The Cleveland progress. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1892-1896, October 09, 1896, Image 2

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•i5 & a “'' •‘••^!&^ ? ^.t>»' gf Uekt Vau.’.k for il» |)i'1< o, is real and only rlitNiiim.'!**. Hum Quality at fair |iricca is mil avid only economy. Tm) I)omi>tic Iws aUvnvV l>em 13o«>t IVSU Bay cry licit i ft' t-.miiM§p IlEf^^sJTTiiTlianarr*." itjfflHB thgui tho mo«t oiillkfuvMon in itiw;. Isr-AfVKNTK SVANTKn.^-iJ i (Thf-i Is what the Mg cut wliolopola mo: can tile cuurern u.i earth wt-l c’a Jo." yet j 23 Ida. Grunykstcd S::£ | ti Ihs. Knasltd Ro toifee.. i iO lbs. IIno ms . ki lUs. Ccllfornto Prunse..* i I Ih.-roa UnM.".# Iftwdor. ,.| j. 0 III*. Boat GF J Bin Pc;■per f Gillo. Sompl.' M«ud fc»...| i —ROtlfco. Carolina K!ca ~ i.Qtialiljflpian.'tttti ' ALL FCtl Ifo*. kettle VanllM Exlrectf |KVe will save yon ttoccy. not otily ca Koeerien. but on everythlari von aecij. B- will altowa iUtcou t' of H<f> .frayn the pilot B ana article quoted i.t env vs;,/.u cmi pUttir.Htrn to ticcyou Ms «;>m« i.rAetl v yoodx. ■ . To all wim order from this advenlae- raont o copy of ouv n -w "Root ot Monts' sklepl^nvs, chill ed m\d ftfeel, arc "DOMESTIC” ami IMI'ttilUI. V\. 1»KU I’ATTBltNS. &£T 8 mil lor rain ■lojfuo, Adilriwut- ikltChH Constipation Cattten fully luair tlio aickneas In the world. It | relalmUw (llKesWd food too Ions In the bowels j (•', lg;sli|i'\ n eel \ '•( | . i|. surveyor mid (<.; oner. I ini for mer re 'civil! Cl I vi.I . ■- : 11c latter .aid. DO T STOP TOBACCO! nml produce,, torpidJlver, lna| - 1 r ,,r ecroner. It Will la' rrloi'mlie: d Unit I lie I’lof. if a ve a v.ieaiion “ALVA1 UNDER.” ' Aiiiiiiiivtlm (iainesvillo ndverlife llK'lil.s in (his issue will he not iced Administrator's Sal I lie |>rofes,-tonal card of Dr. li.N- Cli/ct -ia. Whiti: Cpi -:ty: - I'nfsiiiuil ( Hood’s ■ ■ tJT - liodv sus|,.'.'le,l II.p:. Ill i lie i .e ' J, ' r <’ “ >“«•*•> »»»'•>'!><'•»' mid v .a ; o,,,. i,.ir, rim. ri^.i ir.i a. lick lieadnidie, la- |3 ■ I I C 1 Willing as a dlirl. l.ol'rc hi’ililiM ' FA,"".!»>«■*' Fniin.ilmi’I l.lmt '"•l.'evellient for till' |)»Ml- [!o! Tnlr\'l,"iA etc. Hood*. nilS Ml’. Alien, I Ml 1 wlieii (Ik 1 M'slill j, .... less extraction lif Jei'tll. No elllil the went rale iif «iti<| Id l-'inp- (!i"i'itilfi 11ml nil II.H . i . • i .... i' .'! \‘M Dill i , "!l I i U I.. i: > ' l ■ ‘ 1 • • 1,11 . . . . . . . der, di'iilisl. Dr. Ryder lias Ur' rxcln.-ivo use of Alvutunder f ir this secUon of (ienriria. Alvatun- an.'iesllielie and sel- Thi- loOurrn linlilt iff tn III Ilia iiiTviiUF c.V dem "il, lipiiiiirinif lienllli. i: _ _ tiw> i mi i i _ i ^ 'J'o i[i’ill fnali gestlon, bail ta»ai. coaled " tonRiio, Riel. Hnmnia, <’tc. .. |h ■ ■ ■ 1# iur. .tix’iit • m v n mn »»•» m i«.Ai.dn.RRWM. of".e,.i.e!iontvi,sk,jotvn .1 _«•■« fl ; r - til , n<» , no^s, n I»rcparp«l by C. I. Hood & Co., I>owell. H|)|»:.U!