The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, October 02, 1896, Image 2

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asy to aa asy to Operate - rritiirMi pooullflf to Tlood’s nils ... tMtOlOM, ClllOlOIlt, tll01<JU-'l. . I.Y.Vi • I HIM i-iily ::h lol*i i,ild: "You never know yon l.jivc taken a pill till It lit nil over." 200. C. T. Iln .il & Co., I'roprlobin, lxitvell, Mnss. Him onl) jilW’i to take vtllU Hood’ll Ber.eporllle. i.l'.ut line ll tf.iil II eil;.y nl ll is li'll'T I i' r . A. RiKJdcnbei V, "I ili’ ii" 1 • 'ici ly, it hidi Wo I ltd f \ pllbi ii-l; in Ik CMM PWjJftffi!!'*•*’' "» Fi'llii.v. Ollielul Uig-nn or While county doa JJugh Rees«, Hditop. Entered at I lie To. I oocothI-iiIiihh i,Hire nl (’bivolund .I'lll-J", 'mi. H.l, 'HU Cl.EVKI.ANI), ()a., Oct., 2, 1«9C. Gol. Biahcp’a Speech.| Col. .1. M. Bishop, Itcmomilif noniiiioo f<ii' 11io Stii to ecunio from the 82(1 district, addressed t lio pen ]>lo nt t lit* oourt In11iso 'I huntil:iv nt noon. When it first hoo'imo Know n that, Col.Bishop would spool, lioiv, Cluiiniiiui Lop’ll a of l ho I ton ioci ni - it; executive commit toe, liuitlt! mil atloiiipt to pet Cot."ii hero to make an addre.-M on tile name day, hut < Ihainnaii < 'In;, wrote from headt|u:irlors tint tic Governor wan hilled for a speech olso'vhoro on ditto mentioned anti would thorofovo ho iinahle to ao- oopt the invitation to ho hero, hut Mr. Clay sliited he luipht he nhle to send some other speaker to join Col. liishopand aid him in preach ing the Democratic doctrine, llowover, Col.Bishop was tin on ly speaker, as the expected man from Democratic headquarters failed to appear. Col. Bishop made u good tall . 1 Io reiterated tint assertion he made hero before that his Populist opponent, Mr. Castleberry, is a turn coat and Hopper of tho most miserable type, and was corrobo rated in this statement by Rev. Mr. Spriggs, of Lumpkin county, who happened to bo in the audi ence and who was acquainted with the facts in the ease. Upon invi tation from Mr. Bishop, Mr. frt'ptiggB arose and staled to the is the letter, which explains the mutter: Duau Ktk: I am in receipt of yotir coin- innnicntii ii, H.afiii^ r Hint I am bcinff »'»*n- Hur«*d t ii account of a circular containing a ntutcniont Unit I had pardoned Adolph us Duncan, a wgro who had been twice convicted of raja* on a white woman, an 1 arUing whutlicr <*r not, I had authorized i;imldifiition uh i»Hiu:d. If you luul but clod fora moment, y: u would have known Unit t<> attend Mm* tinticM of governor and to do the amount of jstnnip speaking Unit i. done by rid, was i.ll tlmt, i» j»o:inibIc f r or.t nmito do. Jt in not po: Rible for win to inpcrintend or know of tho work done by KUppcilcir. of tho J)l*i.m'Cr.dic tr. Ind iu diidributiu.:; <• impaign literature, and ii locn me a ricul injurth • • to hold mo rtr- p ctr.l-lc lor wh.’.t oihcrrf do without my k.l')V. !t‘l;'!t Ol* ('oiif.'Mit. There Would I-"' Just :iH inuoh roasfiu an .1 j moire in i>»•«•- ujiiin;. - that lJrynn ■ i.d Mcbiidcy knqw f and Worn mq.nn:--lulu lor <vm-ylhiug •l •| , \ Oil*’, KVr**l npii’u *1 i- liojil; | To «|nit Muni . to tin* f*ynb ni ,i11* ii*tr*r bre.omoH . 1 • • s 11 imnUiillMily cmv. :t. * * 1 " i a i-r ■ i»‘i*;• «r«* f tj* Uif b.l) ;*•••') 11 :tH 1 .IT.