The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, March 31, 1871, Image 4

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DR. JOHN BU-LL'S great remedies. SMITH’S TOYIC.NYHtIN % FOR THE CURE OF A'.G U E AND FEVER OR CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of thi* eelehrat-d medicine ju*tly <:lhlui* far It a auperlor \y over all remedies ever offer ed to the puMle for the safe, certain, speedy and ;>er manent cure of Ague and Fever .or Chills and Fever, whether of abort or long standing. He refers to the entire Western and Southwestern country to bear him testimony to the truth of ihe assertion, tthat'.n no caae whatever will It fail to cure, if the directionsa.-e strict ly followed and ca Tied out. In a (jreat many cases a alntflo dose has been sufficient for a euro, and whole families have been cWt*i toy a single bottle, with a per fect restoration of the general neaith It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, it Us nsc is continued in siu doses for a wreck or two af ter the disease has been checked, rrvore especially In difficult andlong standing cases. Usually, this medl elne will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good erderr should the pirlent, however, require a oathartic medicine, after having t<ken three nr four dosesof the Tonic, a sing!* dose of BULL'*! TRfJETA BLR KAif’l.Y PTrd.3 will be sufflcler.t. DR. JOIIN HI 1.1/S Principal Office Wo. 40 FI nil. Cions sfTcel. fsi»!ii*vf lit*. 14 y. BULt’SjW ORM {DESTROYER, To iny United State* and World wide Read ers: rn*Vß received many festlmoMals from proses- JL atonal and medical men, as my almanac* and v>it ll U 't iGn r haVe ( ' f which nr., t-enuine. li e following from a hlvtolv educated and popm^ P iw? C n J n eor K !a ’ * 8 certainly n r . e of the most s?d slhlo* commamcationf I ever received Dr Cl< m eat knows exactly what he speaks of, his testlm..- nv deserves to he written in Mter« of gold. Hear whatthe Doctor says of Bull's Worm Destr.yer Villanow. Walke r ro„ Ga, ) June 2Uth, I86(i $ Bit. JOHN UUF/L— Dear Sir:—T have recently giv en your “Worm Destroyer’’ several trial?, and Lind it wonderfully etUcacioui. It ha? not ruled in a Mingle Instance, to have the wtshtd-for effect. lamd .biea pretty l .rge country practice, and hare daily use fn* some article of the kind. lam free to c- nfe:-s that I know of no remedy recommended by the ablest authors that is so certain and speedy in it* effect*. On the con trary they are uncertain in the extreme. My object in writing you is to find out upon what t.-rms I can get the medicine directly from you. If I can. get it upon easy term*. I shall uw a great deal of it. I* n aware that the use of such articles i* contrary to Hie teaching* and practice of a great majority of the teg n2ar Hue of M. D.’*, hut I see no just cause < r good sen** In discarding a remedy which we know to he ef fl rient,simply because we may be ignorant of it* com bination. For my part. I shall make it a rule to nse all aod any means to alleviate suffering, hnm t ity which I may be able to otumand—not hesitatii g because gorae one more ingenious than ruyself may have iearn d its effects first, and secure I the sole right tc secure hat knowledge. However. I tm hv no m< ans an ad vocate or supporter of the thousands of worthies* nos trum* that flood the country, that purport to cure all manner of disease to which hum in llesli i* heir.— Please reply goon, and inform me of your bestternis l am.sir, mogt respectfully. JULIUS P. CL2MKNT, M. r>. B DLL’S S A ESA PAKILLA. A GOOD REASON F n R THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH, RBADTIIB CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND THE LET TKR FROM HIB MOTHER. Benton Barracks, Mo., April 80, 1566. Dr. John Bull-Dear Sir: Knowing the effielmcv O f yo;.r Saraaaarllla, and the healing and Keneliri?! qualities tt possesses, I send yon th« follow^ slH * ment of my case: ** ,e ' f was tounded about two y«ars azo—*.*, prisoner and confined for sixteen month. I* moved n* often, my wounds have not healed vet 1 have not sat np a moment ai nce i was wounded I am shot through ,h e hips. My general health is im paired, and l need somethin? to assist nature I hltve mare faith in yonr Btrsap,rilla than in any thin* Pise. I Wish that that Is zenuine. Please express half a doseD bottles, and ohlipe B ne Capt. a. p. Johnson. St. Loui*. Mo. P. B—eTha foliowdns: was written April S9. )865. by , V no,h « r ° r <'apt Johnson DU. BULti—Ue*r Sir :My husband. Dr. O. