The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, July 17, 1896, Image 2

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——Tr Tirra;;.'ttinr v\ ' rrrr-rt^xr^zzzz ‘Constipation *0»iui«f fully tell tha tlekneM In the world. It 'retain* tha dlfaatod food too lone In the bowel* '*nd produce* blllouchem, torpid liver, Indl- Hood’s jertlon, bed tost*, coated Mite g ■ ■ tonfaa. *>< k headache. In- MJJ |IIm aonuile, rtc. Hood's Pill* H III ‘aura aonitlpetlon end ell It* m ‘rciult*, eatlljr end thoroughly. »c. All druggists. Trapered by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. The onls PI1U to talc* wtUrHood’* Sarsepei lllo. The Cleveland Progress Official Organ nf While county Joe Hugh Reese, - Editor. Entered nt. the Post-office «l Cleveland .Second-class Mail Matte",Jan. tl, '!l2 Cleveland, Ga.,July 17, ’96. THE NATIONAL TICKETS. DEMOCRATIC. For President—Wm. J. Bryan, «'f Nebraska. For Vice-President—Arthur SeW“ all, of Maine. ltKIMJlILK'AN. For President—William MeKiuley Jr., of Ohio. For Vice President- Garrett A. llolinrt. of New Jerm-y, PROHIBITIONIST'S; For President- -Joshua Levering, Maryland. For Vice-President--Hule .Inlinson, of Illinois. NATIONALISTS. For President—Charles E. llentley, of Nebraska. For Vice-President—John II Southgate, of North Carolina. Mr. Robert Adamson’s reports for Urn Allaiila Constitution from the Chicago convention wares ex cellent. Ilo possesses rare de scriptive power. The Atlanta Journal irises the information that lion. James \V. Robertson svill soon begin making speeches throughout the State. Col. Robeitson is an eloquent, enthusing speaker, and that’s the kind wo need. ey. They made an effort to stem the ti le. Their work was com mendable because it was patriotic. They labored for the maintenance of tlie principles which they con ceived to he truly Democratic, and by so doing worked for the country’s welfare. They did well, and the future will, we think, bring blushes of shame to the sil ver organs for the drivel they arc now semling forth, which in effei t calls into disrepute the integrity of true and able men. We rather regret that the At lanta Constitution was so un- tboughted as to give Tillman the following rap: Bryan in not exulting'over Ids nomina tion. lie is proud to lend tin- cause. II was lie who prepared the programme for thc platform delude, Imt it wiib not lie who gave. Tillman tlm living share of the time. Tillman took it. llryan look twen ty minutes; Tillman an lioui. lirjnn talked himself into the presidency; T 1 - man talked himself into disrepute. Of course onr readers will un- deistand that, it did not require an hour for Tillman to talk him self into disrepute. Tillman can very easily do that in less time than ono-sixticth part of an hour. Tillman knows this himself. No doubt the misting South ('am- taken hv the bolting members of the party. There is, indeed, more in Democracy than the financial issue, and, though wo believe in adherence to principle, the gold men can follow the party without a concession of their ideas of right and true Democratic doetiine; but they can fellow the majority with the hope and determination of bringing the party again into the right course. The national Democracy will be defeated in 1 ho coming election, and during the time it will have to recuperate all its forces should be diligently at work to place it again on its.former firm founda tion. We indorse and recommend the platform adopted by the Dalton i Argus:—“The Democratic, party —right or wrong. If right, keep her rigid. If wrong, help to put her right.” Consider Plain Facts!* PRICES ALONE MAY' DECEIVING. HE Apparent cheapness does not make a rgal saving of money. THE FALL TERM OF MOSSY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL Begins July 13, 180G. The next spring term opens 1st week in January, 1807. The health of the location unsurpassed, (food com munity—a clever, accommodating Christian people. i he training received at this school is thorough and complete. Rates of Tuition : <<1.10 pe>' month. Hoard: $7 per month. Z'-i"/' For further information apply to J. W. Smith, A. B., Prinoipnl, I.EO, WlllTK Covntv, (iA. THE r.'crrrrxi y? no -tvtj -r~r^ TXX3~r:caiz ixr.'cn rrrg.r m tv.q ya A GREAT CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I want In tel) yi u of my Wonderful suc cess. Being a j-nor gill and