-.P. Oil" fully rom- • ,4,un ! •! all* r Uo* formula of nn eminent Dm lin jdiyaidan who lniH used it in bin pi irate practice Pino 1872. without a fail- uif*. It in purejy vcgidabl** and guaran- terd perfectly hurinluHH. You (.an use all tin* tobacco you want white taking c«i-Curo.” It will m tify you when to Mop. Wo give a written guarantee tit ••lire pcnnamadly nr. \ cri.- with three noxif?. or refund the money with ten per cunt, inter;* 1 I “liae.i Curo” ;n not arr.b- stitute, but-a rcientilie cure, that raircH witliout the aid <-f will power and with no inconvenience. Jt, leave.*) the Byatmn uk pure and free fom niectitie'aa !!»*; day you took 3 our first chew or sinoke- Ciirad by baccc-Curo and Gained Thirty Pounds. From hunch eds t.f t*•.■ t ituonialn, the •riginais of w hich are on lilo and on tile toil open to in ripe;.tir.:i. tho following ii* pro -ented: L'hiyton.Nevada Co., Ail;.. .Inn. ~*b 1 *bT». l it*.i ck.iv < ?he«nic;il U Mfg. CVi., ba I'rorhc \Vi • nentlemen: For forty yoaia I lined lolaieco in all li t form**. Fortwen- t v- IWe ye n h of that I i’.iw 1 was a gn at v'ul\ertir from gmvval debility and hr.i t dlr.ease. For fifteen yearn 1 tried to quit but .couldn't. ! took vuriona renu.Hl' !": , (It'llt I, exclusive u> . hi:- SC. i il'll II I i< :* III’-.. III lii" :l* h'l' • h'S 111' Id' th iv.,i‘i la. luul result ;l r.iaii'sii. 'V,meat fi nil In c. '.a gus. No from its use. With Alviitundcr miy imniher of teeth cun lie extracted nt a single sit ting. With Alvatunder you re tain all your senses while hnviii" teeth cxiriicted. Alvatunder can he used 1»v the mint ch lic;;te per sons us it in no way gets into the system. Persons with heart or lung trouble cannot be harmed in any way by its use. Dr. llyder informed u-. that hiniclieds lestifv to the. vii tu> -. of Alvalunder. - j 'Pci . in •il Io tin* rndm * l! 1 ! '• lands lad* A> « » A A> A t • >OMI •**'*. l\ ie. ■ v ^s BOTANIO *f - id flcf'HM'd, and said ajiplication vill b#» hoard nn the font Monday in Or- nl.i-r, l.T.Mj. Thift Hnptembcr 7, IShtl. J. II, FHEKMAN, Ordinary. :et• Quality & Price llUTH ‘ -to-bl ■ flu* India hut. I'p.ity cw ; )»• luors able and i [vo.'Ai* s. ! di i not jiu- Eht^MjbJication of l.hia objaclion- bimr.iit about whicli you wrile. H no! know of it until I Haw a cril- i» ii; on it in a iir.WHpaI thou gol ;■ •py, in it Iho Malomcnl. above quo ted, Hud naw that the bare, naked, umu- 1 1.lined . tiit-imrfit w.m cal. n’r I* d to do- imuMli/,o tlr i. e. ignornut of the fact. 1 ! in the. rji.-.r, ami at cure, without Jt ni mu-nt's dolay, rcqueytt'.d Cl.airman Clay to u; • lii-i eli'oi Jh to prevent tho i'ui’ibcr diMidbu- tbm of thiu cli’culftj'. Mr. Clay hlrm-eli did got navldhu cii’eular or l;m>w of it.- eoiitcufF, tird’H 1 (*4)0 <1 bb jilbodiou to the AH <>f hlft fimn hi rn piii cd to luol; after cwg-agiunimtn for public spnuknrr, and to anawa’corn npoudmice; it in there f rd ocpmlJy impoHHibl(3 loi'him to know the contentn of all ihu litoralui'O (Fwtrib- uted by Btipporlcraoftho DoniocratJc tick c*t, I will remark, howoxer, froiti ■ infor mation H*LM:ived lit Ik mocrAtic headqimv tfii a, I learn that iho aanie circular in bo lug dihtrlbtiled at jiohila wberu il wan uni flent by any. euppGrlv‘.ra of tho Dcmqgrutic ticket, arul 1 am aatisfil’d that Iho Pojai- lk.tH have reproduced .tho cii cnk.r in a diHoi’tcd form auil are diatriludiug it KiintDg tlm votua and ntlacking mo for wimt-I never ikd^fcl for \^3?at they hem ‘bit Of go«,l. pui’vdiiiHed a box i •i!i,l i! ban entirely in all ith forms , an polled;*; ill w* ight J all tho Till»nui*• *..