« !<• ‘ .. | . \ ) .\. in all it forniH. ninlully com- hud result* f 1*0111 itf5 Use. W it The onlv Pilluto Uku wiUi Uoo«i’»Saraaiarilla. ,,, “m.uviji^ Uj» .1 I'ri’.i'U 1 m 1*-<| rf v 11 • f« i i.mta <*f nn was in r ■ lit.v spent ia ivlfflion- p, ,|in i-.l.j-piiflmi wli« Iimb uwsl it in hW eeii'itr. I m ivir'e ' lHT’.willicr.l nli.'d- in erilcr of the court of Orililtnvy of soil :• dintv 'V'.T l.r fwild Imfnia |!,e cniirl lima '■ dm r ia neve|,..„l ell 111- fir,.' Th-siI iv i Novt'iahm- r,rx) within |! .. leirrl I "ill's • f f!i the fol The Cleveland P ro^ress OHie.inl Mi^itYt of While eon idy Jos Hu.qh Reoss, - Udi'.-si'. l*ntereil at the Ront r .(lip# i ,t (Mi'vidi.nd •Seeond-eJiiHH Mail Wiilto" ..Inn. 211. ”.N Ci.r.vid.AM), Ga., Oil .. 0. DU! fi. Alvaliiniler any niniilier of teetli can ho on I raided at a single sii- "Willi Alvalund' r \ <-n re- 1 .-.tu all your senses wliile liavint" t ei'Ui ox'i raided. AI vat under on n i(final linn 1.. |,nv .folm K'n 'Imf 'livid"! wild ftaddls farm. I" 111 rm! north ];»»*• *im1 knovn mm i!im Uol*ir»Hon n|,l homo ]»hu*.*. Ti n •i! out fifty iM-iv of ch-siivil l.’U 1 , par vVl.Vi in olrl fiehl, KOOl l uifli Mfl '.!«! hiiihlinjf . C. U. IRVIN*. Oc t. i*, A*lmr4 BOTANIC M BLOOD BALM A thorou&hiy tocierl Remedy FOR ALL ELOOO and SKIN DISEASES. rMaaiity & Price r^lwiiX ,hmr -«->17- r..„v,d isleejioll aeco.iul id Ur; rr.c". \. e • „.fm Wtla will. i-.. -"Us :is ,1 m l.«. W.iy pts lie ... r c, h. t|„. f. 1 dho-in'. W ' our .'ilr-t« '.lie. s tl.e L. Q. .3. , | lit emsullilla- flic. a. S . ni. ill.)', it "llac"-». I'l'n is r"t a '"'Isyslem. I’el'Mtns Willi lll'lll't «•" \ ‘< M . ,c.'l poiiidv: '••' "O' I'-'f'-t > II I , I i ., 1 ,i ’ : | v , I , o * 11 " . ! iii" didr. at .1 ssi-Mw rni-a. that '■!"■"<! ,, ... , ' that a ,s lit " sivm d ’-v 13 fr. " lieildli Ilf our t loulllc allli W O 111 0 . ... , as lo ill' a.I \ i. .ini. il v «" t .in.. I, v ..,| puwr .md will, tiling Imul.le nmiint lie. Inirmcd 11 hi!. I...., (ih'dir MV "Pi."', r.rh. , tl ,0 (31' A MTV Of «l <-lot ell. nd Mr. 1 -mail eleelioil. I.ov'ey- „„ v"i.i".l II l'-.v a llic ! :• ' ' am’ Mil, l'\' i!s use. Dr. R<. ller ''"L-f-' "" <"■ .'lien . aid d' O'.rt - i 11' ' ' . ' , ... . Democratic Victory p.h 1'iii‘D i'.rul fiV' - t’o:»i nicotine tn ino flay yon took \ our lh .il chow or Hiuolio- •;..r.3J ^y Bacca-0j;o and Cai.?cd Thitiy j tn t ho vii lues of \ivu< midcr. pjurull. '' '' ,lN j oxpiruf 5. of lAvcntv <h*'e fln ojertion wiil ^ jj ; j t I V lni<M)» f our J- ! ! 1. ,.r.icrod nnlor UurnHv pn v nfnl. j ‘ Dry Goods, Id the Race fir RcpreicnUim The eleelion for itnle and conn 1 v iillieem passed oir ipiietly iabl Wednesday. Il is said liv old res idents that tliis was (he most or derly eleelion hold here in mam years. There was some drunken- nets, hut less Ilian usual and Ihnw wlm had tarried loujr at (lie cup were content lo irive an oconsiou- al whoop for their favorile e "'di- ilate and CMC( nle, in his honor a few well chosen and eleifiinl • Imf lies of Bumlown’s Du; /, ru Dope. 