needing money Imdly, I tried tlm Dish Washer business and have cleared $200 every month. Ilia more money than l ever had before and I ean't help •telling' you about it, for 1 believe any person can do oh well as I have if they only try. Dish Washers sell on sight; every lady wants Iiniait had stated Ibis vexing prob- '»«*• '»’*•« Mouml ri, >' 1)iKh Wasl " !r CVl " St. Louis, Mo., will give you all neccssn- B j. i n for its price, is real and only cheapness. Ilian Qfalitv at. fair prices is real and only economy. Tin: Domestic has always been i I i The Best Machine in every sense of that term— ; Manufacturers of BUST for the agent to sell, as it gives i him the most profit for the least trouble. REST for purchasers because it gives ; them the most satisfaction in use. f£,r A G ENTS W A NT ED. "DOMESTIC” and IMPERIAL RA RER PATTERNS. Send for cata logue, Address- Ttrxcra MaxoxcceiraCTa fj-Er-ro -rsi.TrT:- nvzmn naxxrarrciQaicw rjrrjr.'rj .. tty—o Tr-j-n Gov. Atkinson has accepted an in vital ion from Governor-elect Johnston of Alabama to make sev eral speeches during tlm cam paign in that State. It appears that our governor has a reputa tion ns a campaign orator beyond the hounds of his native State, and well does he merit the fame, lie will render Alabama Democ racy effective service. Goldbug, silverbug and humbug who live in Georgia weio alike thrilled with a feeling of exuber ant pride when they learned that a Georgia man put in nomination the name of the man who is the choice of the Dcmociatie majority for president. Hon. Hal Lewis, of Greene county, was the Geor gian who enjoyed litis honor and distinction. The Atlanta Constitution, re fmring to Mr. Bryan’s speech, says: “For a moment after Bry an’s last words there was a fear ful silence. Breathlessly the au dience leaned forward in excited attitude to catch the slightest words of this silver orator whose golden eloquence stands on an equality with his coinage of thought and argument.” What a mistake to describe such distinc tively silver oratory as being gol den. Another evidence, however, that gold is naturally the stand ard. 1 he silly rot which some of the silyot papers continue to print about Hoke Smith and others, who espoused the gold standard policy, not having the country in their Vest pockets is positively sicken ing and should, for decency’s sake, ho stopped. We believe Mr. Smith and the other gentlemen realized that the stiver idea was a kind of infectious disease which was raging through the country, tide was stem med defeat would claim Dcmocra. lent to himself and had suffered much mental travail in an attempt to bring forth a satisfactory solu tion : “If in one minute I can talk myself into disrepute bow long will 1)0 required for me to talk myself into tin* presidency?” Wo feel very thankful that Tillman f: il ‘d to find the key to his prob lem. A Critical Stage. The wisdi m of Solomon is not i uplift'd to realize that the pres ent period is a critical one preg nant with fanatics, and ominous in the extreme. The two great parlies of the na tion have again set forth their principles. The Republicans re newed their allegiance to their original tenets, declaring for a sound currency and protect ive tar- ill’, while the Democrats, filching from the Populists their financial plank, have inserted in their plat form a declaration for iVec-hm- itloss-iudependont-Hi to 1-coinage The Eastern States cannot swai- luw this platform and will bolt in a body ; many of the leading Dem ocratic newspapers of the East. South and Southwest have bolt ed and Democrats throughout the land will not. support the Chicago ticket, even though they may not. openly antagonize il; there is talk and strong probability of a minor ity ticket, which the bolting Dem ocrats can conscientiously sup port ; it is the ( pinion of some that the Populists will put out no candidate, but will ratify tie nominations of the Chicago Dem ocratic convention. Summing these various things together one is perfectly safe in declaring that the political atmosphere is murky and foreboding evil. Though it appears that there should be little question as to the outcome of the presidential cam paign there is a depression in bus iness which is doubtless the result of a fear existing that our present standard of value will ho changed to a depreciated basis, and tins uneasiness is causing