Newspaper Page Text
J as, watt Harris ana sau’liwsmith
Editors axd PRoraiETor.s.
J‘** ll *§y,>HH li" —lLl»i«i——i ■ —■■l IM HIM
Many of cur readers, in day* gone
by, Lave laughed in their sleeves at
rmr speculations about the growth of ;
Cartersville, and our cogitations have
been set down as fabulous. The Ex
press has been the unflagging friend of i
every citizens interest in the place. —
Scarcely a number has been issued
sijjce the war, but that the fact that
Cartersville was to take her place high
up iu the ranks of important manufac
turing and commercial towns, in our i
beloved State, has been zealously inais
ted upon. Look at her to-day, and ,
tell us, if our most sanguine predic- !
tious have not been fully realized.—
Though reduced to debris and ashes
by the torches of Sherman, during the !
war, she now ranks second to no town !
or city north of the Chattahoochee to
the State line, except Rome. She has
the country and the resources to back
her, and, furthermore, her limits and
vicinage embrace the men. of energy
end enterprise, who will see to it that, i
at no distant day, her resources will be :
fully developed, and her population !
tlnibbled, and, in addition to this, men
of capital and enterprise, from abroad,
are daily favorably inspecting her lo
cality and resources, with the view of
settling here permanently. Upward
and onward is her motto.
The Cartersville Express,
It is needless for us to reiterate the j
fact, that our paper is daily increasing j
in popular favor with the masses, judg
ing from the daily increase of cur sub
script ion,list, and the kindly manner
in which it is spe ken of by those who
read it. It is now, as it ever has been
since its publication, a dyed-in-the-wool
Democratic sheet. No one has ever
had occasion to doubt its politics
though wo have had to sing low attunes,
owing to the pressure of the dominant
party fn power. Our legal patronage
has been mercilessly taken from us, be
cause we would not yield to that pres
sure, and promises of abundant pap if
we would. Suppression has been faint
ly hinted at, time and again. But
thanks to a merciful Providence, we
have outridden the storm of
with all its fury and madness—milita
ry satiupys, carpet-bag and scallawag
usurpers—bristling bayonets and pris.
on cells—have all lost their terror
uj-aifl-fiv.!) to conft-ss. made us
past. At the same time we have ever
been, and still ore, w illing to accord
merit to whom merit is due, whether
it be to friend or foe. "We have quoted
no official patronage and saver at the
sacrifice of principle, though w r e would,
doubtless, have been better off finan
cially, if not morally, had we effected
the bargain. NYe were born a demo,
crat, have lived one, and expect to die
one; we don’t know how to be any.
thing else, politically, but a Democrat.
Our daddy before us was one, and all
his parents and grand parents, as far
back as the record goes, were demo
crats, yea, fire-eating democrats. The
first President wo learned to admire
was Martin Yan Burcn, and the first
one we voted fur was Franklin Pierce,
and we have voted for Democrats and
no others ever since, and expect to con
tiuue so to do to the end of the chapter.
For the last fifteen years, (since we
have been connected with newspapers,)
we have been, to the best of our abili
ty, battling for Democratic principles
and policy. Since the war, in addition
to the advocacy of these, we have coup
led on the interests of our growing and
prosperous town, and now Democracy
and Cartersville is our battle-cry. Long
may they wave one and inseperable in
the columns of the Express.
forget the Concert and
Supper, given by the ladies of Carters
\ille, at the Court-House, this (Fri
day) night, for the benefit of the M.
E. Church South at this place. Tick
ets for sale at several of the stores.
jjiay-The finest mutton we ever saw
was exhibited at the maiket stall of
Mr. A. G, 13. Vandivere, of this place,
a few days ago.
agfc»Ha ! ha! I wish you all could
see a present that .was sent to our Lo
cal, yesterday. We had to set up with
him last night. It was a lock of her
hair. He sung all night about rosy
cheeks and curly locks.
Leon Camp. —We miss the genial
smile of our young friend Leon Camp
from the Choice House. He has left
our city for the purpose of canvassing
Bartow, Gordon, and other counties, in
the interest of Grover and Baker’s pop
ular sewing machines. Mr. Camp will
jjiak© Fis headquarters at Cartersvillo,
and we commend him to that commu
nity ai a gentleman of reliability and
honest worth; and we wish him success
y/herever he goes. —Rouxs Courier.
