The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, July 03, 1896, Image 2

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aaaattiattffiBM Liver Ills Lik« bllleutiMii, djr*pep«ta, tieadaehfl, eon»tt pattern, war, tudlg-stloa are promptly cored by Uood’e Pint. -Tdiey-do their work Hood’s taelly and thoroughly. * I I Bent after dluner pllln. W& I I I C K cetitf. AU drugglwta. V ■ ■ ■ w Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell Mata. The only Pill to-take with-Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Cleveland Progress Offl«ln.lUfgati of While county *Ufe« Hugh Reese, - Editor. Entered at Hie Pont-office at Cleveland ckionnd-cUuiH Mail Matte”,Jon. ‘29, ’92 Cleveland, Ga., July 3, *96 The State Did Well. In another column wit print’-the platform ndopted l*y the Stuto • Democratic coiivcrttuni—it might with the State silver convention. The platform is (Vnc ilmtaQanuHl fffonso the mosl ardent silver advocate, Howev er, there is no open denouncement •or ahuso of the president in the ■resolutions. A faction off theoon- ’vontion would have taken great ’delight in haviuj.*' ouv State con demn President Cleveland, hut •decency prevailed, in a degree. Indeoi, this was more than we ’expected of the convention, since the siivorites were so overwhelm ingly predominant. The average silver man is firmly of the belief that Grown* Cleveland W a von- eoienoeltm, hypwri■ ioall Hieing, ’who’hits pro win aecroant Ao and -unworthy of Tho highest trust 'withwhich American people can ‘(honor a man. Silverism and Cleve dnndism do not, as a general thing, nnix well, and uo rabid silverito .is heels over head in love with Mr. 'Cleveland. The day will come when Mr. "Cleveland will ho (fully vindicat- ’ecl and his name will '»o down through history to conniig gene rations as the greatest American statesman of the age in which he • lived. His state papers htrve ov- ('idenced to the world his admira ble pominality—u auau love! lwad- ed; true to his conscience and sworn duty. Uis recent veto mes sages are papers clmracteriutie of •the man; showing his decision, '•will power ami determination to •do right. Mr. Cleveland will -also go down in history as \ most, if not THE most unpopular presi dent. The period during his.last administrauoii has been a trying one and no unvn mi Uhe prcsitleu- vt.ia! chair would.hove l»uen univer sally popular. Mr. Cleveland en tered the office the second time after four years of Republican ex travagance, and .therefore, to be gin with, had to shouldoi the re sponsibility which Harrison and this secretary wore glad to Grift. The t imes have l>eon"**hnrd,' M and •no president who luus been at the helm while the grand old Ship • floundered among the hreafcers of financial depressioiPhas been pop- lar. As to what, causes the hard times is another tiling; each po litical party has its individual •opinion concerning this matter. Among other causes are “Demo cratic misrule” and ‘diicycles”— the latest cause for all the trou ble. Do this as it may, Grover Cleveland has made hitter eno- onios and on the other hand lie has also made lasting friends. His general unpopularity which begun among the disappointed pot hunt ers and wasdissomi.uated by them among the ignorant is the host of evidence that lie has performed his duty honestly and is every inch a man and patriot who con scientiously seeks the welfare of Iris country. They “cuss” Cleve land for issuing bonds; that is their most