Newspaper Page Text
t o\vn matterb.
C*rtor»vlslej April 4th> 18<I«
Tartars?ille Prices Current.
Correftwl Semi-Weekly by A. It. Hudgens,
Grocery Mer<*hant.
\re« mVdMR pltii to f 15.110
IJtiUer— Goshen tb*so«# We
•• Omntry -’5 QC Hflr
neo»w»x n» *-» Ou # I
TlriinStonOilsulph. tt»»(Al5l
ihit-tom- ib m 15&20
lt.*r»x tt> 50 f<s ttU
t r ickers—Butter U> 8 (<*2s
u •• Si id it T l i«Jils
(.'ream .. IHnr.SO
( amir— Fancy » 19&40
" 3 Stick. . ... 19(0,30
Coffee— K> 1fc; 2 (a. 25
*. Java ‘26(rr/28
Cream Tartar, It» s»J'<j,7s I
t uuoher —Gum, th 1 25*2.00 !
i ,>tton ( ards. <l<« #7.50:48.00 4
|.>mn Salts,... rt> ...
craiu— Corn, bush. 7.VrrM» |
*i Wheat, red. 1.50—60 |
Kve 75(490 |
,i peas
„ oat« NXtfhO
ii < loVi*.r Sc On |*s<Ll2
Sncar— IJrown, 1b ... 13(0,14
,P 14(0.15
•i A ISfcfolftS
“ Crushed
- powr’d .... 1*420
a vrU u—Muscova. gal 40(<C50
.• Golden ... 90(41.00
ii Kx. Golden $1(41.25
“ Sew Orleans Bt*4sl
Oil—Tanner’*, gal #1.10—40
u Kerosene 45(0,00
Llntewl. raw $1.25(41 .40
ii " “ boil'd #1.36(41.50 1
Kona—Manilla tb StiM*
“ Machine .... 1h«,15
o Cotton 37(0,10
( ottou Van*, bun 1.30-1.40
Jtrown ■'heelings, yd. 100*14
Dried Peaches, bush $1.50-75
•* ApfSlfls * ... ... f1.751
Vinegar—Cidar, gal 50(1(75
A Ooocert of several ladies and gen
tlemen of this place will be held in the
Court House, on Friday evening, the
7th of April. Ice cream will also be
on hand. 'JUe object is to raise funds
for the purchase of a Service for the
Methodist Church. Very superior mu
sic may be expected, as much of the
best talent in the town will be engaged
in the concert. We bespeak a large
Mr. S. 11. Patiilo has moved his
Tailor Shop into one of Judge Par
rott's new storerooms under the new
Town Hall, where he, in connection
with Mr Camp, of Home, will keep a
lot of the Grover & Baker Sewing
Mi*chines—The best machine in use.
Messrs. D. S- & F/ M. Ford have
sold their interest hi their Livery Sta
ble to Mr. Joel Britt, of Acworth, and
the staole will be run, in future, by
Messrs. Britt & Moon.
accounts of Capt. Ben. G.
Poole, on the score of his horse Lex
ington, has been left with Mr. A
Knight, where those indebted to him,
will please call and settle either with
the money or by note, immediately.
Lexington will be on exhibition a
gaiu this fell. apr. 4 —lm
The name of E. V. Johnson, King
ston, is mentioned in connection with
the clerkship of the House tliiß fall.—
Rat is all honkadora —you bet.
M e will try and get home from our
mountain trip, in our next.
Sknsation of the Period.— Wooten
&, Haight’s Mammoth New York Cir
cus an lenagerie, will exhibit in this
place on Tuesday next. Not among
the least attractive features which will
lie presented to the public, will be a
Grand Balloon Assension, which wil*
take plac6 immediately preceding the
performance, and will be free to all.—
Some of the very best performers in
the country have been secured for this
Company, and the proprietors have
neither spared money or labor in mak
ing it one of the best Circus Compa
nies which it has ever been the good
fortune of our people to see.
New Maukrt.—-John L. Wilde has opened
a market on West Main Street, near Wm.
Edwards’ “Gear Shop,” where he will keep
constantly on hgnd nice, fresh beef, mutton,
pork, and sausage. Give him a trial and
test his meet and prices.