&S&, Governor Brown has paid over
the twenty-five thousand dollars duo
the State from the teasn of the We s
te A Atlantic Mai>h
& y Oflr grave yard still remains un
improved, as heretofore. All the ap- j
peal# that have been made in behalf j
<jf this sacred depository of the dead,
are unheeded. How long, oh how
An Fntmralleled Offer.—A first-class
Family Paper forty weeks for one dollar.—
Fee avd’t.
JG&- Main Street.— Both ends of
this important Street still remain ob
structed. By the opening of Erwin
Street southward, it improves the looks
of that Street one hundred per cent.
Now let Main Street, in like manner,
be opened, not with an angle, as has
been done in the West end, but let it
bo an air-lino from one end to the oth
er, through the incorporate limits of
the town. It will bring into market
many very beautiful building lots on
both ends.
Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid will
cure any case of colic in horses instantly.
Tiie Mason and Elamliit Parlor
AVe have just received one of these
splendid instruments, through their
agent at this place, Air. AVm. H. How
ard, who will take pleasure in supply
ing our people with this unapproacha
ble musical instrument, at very low
figures, as w T ell as with Pianos and
smaller instruments. He has sold sev
eral of these organs in our town, and
they all give full satisfaction. He Ims
opened a regular agency iu Carters
ville, as will be seen from his advertise
ment iu another column "of this paper.
Alcssrs. J. & S. Bones & Cos. of
Rome, Ga., as will be seen from our
advertising columns, have greatly en
larged their business, and are now car
rying it on upon a scale that speaks
well for that flourishing city, and the
enterprise and energy of these gentle
men. Let our merchants, Farmers,
Aliliers and Mechanics, not pass by
those gentlemen, in their patronage,
simply because they are near home;
but give them a fair impartial . trial,
and thereby aid in building up home
markets and enterprises.
US®* A snake bite, a bee sting, or any an
imal or vegetable poison is at once neutral
ized by using Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid.
An unimproved lot, in Carters
ville, which a year or two ago was
thought high at $400,00 sold a few days
ago for $750,00, another one, which has
been sold since the war for, $150,00,
can now be sold for $450,00 readily.—
These are not business lots, only build
give these two as samples of how prop
erty is advancing in our growing and
prosperous town.
call attention to the new,
flaming advertisement of the Carters
ville Car Factory and Building Asso
ciation, in another column. Mr. Pad
gett received a letter, from Charleston,
yesterday morning, stating that the
Boilers, &c., arrived at that port, and
had been reshipped' to Cartersville.—
So the Association will soon be under
full headway, putting up houses, and
manufacturing railroad cars.
The best application for a fresh
wound, cut, or scratch, is Dabby’s Prophy
lactic Fluid.
Our Merchants have all returned
from market and are now receiving
and opening the new Spring and Sum
mer Goods, Clothing, &c. Messrs.
Stokely & Williams, Howard & Er
win, and N. Gilreath &, Son, announce
that fact, in this issue of our paper. —
Other of our enterprising merchants
will soon follow suit. Our streets al
ready begin to blossom as the rose,
with.the beautiful aud true—shopping.
Happy is the man
Who has nothing else to do,
15ut git around (he store doors
And eye the beautiful and true.
The many friends of Professor A. R East
man, formerly Principal of the Eastman
College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., will be pleas
ed to learn that he will open a School at At
lanta, Ga., on May 10. Our young men
will then be able to acquire a thorough Prac
tical Education at home and among friends,
and thus save a long and expensive trip
noith. Professor Eastman has engaged G.
E. Detwiler to presido over the Practical
Department, and R. J. Magee the Penman
ship Department.
Dr. ramuel Preston Moore, Surgeon Gen
eral of the late Confederate States, in a
recent letter dated January Ist, 1863, says ;
Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid was furnished
to, and extensively used by the Surgeons in
charge of general Hospitals in the Confed
erate service, with great benetit to the
patients—all the Surgeons making a favora
ble report. A great deal of it was used in
the hospitals.
jovial, good natured and
clever townsmau and merchant, Geo.
J. B riant, is himself again, as will be
seen from his advertisement in this pa
Sheriff’s Sales for May.
that has seen a dangerous disease
arrested by an able physician or a good med
icine but values both? Be it your family
physician to whom you owe so many escapes
from .aches and ails, or Dr. Ayer’s inimitable
remedies:—his Sarsaparilla that renewed
your vitality or Cherry Pectoral «hat cured
a painful cough, or his Ague Cure that expell
ed the freezing ague and burning fever from
your blood. Who that has been relieved by
any of these agencies but feels grateful for
them all? [Bangor Times.