serious charge. Cleve land issued bonds to save his country’s credit, and he should he •either impeached.or hung for it. Air. Cleveland's acts which are now being most am sparingly con demned will eventually be com mended. The State Platform. The State Democratic conven tion which met in Mttcen last Thuisduy adopted the following platform: Resolved, That the nd’H’.'liMistra tion of the present exeewtke of the affairs of the state of Georgia deserves the hearty commendation of the pcyple of the tvhblo'state. Resolved that the people of Georgia are indebted to thoDcm- ocfatic party for tlie sys tem of public !*:ho«ds, l -lhiR .phices the means of an elecneetitry tdu- ention within flirt; nf ivory child of the o apmou we.nhili, umcl wo pledge tfbe'iiptvlttiy Vimffibe. eKteji- siou and iperfeetinij *ff .ttiieWstem. Resolved, THn>t avcaiWipWe and denounce lynching* anil ifavor the enactment of such laws as will ef fectually prevent Mm: same. Resolved, That the Democratic party of Georgia through proper ly acowditcd delegates, in con vention assembled, hereby de clares its devotion to that time honored jmh - o Democratic faith, which •demands that (lie primary money of the country shall he the gold mid silver coinage of thoeon- stitution and which favors a cir culating medium convertable into such money without loss. Resolved, that congress lias no pow er to discriminate at the mints against either gold or silver as metals for the coinage of primary money, or again-t gold or silver com of the Unite I States ns to their debt paying functions—such discriminations •deprive Idle citi zens of the use of one kind of standard money provided by the constitution for the payment of debt, and we demand the repeal of all laws or parts of laws mak ing such discriminations, ami the restoration of the slanaiud silver dollar to (he rank .*rf primary money which it bold ^winr to J873 —by opening the mints to the coinage of .silver oil a perfect equality with gold a; t tlie ratio of Hi to 1. Resolved, That we condemn a financial policy Which necessitates the increase of the b'Uidntl debt of tlie country ill time .of to (Maintain an mme«oa«ni\y gold re iser ve, or to jwty rtHiu ourrerrt <«x- penses of the goviaataieut. We also condemn a policy vffiich seeks to retire the United states treasury iiotoc, as they constitute, an absolutely safe eiroulati ig me dium Imeed on gold and .silver coin, and backed by the -entire wealtinof the oount’iy. Sjuuh a policy nvou'd mot .only iintensify liho present evil -of conkinictiion, but place the exclusive rigid to issue a circulating medium in the control of a «mtccntr:itcd money \iowor and above 1 ho In w-s nmd .the will of the people—and -fuel'er the federal doctiin© of the eeiiUailiza- tnui and cbws govej.inr.cnt llu’oughdinancinl eiMitrol, a doc trine which is a -standing menace to our .Republican institutionsand the liberties of the people and we demand the repeal of all laws which clothe a scewtary of .the mooe than imperial |lower to is sue bonds and increase the public debt at’ihis will and pleasure with out specific authority from con gress. Resolved That we‘fa .Mir the pay ment of the publiedebt as rapid** iky a« praetncnblo; all moneys drawn from the people by taxa tion, except so much as is requi site for the necessities of the gov- crument economically administer ed, should be honestly applied to such pnymenL and when the obli gations of-tlie government express ly state on their