'I'ho Populists had a full (uiunty tiekel in the field, while ihe Dem- oernts had only one reiruhir nom inee—Mr. 0. W. Oakes, who was on nd id ate for reptvs uitat ive. How ever, (here were four otiier candi dates *ron«vnl ly raeojarnijsod as Demoerats. These were Mr. R. 1). Pruitt, for shorin'; Mr. Juuius AVcs tn'Orel and, for elerk; Mr. D. N. WanvieU, for lioasurer, and Nrr. (/has. McAfee for tax receiver. The center of public inter id, was the legislative race. Both Col. Oukos and Mr. West are s(rmu> (e« .Wi'ft^fgpven majnrily. Col. Bishop, tlm Deuioeralieeau-' dfdnto for the senate From I his dis trict is elected. His race in this enmity wivs paitieulai'lv <foOd. Wh’te was eimeeded lo Mr. Cas tleberry, tiis Populist opponent. Mr. Cistleberry’s majuriti in this county was estimated at one hun dred or therenhnuts, but i lie re turns show tlnl the Colonel ran on’y thirty behind his opponent. Atkinson received : 17;5 votes: Wrisrhl 501 votes. Atkinson’s mnjoriti in Hie Slate is nearly 40,000. The vote on the supreme court amendment which provides for an increase f.tiun Ihroo to six judjre- of supreme court was I'ii’i for and too airainst. The ameiiilment which provides for the election of State school commissioner by Ihe people was rat ilied by a vote of (Ida for and 1)1 ayainst. Below is t lie fill I vote in t he county for county idiieeis: When you come to fail to come in and e> slock. We call pleas; |Un!ity and price. R, T. liiiMvia: A Son ! l^r^vaiu O.. A,. .-„n. h;::,. })V10eH OH StlSU. , 1 ' .VV'V': I Ivliii k'l ('ll i.Ml X M •«.<•' . I.' 4 a ' JjOYH ..P;:;, m. ,y I door s a ml b 111 m ! s, i xamine <"ii- ( ' "•.‘‘/jk ,''ri ;i;ivV„a iL™*! I r /♦ i | i.,....'.’. u-.V.. ,V..v»!m.i“ TiiVL.t;n,.y a.VEC(. as.- ym. i,, '‘-i"V.-;?>ob'oyou buy. ■yv’. ',! •„, .... a mm & co.l - it^seffig GAIN ESVILI.E. G A. HiiOOiS, Boys’ and Men’s Suits. •, ; Rird n nv-dy liin been tr*oil and l; , ; : > antinp. Fur forty yt-ara, by nn cni . "kiuti. whohtui uwu itvitli c?r> tain ai > btivarylnc (miccohb for nil dinonscH fij v h. n il if rcrommonded. It ney»r fail* to Un.tU from lliu lirtu dose. <julckl> and effectu: liy drivfnp out ell di-cace perma fiom thviiyetem w Uhout any unplenaant or Injur; u? effect*. It H no* llte result of U- nornneo or (<uj»eratitioi), loti il i* founded cdH" of tnoiiorn iiiedicRl aclenre. It ellect- ua'Iy purified and enriebes the Mood and brinet health to thu Ruhcrei. As a «.;nera hull Jiu '-uj. Ionic it is without a rival, and in its .".tinlyni* of hralth-.'flvinft propertlcB it is ulwolutcly beyond compaildon with any remedy ever offend to the public. It tn a piinui ea for Impaired vitality and all Ills re- Htiltintf from impure and impoyerished blood — tho current of life- wi.. K<'rofull*. I leers. liC2C etwr* ami Erupllon^ >X1J - lii'imix ltlieuinallmi.