The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 3

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    t o;wn matters.
Cartersville, Ga., March *Bth, 1871.
A Concert of several ladies and gen
tlemen of this place will be held in the
Court House,"on Friday evening, the
7th of|ApriL Ice cream be
on hand. Ihe object is to raise funds
for the a Service for the
Methodist Church. Very superior mu
sic may be expected, as much of the
boat talent in the town will be engaged
i n the concert. We bespeak a large
Baptist (on vent ion
This body, embracing twenty-seven
Associations in different parts of the
State, and a membership of 60,000,
meets in Cartersville, Ga., on the 21st
of April next The miuutes of the last
session show the membership of the
denomination in the State -regular,
anti-missionary and colored — to be
115,198. The colored membership is
27 758. Besides general objects of bf -
nevolence, this Convention elects the 1
Board of Trustees of Mercer Univers -
fy, which has recently beeD moved
Jrom Penfield to Macon.
Thk Awiuhta Faib. —Mr. E. H. Gray,
{Secretary of the Cotton States Mechanic*’
and Agricultural Fair association,will accept
our thanks for the courtesy of a compli
mentary ticket to the second annual spring
horticultural exhibition, which takes place
May 10th.
Agricultural Fair Association. — J.
J. Cohen, T. W. Alexander, John T.
Burns, M. H. Bttnn, W. H. Stiles, H.
H. Smith, Thos. J. Perry and C. C.
Clegborn were elected additional Di
rectors and are invited to act with us
without further notice. A committee
on By-Laws was appointed, to-wit : »T.
J. Blnek, C- W. Sproull, T. J. Perry
and the Secretay, The next fair will
be held at the Company’s grrunds, I
Tuesday, October 10th, to continue |
four days. The Committee on revision i
of revised Premium List, to-wit, The
Secretary, T. J. Perry and -John J.
Black to report at next mecling Mr.
J. J. Cohen was charged wifcn the
general supervision of buildings and
grounds, and authorized, at discretion
to sell waste lumber. Adjourned to
Monday, April 2d, 10 o’clock ; will
•meet then at Council Chamber, of
which the directors will take particular
notice. B. - . JONES,
Seer y.
Sivkral gentlemen of means will com
mence to mine for diamonds in the vicinity
of Gainesville, the present spring.
A Hlorriblc Tragedy.
Rumor brings us details of a most
horribio tragedy that is said to have
■occurred in St. Clair county, Alabama.
The rumor runs that the Tax Collector
of St. Clair had got together a large
amouut of taxes and gave them to his
wife to keep, remarking as he did so,
that he was compelled to ta*e a trip
that would necessitate bis absence
from home three or four days. He left
and she hid the money. About ten
o’clock that night a party of men,
weal ing disguises, broke in upon the
lonely woman and demanded the tax
money. She refused to give it up or
tell where it was. After attempting in
vain to force her to tell the hiding
place of the treasure they searched for
it and found it. After possessing
themselves tirmly of the money, they
ordered her to get them some supper.
While she was busying herself with
this forced tusk she achieved the idea
of poisoning them, and thus preserving
at once the money and her husband’s
honor. She deftly slipped some arsenic
in the coffee she was mixing They
drank heartily, and fell dead shortly
afterward. She stripped their dis
guises off and found that two of the
villians were strangers, but the third
was her husband, who had taken this
means of stealing the taxes of the
people. The storv is almost too hor
rible for credence, but our informants
were confident that the facts were as
they stated them. —Rome Com.
Poultry.— A gentleman recently asked
Mr. Greeley which was the greatest poultry
raising State, as he was anxious to engage
in that branch of agriculture. Horace said
that within the past two days he had come
to the conclusion that New Hampshire was
the most noted for raising poultry, as
he couldn’t pick up a paper from that State
but was full of “ roosters.”
A South run Baptist Educational Conven
tion will be held at Marion, Ala., on the 12
of April. Many prominent and successful
educators, among whom are Drs. Boyce,
Davis Rambant and Sears have consented to
address the Convention. Baptist schools
and colleges throughout the South are also
requested to sead delegates.