-he State of Connecticut went
Kadica in the election hist Monday.
Special Correspondence of The Constitution.
AYashington, March 30, 187 L
I quote from the official report of
the Senate proceedings of yesterday,
the following passages in relation to
the Atlantic and Great Western Ca
nal project:
“Ya\ Hill—l ask the unanimous
consent of the Senate to introduce a
resolution with a view to its adoption.
When the Senate shall hear it, I thiuk
there will be no objection to it. The
resolution is as follows:
“Resolved, That the Secretary of
War be, and he is hereby requested
to cause the Engineer Department of
the United States to extend the sur
vey of the Etowah River (already or
dered) so as to embrace estimates for
a canal connecting said river with the
Oemulgee River, with a view to open
ing a direct and unobstructed water
communication the waters of
the Mississippi River and the Atlantic
Ocean, and to report to the Senate.
I will state that the appropriation
for this work has already been made,
but that in the bill there is an omis
sion to carry the work further than
the Etowah River. The canal is to
connect the watei'S of the Tennessee,
and thereby of the Mississippi, with
the waters of the Oemulgee river in
the State of Georgia; and this is to
correct an omission in the bill. AVhat
I desire by the passage of this resolu
tion is that the object of Congress in
having this survey shall not be defeat
ed, since the appropriation is already
made for the purpose; but that it
shall be extended from one of the pro
posed termini to the other. I read
from the river and harbor bill of the
last session;
V‘For examination and survey of the
Etowah river, from its mouth up to
Cartersville, Ga.”
And that is to connect with the wa
ters of the Oemulgee river, and the
proposed canal which this survey in
cludes would be defeated entirely un
less it went on the other terminus, to
wit: the Oemulgee river. Under this
resolution, if the Senate will allow it
to be adopted, the whole scheme of
survey will be carried out for which
the appropriation is made. ’ It does
qot propose to increase any appropria
tion, nor to involve any additional leg
islation, but merely to effectuate what
has been adopted.
The Yice President The Chair
thinks that this legislation would prob
ably require more thau a Senate reso
lution, that it would require a bill; but
the Senator from Georgia asks unani
mous consent that the Senate consider
at the present time the resolution
which ho has read:
Mr. Pomeroy—l think it interferes
with our rule.
Mr. Hill—l do riot think so. It
does, not propose to appropriate any
wiiY'trcAYjjenßt^ident—The resolution
have been reported from the desk.—
The Secretary will report the resolu
The Chief Clerk read the resolution.
The Yice President--Does the Sen
ator from Kansas object ?,
Mr. Hill—l hope not. The appro
priation is made in the general act
making appropriations for the repair,
preservation, and completion of cer
tain public works, etc., approved
March 3, 1871, and this merely calls
for a report Dack to us at the next
session of Congress, or at some time.
It makes no additional appropriation.
It merely provides that the surveyor
may carry out the object which is a
pure omission in the bill.
Mr. Pomeroy—lf the appropriation
is made, the Secretary of War can or
der this survey at his discretion. If
he does not. want to do it, I do
want to direct him to do it. I object
tO it.
The Vice President—The Senator
from Kansas objects.
This morning Mr. Pomeroy with
drew his objection, and the resolution
was adopted.
The following bill was introduced
by Mr.'Hill, and referred to the Com
mittee o n Public Buildings and
Grounds. It was reported back by
Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, with the fol
lowing amendments, viz: strike out the
words in [brackets] and insert the
words printed in italics:
A bill authorizing the Secretary of the
Treasury to convey the United States
branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia,
to the trustees of the North Georgia
Agricultural College for educational I
Be it enacted by the Senate and
Houso of Representatives of the Uni
ted States of America in Congress as
sembled, That the Secretary of the
Treasusy be, and he is hereby, author
ized and directed to convey to the trus
tees of the North Georgia Agricultu
ral College, located in the town of
Dahlonega, Georgia, the building
kuown as the United Sates blanch mint
at Dahlonega, and the ten acres of
land connected therewith, located on
lot of land number nine hundred and
forty-nine, in the twelfth district and
first section of Lumphin*county; said
conveyance to be made by the Secre
tary of the Treasury as goon as he is
assured that said trustees have been
properly incorporated by the laws of
Georgi *, and on the express condition
that said buiiding shall be used exclu
sively for educational purposes, [which
may includ ', in addition to such
branches as relate to agriculture, a
bureau of mineralogy and the mechan
ic arts,] and in conformity with the pro
visions of the ad entiled “Bn act donating
public lands to the several States and Ter
ritories which may provide colleges for
the benefit of agriculture and the mechan
ic cn'ts.”