«*r. Kldnrj and Ktladder IM»wr-- •f»«. Kenons Dlw INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELT. Sen«l for our free Kor>h of Valuable UnfoTCiall..". ' KMlivr with n wonde rful array of eertificatea of renmrKuble eure*. from tho simplest to the mo*t virulent dl«- eadd, after all km-wn n nifdlca had failed. These certllb ab - lertify with uo uneerlaln •ound, that Ilotanic Mood Halm is the l-eat, cheapest, quicUegt. Krentcbt und in oat po\v. erf ul Blood Puri Her and liealth-Rivltifr rem edy ever known to the world. Il benefit* from Ihr Hi**-* dr»»e. Prici: ii.uu per hottlo; for fi bottles. U. fl. II. I*IU*» are n mild and effective ^ _ „vv Admininlrator'n Sale. I , | Wiiitk rcevTv: ■ C0H16 M SC6, Regulator. One Pill I* a dose. Price, 2'» cts. per box. B; II. II. Naive is a superior dressing and Cure for nil kind* of iorf«, burua, erup- tii.n*, etc. Price. W» eta. tx;r box. II. II. H. Nnnir. • xcellent for colds, ca- tarrh, etc. Price W eta. p*-r box. These may be used, when necessary, with Botanic lilood Balm. For sale by druggists; if not, send to us. Adirest, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ; W'iiitk Coi' v tv Pill' ,r IIk* emii't i>f Or linai ! cuinlv '.»• M',1 !,l lie Crl. lew. POfl. w i l | Mnill'e Pl'ClH.. COIlfl el inner", flf 1 ,e S' 'ill l"'f.J|',' III" l'""rt l'.'VC • (iniinv vliio, G i., will move ,:l1 i *■ 'v,'. ,LLliL.'t-'LI'-'xh"v'V iV'V,"*t!i Ortnbei l -:i from ;.!(! Mr,ill .-,1 reel ' ,. ,,i., f,..■■. ti •• r ll"W n-r 1 n , . ! , Ri&ht in Sisriit Y.pmmpv a! Son Sure Saving Shown ,,i . JLi.ljii A ill vll VI M V II We’ll send you our General Can lo 1 lie Inrye elcre l'oiilli HUM oe- eiijki i.i iiy G. F. Turner on si'iith ■ ifle public sipnile, 1 wo c|i"ir> n4-ft I'. II. .'Tool' !!',', Pilt.l"*■ 0. I’. '"I,ui- I-. ' I.iyl..,., .M Hcl'l liy "II ilniyir'etM "I 1*'e i"> i 1I,; , (iiei-iy :/• Iiv.i!',"i0.) ptin M::le lutnk. .-'will) ;i ill vlilii. wr,:ten pr.i'nutvv. in- >iit ,lii„.cl i;p.,,i I'l'vviiit iil.pi'ii'". V.'rili! fur I mill in"-'!.- ikui'i.U i ft. Mf|f. Cc., l.aCi'iiH.'i', 'Vin . mi I JJnM.i'.i. M !■'!"■ |-|. -t ef I..I ..f lull.I Ne. ! 1) lif tl'i -mil ve i l 11i( -111 y I'f/RjH'vlL'il viliznn of uni' Imni. ca 11 j itvecr.iii'il, foi'di-ti'ili’iP i',. p. in * m i. .1 DIM IA'IMS OP TIIE SK1X. lit twevc-v ii ’ fi-nti- <1 j':,e Tmensa it long mnl smarting inei ' iv ninl atil T ‘i mn • i,d| cc/ nia, toller, palt-rlieum,nnuotlu.: j • • WMi-lInn 1 Ties ;,i in ■ 1 ' y ' i ■ 'v tin is ir.stnntly oiiuved In V'■ v-y ('"“ K vii■ -1—Ii nml "Ii N I, 1 .. ;■ ; |, ..l .’iiien's Kvc .n.ti Pi.l. ,',,1 veil ni- . Tin* n km " Imvc i 'n - 1 .) 1; i11 -1, l, Me'..' very bail aisok have Ifvi, riiH nft llm ea' In nf .!.■• n' M O" . • i? .-;m, n: 1 v enieil bv it. It is ri|iir.lly k? h&3 ngr. ao U? (*d Hub imu niiig ttitil nftt.M‘ :• | hotl!.