Baron Rothchii.d —Col. It. A. Crawford,
the Uothchild ol' Cartersville, is pntting the
town through a course of sprouts He is
building a magnificent Bank building in that
flourishing town, and proposes to make
greenbacks as plenty there as “leaves in
Talambrosa.” He is re-buildhng all the
churches; making pvesents te all preachers;
setting out shade trees all over town; white
washing everybody’s fences, trees and hitch
ing posts, and working with all the energy
and industry of his nature for the building
up of that thriving village. We hear from
the local press and visitors, that he is getting
to be a regular Jim. Fisk up that way. Hur
rah for the gallant old Colonel, he is a
whale in his way. He hashad his ups and
downs in this eventful world, and we are
glad to know that he is again on the up
grade.— Griffin Stftr.
Distinguished Visitor. —Thos. Gibson,
Et*q., Local of the Cartersville Express, is in
town this week visiting his old home. Tom
looks finely, and has made an excellent repu
tation in Cartersville. We expect to see him
at the head of some great printing house at
no distant day. He is a graduate of the Btar
Office. All our boys turn out we ll. Se-eral
es them are now running successful news
papers.— Griffin Star.
How full of comfort are the
words, ‘The everlasting Father.”
While all things change here below,
the precious Jesus, our Friend, is “the
same yesterday, and to-day and forev
er-” What He was, millions of years
since, He is now. What He was when
Ho walked through Judea, Samaria,
& hd Gallilee, He is now. His heart
"’ as Ml of tenderness, of pity, of com-
I'sssion. Oh, how patient, how loving,
‘ '"’ gracious! Oh ! what a lovely Be
,ng Jesus is.
I here hus just been discovered
,u ye deposit of hydrualic cement in
css a mile of this ilk.
.T. T. Gibson, Local Editor.
Jfcgr !t. W. Mi KFiir is our authorized Agent
and (Alllector, i’o receive and receipt for Sub
scription to the Lxpres-,, and to coUbci claim*.
JdaJ"*Rev. W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local and traveling Agent, to receive ami re
ceipt for aubsc ripuot!-, to the Express.
- r-- —— - -
t&r It is really reftesbing to s*se th*
spirit of improvement so rife iu our
town. Houses—and quite a number—
are springing up as if by magic, all over
our place, and they are to be filled by
new comers as fast as possible. W e
want one hundred new ones in addi
tion to those on the way.
B*3*. Gen. Wofford is the right sort
of a man to build up a town. Since he
made that large, judicious purchase of
land south of the Steam Mills, new
streets have been laid out, new build
ings erected, and anew impetus given
to that end of our place. He is and ting a
sensible thing, also, iu laying out small
sized lots, and selling to poor men of
limited means, thus aiding them to get
comfortable homes at cheap rates.—
Gen. the poor will bless you.
per lb. 10 to 13
Meats: i
Shoulder* tti Is(sl3
Clear rbside 1 frit 15 ]
Plain hams 14(415
Cant, ham* 18<4t‘20
Fresh pork 9 (it 10 i
Cheese, It) 18 (4 2*2
Cigar*, M #7OMS9M j
“ Dom. #ls<o ;
Tobacco lb 50, a,70 c |
Medium 7<)>475<- j
“ Prime,1.00(41.50 j
“ Va I 20(«i‘25e 1
“ Smoking 75(4100
Egg*, doz. IVa-ldr j
Flour, cwt. ■
Lard, n> ...14(C(,1«<
Meal. bash. 75(«9(|r
Lime, bill. 1.75(8(2.30
Klee,, lb 9(a.l2>£ '
Salt, sack 2.35(42.40
Soda, tb .... 7(410j
Starch, tb .. 8(415 J
Soap-Bar tli
Shot, bag #*2.7.Vu3.00
Shovels, Am. #1.50 j
Iron tti ....5(49 !
Pwttv, 1h .. fV&lOc i
Indigo 1b #1,750r.2.00
Tallow, It. 10(412k |
Tea, tb $1.95(41.50 ;
Feather* tti 6.V475
Pepper, Tt> ‘25(ir,35
Alack’l, Vit $2—2.75
Potatoes, Ir. 75(485 !
“ Sweet #‘2.00
Twine, bag. 30(<i 35
Candle*; tb 19fci30
Lumber M I1M«)
Wool. wash. 20(440
Osnalmrg* y 15(418
Turpentine 75(4$ 1
Uag». cot lin tb 3%
“White Lead 10(415
Estrella Oil 40(460
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping Cough ami Croup, as if by magic.
ihe smoke will ascend ficm
Mr. Mansfield’s New Mill, and the
Cartersville Car Factory. New eviden
ces of our growth. Success to them
The weather is becoming clear
and cool—good for wheat, which, by
tiie way, is improving for the last few
About the usual cotton crop will
be pitched in our county. We never
go largely on cotton. Wheat, corn
and clover are claiming the attention
of cur citizens.