The KKowieknlfe.
The Bowieknife got its name from two
or more brothers, desperadoes, by the name
of Bowie. They figured in Texas during
the days of Davy Crockett and Sam Houston
On the borders of Texas, near the Rio
Grande, there lived a man by the name of
Nal K. Xulkuk, pronounced in the gutteral
Mexican, Zulzus. He, too, like the Bowies,
was a desperado, but, unlike them, he
fought against and depredated upon the
American settlers. He is still remembered
u * \ exaß by many who have seen and heard
o 11m, as well as dreaded him. His motto
was to seek unceasingly to avengefa real or
fancied wrong to himself, his followers, or
ns country His name spelled backward
gives u» Kuklux Klan.
Notice, ~ ~
A N ACT approved 4th March, 1871 v>a SSPll w
A the 41st Congress, provides f t a
beTnown as “Com truss, mners of Claims, “whose
duty it is to look into and determine the amount
due loyal persons for property taken by the Gov
ernment ot the United States, for the'use of its
armies in the late war “between the States
I have made arrangements with an attorney in
Washington City for the prosecution ot claims
of the kind referred to. Applicants have to
prove their loyalty to the satisfaction of the
Mch 16-It Cartersville, Ga.
New Beef Market.
AG. B" VANDIVERE has opened anew
• Beef Market, in the house formerly oc
cupred by W. J. Manley as a work shop, on West
Cartersville, and two doors West
r * u r': , V' rc Shire, where he will
mi h 16 , -Sl t m rlc “ f<,r Hide.
•T. T. Gibson, Local Editor.
W. Mcrfhv is our authorized Agent
ami Col ector. To receive and receipt for Sub
scription to the express, and to collect claims.
Skf?" Uov. W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local au.i traveling Agent, to receive aaU re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
Ye Local lias not yet returned from
Griffin, where we hope he is having
a “gay old time” generally, which ve
doubt not be is doing, for such is a
part of his nature.
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping Cough and Croup, as if by magic.
A rush of Jothor matter must ac
count for The local items in
this issue.
Globe Flower Cough-Syrup cures Asthma
J. D. Head is just in receipt of
100 pieces Calico, new spring styles,
embracing all the best brands, which
he is selling cts.
Pemberton’s Comp’d Ext. of Stillingia re
moves all old mercurial taint and cures Sy
Head has just received his first
invoice of spring Hats for Ladies, if
you want something nice call before
they are all gone.
Sensation of the Period.— Wooten
& Haight’s Mammoth New York Cir
cus an . lenagerie, will exhibit in this
place on Tuesday next. Not among
the least attractive features which will
be presented to the public, will be a
Grand Balloon Assertion, which will
take place immediately preceding the
performance, and will be free to all.—
Some of the very best performers in
the country have been secured for this
Company, and the proprietors have
neither spared money or labor in mak
ing it one of the best Circus Compa
nies which it has ever been the good
fortune of our people to see.
Splendid assortment of Ladies
shoes just received at Head’s
New Market. —John L. Wikle has opened
a market on West. Main Street, near Wm.
Edwards’ ‘‘Gear Shop,” where he will keep
constantly on hand nice, fresh beef, mutton,
pork, and sausage. Give him a trial and
test his meet and prices.
There is great excitement in Newark
among the Roman Catholics on account of
the Baptism ot a girl of Catholic parentage
by a Baptist minister.
There is one college student in the
United States to every 2,500 inhabitants.
Savannah people are eating strawberries
at nine cents a berry.
G nan o'Excliancd; for .Cotton.
We have about 200 tons left of those
popular and well known fertilizers:
Soluble Piteillc, Pufiipsco
aiul Cliespcak Guanos,
that we will exchange for cotton in the
fall on liberal terms. Send in your or
ders soon to Adair & Bro., Atlanta Ga.
march 28th.
Pemberton's Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
E^ul'OßACCO—Messrs. JOURDAN,
have on hand the following Choice firaniis
of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest:
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side, •
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
Crown Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
Cheering Facts for the Billions.