* of 1*0.i.*, * *i,«*1«*j*m t :vinl Dinn htpit UoiihrI.v, Hititl: *'Jf :uiy.oir I r.hks you if ptmuMly will tin m Ii;.t j c) for it, U-tl tlioui yrp, nml ti'f-T j tlipiit t v nm," ll, AbUXAMiUit Stuk 1 ;. It#*v- i t ,■ iti!s:nvr piles and n favorile rom .1. M. k \V. .1. MITflaHIV ! v f.»r t. ro ju ; i. •; chum**! ltan«U chil thniniplmli'j b « f Jainrp Mil’t r. (*. (•*•’. I • * ; S fr« t ki o . :;n I elironits sore eyes. ■ ,U r.t 2-j cents per Ix.x loguc and Buyers Guide, if you send us 15 cents in s'arnps. Thai pays part postage or expressage, end keeps off idlers. It's n Dictionary of Honest ValueE; Full of important information no matter where you buy. 700 Page.., 12,000 illustrations: tells of 40,coo articles and right price of each. One profit only between maker and user. Get it. MONTGOMERY WARD Cl CO., Hi-116 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. Tnx Raiefcr !SD6. Try Or. (’ndy’.* Condilur. ^ -ire' j 1 just u lmtn r.onse ncetlftwhui m live, oondi i npojjT*. >Vt:jT' ('oi-nt *: - Okficm t .u • T.nie, blood purifier and v. - Huge. | , •'"»» * 'L 1 ■ and !** \ kn'vm. ! |.\„- H: j(, by a. Ii. Hfmlfv. »n, g Hem liuMBVillu, l’a. Xo riuMum «l*n: 1 >t iii«» v«i1- , Orf, f.i h. r : -^uirt cf <'muinVMintwth n . . a jaiit, v’.ev l«:id. tin. " * j ef 1 I itti'l R'’V»‘liU« P. sMtil! / r "l‘ < ■ ' - T»- fv jimU'W —-it ft >i’u-nrin.jr <n* ilhi ir nrt r== ^ v ' • - f "'W> tt><> • 1 n 1 in- yf tb- lux .-••■ive,- "i pgAL ME^IT is the cl.nraclpr- by a. «i. p-munjir,;„i v ;».-L-;.'riv K utio 77^7 »»"****• « inv even niter oU,^'prepay,o'^a.1. ♦ lGt llin i'i-hi 1 .'ne i t i'•.•»; pin- Get llood’B ttlld ONLY HOOD'S. fnlKI, fm c j* »• [ . • 1 i f <’ tlici' iim nr'u^r Ihf i 11c of lliis »ru*(li(:ino after giv'ng i'-. A f tfinl. Tluti it an«l Faff t.iki nahiug U vuluubh for 5 Till*iri i We hltyo a i T * -t I ' { re**’ it .flf AllO tviHi nwt-'M foriMft.r.,1,.. o i ”• * 11*; h a Win* 01 Cdrctvi V I A WlbUuU,^,,, Hi" ' "f -Mi . '-,f .M'OrO'S B'AC- DRAI'-jH' .,- G V<1 iJjbr'* "* '.; «••."' .okAvii..' m.-rvlc. Get our Great Catalogue and Buy- cry Guide. We'll send it for 15 cents in otampn to pay part postage or expressage. The Bock's free. 700 Pages, 12000 illustrations, 4000c descriptions, everything that’s use 1 in life; tells you what you ought t3 pay, whether you buy of us or not. One profit from maker to user. Get it, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Orliditntoru of the ,M*.l Order Method 111-1:6 Michigan: Ave., Chicago. | guldo will he sent free (read. Khortln . . . Write 10 our WJioleseio Order Oepnrtiuont. DOMESTIC L'EWIIU MAGIfiKE CL., giLE , i? d y a o l ? I w c ^f, cao: ' I,!0;:w .4 l‘Jgii griuSc ana- ! !eh5-3Hi mill WineJiCNfer slmt iiinm.'OND, va. | "• tOift 0'»\i -y f 1» A rs-, lldl«li.n" ' ".l'i.' "iis'h->. 