Globe Flower Cough- Syrup cures Afethma
vk e are pleased to see Kingston
progressing. A number of new build
ings going up, and a large Flouring
Mill almost completed, on the laud o
our friend, Capt Rogers, to be propel
led by the waters of Two Run. Upon
his farm we saw a splendid field of
clover. Visions of good milk and gold
en butter floated through our brain.
|Saf“ On the ‘2oth of April the Baptist
State Convention will meet in this
place. There will be some 250 to 300
members and visitors. We bespeak for
them a warm Cartersville reception.—
This will be the first time the Conven
tion ever met iu Cherokee Georgia, and
we wish it to be made agreeable to
that body. Knowing our people, as
we do, we need not ask them to throw
open their doors and hearts to them.
Those of our Citizens, who can enter
tain the coming guests, will please
h.rnd in the’r names to D. W. K. Pea
cock, J, J. Howard and James G il
Pemberton’s Comp’d Ext. of Stillingia re
moves all old mercurial taint and cures Sy
Carlersville is now being re
garded as a commercial centre for the
benefit of those who live on the south
east side of the Etowah, and the set
tlements beyond.
We understand that Erwin street
will be extended to the residence of
of Col. Tumlin, and that proposals
have been made to him to throw a
bridge over the river, near his flouring
mills; thus making a direct route to
town. Besides this new avenue, we
learn that a Ferry will be placed on
the river, near Dr. Milam’s and Capt.
Lyons’ plantations; thus opening a
new and short route for those who live
in the neighborhood of Messrs. Cal
houn and Sayres residence. That's
right, and ht *e’s to the extension of
the Eastern end of the Cartersville &
Van Wert Railroad.
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
Our schools are in successful
operation this term. Never before
have we had better educational advan
tages. Those learning the French
language at the several schools, have
the advantage of a native Frenchman,
Monsieur Herard, to teach them per
fect pronunciations. Without such an
instructor, it is almost impossible to
speak this polite language with suc
Yankee Notions.
New England has 3,487,464 inhab
More than one in five New England
inhabitants are foreign born.
In Massachusetts one in four of the
inhabitants are foreign born.
Os Rhode Islanders one in four are
foreign born.
Os Connecticutters, one in every five.
Os Vermonters one in everj seven.
Os Maineites one in every thirteen.
Os New Hampshire one in every elev
The foreign population in New Eng
lend increased 3S per cent, in the last
ten years.
liie negroes increased in New Eng
land iu the last ten years from 24 711
to 31,63 G.
At this rate, in twenty years, New
England will be inhabited entirely by
foreigners and negroes.
Is Agent for tin*
Churches, ‘Schools,
Halls, and Parlors.!!
Miiilo in America, viz:
Af»*•>!> 5; ll.iin!in’», & G. A. Trine* A C«*».
Al*n. Agent fur
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed l*> Sufficient Whr*
runtec ol keep in Perfect Order
fur Five Year* !!
Also, Agent for
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Call and see Illustrated fata-
Wne and Price List
Don’t forget Uii* Advertisement.
W. H. Howard,
Cartersville. Georgia.
march 28th, ’7l—sw 3m.
I (’[TV, Tiikkekoiuc, you should endeavor to
make nil tiling* NKTW ! ! 1
you wish it done right— •
If you wish it done at low figures—
you wish it done promptly—
sch. 21 -w2ui CARTERSVILLE. GA.
a mantas at all ho urs /
£»JL Private Enterance and Sjtec'i rl Dining
Saloons for
Ellegant Sleeping Rooms will be
Furniishcd at 75 Cents
And you can Dine at
JL At any Iloiur you Wish, and get
what, you Want, and Pay for
What you Get, and no More!!
dec 15-sw tto
I®L» From this date the Rink will be
open Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11
o’clock, a. m., uutil 1, p. m., for the bene
fit of people in the country.
Monday and Friday nights, for la
dies and gentlemen, from 7 until 10
For ladies and little boys, Wednes
day afternoons.
For ladies and gentlemen, Saturday
afternoons. ts.
Prophylactic Fluid.
rjIIIIS in valuable Family Medicine, for puri
of sickness; for hums, sores, wounds, stings;
for Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all ski* disuas
ria; for cholic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash to
soften and beautify the skin; to remove ink
spots, mildew, fruit stains; taken internally as
well ns applied externally; so highly reconi -
all Druggists and Country Merchants, and may
he ordered dirertl v of
Dec. «, w-ly. 161 William Street. N. Y.
Cheering Fuels for the Billion*.