Every day demonstrates more clearly that
liver complaint, in all its distressing forms,
can be controlled and cured without diffi
culty or inconvenience. It is is an obsti
nate disease, but its obstinacy is not proof
against the pertinacious, remedial and re
storative operation of Hostetter’s Stomach
Bitters. That genial corrective compels the
organ to do its duty. It must secret regularly
and healthfully under the influence of the
Bitters. Their action brings it back from
a state of rebellion into perfect harmony
with the laws of htalth. If their is costive
ness, it disappears; if there is side-ache or
back-ache, it ceases; if the skin and the
whites of the eyes are tinged with superflu •
ous bile, they reeover their natural hue ; if
the appetite is gone, it returns;, if the di
gestion is impaired, it i s restored ; in brief,
whatever the symptoms of the complaint
may be, and whatever the phase it has
assumed, a cure is certain. Such are the
uniform effects of this preparation where
billious disease has been already developed ;
Dut in cases where there is merely a con
stitutional tendency to liver complaint, it
may be prevented throughout life by the
regular use, in small quantities of this
palatable antidote. These are proven facts,
and should be seriously pondered—or rather
they should be promptly acted upon—by all
persons of billious habit.
o*l°Urn", Ba T t ‘T Coullt y—Whereas A.
plied to me Thomas Tumlin have an -
Estate of EG. Nelson °w£> <hl V UiS -i ation on the
ceased. These lr , iv, ot said count .Y de
monish all and sin»„i ther ?£ or , e ’. to c,te and aJ "
itors of said deceased “to k, ® dred and cred
ottice, within be a . mt appear at ntv
show’caus” ifanvVhev law, an*
ministration shoiild not Hp ’ wh / ette . rs of ad
cants. Given under my hfnd nt ft n C , S^ a - W l '
uature, this March d and fllclal Slg *
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C.
W<‘w Wucla
' * '
Greatest areidc, zoological, and sensational triumph of modern times—a grand combin
ed exhibition of sterling merit nnd unapproachable popularity, chaste, moral and elegant
in character.
Scene* of Oriental Splendor ! Grand Gratu.t on* Spectacle !
Den of Living Wild Animals ! The Wori»’« Loftiest Yoltiguers!
The Greatest Gymnasts, Acrobats, and Equestrians, Ac.
w -W
kit r ii
BHp ;4vf:J|sk
mm 111 A 1
1\ ,115 1 /fmm
I \Jii mA 4
/|H nmml. jsiir mjrmm
Ml »«*«- ■» «© B DM J g
8 MAMMOTH AIR SHU’S ACCOMPASY.thU .tu r .bd„„ Enabi.ion, and an Asoen.
sion by one of the Experienced Aeronauts,
*** takes place on the Lot adjoining the large Pavillion. every day before the perform
ance in the afternoon, between the hours of 1 and 2 o’clock, P. M xhe public are guar
anteed 1 °
The “City or Paris,” “Carrier Piano*,” “Gen. Trochu” “King William ” “T<itr
lah ” “Napoleon III,” “Narramattah,” and “Apollo.” are the names of these MnMo
dons of the elements, which vary in stse from 80 to 100 feet in height from 40 to 5J feet
m diameter, are capaple of holding 19,000 to 20,000 pounds of ascending power. Ah
all should see the interesting formula of INFLATION, for never again may opportunity
aflord itself to witness this most novel of all exhibitions of modern tunes
thi * Nov ? l Method of ,h « French to Carry Messages
Over the Heads of the V ictorious Prussians.’ So lately used with Satisfactory Success ! '
ANDREW HAIGHT, General Director,
Bright Constellation!
M’lle E. Stokes—Premiere Equestrienne from the Amphitheatres of E lg
land; M’lle Andrews— a beautiful artiste from Hengier’s Royal Circus; M'lle
Louise—the Graceful and daring Corde Alastique and Volante; Chrles Lillis
—Greatest British Somersault Equestrian and the best general performer in
the World.