face, or the daw under which they were issued pro vides that they are payable in («oin,.or in dolInrs, such obliga- ticms-ahmdd be paid in gohl or sil ver coin, irt'thoconveuienccofstlie government imdoiot at the option of the holder of tlie obligation. Resolved, That we favor a .tar iff for revenue only to pay the debts and expenses of the govern ment economically administered. Resolved, That, we favor the re- penl of the unconstitutional tax upon-state bank issues. Resolved, That we earnestly ad vocate Urn adoption of the consti tutional amendment which will f authorize f he collection of a grail-j* uhted income tax- Resolved, Tlmt'iii presenting the •* foregoing d'&dlaralioiis of princi-1! pies and policies, and the Deino- iTiilic ptutv of Georgia most cor- diatky invites all votettk irrespec- Jive of party affiliations, to join us in ouc effort to give relief to the people. Death to the Cause. News comes from Dawson coun-| tv that Col. ,f. AI. lit shop was | nominated at the Democratic mass I meeting hold in that county on j the 20th uit. for representntive in j the Stale senate of the 32d dis-j trait. We learn also that Mr. .1. 1 County Directory. Onlinarv—J. II. 1‘Ypcinon. Clerk—W. R. “Power. Sheriff—S. L. Brown. Tax Receiver—(». N. Colley. Tux Collector—Benton Trotter. Treasurer—D. N. Warwick. Jaurveyor—H. KdwarPa. Coroner—M. L. Allen, fiichool Comni’r. (».S. ICytlc. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • ,!. A . Rielmrilaoii, Nacoochee. Ga. R. T. Kenimer. ClerelanJ. Ga. .1. M. Cooley, Leo, Gt».. JUDICIARY.. John J. Kimsev, J. S. C.. ClovelanJ Ga. Howard Thomi>fcou. Sul. Geu.^ Guines- Villc, Ga. -THE FALL TERM OF- | MOSSY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL * Begins July 13, 189(5. The next spring terito 1st week in < January, 1897. The health of the localum unsurpassed. Good cem- jumiity—a clever, iimnniniwlating ChrisUm;-people. The training received at Ibis school is thorouglaawd*eofti^ete. Rates of Tuition: $1.10 !>»•» mon^k U-Kird : $7 per month. For further information apfdy ¥»• J. W. Smftb, A-B.., IVInclpnl, Leo.. White (.'® , Ga. THK •aauimiotJB muji epmjm NOTICE. GEORGIA, Wnrre IT Of at t :—Wfloiaias _ , »*rA/lori.\, vfiimc e.ff.TT, .— win B. Ihonnis, who was announced [^ Westmore's/Ml,. administrnti as a candidate for the office, re fused to let his inline go before the meeting, and will run as ail independent. This course taken by Bro. Thom as is to be regretted. It is no walkover that the Democrats in this district h ive at best, and this is a year the Democracy will fight for life. Col. Thomajacannot fail to see, if lie consiilerswhe matter coolly, that wiih jfceniocratic. Independent and Fofilist candi dates in the field the J$»pulist wilb lie more than apt tSpluck the* plum. Therefore, if Mr. Thomas makes the raoo he willltijure limn. •elf an J the Democratic party and) on the other hand wRl aid tin* cause of Populism. TJiink twice, Bro. Thomas, anclj we are sure you will change your* mind and decide to stiuid by tin* legitimate party nominee, and thereby aid in bringing together, and strengthening the party in-'; stead of persisting in a cours®’|j that tends to its disiategratiunv Populist State Convention^ lion. T. E. Wabjgiw has issuedi the following callflP tlie .State*' convention of the fiflpnlist party: i “The Stale convention of th«* i People’s Party of Georgia is here-1 by called to inset ntithe capitoH, in Allanta, Ga., atnoimpm Tbm* day, the (5th cln y of AU gust. 189S. “The p.'jr{H»se of the yonvontio* ;s to put out an e!ce™yah»iieke4, to iKiuiiuate state house officers, to choose a new executive i^orv mittee and to transact Such other business as may legitiinatoh eomm liefo,e a general State eonve itiiMi of the partv. “Each county is entitled to lav ire as tnany voles in (ho conveutiwi as i.t has representatives in lire legisiatuie. but the number of del egates is not limited. “A full convi-ntion should r«e had, as it will tie the most impor tant meeting we have ever held. Thomas E. Watson, Ohm. Gsuau i’lUKER, Seely. The Kational convention of t.h* Populists will meet in St. IjOuSs, July 22d. 'Hie Georgia dclogatfes wevo named al the conveiiliwsi which was held in Atlanta, De cember the 18th last. The deSe- gatos from the. Ninth district life: L. F. Sell, of Jackson; B. II. Brown, **f Forsyth; Thomas E. Winn, of Gwinnett; Dr. J. A. -Parsons, of Milton. (tcavcB Wcstmorclutut. ibieeasod vepi-o- sents to tlie court fr> His petition, .duly lilwl and entered on rceonL that lie lias fully administered Reaves- Westmore • i land's estate. This is* ttiurefore to cite nil petrous concerned. tiuilrt-iL nud oredit- iin, to show cause if aaj* tliey «».*» wiiy said administrator should not lie dis charged from liis twin in i.>1 ration and re ceive letters of dismission on» the tirat Monday in July, 18Jifi». .1. II. PlH'ttMiN,.Oirl;i«ev. GEORGIA, WnrtM UAcAtv .—To Ail WIimn It May Contcm:- Jliseph M. Mil- lev having in propevfOrin ai>piihd to me I for permanent letters nfudmin-isinitioa on I tins estate of James Milld - ,. late of said! county , this is to efte-all and singnh r the ! uixMlitors and next e? kiixff JiWliea Miller j to l>e and appear at my* oflfcG..within: the | time allowed hy law ni.4 shiw cause if, any they can why pormu:a i4 aSSatuK- 1 ration should no* be granied to Joseph j M. Miller on James-MiHichi estnts. VIit- ' ness my hand and t-Silved eigustnra. This first day of June*. 1S96. J. II. PUKRMAN, ONlrsr ry. Tried for SC5A r OXItY. Genuine au/LGrigiaaL I The original aad\ rtafy per. ..met Aon- I pound Oxygen Taealment.' that if.Pis. Starkey & I’alenv in- a ncienlitie ailjnst- ment of the elemeal aaif l ht y g e re a a. r Ni trogen magiiolixed.. aril tbB.eoinjKminl is so condensed and made ppl (old's that it is sent all over t£u- would.’ !»»«•«' It lias heen in use fo,-in< m tlran 20 pears; j thousands of iKitientsshave hem>.treated , and over one UusMaml pliysicians have ! used it and I'ecmaancnddd It—a v«iy sig- | niticanl fact. jMMiitg iron warts, JOHN WILKES, Manager,. Clmrlotte, X. C. \/T ^ K 11-1 FlaBQlfLctftrers or MtU^HMS »t 1VAaC 1 x 1 r i er y FOR •M-MIN0IG,. MILING AND TREATING GOLD ORES.** CHLORINATION A SPECLALTY.. Engines, Boilers, Saw MiITs r ' Fnmps, Piping;, AND ALL REPAIR WORK. PERSONAL. Free—tit-pngc medicul tefer- etK*e In wok to ;mv person affiieKtd with nuy special, chronic or deli- cuto disease p<vuli:ir to their srs. Andress the lending nhysicisans and surgeons of the UmtedStutrs, Dr. HtUhaway A Co., 22A Srw. llrond Stnwt, Atlanta, Ga. Constipation & Biliousness Cause Sick-headache, Pains in the back. Sallow complexion,. Loss of appetite and Exhaustion. ' There is only oae cure, which is PON'SKS l/Tonic Pellets One Pink PHI touches tlie liver removes the bile. One Tonic Peflet nightly, acts as a gen lie laxative in keeping the bowels op:-.::,restores Vhedigestive orgaus, touts up Gw nervous system and makes