Every day demonstrates more clearly that
liver complaint, in all its distressing forma,
can be controlled and cured without diffi
culty or inconvenience. It is is an obsti
nate disease, but its obstinacy is not proof
against the pertinacious, remedial and re
storative •peration of Hostetler’s Stomach
Bitters. That genial corrective compel* the
organ to do it* duty. It must secret regularly
and healthfully under the influence of the
Bitters. Their action brings it back from
a state of rebellion into perfect harmony
with the laws of htalth. If their is costive
ness, it disappears ; if there is side-ache or
back-ache, it ceases; if the skin and the
whites of the eyes are tinged with superflu
ous hile, they reeover their natural hue ; if
the appetite is gone, it returns; if the di
gestion is impaired, it is restored ; in brief,
whatever the symptoms of the complaint
may be, and whatever the phase it has
assumed, c cur* it certain Sueh are the
uniform effects of this preparation where
billious disease has been already developed;
but in cases where there is merely a con
stitutional tendency to liver complaint, it
may be prevented throughout life by the
regular use, in small quantities of this
palatable antidote. These are proven facts,
and should be seriously pondered—or rather
they should be promptly acted upon—by all
persons of4)illious habit.
$ j m. Hum v Citizens «>f said county ha\« peti
tioned the Court of Ordinary of said county,
whilst sitting for county purpose*, to change
the Alabama Road, commencing at Smith «
bridge, on Euhariee Creek, ruuuing in MSouth-
Weatetlv direction up said Creek, around the
hill, coining iuto the present road a;*aiu
at)er clearing the bill; and. W bereas. Counnle
sionens. to review said change, have been ap
pointed by the Court, and said Comtnissiooer*
having re'portedjpt favor of a id ..recoutuiecded
said change: Therebirc, alt persons concerned
arc notila) to bo and appear, at niy tiflice, ou ®r
In-fore the 251 h day of March. 1871, amP siiow
cause, if s?ry they cau. why laid change should
not be made. Given under uiy baud and >ik
cial signature, this Keb’y 13th. 1871.
J. A. HOW.VP.r,
I'r*. fee #sl .. Urdiuary B C.
Executors* Sale.
¥>Y VIRII'F, of an order from the Court at
IJ Ordinary of Bartow county, ui llf L« soltt on
the hist Tuusdny in April. 187 T. before il«\'(4a
(louse door, in Cartersville, said county, be
tween tin* leyai sale hours, lots ol land No*. 817
nnd76Sin the 17th District and Jtrd Bectn»u afore
said county, containing (0 acre*, more or lesa,
atiout 60 acres cleared, tlie remainder well tim
l)«red, comfortably improved—the same being
the residence of George Keunedv, late of said
county dec'd. ikdd as the property of said dec’d,
for the pur)M>»«* of distribution, iu accordance
with the tonns of the will of said George Kenne
dy dec’d. Terms of sale: credit until Ist Janu
ary, 1872. with interc*t from d.ite, note and sccu
ritv, and Bond for titles given.
This, Febuarv 13th, 1871.
John M. Cochkan and R. B. COUCH,
Executor* of Georg* Kennedy Dee’ll.
Administrator*## Kale.
J( tuc of au order from the. Court of Ordinary
ol said comity, wilL he sold, ou the first Tuesday
iu April, 1871, before the Cnurt-llousu door iu
said county, between the Irfg tl sale hours, the
Tract of Laud in said county w hereon Zacha
riali G. Turner resided at tbti time of his death,
and composed of Lots of Land Numbers 1017,
East hatfol 1016. aud 40 acres, more or less, of
1088, and the reversionary interest in Ixits oi
Land Numbers lone* and 1072. (the same being
the Dower ol the Widow iu said tract of land.)
all lying in the ‘2lst District and 2nd Section ol
Bartow county, and containing total of 180
acres, more nr less, situated on AUatoona.C'reek,
about miles from AHatoona, about 100 acres
of giKKI Imttom land, the uLace well improved.—
>ofd for the purpose of distribution. Term >of
sale: Oil a credit intil the Is* of October, 1871,
Note ami Security, and possession given ou the
Ist of November, 1871. This 20th d»v of Febru
ary. 1871. SARAH tcrnek, .
I WILL SELL, at the same time, the Life
Estate w hich I have in Lots Numbers 1089
and 1072, as above set fpfth, w lijch iucludos the
improvements on the premises, either at public
or private sals. This aOthEebrurarv, 1871.
(lEOKGIA, Bartow County.—Four Week*
JT after dale application wilt be rnaile to the
tourt of Ordinary of said county, for leave to
sell all the Real Estate of John A. Barron, late
of said county deceased. This Feb’y 18ih, 1871.