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central Newt ork, where he died, leaving the ahoy,, r P J -hnaon to my care. At thirteen year* „f »*,. he had a chronic dlarrhreo. and scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsaparilla. IT CURED HIM. I have for twj rssr* recommended it to many In New York. Ohio ands >wa, for scrofula, fore*- mre«, and irenersl dehjtil tv. Perfect success has atten-led it. T7i* rure* i-fart ed ?ti toms eaten of trro/uhi and fever tore* were almoHt miraeulme lam very anxious for my son to a rain have recourse to your Asrsapartlla. Ilc’lg fear ful of gel tin jr a spuilons article, hence his writing to you for It. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he wlllrecover. Respectfully JENNIE JOHNBOU. .it?: 1 ; .'itti t- L y+"'■■■ .. ‘ • int 4. i4 - ;•-■'> if..- j "-V* • ] !®i mmm rasas ■ i ! A'ITTIIJEN TIC DOCUMENTS. " J ;"" - . ARKANSAS HEARD FROM, Testimony of Medical Men Stony PolsV, White Cos., Ark., May 23, '66. DU. JOHN BULL —Dear Sir: Last February I wag la Lo.visvillo purchasing Drier*. and I got some of yottr Barsapf*»rtUa and (Jo Iron Bitters. My son-in-law. who was with me in the store, has been down with, rheumatism for some time, commen ced on the Bitters, an;’ soon found his general health improved. Dr. Gist, who has been in bad health, tried them, and he also tmproved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in had health for several years— etomach and liver affected—he Improved very ranch" by the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron BDters has given yon great Popularity in this settle ment. I think I could sell a great quantity of your medicines this fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla. Ship me via Memphis, cars of Klckett A Neely, Respectfully, C B WALKER. At l ‘.Be above remedies for sale by L. 11. BE4DFIELD, Druggist, Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia. February 20,1871—wTy Subscription Club Rates. In order to place the SeMi-Wiuun-Y Caktkes - VH.LK KxvilESS in every house and family in the County of Bartow and adjacent counties, we will send it one year to any address for TWO DOL LARS j atrictl. r rx ai>vaxce.^2s Old subscribers can avail themselves of our new I terms hy paying up arrearages. TO AGENTS: Any man who will semi us Five Names of new SCGSCRIBKUS and Ten DOLLARS, will be entitled : to one copy of the Semi- Weekly Eatress, one , year gratis, ami for every additional five, an j extra copy of the same or an A o Rio V LTV HAL ] Monthly, one year. Remember that you get j two copies of the paper every week. Ur 0 Pinkerton ANNOUNCES to the public that he has | purchased the entire interest of the ! late Dr. J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of j J. W. (lurry &. Cos,, or, the estate’s interest j in said stock of Drugs, Medici ics, &c., in the town of Cartcrsville, and will continue | the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and the public generally, and supply them with any | thing in liifl line of business, at the lowest possible figures. He invites the attention of all to bio ex cellent stock of choice and select MKDICOHES, PAINTS, <HLS, PUTTY, OIiASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of which he expects to keep constantly on hand, together with the most popular l’atent Medicines of the day, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best of everything in a General Drug House. _jol?Iy personal attention will^j *\yf also be given to professional vw calls. at all hours. IS O. PSYKERTOY, Physician atul Uniggist, Juno 7, 1870. CttrttrstiHe, £a SOMETHIYO IEW ! SOIHKTHIX in KFiW !! SOJffIEYMIYO ffJEW 2! ! FAMILY GROCERIES —AND Confectioneries, Fruits, &c. Aew Uomls! Yew Ai*raiig«itieiits !! Yew Proptfictor ! ! ! T. J. BRIDGES, fjm AT THE OLD STAND OF MMi f£7 \ r&n J. T. €5 ITIf R S E’S, I LM f rJygjj MAIN STnEET, CARTERSV[LLE, GY. Wbcre also is kept open, at all hours, a number oate Eating Saloon. JipgjSF**Meals prepared, at any time, to order. OiT GO M K TO f»E E ME! uov. 13-wly T. J. BRI DGE*, formerly with A. U. Hudgins. ‘BAD BLOOD.’ “THE LIFE IS THE BLOOD-” From it vve derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre oi our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Hones. Diseased Scalp. Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseas ed Joints. St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharg es from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Threat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Bar renness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy. Syphillitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Man hood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known inju rious propertiesthese so-called alteratives and purifiers has led the philanthropical man of science to explore the arena of na ture, the result of which has been the discov cry of vegetable products which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood. Dr. TUTT’S Compound Extract Os Sarparilla and Queen’s Delight. Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the Source —the Centre of Life—the Blood, be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced by flic use of Mercury, and for SyphilliM, with its train of evils, this com pound is the only sure antidote. To the poor creature, enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves are unstrung, and countenance downcast THE NYRSAPAHKIJLA AND Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, anti your dejected countenance be made radiant ! with the conciousness of KESTOKED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it is adapted to general use. The old and the young may use it; the most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, wiil be cur ed by it. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD LSE 33 ht. TUTT’B Extract of Sarsaparilla AND DELIGHT When used in the Spring it removes all hu mors which infest the system ; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that sea son of the year. It acts promptly on the LIVER AMD KIDMEtft, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all theimpurities of the sys tem are carried off, and the result ia A Clear Skin, a Good Appetite, and Bonjituit Spirit!. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. TUTT A LAND 1 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA . And Sold by DruggbtsCETerjwkert. June 16th, 1870-ly. MUTUAL PROTECTION lift IttstitntttE tadUto of feto IWk. BRANCH OFFICF, ATLANTA, GEORGIA A. W. MORGAN. President. S. T. tV. SANFORD, Yit E Pkksiuent; B. G. It LOS*, second V6CE President. F. A. FREEM AN, Secretary. rN ADDITION to the safeguards thrown a round the interests of the Poiky Holder by the excellent Insurance Laws of the State of New York, the following distinctive features mark the “MUTE \I. PROTECTION” as deoi eidedlv liberal , »i/e, and tem-thy pf confidence and patronage : 1. The "Mutual ProlertJon ’ ’ allows Policy Hold ers to travel or reside in any part of Europe or North America. 2. An A tuple Caxh Capital , safely invested in the best securities. 3. Policies )Ktid in Cash. No deductions at deatli for loans or notes. 4. Thirty Days grace granted on payments, af ter payment of first annual premium, and the policy'kept in force during that time. 5. biti(lends declared annually —upon the con tribution plan—the most equitable manner. 6. Alf Policies after the second year, and the assured entitled to a full-paid pol icy for the whole ana mi lit of premiums paid. 7. All Policies incontestable after live years. S. Superiority of management. The officers of the "MUTUAL PROTECTION” combine finan cial integrity and ability, with long and suc cessful experience in Life Insurance. Ft. All Policy Holders are members of the Society , and entitled to vote for Trustees. 10. A Cush So- kty. No notes taken. No loans, interest or other "complications to annoy the Policy Holder. 11. Equity and liberality shown Policy Holders in tire several modes of applying dividends. 12. Mutuality. Ail the profits divided among the members 13. Fairness of contract embodied in the writ ten policy in explicit terms. 14. Favorable rate of mortality — taking only first-class l i.