Mohs. Burnell Runnalls—late from Le Jeans, Europe, and Niblo s aud
Lent’s, New York, with his talented boys, three in number. Master Freddy
the beet Boy Gymnast and Posturer on Earth; Master Barney— the Unequal
led Prodigy, Classic Posturer, and Child Rider; Burnell Runnells Jr --In
fant Tumbler and grotesque youthful Clown; J C. Long— Modern Hercules
and Light and Heavy Balancer; Sionob Gonzales—Renowned Pantomhnist
and Trick Clown; W. H. H. GiufPin— The world’s greatest jester, and a num
ber of other First Ciase Performers. *
Massive performing Den of Living
H Hie moat splendid specimens of these mon
titers ever shone, directly from the Wilds of
0 Africa and the almost impenetrable Jungles
J ot 11-nga! an 1 Vs.a Pei ioi mance is given
a> the of the Circus Exhibition, e:ich
day, when
will enter the Den of il l Beasts, aud show
.its complete control over them, even feed
ing them raw meat from his own lip—a thrilling spectacle, which clearly proclaims man’s
great superiority ovet the animal kingdom.
Gorgiou* Golden Chariot, “OBERON,” drawn by 12 Richly Capari
soned Arabian Horses ! containing Herr Koppe’s Silver Cornet Band, will parade the
principal avenues and Vtrects at 10 o’clock, A. M. es'ffi day of the exhibition. N >
smoking allowed inside Pavillion. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY at 2 and 7
oclock, P. U. ADMISSION 75 cents'; CHILDREN under 10 years old, 50 cents.
The P.\»s KiLi.m is by universal consent
allowed to J;ave won for itself a reputation
unsurpassed in the history of medical pre
partitions. Its »ns* ant a neons effect in the
eradication and extinct ort of Tain in all its
various form? incident to <he human family,
and the un.?6lk*it and written and verbal testi
mony of the masses in i;s favor, have been
and are its own best advert moments
The ingredients of the Pain Killer, ly
ing purely Vroetablk render it perfectly
safe and efficacious remedy taken internally,
as well as for external applies*ions, when
used according to directions. The stain up
on linen from its use is readily removed by
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so many of the afflictions incident to
the human family, has now been before the
public over Thirty Y-ars, and has found its
way into almost every corner of the world ;
and wherever it has been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the l’airt Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is true
to its name, a Pain Killer.
priceTeduced !
... PA TE KIT-A PPL IE D. FO R ; •
mob'R «us
Only Per Ton, in Five
Ton Lot».
!/' ■ : . ? .i • ■
tliis last year, and the MOST FAVORABLE
itKI*OUTS are heard from it. Its i’LJili'Y and
STRENGTH are guaranteed. The value of
as a manure, is known to everv SCIENTIFIC
AGRICULTURALIST. These articles form the
bulk (4-5) of the “L.VNGDON," to which are
added proper quantities of I’OTASH, GYPSTJm
and SALT. These live ingredients form the
Large Capital invested here In the Works,
affords a security for the guarantee of its PU
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Register,)
gives advisory supervision to the production of
this. Fertilizer.
NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor
have to he paid, as must be true of an article of
foreign (Northern) manufacture, and hence the
“Langden” can be sold, and is SOLD CHEAP
ER, than any Standard Fertilizer in the mar
lx Ofc.
The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at
the Works, and the RAW HONES are gathered
from the surrounding country ami ground at
my Mills.
FARM KR3 ARE INVITED to visit the Mo
bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro
ducing the Langdon Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct tlivir Merchants to
buy for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to be good, and the Purity of
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lower price than anv ar
ticle of like quality could be, which is
brought from a distance;
Bocause it will give greater returns from its
use, pound for pound, than any other
Fertilizer, no matter what the price.
practical men, these are here given;
Tuscaloosa, Ala., I
•December 22d, 1870. f
Col. IF. I). Mann : 1
Sir.—Your Circular of the Ist inst. came to
hand. As \vc found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that we tried, 1 give vou my experience
with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used
200 lbs. to the acre. We used one ton of Gillam’s,
at $75; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two
tons of the Lougdon, at S6O per ton. The land
was all worked alike, and the some quantity
used of each. 1 did not keep the weights of each
Held separate, but attended to the picking and
weighing myself, and kliow that there was more
cotton gathered to' the acre on the Langdon than
any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next.