' A. L. BARRON, Adnainiilnuor.
NlieriflT.Hales for April, ’7l.
WILL bu sold, before Hie Courthouse door in
Cartersville. Bartow County, Ga., on the
llrst Tuesday in April, !87t. witbit. the us
ual hours of sale, the following property, to-wii:
One house and lot in the town of Cartersville,
being tiie place whereon .defendant now live*;
levied on as the property of A. F. Morrison, to
satisfy a 11 l'a issued from Bartow Superior court
iu favor of Stephen C. Tate against Alfred F.
Morrison, for the purchase money.
Auto, the plantation whereon James CToting
now resides, in the 4th dist. and 3rd sec.; levied
mil as the property ol'JamcsC. Young, to satisfy
a Bartow riupersor court Ii fa in favor of Lyman
C. Chapman against the sail) Jas. C. Young.
Also, one steam saw-mill and fixtures, in the
16th dist. and 3rd sec., a* the property of RiaUop-
A Countryman, to satisfy a 11 fa issued ffbu*Bar
tow Superior court in favor of J. L. Morris a
gainst said Bishop A Countsyuian. ■
Also, one house and lot i’ll the town of Car
tersville, whereou J. J. Jones now lives, as the
property of J. J. Jones, to satisfy a Justice court
fl fa issued from the 82*2d dist., G. M., in favor of
Z. W. Jackson against J, J. Jones; levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
ALSO, lots of land Nos. 1058. 1059, 1102, 1103,
1104, 1130. 1131,1139, 1174, F054 1057, the plantation
where defendant now live*, in the 17th district
of the 3rd Section, as the property of W. G.
Reed and M illie Reed to satissy all fa issued
from Bartow Superior Cohrt, in favor of Thoma*
K. Sproull, against said W. G. Reed and Willie
Reed for the purchase money.
mchß. W. W. KICH Sheriff.
Georgia b \ rtow county. - Chapicv
w. Dempsey has applied for the setting
apart and valuation of addionat HomestcaiL
(he having had a Ilomoetead before set out) and
1 will pa*s upoh the same at 10 o'clock, a. m
on the 11th day of March 1871, at my onioc.-T-
This 24th February IS7I.
J. A. HOWARD, Ord'ny, B. C.
Dealei* in
I Furniture,
ca r thus riLLR ; Georgia,
WOULD respectfully announce to the oiti
zens ofCariersville’am)surrounding coun
try, that is has rented the old stand of Robert
Bruce, known as the GBreath Ware-Uouse, for
1871, and is now receiving and opening anew
aud superb stock of
Consisting, in part, of
W aril robot#.
W ash-stands,
Cribs, Chairs,
Tables, At*., Ae.,
And maov other things too numerous to men
tion. all or which will be sold at small advance*
on the origional c(i»G. Mv motto is “Quick sale*
and small
Furniture and learn my price*
Cartersville, jan. T7th, 1871 -wly
Encourage Southern En
SB. ROBSON— Rkoom Factory. —Parker’*
• Building, Broad street. Atlanta. Ga.,
makes all kinds of Brooms, of Broom Corn; and
solicits the patronage of Dealers generally.—
Prices moderate. mar 10-sw-lm
—w .
4 few fine Gold Watcher,
Fine fletta es Jewelry, dfcc.
ean be had, at lew figareg,
for the next thirty day*.
New Lot es CTI oe k s
on hand and for stale, hy
J. T. Owen.
Cartersvilie, Ga»
feb’y 21-'
The Kii.lf.» is by universal consent
allowePf.rhave won for itself* reputation
unsurpassed in the history of medical pre
paratians. Its invanranmm* effect in tlie
eradication and extinction of Pain in all its
various forms incident to «he luim.-to family,
and the nn*ol;cit *d written and verba! testi
mony of the masses in its favor, have beec
an 1 are its own hest advertisements
Th’e ingredients of the Pais bi
fog parity Vimmiil.l render it perfectly
safe and efficacious remedy taken internally,
as well an for external * applicj**!<wi9. when
used according to directions. Tb* stain up
on linen front its tfse is readily removed by
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so many of the afflictions incident to
the human family, has now been before the
public over Thirty Fears, and hsN found its
way into almost every corner of the world :
and wherever it has-been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the Pain Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is true
to its name, a Pain Killer.
