Newspaper Page Text
GarlenrtHie, Ga M March 7th»
\t C*HTKiuvit,t,*. G*.. ®n the 10th day of
M *rch noxt, one of Tuft’* Patkn't Arstie Soda
FonalAlit*, ill on a detL having been in use but
ono season. I offer to dispose of it at One Thou
sand Dollars— One hundred dunce* at Ten Dol -
Ur* a chance, because, haring changed my busi
ness, I hare uo use for It.
E.>r particulars address .T. T. Gi-TinUE,
Bartow House, Carters ville, Ga.
liefer, by permission, to Job* W. Wofford,
Ksq., and K liters Express, Cartersville, Ga.
feb 6, 1871-wlm
The Ottiz mi. Dalton ; Courier, Rome; Timos,
Chattanooga; Whig «t Register, Knoxville; and
Banner, Cleavel tnl; will please cony to the
amount of |3 each, and send bills to J.T. Guthrie*
Olobo Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping lough and Croup, as if by magic.
A Tot of Premium White Ches
ter Pigs, for sale by Andbew Baxter.
The Second Quarterly Confer
ence for Cartersville Station will em
brace the 3rd Saturday and
March. P M. Ryburn, P. E.
Intcreiting to Planters.
Office Mobil* Oil Milis, 1
Mobile, February 7, 1871. J
TPo the Rditor:
I« another columnsyow advertise the Lasc,-
DOn Fertilize*, the price of which has been
S6O per ton. Although this is below the
price of any other reliable commercial ma
nure in the market, yet I have determined to
make the price still lower.. The Langdon is
si home production, made from well known
article! produced here, (Bones and Cotton
Seed Meal mainly) and I can afford to man
ufacture and sell it cheaper than any foreign
manufacturer can put his product in this mar
Again, I have this year so developed and
perfected my works as to reduce the cost of
manufacture con iderably; and lastly, so
generous has been the support of this new
Southern enterprise by our planters, in giv
ing the Langdon their preference, that I pro
pose to reciprocate by giving them all the
advantage l possess in the production of the
The price hereafter will be only sf>o per
ton for lots of five or more tons, $55 for less
amounts, and $8 per hundred pounds for
amounts less than a ton. At this low price
every good farmer will use fertilizers.
Please give this a few insertions for the
benefit of your planter readers.
Very Respectfully,
*v. D. MANN,
Proprietor Langdon Fertilizer
IJR, ,RrU*rt# Enterance and Sped 1 1 Dining
Ellegatrt Sleefnng Rooms will be
FuraigUed at 75 Cents
Anfl y«u eaa Dine at
Jk At any Hour yo® Wish, and get
what you Want, and Pay for
What you Get, .and no More !!
dec 15-sw tto
have on band the following Choice Brands
•of manufactured Tdbaeco, which they offer
go trade as low as theiowasi*
ißrown’s Log Cabin.
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Uyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
•Globe Twist,
Crown Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
We are glad to welcome into the editorial
Tanks of the State, our genial and clever
young friend and fellow-townsman. John
H. Wiklk, who has bought Mr. George P.
Wood’s interest in the Cartertvilie Standard ,
and whose salutatory we see announced in
the issue of that paper. We wish Mr.
W. and the Staiulard abundant success in
their mission of dispensing light and useful
information to their readers, and cheerfully
extend to them the right band of fellowship,
hoping that our future co-operation, as co
laborers in the same laudable undertakings,
may be as harmonious as our sociable rela
tions have been pleasant in the past.
New Advertisements.
Auction Sale of fine stock, in Atlanta, Ga.,
-on Saturday next, by those model and en
terprising Auctioneers, Messrs. A. S. & T.
<?. Matson.
Atlanta Medical College.
St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville & Chatta
nooga Railroad Line.
Proposals to build a bridge.
*®Mourdan, Howard & Harralson,
are making things widen in the way of to
bacco sales, in Atlanta. They sell more of
the weed than any other dealers in the
State, or, perhaps, in the South, or South
of Richmond, V»., at least. They sell fine
Aohaoetts at small profits, is the great secret
of their wonderful success; besides, they are
liberal-hearted gentlemen in their dealings
with their customers, and everybody that
trades with them once will do it again.
E. Roberts, of Ciyteraville, has
purchased the old Confederate Stables, at
this place, and intends opening a genei al
Livery and Sales Stable, in a few weeks.
