The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, September 11, 1896, Image 2

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No Gripe When you take Hood's Pills. The Big, olil-faxh. loneil, migarcoated jiills, which tear you all to piece*, arc not In It with Hood's. Fnsy tol»k« Hood’s Pills .mi fluty to operate, Is tine of Hood's Pills, which are Up to ditto ill every respect. Hate, certain and sure. All druggists. 05c. <\ f. Hood & Co., I.owoll, Muss. The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla i their unanimous support. Either Cleveland or NaFoochee eouldfur- - ni>li Psri'ltttit sites for tin? Imild- ino's. anti either tilitee would be mtieli more iteeessilile than is the present location at Younir Harris. To o'.ir enterprising citizens \vc suggest that this is n good till inf, !so, push it alongl Concerning Campmeetings. Some months ago it was ruport- **-—-*- c 1 tlint tin* iiearoes would have Tho r.lOVftlflllH Pl>ArfmQ ! 1 “’ cainp-nioeling this year; that lllU lllulBKMU riUglCDo .the nimual exhortation to sinners, i reclaiinition of backsliders and re- Oillclai Organ «»f White county j rival of drooping Christian spirits Spring camp doe Hugh Reese, - Editor. t'ntci eil nt the Post-ofllce ut Cleveland rieconrl-ciaan Mail Matte”,.Ion. 20, '!I2 CLEVELAND, G-\., Sept. It, 189G. It Made Big Tracks. Sheriff Brown was considering an even hat swapping proposition made him l*v Goldminer Baker, Jr., and Merchant Jar raid and County Surveyor Edwards sal by idly speculating as to which wou'd handle the tail end of the bargain if the prospective exchange occur red, when in rushed Mr. Toni Nix, his face pale with suppressed ex citement, his hair standing more or less on lend (no matter which end) and lie carried in his hand a small stick something less than a yard in length, which he wiggled nervously. Tho crowd became aroused from its lethargic, stale and, surrounding Mr. Nix, began plying him with questions. •‘Caught the fellow that cut Kial Helton?” asked Sheriff Brown. “Soinc one struck a rich vein ?’ inquired Goldminer Baker, Jr. “Somebody lighting over land lines?”quoricd Surveyor Ed wards. “Have the hens gone out on a strike and swear they will lay no j nope eggs at £> cents n dozen?” quizzed Merchant Jurrurd. “N-a-w, ’ said Mr. Nix lit dis gusted tones and with a disdainful shake of his head, “worse’ll that; a boa-constrieto 1 — ’ “Gullies! Did gey kill ’ini? How big was ’e? Whoro’d 'o come from? Bite you—b’leve they don’t bite, though—did ’o squeeze yer to death?” came from Hie crowd. “Ninv," and Mr. Nix held up his stick, “I was coining ’long tho road while ago and noticed a pe culiar track across the road, through the fence and into the tield beyond. I examined it and am certain it was a snake’s track. I measured it and the length of this stick represents the width of the track. The track was fresh, but I didn’t see his suakeship.” “Let’s go hunt, him." proposed some one, “Might not pun well.” suggest ed Goldminer Baker, Jr. “I’ve got no warrant for him.” said Sheriff Brown. “I get my goods delivered ; be sides, I carry no such stock.” put in Merchant Jarrard. And Surveyor Edwards survey ed the situation and shook his head decisively. And thus it came to pass that the varmint, critter, reptile or whutyernmcalluin that makes “skerry” looking tracks across the road, through the fence and into the Held beyond is still at large, seeking, perchance, whom he may devour. at Bock Spring camp ground would not occur. Upon seeing a prominent sahle-hued minister,wc questioned him as to the truth of the rumor, whereupon lie said: “Well, sail, I did make a surges- sliun that the meet in’ ho suspensed with this year, an’ I hoar that sum of the hruthring is takiu’ of con ceptions at wluit I said. I tolo om that the mootin' ginorly 'suit ed in mo’ harm than good, an’ l wuz in favor of stoppin’ cm.” And now, since the throe YY bite county camp-meetings are over, a great number of peopb agree with t ho colored preacher in his opin ion that the meetings are not suc cessful in accomplishing enough good to counter-balance tho evil that has lately become the inevi table accompaniment of these gatli orings. The behavior at Mossy Creek is said to have been very good, but the disgraceful conduct throughout LoudsviWo meeting with its semi-tragic denouement, and the loathsome scenes at the negro meeting, reeking with the most ilagrant sacrilege—drunken females of tho demi-monde class and unsolf-respccting white and colored men reeling in beastly in toxication, whose tongues were foul with filthy conversation have resulted in disgusting thor oughly tho good citizens who at tend these meetings. With them cuiup-mceting is a sacred institution, which they have learned from infancy to re gard with deepest reverence, and many whose heads are now frosted by the chill of many years boast with pardonable pride that they have never missed a camp-meeting since being large enough to at tend, and a mere mention that an abolition of this custom might be for tho best; that this custom, “ALVATUNDER.”