The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, June 12, 1896, Image 2

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3831 Biliousness In canned hy torpid liver, which prevent* inges tion and permit* food to ferment ami putrify In the stomach. Then follow dlizlno**, headacho, Hood’s Insomlno, nervousness, and, __ ■ ■ ■ It not lolleved, billon* lever ■ 1 I or Mood polvonln*. Hood's III ^ nits (tlmulnte the atotnaeh, ■ rouse the liver, cure headache, dlr.iinoas, con. atlnatlon, etc. w cents. Hold by all druggist*. The only Tills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tha Cleveland Progress OfltaM Oigfan r»f Wlillo county Woe flugh Ree«e, Editor. ■atextd at Miu Poet-ofllne at Cleveland Aoooad-olaaa Mull Matto",,lnn. 251, 'U'2 kmt mm imih !■ n jui...- zauaaczBEMmrrrxsr-z Cleveland, Ga., June 12, *98. “Oil, •)CiUSIlll'lll. JpiHHilk'Ill!- 1m,I vo would not.” The pstnic in 1893 was tlit! re sult of the silver intlution nut Ion ized in 1890. Whitt si re we to ex iled 1 >V a repetition of the act? Experience has taught. Tbe Georgia Demonroey. The report from Saturday’s pri maries Watt startling lmt Ihc re sult was not wholly unlooked for and was therefore not surprising. The people have none wild, and have cried out for the destruction of the true Democratic principles in which depends their pecuniary salvation, as did the heathen rab ble for the crucifixion of their Sa vior, choosing Christ for doth rather than the murderer Haruh- biis. The people want “fret, silver.” That is a fetching phrase. A free show isahvavs well attended, not because of any merit it possibly possesses, hut because it is free. The word “free” is very attrac tive; it is a groat drawer. The misconception hy the masses of the term, “free silver,” figures as a prominent factor in the vic tory silver has scored. If the pol iticians had advocated free gold they would have swept tho field clear indeed. A majority of the Democrats of Georgia have come to the conclu sion that it is time lit depart from the principles to which the party has adhered since its foundation. They have declared for Ihn free, unlimited and independent coin age of silver at mi arbitrary ratio. This has never been advocated in any platform of the Democratic party or by any of its great lead ers. The founder of the Demo cratic party took the position that the coinage ratio must fie regula ted by the commercial ratio of gold and silver, and there has never been any declaration hy the National Democracy in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at 1 (! to 1. Wc have opposed the effort to commit tho party to this proposi tion because we believe that it. is wrong in principle and that if adopted it would lie disastrous to the Democratic party. Its advocates with very few ex ceptions have made no attempt to argue the question. They have dealt mainly in misrepresentation and assertion and have appealc I to passion and prejudice. We re gret to say that they have found a ready response to such methods and found them quite effective. 'Flie result of Saturday’s prima ries has not changed our views on Ihe subject of free silver coinage at 1C to 1. Wo are wire that at no distant day the Georgia De mocracy will regret that it ever committed itself to this policy and will renounce it by a voto even more decisive than that of day be fore yesterday. It may he that the the State convention will not go to the extreme which some of the silverile politicians favor. We hope it. will not. There will be many men of cool judgment in that body and we trust that their counsel may he heeded.