So mote it be.— Warrtnton Clipper.
We coagratulate the eitixens of Warren
ton upon so valuable an accession.
New Acvi
•T. T. Gibbon, Locnl Editor.
A&TR. W. Ml'Kt’HV is our authorized Agent
and Collector. To receive and receipt for sub
scription Li the Express, and to collect claims.
J®"*Rev. W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local” and traveling Agent, to receive and re
ceipt for sabscriptioas to the Express.
Bulat’** Harden Needs ! ! !
A. A. Skixxer & Cos. have just received
a large assortment of very superior, Fresh,
Garden Seeds, which are offered to the trade
very cheap. The Papers are large and fulle
Glebe Flower Cough-Syrup cures Asthma
toff* The weather continues beauti
D&F Good and attentive congrega
tions at all the Churches Sabbath last.
Rev. Robt Headen preached at the
Baptist Church, in the morning, and
Rev. Jas L Pierce at the Methodist,
and Mr. Geo. H. Gilreath at the Meth
odist at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and
Rev Jno. T. Norris at night.
Rev. T. E. Smith, pastor, preached,
morning and night, at the Presbyteri
an Church, to good congregations.
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
HB- We are having beautiful moon
light nights now, well suited for love
making, quoting poetry and *‘sich.”—
Moon-struck youths and maidens will
no doubt, make good use of them.
SGT’ Another one of those big davs
Saturday, has passed, and everything
went to sustain the assertion that they
are the largest days that Cartersville
has. Any amount of business was
done, nnd everything and everybody
seemed “gay and festive.”
Jno. W. Robinson & Co’s. Cir
cus will be iu town to-morrow, and the
little boys and nigs will be in clover,
and a good many who are neither lit
tle boys or nigs, will be on hand, and
will go to the show merely to “see the
animals.” They are pretty
these animals.
6k&~ Tom Bridges says he is still in
“the land of the living,” and is fully
prepared to furnish meals at all hours.
Go and see Tom, and he’ll treat you
like a ‘fighting chicken.”
Pemberton’s Comp’d Ext. of Stillingia re
moves all old mercurial taiut and cures Sy
Car Factory building is pro
gressing rapidly, and there will be
“Kars” built there the first thing you
know. *
4®“ People who left our town a
year or two ago, and return on a visit,
are perfectly astonished at its rapid
growth, and the many improvements
which are being and have been made.
It is not at all astonishing gentlemen,
we have a go-ahead, energetic and
public-spirited population, whose ob
ject is to make ours a town, second to
none, iu every respect. Success to
them in this laudable and praisewor
thy undertaking.
Bgk. A gentleman from the South
ern portion of the State informs us
that peach trees there are in full bloom,
and that the farmers are plauting
The cry is Vtiil they come,’ yes,
and they will come, and you can t hin
der them, they are bound to have the
Express, and assign as their reason,
that tuey want a live, straight-Qiyt Dem
ocratic paper. Every day new subscri
bers are being entered upon oar list.—
Come on, friends, the Express is Dem
ocratic, and will fight it out on, that
line, sink or swim -no “milk and ci
di r” about it.
4@r*Why is it that letters which
have to come but a short distance, and
sometimes over only two-lines of Rail
ros and, are delayed four or five days ?. It
strikes us that there is “something rot
ten in Denmark.”
As the time is rapidly approach
ing for our merchants, to lay in their
Spring and Summer Goods, we would
remind them of the fact that if they
wish to sell them, and sell them quick
ly, not to neglect to advertise. No
good piactical, business-man will say
that judicious and Bberal' advertising
is of no avail, but to the contrary, af
firm that money thus invested yields
them a better per cent, than the same
amount would investedin anythingelse.
There is no doubt of this; common
sense teaches it, and show us a man
who don’t advertise, aad we will show
you one who jputs on the tariff on a 1
the good* he sells. Allow us, in thi 3
connection to say, that the Express $
a suitable medium through which lio
advertise your business; it has as larg e
a circulation as any paper published
in North Georgia, and a run of adverv
tising custom superior to* the most of
them. It has the prosperity of Gar
tersville at heart; it has ever, since the
first number was issued, been laboring
for the weal of the town, and the pro
prietors have the satisfaction of know
ing that their efforts have not been
fruitless. So gentlemen when your
new goods arrive, come up and adver
tise them, and let tbo people know
what you have, and how you intend to
sell them, and we will venture the as
sertion that you will sell, and in a
short time.