-ks. 15. Small ratio ofJZxpense*. lfi. All odious (ts to cmyloyment abolished. No extra rates charged on railroad, express or steamboat employees. Active, energetic and experienced agents em ployed on liberal terms. It. .T. MASSEY. Manager Southern Department. jojin Campbell, Local Agent, Cat-Ursnille, (la., Dlt. O. PINKERTON, Medical Examiner. Oct. 28 1870--sw. 2ms. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purpose* of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no ono medi- A jp cine is so universally JW required by every jm body as a cathartic, nor was ever any bo- A 1 fore so universally 1 ils/ adopted into use, in 1 (A csSs/ every country and Wr(®/ among all classes, as V ej! w “fSjy this mild but efficient vjjv , purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is a more relia -Mr - =■=—^ 3; >— ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; thoso who have not, know that it cures theirneighbors and friends; and all know that what it does once it does al ways that it never fails through any fault or neg glcct of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cure* of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions m all climates; containing neitlier calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ev6r nosh, and makes them pleasant to take, wliile being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to nealth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such de' rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure: For Dyipepsii* or Indljfentlon, Li*tles»> neu, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symp toms, JBiliou* lleadache, Sick Head ache, Jaundice or Green lickneu, Stil tons Colic and Bilious Severs, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. » For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but ono mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism. Gout, Gravel, Pal. Si tail on of the Heart, Pain in the ide, Back and Loins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. % For Dropsy and Dropsical Swelling-* they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a largo dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sym - pathy. Asa Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the Hence it is often ad vantageous where n- -eno - tier.m erman exists. One who feels tolc- ably w- ... ;.en finds tnat a dose of these Pills nakes I .m feel decidedly bet ter, from their clean, ing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr. J. C. J. YEli & CO., Practical Chemists t LOWE Lit. JFAB 8., V. 8. A. For sale m Garters ville, by DR. O. PINKERTON, Druprgisfc. BRIAN! & SATTERFIELD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN All Kindsand Qualities of Liquors, And van Sell *f* Cheap as any Other neater in THE SOUTH, AXB WILL BO IT ! ONLY Try Us! M We. at#> I'rrp a runnbrr on* M<*rb of FAMILY GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES, On E isDide of the R.tilro.vJ. Bill \NT vV sATTKUFIE LI), frh. Iwtv C t RTEItSVILLE. GA. Georgia, Ilaa*tow county* Wit v. SHOAI’E has applied for F.xetup tion of i’t-i -dually, and i will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. ia., ou tlio 4th day of February, 1871, at my ofiicf. Witness iuv hand and seal, January 95th, lt*7l. J. A. HOWARD, Or Uii*r\ «. C. Notice,—We have waited with those indebted to us us fohg ns w<> onqfht to wait, aiul ns long as we are able, or wil ling to wait, and as long as we intend to wnit, and if the notes and accounts due us, are not paid in aiew days, they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. N. Gilreath & Son. Jan. ICth, 1871 ts. . iff M'p Hi bf, 11 % o* w % OF THE 11 AGE! PaTHNTHD DnCBMISKR 7TH, 1869. OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Rmewbleiieold. Acknowledged by *ll who have aae4 It U be tke best Pen mude or wld la thin ©earn- tryl Will not corrode. Sixty Unea written with one Pen of ink! Will outwear a doaen he*t steel I Vox. put up tn neat glldeboxe*. Mi'Ll* ONLY BY AGENTS, and for thU reason any enerjretlc person can realtae •*<H* per month. Profit over *OO per cent.! Two fcttu,pie Pens, 10 cent*s two boxen, 60 eentns five boxen, 11.00) twelve boxes, Addreu, Western Publishing Cos. Manufacturers' Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAUTION.—Th e creat popnlnrfty oftheoc Pens ha* led to many iinlttttlonsor an Infe rior quality. Buv onlv the genuine FOUN TAIN PENS -old bv thisComoanv. In wri- ! A GENTS WANTED, j I ■ ■■■ 1 *91(1 j>y uilHLonipuiiy* LB ri» _ State, p »rwrapt fitter.tion. For sale m Cartersville, by Best & Kirlqiatriek. — : W. R. COX W. K. UU.L. cox tr it lis is, ££H)olcsaU IDtaltrs Cn Foreign and Bomesiie L I Q TJ O R , Peaciitbrk St rett, Atlanta, Osu. WE rati now supply all our customers aiul dealers genera ly, with WHRLER'S COPPER DISTILLED PURE CORN WRisky, V>'!iirb is m;ule in the old fashioned way. with out the use of steam, and is equal in quality to any ever manufactured in this State. We desire also to call attention to our large stock of COPPER DISTILLED PEACH AND APPLE Brandy. These Brandies are distilled from selected fruit, by the best makers in NORTH GEORGIA , and for PURITY, AGE and FLAVOR, cannot be surpassed. Oar stock also of Pure Copper Distilled Rye and Bourbon Whiskies is the largest in the South, and cannot be sur passed in all the qualities essentially necessary in line whiskies. Both Brandies and Whiskies we offer at the very lowest rates for CASH, and to prompt pav ing customers. We will bo pleased to receive md fill orders for anything in our lino, jan 27,-swty COXA IIILL. NSW GOODS! ARE daily receiving and opening 1 \ a general Stock of FALL & WINTER G § Cl II S f W hicli we offer to to Ihe Trade at fair prices. We invite our friends to call and examineour Stock, and especially to purchase liberally from us. Y. GILREATH & SOY, Cartetsville. Ga., Oct. 10, 1870. ,fk I (i w /‘*wt2^«J. RADE: MARK QLD QAItOLINA "RITTERS. ADELIGHTFUL, T OISTO We take great pleasure in offering tho OLD CAROLINA BITT^KS. to th • public. They are compounded with great c anti contain smieof the best Tonics in the Pharmae pia. As evidence of the superiority of our Bitters aver all others, we have certili ates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them In their practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, Genera! Debility, Chills'ind Fever and Dyspepsia We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by all Drt.ggij g and Grocers everywhere For sale in Cartersville by A. St. lIUDGIKS. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO-, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, March 81, IS7o—ly. Charleston, 8. C. (T EOIiGIA, BARTOW COUNT J'.—Whereas, W A. J. Weems, administrator of Joseph K. Dukes, (lee,hi, represents to the court of Ordina ry, in his petition, duly Hied and entered upon record, that he has fully administered Joseph R. I >ukes estate. This is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kit died and creditors, to show e use, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged, and receive Letters of jp-amssion, on the first Monday in July uext, Given under mv hand and oftiftin.] signature, March 13th. 1871. ‘ J. A. HOW A Hi) Ord’y. CiKOHGI A, A’ .* RTOW COUNTY.-Whereas, ! Ilepry B. McConnell, administrator ofJohn D. ( hristian, dee’d, represents to the court of Ordinary, in his petition, duly tiled and entered 11u record, that he has fully administered John i). Christian s estate. This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and ered uors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should discharged, and re ceive Letters of Dismission, oil the lisst Monday m July next, 1871. Given under my hand and official signature, March j3tli, 1871 ,J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y Administrator’s Sale. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in April, 1871, before the Courthouse door in Car tersville, Bartow County, Ga., within the legal hours ol sale, the following property, to-wit: tract of Lund whereon William if. Pritchett lsvert at the time of his death, together with the Dwelling til extract containing 00 acres of land, more or less, lying in and near Cartersville, and originally known as the Woodbridge place, ad joining lands of Samuel McCanless, J. Mad ', x - and others. Sold a; the property of Win. •I. I ritrhett, deceased, (o perfect titles. Terms cash. This fc>l JrU ar\ 20th, 1871. M. L. PRrFCHETT, Administrator. NOTICE. rpilK concwn of W. If. Gilbert «% Cos. has been .JL dissolved. Col. J. W. Harris having sold his I bR Jr( ‘ s t in the stock to Mr. Andnew Baxter,— AH persons who are indebted to the above will ii"w