The bill is new before the Senate,
and will probably go over to next ses
sion. C. A. P.
so»Subscribe for the Lxiress.
Are now receiving, and all
hands engaged,* in opening and
exhibiting, ther superb stock oi
Hats, Bouts, Shoes.
House - Furnishing Goods,
&C., &C.
At THEIR old STAND, Two-story Brick
Corner of l’ub'l ic Square and Maine Street
Cartei*.svill, Ga.
Come and see us, one and all, and look through
our SUPERB STOCX OF GOODS, <&e., and buy
from us upon as good terms as any merchant
South of the Potomac can afford to sell.
apr. s—wtc
Are now
i» o »
o4JeB gfc
Est!s f
and Shoes,
IN FACT. Everything, nearly, kept in the Mer
cantile Line, all Departments, is sold bv ns
tU/W l owos , t , l ,ost, ,lble prices. Everybody is' iu-
to cail annook through our extensive
Establishment. HOWARD & ERWIN
apr. 5.—wtf
new mmm
WE ARE daily receiving and opening
a general Stock of
Purchased by a member of the firm, in per
son, in New l r ork, with care, as to style,
price and qualify, which we offer to the
trade at reasonable prices, and invite our
friends to examine our stock, and trust we
may share and merit a liberal portion of
their patronage.
Cartersville, Ga., apr. 5,1871.
rPiiE Copartnership between Bryant
JL & Satterfield was dissolved, by mu
tual consent, on the first instant.—
The business will be continued, at the
old stand, by Geo. J. Brunt, who so
licits a continuance of the patronage
of his old customers.
Geo. J. B riant.
Wm. Satterfield.
Cartersville, apr. 5, 1871.
(Is himself again.)
All Kinds and Qualities of
And can Sell
•f.v Cheap as any Other
neater in TIMS 3 S O SITU,
Try Him!
He also keeps a number one stock of
On Eastside of the Railroad.
apr. i wly L A RTKRSX J LLE, GA.
Report of tlie Secretary' and Treasurer of tlic Town of
Chartersville, from the first of January to flic first of
April, 18T1.
Bv cash on hand at last Report, I 52 37
** Reev’d M. B. MeGinty, 35 00
“ On Taxes, ..... 115 50
“ On Fines. 30 00
“ W. W. Milam rent of hall, 75 00
“ Taxon Billiards, 14 00
*• Tax on Spirits, 041 75
“ Tax on Shows, 30 00
“ Tax on Peddlers, 35 00
“ Dray Incense, 500
To balance due Secretary and Treasurer, 74 80
SIOB9 42
SIOB9 42
Respectfully submitted,
April 1, 1871. J. €. JIADDOX,
Sec'y and Treas.
Carter§ville Car Factory
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the CJartersville Car Fac
tory Company, held at Gon. Wm. T. Wofford s Office, April 4th, 1871,
it was
ORDERED, That the Secretary make known to the public, through
the papers, that, from this date, the Company will be known as the
C*ATIOX, and that the Superintendent be authorized to take contracts
for Building Houses, as well as Rail-road Cars.
Ike public is assured that first class mechanics will be employed, and that
work will be be executed with neatness and dispatch.
E. ST. GOWER, President.
ll* PADGETT, Secretary.
Cartessville, Ga., April 5, 1871-swtf
J. & 8, BOXES & CO.,
I Hardware* Cutlery, Guns,
Besides having I>ECII>EI>EY the LARGEST STOC K
of HARDWARE, in all its Departments, in the Chero
kee country, we arc the Exclusive Agents for the sale of
Celebrated Portable, Stationary,
Plantation Engines.
Pei sou-5 intending to erect Mills of any kind, would do well to consult with us,
And can fee tairnished at Strictly Manufacturers Prices.