80* We are paiued to learn that
Mr. E. G. Nelson, of Euharlee, with
his twat tle boys met with a very fa
tal accident on Sunday list, while
crossing the bridge over Euharlee
Creek, at Tumlin’s Mills. The partic
ulars a» we learned them are as fol
Mr. Nelson and his little boys, were
crossing the bridge, in a two-horse
spring buggy, drawn by a horse and
a mule, and when near the end of the
bridge it gave way, and the vehicle,
animals, Mr. Nelsou and sons were
tumbled intef the stream beneath, kill
ing one of the animals, smashing op
the buggy and so seriously injuring
Mr. Nelson that ho litis since died, but
strange to say, the little boys escaped
A negro man, whose name was Jim
Watts, after Mr Nelson and sons had ;
been taken from the buggy, in an ef
fort to get it out of the creek, was j
drowned. It appears that they had
tied a rope to the buggy, by which to
pull, and Jim was pushing, and getting
into swift and deep water, lost control
of himself, and caught ho<kl of the
wheel which turned with him, thereby
rendering him no assistance, and his
fate was enevitable. At last accounts
his body had uot been found.
This sad accident should teach the
parties whose duty it is to look into
these things, the great importance of
having bridges perfectly secure—hu
man lives are at strike, aud are haz
arded every time a persou crosses uue
which is not secure.
Mr. Nelsou was buried at Euharlee
yesterday with Masonic jionors. To
his bereaved family, we tender our
heartfelt condolence and deepest sym
We deeply deplore this whole sad and
shocking affair, which has cast a deep
gloom over our town and County,
and trust that the parties whose lives
God, in his wisdom, saw proper to
take, were prepared to go, and are now
numbered among those who surround
the Great White Throne, ascribing
paeans of praise to Him who sitteth
Administrator’s Hale.
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April,
1871, before the Courthouse door in Car
tersvillc, Bartow County, Ga., within the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
Tract of Land whereon William H. Pritchett
lived at the time of his death, together with the
Dwelling, thejtract containing fX) acres of land,
more or less;, lying in and near Cartersville, and
originally Known as the Woodbridge place, ad
joining lands of Sami!?* MoCanless, .T. C. Mad
dox, and others. Sold as the property of Wdj,
11. Pritchett, deceased, to perfect titles. Terms
cash. This February 20th, 1871.
M. L. PRITCHETT, Administrator.
Messrs. Gower, Jones A Cos.,
Are still at their old trade -making,
selling, aud repairing carriages, bug
gies, Wagons, 4fc. They are continu
ally enlarging their business in order
to supply the daily increasing, demand
for their vehicles They have the-most
extensive carriage Rteoositoryand Man
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the
reputation of their work unsurpassed
in the South. Long experience at the
business has* won for them a notoriety
for substantial, durable, and style of
finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained
by any like establishment in. the South
er#* Stages. See advertisement.
Use and Campaigns of Gen. Lee.
The great standard work of the day,
the Life ..ud times of the beloved and
lamented Southern Military Chieftain,
Gen. Ik B. Lee, with a full receord of
the campaigns and heroic deeds of his
companions in arms, by a distinguished
Southern Journalist, 85D pages, 30 life
like steel engravings of confederate
Generals, &c., just out of the press.—
Price $3 75. Rev..A. M. Samford, A
geut for Bartow and Polk Counties..—
He is also agent to receive and re
ceipt for subscription to the Express.
United States Internal Revenue, i
« Deputy Collector’s Office >
4th District, Ga. j
Carters ville, Feb’y 10, 1871.
’VrOTICE is hereby given that I have seized
It Ooe Barrel, containing Thirtv-Bix Gallons
of Rye Whisky, more or less, in the W. & A. R.
!r at Cartcrsville, as the property of Geo.
1.1 nomas, of Baltimore, Md., and any" and all
persons are hereby notitied that claim must be
made, and bond given, within thirty (30) days,
or tne same will be sold for the use United
sw! * t s, I>ep’y Coll,
Administrators S&ie.