please come forward, without any delay, and make settlements, its the books must bo clos ed. . W. 11. GILBERT & CO. Cartersville jau. 6th il-3m. Groceries and Provisions. J. G. M. Montgomery, BEGS leave to return his thanks to the j good people of Carter; ville and vicin ity, for their generous patronage for the past year, and to ask a continuance of the I same for 1871. I shall try, at all times, to keep a com plete stock of Good Family Groceries* and shall, in the future as m the past, sell them at “Live and Let Live” prices. Try me. Fresli Arrivals. Hominy, Buckwheat, Flour, White Fish, Trout, and choice New Orleans Syrups, at MONTGOMERYS. Can Goods, etc. A full line, including Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters, Peaches Strawberries, Cherries, Pine Apples, Green Corn, Green Peas, To mattoes, at MONTGOMERY'S. Bread Leavens, d r c. The celebrated “HorsfortPs Bread Prepa ration," Corn Starch, Silken Gloss. Staveli, Dedicated Cocoa Nut, Maccaroni, Pickles, Jellies, and a tine assortment of Colgate’s Toilet Soaps, at MONTGOMERY'S. Jnst Mccelvcd Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Baskets, Washboards, Trays, Scrub Brushes, Rope, aud Seives, at MONTGOMERY’S. Garden J^ecdw. A fresh supply of Buist’s Garden Seeds, inclu ding the “Silver Skin jiiion Setts, ” at MONTGOMERY’S. Hess Beef! For sale, at MONTGOM Eli Y 'S. Garble Yard and Works. JAM E S VAUGH A;N , CARTSP.SVILI.E, GA. If'Y AYING opened a Mart)lc Yard in' Cartcrs al £. ville, I am p repared to f'urnish sHosc wish ing anything in the marble tint', on very rea sonable terms—Monuments, Toombs, Urns, Va ses, Head and. Foot Stones, Mantels, Paintstoncs, Biscuit Blocks, Imposing Stones, etc, I am, al so, Agent for the Georgia Marble Works, itmr. 2. ’TO.wthn JAMES VAUGHAN. [ A GENTS WANTED. I DR. SHALLEI^BERCSa’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tsao Clalllts. This Medicine has been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any doss and under all circum stances, and is t he only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATE LY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to Blalaria. Bold by all Druggists. s tiEUTs.b on o’ INSTITU T E. V-TX THE SPRING SESSION /IjCvps, will resumed on .Mon- JJiJISp n iY, Tin-: 16th of Jan u - jpy** akv Next, comprising xWfijp Bix months, under the YwASIg Jfacutttj: IRBY G. HUDSON, A. M„ Principal. Mrs. S. A. SMITH, Associate. Miss FLORENCE SMITH, Music & French. Bates ot tuition scr t Session: Primary Class,. ' ,sl2 00 ntermediate Class, 18 CO Advanced Class, 21 00 No deduction made except for protracted , sickness; and no pupil received fjr less time than ouo quarter or half session.’ Tuition s due at the end of the session. Discipline will be mild but firm ; and no pains will be spared to. promote the moral and intellectual advancement of every pupil. Stilesboro’ Is near the line of the Cartersvillc & Van Wert Railroad, half a mile from the Depot in the most beautiful, healthy, and desirable section of Georgia, and is unsurpassed in educational facilities. The Trustees, having; secured the services of the above corps of teachers, of tried ability aud long experi ence, being “duly and truly piepared, worthy and well qualified,” would recommened this Institution as one possessing every advant age, and will endeavor to see that “none go away dissatisfied.” R„H. CANNON, Pres’t. IVM. CUNYUS, Scc’y. Stieesbobo’, BaktowCo , Ga. Dec. 15, 1870.-swtf .Southern . ■ MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Two Dollars per Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES^ ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, AND D. WYATT AIKEN, CJIAM L DBTOX, S, C. To All Wliom If may Concern • GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTY. —Green B Loveless having, in proper form, applied to me for i’ermaneht Letters oi Administration on the Estate of Hazle Loveless, late of said County;deceased. This is to cite all, and singu lar therredftovs and next of kin of said decased, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show if any they can, why permanent administration should hot be granted to Green B. Loveless, on llazle Love less’ Estate Witness mv hand and oilicial sig nature. Feo. 1, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y. 4LO PC WEEKLY SALARY!