■ and mind. 1 <• -uh pr.r u]»on iny ehiuij li.ii Vou Of 11 b!c t '111: VV vi t us Applicaticti for Permanent ten of Administration. OrmnniA. AVhitb County: To All Whc-m It May (.'r.nemn: J. A. Richimh on hav ing in proper form ap]die»l to me f<<r ]mt inammt letterR of mlministrati ti on the . . ntute of T. (A WilllaniH, deceased, kite ' «*tl li»r bargains und Arc the two things to he eon- i side red when buying ironds. In every line we curry v.v have hunt-; f. uud them. ! >f wiiil county. tlii» is to cite ell ic <1 i in- gular tlio creditors of T. C. Williams, de coupl'd, to be and ii|iepnr at mv "tr.'.' witliin tin: time allowed bv law end ab cniiP', if any tliey ran, v. by | ■ et edminiMij'ati. n biionld not b.' irnin*. d Io J. A. iticb).ideon on T. (', Willi..•. . s- \Viln«'.'-H my band and odicial natni'e. Tliis 7l!i day of .S.'i'lmrib. r. IS'.lfi. .1. H. KHKKMAN, Ordinary, We are giving our customers the benefit of our trouble and we are nfl’eriiisf the best QI ALi tA everything at very low PHIC1 \ his is especially true of our A thoroughly tostod Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES. Till, .tandnr.l liu lwn ‘rted «nd not found w.ntlng. for forty /«n. p •mioont pliyticnta, who has awa it with c«r- Uio fcud unyaryiuK " ucc ?!^ for which it It rrconiinrnd**(l. It n e 'er failt to beneftt from th<‘ Arnt <1 l V*^. QU .« k rflectutlly drlrin* out all dieeaw germs from tbc urttera without » u X un P l ^? ,l 'l l 1 ‘i r Iniuriout ofTcctB. It it not tho^roault of ig norance or tuperstition, but U l * upon common iwn»« and a thoroug^h kuowI •dire of modern medical ncUnco. It efTect- uallj purlfle# and enrich®* the blood and brinat health to the nufferer. Ana goneral building-up tonic It i§ without a rival, and in Ita analysis of health-giving propertle# it it absolutely hey end C0 ,7 , P“ r 1 , 1 i l 0 w. wi i.‘ P-a remedy ever offered to the public. It it a panacea f«*r impaired vitality and all HJ* re * suiting from lmpura and impoyarished blood?-the current ^ W^lckly curj. '£2fr£SrZSJ?£5}Z nm. kmoai Blnw*. INVESTIGATE TOR YOURSELF. Pond for our Fre* turn* of Talunbln I." .1 yen r I ! Ji- ii.1 an ties ii writ: C.1 fi ll ..f lb" bnblt i.i..ti::ipi:i1 3(1 l'i'.lii.-.I ft I 1'tth‘ai fboily ij'iirc el lin er..-mil I'omti- ,.,".c:f: I’:::,ter ( '. H'.j.l by fill lb ! I. M.‘.Kill:KV, i. C!ay!"ii, Ark. l,n all,!' .no wail p. nt, itir Id;. Co., Lr.o," - t Ifllarn lie.: nf.|)i'ii:<'. WriU :■ ka Cliemicu rail I!..,ton irn;-' )itwson find les V»v 'handsomo .unjut-itlrs. Ho stud he, himself, f-tvfls on uncompromising Repulili- ■ cun; that he hud lived in Dawson county before, going to Lumpkin, that he was posted on the a Hairs of tho counties, knew their cili- aens mid knew whereof lie spoke, lie stated that when he learned Mr. Castlebcnv was trying to catch the Republican vote by pub lishing that lie was nominated by Republicans that then and there ho(Sprigs)voluntarily began work to refute tliir false statement and work for Bishop, for ho deemed it wrong and unsafe for the people of tho district to elect to a position of honor