BY VIRTUE of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Bartow county,
will be sold on the first Tuesday in April,
187 L a *. the Court-house door in Carters
villc, Bartow county, between the legal hours I, part of. the tract of land ou which
Jamies M. Denmon resided at the time of his |
death, to-wit The undivided half interest i
in lot No. 212, in the 6th District and 3rd, 1
section of said county; South half of lot No. j
213, in the 6th District and 3rd section; and j
about 40 acres in the north-east corner of
lot No. 211, in the 6th dist. and 3d sec. of*
Bartow County. The whole containing
200 acres, more or less. A#d also all the
interest which said dec’d owns in lots Nos. *
179, 206, in 6th dis. and 3d. sec. of Bartow co.
The same being his interest in the same, as ‘
dower of Nancy Denmon, widtw of Felix G. t
Henmon, dec’d. Sold as the property of J. ]
M. Denmon. late of said County, deed., for .
the benefit of the heirs -and creditors of said
deceased. Terms: One-third cash, one-third !
on a credit of 6 Juontka, one third on a cred- ‘
it of 12 months, with interest from date,
note and Security, and bond for titles given.
This, I3th February, 1871"
Caxhrisb F. Denmox.
Administratrix James M. Denmon, dec’d
WM. 0. BOWLE ft,
A/NTD dealer INT,
With neatness and dispmtch.
E®~Shop on Went Main Street, near the old
feb 21-wly WM. O. BoWIJSB.
A few line Gold Watches,
Fine Setts of Jewelry, Ac.
can he had, at low figures,
for the next thirty days.
New Lot of Cloeks
on hand and for sale., by
J. T. Owen.
Cartersvi 1 le, Ga.
feb’y 21-
The station is fast becoming a
CITY, Therefore, you should endeavor to
make all things NEW ill
s®“ls you wish it done right—
®®*’lf you wish it done at low figures
you wish it done promptly—
feb. 21-w2ni CARTERSVILLE, GA.
___.. -r
Wales ! Mules ! ! Mules ! ! !
I have just received one of the finest
lot of mules evd’ bought to Georgia,
which may be seen and bought at my
plantation, four miles West of Carters
ville, on the Etowah river. Cotton, at
the highest market price will be taken
in exchange for them.
W.. P.. MILAM.
Cartersville, Ga.., Dec 11, ’7O-tf.
From this date the Rink will be
open Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11
o’clock, a. m., until 1, p. m., for the bene
fit of people in the country.
Monday and Friday nights, for la
dies and gentlemen, from 7 until 10
For ladies and little boys, Wednes
day afternoons.
For ladies and. gentlemen, Saturday
afternoons. ts.
Unanswerable Arguments.
Established facts are silent arguments
which neither pen nor tongue can shake,
and it established facts that the rep
utation of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, as a
health-preserving elixir, and a wholesome
and powerful remedy, is based. When wit
nesses come forward in crowds, year after
year, and reiterate the same statements in
relation to the beneficial effects of a medi
cine upon themselves, disbelief in its efficacy
is literally impossible. The credentials of
tfiis unequalled tonic and alterative, extend
ing over a period of nearly twenty years,
include individuals of every class, and resi
dents of every clime, and refer to the most
prevalent among the complaints which afflict
and harass the human family. Either a
multidude of people, strangers £o each other,
have annually been seized with an insane
and motiveless desire to deceive the public,
or Hostetter’s Bitters, for no less than a
fifth of a century, have been affording BU ch
relief to sufferers from indigestion, fever
and ague, billiousness, general debility, and
nervous disorders, as no other preparation
has ever imparted. To-day, while the eyes of
the reader are upon these lines, tens of thou
sands of persons of both sexes are relygin
upon the Bitters as a sure defence against
the ailments which the present season en
genders, and their confidence is not mis
placed. The local potion which interested
dealers soincti raes. endeavor to foist upon
the sick in its stead, are everywhere meet
ing the fate that is due to. fraud and im
posture, whi-le this demand for the great
vegetable specific is constantly increasing.
Prophylactic Fluid.
Medicine, for puri
fying, Pleasing, kinds
j p t h c
fjajjfor cholic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash to
soften__aed beautify the skin; to remove ink
stains; taken interrally as
jfcll_as...applied externally: so highly recom
mended_by all who have used it—is for sale by
all_nrngglsts and CVnintry Merchants, and may
be ordered directly of
Iy. Ml William Street, )f v.
f 1
THp Great Family JledioiH?*.