.MIN’ .. r t r l ,
I Mobile «
Only *g>o Per Ton, iu Five
Von JLota.
this last year, anl the MOST FAVORABLE
ItEPOUTS are heard from it. Its PURITY' and
ST RENGTIt are guaranteed. The value of
as a manure, is known to every SCIENTIFIC
AGRICULTUR A LIST. These articles form the
bulk (4-5) of the “LANGDOX,” to which are
added proper quantities of POTASU, GYPSU*
and SALT. These live ingredients form the
Largo Cepi4a,l Invested here in the Works.
ttITY a sc ' , T,ritj for tlie guarantee of its i*U
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Kkcistkh,)
gives advisory supervision to the production of
tliis Fertilizer.
NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor
have to be paid, as must be true of an article of
foreign (Northern) manufacture, and lienee the
“Langden” cau be sold, aud IS SOLI) CHEAP
ER, than any Standard Fertilizer in the mar
The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at
the Works, and the RAW BONES are gathered
from the surrounding country aud ground at
my Mills.
bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro
ducing the Langdon Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct their Merchants to
buy for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to be good, aud the Purity of
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lower price than auv ar
ticle oflike quality could be, which is
brought from » distance.
Because it will give greater returns from its
use, pound for pound, than any other
Fertilizer, no matter what the price.
practical men, these are here given;
Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1
December‘ilia, 1870. j
Col. IF. J). Mann :
Sir.—Your Circular of the lsj inst. came to
hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that we tried, I give you mv experience
with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used
900 lbs. to the acre. We used one ton of Gillum's,
at $75; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two
tons of the Lougdon, at S6O per ton. The land
was all worked alike, and the some quantity
used of each. I did not keep the weights of each
field separate, hut attended to the picking and
weighing myself, and khowthat there was more
cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than
any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next.
From my own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took uoiice of it, tine Laurdon
Fertilizer was far superior to any that wc used.
Respectfully yours, Ac.,
Mr. Thomas !L Kkn’nedt, of Meridian. Miss.,
after recounting his experience in the use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says' “When I lived on mv
plantation in Alabama, I used many kinds o‘s
Manure, but I never used anything that would
begin to compare with the Laugdon Fertilizer.’’
in five ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $1 per 100
lbs. for small lots.
It is exchanged for Cotton Seed. 300 pounds, in
strong sacks, delivered, free on board boat or cars
at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the
landing or depot up country—sacks and twine
furnished by the Mills-
Os Its chcapnoas. Col, Langdon savs: “Its
cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the
price now fixed by you, to-wit: $56 per ton, it
is unteh the cheapest fertilizer in our market.
Pound for pound, I consider it more valuable
than the preparations that are selling at $75 to
SSO. For my own use, 1 would greatlv prefer it
to Peruvian Guano at the same price.’’ Os its
merits, he say*; “The result is the best Fertil
iaer in the world for our Southern lauds, i u my
Again: “It contains more fullv and complete
ly than any other, the elements neccessarv for
the production of Southern crops and the reno
vation of Southern soil.
Prof. Charles 1C Shepard. 4r.. M. I>., Professor
of Chemistry South Carolina Medical College,
and Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina,
who made a full and careful analysis of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It Is a very su
perior article.”
I also crush at the milis. Raw Bones, which
are ground fine. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Bone is too well known as a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub
bery and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground
Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con
tain nothing hut Bone.
Address all orders for either of the above Fer
tilizers, accompanied bv the cash, er orders on
your merchants here, to
„ r. O. Box 793, Mobile, Ala
pt»*slt. per ton. Cash, paid for cotton seed
Jelivered at the wharf or depot here—sacks and
twiue delivered at your landing or depot.
fesy*sls per ton will be paid for Bones deliv
ered at the Mills. It will pay to gather them
about tlie country and ship to the Mo , f le Oil
Jan. 10th, 1871. wly.
Component Far l*—Fluid Kje+ruet tii’ibirb,
and Fluid Ex tract Catmrba Grape
These Pills are the most delightfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, sails,
magnesia, etc. There i.» nothing more ac
ceptable to the stomach. They give tone,
and cause neither nausea nor griping pains.
They are composed of llie finest ingredient*.
After a few days' use of them, such an in
vigoratfon of tlie entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Heimbold a Compound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not
sugar-coaled, front the f»eT that sugar-coat
ed Pills do not dissolve, ftut pass through the '
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect. THE IJA
TAWGiI GRAPE PILLS, being pleasant in
taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
ing sugar coated. PRICE 50 cts. Per Box.
Henry T. JlelmboU's
Will radically exterminate from the system
Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcer*,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head. Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rhe- j
um, Cankers, Ruunings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night
Sweats'; - *Rash, Tetter, Humors of ail kinds,
Chronic Rheumatism, Dysjvgpsia. and all dis
eases that have been established iu the sys
tem for years.