monied poe- plc to secure- what they already have invested and to be exceed ingly shy of new ventures. lie whose eye is not in silver frenzy rolling can glance from earth to heaven or from Maine to Nebraska and back again and will find that Democracy is all but an airy nothing without a local hab itation ora name; that fora while if not dead it slccpeth soundly. Even if the Populists support the Bryan ticket the McKinley band wagon will not be overturned, t lie Populists arc not going to sup port the Democratic ticket. There are thousands of Democrats who put principle above party success, and who will gulp protection quicker and with a mote pie; suit visage than they can the silver idea. Wc do not approve the course ry instruction!), so yon ran Login work nt. iiiito. The Dish Washer dors splendid work; you can wash nnd lry the dishes in two or three n.inntos without putting yonr hands in the water at all. Try this business and let iih know how yon sne ered. !) El 1/.ABKT1I C. Some time ago the one year old child of Mr. M . K. Lindsey, of Franklin Forks, l*n., luid a very severs attack of colic. She suffered grout pain. Mr. I.ivdscy gave her a dose of Chamberlain's Colie.. Cholera and Riurrlnra Remedy and in ten minutes her distress was gone. This is the Lest medicine in the world for chil dren when troubled with colic or diar rhoea. It never fails to cited a prompt cure. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant for them ta take. It should he kept In every home, espe cially during the summer months. For sale by A. It. llendeison, general mer chant, Cleveland, Ga. - , A DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO.; i RICHMOND, VA. GEORGIA, Wiutb CoL'.VTY .—To All Whom It May Concern: J. M. Oalhreath ' having in proper form applied to me ; for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Emma Galbreatli, late of said county , this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next kin of EmnmGalhreatli to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent ndminis- i t ration should not he granted to .J. M. Gal I JOHN WILKES, Manager. CluuTotte, TV. O. XI cicli i qery KcEnr “ tIirers 01 FOR *-^mining, miling and treating GOLD ORES.-r 4 CHLORINATION A SFECIAL'Y. Enginos, Boi 1 ei\s, Saw Mills, 'Pumps, Piping, AND ALL REPAIR WORK. rmvjvrj n> a r: * tri«mt»ryiror THE REST AFTER DINNER FILL. Hood’s Pills aid digestion, prevent that feeling of fulness or distress nnd gently yet effectively assist in the assimilation nnd digestion of fond. They do not gripe or pain and they do not weaken the body. On the contrary they have n strengthen ing and stimulating effect. They rouse the. lives, prevent sickness and cure sick hen lactic. Hood’s Pills are purely vege table. perfectly harmless and may he used safely hv dedicate women and chi!- j nitieant fact dren. breath on KmmaOalhrenth'scHtnte. ness my hand and official signature, This sixth day of July, 18(10. J. II. FREEMAN, Old,nr Ti’ietl fo:• Yea ONLY* Genuine and Original. Wit The original and only genuine'’•■m- ponnd Oxygen Treatment, that of lbs. Starkey »t Pa' n, is a scientific adjn t- ment of the el meets of Oxygon and Ni trogen magnet ;id, and the compound is so condensed il'd made it is sent all over he world. *** It has been in in e for 111, re 1 1) ’ it 2." yea ; s j thousands of pati-mts hevo I trcclcd and over one limns, ml physicians Ion- used it nnd re lommondo . i —a v • v ig- ,f< THE ® Rpnll BLOOD is the source ot health. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla to keep it pure and rich. Be sure to get HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. PERSONAL. Free—61-pagv medical refer ence book to uny person afflicted with any special, chronic or deli cate disease peculiar to their sex. Andress the leading physicians and surgeons of the UmledStates, Dr. Hathaway & Go., 22V So. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. | The great sure i given rise to a ho o imilaten- ulou8 perrons, some railing o rations Compound O * m-n. of. tmrnt lies . IIn -ri np- nr p-epa- » "P. '••>- Constipation & Biliousness Cause Sick-headache, Pains in the back, Sallow complexion, Loss of appetite and Exhaustion. There is only one cure, which is ** LIVER PIUS — AND — g/Tonio Pellets One Pink Pil! touches the liver and removes the bile. One Tonic Pellet nightly, acts as a gentle laxative in keeping the bowels open, restores the digestive organs, tones up the nervous system and makes new rich blood. Complete treatment, two medicines, one price, 25c. Treatise and sample free at any store BBOWN MfQ. CO.. New York printing our teslunn in's and the cam 's of our patients, to recommend worthless concoctions. Dut any substance made elsewhere, or by olIn i s, and called Com pound Oxygen, is spurious. *** “Compound Oxygen—Its Mode of Ac tion and Results." is the title of a honk of 200 pages published by Drs. Starkey A Helen, which gives to all impiireis full information as to this remarkable curative agent, a record of surpris ing cures in a wide range of chronic j eases—ninny ot them after being at,an- 1 dom'd to die I ,y other physicians. Willi he mailed to any address on application , Drs. Starkey & Paten, L r >2t) Arch Street, Philadelphia, I’cnna. Please mention this paper. KYTLE j OAKES ATTORNEYS Cleveland, Ga. A ( 'HALVE TO MARE MONEY. 1 have berries, graprs and peaches . veal old flesh as when pi ked. 1 se e California (-'old process, do not icat m seal the fi nit. just put it op cold, lies; s peilVelly f esil and e sis a'mo.-1 u thug; ,MU put ap a bushel in ten n 'unites, l.asi week 1 sold direct ions to over 1211 fami lies; any one will pay a dollar for uiree- tions when then see the beautiful samples of fruit. As tin re are many people pool like myself, I consider it my duty to yivv my experience to such, and feel confident any one can inukc one or two hundred dollars around home in a few days. I will mail sample of fruit an 1 cnmpleti directions to any of your readers foi eighteen 2-cent stamps, which is only tin actual cost of the samples, postage, etc., to me. Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. DISEASES OP TIIE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting inci dent to eczema, letter, salt-rheum, nnu other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed hy , applying Chamberlain's Lye and Fkin AT l a \ » ) Ointment. Many very bad cases have bee> A I LAW , permanently cured by it. it is equal! I efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem | edv for sore nipples; chapped hands, chi I Mains, frost bites, and chronic sore eve All business receives our prompt 1 For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. attention. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, the; - arc just what a horse needs when in b ’ ~ J! ' lion. Tonic, blood purifier and ver For sale by A. 11. llcnilersi merchant, Cleveland, Ga. Stop it Get our Great Catalogue and Buy ers Guide. We’ll send it for 13 cents in stamps to pay part postage or expressage. The Book’s free. 700 Pages, 12000 illustrations, 40000 descriptions, everything that’s used in life; tells you what you ought to pay, whether you buy of us or not. One profit from maker to user. Get it, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Originators of the Ma.I Order Method 111-116 Michigan Ave., Chicago. SEAL MERIT is (ho character- ■ istio of llood’s Sarsaparilla. It cures even after other preparations fail. Get Hood’s and ONLY HOOD’S. The Progress' o reatbat t les aro contin- 1 j j JVV/Vl lllJk ^ j VI ually going on in the human svs- -1S YOUR HOME PAPER.- ually going on in the human sy tern. Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives out discaso and Restores Health. CAVEAYS. TRA3E MARKS, DESIQM PATCM7S, COPVRIOKTS. etc. For information and free Hnndhoo'c write to MUNN a* CO., Broadway, Net York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in Arnericn. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a nottoo given free of charge Subscribe Now. CURTIS A LEDFORD Jfawitftffc Stuerau Ramon's Liver Pills & Tonic Pellets are a l’erfect Treatment for Constipation and Biliousness. fiSD“ One pill a dose. COI MAI weakness costly cured b«i SrlN J>4i» Dr. Miles’Nerve Plasters, AUdcujfgbts seTTr. title-;' Pile PU1 S Will be at The Progress build ing every Saturday where he will -be prepared to cut hair in good style and at cheap rates. man should be without it. Woekiv. your; £l.S0e!tmonths. A'Mrp*''., 5!C: cuJLHsiiHiLS, WC 1 Broadway, .New Y r In tho ■Hlgouc 3. Of) a PROTECTION ~ nueumonia. diDh from the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and epidemics is given by Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. It makes PURE BLOOD.