It cures sudden Colds, (loughs, Ac., and
Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing
Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint Dys
pepsia or Indigestion, Cramp or Pain in the
"Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters’ Colic,
Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery.
Cures Felon, Boils, and Old Sores, Severe
Burns, Scalds Cuts, Bruises and Sprains.
Swelling of the Joints, Ring-Worm and Tet
ter, Broken Breasts, Frosted Feet and Chil
blains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu
ralgia and Rheumatism. It is a shure rem
edy for Ague, Chills and Fever.
Taken internally, should be adulterated with
milk or water, or made into a syrup with
molasses. For a Cough a few drops on Su
gar, eaten, will be more effective thair any
thing else.
See printed directions, wbieh> accnrnpav
each bottle-
Sold by all Druggist,
Manufactured at the
cuakanteed.Wd.Mann Pr pr.
Only Per lon, in Five
Ton Lots.
this last year, aud the MOST FAVORABLY
REPORTS are heard from it. Its PURITY and
STRENGTH are guaranteed. The value of
as a manure, ts known to everv SCIENTIFIC
AGRICULTURALIST. These articles form the
hulk (4-5) of the “LANGDOX,” to which are
added proper quantities of POTASH, GYPSUm
aud SALT. These live ingredients form the
Large Ca’dtftl invested here in the Works,
affords a security fCT s he guarantee of its PU
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Register,!
gives advisory supervision to the production of
this Fertilizer.
NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor
have to be paid, as must be true of aa. article of
foreign (Northern) manufacture, ami hence the
“Langden” can he sold, aud IS SOLD CHEAP
ER, than any Standard Fertilizer in the mar
The COTTON SEED MEAL is producer! at
the Works, and the HAW BONES are gathered
from the surrounding country ami ground at
mv Mills.
FARMERS are INVITED to visit the Mo
bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro
ducing the Langdon Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct their Merchants to
buy for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to be good, and the Purity of
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lower price than any ar
ticle of like quality could be, which is
brought from a distance.
Because it will give greater returns from its
use, pound for pound,, than any other
Fertilizer, no matter what the price.
practical men, these are here given;
Tuscaloosa, Ala.. )
December 22d, 1870. (
Col. W. D. Mann:
Sir.—Your Circular of the lsj inst. came to
hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that we tried, I give you mv experience
with it.. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used
•300 lbs. to the acre. We used one+onof Gillam’s,
at $75; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per too; two
tons of the Longdon, at SOO per ton. The land
was all worked alike, and the some quantity
used of eacla L did not keep the weights of each
field separate, but attended to the picking and
weighing myself, and khow that there was more
cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than
any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next.
From my own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took notice of it. the Langdon
Fertilizer was far superior to any that we used.
Respectfully yours, &c.,
C. 11. FITTS.
Mr. TH9.MAS 11. Kennedy, of Meridian, Miss.,
after recounting his experience in the use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says; “When I lived on my
plantation in Alabama, I used many kinds of
Manure, but 1 never used anything that would
begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.”
in live ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $3 per 100
lbs. for small lots.
It is exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds, in
strong sacks, delivered free on board boat or cars
at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the
landing or depot up country—sacks and twine
furnished by the Mills.
Os its cheapness, Col. Langdon sars: “Us
cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the
price now fixed by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it
is much the cheapest fertilizer In our market.
Pound for pound. I consider it more valuable
than the preparations that are selling at $75 to
SBO. For my own use, 1 would greatly prefer it
to Peruvian Guano at the same uriee.” Os its
merits, he says: “The result is the best Fertil
izer in the world for oun Southern lands, in my
A-gain: “It contains mere fully and complete
ly than any other, the elements neccessary for
the production of Southern crops and the reno
vation of Southern soil.
Prof. Charles U. Shepard, Jr.. M. D., Professor
of Chemistry South Carolina Medical College,
and Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina,
who made a full and careful analysis of the
Langdon Fertilizer, .says of ifc: “It is a very su
perior article.”
I also crush at the mijis. Raw Bones, which
are. ground fine. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Eqne is too well known as a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub
bery and grape-g it has no equal. The Ground
Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con
tain nothing: but Bone.