0 * N . i l) (, I i (, r l_i T" iminunt for lilind |u:i|i.'i'* '’4 A. M. Rothschild & Co. clioapor llmuov-i r . ... , , , P , BSSsassrs!o,.kn()iviib«lbi'c S“i”HS ; 9B| s,,,s " ‘ Sl oc Sd>4lJ s g Msmt Co.i»«** Umn y®® buy hnm Ihe lactoev?, hath nvw AT DAHLONCGA, CA. O C c: Z \r v- y B* c" E‘ c; T j s.-g r 5 r J.='^ & ■a ?r - ^ ?r £T DISTRICT I ,i.u,ii| i;|i.;ij j wmiun|j. | 1 '1 '|«!tl 1 •"'n'M j Sg-ssssssasi », i u i: y« jt. a. ;c c: v UUULKMjJ | wv M — Uft C~. Ixl •-* ^ ' .niwi, | 1 1 l»'”l.">.\\ i i:>"M i 1 1 Siasaa* '<'•11",) | ->■ ‘JV'K 1 _ •' _ _ _ -. •I'ltlU'kl 1 — S i- — — J_ 1 uivn:j\: 1 \ " ft ■ : ft'i.':: dctuJjy In Pcbrunry- ilxy la S<p' p m Prf-'+Vj ymK, ffrVr..' S»rlaj Tenn Ceils, flrui Mr M ■ '4mm bc S .r. I Hha, M.SC Ife'.ii FULL LITERARY COURSE-'-. TUITION FREE, T*'Ub am^lc corps of THOROUGH WiLITftRy TRfliNIHr llcdcr a U. S. Ara'y 0nicer dc.s.’LJ i»y SccfcU.y cf '.Var. ; DEPARTMENTS CF Ma«^ej i Pni“c«iiliiAn moiiern PCnillQIlSil'il, Mlio/lG Ci’i'j 'A IT'. GAINESVil.r,!'., (i \. TH14 Hl'Sv af'i I.;; uinnei: iuu . HootIV Pillu nitl digcHlitui. piwuid *, l-.-.t ; fueling 1 of ftduenM ur tlislivsK mnl irentl.y ’ yot pJfectively rHK.'.st in tho nsslmilatiou | un i digvHion ( r fuml. They <lo md p i| i Administrator’s, ty: Piipsiinnt I DCPfutraEnt or- the university, ivSiTL;: 1 ',V : 'iUK PERSON A i’lii'.i;—Gl-jiiit; ■ n:iiKcal n '■lift' biuik In ::uv |.11 : " il I: : 1 \ - . i .1, I'll! uni,' IT . ■ ii il.-l', I >,'• Ii 11.. r I,. Ai -i; t l;i' i U\mi- ':: ! .'•!.:.'. . i,f l] • Uiiln i ■ i, U.:', I.: w,T\ O', Gift Ibvml St : , A Guapantefq Equal to thf. Besii Under coicpctcut mid tb-.Miigh It. ;rat.t , 'i YOUNG L VDitS hare .-..usi cdvsstvu- 6 Ollk'll ile«m vory roasonablo. Obtain (Item ki’om your local tlniltT nml xnnko compnrlfum.s. CtlOAPEST COLLFfiC IN T11H fT’Um ' ■ • IELDREG8E ^AIIUFACTURill6 GO. J BELViOERE:. ILL. Gfi Iv r r« ,v l NY G hill fbe »d‘snie. one-li tlf cjush ar.ti tin* rriiri’i’ :h.' In- I duv ••'-v. 0.17. 1 .in' r..ll»wii'gj, I.dft.t.kvit — 1rts ,.f : "f b'liid * rml 71 in llir 2nd disiriv! j i lv' n v. v •nt iinlng !!2 I nen :! nini-nnr b TS. m d known ns Ihn Millnn Jinoi-n nbl | linimi 1'l.u-ii. Tlil.< iilaro* will sn.M in Mur lots, known ;ls lots Nos. 1. I II. 4. b --innoig ni iln* b i:so nm! ii <r I dioi-n till- ms k. lot No 1 to , , n'.,in 125 s. iv.oi'A or Ivs.i. 0,1 il;,. tin-,',, iminiin- j j'l'Jr lots I ■ rol.tmn (17 I'.i'r. s nidi, mo.v or ' : »!:" H",• tini" nnd idii.'i- 1 will 1 S' 1 om ’sof ."!. oflnnd Nos. 12:1 mn! • I'll ••'il ..r i •: N-. 11 .!•" .lb- ! •i :. l. (.'M ."minty,,lining 47.V a"is-'. ■■ or" or Is, nini Known ns lie llYbrlvv ! nl" id FI nn . s i f iris ;! 