Blandy’s Portable Steam Engines and Saw-Mills have taken
the First Premiums at
The United States Fair,
The Ohio State Fair at Cincinnati,
The Ohio State Fair at Dayton,
The Ohio State Fair at Zanesville,
The Ohio State Fair at Sandusky,
The Ind iana State Fair at Indianapolis,
The Missouri State Fair at St. Louis,
The Tennessee State Fair at Nashville,
The Goergia State Fair at Macon,
The Arkansas State Fair at Little Rock,
The Agricultural Fair Association Ga. & Ala. Rome Ga.
The Kentucky North Western Agricultural Society
The Great Industrial Exposition at Cincinnati,
And many other Fairs of less consequence, and never failed
to beat all competitors, in any contest in which they were ever
We give a full square guarantee upon all the Machinery sold
by us. Send for Catalogue and Price List.
March 31, 1871. J. & S. BONES & CO.
No. 1 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA.
D. Ui G, Heery, M. D.5 J, M. R6ndl6nicUij M. D.
Who! @ sale an i E©% all
■ii® SB i
WE have opened at the above stand, and intend keeping a first-class stock of Drills Medi
cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, and all articles usually kept in a first-c bass Drug
Store, and respectfully invite the attention or Physicians, Families, Merchants and Traders to
our stock. We keep nothing but first-class goods, and guarantee tlitf purity of them. Particular
attention will be paid to the
Prescription Bcp a r 1 111 ell t ,
Which will be directly under our own supervision, and having had many years’ experience, we
guarantee satisfaction.
Sole Agents lor the sale of the only infallible remedy
for Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility discovered.
mar 20, 1871-wly
A»d itess-UaUttfl.
Mrs. sharpe will open, in Cai’tcrsville, on or before the first day
Spring Millinery,
Having spent nearly two years in Memphis, in one of the largest and most fashionable estab
lishments there, she hopes to please in that line. Mrs. S. will pay special attention to Dress-
MakLng, in all its branches, and hopes, by strict attention and good work, to merit a share of
patronage from the ladies ol CartersvUle and surrounding country. mar. 17-wly
To paid Dr. Jackson bal. acet., $ 9 00
“ Stokely & Williams 90
u Street hands 131 70
“ M. Goodsou’s acet 8 35
“ 7. W. Jackson balance on hall, - S3 76
“ Fire doers and wood, 3 60
“ J. Sumner for Main Street, - 100 00
“ Shovel and Tongs, 1 75
“ I*. Marsh on lamps, 80 00
“ Insurance on hall 45 00
•* I Alley’s ncct., 1 25
“ For Ditching l’ond, 25 00
“ For Mules, 250 00
“ .Toe Shaw’s acet 1 25
“ Wood & Wikle’s printing, 18 00
*• Horse feed, 72 75
“ Lumber, 45 46
“ Marshals, 232 75
“ Secretary and Treasurer’s Salary, 30 00
1. 1871. A Urst-elasH Apri!
toral ami Family Weekly.
HOPKINS A Wi LCoA? Boch^t^x.^-
ton A Cos., New will ser( « Pple
new subscriber to Appleton's Joi-rvii° eM,, 7
ting $4 lor one year’s subscription Ti- L^ mit ’
Ekgravl.vcs, suitable for lraininr n ' l, ' ! K i
mgs by the most emiuent Amerif;,,aim
that each new sal.seriber rcccivcs i Hr,''"’
would cost sio in the print shops. Fnl* JLl'. hat
will be furnished on application? Pm4ca ”
number attractiuelv illustrated ’ L ' B : '
consists of Serial .Hovels and Short StorK? £ U
says upon History and Social Topics? Sketch
of 1 ravel and Adventure, and palters «, 1
the various subjects tiiat pertain to the
and recreation of the people, whether of t?« U
or country. Price $4 per an mi ni, « L
monts. IO oenksjpor number. D ApmT,u , J
CO., Publishers, New York. AFPL£TOk *
4 TH«H ST *f 14Y , A S °yTHKRN Al -
XX THOR.—A Serial story of surpassing!,
terest, by the author of ‘‘Valerie 1
which the press has s > highlv extolled will
pear in Appleton’s Jolhnal, No. iu; \
! subscribers may commence their subseriutim,
| with the beginning oJ the New Story. Suomv “
non price $4 per annum, or $2 for six m on tl '
D. APPLETON 4 Cos., Publishers, N. Y.
DR. S. S. FITCH’S Family PlU^L n '
pages; sent by mail free. Teaches how t?
cure all diseases of the person; skin, hair X
complexion. Write to 714 Broadway New York'
Send Your Sons
To a Practical School, that will train them G
active, useful life, and a successful future Th«
Institution that best accomplishes this and ;
largely patronized by the South, is F a stm«
Business College,
Open May 10#A. For full particulars the
Institution, Practical Course of Studv Term,
Tuition, Board, Ac., addrdss nsof
A. It. EKSTMAn. Prihcitial
Formerly of Eastman College, Poughkeepsie.