Address ali ordqfs lor either of the above Fer
tilizers, accompanied by the cash, or orders on
your merchants "here, to ,
P. O. 80x733. Mobile, Ala.
per ton, Cash, paid for cotton seed
let icured at the wharf or depot here—sacks and
twine delivered at your landing or depot.
sag‘-sls per ton will be. p;iid./or Bones deliv
ered at the Mills. It will pav to gather them
aliout the country and ship to the Mo He Oil
Jan. JWh, 1 871. wlr.
Component Part«-~ Fluid Extras lih uhirb,
and Fluid Extract Catawlw (l rape
These PHI* are the most delighlfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
magnesia, etc. There i* nothing more ac
ceptable to the stomach. They give tone,
and cause ucither nausea nor griping pains.
They are composed of the Jin ext ingredient*.
After a few days’ use of them, such au in
vigoration of the entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. H. T. Ile’unbold s Compound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not
sugar-coated*, from the fact that sugar-coat
ed Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect, THE DA
TA WBU GRAPE PILLS beiug pleasant in
taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
ing sugar-eoated. PRICE 50 cts. l’er-Box.
Henry T. ilelnibolUs
Will radically exterminate from the system
Scorfuln, Syphilis, Fever Sores,. Ulcers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, Skiu diseases, Sait Rhe
um, Cankers, Runnings ft-om* the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night
Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of ail kinds,
hronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have been established in the sys
tem for years.
Being prepared equesaly for the above
complaints, its tdood-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
aud healthy color, and restores the Patient
to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify
ing t he Blood, removing all Chronic constitu
i tonal Diseases arising from an impure state
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Lefts, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of
Hie Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion.
Trice, $1 50 per bottle.
Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Neck,
of the Bladder, and Inflamation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad
der. Retention ©f Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal
culus,-Grtrvel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing]
Weak Nerves,'Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
the Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons from the ages of IS to 25
and from ,15 to 85 or in the decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains;
bed-wetting in children.
Ilelmbold s Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood.-Puri£ying, nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
fections—in these diseases used in connec
tion with Helmbold’s Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other rem
edy— as iu Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Painfulnegs or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrboea or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all i ;omplaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the most eminent physician ami
midwives for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend
e 1 with any of the above; diseases or symp
11. T. Ilelmbold s Ext. Buchu Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc,
in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no
exposure. It cruses a frequent desire, and
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inffa
m&tion, so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter,- Thousands who
have bee« the victims of incompetent per
sons, and who have paid iuavy fees to be
cured in a short time, hare found they have
been deceived,, and, that the “l’oison” has,
by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Helmbold Ext Buchu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
guas, whether existing in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, and no
matter of how long standing. Price, fil 50
per bottle.
ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every species of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots,
Scorbutic Dryness. Iniurations of CUTA
NEOUS MEMBRANE, ect., dispels Hive*,
Redness and Incipient Infiamation, Rash,
Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or. skin’
Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve
or ointment* are used; restores the skin to a
state of purity and softness, and imsures
contihuedjiealtii.y action to the tissue of its
vessels, ou which dspends the agreeable
clearness and vivacity of complexion so
much sought and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, II T. Hel mho Id’s Rose Wash has
long sustained its principle-claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
which render it a toilet appendage of the
most, superlative and congenial character,
combining in an elegant formula those prom
inent requisites, safety and etfluacy —the in
variable accompaniments of.its use—as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
ion. It is an excellent Lotionjor diseases
of a Syphilitic nature, and As an injection
for disease’ of tho Urinary Organs, arising
from habits of dissipation, used in connec
tion with the Extract Buchu, Sarsaparilla,
and Catawba Grape Pill?, in such J. .cases
as recommended, cannot be surpassed.—
Price, one dollar per bottle.
Full and explicit directions accompany
the medicine*. Evidence of the most res
ponsible and reliable character furnished t>n
application, with hundreds of thousands of
living witnesses, ami upward of 30,00t>uu*
solicited certificates and rccomm. ndatory
letters, manv of which are from the highest
sources, including eminent physician*. Cler
gymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has
never resorted to their publication in the
newspapers; he docs not do this Horn the
fact that his articles rank as Standard Prep
arations. and do not ncek to be propj ed up
by certificates.
H. T. Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations,
delivered to auy addrosm ■ Secure (tun ob
servation. Established upward os 2 > years,
Sold by druggists everywhere. Addrera
letters for information in coufidece to 11, T.
Ilelmbold, Dauggist and Chemist.