and importance a man of no move stability of principle than the Populist nominee, Castleber ry, who had participated as a Democrat in the convention that, nominated Bishop, had later se- .cured the Populist nomination, and now tishc-s for Bepublicnn votes by claiming Io have boon put in tho Hold by a Republican ■convention. Mr. Spriggs stated finally that the Populists in Daw son mid Lumpkin did not like Castleberry and would not sup port him. Col. Bishop stated In idly his nt- titndc on State uiVairs, and what he will attempt to do il dcried, lie promises to vote foi all meas ures Unit "ill give reduction of (axes, lie favors a change in the puhlii school laws, so as to give , the State )U least six months pub- t lie school, lie fawns tho election of judges and solicitors by the people, pulling the solicitors on salary and turning tines and for feitures in the county treasury. 11favors the publication of school hook-- by the State mid to be sold at cost, lie believes the State i >ui victs should he worked on the public roads, lie favors election nf jury revisors by the poop I is in favor of repealin' tng the registration law. A number ol Populists heard p -hop’s ,-perch and several were hcliUI to say they will W‘te fng.flaithi is tla* WerIJSKf J)(jlu,i'i(a j abi. As Aiai r.otxirntivii of tilts 1 l-ufor to tilo gar- b'.od extriioln of sawo tn tWs wtielt'B I'l.-p nilst iiaper, pti'f'poHiiij,' to ba n truo o py or tlu- arouliu'. This is upon a level ifttier low. dirty mat .tfsre)iutnl:Ui cmn- pioffii malhoils of thu I’opullrts. Tho cnfia in short wns tills: Duncan was eoiivlcloil of anil ucntencc.l to bo hiuipu.l. Tho Supremo Court and other oiiieors oxprosred to ma n doubt as to bis Built. It was suBfijesUid that in view if tho doubt of his guilt, tlml I dnmmuto bis seiibmco to imprisonment in the peniten liary for life. I doelinod to do tliis, and atat(Kl that, if lie wan guilty lie siundd bo tiling, and if innocent lie abould be par doned | that there was no middle up hi mi in a rape ease. When the ehai'tre of rape L made Urn Innnennt deserve no punirii ni or.t, and the rniily no moivy. Kveu Unug-il ho waa an lmmlde li.'arn, I foil that il was my duty to loam tho truth, whatevor lime and effort it uiijflit eosl me. I did learn the truth. It was ideal ly prov en to the Matisfaetion of tho community, tho jury, the Holieiloe goneral and nil of Iho ollitvrs of Iho oouit that Hiniean was ...:i iiuuiooiii mun. 1 was rlearly satishod .if bin iuiuas'iioe and pardonod him. It i. a mailer of regret to every sril'.-e- speel in;;' (ieorBian that the I’upidinls have uii.lcrlahon to eonduet this ram jiniB'.i up ai rurli a low piano. While I .1" n.u to rink to their level, 1 am d in ivplviiiB to those atta.'ks to say Tjjo werfd, f:.6C £j\ * eevar Lictvsa cad: value Tnr *5 Hr*. 6faiui|A 4 L«(i G )Ibi. rcAStod NipCc!I?3..\{ IO ll-.a. flnldina CO tbc* Callfonihi P/mt,'.a.,.., I !b.-r,afi ffirJjRfj Po‘.\ikr .A ft ibs. Kuat OrM *$Sk Pefjptr ) VMb*. Samp*a Mixed tea... 1 2:.i Carolina Rsco —, G '.Os. KciloU 0«c» ■ ibg, LfiMdfyJ 4? K .63d Tt'cwffi rave yen maney, ,«et Mtfv on ■hmcarict. Lac oi everyu>(<te Vi.o oesj. m mfU aUaw a rftf of fit, from M* pn«* fit or. v a■'(:.'