Being prepared otpressly for tho above
complaints, its Blood-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
j Sarsaparilla. It gives (lie complexion a clear
I and healthy color, and restores the Patient
■to a state of Health aud Purity. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing alt Chronic constitu
tioual Diseases arising Iron] an impure stute
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
•Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples oil the
Face. Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, urid Beautifying the Complexion.
Price, •$! 50 per bottle.
Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Neck,
| of the Bladder, and Inflamatiou of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad
der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick-Bust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing.
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Visiou, Pain iu the
Back; Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face.
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude df
the Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons from the ages of IS to 25
and from 35 to 85 or in the decline or change
of'*life, after confinement or labor pains;
bed-wetting in children.
Heimbold $ Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood-Purifying, nud cures all diseasesaris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Blood, etc., superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
sections—-in these diseases used in connec
tion with Ilelmbold's Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other rem
edy— as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Painfulness or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state
of tlie Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
teusively by the most eminent physician and
midwiyes for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend
ed with any of the above diseases or symp
11. T. Ilelinbold s Ext. Buchu Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no
exposure. I*, causes a frequent desire, and
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of the Urethra, allaying pain aud infla
rnation, so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter, Thousands who
have been the victims ot' incompetent per
son/, and who have paid h.-avy fees to be
cured in t short time, have found they have
been deceived, and that the “Poison” has,
by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Ilelinbold Ext Bt*chu for all
affection* and diseases- of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, and no
matter of how long riandeng. Price, 9it>o
per bottle.
ROSE 'WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots,
Scorbutic Dryness, In jurat ions of CUTA
NEOUS MEMBRANE, ect, dispels Hires,
Redness and Incipient Inliamation, Rash,
Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or akin,
Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve
or ointments are used; restores the skin so a
state of purity and softness, and insures
continued healthy action to the tissue of its
vessels, on which depends the agreeable
clearness and vivacity of completion so
much sought, and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, H- T. Helmbold's Rose Wash has
long sustained its principle- claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities :
which render it a toilet appendage of the
most superlative and congenial character, j
combining in an elegant formula those prom
inent requisites, safety aud efficacy—the in
variable accompaniments of its use —as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
ion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases
of a Syphilitic naiure, and as an injection
for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising
from habits of dissipation, used in connec- j
tion with the Extract Buchu, Sarsaparilla,
and Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases
as recommended, Csubsi be
Price, one dollar per bottle.
Full and explicit directions acoomr.aj,-
| the medicines. Evidence of the owl
j ponsibie and reliable character furnish*,}
: application, with hundreds of thousands ot
; living witnesses, and upward ot dU,H>j
■ soiic'tcd certificates and recoinin nJatory
j le ters. many of which are ft om me higbr„ l
! Murc 's, including entiaent physicians, C!er
■ jymen. Statesmeu, etc. The proprietor hag
never resorted to their publics.on in the
newspapers: he does not do tins flora the
j fact that his articles ruuk as Siami-td I’rep
i amt ions, and do not neck to be pTopj ed up
| by certificates.
H. T. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,
{.delivered to any address. Secure.troui oh.
! serration. Established upward ta 20 years,
j Boid by druggists everywhere. .Audr«i*
! Seit’rs for information iu coutidece to 11, T.
j Heimbold, Dpjugguit and Chemist,
Only Depots: H‘ T. Helmbold's Drug and
Chemical Oarehouse, No. SVI Broadway. N.
| Y., or H.T- Hclmhu.d s Medical I epot, K>4
r?outh 10-h, st Philodciphia, Pa.
Beware of Counterfeits ! Ask for H. T.
Heitub jld'a ! 1 l ake no other !!!
The oxtens.te use of these Watehes for the
last fifteen years by Railway Conduct-or*,
Engiurorifand Expressmen, the moat exact
ing of watch wearers, has ihoronghly de
monstrated the strength, st cadi nans, durabil
ity and accuracy of the W-ltham wateh.—
To satify that class in all the.»’c respects, Is
to decide the quegtiou as to the real value of
these time-keepers.
More than 500,000 of these watches
are now speaking for themselves in tha
pockets of the people—a proof aud a guar
autee of their superiority over ail others, j
The superior organization and great ex
tent of the Company's Work sat W altham,
enables them to produce watches at a price
which renders competition futile, and those
who buy any other waich inorelj pay 25 to
50 per ceut. more for their watches thau is
Thcxe time-pieces combine every improve
ment that a long experience has proved of
real practical use. Having had the refusal
of neariv every invention in watch making
originating in this country or in H®bope,
only those were finally adopted which
severe testing by the most skillful artisans
in our works, aj>d long use on the part of
the public, demonstrated to be essential to
correct and enduring time keening.* •
Among the mauy improve® ants w« would
particularize :
The invention and use of a centre pinfou
of peculiar construction, to prevent damage
to the train by the breakage of maiusprings,
is original with the American Watch
Company, who, having Had the refusal of all
other contrivances, adopted Fogg’ji patent
pinion as being bent and faultless.