Only Depots: H T. Helmbold's Drug and
Chemical Oarehouso, No. fill* Broadway, N.
Y., or H.T- Helmholtzs Medical Lepot r 18%
South 10th, et Philodelphia, Pie,
Bewure of Counterfeits! Ask for M- Ti
Helmb jld's !! Take no other !! !
Sheriff Sales for M’ch, 7i.
WILL be sold, before the Courthouse tloor In
Cartersvilk. Bartow County, Ga., ontlu
tirst Tuesday in March, tft*t, within the ns
ual hours of sale, the follow lug property, to-w it:
Let of laud No, 218, and south-east corner of
lot No 217, io the lfidi district and 3rd sccliou of
Bartow county, containing two hundred acres
more or less, the creek to Ik* the lii e from the
mill of A. F. Wooley, running south, thence
from the end of the dirt race, in a line due north
to the lot line, except A. F. Wooley retains all
the right necessary to the running of said mill#,
with the right to make any changes either la
the race or mill building, or any other change
he may think necessary iu his juugiuciit, that
will, in any way, benefit his mill interest. Lev -
ied on as the pro peaty of William Karp, to sat
isfy a tl fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court,
in favor of A. F. Wooley, vs. W-ilHam Earpe.
Triuter’s feu $5.
AUSO,One Steam Saw Mi'.t'ioiVUfijrtnre#, lev
ied on as the property of Bishop A t oe, to satisfy
a tl fa issued fronj»Barfo# Superiof U *frt, in fa
vor of W. H. McCrary, vs. said Bisltkp Ad <>c.
AliSO lots of lauds. Nos. 217, 552 an* eight
acres of 216. in the 22nd DisHirt and STmt shet fort
of Barlow County, levirx! on as tne property of
J. 1» Dysart, to satisfy a tl fa from MiltoTi S'ipds
rior Court, iu favor of John G. Lott,-Guardian,
Ac., vs. John J. Upshaw and J. L. Dvsart.
ALSO, Lot of land, No,-9W5,-intbeSfekt District
and 2nd Section ot Martu* Cdtintv. leafed -tn as
the prop rty of Smith, CntlcrwoodA to sat
isfy a tax ti fa, issued by the Tax Collector of
Bartow County iu favor of the State of Georgia,
and Bartow County, vs. said Smith, Underwood
A Cos. Levy made and returned to mo by a Con
ALSO, the place known as the Island Mill©,
in the 21st District, and 2nd Section of Bartow
County, levied on as tin.) property of Foster A
Clayton, to satisfy a tax fl fa, issue*} bv the Tax
Collector of Bartow County, in favor of the
state of Georgia and B irtow County vs, said
Foster A Clayton. Levy made aud returned to
me by a Constable,
ALSO, at the same time and place, the Mills
on Ootheuloga creek, lying about one mile from
Adairsville, Bartow Ceuutv, and all the lard
connected with the mill, and plantation o»J
which Noah Kiug resides, being 500 acres, more
or less, all levied on as the property of said No
ah King, to satisfy a fl fa issuad from Bartow
Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Waltou, vs.
B. F. Bomar and Noah King, security.
A LSI), 50 bushels of more of less, and
130 bushels of cotton soed, more or less, levied
on as the property of Bait Couyeis, to satisfy a
11 fa issued from Bartow Superior Court In favor
of L. Bennett & Cos., vs. said Batt Conyers.
Feb 9, W. W. BICH Sheriff.
Ins. many Citizens of said county have peti
tioned the Court of Ordinary of said couutv,
w hilst sitting for county purpose#, to change
the Alabama Road, commencing at Smith's
Bridge, on Euharlee Creek, running in a South-
Westerly direction up said Creek, around the
htll, and coming into the present road again
after clearing the hill: and, Whereas. Commis
sioners, to review said change, have been ap
pointed by the Court, and said Commissioners
haying reported in favor of and recommeuded
said change; Therefore, nil persons concerned*-
arc notified to be and appear, at my oWcc. on ofi
before the 15th day of March, 1871, aud show
cause, if any they ran, why said change should
not be nmdi*.- Given under uiv baud and offi
cial signature, this Feb’y 13th, 1871.
Prs. foe W] J ‘ A urd kmtg B*c. •
Executom’ Nate.