# Among the Gainesville ad vert i meats in this issue Will beiuJticefl( the professional card of Dn 'fty- der, dentist. Dr. -Ryder-ills the exclusive Use of Alvntundor for this section of Georgia. AU'atun- der is a local anaesthetic aiki*sci- ontiffc achievement for the pain less extraction of teeth. No chlo roform. No ether. No gas. No bad results from its use. YY'ith Alvatunder any number of, teeth can lie extracted at a single sjl- ling. With Alvatunder you re tain all your senses while lutving teeth extracted. Alvatunder can be used by the most delicate per sons as it in no way gets into the system. Persons with heart or lung trouble cannot be harmed in any way by its use. Dr, Ryder informed us that bundled* te/fWfy to the virtues of Alvatunder. /Legal Advertisements.. Application' for Leave to Sell Land. dp.oitar.'. Width (Musty: Ontin .ry’s Office, Pfcj'tembnr Term, 1800—TV' . All Whom It Mav Concern: J. At. it W. J. Miller, administrator- of the eetnle of James Miller, deceased, have in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be beard on the first Monday in Oc tober, 1896. This September 7, 1S96. . J. H. FREEMAN, Ordinary. Quality & Price Aye the two things to be con sidered when buying goods. In Application for Permanent Let tera of Administration. Gboboia. Whitk County: To All Whom It May Concern: J. A. Richardson liav- - r- - in/ in proper form applied i" me f>>r p-r every 1 i n o wc carry wo have hunt-! nd found them. Wo are giving our customers the benefit of our trouble and wo are Write us for prices on sash, doors and blinds before you buy, S. C, DINKINS & GO. GAINESVILLE, GA. Moore Bros., confectioners, of Gainesville, Ga., trill move on Octoboi 1st from 36 Main street to the large store room now oc cupied by G. F. Turner on south side of public square, two doors fi tm State Bank. s4-4t manent letters of ndministrntl n on tho | . - . , ■ estate of T. C. Williams, deceno-d. h-ite i ‘“l I'Jlgu of said county, this is to cite nil and sin gular the creditors of T. (’. Williams, de ceased, to he and appear at my office within the tune allowed by law and show cans--, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be (-ranted to J. A. Rtcbnnlson on T. 0, Williams’ es tate. Witness my hand and official sig nature. This 7lh day of September, 1896. J, II. FREEMAN, Ordinary, Application for Leave and Order to Sell Land. Gb niiA, Whitk Couxty: Ordirar Offie, September Trim, If99—To Whom It M ly Com e n: Jesse I,. Test, Esq., an old resilient and bigltly respected citizen of our town, call cd this morning- and after purchasing a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, said: "If anyone asks you if this remedy will do what is claimed for it, tell them yes, and refer them to ino.” H. Alkxanduh Stork, Rey- noldsvillc, Fa. No one can doubt the val ue of this medicine after giving it a fair trial. Then it is pleasant and safe to take making it especially valuable for children FoihniIo by A. Hr Henderson, general merchant, Cleveland, Gn. in M. B. Moore administrator of the estate of Milton Moore, deceased, has in due form applie 1 to llie undersigned for leave and order to sell the lands belonging said deceased , and said lie beard on the first Monday 1896. This Sept. 7th, 1896. J. II. FREEMAN, Ordinary offering the best QUALI1Y of everything at very low l’llIOES. j This is especially true of our Dry Goods, Shoes, Boys’ and Men’s Suits. avo and order to t _, , # :$Mrv5i;S#“Seeiiig IsBelieinug, f aday in October, I ^ So, come and see. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM A thoroughly tested Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Tlii* remedy bn ben triad and not found wanting, for forty roari, by au oncincnt phjaiclnn, who ha. mod It with cer tain and unvarying ancMeii for all dcaoaao. for which it 1* recommended. It nerer rail, to benefit from the tlret doie. qntckly and effectually driving out alt disease germa from tho ay,tern w ithout any nnpleaaant or injurious effecti. It is not the result of If- noranee or suporetition, but it ia founded upon common sense and a thorough knowl edge of modern medical science. It effect- tially purities and enriches the blood and brings health to the sufferer. Aa a general building-up tonic it is without a rival, and in its analysis of health-giving properties it is absolutely beyund comparison with any remedy ever offered to the public. It is a panacea for impaired vitality and all ills n- sulting from impure and impoverished Wood-tho current of