1, li imiil.' .dl ' n ' ul ivrdii'n ■ nd in g od cm .1,0. n. m ,1 wild I!:" rigl't sort "f cnitivnti‘fi will, ui.bind is w—II 1iin'ti"'"d and li-'S wril. ’ vTibblilid?LtliSA itt,; ' JOHN WILKES, Mmia^rr. Charlotte, IV. O. KiasiESturers o! a. \ FOR ■ -IJI’ING, I IIK AND TREATING €QD CHLORIKATiOrx' A CFEC5AL'Y f . Engines, Boiloi’s, Saw j\ai!]s, Pnni]>s, Piping, -\M) ALL liLPAI.R WORK. , ikaifjc'ui’crs ji On it vou caw Boil, Broil, il Bnkc. Roast, I ry, and do ii all A without heating up your house, \> A And without smoke or smell. V hi iha iidus of air do no: alTecl its S ^ l.'urninp. nor make it smoke. ik | SPECIAL OFFER. I ^ For tiie purpose . f Mitroduciiig 6 r,\ everywliere. we wid s-dl one stow ?? yi atourr. ' wholesale n, lev, and ; ; deliver live of charge. Regular >)\ price c f above sieve, with oven i /J\ and broiler, $*7. sp ’c;.\i ju ice 2^ bow $10. *o, delivered. 1 The stove is made « f ca^t icon, j ji. with galvanized iron oil fount, and ! If) " ill last from ten to twenty vears. DM.t •. D ’.i r’.n pty Rim: .. • dr..,.: . ;> i-i', i'a,. . ay ■ g ly li..i t < f any other eoiiyii A-yru; -Y;. Y : tnh ' plOilSUVA lit i-'t •' iC’.O Iti !'* ) e; nla- di u’^ibt at ITcdoui.:, ]*a. <• Is-u-l Flu !i:l»erlair.’s ' *♦■ .. !* • v i , \ •. 1 car--, say.*. *■ 1 « ,n t* u i tbar a is tbe lust \:oe-)t me-Frie *•• • ft . •’ Kor sub L.‘ .. 1’.-5 • fl. ti-by A ll. Hendcis ; ; g i : • I’- 'i i,|. t'le /eland. v> (O i 1? L not h - rtecrivea bv allnrli Way ml ysm’ S i l eoant\\ forueltlenu nt < iatribnt i. a amor.}: tlm lu irs M. IF MOARK. Admin.fitrattn* of Miiton >l» ♦ *.•0. dec*d mu K] St <0 f.CSi FOPULAR SEWIWQ M.«CHI?J2 ' hwr h»a» rrlial.l,. n:«riu6uturm is" " “ r. |’"l-U "U : v l!<M, s! »n,l mll«! n.-, -nu>r«i Is non.*"* 1.1 .... ! v' l f , ’ • • ar> ' v fl' i.iiiir. Tin 1 • is none in tii.« worbl tbat can «'• Uhl fnunt holds one gallon of oil, V o iani,i * 1 notion, durability oi nor! Which "ill burn ten hours. $ ftndforbooMFarr.) $ _ WRITE FOR CIRCULARS -rtiinV or has j R. E. Dietz Compony, Mr. Bm t WcslimiroliiiKl mid Mr. « 60 LAICHT STRCLT, NDV VORU. V. ! . Ailets ltd Rci'l'l n'd'Cil f i INtoWi'-lied IS-IO Tile Now Home Sewing Machine Co I vtz UtAXcisco, c vu Ai l ocra, Oa. <• FOR SALE SY P It. KKN1MKR ft SON. Fay but one profit tM»twecn mal»*cr :u.d ii-. l* unci that a small just one. Our U’;-: TlWPago Catalogue and Buyers Guide provos that it’s possible. Weighs pounds, 12,000illustrations, describes :u d tcl Is t he one-profit price of over 40.000 tirt-lcles, everything you use. NS'c send it for 15cents; that's not for tho boolc, but to pay p.. t of the postage or expressage, | a:u'keep off ialers. You can't get it too ufix . ■ a P , , . i tanteQ-iin iaeaSSFS 'Protect *' » r»I0N I Uv/i\ltiRY WARD & CO., /Protect tout Ideas; th.»v iav brlngVou” weaftlV Th? Store Ot All . bo Peoplo Write .Ton >: WKUDEUBUHN A CO.. Patent At tor- -SlC> Aiichijiaa Ave., ClucafiO. : Ueys. Washiugtoi!. n. r.. for the‘ r «!>•» 5.rise effet “ and li- t i uo LundrM tu^cmio • *raare<f KYTLE 2 OASES, i^aixesyille, Wholesale mnl StoyElS, ::: Glassyvaee and T ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ('Icvi limd, Ga. > ri'ccivos our iii'ninpl ntU'iition. Ga e S tW tl Crockery in ware.