(, quoted tit an;/ fetalovvt and /j'.tr.TMUi to Give you the ohkiltir jo.ait . . To all «ttj or-ler from tilt* ahvarlloc. meat a copy of our new “Itooj; of Money Laving" noil ofilrtal whole hila yrico Butdu will be sent tree (ready 1 shoeUy). . . . Write to our Tfiolosulo Ordor Department. AU pooUe ecchaneud or mouoj Lai ok II you went IL A. M. Rothschild & Co. State aad Vae lureieeta., Chicago. IYWd went Local ILeportora Wrlto for pertisulere. fioriGiiit.iiral Goiieoe, DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, AT DAHLONEGA, GA. S?.*!nE Tcr ® Bctlcfl First Mondty la Fctrogry. Fn!l Tcra Regtao Flritl Monday In Seplcntef. -ULL LITERARY COURSES. TUITION FREE, Wiiii Dnj.ii: corps of Tecchcrs. ior prices on sasli, doo i\s ai ul blinds I Who before yon bnv. 3. C. DIMS a CO. GAINK8YILLE, GA. Application for Leave and Ordor to Sell Land. ('or: T.'i:. Moore Bros., confectioner.'*, of iiaiiH" villv, tin., will move on Oclohci I I fioin ai Main street to the large -lore room now oc cupied by G F. Turner on south C—To I!. M.i fill. It : IA , W HIT September Whom ll M.ay (V*iif lulininiptmt »r i f llvt » >inlf* of Miltt-n Moovo, clotMb'iFf’d, liM.'i iii du ' forj’i applied t > tlie undcrr.ipntMl for Iravn mid o-.df*r lo Boll Iho lamte l.'idon^ipff to the oshato « f . aid d(ic<‘jiH* d , und Haiti jipplic.alion will i o hoard on Iho first Mommy in October, IS'.iO. This So|»t. 7th, 1S0«. j. ii.;, c^r.m -v. Dry Goods, Slices, Boys’ and Men’s S’ Infurmnllon. r with , wondorful Iriar >.( rertldc.toa ol ri'in.rkable cur.., Irom lh< .linplput to th. moat vl ‘(“**“ f *.i 1 *;' owsc after all known rome.llw had fall.d. The. c.rtiBcaf. taatify with no iim-ortaln ...und, that llotanlc lllood Ualm I. th. bMt, cheapen, anil ki'.t, rreateat und 1110.I row. from ll»^ flrtl 4o*e. «-|T.00por bottle; 16.00 for 6 bottlee. II. n. II. Fill* are a mild and effective Application for Leo-' and Order • 7/ A to Seh Land. purgative end Liter Regulator. One Pill !• •i dose. Price, V> ct«. per Lox. n. B. B. Halve la n •uporior drcMjng andY'ur** for all kinds of aoree, burn*, erup- Price, fiu eta. per box 51. II. B. RJnafr, excellent for ^ tarrh, " 1 hvjiitf larru. Pric. 50 eta. per boa Th... mal In, ure.l, whou 0Mu.ear)', with Botanic Blood Balm. For .ale by druRyi.tB; If not, .end to v Address, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Oa. iso, corns ana see. side of public i-rjibiu fitrn »Stiitv'i.nuil(. t wo door: si-it i.i^hly ui thid. •ft, an;: 1 n T«*hI, Rsf],, oh! Btfjh’ltgi ci!i/L - u • t i) Drnin^aud afl**r ; lniillo of Clmmbf'rlaiii’ri (..*« and i'jarihciMt Rc.mudy, Haiti ahks you if ihte Vow* dy will rbiimc)*! fop it. tell thoni y. them t'» riH," H. Alkxasdi'-.i Sv.>k.b, Huy- nohlsvilU', Pa. No oho ran donut t!i« val ue of thi« uu^Kulno aftv»r ^ivin]r d. u fail trial. Then it in plu wort n;i*l a-f.**to take making it esjipelalJ) yaHiiitAefoj-uhiidn.n For Bale by A. H. merrluint, Cllevoliiiid. <>u, fji aye a stock of Oils? se turn, ud:- iiUfo SKI: SjCliill* ed and .steel, are sell in a* t li e in cheaper ilmnev- S C DINKINS fi Co <>5 GAINKSVILLK, GA. THE hkbV aVtuh dunHejf 1*1 u.. Hood’s Pills aid diyrslion. |irevuntthat fueling’of fulnnsa or «list l ess and irently yet oftectlvely nmist in tho assimilation and digestion of food. They do not p'ipo or pain and they do not weaken the body. On the eontmry tltey have a strengthrn- inj>: and siiir.niatitig ♦•.fleet. They rouse the liven, pre vent sieki.ess and miv sick headache. I food's Pills are purely vege table, poiN.'ctly ha nn less and may be used safely by delicate women and chil dren. Okorgia, Wiiiti: C Court. Se] temb* r 1 Whom It May <>;. • ujini.