a«w -icii blood. Complete treatment,. Ivro medicines, iOue price, 25c. Treatise and sample free at any ^flree runsr: xro re. xt K Yotk. The great nuccees • tour ilneatwent liar given rise to a host efdniilktdrs, unscrup ulous persons, some eall'.ng tnoir'iuepa- ratiMis t'omiioinKli( xygmu ofnTi. appro- jirinting irar testhno’ and I ho names of our patients, loc-scnmuieud vut ililess concoctions. But any. substnueemade elsewhera, or by nl'.ili’s, amixailtj,' L'om- pouuil Oxygen, is ipurkof:# *n>r. “Compomvl Oxypin - Ito MdsW of Ac tion and R('su5f»,” is tlie title of hihi nk of 200 pages prsliil. tred by Prs. Btarkey it 1‘alen, which* i.v- all inn,hairs foil information, nseto tliis limmrkaf.h; curative agent, a record of ing cures in n wide range of clnonic cases—many •• 3 tiieov aftm- lx-ing ahan. doned to die l-y (Ahcr . jihj siciansj Will lie mailed to any address on application 1 Drs. Staxkoy ■& Pnlen, 1520 Arch Htrtntfr, Philmlclphia, Peana. Plciuse meirlibiuthla % Winchcstei: ^peallag: . fSilkH ® Our Model' 18^3 Shot-Sun is now used p by all the most advanaecL trapp o and game shooters. -Miai Rifles ASK. yoro DTULEK T»-EEini T-atT T£T3fiGt*TR’. Everything that is Nfcwcst 1 and .Tirr id ■iltipsxllag 'Afcirsr ‘a»*vwiSitov ■ * kinds of Ammanition are mane by tha g WINCHESTER REPEATING' a'KHS.CO., Wlcrtot.-; >.ve tuvig. f ... o wSend « Postal Card wlthfouraddrci.^ !ur<iar: i C ioustv t-... kAfl.» aJULJL l^QJLSjJLSUL^SL&JLSULJlSJ:JJ.y^J}J\SJArj,\?SS^ >' r ?;■ ‘ / KYTLE r OAKES * LAjW, ATTORNEYS- AT ULevol ;i*>cl v .Gu. All businrsv* ivooives our prompt nt-tentron. flhy no! he your om Middleman? Pay lv»sene profit botweea• maker an£ user aud tdiat a small just one. Our USs 1i»Page Catalogue and Buytra fluid* r-covecShart it’s possible... Wetglis 8H pownJir,-13.000UlustraUona, describes ar.d tellat-hconc-profit price of over 40.008 articles., ereryihbrg yon use. We semi It for lAccnUi thaSls out for the book, but to pa y part of tho postage or expresaage, and kwp otridlcre. You can's set It too quick. MONTGOMERY WAR1> A CO*; Th*.5tor« off All tho Pwph S:i-n6 Michigan Ave., Clilaiso. G REAT BATTLEE nre co*tin- uullygoihg on in tho hnman>flys- tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives- out disease anti Restores Health,. CURTIS A, LEDFORD A CHANC'l/ W MAiM'.MONKr, I have lierries, gynpes and pjuiciwis a yeas «Itl fresh ns when picked. I bar the California Cold process, do ant or seal (lie ft uit. jijst pulNit'rtp coK.' kesps pcrfeelfV,. fresh and costs almost nothing; can put ap a fihsiier'iii tort minutes. Last week I sold directions In over 120' (ami- | tils; any one will pay a iWillfir for itSec- | firms when li1f\ seethe hVanlirdl saiaples I of fruit; - As Chore are nunvy peopfs pi er j (ikirnrjself, V'bomdder it*iny dutyic-give I my <exixn-icnee to sneti, and rVecl'omWent • any one ran mnKe one r.r ■ twrv luoulrcd I drllilinraroamr’home ia a law day*. I will mail Sample of fruit* and ..mnplete : j directrims fn any of vonr i^atldrs* for j J eighteen 2-cent s rtnips, which'is only tlie ; | actual cost of the samphts-. postage-, etc., ! to nuu" Yram-is- Cuaej-,. St.’ iJviis. 1®>. OTVTHr««HX!Vi. . Tho* intense Uching ami smarting laci-1 dent to evxcma, truer, calt-rheum, anicther j liseases of the skin is instantly allayed hy j ipplying Chamberlain's Eye* and ?kin Ointment. Many very bnditises hnva been ' permanently cured, by it. . 