From my own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon
Fertilizer was far superior to any that we used,
ltespeetrullv yours, Ac.,
C. 11. FITTS.
Mr. Thom as 11. Kkn.veuv', of Meridian, Miss.,
after recounting his experience in the use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, sues; “When I lived on my
plantation in Alabama, 1 used many kinds of
Manure, but I never used anything that would
begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.’’
in live ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $3 per 100
lbs, for small lots.
It is exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds, in
strong sacks, delivered free on board boat or cars
at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the
landing or depot up country—sacks aud twine
furnished by the Mills.
Os its cheapness, Col. Langdon savs: “Its
cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the
price now fixed by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it
is much the cheapest fertilizer in our market.
Pound for pound, I consider it more valuable
than the preparations that are selling at $75 to
SBO. For my own use, I would greatly prefer it
to Peruvian Guano at the same price.’? Os its
merits, he says: “The result is the best Fertil
izer in the world for our Southern lands, in my
Again: “ft contains more fully and complete
ly than any other, the elements heocessarv for
the production of Southern crops and the reno
vation of Southern soil. ,
Prof. Charles IJ. Shepard, Jr., M. D„ Professor
•f Chemistry South Carolina Medical College,
and Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina,
who made a full and careful analysis of the
Langdon Fertiliser, says of it: “It is’a very su
perior article.”
I also crush at the mills. Raw Bones, which
are ground line. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Bone is too well known as a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub
bery and grilles, it has no equal. The Ground
Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con
tain nothing but Bone.
Address all orders for either of the above Fer
tilizers, accompanied by the cash, or orders on
your merchants here, to
P. O. Box 733, Mobile, Ala
pe.r tou, Cask, paid for cotton seed
delivered at the wharf or depot here—sacks and
twine delivered at your landing or depot.
fear* is per ton will be paid for Bones deliv
ere i at tin Mills. It will pay to gather them
about the country aud ship to the Mo’ de Oil
Jan. 10th, 18?1. vvly.
Centf-rtfi'tit Fart* — Fluid Rxiracl ll \nh trh,
and Fluid Fx:met Cu!a*ft/a G'J}>r
lI*I.I>US affection.*. SICK OR
These Pill? are the most delightfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
magnesia, etc. There i* nothing more ac
ceptable to the stomach. They give tone,
and cause neither nausea nor griping pains.
They are composed of the tinexl ingredient*.
After a few days' use of them, such an in
vigoratioa of the entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Helm bold's Compound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not
sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat
ed Pills do n->! dissolve, bat pass through the
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect. THE C.\-
TAWtf U GRAPE PILLS being pleasant in
taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
ing sugar-coated. PRICE oO cts. Per Box.
Henry T Helintmlfs
highly concentrated compound
Will rmlianlly exterminate from the system
Soot tula, .Syphilis, Fever Sores, Uicers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rhe
um, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, (.vtand-ular Swellings. Night
Sweats, Rash, Tetter,, HiVmovs of all kinds.
Chronic RheurnatbiiF,-Dyspepsia. and all dis
eases that have been established in the sys
tem for years.
Being prepared etpressly for the above
complaints, its Blood Pu ifyiitg properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
and healthy color, and restores the Patient
to a state of Health and Purity. F<)V Purify
ing tlie Blood, removing all Chronic eonstitu
tional Diseases arising from an impure state
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ttal known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas aud all Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion.
Price, $1 50 per bottle.
Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Nock,
of the Bladder, and Incarnation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and BUid
der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
the Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons from the ages of IS to 25
and from 3’» to 85 or in tlie decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains;
bed-wetting in children.