-trati g E. Idle n w* Whi tied i f Milton Moore, late « eftsed. m e hereby no i * nd**r in tneir d.enuiuda tf> tho under- sitTned fi**eo)iiin^ to law; and nil lu'mnts indfbtod to said estate are to make iuuu’.'dijite payment. This 7th day of Sept.. 1 Sit Ik ' M. ]). i'.'o.tUJS, ' Admini.itrfttor Milton Moore, Deceased. inarunr tnci- !u;n, ’ir.d other !y ailaved by arid rkm res J;ave i»ctiU «•- i* «i«a!ly f r, o; ite reru- l hnncU, chil- frost hi'.p wile by (.Tilt*/* rpDr. Cady's CcridithTa Powders, they j •' ,t what a horse need a «v!un in bad condi- . TcfU ..*, L1o(m! purifier and vermifuge, fah; ly A. IT. Henderson, general 'chant, Cleveland, Ua. 1j cents jx NOTICE. licit, WlIMiJ Cot NTV.—'To 1 Iho Legal Voters of Blue ltidgo, i| tho 1430 Di.-tiict, G. M., of Said _ I (kiuiitv : Y*)U lire lierchy notified 1 that then* ha* Iieen tiled in my of- . 11ie a petition signed Ly 15 free holders of said di-tri't, asking for an election in said district on '.ho .jueslion of fence or stock law. And at the expir.itiun of twenty da \mi election will he ordered unless leg illy prevented. _ ii. Fki.maS,Ordinary. Aug. ‘.•‘th, 139(5. :§P (}.'! Guardian's Sale. liioiA. V, niTls Oorxrv: -.Vgreea) h* p;il«r si'iii.bul by Umi Court cfOi-di- ai’M'f Kleyit county, Ha., mi . 7, OdCwlll bn aojfl bnuus, lb,- aoiii't !:.*m*. f i:: Ilia rie. .-.fUii-tvJiMiii, flftM e";,u«ty tiil", Av'e "In the Injial lioiits of P ile ftiv.1 'i'ltf- 1 y lii "V^nHnv mjr.l tU« „. .n.r jii'e.if'i'ty. b.-.’/H: l et of Jaftd I'fJi a-.u.t;, "|jd, ii;*ii ; t. Whit,- .to,nn,. ■■’iTAL I'rSiifilT la tlio iharacfer- 2 >1 istio ■ ( Jfooil’.s Sarsagitnlla. It qurca even after other preparationa fail. 'Jot llood’a uud OWLY HOOD'S. JVlcEirce’a WJne ot Gardo? jnd rKFDFOflD'3 Bi.ACK-DRAJJGHt q; ‘xr -/.lc U* live iollowiiifi meruitert. * lj Sfj-ra, i»5hi. f!i‘ te^». Sol.r ;uf IT, erty of MisV .Jinl.t l?. Stewnil, nn t .i property 'l-.C-'.O )U: ism. for III” ic.pport nf sii.l f./iaii Jp.fla, P. StmTict, 'IV.Taiip rnsli. Thtt) Sent. 7, i-m jAf. u. mu.. Guardian Julia K. Btewurt Notice of Election. JJJJInonofA, Wiiitr Coi >tv:— To ihctepil voters of White Creek, tho 1441st distinct, G. M., of said county—You are hereby L ,- j 1! . , A J* ■ 14/ -. ilollfio l that a petition M/iied by 15 free- t>JL IyIIU ? T II Uvl vl l-' holders, hns be^n tiled in my oflico, ssk- in# for an election in said district «»n the question of fence or stock law. At the expiration of twenty days, an election will bo ordered unless legally prevented. Oct. 1, 1896 J. ll. Fill: HMAN, Ord’y. Consider Plain Facts! Get our Great Catalogue and Bay# era Guide. V/s'.l send It for 15 v, cents in stamps to pay part postage or uxpressage. The Book’s free. 700 Pages, 12000 illustrations, 40000 T ■ descriptions, everything that’s used V ; in life; tells you what you ought to . \ pay, whether you buy of ua or not. v, One profit from maker to user. Get it. f: MONTGOMERY WARD * CO., f\ fc! Ortglneiors of the Ma.1 Order Method Jftr j 1II-1I& Michigan Ave., Ch 0 fdiff ... 'S Ldffffyfy IMnim Sor 1 id 1 ^ i.* lii i Y 1 ui: U N * TtiV 'i <j~&£ » a