—Mon day’s Journal. RHEUMATISM CURED. Aftur eminent physicians nnil all other known remedies fail, Botanic Hlood llaliu (13. H. It.) will ipiickly cure. Thousands of testimonial!! attest this fact. No case of rheumatism can t-taml before its niftfric liealinc power, bend stamp for book of particulars. It eontaius evidence that will convince you that U. 11. U. i* Ihc best cure for all Hlood and Skin Discuses ever discovered. Reware of substitutes said lo lie "just as ipiod.” $1 per large bottle. For tale by druggists. A big prohibition rally will take place ill Madison on .Inue 1(1 and 17. Dr. D. R. Kotbrock, of New Rcrlin.Pa does not hesitate to recommend Chntn- berhiin’R medicines. He Bays: "1 have handled them for a year or more in my pharmacy and liml them safe and relia ble. My ruHtninors praise them very highly.” No one. who is troubled with rheumatism can use Chninbcrluin's Fain Balm without praising it. The quick re lief from pain which it affords ia alone worth many times its cost. For Side by A. II. Ilendeibun, general merchant, Cleveland, Clu. Another excursion party of emigrants will arrive at Fitzgerald soon. THE REST AFTER DINNER PILL. Hood’s Pills aid digestion. prevhnttliat feeling of fidnOos or distress and gently yet effectively assist in the assimilation and digestion of food. They do not gripe or pain and they do not vreuken tho body. On tile contrary they have a strengthen ing and stimulating effect. They rouse the lives, prevent sickness and • sick headache. Hood’s Pills are purely vege table, perfectly harmless and may be used safely by delicate women and chil dren. Tho people have hissed from the stage the Booths, Irvings, Har rells and Sslvini’s and have called Vociferously to the front tho wiry contortionists of the ten cent va riety to transport tlu*m to realms olysiuu with a coo-ehee-coo-chce song and dance. A farmer in an interior Penn sylvania town, who kept his sil ver dollars hoarded in a lin'd keg, and found, after they ha:l been struck by lightning, that he had a muss of fused silver on his hands worth only 52 cents of its former valuation as coin, had a line ob ject, lesson in the beauties of the free silver doctrine.— Kx. Glance over the result in (he State. Perhaps the mos' surpris ing is in the heretofore noble old Eighth. There Congressman Law son earned his home county—Put nam. Col. W. M. Howard, the free silver candidate, scooped the others. Col. Howard may be a bright young man, hut he is a pig my intellectually in comparison with Lawson. The primaries in the other districts resulted simi larly, except in (he Second and Eleventh. There true Democra cy prevailed. Affairs panned out as Evan P. Howell and the other silverites wished, ff the silver men control the national convention we hope they will put a decidedly silver plank in their platform. There should be no compromise. Let the silver men say plainly, so that there can be no possibility of misunde’-standing their meaning, what they advocate. It is to be hoped also that the Republicans will declare in unmistakable lan guage for the maintenance of the gold standard, and that there will be no straddle there. On our last Democratic plat form silverites and gold bugs alike claim a.footing. tVhile the plat form is apparently y\y*r enough, yet it is construed by each indi vidual D^tiocrat to suit himself. The next platform must be so clear in its declarations that bilt one construcsion can be placed up on it. There is at least one sure cure for the silver idea. Put it in op eration. It will kill the country, but the silverites don’t care for a small thing like that. Mr. \V. E. Simmons, of Law- reuceville, has been appointed by the governor to succeed tho late Dr. II. V. M. Miller on the hoard of regents at the State University at Athens. Baptists on Temperance. At the recent session of the Ga. Baptist Convention the commit tee on temperance made tho fol lowing report, which was adopt ed: “Wo note a constantly in creasing interest on tho pint of our people on tho temperance question. Out of 137 counties in our State, 100 of them have do e la red against the sale of whisky. Your committee thinks the polit ical and moral sentiments of Bap tists are for driving this curse from our State. We beg to make the following recommendations “1. 'That the church use the knife of discipline against mem bers who are known to indulge in III* use of intoxicating drinks. “2. That B iptist voters all over the State be urged to support no one for the legislature who will not use his influence in favor of some measure looking to the sup pression of tho liquor traffic in this State.” PERSON AL Free—64-page medical refer ence book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or deli cate disease peculiar to their sex. Andress the leading physicians and surgeons of the UmtedStates, Dr. Hathaway Jc Co., 22.V So. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. It has boon discovered that a (fold mine underlies the town of Blue Rid go.. 9 County Directory. Ordinary—J. IL Freeman., Clerk—W. R. Power. Sheriff—S. L. Brown. Tax Receiver—(J. N. Colley. Tax Collector—Benton Trotter. Treasurer—D. N. Warwick. Surveyor—H. Edwardtr, Coroner—M. L. Allen, School Comm’r. G.S. Kytlo. COUNTY COMMISSIONKRS • .1. A . Richardson. Nneoochee. (In. R, T. Knnimer. Cleveland. (>a. J. M. Cooley, Leo, (ia. JUDICIARY. John J. Kinisev, .1. S. ('. Cleveland C*r Howard Thompson, Sol. den.. Giunc; ville, (In. NOTICE. GEORGIA. Wnmi Oocsty Whereas .1. B. Westmoro'nnd. administrator of Reaves Westmoreland, deceased repre sents to the court in his petition, duly tiled ami entered on record, that he has fully administered Reavofi Weft more • j hind's estate. This is therefore to cite all peraonn concerned, kindred and credit or*, to show cause if any they can why sniil administrator should not be dis charged from hiH administration and re oeive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, lSiili. J. II. Fkkkmar. Ordinary. GEORGIA, Win 11. (lottery. T» All Whom It May Concern: Joseph M. Mi!- ! | ler having' in proper form applied to me | for permanent letters of administration on the estate of James Miller, late of said county, this is to idle all and slngulrr I he j creditors "and next of ltin of James Miller ■ to I/ 1 ' and appear at my olliee within the I time allowed Ly law and show rare it , any they cun why permanent adminis tration should not lie granted to Joseph j M. Miller on .Limes Milieu’s estate. Yi ness my ham! and official signature, This first day of June. 1 Still. J. II*. FREEMAN , Ordof ry THE FALL TERM OF MOSSY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL Begins July 13, 1896. The next spring term open* 1st week in j January, 1897. The health of the locution unsurpassed. Good com* niunitv—a clever, :u'vo;nmoil:,tiug Ghristian people. 11m training received at this “cliool is thorough and complete. of Tuition t *1. !•:> per month. H urd : 47 per month. For farther inf: mi d'u i apply to j. w. A B., PrlnClpUl^ Leo, White County, Ga. late: Manufacturers Kf.nalacturcrs Xlfxebyiryerv FOR KIL1KG AND TREATING GOLD 0RES.+ + CHLQRlfc’ATiON A SPECS AL v Y. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, ' Pumps, Piping, AND ALL'REPAIR WORK. "Last summer while attending emu 1 at Uniontown," says I). B. Button, iv.promi nent druggist of Fayette City. Bu.,“three witnesses were suflering from diarrhoea. 1 gave each a dose of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy and it gave immediate relief. On the way home ouc of iny neighbors was taken with a severe cramp in tho stomach and was suffering with intense paities. Igavehim a dose of this remedy and within five minutes the pain hml censed. The rem edy is a favorite bore. ’“' I knnWflf luttffy * who aie never without. I always take it with mo when going away from /home.” For mile by A. II, Henderson, general merchant, Cleveland, Ga. rrtetl for UJ/T ONLY Yetft Recently the members of tho Macon Sporting Chili, areompanied by a num ber of Gordon huntsmen, killed over a thousand doves in a field near Gordon. A GREAT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I want to tell yr u of my wonderful suc cess. Being a poor gill and needing money Ladlv, 1 tried tho Dish Washer business and have cleared $200 every month. It is more money than I ever had before and I can't help telling you about it, for 1 believe any person can do ns well as I have if they only try. Dish Washers sell on sight; every lady wants one. The Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, Mo., will give you all necessa ry instructions, so you can begin work at once. The Dish Washer does splendid work; you can wash and lry the dishes in two or three minutes without putting your hands in the water at all. Try this business and let us know how you suc ceed. S Ki.isabutu C. Congressional oratory occasionally sup plies a rare gem. A western representa tive recently exluin: d in a fervid out burst : ”1 have no hesitation in saying, Mr. Speaker, that this widow is as justly en titled to a pension ns the