Ile’nibold’s Extract iSuchu is Diuretic and
Blood-Purifying, nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
an l Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
fections—in these diseases used in connec
tion with Ilelmbold’s Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Bucliu is unequalled by any other rem
edy—-as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Painfulness or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the most eminent physician and
midwiVes for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (atteiid
e I with any of the above diseases or symp
11. T. Helmbold’s Ext. Buchu Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
in all their s’ages, at little expense, little or
no change of, no inconvenience, and no
exposure. It causes a frequent desire, aud
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
• obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of the Urethra, adaying pain aud infla
mation, so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter, Thousands who
have been the victims of incompetent per
sons, and who have paid heavy fees to' be
'cured in a short time, have found’thgy have
been deceived, and that the “Poison” has,
by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Helmbold Ext Buchu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, and no
matter of how long standing. Price, $1 50
per bottle.
ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will bo found the only specific
remedy in every species of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots,
Scorbutic Dryness. Inaurations of CUTA
NEOUS MEMBRANE, ect., dispels Hives,
Redness and Incipient Inflamation, Rash,
Vfoth Patches, Dryness of scalp or skin,
Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve
or ointments are used; restores the skin to a
state of purity and softness, and insures
continued healthy action to the tissue of its
vessels, on which depends the agreeable
clearness and vivacity of complexion so
much sought and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, H T. Ilelmbold's Rose Wash has
long sustained its principle* claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
which render it a toilet appendage of the
most superlative and congenial character, i
combining in an elegant formula those prom- :
inent requisites, safety aud eifloaey—the ia
variable accompaniments of its us© —as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
ion. It is ah excellent Lotion for diseases
of a Syphilitic nature, and as an injection
for diseased of the Urinary Organs, arising
from habits of dissipation, used in connec- L
tion with the Extract Buchu, Sarsaparilla, I
and Catawba Grape Pills, in such_ diseases
as recommended, cannot be Mirt*.-, ■
Price, one dollar per bottle. ‘ —’
Full and explicit directions neemripn,,
the m diein f ‘S. Evid ice of the tuont rej
ponsible and reliable character furnished n
a} plication, with hundreds of thouMaads n f witnesses, and upward ©t ;to,< Ou , Ui .
si ic *ed certificates and recommendatory
ie many ( .f which are from to© highr n
si urc .’S, including eminent physicians, Cler
gymen. Statesmen, etc. The proprietor hag
never resorted to their publicat.on in the
ntwsp i pars; he does not do this ft cm th©
fact that his articles rank ns Smrd.rd Fr*p
.-wat.ons, and do not Aeek to be propped up
by certificates.
H. T. Helm hold’s Genuine Preparations,
delivered to any address. .Secure fifum ob
servation. Established upward os 2 ) years,
Sold by druggists everywhere. Addrers
letters for information in coafi leca to H, T.
Holm bold, Datiggist end Chemist.
Only Depots: H T. Htlinbold's Drug and
Cbewtaal Gatehouse, No. fi§4 Broadway, N.
Y., or H.T- Helmbold's Medical Depot, 104
South 10: h, at Philodelphia, Pa,
Beware of Counterfeits ! Ask for 11. T.
Helmbold's !! Take no other !!!
The extensive osc of tbes<y watches for the
last fiftfien years by Railway Conductors,
Engineers and Expressmen, the niont exact
ing of watch *wearers, has thoroughly de
monstrated the strength, steadiness, durabil
ity and accuracy of the W* it ham watch.—-
To satify that class in all these respects, is
to decide the question as to the real value’of
these time-keepers.
More than 500,000 of these watches
are now speaking for themselves in the
pockets of tlie people—a proof and a guar
antee of their superiority over all others.
The superior organization aud great ex
tent of the Company's Work's at Waltham,
enables them to produce wetches at a price
which renders competition fujilfc, and those
who buy any other watch therely pa/ 1 "*?' to
50 per cent.- more for their watches than** is
Flies* time-pieces combine every improve
ment that a long experience has proved of*
real practical use. Having had the refusal
of nearly every invention in watch making
originating in this country or in Europe,
only those were finally adopted which
severe testing by the most skillful artisans
in our works, aud long uso on the part of
the public, demonstrated to he essential to
correct and enduring time keoping.
