand. His other eve is also M Fr»o Martins.** 1 Question.—I have a flue Jersey oow | who recently gave birth tu twin calves, one female tho other male. Is it true from town, is ; that these calve! when grown will not breed? ised it and recommended i . *»* The great succcss of our treatment he- given rise ton host of imitators, unscrnp .lions persnnf, sum ■ calling their prupn rntii.iis ('ompouno Oxygen, often apt r printing our lesliiiioeuils and the nunn of Our puticntH, to recommend worthies concoctions. But any substance mud, | elsewhere, or by others, and called (.'oin- puuml Oxygen, is .spurious. •‘Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Ac tion and Results," is the title nf a book of !2!)() pages published by Drs. Starkey A Riilon, which gives to nil inquirers! full information 11s to this remarkable curative agent, and a record of surpris ing cures in :• wide range of chronic eases -many of them after being aban doned to die by oilier plivsirians. Will lie mailed to any address on application Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1.VJI1 Arch Sired, Philadelphia, Peuna. Pi«a«o mention this paper. Weak, irritable,T ired "i Was No Good on Ecrth." Dr. Miles’ Nervine strengthens tiie weak, buiids up the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every DincI of nervous disease. ".-I hunt one ttear ago l >r«» tifjiict ctl trUh nrrrouiiHlus. alefpletmneaa, Creeping uritsaiion in my legs, Ulight palpitation of run heart, IHstriictiug confttHion of the mind, Serious loan or Injixe of memory. Weighted tioirtt irith rare ancl tcarry. 1 completely lost appetite .4ml felt mg vitality tcetirlng out, J 1 ras tee alt, irritable, and tired, Mu freight teas reduecd to XGO lbs., In fart I teas no good, on earth. A friend brought me Pr. Miles' book, "Now and Start ling Facts," and I finally decided to try a bottle of 1)r. Milks’ Rc- oratlvs Nervine. Before I had taken one Ixullo I could sleep as well as a lO-yr.-old boy. My appettto returned greatly Increased. When J had taken the sijeth battle Mg freight increased to S !G bs., 'Ihe sensation in mg legs teas gone; ASK YOUR DEAJ.r.R TO CffJVT YOU THIS GUI'. F.verything that is Newest mid Ilcsfl*l:i Rcr.c:..;.;g Ann# ai kinds of Ammunition an inado by itu WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winclrrter Atc., rJctr lx a a- Semi a Postal Cam with your address IV.' 3 •. Co:. o 9ft**S<57iti a Fostul Cam with yourfovcurl t .-;•, j'oe. *>»gn»aaa#nimi# Birmingham SteelStrings "OMN F. STftATTOW’S fw., Cbl.LUKA 1 hi) fjj|P * or Violin. Guitar, Mandolin, Danja Htiirst Made. Extrj l i.ited. rxi5t MAT Warranted not to rus:. bend for Catlff JOHN F. 6TRATTON, Impirter, Manufacturer and Wholexule Dcalor* ti 11* 613. 81G, 817 E. 9th St, N. Y. a ATTORNEYS A I Clevt-liinc], Go, All business receivis our pion • nttpution. JQHW F. STRATTOK’S Celebrated Band instruments LAV hmrs etc. Price, .Mi eti. p«r box. B. B. B. Mil Mir. for cold*, ca tarrh. ntc. l’riu# 6» ot«. p#r box Th<*i*c nuy 1*<» u.«e<l. when nrcewuiry. with ILaauic Dlo"U Balm. For t»ale br drtiK^ist^: if not. eend to n«. Address. BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. DRUMS, FIFES, Piccolos ana Band Supplies. i-tnc ib, JOHN F STRATTON, j C.uiogut In i.Ou oij Gi7E.9thSt U.f. Cleveland High School. Tuitici: and Board Ri F.SOi AB I E I in' moral and inontul udvimic niunt of pupils especially de signed. A. E. L/SE (’LEV ELAND - - t JOHPtI F. STRATTOL' Cure for Sick Headache. Thousand m" Indies suffer from -iok headiii'h*.'eaused undoiilitedly b\- disordered liver or stimuli h. 1 The host reinedv that ItaMruri •n.i WhoI«uUDr#lcr( in #11 klr :i IVIUSICAL merchandr:. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordcons, Ha. -c; lltaws of pet's Utnl friends; moil j bndlj ntfecitsl. and it is feared lie willlio- who are''pure and it«' not hoiillil.i et’iiio t.*‘:illy i»liml. bv ring rule; men who ate men. . ,, .■ .vamon s Liver P:lls & Tonic Pellets W 0 need ll enilllgc 111 thisdistriet, a Perfect Treatment for Constipation find we need it b'.tdlv. Mr. Tate -ah i- liou;tt-i One pill ,i Uoso. Answer.—Heifers thus born, seldom brooil. They nro called "Free Martins," and aro usually raised for boot, for wlnoU purpose, at three to four years of ago, they seem uereulinrly suited. A Free Murliu, if barren lias an ox-like look, aud is sometimes broken to tho yoke. It is said that the bulls if used for breed ers, frequently get Freo Martins, so it would not bo a good plan to keep your twin bull calf for a breeder, however lino liis pedigree may bo.— S fa to Agri cultural Department. JJftf tnemorg teas fully restored. Mg bro in seemed clearer than ever. I felt as good as any man on earth. Mr. Miles’ Restorative Xcrelne is A great tnedicitte, I assure you.” Augusta, Mo. Walter K. Burbank. Ur. Miles* Nervlno is Bold on a positive guarautee thut tho first boule will benefit. Ail ilrmrpisis sell It at St. fl botties flirts, or ft will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt, of price by tho JJr. Milos Medical Co., Elkhart, lull. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health tainei for this distrtssinir i-om 'plaint is found in Hood's Pill I’heso pills are iso mild and gentle j in action yet so thorough that i — they give perfect satisfaction. I hey mile sick headai’ho, jaundice j ’ sour stomach and all liver ills. 1 ^ They break tip colds and fevers and prevent the grip. cas, &c.j all kinds of String#, eto., etc. Ctl. 813,815, S17 Eaot Otli St., New Yo: h -iThis Pr< g\ ess VOUIl ME I'M'i I ribe G reat battles are contin ually going ou in tho human sys tem. Hood's Sarsaparilla drives out disease ;uul Restore? Justice Court blanks at this office Jobwork in city style at this office. <) JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED GUITARS, Importer of and ^ Wholesale Dealer in all kinds of rx.- musical merchandise, SD. 313, «15, «-,7 East 9th St., New York,