Ik’ l VIRTUE of an order from the Court" ot
JL> Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in April, 1871, before the Court
House door, in Cartarsville, said county, be
tween the legal sale hours, lotsol land Nos. «T •
and “68 in the 17th District and 3rd Section afore
said county, containing 80 acres, more or let*,
tbotil 60 acres cleared, the remainder well tim
bered, comfortably improved—the same being
the residence of George Kennedy, late of said
county ilec’d. Sold as the property of said deeM,
for the purposes of distribution, iu accordance
with the terms of the will of said George Kenne
dy dec’d. Terms of sale: credit until Ist Janu
ary, 1872, with inter»>*t from and >te, note and secu
rity, and Bond for titles
This, Febuary 13th, 1872.
John al cocu6*ji and E. B. CorCß*.
Executors of George Kennedy Dec'd.
Administrators f* air.
tue of an order from the Court of Ordmarv
oi said county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday
in April, 1871, before the Court-House door in
said county, between the legal sale hours, the
Tract of Laud in said county whercou Zarha
riah G. Turner resided at the" time of his death,
and composed of Lots of Land Numbers 1017,
East half of 1016. and 40 acres, more or less, of
1088, and the reversionary interest in Lots oi
Land Numbers MJS9 and 1073. (the same being
the Dower of the Widow in said tract of land.)
all lying in the 21st District and Sad Section of
Bartow county, and containing total -.r too
acres, more or less, situated on Allatoona Creek,
about miles from Allatoona. about 100 acres
of good bottom land, the place well improved
Sold for the purpose of distribution, iemi? of
sale: On a credit until the Ist of October, HT.i,
Note and Security, and possession given on the
Ist of November, 1871. This 20th dnv of Febru
ary, 1871. SARAH TURNER.
• Administratrix.
I WILL KELL, at the same time, tho Lite
■ Estate which I have in Lots K umbers 10BW
and 1072, as above set forth, which includes the
improvements on the premises, cither at public
or private sale. This 20thsaix.mi.
GEORGIA, Bartow County.—Four Week*
after date application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave u>
sell ail the Real Estate- of John A. Barron, late
of said county, deceased. This Keb’y 18th. IF7I.
BARRON, Administrator.
Deputy Collector's Office, 4th Disttict, M a.}
Marietta, February 20th, 1871.
T^'OTICE. —Is hereby given. that I have tbio
il day distrained, for Internal Revenue lax
due aud unpaid, tiie property situated in the
village of Cassville, county of Cass, and Stat# ot
Georgia, known as the property Bible,.
formerly of said county, and particularly dfe
cribed as follows, viz:
One Store House and Lot; acknowledged by
said I'itts as his property;
And that I will expose the same for sale, to
the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the fourteenth
day of March next, on the premises, at ten o'-
clock in the forenoon of that dav.
wells b. Whitmore,
til inch 14. Dep’y Coll. 4th l»ist.. Ga.
TANARUS» Debtors anil treduuaa.
PERSONS indebted to *the estate off*. t „i
- luim, late of Bartow county, deceased, arc
lire by notified to mtuke immediate payment, and
those having demands against said estate, will
present to me for pavmeut, as the law directs.
inn. lU,IBTU. MRS. P. PARHAM, Admrx.
Extra Special \ytlt e.
Beware of Counterfeits! Smith’s Tonic Syrup fcas
been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to
The genuine article must have, Da. John Bull’s pH
vate 3tatnp ou each bottle. Dr. Jaha Bull only has
the right to mannfxe ure and set) the original John
Smith’* Tonic 8> rup of Loid»»P!e, Hrr. Examine wt.l
the label oa each oottle. 13tem ->riwst- stamp is in .
on the bottl \do not purchase, or t< u w : il be deceived.
See my column advertisement, and my show card
I will prosecute any one Infringing on my right. The
genuine Smith’s Tonic S.vrup can only he rwpsrrd by
myself. ’Hie public’s servan 4 , DR. JOHN BULL.
Louisville. RE, April 23.156S
Georgia bartow coi nti. ch«i*u-y
\V. Dempsey has applied for the -citing
apart anil valuation of add lona 1 Homestead,
(he having had a Homestead be ate set out) and
f wil> pass upoh the same at 10 o’clock, a. Til
on the 11 dt dav of March 1871, at my
This 24tb February IF7I. .
o. A. H-AVABD, Qt&ny, B. €.