Among the many improvements we would
par'icularize :
The invention and use of a centre pinion
of peculiar construction, to prevent damage
to the train by the breakage of mainsprings,
is original with the American Watch
Company, who, having had the refusal of all
other contrivances, adopted Fogg’s patent
pinion as being best and faultless.
Hardened and tempered hair-springs,now
universally admitted by W atchniakers to be
the best, are used in all grades of Waltham
All Waltham Watches have dust-proof
caps, protecting the movement from dust,
and lessening the necessity of the frequent
cleaning necessary in other watches.
Our new patent stem-wind r, or keyless
watch is already a d< eided success, ami a
great improvement on any stem-winding
waich in the American market, and, by far
the cheapest watch of its quality new'offer
ed to the pub ic. To those living- in por
tions of the United States where watcii
makers do not abound,- watches with the
above mentioned improvements which tend
to insure accuracy, cleanliness, durability
and convenience, must prove invaluable.
1 he trademarks of the various styles made
by tlie Company are as follows:
American Watch Cos, Waltham, Mass.
Amu. Watch Cos. Waltham, Mass.
American Watch Cos., Crescent St, Wal
tham. Muss.
Appleton, Tracy At Cos., Waltham, Mass.
American Watch Cos., Adams sst., Waltham
M ass.
Waltham Wstcli Cos , Waltham, Mass,
P. S. Bartlett, Waltham Mass.
Wm. Ellery, Waltham, Mass.
Home Watch Cos., Boston, Mass.
Examine the spelling of these names care
fully before buying. Any variation even of
a single letter, indicates a counterfeit.
For sale by ail leading jewelers. No
watenes retailed by the Company.
An illustrated history of “atcb-inaking,
containing much useful information to
watch wearers sent to any address on
General Agent* tor American
Watch ('ompany.
182 Broadway, Xcw York.
(T EORojy, BARTOW COUNTY.—George (».
M RieA having applied to he appointed Guar
dian of the property of Kutnijune Loveless ami
Mattie E. Loveless, minors, under fourteen years
age, residents of said county, this is to rite all
persons concerned, to he and appear at the term
of the Court of Ordinary, to be held next after
the expiration of thirty days from the first pub
lication of the notice, and’ show cause, irany*
they can, why said George O. Reid slsouh! Aiot
beentrrusted with the guardianship of the prop
erty of said m inors.
Witness my hand and official signature, this,
March 21st, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y
GEORG FA, EArtOW* County.— Whereas J. B.
F. Murphy and J. J. Murphy applies to me
for Letters of Administration on the estate of
Mrs. Frances Murphy, late of said county de
ceased. These are, therefore, to cite ami ad
monish all aud siugular, the kiudred aud cred
itors of said deceased, to file their objections in
my office, within tiie time prescribed bv law,
showing cause why they should not, otherwise
letters of administration will lie granted said
applicants. Given under my hand and official
signature, this March 24th, 1871.
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary B. C.
1 r
The largest variety and best-selected stock of
SEEDS AND FfcTILIZERS ever offered in this
Our seeds are selected from the most reliable
growers in the country and Europe, consisting
of every description of the most approved
varieties of Garden Seeds.
Four Hundred Bushels Clover and Timothr
Two Hundred and Fifty Bushels Orchard and
Blue Grass.
Five Hundred Bushels Norway, Surprise, and
other varieties of OATS.
Two Hundred Barrels Early Rose and other
varieties of "Potatoes.
One Hundred Bushels English and American
Lawn Grass, White Clover, Lucerne, Sweet
Vernal, and other grasses.
Five hundred Tons of “ The Andrew Coe” Su
perphosphate, manufactured exclusively by us,
with great care, nml is the most reliable
Fertilizer in this market. Price $25 per tou of
2,000 pounds, in hags.
Two Thousand Barrels of Plaster, (per sch’r.
Ocean Bird.) vavrantud pure.
One Hundred Tons Pure Ground Bone.
100 Tons Missouri BONK MEAL.
Peruvian. Nevassa and Mexican Gl A NOS,
Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail
Pealers in all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IM
Rubl“ & Hight’s big at'ver
t sqiiieiit in another column.