—Young me* wanted as local and traveling sales man. Address (with stamp) R. HL. WALKER, 34 Park Row, N. Y. Y, R. TGMMEY, J, S, STEWART, - * Oxford, Ga. TOJI3IY dp STEWART, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, No. 7!>, Whitehall Street, ITLAATI, GA. F) ESPECTFULLY call the attention ol Merchants *, an»l others to their LARUE AND WELL kiStiORT ED STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, G'ain Cradles, Svthe Blades, Tools of all kinds, Ac., &c. AtSO. AGENT’S FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Buffalo Scale Works, PROPRIETORS OF Brooks’ Improved Patent Portable Revolving; C’ottoin au«l Hay Screw Press. May 15, 1870 wly ATLAHTAIH WORKS WIVL GRAY, Proprietor. S. B. OATMAN, Agent. Importers and Dealers in AMERICAN A ITALIAN MARBLE , MONUM€NTS, STATUES, VASES, Tombs and .Jflonnmentai 15 'orb FURNISHED IN THE BEST MANNER. A_ikl on Htasonfi’blc Terjns. DESIGNS OF MONUMENTS AND STATUARY . Furnished Free on Application. April 28, 1870—ts fiABTOW MOUSE. S * *cj i Ia l' CARTERS VILLEi GA., BY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. This House hag fust been completed and furn ished—Nets House, New Furniture, New Pro prietor, fitte Arrangements. A handsome three-story Bride Building, on the Fast Side of the W <j’ A R R and. near the Depot: Table al ways supplied with ifte very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Servants, and charges for Board, by the single meal, day, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 26 Ts. T. - '—fifflamnstHfor’s Sale. eY Y2RXUE °r an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold on rho first Tuesday in April, 1871, at the Court-house door in Carters villc, Bartow county, bet ween the legal hours of sale, part of the tract of land on which James M. Denmon resided at the time of his death, to-wit The undivided half interest in lot No. 212, in the (Jth District and 3rd section of said county; South half of lot. No. 213. in tlie 6th District and 3rd section; and about 40 acre? in the north-east corner of lot No. 211, in the 6th dist. and 3d sec. of Bartow t'ounty. The whole containing 200 acres, more or less. And also all the interest which said dec'd owns in lots Nos. 170, 206, iu 6th dis. and 3d. sec. of Bartow co. The same being his interest in the same, as dower of Nancy Denmon, widow of Felix G. Denmon, dec’d. Sold as the property of J. M. Denmon, late of said County, dee’d., for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms: One-third cash, one-third on a credit of G montl-13, one third on a cred it of 12 .months, with interest from date, note and Security, and bond for titles given. This, 13th February, 1871 - Cathiuxk F. Denmon. Administratrix James M. Denmon, deopY AiTrmtn SioiiPtiA "Variety Works! BEN. Z. DUTTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in StClieii IS rands, Steel Dies, Steel Block Slumps, burning Brands, Brass Alphabets, and dll Articles kept in a first class STENCIL HOUSE. PR ICE LIS TOF HA IIA BLE A R TICL F.S Stencil Name Plates for otark’g cloth’g, 75c Steel Ring, for keeping keys together, 25c New Style key tag, witji name neat eng. 25c Perpetual Almanac, the most ingenious little article of the age, 50c Any of tko articles in this list will be mailed, to any address, on receipt of price, or the whole of them for $1 '25 Address BEN. Z. DUTTON. Lock Box 351, melt 22-wly Atlanta, Ga. N B.—Circulars sent free. gajgp ®!VATER*HEEL, Milljjtearin^,Shafting Pulleys sTtA&rtrrfafci!; ipOOtE « Ho]j£%TlMoßE^f SEND FQRACIRCUIAICfeI sept. 9,1816. w ly METALIC AND WOOD (JfMITA TtOr ROSE WOOD,) BURIAL CASES zj BY Erwin & Jones. "terrsville, aug. 22 SL Memphis, Nashville A Uiattanooga Railroad Line. SUatiT UOUTi Without change of Unfa.