1*. is. ec,«iaily | efllcient for itch is? pika and a fwxirit rrcm- j etfv for sore nipples; chapped hands, rhil- I t hlafns. frost ’bites, a ail efironier sore eyes. ' | ForciU l-y druggl-isfaS’25 amts per true. Try Dr. (’hdy VChmlifion Bowilfers, they 1 are jaat-what a horse needs whew in liadcoadi- j tion. Tonic, puritiar and vecai/uge- Por side hy A. II. Henderson, general • ih ‘vcUant, Cleveland,..Ga . ME-RIT is tho-chanictor- i istie of ltead’g •iSnrsupariiia. Lt cures evan after other preparations fail. GtjUIootL. und ONLY HOOO’9. A ttioroughly tasted Bemady son ALL. BLOOD* andSIUN DISEASES. Thi# AtandAT<i roniedr has Ndf>t> tried And not found wantiajr. fvr forty T»*Arf f by an 1 etninent-phynictan, who hA»med it with cer tain and unvAryiuft. eucceM fur all diMasee for which it is rRcommended. ft never fails to benefit from the first dona*. i»ntckly and cfTeetuatl/ tirWinff out all disease germs from, the system, without any unpleasant or injurious effects. It is not tho result of lg- ntiranee or suBoratition, tait it la founded nnon common sense and a thorough knowl- , mien of modern medical science. It effect- ui\)ly purifies and enriches the blood and brinan health to the sufferer. Am a general building-np tonic it is without a rival, and v in iteanniyius of health-giving properties it is absolutely beyond comparison with any remedy ever offerod to the public. It is m pnnfwica for impaired- vitality and albHlsiVS- sulting from impure and impoverished blood — the rtureu* of* Mfe; QUiehly'corse ffersfala. Uma Kmm, Shin Bto>- eases and Kruptfsns, Catarrh) Dys> • pepsla, Rheuaialtom.Ltvar.Klnry t and Bladder Ptswasw t mm>UyiBl> ■ ness, Nervens Plsesm, etc„ INVCSTfOATC FO^ YQUBiBBLr. Send for out Fras BsakuaCTalaaMsi IafbraaatteM, together wKh a wosderiul array of certificates of remarkAbia.icures, from tho simplest to-the* most virulent dis- ■ ease, after all known remedies*ad-felled. These certificates testify with no iinceriaia sound, that Botanic Blood Balm is the best, cheapest, quickest, greatest und moat pow erful Blood Purifier and. health-gi vuig rem edy ever known to thwworid^ udsatflis Crons the first dose. Pnica—fliX) per bottle; fl.bOfar6 bottles. a domo. Prise, & eta. per box. B. B. IL'galve is n superior dressing and Gnretorsdl-kinds of sores, burns, erup tions, etc. Prion, 40 cts. per box. B. B. B. UmiBC, excellent for colds, ca tarrh, etc. Price IOcts. pernor. These may be used, whan Becessnry, with Botaaie Blood Bahnpi For sale i>y> druggists; ii not, send to us. Addr«Ba,J*UMD BAUI CO., Attute, 6a. T\’ill be a-f*’Dte' PnoGnrsa btiild- itiw (‘very Ssturcbiy where he will be ent.luiiu iu ,^oik1 style and ttLcheap rates. The Progress —IS YOUR. HOME PAPER.— i Subscribe Now.! hr c*mi Aetira(u* t i i a»■*•«» ^|.l> ’ MV I>1 U.d •*(:■? , _ OAVEATt, _ trade marks; DES1CM PATENT8, _ OOPV RIGHTS, oto. aV/?!!T , . rrnatft>n ffec Handbook write to 8:54 Diioad^at. «F.W Your. Oldest ctfrenu for seeuring patents in America, hvery?patent taken out hy ns la hronght before the public By 9 uotloo given free of ohorgn in. the f'aeutific Jtiretfcm Largest tdrculntlon ot anr scfontlfld paper In tho ttluatrated. Xo Intenigent man shetmit bo without it. B'oeklr. ^3,00 a ▼ear? $1.jU six months. Address, MUNJi * CO.. Publishers, 361 Bruudway, Neiv York City, PROTECTION from rite grip, ■ pneuiuoitfa, diphtheria, fever and epidemics is given by Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. It makes RURE BLOOD. The- Progress and; Atlanta Journal one- year for