life; Quickly cures new. Nervous Dlseasre, etc. iNvieriaATC for vourrilf. Send for our Ft*« Book of Valuable Xnfbriuulloo. together with a wonderful array of ccrtitlcates of remarkable cures, from tho simplest to tho most virulent ills- ease alter alt known remedies had failed. These certificates testify with no uncertain sound that Botanic Blood Balm is the last, cheapest, quickest, greatest und most pow erful ulood Purillor and health-living rent- oily ever known to tb« world. K* beieflto per bottle; #5.00 (or 0 bottle*. B. B. B. Pill* are a mild and effective purgative and Liver Regulator. One Pill ia a dose. Prico, 25 eta. per box. B. B. ». ie a enperior dreaaing and Cure for all kind* o( eorea. burna, erup. Ilona, etc. Price, SO eta. per box. B. B. B. Seaff. excellent for colds, ca tarrh. etc. Price SO eta. per box. Theae may l>e uaod, when neceaaary, with Botanic Blood Balm. For aale by drnggiata; if not, aend to u§. Addrtee. BLOOD BALM C0. t Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE. Georgia, W hite Coi nty.—To the Legal Voters of Blue Ridge, the 1139 District, G. M-, of S.-iid County: You are hereby notified I that there has lieeu filed in mv of- DISEASES • | fiec a petition si trued by 15 fiee- The ltitensa itilung amt smarting met-! , , 1 r i. r Jont to eczema, tetter, salt-rhcum, and other i holders of said distriet, asking for direages of the skin is instantly allayed by 1 all election ill slid district oil the applying Cltnnib-rlain's Eye mid Skin (juestiou of fence or stock law. And at tho expiration of twenty -days an election will be ordered AmiiMi ztizf nd0rie iKenimer & Son Gborhia, WniTB Coukty:'» ! Court. September Term, 1896: To All j— — Whom It May Concernr—G. 1). Irvin, ad ministrator of tile estate, of David Robin- gon, deccaeed, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for leave and order to sell the lands belonging to tho estate bit said deeeasod, and s -iil application will , -i.. . —o - , . • , , be heard on the first Monday in October. ! Ointment Many very bad cases have been 1896. This Sept. 7th. 1896. j permanently cured by it. It is equally J. H. FREEMAN, Ordinary efficient for itching piles and a lavontercm- ( .. „,i ! edy for sore nipples; chuiiped hands, chiL- iliil(.>.s ])1 GVCllt(.CJ. hi,‘Uns, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. J. 11. FkEMAN, Ordinary. For sale by druggists at 2-3 cents per box. | 25tll, 1896. T17 Dr. Cndy’s Condition Powders, they We have a big* two horse turn plows and hill side plows, chill- made sacred l)V its holy purpose! ] 7 and dear to them for the fond and j v'l.L OlCt J j ti l tender recollections which conus j a 11 • , y J 1 „ rn trooping upon the memory with j OCH-HIg Ij 11 111 its every lepotilion, should kc j y-Al, rko utli',* i' li on tvvr™ discontinued for the sake of good i T'llC’tl|J'- / -*- till v. V order and morality, hrings heart-lv--|-| r\\Vri llO‘ftYl*f , i horn tears to their timo-bedimmed 1 AVllvf V? 11 UCID1 v? eyes, hut they declare that though the discontinuance of camp-meet ings will be as the death of a lov ed one to them they think it well to make the sacrifice. The decadence of camp-meeting decorum appears to have been with no Gboruia, Whits Couxty:—Agreeable to nil order granted by the Court of Ordi nary of Floyd enmity, Gn., on Sept. 7. 1896, will be sold before tho court bouse rt A-P nnn n A rl door in the citv of Cleveland, said county CtLvrL'JV Ul U11 tl* ctllll of White, within the legal hours of sale on tho fii-Bt Tuesday in October next the following property, towit: hot of land No. 3 in the 6th district. White county. Ga., containing four hundred and ninety (499) acres, more or less. Sold as (he property of Miss Julia F. Stcwuit.un ini - beetle, person, for the support of said Miss Julia F. Stewart. Terms cash. This Sept. 7, 1896. JAS. U. HIM.. Guardian Julia F. Stun art. A Capital Idea. YVc find the following paragraph in a recent issue of the Clarkcsvillo Advertiser: “The president'of Young Harris collesro and his wife were at Col. m .„. n is*.. Kobortson’s week before last. Tliej inny j )e ' ’ g trustees are thinking of moving the college to Nacooelreo Valley.” And this is a good idea the trus tees have, YYe understand that they have been considering for some time tho advisability of mov ing the college, and we sincerely trust their recent deliberations will materialize in a move either to Nnooocbeo or Cleveland. If a move is really contemplated, our citizens will offer substantial inducements to have tho college Denied hero, and would <yi«,o it sudden, but complete, prospect, ol recovery ol its former standard of excellence. A few peo ple attend to receive instruction upon divine themes and be benc- fii tcd and strengthened in Chris tian belief. This class is accom panied by a