19th Year. 609 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Largest
Assortment—all size*. Best Stock! Lou H
ces! Would you know What, When llowti
Plant! Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees Row
Grafts, Seedlings, Usage Plants. Apple Seed'
Early Rose Potatoes. Shrubs, ltoses. Greenhouse
and Garden Plants. Ac., Ac, Flower and »».
: etable Seeds! Finest, Best Collection-Soils
and quality. Send 10 cents for New, Illustrated
Descriptive Catalogue—9o pages. Send stump
each, for Catalogues of Seeds, with plain direc
tions—64 pages-Bedding and Garden Planb
-32 pages, ana Wholesale Price List—24 pukri-s -
Audress F. K. PHIENIX. Bloomington, lllinon.
I EMPLOYMENT, Business for All Rost
!i Industrial 8-page Newspaper. 50 cts. per
year. Send stamp for copy. l‘A TESTSTiR
Boston, Mass. ,
(NO TAR,) for outside w ork and inside instead
of plaster, floor covering, mats, Ac. C. J. FAY
Camden, N. J.
■yiIYIEGAR, how made in 10 hours, without
i 111 drugs. Particulars 10 cents.
F. Sale, Cromwell, Conn.
Proprietor of Pennsylvania Agricultural Worki,
Manufacturer of Improved [YORK, Pus* a.
y Horsh-Powers, Thkkmi
..'g&F mo M achimks, Ac., Ac.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue,
AJ B. EDWARDS, Counsellor at Law.-
• 461 Penn, av., Washington, D. C., give
special attention to claims under the late Act of
Congress for examination of claims of loyal cit
izens of States lately iu rebellion. Charges rea
COTTON MACHINERY for kh.l cheap.—
3.000 Dunfovth Spindles with patent 36 in.
cards and full preparation. Now running, aud
in first-rate order. Address MACHINERY,
care Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell A Cos., 41 Park Row,
New York.
fih fcX/A A DAY in very best business everof
feied agents. For particulars ad
dress, tvith stamp, MooKe & Cos., 111, 3d Stre«t,
Louisville, Ky.
Cleans Kid Gloves and all kinds of Cloths and
Clothiag: removes Paint, Grease, Tar. Ac., in
stantly, without the least iniury to the finest
fabric. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods
Barclay St. New York, 46, La Salle St., Chicajo.
1 0*w\)Fnlmonary Balsam”! o l ’/
The old standard remedy for Coughs. Colds. Cob
sumption. ”Xothiny better Cutler Ueos. A
Cos., Beston.
Agents! Read This!
OF !»30 PER WEEK and Expenses,
or allow a large commission to sell our new *ad
wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER
A CO., Marshal, Mich.
AVOID QUACKS.— -a victim of early indis
cretion, causing nervous debility, prema
ture decay, Ac., having tried every advertised
remedy, vain, has a simple means of self-secure,
which he will send free to his
Address J. J. H. Tuttle, 78 Nassau st., N. York.
have on hand the following Choice flran is
of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest:
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
And many other desirable brands not to? l *'
tioned; together with a fine variety of
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
Messrs. Ciower, Jones & Cfl-i
Are still at their old trade -makieg’
selling, and repairing carriages, bug'
gies, Wagons, <s*c. They are conrin ll '
ally enlarging their business in ord#
to supply the daily increasing demaia
for their vehicles They have the co
extensive carriage lleuository and
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and " j
reputation of their work
in the South. Long experience at I
business has won for them a I
for substantial, durable, and styk f
finish of work, seldom, if ever, *
by any like establishment in the Se v
ern States. See advertisement.
New Market. —John L. Wikle j
a market ou West Mai;i street, near j
Edwards’ “Gear Shop, where he " ‘
constantly on hand nice, fresh been j
pork, and sausage. Give him a 11 ia '
test his meet and prices.