widow of any man now living.” ICE CREAM MADE BY NEW PROCESS. I have an ice cream freezer that will freeze cream instantly. Tho cream is put into the freezer and conies out instantly, smooth and perfectly frozen. This as tonishes people and a crowd will gather to see the freezer in operation and they will all want to try the cream. You can sell cream as last as it can be made, and sell freezers to many of them who would not buy an old style freezer. It is really a curiosity and you can sell from $5 to $S worth of cream and six to twelve freezers every day. This makes n good profit these hard times and is a pleasant cm ploymont. J. F. Casey & Co., 1143 St. Charles St., St. Louie, Mo., will send full particulars and information in regard to this new invention on application and will employ good salesmen on salary. 3 own Genuine and Original. The original and only genuine C. pound Oxygen Treatment, that of Drs Starkey A Pnle.n, is u scientific adjust ment of the elements of Oxygen and Ni Irogen magnetized, aad the compound if condensed and made pm table t hat it »l*t all over the world. \ Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used It has boon in uho f*>i*moi*et1::in 1\*> years; j thousands of jmtionts have? boon troatut j and over one thou&nnd physicians bav* ! used it and itv ; lnim laltd 1 a vt ry nig- j urticant fuof. Hi* grout sucre. 1 a of our treatment has ; given rise to a host of imitator-, un«r up j ulous perilous* some calling’the r pi epu- rations Compound Oxygen, oft on appro- j priatinir our testiiu<»«<iuiM and the names | »f our patients, to recommend worthless j •ameoefions. Uut any mi! Fiance made dsewhoro. or b) others, ai d called Com pound Oxygvu, is spurious. ‘Compound Cxyg^n —Its Mode of Ac tion nixi Results,*’ is the title of n Look >f pagan publaho i by Drs. Starkey & P.ili’ii, which gives to nil inquire)? full in format ion as t *» thin remarkable nrative ag-ent, and a record of surpris ing 1 cures in a wide range of chronic rises--main ni them after bring-aban- loned to din by other physicians. Will be mailed to any address on application Drs. Starkey & Po.len, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, i’tuina. Please lu'cirlten tkia paper. ‘For Charity Suffercid LocjP Shot-Guns 0 by all the most advanced trap and game shooters. Single SllOt-RlfieS 0 A3K TOUR D3AISX TO EFCW TC'J TCtS GUZ. Everything that u Newest Lcc-t in Repeating Arm* ns well »- ' i kind* of Ammunition *ro rude ty the & WINCHESTER REPEATING AR?1S CO., Wlacbester Avc. : Vrr n.iven, Con- o **- Send n Po.ifcal Card with j*ovr ddre., for o'er 1 l&.pK.e 1 ituafc-ri.'.l CataToffue. Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix. Hllwaukce, Wls. I'uy but or.o profit between maker and user and that a small just one. Our Big 700 Page Cataloguo and Buyer* Guide proves that It's posstblo. Weighs | Sli pounds, 1S,000Illustrations, describes 1 ned let Is the one-pro til prtcoof over40,000 j ertleles, everything you use. Wesontllt ! for 15Cents; that’s not for the book, but to pay part.of t he postage or expressage, | and keep off Idlers. You can’t get it too quick. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., The Store of All the People Ilfli6 Michigan Ave., Chicago. “Matron of a Benevolent SIoku.’ j and knowing tho good Dr. Miles' Nervine I has dono mo, my wish to help others, over- | comes my dlsllko for tho publicity, thh letter may gtvo mo. I a Nov. and Dec., 1S33, j The inmates hail (ha "loCifppr," and 1 wasono of the first. Resuming du:y too soon, with tbe care of go many Blck, 1 did not regain my health, and in a month Iteecme av debilitated and nerrsiu from sieoplersness and tho draftu made on my vitality, that it was a question if 1 could go on. A dear friend advised mo to try I>r. Stiles’ Restorative Aon-ine. I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am In better health than over. 1 still continno Its eceasional use, as a stet-pe food, as my work is very trying. A latter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will roach me." Juno 6, ISM. Mils. Lapha O. TnoKNix. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will txmefli. All druggists soil It at 81,6 bottles for $5. or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of prieo by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health G reat battles are contin- uallj" going on iu tlia human sys tem. .Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives out disease and Restore* Health, l-A Vjgy * vjjijJppar BOTANIC A thoroughly ttstod Remedy row ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, This Ntivndsrd rumtMy Lai Wosh triad am4 not |ouitrl wanting. f**r forty rnan. by aa smiriDiit physician, who Lotus*) it with cer tain f»rnl unvarying tucvott fur til ditsttet lor which it is recotwmsndsd. It never fails to benefit from the Arst doss, quickly au4 eflectualiy driving out all diaoa^s germs from tho system without any unploassnt or iujurions effects. It is not tho rosult of ig* uoraucs or superstition, but it is foundtd up:*ii common sensa and a thorough knowl- tfdcn of model a medical scisncw. U stTsct- naTly putiAea and enriches tks blood and hriDcc hsalth to tlis suAsrsr. As a gansral building-up tonic it is without a rival, and iu its analysis of hoaltk-giving proptrties it is absolutely l>«yoTid comparison with any remedy avar offsisd to tbs public. It is a panat ta for imrairsd vitality and all ills ra- sulting from impure and impoverished blood —the current of life; quickly cures Lcrofula. ITeera. Kesoiaa, Skin Uts* eiutcs and Kruptluaa, Citlarrls, Dys pepsia, Elhsamnlism. Liver, liidney ami Dladdcr l)iSMuet,F(>maleWsak< now, Nervens Dieeaeea, ete. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. Send for our Fr«»« Rook «f Vnlsabls luloriuatlou, t jgetber with a wonderful array of certiAcatea of remarkable cures, from the simplest to the most virulent dls- easu, after all known remedies had failed. Those certificates testify with no uncertain sound, that Bctanio Blood Halm is the best, cheapest, Quickest, greatest und most pow erful Blood Pnritier and health-giving rem edy ever known to tho world. It benefit* Irons the ft rat dow. Prior—#1.00 per bottle; 96.00 for 6 bottlga. H- B. B. Pill* are a mild and effective purgative and Liver Regulator. Ona rill is a dose. Price, 2J cta. per box. B. B. U. bailee ia a superior dressing and Cure for all kinds of sores, burns, erup tions, eto. Price, 50 cle. per box. B. B. B. Susstr. excellent for colds, ca tarrh, etc. Price 60 cts. per box These may \t used, whe* neceesary, with Botanle Blood Balm. For sale by druggists; if not, send to ws. Address. BL000 BALM CO., ABanU, Ba. JOHN F. STflATTOK’S Celebrated Band tnstrumsnts ALSO DRUMS, FIFES. PiccolS3and Band Supplies. Sena lor JOHN *. STRATTON, C.mcgiK kl I 6r» 0l» 8l7 I.SIhtt H.1. " KYTLE Y OAKES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ule\t-liiiul, Ga. All business receives «ur |)rn»«j*t attention. JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED GUITARS, lmpon.rof.nd Wtiol«Ml, Duk U ill kb*** of MU8I0AL MKRCHANDISK, 811,818,818,817 loot 9th St., New York. Cleveland High School Tuition and Board HlTiO lin 12. i'lie moral and mental advance ment of pupils especially de signed. A. E. LASH LEY, Principal, LEY KI. AND - - - - Ga JOHN F. STRATTON’S tipperUm sad WbolMaieDeeleri la allkbuUof MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violist, Cultirt, B*s|o*, Acwrdion*. Hanmoafi cas, &c^ all kfiiLW String Cure for Sick Headache. Thousand of ladies suffer from sick headacheenuseduiidmihledly , , . hy disordered liver m- stoimu-h. , til.Bill815.blTEaltothSt!,N«wYork. 1 he host remedy that can be oh- tallied for (his distressing com-i! plaint is found in Hood’s Pills, j I hose pills are so mild and gentle - in action yet so thorough that they give perfect satisfaction, j i -f 1 hey cute sick headache, jaundice ! 0111)801*1 l)G ^1 OW. sour stomach and all liver ills. | They break up colds and fever and prevent the grip. Progress 1 —IS YOUR HOME PAPER.— Justice o urt blanks at this office Jobwork in city style at this office. Hcadat'h* r Mil ***■ r i tv t and A’eiiyc-'fjfa enred >»v t * JOHN F. STRATTON’S CELEBRATED BirmiRgham Steel Strings ' lor Violin. Guitar, Mandolin, Banja , , r . . Fine.l Extra Plated. aaa*ie*a- W.rr.nt.J not to rust. Send for Catlg' JOHN F. STRATTON, Inpirltr, Maoufr.rturer and Whaletolt Dealer' si 1 My ajs, 917 E. 9th Y.