Hardened arid tempered hair-springs,now
universally admiitedby VV atchmakers to be
the best, are used in all grades of Waltham
All Waltham Matches have dust-proof
caps, protecting the movement from dust,
and leKseuhig the necessity of the frequent
cleaning necessary iu other watches.
Our new patent stem-wind r, or keyless
watch is already a decided success, and a
groat improvement on any stem-winding
watch in the American market, and by for
the cheapest watch of its‘quality now otter
ed to the public. To those living in por
tions ot the United States where watoh
makers do not abound, watches with the
above improvements which tend
to insure accurijcy,,cleanliness, durability
and convenient nuiat? prove mvaluable.-
The trademarks of the various styles made
by the Company are as follows:
American Watch Cos, Waltham, Mass.
’ Ai»u. Watch Cos. Waltham, Mass.
American Watch Cos., Crescent St., Wal
’tnam. Mass.
Appleton, Tracy & Cos., Waltham, Mass.
American Watch Cos., Adams St., Waltham
M ass.
W altham Watch Cos., Mass^
I‘. S. Bartlett, Waltham Alass.
Wm. Ellery. Waltham, Mam.
Home Watch Cos., Boston, Mats.
Examine tne spelling of these names care
fully before buying. Any variation even of
a single letter, indicates a counterfeit.
For sale by all leading jeweler*. No
watcncs retailed by the Company.
An illustrated history of w atch-iuakiug,
containing much u iefui informaiisa to
watch wearers seut to on
Genera! Agents lor Ameriotui
Watch Company.
185 Broadway, IVcw York.
X Bird havthg applied to he appointed Gnar
dian of the property of Knuaijeuc Ixivelc'.* no*l
Mattie K. Loveless, minors, under fourteen roars
ago. residents ofsaid county, this is to cite ali
persons concerned, to he and appear at the term
of the Court of Ordinary, to he held next at*er
the expiration of thirty from the first uutr
licalioa of the uotire. and’ show cause, if auv
tliey can, why said Gnorge O. Reid should not
beentrrusted with the guardianship of the prop
erty of said minors.
witness-my hand and official signature, thia,
March 21st, 1871. J. A. iIUW AJtD, Ord’y
X'i BORGIA, Bartow Ceuuty.— Wborwas J. B.
VJT F. Murphy and J. J. Morphy applies to uio
for Letters of Administration on the estate of
Mrs. Frances Murphy. l.»te of said couutv de
ceased. These are, therefore, to cite aud ad
monish all and singular, the kindred aud cred
itors of said deceased, to tile their objections in
my office; within the time prescribed bylaw,
showing cause why they should not; otherwise
letters of administration will l>e granted said
applicants. Given under mv hand aud wCiolal
signature, this March 24th. 1871.
J. A. liOW AUD, Ordinary LI. C.
The largest variety and best-selected stock of-
SEEDS AND FETIUIZERS ever offered in this
Our seeds are selected from the most reliable
growers iu-,the country and Europe, consisting
of every description of the most approved
varieties of Garden Seeds.
Four Hundred Bushels Clover and TiYnotny
Two Hundred and Fifty Bushels Orchard and
Blue Grass.
Five Hundred Bushols Norway, Surprise, and
otiicr varieties of OATS.
Two Ifundrcd Barrels Early Rose aud other
varieties of Potatoes.
Otic Hundred Bushels English aud American
Lawn Grass, White Clover, Lucerne, Sweet
Vernal, and other grasses.
Five hundred Tons ot'“ The Andrew Coe” Bn
perphosphate, manufactured exclusively by us,
with great cure, and Is reliable
Fertilizer in this market. Price per tor^of
2,000 pounds, in bags.
Two Thousand Barrels of Plaster, (per sch’r.
Ocean Bird.) warranted pure.
One Hundred Toms Fin e Ground Bone.
100 Tons Missouri BONE MEAL.
Peruvian, Nevassa and Mexican GUANOS,
Manufacturers and Wholesale and Ret*!
healers in all kinds of AGRICULTURAL i*»
Rnbta & Higlit’s big ulv r
t sunient in another column.