* Nj| . Kenxie. Union City, Hickman c i *’ * c ' H umliolUt, Brownsville, an,! W^,^ 01ll J One Cluing To Jackson, Trim., Paducah, Kv , n„ck. Uui. More than 150 Miles Shorter to St Louis Than vHi Memphis or Louisville, and lr„ 8 to IS Hoars Than Tia Corinth or Grand Junction. ASK FOR TICKETS TO Memphis amt the Southwest via Chat, nooga anti McKenzie, AND TO St. Louis and the Northwest vi*x»«hviii and Columbus—all ltail; or Naahvill. an Hickman—Kail and River. THE LOWEST”SPECIAL RATES for A migrant*, icith Jf art Advantage*. v . Time, and Fewer Changes of Car* thus any Other Itviete. Tickets for Sale at all Principal Ticket On, m the South. j. w. TllOAl.vs. Geu’l IV. L. DAN LEY, G. P, & T. A. marchete NOTICE. SEALED Proposals will he received the Ordinary’s ollu ii, Bartow emutv . til Tuesday, the 14th day of March, 1871 toLuin a Bridge across Town Creek, on the road 1. D log Irom Kingston to Rome, the same to h. IT spans about 25 feet long each, ope trestle i n the center and one low trestle on the West bank the bridge to be 14 l'eet wide, well banister-V floored with good heart pine plank 2bv 6 inch,-!' MX sleepers to the span 10 bv 14 inches the ’ tie to he 10 by 12 incites lumber, good mudsill*" and well braeed at the bottom and ton the nil l to be well spiked down, and «i H S Vafc the West bunk with rock and dirt‘for £ to 30 Ret, so as to raise the same as to link-, proper approach to the bridge. Bond and ,e, „ nty re<| Hired in terms of the law. An order ul payment of thosame given on tlieConntv ttrjv This Mo rest 3rd, IR7I. J. A. HOW ARI>, Ordinary 15. (j, United States Internal Ruviocrr Deputy Collector's Office ( 4t!i District, Ga ) Oauteks vii.ib, Feb’y ill, l^i is hurußy given that I hare -eivt-.i AN One Barrel, containing Thirty-Six r, ■ ■ i.’. of ltve Whisky, more or less, in the W. J- Npot at Carters ville, as the urtMiertvof tin. P. TKomtif. of Baltimore, Md., and any' ands persons are hereby lKHtliwl that <dttiiu must c made, and bond given, within thirty 'iit or ttie same will he sdld far tho is,- p. , WELLS B. WHITMORE. Dcp’y Coll, CAeorgi i, B.irloq. Couutv.Gei. W. Tumlii. H has applied of Pcrsonaln and I will pass -upon the same at 10 ok’ixk in., on the,lßth dpy of March, IST!, at niv uiliVe March Ist, 4871. j. a. HOWARD; Oni. WMF GOLDSMITH, Manufacturer »ml Dealer in A LL KINDS 0 f FURNITURE. j ALSO DEALER IN Wrought. Galvanized, BELFBKALIING r~.- ■ METLIC BUEIAL OASES, AND WOOD COFFINS OfEvwy Dosfrii>Lioii, Kept on hand, and made at the Lightest notice. •lan 10—s\v ly. Dissolution.— The Arm of a. a. skinnki: *t CO., was dissolved by mutual cim-ent. on 1116 15111 ultimo, by the withdrawal of Ilenr A. Pattillo. Those indebted to the above fln:i are reipicitcd to Ki ttle up at once, as ouroM business must he wofind up without delay. A. A. SKINNER. 11. A. PATTILLO. COPARTNERSHIP.— A cnpartnei-ship has been entered into between A. A- Skiniar and R. A. Clayton, under the firm name of A. A. Skinner it Co’., who will continue the business at the old stand. jan 2-lrn A. A. SKINNER. K. A. CLAYTON. Agency Os The GEORGIA LOAN AND TRUSI i C O MAP ARY . D IV. K. PEACOCK, Agent. Garteravtlle, Georgia. OFFICE in the Store-room of A. A. SKINNY i & CO., Main Street. Money received on Deposit, flfejy'’Exchange nought and sold. Advauees made on Cotton and other Ih • dtue., _ dec-. 6-swtt Knglisii School. MISS Mind A HOWARD will open anKif.' lish Mixed Bc4*oai, i« th© School Room f i the land and near the residence of J. A. Ilowar . and .in which sheniught last session, on Mon day next, the Kith instant. Girls and little boy» wiil be admitted on the following tem»; Flkst Class.—Spelling, Reading. Writing. Primary Arithmetic, and Geography, (per month,) ?l ') j SECOND .Class. —English Grafttmer, History, j ana Arithmetic, (month)fs u ' M No deduction made for loss of time, except in I cases ol protracted sickness. Cartersville, Ga v .Jau. 12, 1870.-swtf J- C. Register, Tinner, AXl> DEALER IHT t cf, Sft, Cook, Heating and Office STOVES AND GRATES TIN-WAtf R. J. M. GAINES, p prepared to finl R?P ail diesis’ and Ifoys’ Clothing* with dispatch, in the most fashionable back rahle style, prices. Shop m tn rootn of Satterfield, P (•on & DPs Store- Cartersville, jau. 27,-swly \ Tile nj amlnT. Drake, Administrator of « rt , well Drake, deceased, represente l 0 ‘ n r . in his petition duly 111 ed and fefttered - , cord, that he has ftiliy adniinistord K ‘ Drake’s estate. This is. therefore. » ‘ to persons concerned, kindred and L, show cause, if any they can, why sai«i \im njD . trator should not he discharged fro} 11 ■'' L s j 0 n istration. and receive letters ofdßm' (U>r 1;i the first Monday in May, 187 L . <J, l \ l ll ... tr v 2' ! - hand and official signature. this■ “ p;. l- ItflL J. A. lIOW AK O, Ordinal " ‘ .*) VO **r>.£ V l ’£>JL