crowd of curiosity seekers, idlers, topers and toughs. Each class seeks entertainment of a kind suited to itself, and this very naturally results in profana tion of tho place and occasion and is abhorrent to the refined, much more the religious, sense. Tho crisis has been reached, and at present the good people are unan imous m condemning the conduct tit the recent meetings and agree that anything that encourages ini- indivectly though it liould be stopped, and now, while they are up in arms, it would be u good idea to take steps to— Discontinue the campmeetings! S C DINKINS & Co. GAINESVILLE, GA. Tillmanism has received a black eye in South Carolina by the do- feat of John Gary Evans for the senatorship. Judge Joseph Earle is the winner. Evans was recog nized as tho Tillman candidate The campaign just closed in South Cwrolina has doubtless been the fil- thi°st ever wa-yed in Vmorion. THE REST AFTER DINNER FILL. Hood's Fills aid dig-osli.m, prevent that feelinjy of fulness or distress and ifontly yet effectively assist in the assimilation and digestion of food. They do not gripe or pain and they do not weaken the body. On the contrary they itave a strengthen ing and stimulating effect. They rouse the lives, prevent sickness and cure sick heatnehe. Hood's Pills are purely vege table, perfectly harmless and may be used safely by delicate women and chil dren. PERSONAL. Free—61-page medical refer ence book to any person afflicted with any .special, chronic or deli cate disease peculiar to their sex. Andress the leading nhysicians and surgeons of the UmlcdStates, l)r. Hathaway & Co., 221 So. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. It is not unusual for druggists to rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their customers. Many of them have used it themselves, or in their families and know from personal experience its great value iu the treatment of coughs, colds and croup. They know too that their customers are their best friends and naturally wish to give them the most re liable medicine they have for those ail ments. Messrs. Duugherty Bros., prom inent druggists of Indiana, Fa„ say, "We sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy than of any other cough syrup, and always take pleasure in recommend ing it to our customers." Mr. H. M. Urey the popula” druggist at Fredonia. Fa., who has sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for several years, says, •* I cun tru ly say that it is Lite best cough medicine in the market." For sale at 25 and 50 Notice to L'ebtors and Creditors, All person^ having demands against the estate of Milton Moore, late of White county, deceased, are hereby notified to render in tneiv demands to the under signed according to law; and all persons indebted to sniil estate are required to make immediate payment. This 7th dav of Sept. ,1896. M. B. MOORE,' Administrator Milton Moore, Deceased. Guardian's Sale. arejust what u horse needs when in bad condr- j TTH E MOST remarkable cures on Uon. Tonic, blood purifiermid.verrairuge. | ■ record have bceu accomplished by lor sale by A. H. Homier .-on, get era! Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It ia unequalled merchant, Cleveland, Ga. for all BLOOD DISEASES. Consider Plain Facts! PRICES ALONE MaY DECEIVING. BE Apparent cheapness docs not make a real saving of money. TWO BARGAINS! A high grade sewing - ma chine and Winchester shot gun will he sold by us much cheaper than yon can buy from the factory; both new THE iwnruwBarorcTxii Ten TJTTT.Trrr >zarsjYj-vm IHeMuijj lii Ms, aaxnamwama-« ; Manulacturers of JOHN WILKES, Manager, Cliarlotte, X. C. \1 ex c 1\i qery FOR Kanufodnrers 01 and only cheapness. High Quality at fair prices real and only economy. 1 he Domestic has always been! The Best NInelilne In every sense of that term — 15ES 1' for the agent to sell, as it gives I him the must profit for the least trouble. BEST for purchasers because it gives them the most satisfaction in use. SQyAGENTS WANTED. "DOMESTIC” and IMPERIAL PA PER PATTERNS. nwg-Seud for cata logue, Address— ii**MINING, MILING AND TREATING GOLD 0RES.*4 CHLORINATION A SPECIALLY. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Pumps, Piping, AND ALL REPAIR WORK. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE RICHMOND, VA. CO., KYTLE | OAKES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cleveland, Ga. All business receives our prompt attention. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple ,„ ... v ...... . ... -v t/v thing to patent? cents per bottle by A. H. Henderson, gen- [W®wMK oral merchant, Clevolatnl. ’ nayf. Wnablntcon, D. c.. for thwir •L&o priio offer and llet of two hundred la^enttoua wanted. STOVALL Gainesville, Wholesale and Stoves, & CO., - Ga. Retail Crockery, Glassware and Tinware.-